Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 8

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Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 8

Post by KittyZateez »

Need we say that Barbie’s seduction of poor Dan was well underway at this point? Their evening together was just getting underway, and he had already gotten in way over his head!

As they sat at their dinner table together, Barbie was gently caressing his hand with the soft ends of her fingers as she revealed some details of the little games she intended to play with him. She even told him that she was playing some of them already…

So there was simply nothing for him to do except sit there in stunned arousal and allow her to continue working her sexy magic on him. And he wanted nothing more than to give her complete control and listen intently as she expertly strung him further and further along, leading him exactly where she wanted him to go.

So that’s just what he did, watching as she continued stroking his fingers with hers for another minute before stopping and casually taking her hand away, letting her soft fingers slide gently off the ends of his as she did.

Next, she proceeded to pull out a small compact mirror, glancing at him and giving him a sexy wink before opening it up and starting to fuss over her appearance. Dan watched as she checked herself out, just like she had done at La Petite Mort. She was quite the sight to behold as she began fluffing up her hair and inspecting the expertly applied makeup around her eyes and on her lips.


He was starting to realize that this kind of visual display of her well-endowed femininity was one of her trademarks, and since she seemed to be in no hurry to do anything else just yet, his mind immediately began reliving some of the details of what had happened so far that night.

It had all begun with her appearance and attire, which she had clearly paid special attention to as she got ready for the fun and games she had planned for him on that particular evening. The way she looked that night had completely ensnared him right away when he saw her standing outside the restaurant waiting for him!

And her busty, sex-kitten temptress looks were most certainly a constant, overwhelming presence as the evening got underway; she was simply a vision of wonderfully attractive and enticing femininity! And it was all because of the way she was all dolled up to go out “on the prowl”, so to speak…

Her pretty face, with those big, baby-blue eyes and her glistening wet, pouty-pink lips, had Dan getting himself into more and more trouble every time he looked at her. Also, the way she was dressed, starting with that fluffy pink marabou feather jacket she wore, had him pretty much surrendering to her soft, disarming femininity right off the bat.

When he followed her into the restaurant, the sight of checking out her shapely lower body stayed quite fresh in his mind. Her skin-tight pink designer jeans enhanced the curves of every inch of her voluptuous figure, and her dainty high-heeled open-toed mules showed off those pretty feet of hers to great effect.

Things got even better when they got to their table and he helped her take her jacket off, revealing her low-cut, snug-fitting pink angora tank top with her gorgeous boobs barely contained underneath. At that point there was already a lot more of her to admire, and admire her he did!


And just to complete the picture, there was gold jewelry dangling from various places all over her body, serving only to add to her raw, unbridled, pure sparkly sex appeal. Once he had seen the whole picture of how she looked and what she was wearing, he was pretty much done for!

Furthermore, Dan was quickly coming to understand that the way she looked was just the beginning, because it didn’t take long before Barbie began explaining her fascination with playing erotic teasing games, but only with certain kinds of guys...

She had gently stroked his hand, tantalizing it with her fingers and lovely pink nails as she told him about her interest in dressing sexy and being a showoff. What followed was a description of her desire to be in complete control when boys take her out on dates, and there was clearly a connection between those two little ideas...

Soon she had served up a deliciously administered bit of stimulation using her shoe and its spiked heel under the table, both on his leg and then right on the aching hardon in his pants. And that part of the titillation was delivered while engaging the pretty young server in casual conversation, making it clear to Dan that Barbie could tease him whenever she wanted and however she liked, whether they were in private or not!

As to the specifics of the games at hand, she had really whetted his appetite by again reminding him how her exhibitionistic desires flowed directly into her need for control when dating a guy. Just mentioning those things only made him want to know more about exactly how that game was played and what the rules were!

And the fact that she had announced that she had been playing some of her games with him already made certain that his mind was awash with thoughts of wanting to play along with whatever else she had in mind for him next…

The other game she mentioned was about keeping secrets from him…and something told him that one was already underway as well, but she had revealed even less about it. That was the point, wasn’t it?

But as she led him along her golden path, he didn’t mind letting her do it, not even one little bit, because she was clearly laying the groundwork for everything that was to follow between the two of them in their interaction going forward. Yes indeed, he was definitely falling deeper and deeper into her sexual trap every second!

Anyway, Dan continued to watch her tending to little details of the appearance of her face and hair until she finally put the mirror away and reached out to put her hand on the table, right next to his. Then she looked into his eyes with a nice warm smile and gave those fingernails of hers another little tippity-tap on the tablecloth, one nail at a time, as if she was waiting for something.


She glanced down at his hand while she did it, letting her fingers fall still for a moment. Then she looked back up at him, opening her eyes wide for a second, as if encouraging him to do something. Unsure of how to respond, but thinking she was offering him her hand to touch, he placed his hand on top of hers.

She held her smile for just a moment, almost like she was happy to allow this tiny little physical advance on his part, or as if it was what she actually wanted. But then she gasped in mock surprise, pulling her hand away and slapping his hand firmly with her other one.

“Oh, you are a such a naughty boy!” She said in a sweet but mocking tone, “Who said you could touch me like that?” Her smile couldn’t have been bigger as she scolded him, and she stared at him, opening her eyes wide again at the sheer excitement of starting in on him like that, demonstrating one of her favorite little mind games…

Dan’s face turned almost tomato-red as her playful but punishing words penetrated his psyche. The slap of her hand stung a little bit too, and he pulled his hand away, gently rubbing it with his other one as he stammered, “Oh my god, Barbie, I’m sorry, I…I…I thought…”

But before he could finish his sentence she rolled her eyes and interrupted him impatiently, using just a touch of disdain in her voice as she countered his apology, “Yes, yes, I know what you thought, you thought it was okay to touch me!” To add emphasis to her words, her face changed from an excited smile to a blank, stern expression.

“I’m sorry!” Dan wailed again, his tone of voice escalating as it betrayed his feelings of panic. The change in her appearance from warm and inviting to ice cold literally sent a wave of fear through his body. He truly thought he had committed some grand indiscretion, and he desperately wanted to correct his behavior for her right away!

Barbie paused, sensing the fear in his voice and liking it. Then a smile crept slowly across her lips, and her voice went softer and more soothing as she said, “It’s all right, my dear boy. Just so you know, what I demonstrated right then is another game I love to play with boys like you; it does have a name,” and she paused, giving him another sexy wink before continuing, “but I won’t say what it is just yet.”

“Oh, wow…” Dan panted as he listened to his gorgeous prick teasing Goddess reveal just a little more about her sexy games. And the way she did it, giving him a quick demonstration but also making it clear that she was purposely withholding other details – it was so masterful and so fabulously well done; he loved everything about it!

He also felt a tremendous sense of relief that she wasn’t mad or even displeased with him; in fact, it was quite the contrary, it seemed that his behavior was exactly what she wanted. He could feel himself already starting to get addicted to the idea of having her set him up like that, just so she could take pleasure in shooting him down. The whole situation was just perfect, and it was right out of his most erotic submissive fantasies!

Anyway, after another little pause for effect, she said suggestively, “So would you like to know why you thought it was okay to touch me?”

“Yes, please!” he enthused, continuing to rub his hand as the sting from her slap slowly subsided.

She smiled before laying out another aspect of this particular game, and then said, “You thought it was okay because I MADE you think it was okay! Or…maybe I just suggested that it was okay, or I implied that it was okay. But let’s be clear, just because I act like I’m going to let you do something doesn’t mean I’m actually going to let you do it. Is that clear?”

Dan just stared at her and his mouth fell open at the thought of her controlling him mentally like that started to sink in, and again it was a deliciously appealing thought. This time he responded with a simple “Wow”…

Barbie continued, “Good! I’ll take that as a yes. So now that some of my games are out in the open, I think it’s about time to tell you about one little rule I have, one that is to be followed until further notice. Do you want to know what it is?”

“Oh my god, Barbie…yes please!” He said, answering her suggestive prompting with unrestrained enthusiasm.

“All righty then. My rule is called ‘Lookies but No Touchies’. The name of it should tell you exactly what it means, and like I said, you will be following it until I say otherwise. Oh, and Daniel, you should also consider yourself forewarned, because I really enjoy enforcing it!”


Her eyes opened wide once again as she delivered her words with brazen confidence, and she stared at him like she was going to eat him alive. Again there was that big smile of hers showing off her pearly white teeth as she slowly let her mouth fall open, and she bit the edge of her bottom lip suggestively…

And then she placed her hand on his again, and she continued staring at him with a penetrating gaze that had him simply reeling. The sensations she was giving him, the erotic mind games she had started to reveal and explore, and now her little rule…all of it was just completely overwhelming for him, and to say she owned him at that moment pretty much summed it up.

And once again, he didn’t mind, not one little bit. There was simply nowhere else on planet Earth that he’d rather be!

Then she patted his hand gently as she continued, “So like I said, my rule should be quite self-explanatory, but in case you need a further clarification, maybe you should look at it this way. You ever been to a strip club?” Her eyes twinkled at this provocative question, knowing full well that the salacious nature of it would really put him on the spot and make him even more nervous.

Dan totally panicked, and his heart began pounding, knowing that his home for a while had literally been the Tease Club. The girls there had pretty much kidnapped him and made him move in with them, so yeah, the answer to her question was an even bigger yes than he figured she knew about.

“Um…yeah…” he managed to stutter.

“Well then you know about this little rule already! Which is…the girls can touch YOU, but you can’t touch US!”

Wait…what did she mean by ‘us’? This was the first time that she had openly referred to a possible familiarity or affiliation with a strip club in general, or perhaps even the Tease Club girls specifically, and he really didn’t know what in the world to make of it. And something told him not to ask, nor to expect her to explain herself just yet either!

Anyway, to demonstrate the pleasures that might await him if he obeyed her little rule, she took both hands and reached out slowly toward Dan’s face. He remained perfectly still, watching in enchanted fascination as her long, lovely, pink-nailed fingers slowly closed in on him.

As they got closer and closer, she waved them around one by one so that they looked like kind of like long, spindly spider legs, and she told him, “Just so we’re clear, my pet, if you behave yourself and be a good boy, then maybe Goddess will please you…and be verrrry nice to you!”

Her words implied rewards for good behavior, and something told him that in the upcoming few seconds she was going to give him a little taste of just what kinds of treats she was going to offer him. At the same time, he wholeheartedly understood her message, which was that her goodies would only be delivered if he were to do exactly what she said and behave himself just the way she wanted...


Sure enough, she proceeded to give him a taste of the kinds of rewards she had in mind, and she started by putting the tips of her nails on the sides of his head, up high right above his ears. Leaving them there for a moment as she smiled warmly at him, she then slid them lightly down over his ears and onto his cheeks.

As they went, she spread her fingers an inch or so apart, so that each long, lovely fingernail made contact with a slightly different part of his face. Her touch was as light as possible, and it caused tingles of pleasure to shoot all through Dan’s body!

As she moved her fingertips along his cheeks and down onto his jawline, she slowed their progress down even more and added some little zigzag motions as her nails converged on his chin. Then she let them all come together on his tip of his chin and slowly glided them down onto the upper part of his neck, spreading them out again. She continued down his neck with some more little zigzags before pulling them away just before they reached his collarbones.

Through all this she tilted her head back and let her eyes close halfway while making an “Ooo” shape with her mouth, but without uttering a sound…you know, just for visual effect! Of course, this entire presentation of sensual pleasure she had just delivered had other effects as well…

Dan’s eyes closed and rolled up into his brain in response to her utterly titillating stimulation. It was an incredibly sensual act she had just granted him, and when he opened them a few seconds later, he saw her smiling from ear to ear as she observed his predictable response to the incredibly sensual teasing touch of her nails. She clearly liked what she saw…

“You like that, Danny?” She asked, in a sticky-sweet tone of voice, her eyes locking onto his as she drank in the details of how he was reacting.

Dan exhaled suddenly, realizing he had held his breath during the delivery of her incredibly erotic fingernail teasing. Again, a breathy but highly excited “Yeah!” was all he could muster.

“You want…some more?” She added, with the pitch of her voice going higher on the last two words as she waved those shiny pink fingernails right before his eyes.

“Oh my god, yes, PLEASE!” Dan panted in sheer desperation as his eyes danced around at the sight of her gorgeous shiny pink nails waving around in front of his face.

Barbie giggled as she enjoyed the sound of him begging for more, and she moved her super-sexy nails in for the kill, but then she paused, leaving them inches before his eyes and telling him, “Hmmm…well, I sayyyy…NO!”

As she uttered that last, very important word, she took them away and put one of her hands back on the table, giving it another tippity-tap on the tablecloth with her fingernail-tips. Then she took her eyes away from his and casually picked up the dinner menu with her other hand. Dan’s eyes were totally focused on those deliciously sexy-looking fingers and nails of hers as he let the incredibly erotic teasing pleasure they had just administered bounce around his body.

And she paused, watching the way his eyes were glued to her lovely nails as she continued to tippity-tap them on the tablecloth. Then she slowly slid them toward her and opened the menu with both hands, leaving those pink nails visible from behind either edge of it. She glanced at him and saw how he was still totally fixated on them, just as she figured he would be.

She smiled to herself, knowing that she had just led him through one complete cycle of a wonderfully delivered but also quite simple display of erotic tease and denial! She had demonstrated her ability to show him something, make him want it, give him a little bit, and then take it away. And she absolutely adored making him beg for more, just so she could tell him…NO!

She was quite pleased with his obedient behavior, and she casually looked down at the menu, leaving him dangling with his arousal once again as she began to peruse the dinner choices. And then she added another comment, “Well actually, perhaps I should say that it’s ‘no more for now’, not just yet, at least. But Daniel, if you behave yourself, then maybe, just maybe, you might be able to convince me to tease you some more with these sexy fingernails of mine…later…”

She didn’t even look at him as she served up the suggestion that there might be more fingernail teasing pleasures available to be served up from her later, and Dan felt like his mind was going to explode as he listened to her tell him so. He just kept staring at her lovely hand as she tippity-tapped those shiny pink nails edge of the menu, beginning with her pinky nail and going in sequence.

Again she paused after delivering her little promise of reward, and then she looked at him and continued, “That is, of course…if you want me to! Do you?”

“Yes, please, YES!!” He begged.

“You DO?” She answered with a feigned-surprise tone of voice that Dan found wildly appealing. She was focusing her eyes mainly on her menu as she strung him along, but she did glance at him briefly before looking back down at it.

Dan was simply eating it up, and his level of excitement continued to escalate as she expertly toyed with his desires. She took one hand and placed it down on the table in front of her again, daintily walky-walking her nail-tips toward the empty space halfway between them. Then she lifted up her pinky nail and made slow, suggestive little circles in the air with it, leaving the tips of her other nails still touching the table.

He was completely mesmerized, and he became quite distracted as he just stared at the incredibly enticing motion of her lovely fingernail. She liked that, but he hadn’t answered her question, so she quickly took her hand away, letting it disappear behind her menu again as she asked in an accusatory tone of voice, “Well do you or don’t you?”

And that did it. Snapping out of his trance, he blubbered, “YES!”

And she took her eyes off him again, looking back down at the menu and continuing the suggestive tippity-taps on the edges of it with the nails on both her hands as she said, “Well...maybe that can be arranged…”

Damn she was good! Her last comment was delivered while she wasn’t even looking at him; she was talking to him like he wasn’t even there at that moment and Dan had simply never experienced anything like it. Needless to say, she had him wrapped completely around her little finger at that point!

She studied the menu for another minute, leaving Dan sitting there, practically paralyzed with arousal. He was so turned on, he couldn’t even think straight, and he just let his eyes dance over various parts of the fabulously appealing appearance of his stunning seductress. He didn’t even think of picking up his menu!

But after another minute, she put her menu down and looked at him, saying flatly, “Give me your hand, Daniel.”

He slid his hand forward with the palm down and let it rest halfway across the table. She smiled at his compliance, waiting for it to come to rest, and then she teasingly walky-walked those shiny pink nails of hers toward him again, one over the other, until they reached his fingers. She looked down as she did it, which encouraged him to do the same.

Up onto his fingers her nail-tips went, landing on the back of his hand where they began those erotic little circular strokes, just like before. And just for added visual effect, she lifted up her pinky-nail away from the others, leaving three nail-tips making sensual circles round and round on his hand.


Then she called his attention back to her eyes, saying “Look at me, Daniel.” When he did, she looked back into his eyes, deeply, and again he felt like he was a deer caught in headlights beneath that piercing blue-eyed stare of hers.

And she continued, “Now Daniel, I made a reference to this before, when I saw you staring at me at the coffee shop and I decided to put on a little show for you at La Petite Mort. But now I’m going to say it more bluntly, just so we’re clear. I simply adore being a tease!”

That was a very important statement to have right out in the open, and Barbie smiled with pure satisfaction as she said it. Her tone of voice was calm and unwavering; she was so completely confident in the definition of herself using that one simple word! Dan just sat there in stunned silence as she put herself out there like that for him.

And she went on, “And as I said, I love showing off, being flirty and seductive, and playing naughty games with guys, but I’m going to remind you that I’m not some kind of slutty girl who’s going to have sex with you on the first date. Or on the second date, for that matter. In fact, being a cock tease is all about making you wait for it, as long as I want, and as long as I feel like! So I won’t make any promises about when, or even IF, it will happen. Is that clear?”

As she talked, Dan’s mouth fell open and he could literally feel the drool starting to pool in his mouth, and he had to close his mouth and swallow suddenly or else it would have begun spilling out and pouring down his chin! And yet again, there was only one possible response to her request for affirmation, so he said it without hesitation, “Yes, Goddess.”

She smiled even more warmly at his clear acceptance of her description of how things were going to be between then. Then she continued, “Good! Because any intimacy or sexual advances that I decide to allow must be earned on your part, and that will require patience and a willingness to play along with all of the little games I’m going to play with you. Do you understand?”

Dan just nodded and managed to say, “Yes, Barbie, I do.”

She was just loving the way he was clearly so willing to agree to all the terms she was describing! And she continued, “You see, Dan, a long time ago I got very fed up with boys who just wanted to have sex with me, and I began to become more selective about my partners. I started to choose guys who are willing to prove themselves first, ones who like letting me, shall we say, have my way with them. It’s fun to turn the tables on them; it lets ME be the aggressor for a change instead of deciding whether to give it up for all those boys who only want one thing from me…”

As she spoke, Dan was struck not just by her total confidence, but also by the up-front way she was telling him about herself. This wasn’t just some dumb bimbo who gets off on messing with guy’s heads!

It seemed like she was really being open and honest with him about her feelings and desires, but she was also describing them to him in a general way that was leaving many more of the details hidden. She was making it clear how much she just loved having power over men, but there was an element of respect and consideration she was showing him that was very compelling. And there was also a sense of real intimacy to the way she was presenting herself that was absolutely irresistible!

And things just kept getting better and better as she openly confronted him some more about her plans of seduction for him, once again talking with a very suggestive smile on her face.

“So I’m gonna say it again. If you want to be with me, you’re going to let me tease you and toy with you, as much as my little heart desires! We’ll see if you can take it, and if so, for how long. We’ll just have to see if you can let me have my way, and we’re gonna find out how well you can play along with all my little games. And if I like the way you behave yourself, then…well then maybe I’ll just have to give you a little bit!”

With that last phrase, Dan felt her rest her high heel right on the bulge in his pants again, and she tap-tap-tapped it a few times before sliding it side to side across his hardon. She flashed him that big sexy smile of hers too, with her pearly white teeth dazzling him once again as she stared at him like a piece of meat. He just froze in place, letting her do her thing.

And she changed the motion of her nails on his hand just then too, taking all five of them and spreading them out in a star-like pattern, lifting them up in front of his face to show them to him. Then she put them back down and placed them lightly on his hand, drawing them all together so they converged on the center of his hand. Then she lifted them off and did it again…and again…and again.


Dan was simply going out of his mind due to the completely overwhelming mental and physical stimulation that this fabulously appealing prick teasing girl was affording him right then! He was afraid he couldn’t take much more of it before losing control of himself, and lucky for him, she was building him up again so he would agree to one more specific proposition she was about to disclose…

He continued needing to swallow the saliva that kept pooling up in his mouth as he listened intently to the way she was revealing her erotic intentions. His cock was throbbing like crazy now, both from the supremely confident words coming out of the mouth of this fluffy-pink blonde-haired princess, but also from the ongoing, maddeningly stimulating gentle strokes of her nails against the back of his hand. And he suddenly found himself becoming more and more fascinated with the notion of what those nails might feel like against other parts of his body…

But right then, she apparently decided that her last little announcement required an agreement on his part, so she paused for a moment and then asked sweetly, “Now I already told you a little bit about all this during our first encounter at La Petite Mort, but now that you know some more about me and the games I like to play, I’d like to hear you tell me that you’re interested in me. So whaddya say, Danny? You gonna let me keep playing with you or not??”

The moment she finished her sentence, she took her shoe away from his crotch and pulled her nails off his hand as she awaited his all too predictable answer. And he got the message in spades, which was that if he agreed to her propositions, she’d proceed with her teasing and tantalizing, and if not, she might just have to stop right then.

To further emphasize her point, she picked up her compact mirror again, pouting her lips and checking out her face from different angles, turning it side to side. Dan just watched as she suddenly transitioned from giving him her full attention into focusing purely on herself and completely ignoring him.

There was something about this sudden change that had his heart doing flip-flops as he watched her tending to herself like that. He wanted nothing more than to submit himself to her, to throw himself at her feet and become a hopelessly addicted, lovesick sexual plaything for her to tease and toy with!

He literally had to restrain himself from melting into a spineless puddle of blubbering arousal at that point, and he took a long, slow, deep breath, letting it out before composing himself enough to say, “Oh my god, YES, Barbie, it all sounds incredible! Oh wow, yes, yes, yes, I’ll do anything you say, anything you want!!”

Sure, it was part hyperbole, but it was practically impossible to put into words how much he wanted her at that moment. A part of him felt like he would say or do anything he possibly could, just to make her happy. He had never felt this ensnared and mesmerized by anyone, ever!

And he also knew that even after months at the torturous hands of the girls at The Tease Club, with all their diabolical scenarios, bondage toys and kinky rules, this was something else entirely. It really seemed like it might be more of a one-on-one, intimate relationship with an obviously dominant, incredibly skilled prick teasing female, and for Dan, it was a dream come true!


Still, as much as she had revealed, it had really only whetted his appetite about exactly what was going to happen to him, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous, and even a little scared. He was desperate to know more, so he started to talk, but his voice came out all crackly and full of hesitation. He blushed with embarrassment as he asked, “Um, Barbie, can you tell me anything else about these games you’re gonna play with me? Anything??”

She smiled at his nervous question, seeming to like that he asked it but clearly not being in a hurry to answer. Instead, she placed her nails onto the fabric of his suit jacket right above his wrist and began sliding them down using a light, feathery touch, moving them down to his wrist and onto his hand and fingers.

Then she took them off, lifting them up away from his fingers and putting them back on his lower arm again, repeating the process but starting an inch or so higher up his arm. She looked deeply in his eyes as she did so, making him feel like he was drowning in the blue of her eyes. She didn't say a word, and instead simply blew him a kiss and shook her head in a clear "No".

And she continued to stroke his arm and hand with the tips of her sexy pink fingernails, placing them halfway up his forearm and gliding them down to the tips of his fingers, lifting them off and repeating the process several times before putting her hand down on the table again. Even though the sleeve of his suit covered his arm, he could still feel the gentle teasing pressure of those delicious nails of hers on it.

“Touch my hand now, Daniel.” She said, quite matter-of-factly. Her smile broadened as she said it, and she waited for him to obey. He did so without hesitation, lifting up his hand and placing it on top of hers. She allowed it for a moment, letting caress her skin with his fingers and feel how soft and warm it was.

But before he could really enjoy it, she pulled her hand back and slapped his again with her other hand. Then she crossed her arms, using her forearms to lift up those luscious tits of hers, pushing them up and out of the top of her fluffy pink tank top so they were even more on display. And she frowned and stuck out her lower lip out in a bratty pout.

“Now you STOP that!” She scolded, with a louder tone of voice than the last time she corrected him, continuing, “I already told you, and I don’t expect to have to tell you again. Lookies but noooo Touchies!”

“But…you said I could touch you! You told me to do it!!” Dan blubbered, rubbing his hand again. She had slapped it harder this time and it really stung.

“Yes I know what I said, I don’t need you to tell me!” She said firmly, again adding a tone of impatience and disdain to her voice. It created a surprisingly powerful reaction inside him, causing a wonderful sense of utter confusion in his helplessly aroused body and mind.

“But, but…” he continued.

“Now you SHUSH!” She interrupted sternly, but then she continued with her voice suddenly becoming softer and more soothing, “Awww…don’t worry, sugar, it’s all part of the game.”

Again, the sudden transformation from mean to nice had Dan’s mind whipsawing from one state to another, all according to her whims. It was wonderfully wicked, and it made him feel completely vulnerable and helpless!

And her demeanor changed abruptly again, as she said with a friendly tone, “But enough of that for now, I think someone needs to cool off a bit, so let’s just continue with the evening and we’ll have some more fun with you…later…”

“Okay Barbie.” He whimpered helplessly. He was just along for the ride at that point, and he simply had to accept that she held the decisions of pain or pleasure, reward or punishment for him right in the palm of her hand.

And it was a good thing she decided to calm him down, he figured, because the last few minutes had been an absolute whirlwind of sexual arousal and mental manipulation, so the idea of attempting to relax a bit was more than welcome.

So she settled down into a much more casual position, leaning forward with her forearms flat on the table, letting her boobs peek out a bit more from inside that fluffy pink tank top. Then she said “So anyway, now that I’ve heard what I wanted to hear from you, how about we slow things down and just get to know each other for a while. This is a date, after all! Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Dan had to compose himself for a minute, but then he managed to start talking about his job, and his life in general. Still, he struggled a bit because his sky-high arousal made his voice quaver as he spoke, which she clearly found quite amusing.

But her warm smile and inviting demeanor started to soothe him, and he found her to be very welcoming in her style as she engaged him in pleasant, intelligent conversation, echoing some of her own history as he told her about his own.

Of course, he stayed completely away from his submissive fantasies and desires, and most certainly avoided the topic of The Tease Club in any form. The idea that this beautiful creature might find out about his ongoing life of sexual slavery was absolutely terrifying to him, so he largely managed to avoid the topic.

Still, through it all, she kept looking at him in a very knowing way, making him think more and more about that “keeping secrets” game she had made it a point to mention earlier. Just what did she know about him, anyway??

In any case, during this period of what seemed like relative “first date” normalcy, Dan also discovered that he had a surprising amount in common with this gorgeous blonde temptress. They had quite a lot of the same taste in movies and music, and Dan was shocked more than once when she threw out a few geeky references like they were no big deal.

She also had a very fun sense of humor, and she seemed to find the absolute intimidation he felt in her presence quite charming. He was becoming more comfortable around her, feeling his nervousness ebb and flow according to little cues and hints she gave during their conversation.

All of this worked to slowly take away whatever nervousness he was feeling when he first saw her earlier that evening, and he could feel his cautions fall away, being replaced with a growing level of comfort and familiarity.

His level of sexual arousal went up and down as well, and she made sure to serve up more stimulation every now and then by touching the side of his leg with her shoe at random times or stroking his hand with her tantalizing fingernails pretty much any time she could reach it when he put it on the table.

All in all, he was feeling incredibly electrified in the presence of this woman, and his feelings were quickly blooming into a full-on obsession!


Oh dear, I've done it again, haven't I! Going on and on, describing just one little teasing scene, not moving the story along much at all, just having entirely too much fun. It seems I just love having my teaseboy right where I want him, and it's so much fun to show him little things that might happen to him if he behaves himself...

Oh well...I do hope nobody minds me doing that very much! We still have plenty more to explore in this story, and the first date isn't even over yet! Stay tuned, boys...and girls!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 8

Post by Rooktus »

Interesting continuation of the date. It is nice that they have more interests in common. That is beside being a tease in love of being teased.
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 8

Post by tease_o_phile »

I find the sensuality in these chapters overwhelming... just amazing. The idea of those nails on my skin has me squirming while I read. I cant wait to see what comes next!
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 8

Post by peterface »

Another good one Kitty
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