Cross Media Publishing for Teases

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Cross Media Publishing for Teases

Post by caphalor42 »


i wonder if the development team plans to implement the possibility of cross media publishing of (web-) teases. The basic idea is that you can write one document and finally publish it in different ways (classic webtease, flashtease, pdf printout, customized webtease for viewing on a mobile phone/computer(small display), translations of a tease, maybe even filtering out user specified dislikes (based on tags in the basis document), ...). This would allow for creation of teases which are closer to the individual user needs.

The basis document should allow the construction of a tease with easy commands (latex, wikislang, whatever). And it should be possible to generate it from the current classic webteases, so authors get an easy start.

Finally, in the webtease main panel ( there should be only tease entry , from which the user could than choose the desired output.

Additionally, a comfortable possibilty for peer reviewing could be introduced (i.e. publishing to limited audience for improving tease quality before going public).

I know, that this would take some work *ducks and runs*, but maybe its worth the effort.

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Re: Cross Media Publishing for Teases

Post by seraph0x »

I don't mind something being a lot of work. We do several projects that require vast amounts of development. The criterion is whether it's the best use of our limited time.

First of all: Your proposal doesn't address the differences between the formats. FlashTeases are interactive. Something that is not possible in a printout.

I think we'll always have interactive teases (FlashTeases/MIA) and static teases. Then we can look at what formats these can be released. We can't offer printouts for the same reason we can't offer downloads of the teases: The pictures are only promotional images and we can only use them for the uses for which they are licensed which is usually limited to online use and/or certain, fairly low resolutions.

So two features are left: Translations and mobile devices. Both are good ideas. For translations I don't see if there would be enough volunteers to translate a sufficient number of teases and enough interest in the translations.

Mobile devices is something that is definitely planned, although we might wait another year or so for a wider spread of smartphones.
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Re: Cross Media Publishing for Teases

Post by caphalor42 »

seraph0x wrote:
First of all: Your proposal doesn't address the differences between the formats. FlashTeases are interactive. Something that is not possible in a printout.
I am aware of this differences and i do not say that there is a reasonable static version for every flashtease. But there are other flashteases that are basically quite static and only use timers till they show the next site. In this cases it would be relatively easy to convert the flash tease to a classic format (the other way around should always be possible, and it needs just some little instructions for managing side change (timer based or user activated) ). Does everyone need it? I dont think so.

But sometimes one might want to control oneself when a sidechange occurs(maybe jumping to the favorite tease parts or adjusting time limits to personal requirements), other times one wouldnt want that control, as it allows for 'cheating'. Of course, this differs from user to user. But if its easy for the author (this is imortant, as the most people want to write there stuff only once), i think its a good idea to give the user the ability to choose the wanted format :w00t: , although this might not work for every tease.

Btw, im not saying this should be the top priority of the development team. There are other things far more important, i.e. a better search system for teases or the possibility to insert pages in the classic webtease construction panel...
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