TagIt - folders-to-tags converter for local images

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TagIt - folders-to-tags converter for local images

Post by porcellus »

Here's a simple solution to keep your LocalImagesTags updated and a way to share your local pictures easier. It was made by my dear friend TheBoiiiWhoLived.

It checks out image folders structure and use it as Tags in the LocalImagesTags text file.

TagIt 1.0
https://mega.nz/file/EBEGkBZD#M-UEs9R_K ... -NhV1i6leA

You can use nested folders - every subdirectory will be another tag added to every pic in a specific folder.

For example, folder structure:

Code: Select all

- Softcore
| - Feet / feet.png
| - Upskirt / upskirt.png
...will result with LocalImageTags.txt file:

Code: Select all

../Feet/feet.png Softcore Feet
../Upskirt/upskirt.png Softcore Upskirt
Hope you'll like the script. I appreciate any suggestions on how to improve it.
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