‘Seasonal Chiller’

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‘Seasonal Chiller’

Post by kajirus »

‘Seasonal Chiller’

Tipsy, tired yet sated, merry yet knowing sleep was needed soon, Heidi slipped and slid her way up the pathway to the door. Lethal in normal circumstances, heels faired even worse on ice. Stumbling through the doorway, she swiftly kicked them off, the relief immediate. She paused for a moment just to appreciate it.

Damn fashion and her weakness for killer shoes. She laughed at herself, for one of her few admitted weaknesses. Despite her pained feet, she knew she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Barefoot and loving it, Heidi made her way to the kitchen. Wow what a night!

She had always enjoyed Christmas Eve as a party night. The mood of people was so much better than New Year’s Eve. Reliving the hours before, this one had been no different. Her smiled broadened, mentally as she went through the events of the evening, which brought her up to when she had met the sexy hunk that had been Rocky.

Hmmm, he had been delicious, both visually and, as she had found out later, literally.

The cool tiles soothing her feet, she fumbled for the kitchen lights. Failing, Heidi put her clutch bag down and tried again. Locating them, she flicked the switch and then squinting, looked to locate her pet.

It did not take long, as he was pretty much where she had left him. Curled up in a ball, under the kitchen table, on his wool blanket. Heidi giggled. How completely different he was from Rocky. How completely brilliant she could have both in her life. Playthings both, but, in such differing and delightful ways.

Heidi, prodded her domestic plaything in the ribs with her black lacquered toes.

Before her, he groaned, rolling to his side in a somewhat dazed state. Bleary eyes cracked open, blinking, startled.

Heidi looked at the kitchen clock on the wall. Just gone four in the morning, it was late, much later than she had intended, but only a little earlier than he was required to wake anyway.

Currently in the dog house literally, she had only relented from having him sleep outside in the old kennel, due to the weather forecasts of snow and ice. Otherwise he had been scheduled to complete a full month of being kept outside for pissing her off.

Well for once the weather men had got it right, and so as she did not what him to freeze, she had let him off early, permitting him to return to his usual night time residence. He had been warned any repeat behaviour would result in the time he had been let off being doubled and added to whatever new amount of time she deemed sufficient.

“Wakey, wakey hands off snaky!” she giggled, prodding him again, harder.

With a groan, he uncurled himself, stretching.

“Tsh, tsh is this anyway to greet your Mistress, sweet cheeks?”

Awake and now wary, he moved with verve, to a position before Heidi.

“That’s better sweet cheeks.”

Before her knelt just as she required him to. It was the most humiliating position she could think of, that required him to be facing her. And she liked it, as it amused her still.

Hands behind his head, tongue stuck out and downwards, head held high but eyes lowered, gut sucked in, knees split widely, arse cheeks resting on his heels, his whole body elevated somewhat, as he rested up on his toes. Thus Heidi always had his impressive and his less impressive physical attributes on display.

“Did you sleep well sweet cheeks?”

He emitted a squeak.

Not permitted to speak unless permission was granted, this rule was reinforced by Heidi’s requirement that he stick out his long tongue, for it meant he could only grunt or squeak. As he was a male slave, and Heidi considered a grunt too manly, he thus squeaked like a bird in a nest or a seal, Heidi could never decide which it was. Regardless, he was permitted one squeak for yes, two squeaks for no.

“I am pleased. You have a busy day ahead of you slave boy.” She said, easing herself up on to a stool.

“Now sweet cheeks, before I list your chores, I want you to make me some marmite and toast. I am famished.”

“Yes mistress.” He spoke the only two words permitted without permission.

Leaning her chin on one elbow, Heidi watched her naked slave boy, go about her orders. Watching his lean body, her thoughts returned to the more muscular physic that belonged to Rocky.

God he had been hot. Too often, as they had flirted, Heidi had found herself just staring at him. She wouldn’t have been surprised to find herself with her jaw on the ground drooling too, she chided herself. As the evening had progressed, Heidi had said goodbye to her girl friends and gone back to his place; where one thing had led to another and another, with no need to mention coffee at all. It had been hot, lustful and good enough to take his number. Thus her later than anticipated return home, on what was now Christmas Day, a white one at that!

Thoughts of Rocky’s muscles and other sizable physical attributes were interrupted as the toaster clicked. Heidi looked at sweet cheeks’ cheeks and smiled. He was cute in his own way, with a nice tight arse too, but then and there she decided for the New Year, she would put him on a new fitness regime.

Returning sweet cheeks knelt and proffered up a plate of marmite covered toast, crust neatly and precisely cut off.

Taking it from them, Heidi ate one quickly. She had definitely worked up an appetite.

“Now sweet cheeks,” she said. “Some water too, I want to avoid being hung over later; then I will detail what I require doing.”

As he turned around, Heidi suddenly remembered something. Jumping off the stool, she retrieved her clutch bag with a giggle.

Back in their respective places, she on her stool, sweet cheeks on his knees. Mouthful of toast, chewing, Heidi rooted around in her bag looking for what she had remembered.

Sweet cheeks waited in silence.

Heidi had to giggle as she found what she was looking for.

Looking up she noticed that her laugh brought a fearful look to his face.

How endless the amusements of your very one male slave she mused.

“Now, sweet cheeks, first things first, Merry Christmas slave. You may speak and wish me the same.”

“Merry Christmas Mistress Heidi,” he croaked.

He always croaked like that when his tongue had been kept stuck out for a while.

“Thank you, sweet cheeks. Our first Christmas together, it is going to be so much fun.” She giggled.

“Come closer.”

He did, with little frog like jumps, his manhood flapping comically between his thighs as he did.

Heidi reached out with pointed toes and swatted it. Laughing as he physically flinched at the sudden contact, Heidi smiled, persistent toes prodding at the plastic tubing that encased his flesh.

Sweet cheeks shut his eyes.

“Now sweet cheeks, while we discuss today, you may massage my feet, they are killing me. Afterwards, if you make them feel really good, you can have a little sniff and suck to taste them.”

“Yes Mistress.”

He took her left foot as she proffered pointed toes to him, and began to work his magic, kneading, using his fist to knead back and forth along the sole of her foot, with reassuring gentle but firm rotating movements.

Foot massage had been one of the first things she had spent time teaching him and now he was well versed in what delighted her. Already, the pains of dancing feet were being eased away.

“Well as you know Christmas this year is on a Friday and as such the Friday Night girls and I saw no reason to not stick with out Friday night club, so the festivities are at my house and Tabitha, Belinda and Caroline are all coming for Christmas Dinner. You will be our butler for the day. Our naked butler! He.he!”

While Heidi commenced a discourse of her requirements, sweet cheeks continued to press his knuckles into the sole of her foot repeatedly, working his way from her heel to her toes.

He was permitted no note taking, he was her slave, woe betide him if he paid anything less than total attention.

“And of course after deserts, you will be dancing for your dinner out on the patio as usual.”

He looked up sharply.

“Oh sweet cheeks, just because it is Christmas, it is still a Friday. You didn’t think you would not be dancing for the girls did you?” Heidi chuckled. “Why else do you think I have been practising your jingle bells dance with you so much?”

“Anyway more of that later, I must get to bed, it is nearly five am and you have your chores.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Wake me at noon, with coffee. That should give us a good two hours before the girls arrive.”

“Yes Mistress.

“Now do you have any questions sweet cakes?”

Sweet cakes commenced moving his tongue rapidly in the air, as if he was giving fellaito. It amused her much, that to have permission to converse he must humiliate himself so.

“You may speak slave.” Heidi said, pausing to take a long drink of water.

“Please Mistress, please can this boy please have the tube removed from his dicklet.” He rushed. “Please Mistress, it does not feel right. A boy has not now touched his dicklet in 93 days! It is not natural to reach down and feel only hard plastic. The way it make sweet cakes feel is not right, it is as if detached from sweet cakes. Being able to touch it for real, not through plastic, makes a man feel more secure, comfortable, it helps his well being Mistress. Please Mistress, sweet cakes won’t masturbate he promises, if only you free him from the tube. Please? He will still of course await your permission to squirt. Please Mistress, please, it is Christmas!” he pleaded.

“What exactly has the subject of your request i.e. your tiny dick, got to do with any questions around my Christmas plans slave?” Heidi seethed.

“I am not impressed slave. Thinking only of your self still, I thought we had broken that out of you, as you learned that you are no longer a man but a male slave.” Heidi chided. “Of course it can’t come out, you are a male slave, it is fitting that it is locked up and you are kept sexually frustrated, feeling only the unrelenting closeness of the plastic if you have naughty lustful thoughts. If you lust after me or my friends, I want you to feel the consequences. Sex as a natural right belongs only to real men. As to you and your ilk, it is something you lost as soon as you knelt to the whip. Let me put this to you: would a real man, let a woman lock his cock up in a tube and deny him based on her whim alone?”

“I think you get me point slave boy. You belong on your knees, naked and sexually denied at the beck and call of women, existing to please, serve and amuse them.”

“Now for that outburst, you have lost the chance to suck and sniff my feet sweet cakes. Instead, you will go outside, where I think I should have kept you, and clear both the pathway and patio of any snow or ice.”

“But, but Mistress, sweet cakes is nude and barefoot, he will get frostbite.” He choked.

“Then I suggest you work hard and fast slave boy. The cold will be good for you too, it should focus your mind and I expect your tiny dick will shrivel so much it will be rattling around in your tube.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“I want it totally ice free, so as to ensure a safe arrival for Tabitha, Belinda and Caroline.”

“But what if it is still snowing or snows again Mistress?”

“Then you will be out there again sweet cheeks of course.”

“But someone might see Mistress!”

“Yes they might. So?”

“Oh oh oh,” was all he managed as a response.

Heidi chuckled. “I suggest too that you put some sand down. It will help against any more snow settling and make safe for my friends. It will be amusing too, to see your hot dancing body covered in sand, where it sticks to the sweat you work up for us.”

Heidi had him dance outside on her well lit patio every Friday night, where each week, if he managed to get an average of eight or more out of ten, from which ever women Heidi had invited, he was permitted to have a minute out of his chastity tube all to himself. So far in roughly six months, he had been successful just twice, as Heidi enjoyed sending a message that what he wanted most had to be worked and sweated for, and was far from a given.

“Now as I said before it is bet time for me, but only after I have emptied my bladder down your throat.”

He gasped. She laughed. Sounds Heidi revelled in.

“Attend me sweet cakes!” Heidi snapped, pleased at the shocked look on his face. Oh how deliciously delightful he was!

Nervously, awkwardly, on his knees, he made his to her body, until on the tiles, he knelt in close proximity to her, knees widely spread, plastic encased manhood sticking out in her direction.

Heidi chuckled, his attention to her bare feet must have stoked his male urges. She did not mind him getting hot under the collar for her feet, for she felt it was fitting for a slave.

“Now little sweet cakes, I do not expect a lustful, aspiring slave boy such as you, to spill a drop, ever. I would not have you working for me, without having been fed and watered.”

“Now open up, and make sure you form a tight seal, as spillages will not only be licked up but punished too.”

Rising, Heidi brought herself to his face, guiding his head between her thighs forcefully. Though he had spent much of the previous night in the same place, this was still something she was introducing him to, so her hand guided him forcefully, allowing for no hesitation.

Adjusting her hips on the stool, sensing his lips in place, Heidi pressed down a little, bending his neck back, before letting loose with her jet stream of piss. Holding his head in place, she did not bother to control her flow, as far as she was concerned, that was for him to deal with.

“Yes yes, swallow it all little sweet cheeks!” Heidi exclaimed, feeling gloriously powerful, making a man consume her piss.

Finished, she moved back a little, “Ensure no droplets are left slave, lick at me a while, so I know your dedication to me, ensures I am kept clean.”

Despite the look of revulsion on his face, he lent forward of his own accord and applied his tongue in much the same way as he had the previous night.

Afterwards, Heidi sat back on the stool, regarding her pet. “Tasty huh?” she laughed. “Yum, yum for you!”

Heidi could see sweet cheeks wanted to say something, but thought better of it. For that she at least respected him, his training as a woman’s slave, getting the better of his male pride.

“Now one last thing,” Heidi beamed in delight at what she was about to do. She was feeling the lack of sleep now, but this would be worth it. “Guess who must have visited you last night sweet cakes?”

He looked at her, his wary, fearful expression. He knew her well already.

“Yes Santa visited little sweet cakes,” she cooed. Out of her bag, Heidi fetched two small packages. “I never knew how much a cum slut you must be sweet cakes to have written to Santa to ask him to empty his sac just for you!”

Heidi held out her hand revealing two tied off used condoms that she had saved from her time with Rocky.

Heidi smiled as she saw the colour drain from his face.

“Open up now sweet cheeks,” she giggled. “How can sweet cheeks be a sweet cheeks, if his cheeks don’t bulge like a cute hamster?”

Slowly he opened his mouth, not wanting to, but knowing the consequences would be worse if he didn’t

Playfully Heidi, feeling her tiredness now but enjoying herself too much to stop yet, giggled as she plopped the condom balls into his mouth one by one. “Hamster cheeks! Show me your hamster cheeks sweet cheeks!” she exclaimed, laughing aloud. They would have to do this again, when the girls were here. The distressed look on his face was so funny.

Using his tongue, sweet cheeks, moved the two rubber balls within his mouth so that they sat his cheeks, bulging them out, providing his Mistress with what she wanted.

“Good, now kneel for me, tongue out, I want to here how a hamster squeaks!”

In position, tongue out he emitted a high pitch squeak over and over.

Doubled over, Heidi laughed and laughed.

After a while, through her chuckles at his own debasement, she managed to say, “Enough, enough!”

“Hold them in your mouth while you work for me sweet cheeks, suck my essence from them as your hors d'oeuvre, you can keep your main course warm until later, when the girls are here and you have served up the turkey and all the trimmings.”

She slipped off the stool and patted his bulging cheek, as she said, “That way you won’t feel left out as we eat our lovely dinner my little sweet hamster cheeks.”

With that, Heidi finally headed off to bed, grinning about her evening’s encounters with the two very different male playthings in her life. Already her mind was full of when she could make a rendezvous with Rocky again, what fun sweet cakes and his jingle bells dance was going to be, and in the back of her mind, she made a mental note that sweet cakes would just have to write a thank you note to Santa and then she remembered she had watered him but not fed him.

Turning, she called out, “Oh and sweet cakes, feel free to put the crusts you cut off from my toast in your bowl. You can have them with your breakfast of five doggy biscuits as an extra Christmas treat, but only once you have removed the snow and ice.”
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Re: ‘Seasonal Chiller’

Post by kajirus »

if anyone has comments on this, good or bad, or simply questions or would like to see it continued, let this boy know - it all helps to going to write better tales

respect pet
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Re: ‘Seasonal Chiller’

Post by slavetrev »

I thought it was excellent, and would like to see it continued.
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Little Miss Jay
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Re: ‘Seasonal Chiller’

Post by Little Miss Jay »

I'm certainly looking forward to part 2... ;-)

Little Miss Jay x
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