Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

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Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by subzerowriter »

Authors Forward: Before we start, a few things the reader should be aware of. This will be quick, I promise!

1. This is a sequel to another story I wrote and posted in the story forums called “Strip Club Tease Toy”. I recommend reading it first in order to get the full picture of how exactly Dan ended up in this situation. I’m certainly biased but I think it’s worth it.
2. This is the first of a six part series, and I’ll be publishing the rest of the installments weekly, so if you like my stuff, keep an eye out for future installments (and please let me know in the comments: knowing that people actually are enjoying this makes working on it a lot more fun!)
3. If you HAVE already read “Strip Club Tease Toy”, you may notice a few small changes: I changed a few names and details for continuity reasons, but it’s nothing super complex. In fact, I imagine the only thing the average reader would notice is that I’ve changed Sarah’s name to Cindi. But that’s why, if you notice anything different.
4. This is A. a fantasy and B. heavily about female domination and tease and denial. If it's not your thing, don't read it and then leave mean comments on a free story. That's weird behavior! Just go find something you like and talk about that!

That’s it! Please enjoy, and again, PLEASE let me know if you did! I have a lot of future plans for the hapless Dan Green, and I’m having a lot of fun doing this.

Tease Toy Orientation 1: The Contract

Dan didn’t sleep much that first night. After he had returned home (half naked and humiliated) to find Cindi’s letter, he had gone quickly inside and shut the door, putting on reasonable evening clothes and shedding the ridiculous women’s baby-T and protest sign that he had covered himself with during his harrowing journey. Then he accessed his email on his phone with trembling fingers. Just as she had said, he found his inbox full of pictures of the two of them together. Several shots highlighted her guiding him into the back door of the club, a hand against the small of his back. Several more showed his cock in her mouth, in her hands, between her tits as he looked on, bug eyed. There were several videos of Dan begging Cindi to get him off. Every image (even the videos, amazingly) seemed to masterfully frame around the fact that he was bound against his will, or under emotional duress in any way.

He couldn’t begin to imagine how they had taken such high quality pictures of him without him being remotely aware that it was happening, but there they were, staring back from the bright phone screen. He was terrified…but the images also excited him, and the memories of his desperate thrusting into Cindi as her tits enveloped his face bubbled to the forefront of his consciousness. He tried to push these memories, these feelings away, but he soon felt his cock growing hard again.

He knew that these images were the tool of his demise, but…God, Cindi really was so damned beautiful. The insane encounter Dan had experienced that evening seemed to have broken down the very carefully constructed barriers of his repression, and had reawakened something within him. Almost in spite of himself, Dan found himself stumbling into the bathroom with his phone in his left hand, clumsily pulling his cock out, and masturbated furiously, cumming into the sink with a gasp within two minutes as he stared at the damning images on the screen, remembering Cindi’s jiggling curves and warmth against him.

He felt shame burn in his cheeks with the emotional and mental clarity that comes immediately following the male orgasm, and he headed back to his bedroom, trying to begin to figure out some kind of way out of this situation. He thought about bringing a recording device himself, to turn the tables somehow, but dismissed the idea almost immediately. If tomorrow was anything like today, Dan would most likely be completely naked within 10 minutes of entering The Tease Club. He fantasized about reporting her to the police, but no matter how he looked at it, there was no way to do this without admitting his part in their sexual escapades.

Then he thought about all of the employees he had fired and friends he had righteously ostracized from his church over minor moral infractions over the years, and his belly tightened. There would be no coming back from this for him. His life, his career, his legacy, all of that would be over. These thoughts swirled around in his head for over an hour as he lay there, thinking. Periodically, he would open his email again, hoping ridiculously that there would be nothing there, that this would all turn out to be some insane dream. But there they were, every pixel capturing what had happened in irrefutable binary. After checking for the third or fourth time, Dan felt his cock twitch and begin to stiffen once more at the sight of Cindi’s naked body, and he began to reluctantly, hopelessly, touch himself again as he lay in bed.

This cycle went on for most of the night, with Dan oscillating wildly between desperately trying to problem solve his way out of the situation (with no success), and then reluctantly masturbating again to the images on his phone and hating himself for it. No matter how many times he came, he couldn’t seem to slake his sexual hunger, and Dan finally drifted off around 4 in the morning, and managed to get two to three hours of restless, fitful sleep, as he dreamed again and again that he was tied up in Cindi’s dressing room once more, unable to move his helpless cock as she slowly slurped away at him.
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When his morning alarm went off at 6:30, he burst back to consciousness with a start, painfully erect as the phantom sensation of Sarah’s dreamland tongue faded with the morning light. Dan took the bus to work (he had had to leave his locked car parked across the street from The Tease all night), and could barely look his elderly secretary, Mrs Mitts, in the eye as he walked into his office at Return to Family Values, past the emblazoned placard on the doorframe that proudly proclaimed: “Dan Green, Director of Programming, Morality Consultant”.

Dan spent as much of the workday as possible trying (again) to desperately think of some way to escape this, but by the time late afternoon rolled around, he had resigned himself to his fate. In fact, there was a part of him, one that he was trying very hard (with little success) to ignore, that WANTED to go back. No matter how hard he tried, Dan couldn’t forget the sensations that Cindi had made him feel. And the suggestion in the letter that she had friends who wanted to play with him like that, too…Oh god, that thought filled him with a combination of dread and desire that was very hard to articulate.

As he locked up and left for the day, almost as if it was an out of body experience, Dan found himself skipping the bus line to take him home, and waiting for the next line, which would drop him off downtown, less than 3 blocks from The Tease Club. He felt his stomach turn and clench as he boarded, and his breath grew short as the bus got closer and closer to his destination. Despite powerful fantasies of jumping off, running home, getting into bed, and hiding from reality until this all somehow went away, he stayed seated.

When Dan reached his stop, he got off numbly and walked towards the strip club, and then down the alley leading to the back entrance. The closer he got to that back door the more real this all began to feel, and when he finally reached it, standing in the same spot that he had stood naked, panting and terrified, the night before, he thought briefly about the police one final time. But the desperate, twitching curiosity between his legs won out, and he stepped forward, rising his fist to the door and trying to knock as confidently as he could.

The door flew open, and a woman Dan had never seen stood before him, looking mildly annoyed. “Ya? What do you want?” She spoke quickly, so that “what do you” came out like “whadduyuh”. She was shorter than Sarah, 5’5” or 5’6”, and appeared to be Puerto Rican or Dominican. Her tight curls bounced playfully around her face, a pair of thick, gold hoop earring dangling and glinting out of the sea of curls, and her thick hair shone a deep auburn brown in the evening light of the alley. She had a strong jawline and gorgeous lips (and appeared to be chewing bubblegum), big, chocolate brown eyes, huge lashes, and beautiful, shining bronze skin. She was wearing a spaghetti-strap light pink cotton undershirt that stopped at her midriff, revealing a tight flat tummy, and Dan felt himself grow dizzy as he noticed the gleam of the small gold ring piercing her belly button.
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She looked slightly older than Cindi, and Dan guessed that she was probably in her early to mid thirties. She was svelte, and had a smallish chest, and the pink fabric of her shirt clung to her skin deliciously (like Cindi, this woman didn’t seem very interested in bras, and Dan reeled as he noticed the dark outline of her nipples against the clinging cotton). She was wearing the tightest cutoff jean shorts Dan had ever seen, revealing all but two inches of her thick golden thighs, which curved back out deliciously from the tight, acid washed denim.

Despite her small frame, her thighs were like tree trunks, and Dan subconsciously hungered to see the back of her. A pair of pink and white, wedge-heeled sneakers completed the ensemble. As he took her in, trying to figure out what to say, she looked more closely at his face and her eyes widened in excitement, as if she had just seen a celebrity.

“Oh shit, you’re him!” She exclaimed, and grabbed Dan by the shoulder, pulling him inside. The door shut, and the click of the latch somehow felt very metaphorically relevant to Dan. He was back in the nude poster lined, back hallway of The Tease Club, and like the previous day, he could hear the muffled pulsing of music and the idle chatter and laughing of women coming from the other end of the hall. The woman who had pulled him inside clapped him on the back firmly, and introduced herself. “I’m Dominique! You’re the guy! The begging guy, the fainting guy!”

She looked at him expectantly for a moment, and then rolled her eyes and snorted, “Oh I guess you wouldn’t remember, haha. I was the one who checked on you when you passed out yesterday! I’m training to become an EMT, so I really appreciated the practice, you know? But I guess that’s not the only thing you’re gonna be helping me practice, right?” She laughed again at his confused expression, smacking her gum as she talked, and had a distinctive east coast, Bronx-y/Jersey accent. Dan was bizarrely reminded, in terms of voice and mannerisms, of Rosie Perez from Do the Right Thing, or Marisa Tomei from My Cousin Vinny.

Then she slid an arm down around Dan’s waist, pulling him against her slightly, and her perfume wafted to his nostrils. She smelled like bubblegum and flowers, and her lips parted in a gorgeous smile as she caught his gaze. Her sharp jawline somehow accentuated the large, beautiful features of her lips and eyes: her lips were plump, and her lipstick was a deep, liquid umber. Her eyes were like melted chocolate, and her large lashes batted cutely at him.

He was so enamored with her face that he was struck dumb, and barely noticed as her arm firmed against his back and she began leading him down the hall. “That was hilarious! We were all in the main room listening to the show, so we all heard it. Jesus, you were LOUD yesterday, my man! Ha!” She snorted, shaking her head, and continued, “Suddenly, everything got so quiet…I couldn’t believe it when Cindi came running out. She was hilarious, she comes out and goes, ‘Fuck, Dominique! I think I killed him!’ But I let her know you were made of sterner stuff than that! Right Dan?” She looked at him, expectantly as they walked down the hallway.

Dan was completely disoriented. He had been expecting to be greeted by Cindi at the back door, and had still not entirely caught up, cognitively speaking, to the surprise of being greeted by Dominique instead, but now he was also trying to process the information that a bunch of women had been listening to him throughout his entire, screaming, begging ordeal the day before, and that they were expecting him back for some specific reason. He struggled to form a coherent thought, and spoke in an apologetic, almost confused tone, “I…sorry, Dominique- right? I…I don’t know if I’m…if I’m quite sure what’s happening right now…”

She laughed, and unlike Cindi’s light, melodious giggle, the EMT-in-training’s raucous laughter bucked out of her, and echoed through the hallway. They had nearly reached the end of the hall at this point, and Dominique chuckled again, and said, “Aww I’m sorry Dan, I’m getting ahead of myself, why don’t you meet the team, and then we’ll talk.” She lightly pushed the door open with her free hand and then pulled Dan through into the strobing, pulsing, main room of The Tease Club.

As he entered, he saw that it was the size of a middling restaurant, with a large pit cut into the center of the room, and a lucite stage with an embedded stripper pole planted in the center of the pit, surrounded by couches. To his right was a fully stocked bar and some small tables and stools. To his left he saw the curtains leading to what he assumed were the “private rooms” he had heard so much about. Pulsing, repetitive house music pounded throughout the space, and shafts of colored light bounced around the room from a series of high tech disco balls embedded in the ceiling. Dan saw that there were four other women spread throughout the room, and Dominique led Dan around the room firmly, in a small arc, introduced each of the women as they walked past.

To Dan’s right, immediately after entering, he saw a young woman sitting cross legged atop one of the small tables by the bar. She had dyed, jet-black hair, which was pulled into two stiff pigtails that stuck out from a grey knit cap pulled down around her ears. She was wearing a lacy black bra, which clung to her tight chest in curved triangles of shimmering fabric and left her small waist and flat tummy entirely exposed. She also wore a black pleated skirt that reached a third of the way down her thin thighs, and black, knee high Doc Martin boots.

She was wearing glasses, thick, boxy, black frames, and, combined with her deep purple lipstick, and a thick dusting of glittery purple around her eyelids, they made her astonishingly beautiful. Her skin was snow white, and Dan saw that her lip, eyebrow, and nostril were all pierced with gleaming silver. A colorful tattoo sleeve ran down her right arm, with intricate patterns, symbols, and faces covering every inch of her skin from shoulder to wrist. Another tattoo, a purple and black jagged symbol of some kind, stretched along her swan-like neck, from right beneath her earlobe at the back of her jawline, around the front of her and into the light indentation where her throat met her collarbone. As someone who had not experienced much of punk rock fashion and culture, Dan’s closest point of reference to describe her was, insanely, the title character from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
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“That’s Trixi- She’s basically Cindi’s little sister.” Dominique explained as they walked, and she leaned in to talk over the music, her lips brushing against Dan’s sensitive lobe and her smacking gum echoing in his ear, “She is sooo fucking cool, Dan! She’s an absolute wizard with gadgets and electronics and shit like that. She’s a little shy…sometimes she just likes to watch, so it might take a while for her to warm up to you Dan, but don’t worry. This is going to be so much more fun because of her! She LITERALLY makes the best toys.”

Trixi was hunched over what looked like a circuit board, lightly pressing a metallic pen, which was attached to a cord that slid down to a whirring apparatus beneath the table, against the board with tiny bursts of showering sparks. Cross legged on the table like this, Dan saw the briefest flash of bright pink panties dotted with tiny black skulls between her pale thighs as he passed. She looked up from her project and caught his eye, smiling sardonically. Her eyes were dark, but they glinted slightly at him as he walked by. She was noticeably the youngest (and the thinnest) girl in the room, and looked to be around 25 years old.

As they continued forward pass the bar, Dan noticed the woman standing there and his heart caught in his throat. She was a redhead, which had certainly been a lifelong weakness for Dan, and her hair was long, wavy, and luscious, the fiery red of it streaked beautifully with natural strawberry blonde highlights. She had huge, liquid emerald eyes, startlingly sharp cheekbones, and full inviting lips. She was classically gorgeous, and projected an air of refinement and absolute confidence.
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She was wearing a sleek, silky black business jacket, her fiery hair was pulled around her so that it weaved around her delicate neck and dangled down the front of her chest, but Dan’s breath grew short as she slid one hand into her gorgeous mane and flipped it over her other shoulder in one fluid motion, revealing as she moved that she wore nothing underneath the tight, silky jacket. The neckline plunged to her bellybutton, so that Dan had a clear view of the large curve of her breast nestled in the shimmering, black material.

Every inch of her skin was lightly dusted with tiny, rust colored freckles, and they peppered the creamy skin of her breast as well. She wore a matching black skirt which clung tightly to her round hips, and the entire ensemble accentuated her insanely tiny waist and hourglass figure. His eyes traveled hungrily down her shapely legs to her elegant black Louis Vuitton pumps as Dominique continued to guide him around the room, smacking her gum in his ear loudly as she spoke.

“And THAT’S Lexi,” Dominique continued, and Dan swore he could almost HEAR her roll her eyes…but he also silently noticed that she lowered her voice quite a bit as she continued, “Queen bitch of the universe Lexi. She thinks she’s so much better than some of us, just cuz she thinks she’s slumming it with us down-in-the-trenches girls. I guess she mostly only works with exclusive, high tier, big fish guys these days, but she and Cindi go way back, and I guess she was intrigued by the enterprise, so whatever, fuck it.” Lexi was lounging against the bar, lightly sipping a martini as they passed, and she looked at him cooly, her startlingly green eyes sliding up and down him in appraisal, and her soft, full lips pursing slightly. Her gaze made him feel three inches tall, and he felt the bizarre impulse to hide behind Dominique for a moment before he stifled it. She sniffed and turned her attention back to her drink, as Dominique guided Dan to the left and they headed towards the pit.

As they walked towards the center, Dan saw that Cindi was sitting on one of the couches, dressed in a similar white shirt and red skirt ensemble to yesterday, leaning back, relaxed, with her arms stretched across the back of the couch. She was talking to another woman who was idly, almost absentmindedly, spinning around the pole on stage. The woman on stage was Black and very tall (Dan guessed 5’10” or 5’11”). She had an incredibly kind, round face, big soulful brown eyes, and her hair was pulled into two puffed out afro pigtails which bounced prettily behind each ear. Dan gaped in amazement as he watched her twist, going and spin: he had never seen a woman with curves like this. Her breasts were massive, putting even Cindi to shame, and her skin was the color of rich, deeply roasted coffee. Every inch of her gleamed under the strobing lights.

She was wearing nothing but a tiny, American flag string bikini, the small triangles of red and white striped fabric barely holding together against breasts that threatened to spill out with every movement. Dan’s eyes slid hungrily around the globes of mocha skin that burst from the straining material, and then down to the star spangled fabric that hugged the shape of her ass, clinging to her. Her waist curved in slightly from her enormous chest (her stomach was surprisingly toned for her size), before giving way to thunderous hips, and the fullest ass that Dan had ever seen.

She looked almost as young as Trixi, and Dan guessed she was about 26 or 27. Like Cindi, this woman wasn’t overweight, but she was incredibly thick, and her body quivered with every movement as she spun expertly around the pole. She was barefoot on stage, but she exhibited a true dancer’s grace as she spun idly, her toes curling, pointing, and bracing for impact excellently with each turn and twist of her Rubenesque figure.
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“And THIS is our newest full member, Destiny! Hi Dee!” Dominique waved pleasantly as she stepped down into the pit, guiding Dan with her. Destiny waved back, excitedly and eagerly, her afro puffs bouncing and her tits threatening to explode out of her top, and Cindi turned around slightly to see what had drawn her attention. His blackmailer’s expression brightened instantly as she saw who it was, and she threw her arms up from the couch in performative celebration. “DAAAAN!!!! Oh man, you made it! I’m so excited you decided to come back after we talked about my offer yesterday!”

She got up on one knee and reached out, grabbing Dan’s wrist in her soft warm hands, and pulling him toward her. He felt Dominique’s hand around his waist slide free and he fell down onto the couch at an odd angle, sort of falling into Cindi as he did so. Cindi seemed to enjoy this clumsy display, and laughed, pushing him off in theatrical disgust. “Oh my god, you pervert! Back off! I’ve barely even said hi yet!” She turned towards the lucite stage and yelled, “Hey Destiny! Come here, I want you to meet someone!”

The woman onstage stopped idly spinning, and turned around at Cindi’s call. Then she walked lightly to the edge of the stage and stepped down awkwardly, her enormous left breast pancaking against her thigh as she leaned down and slid her other leg daintily forward. She jiggled lightly with every movement, and the stark white borders on her bathing suit stood out in the strobing light in contrast against her dark, creamy skin. As he watched hungrily, speechless, she walked over to the couch, and slid down next to Dan, on his left. She sat against his hand, and when he felt the soft warmth of her smooth thigh press down against his skin, he pulled his left arm back instinctually.

She looked down, surprised, and then exclaimed, “Oh my god Dan! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable! Oh man, I haven’t even introduced myself yet! I’m Destiny!” She slid her knees up onto the couch, and tucked her bare feet behind her, scooting forward slightly so that his arm pressed firmly into her cleavage, and despite his long sleeved dress shirt, he could feel how smooth and warm she was. He could smell her now, and she smelled like creamy shampoo and fruity body lotion. His mouth watered a little and he felt his dick twitch again, before beginning to grow.
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He tried to think about something that wasn’t sexual to calm himself, but then he felt Destiny’s hand move against his chest, and Dan moaned a little as he felt her fingertips begin to lightly pop open the buttons on his shirt, starting with his collar before beginning to slide down. “I’ve been really looking forward to meeting you Dan. I’m the least experienced dancer on the team…and after Louie took off I was so bummed I wouldn’t have someone to help me learn! Thank you so much for doing this Dan! You have no idea how much it means to me!”

Dan was trying his hardest to listen to this gorgeous woman’s soft voice, although he certainly had no idea what Destiny was talking about or who Louie was, but his cock was growing faster now as this beautiful creature pressed up against him, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, and he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on the last good television show about Revolutionary War economics he had seen, willing his erection to go down. However, after two or three seconds with his eyes closed, trying desperately to ignore the liquid warmth of Destiny’s tits against his arm and the sensations stirring in his awakening cock, he felt fingers firmly grab him by the jaw. Destiny’s hand against his chest was warm and gentle, but these fingers were slender, slightly cool, and like steel, and Dan felt the sharp points of long fingernails pressing into his jawline.

He opened his eyes, and saw that the redhead from the bar, Lexi, was standing over him. She tightened her fingers slightly, and Dan felt the points of her nails stab briefly, warningly, into his skin. He could see out of the corner of his eye that her nails were a gleaming white, each perfectly and finely manicured into a curved point. Her emerald eyes flashed in unmistakeable warning, and when she spoke, her voice was feminine but husky, and dripping with confidence and authority. “Destiny was talking to you Dan. Show some respect. Pay attention.” and he felt her fingers firmly and forcefully guide his gaze back to Destiny, only letting go once he was clearly giving her his full attention once more.

Destiny’s face was still entirely innocent, as if this was the most normal thing in the world, and she continued, a gorgeous, excited smile spreading her beautiful lips from her shining white teeth, the puffs of hair behind her ears, each the size of a softball, bouncing cutely as she spoke, “Are you gonna start today Dan? It sounds like you’re going to be pretty booked, so I won’t get to work with you today, but I’m going to be your first weekend assignment! I’m so excited to learn with you!”

Dan felt like he hadn’t had a clue as to what was happening since he knocked on the back door. He started to speak, realized he had no idea what to say, and then looked around, helplessly. Then he felt another pair of hands press down slightly against his shoulders and jumped slightly, but settled (a little) when he saw that Dominique was standing over him, and had begun lightly rubbing his shoulders from behind the couch. Lexi sat down lightly on his right side, firmly moving his hand away from her before she settled against the couch, so that no part of him touched her. She crossed her legs sensuously as she sat, and stretched slightly, so that her breasts pressed together stunningly within the confines of her silky jacket, and his eyes slid hungrily over every inch of her exposed, pale, freckled skin.

Destiny had finished unbuttoning Dan’s shirt now, and began to slowly remove it, but Dan was so entranced by Lexie’s visual display that he barely noticed, and his erection was becoming clearly noticeable now as the tent in his khakis continued to swell. As he stared at Lexie, he groaned at Krista’s delicate fingertips probing wonderfully into his shoulder muscles, relaxing him slightly in spite of himself, and once Destiny had finished removing his shirt, she pressed back firmly against him, so that his bare skin rubbed deliciously into hers. He was finding it harder to think, and felt almost drunk on the combination of stimuli he was experiencing. He felt a delicious pain as his cock pressed violently against the fabric of his pants, as if trying to burst free, and he felt his thoughts become fuzzy.
Last edited by subzerowriter on Sun Nov 29, 2020 12:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by subzerowriter »

“Well Dan, I guess you probably have some questions” Cindi giggled, and her voice brought Dan back to reality. He had almost forgotten she was in the room, but now he saw that she was sitting with lightly crossed legs on the edge of the lucite stage several feet away, her hands cupped properly against her knee, smiling at his predicament. As Cindi spoke, Trixi climbed gracefully up onto the stage behind her, and began to dance. Despite her massive boots, she moved lithely, like a cat, her thin hips rolling seductively, grinding against the air in tune with the beat as she leaned back against the pole, her arms dangling loosely behind her against the shining chrome.

She reached up to adjust her boxy black glasses with one hand as she did this, catching Dan’s eye. He thought he saw the corners of her pierced purple lips curl up in a slight smile, and then she cocked the crook of her knee against the pole and began to spin.
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Cindi continued speaking as if none of this was happening, and Dan struggled desperately to pay attention, to grasp exactly what was happening here. “I may have been sliiiiightly dishonest with you yesterday Dan…See, when we first met I told you I worked here. That is true, technically, but REALLY Trixi, Destiny, Lexi, Dominique…me and the girls, we own this place! See, it’s like I said yesterday, I’ve always loved the art of the cocktease, it’s why I took this job! But…there just isn’t enough of that for me. The guys who come in here always think THEY’RE in charge. It takes all the fun out of it!”

She smiled and gestured outward with open palms at the women surrounding Dan, and grinned, “But after a few years of this, I met some like minded ladies! Some other girls who took the gig cuz they want to become absolute, world class, cocktease experts! And once there were enough of us, we figured, hey the only real way to make sure we’re getting to do this the way we like, is if we’re ACTUALLY in charge. And so we hustled, we saved, we worked our goddam asses off, but finally, 2 months ago, the 5 of us BOUGHT this fucking place!”

Cindi raised her hands in closed fists triumphantly as she said this, Dominique let out a loud whoop that caused Dan to jump, and Lexi smiled faintly, rising her hands in a dainty, silent golfer’s clap. Trixi was leaning back, holding onto the gleaming metal pole with one arm now, her thighs splayed out, grinding her hips in wide arcs that dragged her crotch slowly up the shining chrome, but she raised a fist in silent support.

“But finding a Practice Coach has been tough Dan!” Cindi continued, and she stuck out her lower lip in an adorable expression of frustration, and blew her two toned, electric blue and peroxide blonde hair out of her face. “We couldn’t find anyone to take the job for a while! Finally we found a guy on Craigslist named Louie who was VERY into the idea of working for us haha.” She laughed, but then her expression transformed into theatrical betrayal. “And then, after like 3 weeks, he disappeared! Can you believe that? Less than a month! He didn’t just quit, he left town! No one’s heard from him! Can you believe that Dan?”

Dan decided pretty easily that he could believe that, and while he didn’t know what a Practice Coach referred to specifically, he was starting to feel frightened. He chose his words very carefully, “I…I’m so sorry that happened to you, Cindi. That’s so unfair.” Dominique leaned forward at this, pressing the small curve of her breasts against he back of his head. Then her hands slid slowly down his chest, and he stifled a gasp as he felt her fingers began to lightly circle his nipples.

Dominique laughed, and exclaimed, “Thank you, Dan! So rude right? No two weeks notice or nothing!” Destiny’s soft hand returned now as well, lightly circled his belly button for a few moments, and then it slid down his sparse, sensitive happy trail, and she began to stroke the bare skin immediately above the buckle of his belt, the soft pads of her fingers caressing him less than two inches from the massive tent in his lap.

Cindi giggled as she watched Dan struggle desperately to keep his focus on her. “Well that’s ok, Dan! You’re fixing everything! Everyone was so excited when I told them you were going to be our new Practice Coach!” She leaned forward, clearly expecting a reaction, and Dan spoke in a halting tone as he tried to ignore the maddening hands rubbing against him, “Practice Coach? Cindi…I, I’m not trying to be difficult I swear, but… I don’t know…” Cindi rolled her eyes dismissively and waved her hand, cutting him off. “Dan! What is wrong with you? We talked about this for hooooours yesterday! Remember? I sent you that *email* about it? Are you trying to tell me you don’t remember any of this?”

She put particular emphasis on the word “email”, clearly trying to remind him why he was here again in the first place, and her eyes glittered as she watched his reaction carefully. Dan suddenly realized with a plummeting stomach, that this was the game. This was the blackmail. She was going to make him act like he had already agreed to whatever tortures she had in store for him, in front of this group of insane strippers, not even letting him acknowledge that she was forcing him to be here.
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He suddenly wondered if every one of these “business owners” knew about the extent to which an act of blackmail was occurring. After a few moments of deliberation, he decided that that would be a particularly risky avenue to try to explore at this particular moment, but he thought that it might be very useful information to return to later. He nodded, incredibly carefully, and responded, “Yes, that’s right, I’m so sorry Cindi, I don’t know what I was thinking. I remember our talk. And our email. But…earlier you said, um…you said, I must have questions?”

Cindi smiled and grabbed a piece of paper sitting against the stage surface to her left. Then she jumped down and walked over to him. All the while, Trixi continued to dance, grind, and spin athletically against the pole on stage. As if in psychic sync somehow, Lexi stood calmly up from the couch and stepped back, so that Cindi could sit next to Dan, and she pressed firmly against him, pulling her knees and feet up onto the couch in a position exactly mirroring Destiny, so that he was sandwiched between the two gorgeous, voluptuous women.

Cindi offered the paper to Dan, and giggled, “Oh duh, I meant questions about job SPECIFICS! I know we only talked big picture stuff yesterday, so after you went home last night, me and Lexie put together a document explaining the finer points of the job description, and getting together the first round of shift sign ups! I’m super proud of it, I tried to make sure it was something we could use to explain your job to any guest performers who might be interested in clocking some time with you while they’re in town. I really want you to feel like you’re an important member of the team Dan! I guess it’s sort of like, your contract.”

Dan took the paper (which he saw was some kind of list of rules, followed by some kind of sign up sheet at the bottom) from her with trembling fingers, and as soon as she let it go, Cindi let her hand slide gently up his neck, and she begin to lightly fondle his ear with her soft fingertips. As she stroked his ear, Dominique continued to slide her finger pads lightly against his (now very hard and sensitive) nipples, and Destiny lightly stroked at his lower belly. He began to read, trying to ignore the maddening sensations of their probing, tracing fingertips against his sensitive skin and the growing hunger in his now throbbing erection:

1. Dan’s work shift, in his role as Practice Coach for The Tease Club, begins at 6pm and ends at 9pm, Monday through Friday. Every performer on staff must clock NO LESS than two hours of Practice Work with Dan PER WEEK. Performers may share practice time if they desire. After his orientation week, Dan will then be assigned to “entertainment duties” in the break room, following his shift as Practice Coach (please refer to the break room rules in 2. for more details)

2. Although Dan’s role as Practice Coach ends at 9pm during his weekday shift (which is when most performers start for the night), that doesn’t make Dan any less of an important member of this team! To help us all remember this, Dan will be available for “entertainment duties” from 9pm to 12pm, Monday through Thursday, in the break room during your shift as performers, (excluding orientation week: let’s not try to wear him out too fast, ladies!) Make sure to stop in and say hi to Dan while you are on break! Get to know the newest, valued member of our team, and what makes him tick!

3. Each weekend (Friday night through Sunday), a different performer will be assigned to Dan, who will use this time to instruct individual performers in how to be better, less sinful women in his weekend shift role as Morality Coach. During this time, Dan will live with, eat with, and travel with this performer as necessary, acting as a 24 hour life coach. (See 5. regarding any personal safety concerns) Weekend assignments will be posted in the break room, and are available on a first cum, first served basis.

4. So that no performers are made to feel uncomfortable with the premise of a strange man in their home, performers will be given the option of requiring that Dan wear the Control Ring (TM), a device of The Tease Club proprietary design, while staying with them. The precise nature and purpose of the Control Ring (TM) will be demonstrated for Dan during job orientation training. The use and/or removal of this device during weekend assignments is at the discretion of the performer in question, although the device will be removed by Sunday evening at 9pm, as a part of the Sunday Hearing, in all circumstances (see 6. for more details).

5. The Control Ring (TM) is designed for the physical safety of the performers ONLY. The threat of, or use of, the above mentioned Control Ring (TM) should not be used to manipulate, control, or emotionally blackmail Dan in any way. Dan should also definitely not be required to wear the Control Ring (TM) for extended periods of time outside of his weekend assignments. If at any point, Dan feels that such an event is occurring, he may file an official complaint with the performers of The Tease Club, and a tribunal of at least 3 performers will judge it’s validity during our Sunday Hearing (See 5. for more details). There is no appeals process for such decisions. (see 7. regarding punishments for invalid claims)

6. Payment for services rendered as The Tease Club’s Practice and Morality Coach will be divided into 3 tiers, as decided weekly by the performance staff, and will be determined during the Sunday Hearing, based on the judged performance of Dan’s required duties. What is the Sunday Hearing? Every Sunday evening: from 6-11pm, The Tease Club will hold a staff social, and performers will use this time to decide on Dan’s payment tier for the week’s labor: Tier 3 (the lowest) is visual payment, Tier 2 is monetary payment, and Tier 1(the highest) is sexual payment. Deliberations will begin officially at 9pm, and will end at 11pm, and Dan will be able to use this time to plead his case to the staff in attendance. Everyone on the team is encouraged to come by for this fun team building event!

7. While Dan’s safety and comfort as an employee is (of course) of the upmost importance to the performance staff, organizing tribunals to hear complaints will take time and energy, and should not be abused over trivial or inconsequential matters. Claims made by Dan that are found to be invalid by The Tease Club staff tribunals will be considered negatively against him during Sunday Hearing deliberations, and repeated examples may be met with further punitive action. Be courteous of the performers’ time and patience, please!

Dan’s heart sank further with each of these “rules” that he read. Entertainment Duties? Control Ring? Sunday Hearing? Payment tiers? All of these rule references were hard to keep track of as the girls stroked at him, giggling, but everything about this felt like a thinly veiled structure to find ways to fuck with him and call it a job. Then his eyes scrolled down to the small grid at the bottom of the page. It was titled “Orientation Week Shift Sign Up” and had five columns. Dan saw that the scribbled names of each of the girls was penned into the various spots on the grid. The information read as follows:

Tuesday: Trixi and Lexi
Wednesday: Dominique
Thursday: Lexi and Dominique
Friday: Destiny and Cindi (Observing)
Weekend Assignment: Destiny

Dan looked up from the page, and saw that Cindi’s face was inches from his own, and she batted her lashes at him innocently and whispered softly, “Well Dan? Do you have any problems with the contract?” He looked back at her, desperately trying to think of a way out of this. He thought back to his earlier, secret-but-not-secret DESIRE to come here, and wondered how much he had allowed that feeling to damn him. “Please, Cindi, I don’t…Please don’t make me…” he began with a pleading voice, but Cindi shook her head, and repeated herself, “I SAID, do you have any problems with the contract Dan?”

Dan sat there for what felt like 10 seconds, silently searching for an ounce of mercy in Cindi’s laughing, blue eyes, but he found nothing. “N…No, Cindi,” He spoke slowly, dumbly, “I…I don’t have any problems with the contract.” Cindi smiled broadly, and stood up, taking a few steps back. “Well, ladies, we have ourselves a Practice Coach!” Another whoop, this time from Destiny, startled Dan, and he turned to look at her. He felt like he was falling into her deep, soulful eyes, and she grinned with innocent delight as she whispered, “I’m so excited, Dan! You’re going to help me get soo much better at this!”

Cindi took a few more steps away, and began heading back to the bar, calling back over her shoulder as if they had just completed some mundane business transaction, and not blackmailed him into becoming some kind of bizarre sex slave. “Alright then everyone, it’s official! Dan, congratulations on becoming the newest member of our team! I have some stuff to take care of before we open at 9, but even though we wasted a little time here with introductions, we can count today as your first shift if you’re ready to get started now.”

It wasn’t a question, and Cindi gestured to the gorgeous, gothic princess gyrating on stage and the terrifyingly refined redhead standing behind him as she walked behind the bar. “Trixi and Lexi both signed up for the first shift, so they can take you to the back and show you around the break room. Trixi wanted to introduce you to some of her projects and show you how the Control Ring works, and Lexi wanted to go over the finer details of your job description, so you have a lot to cover before nine, okay?”

At that, Trixi stopped her incredible display on the stage, and began to step down. She caught Dan’s gaze for a moment, and then looked away shyly, and began to walk to the back rooms. Her skirt flounced slightly behind her as she walked, and her movements were fluid and cat like, except for her heavy, black, knee high boots thudding against the carpet.

Then Dan felt steely fingers wrap around the pronounced bulge at the front of his pants and tighten, and he turned with an involuntary gasp to find Lexi standing inches from him, holding him firmly. She looked deeply into his terrified eyes, and he again marveled in spite of himself at the brilliant, liquid green jewels that made up each of her stunning irises. Then she spoke to him for the second time, and again, her husky dominant voice filled him with hunger. “Let’s go Dan. It’s time to go over the details of your employment and get you settled in.”
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Without another word, the gorgeous, fiery maned goddess turned from Dan and began to walk towards the backrooms. Her hand never left him however, and Dan tried not to react as he felt Lexi’s confident grip tighten against the fabric of the front of his khakis, pulling it against his raging member beneath her steely fingers. She tugged at him lightly without looking back, and he began to step forward, feeling dizzy as she led him by the cock back into the nude-poster lined hallway with which he was now so familiar. As the door to the main room began to close behind him, he saw Dominique sit down on the couches next to Destiny and start to talk to her, and saw Cindi smiling at him one final time from the bar, wiggling her fingers at him in a flirty wave. Then the door clicked shut, and he was alone with Lexi.

She didn’t say a word, and continued to walk forward, her arm stretched back and leading him along like a puppy on a leash. Her round ass rolled in quick, perky motions as she strutted ahead of him, every step inhumanly precise, and the click of her red soled pumps against the wooden floor echoed through the room. She led him to a door about half way down the hall, and then stepped inside, pulling him firmly in behind her. Her insistent guiding hand caused the fabric of his pants to rub against every inch of his throbbing cock, and he let out a slight, wavering moan as he stepped clumsily forward. Lexi immediately turned and pulled the door shut behind her, letting go of his throbbing erection and (this time Dan noticed immediately) latching the deadbolt firmly.

Dan look around the room and took in his surroundings, trying to catch his breath and gain his bearings. This was bigger than Cindi’s dressing room had been, and for a moment he thought it looked more like an office break room, but then he scanned the room further and saw that its design and purpose clearly had two distinct personalities. There was a large, open space in one half of the room (the half they were standing in), with a few small easy chairs, a mini fridge, and a worn love seat bordering the walls. He noticed with mild anxiety that the walls seemed to have been effectively soundproofed: there were interlocking, cushioned panels covering every empty wall space.

As his eyes followed the soundproofing panels along the wall, he noticed the other side of the room. Trixi was already here, he saw, and was crouched in the corner, rummaging through a big black steamer trunk that was pushed against the far wall. She was on her knees and leaning face first in the trunk, so that her bright pink panties and small but round ass wiggled at him invitingly beneath her short, black pleated skirt. A rack of stark, minimalist metallic shelves hugged the wall next to the trunk, and the surface of every shelf was covered with bits of wiring, batteries, power tools, duct tape, and plastic and metal casings and piping.

An industrial workbench with a florescent light positioned over it sat at a ninety degree angle to the shelves, against the far wall, and Dan saw a battered laptop with a small rubber and metal device connected to it with multiple wires on the workbench’s surface. Some kind of complex program seemed to be running on the laptop’s screen, as symbols and code flickered across the cracked surface of the glass.

In the center of all of this was what looked like a streamlined dentist’s chair, a contoured, black plastic molded design that was stabilized about four feet off the ground by an adjustable, chrome, electric base. Dan saw small, fabric restraints woven into the black plastic at the head, hip, hand, and foot level, and decided he had a pretty good idea what the chair was probably for. This room was some kind of cross between a normal social office space and a crazy mad scientist’s laboratory.

Trixi was fully engrossed in her preparations in the corner, and had now pulled a bizarre looking object (as far as Dan could see, it looked like a large bundle of of strips of metallic fabric, weaving together and covered with fastening buttons, attached to some sort of smallish plastic casing) from the steamer trunk, and she slammed it down on the worktable next to her, before running over to the shelves to grab something.

Lexi had sat calmly in one of the easy chairs in the “normal” side of the break room, observing Dan closely as he took in his surroundings. She let her arms fall back against the armrests, pulling the plunging neckline of her silky black jacket wider, putting her delicate, full breasts invitingly on display, and crosser her legs slowly, her skirt stretching tight against her shapely, freckled thighs. Despite her calm demeanor, she was QUITE looking forward to this first session with Dan, and wanted to use her time (2 and a half hours left in the shift, by her estimation) as effectively as possible.

“Daniel” she said quietly, and she smiled inwardly in approval at the speed with which he spun around, snapping to attention. She knew Cindi was good, maybe almost as good as her, but she hadn’t expected the man to arrive today so thoroughly trained. Cindi must have done a real number on him yesterday. She cleared her throat, and spoke up slightly, but she kept her voice relatively low, and Dan stepped forward slightly to hear her better.

“We need to talk about some of the details of your job description as the new Practice and Morality Coordinator for The Tease, Daniel. But in order to do that, we have to begin with a few necessary demonstrations of some of the equipment that you’ll be working with.” Every word was spoken slowly, deliberately, and with perfectly clear enunciation, giving her an air of complete control. She cocked her head slightly to look around Dan, and raised her voice only a little. “Trixi, my darling, are we about ready to begin the proceedings?” Trixi didn’t look up from the table, but held up a silent thumb of approval as she made several small adjustments to the bundle on the work table, and the response apparently satisfied Lexie, who looked back at him with deadly serious eyes. “In order to continue Dan, the first thing you’re going to need to do is take off the rest of your clothing.”
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Her look invited no debate, but Dan suddenly felt bizarrely shy. Yesterday, Cindi had torn his clothes from him by force, and that somehow felt entirely different than being forced to strip, revealing his almost painful erection, as this beautiful woman sat before him and watched. He looked back to Trixi, not even knowing what he was hoping for, but he saw that she had stopped her tinkering now, and had turned around to watch the show, quietly curious.

He watched her eyes slide up and down his slightly gangly body before zeroing in on the tent at the front of his pants and pursing her purple lips slightly. Dan closed his own eyes as shame burned in his cheeks and he reached down to remove his shoe, but he stopped when he heard a disapproving noise from Lexi, and again, so softly that he had to strain to hear her, she whispered, “Look at me Daniel. Don’t close your eyes. Look at me.”

Dan took a deep ragged breath, and obeyed, mortified. He clumsily ripped off his shoes and peeling off his socks as he held her stunning gaze, and then he stood up, and began to slide down his slacks and underwear, hooking his thumbs into the waistband and pulling both layers down in one motion. He watched Lexi’s face brighten slightly for the first time, giving a small, prim smile of approval as his raging hard on burst free, and she reached out a hand with her palm up, as if expecting something. When Dan moved hopefully forward a step to push his dick into her hands, Lexi snorted at him and pushed back firmly against his chest. Then she nodded to his pants, rolling her eyes at him as if he were an exasperating child.

“I wasn’t asking for you cock, Daniel. You can give those to me now. The first think that you need to know about your Practice Coach shifts is that you won’t need to worry about clothes for them. When you arrive to begin your shift in the future, please remove all of your clothes immediately once you have entered the building, including, shoes, socks, underwear, and any jewelry, and leave them folded neatly by the door. Then you may head to this room, and wait for your scheduled practice partner or partners to arrive.”

Dan handed her the pants and watched as she folded them carefully, and placed them on the arm rest beside her as he stood there naked and humiliated, his cock twitching and bouncing. She then looked him right in the eye, and slowly unbuttoned the only button on her silky business jacket before leaning back against the chair and placing her forearms lightly on each armrest again. The movement caused the jacket to fall open and back, so that each side fell away from her, exposing her delicate collarbone, her tight, fit stomach, and more than half of each of her glorious, pert, freckled breasts.

In fact, he noticed with a watering mouth, the fabric had almost slid completely off of both of her breasts, but had caught on each of her erect nipples, which now poked prominently into the silky material, as it fell down around each breast at a 45 degree angle. She arched her back slightly, accentuating the effect, and then she spoke again, slightly louder this time, “Are we almost ready to get started back there, darling? Time is money, you know.” She never broke eye contact with Dan as she said this, and it took him a moment to realize that she wasn’t talking to him.

He felt cool, thin fingers begin to drape something over his bare shoulders from behind, and the sensation startled him so much that he yelped, and began to spin to see what was happening. Just as he started to react however, Lexi actually raised her voice for the first time, in a way that pierced right through him, “DANIEL. Stand…Still.” and the command was delivered with such force that he froze instantly, a rabbit in headlights. He had not seen much of these women yet, but he had received the distinct impression that Lexi was not the person in this group he should risk fucking with, under any circumstances.

He turned back towards her, almost standing to attention, and she nodded in mild approval at his obedience. As he tried to stand perfectly still, he watched nervously out of the corner of his eye, as Trixi’s long pale fingers, tipped with shiny black nail polish and a tiny purple heart in the center of each nail, began to drape a mesh of silvery, interwoven bands (about half an inch wide) across his shoulders, over his chest, and down his arms.

Lexi began to speak again as Trixi did this, and she lifted her hands from the armrests and began to lightly fondle the silky material that fell to either side of her, tugging the fabric teasingly. Then she sensuously crossed her legs again as he goggled, and continued, “Daniel…Because we are running short on time today, and we have so much to cover, this may be a bit of an exercise in endurance and concentration for you.”

Though not supernaturally endowed in the way that Cindi or Destiny had been, Lexi’s breasts were surprisingly full for her frame, and he found his eyes glued to her body as she tugged at the fabric. “While Trixi starts working on introducing you to some of the more important hardware you’ll be using while working with us, I’ll be going over any questions that you have about the contract that you’ve agreed too. Basically, you can think of Trixie as IT, and me as Human Resources.”

She smiled a little at this, clearly mildly amused by her own wit, and then shrugged her shoulders together and slid her neck and torso down and forward, shrugging off her shimmering black jacket as she simultaneously stood up before him. The movement made her appear almost serpentine, and as she straightened back up, his eyes crawled hungrily over her bare chest and his dick began to twitch a little faster. Her breasts were incredibly perky, and her nipples were small and pink. She reached her arms back, over her head in a theatrical stretch, and Dan’s mouth watered as he watched her breasts stretch tight against her, and then bounce free once more as she lowered her arms. As she continued to stretch and preen theatrically before him, she kept speaking.
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“I hope the outline of your shift organization in the contract was comprehensive enough for you. You will, of course, receive a copy for your own records. On Monday through Friday, you must be in this room by 6pm, naked, for the start of your shift. After your first week, we are going to expand your duties: basically you will be available in this room to support performers working before and during their shifts…until midnight, when someone will return your clothes and send you home. I pointed out to the group as we were designing your contract that the dancers actually work weeknights until about 3am, but the rest of the girls decided your shift should be over at midnight so that it doesn’t interfere too much with your day job. Wasn’t that so sweet of all the owners Daniel?” Her eyes never left his as she spoke, and the soft movement of her full red lips was hypnotizing.

As she spoke, Trixi continued her bizarre work, beginning now to fasten some of these strips of fabric together with tiny plastic fastening clamps (like those on a backpack) around each of his arms, tightening them against his shoulder, above and below his elbow, and at his wrist. As Dan tried to ignore this, Lexi stepped closer to him now, her eyes flashing, and she snapped her finger in his face, repeating her question (with a slight but important difference that an overstimulated Dan didn’t notice until he replayed the evening back later in his head), “HEY! I asked you a question: Wasn’t that so sweet of all your owners, Daniel?” He opened his mouth, stammering, “Yes, Lexi. That was really really selfless of all of you. I’m so sorry I didn’t answer right away. Thank you so much Lexi, thank you for being so understanding.”

Suddenly a shy, younger female voice spoke from behind him, and Daniel realized he was hearing Trixi speak for the first time. “Hey, Lexi, if we’re short on time, you can help me get him all done up while you keep going over the rules. Now that I’ve gotten started, I think it should be pretty obvious where everything goes.” Her voice sounded incredibly informal and young when juxtaposed against Lexi’s liquid grace and confidence. Lexi nodded in agreement and stepped forward, pressing the cool palm of her hand against Dan’s chest, and looking him in the eyes very sternly. “You will stand perfectly still unless instructed otherwise by Trixi or myself. Do you understand, Daniel? You do not need to speak, a simple nod will suffice.”

Dan gulped slightly, and nodded, and Lexi smiled slightly again, nodding back. Then she slid down onto her knees, her hand moving firmly down his chest for balance as she lowered herself. Once on her knees, she began to slowly fasten more of these odd, metallic fabric strips around his feet, his legs, his knees, his thighs…and as she did this, she let her fiery red hair begin to lightly brush against the sensitive head of his cock, first allowing it to tickle against him, and then tilting her head slightly so that it slid into her hair, and pulling back, so that his cock was pulled down the length of her luscious, thick wavy hair, like a brush.

The sensation, and the image, of her flowing, tugging, sliding hair against his cock was incredible, and Dan let out a high pitched moaning sound. He was trying to react physically as little as possible and to stand completely still, but she reached for his other leg now, and repeated the motion again, pulling her hair against him in the opposite direction, and he shook violently. She managed to make it look as though this bobbing, teasing maneuver was related to her work with the metallic fabric she was now fastening against his left ankle, and completely ignored his sounds, continuing her overview of his “contract” as she lightly teased him with her crimson locks.

“Now, I imagine your work as a live-in Morality Coach is fairly clear as well: you’ll be assigned a different Tease performer to spend your weekends with each week…Although I bet you have some questions about what exactly a Control Ring is, don’t you Dan?” She looked around Dan’s legs, and up at Trixi, who was fastening a few more bands against Dan’s chest and waist. “Trixi, are we ready to begin our tech demonstration of your wonderful little devices?” Dan heard Trixi respond behind them in a concentrated, quiet voice, “Aaallllmost done…” before he heard one final click, and she walked around the front of him. Then, Trixi and Lexi both stepped back to admire their work, smiling with amusement.
Last edited by subzerowriter on Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by subzerowriter »

Dan was covered in thin metallic bands from ear to toe. This was quite literal: bands encircled his wrists, his elbows, his hips, his chest, his groin, his knees, his ankles, and a band slid lightly up from his chest to his neck, splitting at the groove of his throat, and then traveling along his jawline, and looping around his ears. He could feel a contoured (about six inches in diameter) plastic casing nestled against the small of his back, and he could feel the bands that traced the lines of his spine, his hips and his buttocks feeding into it, anchoring it in place. He looked like some kind of naked “Tron” character, his raging erection looking even more ridiculous as it burst out between two bands that passed under his groin, and around his buttocks and hips.

Trixi smiled widely and excitedly, bouncing a little (in the largest display of emotion he had seen from her yet) and then she fell back onto the love seat, sprawling out. He saw that she was holding a small metallic device (about the size of a dvd player remote, with a tiny LCD screen at the top, and a grid of tiny buttons across its surface) in one hand, and she grinned now, her purple lips pulling back in an expression of glee, and her eyes glinted. “We’re going to go over the Control Ring in just a minute Dan, but I want to show you this first. It’s something new I built just for you. I call it The Exoskeleton. I’m really, really, REALLY excited about it. Do you want to know what it does?”

She held up the remote, and pressed a button theatrically. There were a soft click, and then suddenly, Dan felt every band wrapped around him harden like steel, holding him perfectly in place. The bands against his jawline and ears locked his head in place, the bands against his biceps and wrists locked against his arms, those against his spine and waist locked his torso, and those against his thighs, knees, and ankles locked against his legs and feet. The instant this happened, he had been slightly shifting his weight from one foot to the other, and he suddenly found himself falling backward, unable to move his limbs or redistribute his weight to correct his fall as he tipped back towards the ground.

Dan yelped ridiculously as he fell, wriggling his fingers in desperate, wide eyed panic, and he clattered to the floor like a wooden board, completely stiff. He felt the air go out of him upon impact, and took several seconds to catch his breath. Trixi let out a triumphant whoop, throwing her hands up into the air in celebration, and Lexi got up from her seat, walking across the room. For a moment Dan thought that Lexi was coming to check on him after his fall, but she walked right past him and towards the other side of the room and (as his head was locked frustratingly in place) out of his line of sight.

Trixi laughed, and pressed another button, and the bands against him went slack and elastic again, allowing him to reposition and sit up slightly. “It fucking works!!!” She exclaimed, and flung her arms wide as if to say, “Ta Daaaa!!!” Dan was beginning to notice how more animated she got when she was talking about and showing off her experiments. “It’s this rad material that hardens to retain its shape when electricity is passed through it! Basically it can lock you perfectly in position at any time. I thought of it like 2 days before Louie took off, so you’re my first human test subject. It’s all connected to a battery pack and signal receptor at the small of your back. ‘The Exoskeleton’. Fucking cool right?”

She laughed a little. “Sorry Dan, I really shouldn’t use it when you’re standing up, you could probably get hurt like that.” Then she gestured to the chair next to her and smiled, much more confidently now. “Why don’t you come over here and sit down, Dan?”
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Dan got up weakly. That had been a dizzying experience in loss of control, and it took him a moment to believe that he would be able to move safely without it happening again. He walked over to the chair and sat down, turning to look at Trixi, and the instant his bare ass made contact with the chair, he heard another light click from the remote, and the “Exoskeleton” locked him in place once more. Trixi giggled as she watched him fall back slightly, his knees remaining locked at a 90 degree angle so that his feet lifted off the floor as he fell, helplessly, against the chair back. “Lexi, OMIGOD I’m an absolute fucking genius. You gotta check this out, this is so goddam funny!” She turned to see if Lexi was watching, gleeful at the sudden control she had over Dan’s captive body, and he followed her gaze.

Lexi, in fact, seemed to be ignoring them, and rather than watching Trixi play with her new toy, she was gathering something from the worktable on the other side of the room. With his neck locked like this, he couldn’t see exactly what she was doing, but it looked like she was unplugging the wires that had been connecting that strange hunk of metal and plastic to the cracked and battered laptop that he had noticed when he first walked in. She walked back over to him, and in only her skirt and heels she looked like an absolute goddess, her fiery hair flouncing behind her and her round breasts bouncing perkily with each step. Then she slid down on her knees in front of him, and held up the palms of both hands.

Nestled in the palms of her hand was the device from the worktable, and Dan saw that it was comprised of two, slightly bulky rings. One of the rings was made of industrial rubber, and the other was made of what looked like polished steel, and they were attached at one end by a sturdy hinge of interlocking steel and rubber.

Dan saw briefly that the interior band of each rings seemed to have circuitry and sensors embedded along its circumference. Lexi looked into his confused eyes and spoke softly, “This is the Control Ring Dan. I know our darling little Trixi is quite enamored with the success of her Exoskeleton at the moment, but…in my not so humble opinion, this is the device that truly proves the brilliance of our little prodigy.” She smiled warmly at Trixi and winked at her. “Trixi, if you wouldn’t mind unlocking the ring for a moment, my dear?”

The gothic goddess beamed with pride, looking down at the remote control and pushing another button. Lexi then leaned forward, separating the rings of the device, and pressing the polished metallic band against the head of his cock while the rubber one dangled down against it. As Dan watched, completely unable to move anything except his fingers, his toes and his face, Lexi slid the ring down his hard cock, carefully holding it in one thumb and forefinger so that no part of her actually touched his hungry, throbbing shaft.

Once the ring was snugly against the base of his erection, Lexi slid her hands down to the rubber ring that was now dangling against his ballsack, and broke the rubber into two halves with a light snapping sound. Then Dan gasped as he felt the rubber sliding around the base of his scrotum, separating his testicles from the rest of him snugly, and connecting again on the other side with another audible click.

Lexi explained as she did this, “There’s an internal magnetic lock on the device that can only be accessed by remote. That way, we can all make sure that it will never go on or come off without at least one of The Tease owners’ permission. You see Daniel, we decided that, while Cindi says that you can be trusted around the dancers alone, asking us to let an older strange man sleep in their house for your weekend shifts might make some of the girls feel uncomfortable. As I’m sure Cindi has told you, most exotic dancers have learned the hard way to be careful about finding themselves completely alone with clients. So our lovely little Trixi spent a LOT of time working on the problem with Louie, and after many late, late nights of trial and error, they came up with this little device together!”

As Lexi spoke, he saw her nail lightly press into a section of the steel ring that lay against the underside of his cock, heard another click, and saw her draw a small length of wire from inside the ring, with what looked like a small, adhesive medical sensor at the end of it. She slide the wire along the underside of his cock, and pressed the sensor against the skin directly below the mushroom head of his erection, pressing and smoothing it against up his skin with careful fingers that caused his dick to ooze an embarrassing droplet of precum. She continued to explain as she did so.

“Essentially, it’s the cadillac of cock rings: The Control Ring can act as a remote control vibrator, it can tighten and loosen, can keep track of arousal patterns, read heartbeat and blood oxygen levels, things of that sort. I’m sure you will become familiar with all of its bells and whistles eventually, but it is equipped with two especially fun features that we’re going to go over today. Keep in mind Daniel, that the Control Ring is designed for weekend shifts, where dancers will be alone with you. You won’t have to wear it after your shift is over on weekdays, so please don’t be alarmed. The first fun little feature is a pacification option if any of the girls ever feel like you’re physically threatening them.

Lexi looked up and smiled at him, widely and sweetly for the first time. “Now, I want to make it very clear to you that the owners of The Tease Club are not about pain, Daniel. This feature will only be used if you make it necessary for one of us to do so. Trixi sweetheart, would you demonstrate the Ring’s pacification option for Daniel with a 20% power warning burst?”

Dan heard another click of the button come from the couch to his left, and suddenly a blinding jagged red pain ripped into his scrotum from the rubber ring encircling it. He screamed out in startled agony, and every muscle in his body tensed and tightened in reaction, the tendons in his neck and the veins in his arms standing out violently, but the Exoskeleton held firm, not allowing him to move a millimeter.

The sensation stopped as soon as it had started, leaving him with the feeling that his testicles were on fire, pulsing and sending throbbing, dull waves of pain up through his lower belly. He felt a tear well over one eyelid and roll down his cheek as he struggled to catch his breath. “That was a taser.” He thought to himself in absolute horror, “They locked a remote control taser around my ballsack, oh Jesus…”

Suddenly, he felt the palm of a cool, incredibly soft, feminine hand begin to rub against his aching scrotum, and he opened his eyes to find Lexi slightly cradling his balls in one hand. The sensation was like a soft balm against his burning throbbing flesh, and he gasped in mild relief as she lightly rubbed the pain away with probing fingertips. She was watching her work, looking down, and she continued to speak to Dan in a businesslike and professional tone as she did so, as if she hadn’t just electrocuted his nuts, as if they were in the middle of the most normal interaction in the world.

“The other feature I would like to go over with you is the Control Ring’s ability to catalogue levels of arousal, and more importantly, to identify and report un-permitted orgasm. During the week, this will mostly be used to help us study our effectiveness, biologically speaking.”
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As she spoke, she continued to lightly fondle his balls, and then she lifted an extended forefinger on the other hand to the tip of his cock, and pressed against it, beginning to lightly swirl it against his now dribbling cock head, around and around and around. “On weekends, this feature is to make sure that you aren’t cumming…at least, not without the expressed permission of your assigned partner. The girls don’t want you jacking off into their underwear drawers, after all Daniel. Trixi, why don’t you explain the two options that our Practice Coach has for his Control Ring mode, and how we’re going to determine this from week to week, while I begin the testing period?”

Dan heard another click from the couch, and the bands against his body slackened once more. His legs slumped limply against the chair, splayed out now on either side of Lexi, and he breathed with relief as he placed his palms against the armrests and began to pull himself up into a (slightly) more distinguished position. “Dan.” Trixi whispered, and when he turned to his left to look at her, he heard another click, locking him back in place, this time more comfortably positioned against the chair, but stuck facing completely to his left, directly at Trixi as she lounged on the small couch to his left, so that Lexi was completely outside of his field of vision.

Trixi was lounging on the couch facing him, and when she had his attention she slid up, pressing her shoulder blades against the far armrest. and as Dan watched, she slowly spread her knees wide, holding her boots together against the armrest closest to Dan, and she began to slide her right hand down the front of her skirt as she held the remote control confidently in her left.

Beneath the fabric, he could see the lump of her hand begin to swirl, and she began to gasp slightly, touching herself beneath her pleated black skirt as she explained. “Basically, there’s two different ways the Control Ring can make sure you’re being honest: Accountability Mode and…heh, Mistress Mode.” She giggled a little, “Lexi named Mistress Mode. Anyway, like she said, we want to make sure you’re not being a pervert and jerking off in our stuff if you’re gonna stay at our homes with us. So we figured, the easiest way to do that is to set up the Control Ring to send out a 50% warning jolt to the nuts right when it senses orgasm is imminent. So basically, any time you try to cum, you get zapped. That’s Mistress Mode.”

She started to grind her hips slightly now, and her voice developed a tiny waver that betrayed her arousal as she talked. Dan’s eyes were crawling hungrily over every inch of her as she moved, and his breathing had turned into desperate panting as Lexi’s skilled and smooth hands continued to move against his aching scrotum and dribbling cock head. Trixi continued, gasping a little, “But, ALSO like Lexi said: The Tease Club dancers are not about pain if we don’t have to be. So Cindi and I came up with Accountability Mode! I think it’s MUCH more fun. She told me you were like, super religious or whatever, and it reminded me of those lame Christian computer programs you can download to like, automatically email a friend and to tell on you if you’re looking at porn. You know, to keep yourself in check or whatever? So Cindi set up some kind of embarrassing, automatic email to your OTHER job’s email server that will detonate whenever you do! Isn’t that smart?” Her eyes twinkled, and Dan let her words sink in.

He knew exactly what kinds of programs she was talking about, he had practically recommended them to every parent of a teenager that had walked through his doors over the last 10 years. Cindi had gotten this girl to design a device that would email his blackmail photos to his entire office the instant he shot his load, they had locked it around his balls, and he couldn’t take it off without their permission. He felt panic rising, and suddenly couldn’t decide which of those options, Mistress Mode or Accountability Mode, honestly sounded worse. His fear seemed only to fan the flames of his arousal, however, and the hunger in his aching balls continued to grow.

Suddenly, Trixi pulled her hand back out of her skirt, and then slid both hands up and UNDER her skirt, and Dan watched, bug eyed, as the pale skinned, pierced and tatted angel began to slide her panties off, scooting them down her thin hips beneath her skirt as she continued, “So basically, since we only want to use Mistress Mode as a last resort, we decided the best system is that every Monday we’re going to have a test to determine whether you have the self control for Accountability Mode…” A sly smile spread across her face as she leaned forward, pulling the hot pink fabric of her underwear down and over her Doc Martins. “Hey Dan? Do you know what edging is?”
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The instant she asked her question, Lexi’s hands slid up and around his member, much more firmly now, and he gasped loudly, causing Trixi to giggle in amusement. Lexi’s hands began to rub along his twitching dick, and he felt two fingers begin to move in a slow circle against his frenulum, and the other hand gripped tightly around his shaft and began to glide up and down, up and down. This wasn’t the slow, sensual teasing that he had received yesterday, this was methodical, efficient…and incredibly effective. Almost immediately, Dan’s breath grew short and he began to pant loudly. Within a minute, he felt his balls begin to tighten against the rubber ring separating them from his body and sensed that he was reaching his peak.

His situation flooded back to him like a bucket of cold water over his head, just as he was starting to anticipate the wonderful rush of release. His head was trapped to his left, and he couldn’t see her, but he began to desperately plead, “Lexi, oh god, oh Jesus, is…is the email thing active already? Lexi please, please don’t…I don’t want to…” He trailed off into terrified silence, not honestly sure what he wanted, and the sensations continued for another 5 devastatingly long seconds as he actually struggled to hold back. Then suddenly, thankfully, heart wrenchingly, Lexi’s fingers vanished from him, and he was left, twitching and dribbling as he looked at Trixi, who was watching him with very pleased eyes.

She laughed again, holding up the remote and waggling it at him, “Don’t worry Dan, even if Lexi accidentally let you go over the edge, we have a 30 second delay to hit override on the remote in the case of accidental ejaculation…But I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about that problem with her.” She smiled lovingly, and looked down past Dan’s line of sight at Lexi, “She really, really knows what she’s doing.” Trixi spread her knees a bit wider, flashing her bare, shaven lips at him. Her delicate slit looked warm and inviting nestled between her pale thighs and he watched her pleadingly, trying to silently beg with his eyes for mercy.

She grinned, the hot pink, skull dotted fabric of her panties dangling from her ring finger now as she held the remote in her left hand, and then her right began to slide down her belly, under her skirt, and between her legs once more as she continued. “Edging is when you get a guy right there and stop. And after he’s calmed down for a minute, you do it again. And again, and again. We figured if you could handle that without asking to cum, you could be trusted with Accountability Mode. So, every Monday, someone’s going to edge you for an hour, Dan. Doesn’t that sound fun? And if you beg or plead or ask to get off, that means you get Mistress Mode for the week. That’s how we determine whether you’re going to be able to be trusted to have a little self control. So try to be good today Dan! No begging! An hour’s not THAT long, if you don’t want to spend all week getting shocked, after all.”

She smiled at him, absurdly sweetly given the context, and batted her eyelashes prettily at him. “Now, make sure you keep your eyes open, I want you to watch me play, Dan.”

As he hungrily watched, Trixi slid her fingers along her slit, her eyelids beginning to flutter prettily beneath her boxy glasses and her purple lips beginning to slightly contract in Os of pleasure. Suddenly, he felt some kind of lotion begin to drip against his aching shaft, cold and wet, and then Lexi’s hands began to move against him once more, sliding the slick lotion around his sensitive skin. He gasped raggedly and gritted his teeth at the expert ministrations of her fingers. The second time she brought him to the edge, she did so in under 2 minutes. The third time it took about a minute. The fourth time took about 30 seconds, and he was beginning to lose his cool now, shaking and panting loudly as her hands fell away from him again, for about 30 seconds, letting him calm down only slightly before beginning the process once more. Her fingers were incredible, they gripped and rubbed and stroked and slid expertly and lovingly over every inch of him, and on occasion she would drag the dangerous tip of one gleaming white pointed nail down the base of his shaft as he shuddered wildly.
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After 20 minutes of this, Dan had almost lost all sense of reality to the cycle of Lexi’s hands…the rising, building energy of the explosion trapped within him and the devastating, horrifying moment when the movement against his helpless cock stopped again. And again. And again. Trixi gasped and moaned, grinding theatrically against her hand now, her thighs wrapped tightly around her arm, and he watched, beginning to drool a bit, as she showed off her small but round ass for him in flashes beneath her bouncing and sliding skirt, and her black nailed fingers stroked and swirled against her now swollen clit. Just as Lexi was releasing her hands from his throbbing erection once more, Trixi began to moan much more loudly, and her eyes opened wide, catching Dan’s gaze. Her hips lifted from the couch now, and she arched her back, her breath growing ragged. Then, Dan looked on in envy as the gothic goddess began to cum, bucking her hips joyfully and crying out with gushing pleasure in a high pitched squeal.

With one final thrust of her hips, Trixi’s cry broke, and she held her position, shaking like a leaf for one final moment, and then she collapsed back against the couch, her closed lips spreading across her pretty face in a smile of deep satisfaction. Then, after a few seconds, she opened her eyes again to find Dan still watching her hungrily with quiet, desperate eyes, a strand of drool dribbling down his chin, and a small tear rolling down his cheek, and she giggled. “Aww Dan, don’t look at me like that! This is just a test! It’s not like you’re going to have to wear this thing ALL the time, just during your shift and on weekends.” She leaned forward, sitting on her knees and feet, and then with an incredibly sweet smile, she took her panties in both hands, pulled them against the top of Dan’s head and slid them down over his face, sliding the elastic band over his ears and positioning the crotch so that it rested over his mouth and nose, and so that his eyes could see through the wide leg holes in the fabric.

Humiliated, Dan breathed in, and reeled at the smell of her. She must have been excited about this long before she started touching herself: he breathed in her moist arousal with every gasp, and despite (or maybe because of? It was getting hard to tell) his humiliation and his teetering sexual hunger, he stuck his tongue out experimentally against the fabric and tasted her, spinning. With her panties over his face like this, Dan looked like some kind of insane, perverted bank robber, and Trixi burst out in a gale of laughter, his cheeks burning in shame, before she settled back against the armrest again. As Dan watched, her underwear sucking into his mouth with every desperate breath, she began to lightly unfasten her small lacy black bra, and slid it up and over her head dramatically, dropping it down behind her.

While she was certainly the least endowed woman in the group when it came to cup size, Dan was nevertheless mesmerized by her, the soft swell of each breast held tight against her body and quivered and stretched attractively with every movement…and then he saw with hunger that a small silver bar pierced each of her erect pink nipples as well. Almost absentmindedly, she reached behind her with one arm, rummaging for something blindly on the floor behind the couch, so that her torso stretched and contorted deliciously, and the silver piercings glinted in the light. Suddenly, she stopped moving, smiled, and pulled her arm back, revealing a large pink dildo. Dan watched (He could do nothing else, after all), trying to ignore the desperate hunger in his lower belly, and the dull hot lead pain of blue balls that was radiating up from his scrotum, as she slid the toy tauntingly down her neck, chest, and hips, towards her wet slit.

Trixi started slow, tracing the toy around her sensitive lips with one hand while lightly rubbing her pierced nipples in the other for a while before she really slid it in and began to pick up speed. But Lexi’s pace never changed. It never slowed, never sped up, and it was as relentless as a metronome and as precise as a sniper, stopping at the last possible moment over and over as he helplessly watched Trixi fuck herself.

Unlike Cindi’s dressing room, there was no clock in here, but he guessed it was around the 40 minute mark when a desperate thought occurred to him, and he tried to speak as carefully as possible. “L…Lexi? Trixi? Am I allowed…Oh god…Am I allowed to ask a question that isn’t me asking to cum, without failing the test?” It was the first time he had spoken since the “test” had begun and his voice had mutated with desperate, hungry need, which his captors could hear even under the muffling effect of Trixi’s panties. She continued sliding the dildo in and out of herself as if Dan hadn’t spoken, making a rhythmic, soft wet sound, but then Dan heard Lexi’s quiet, confident, and husky voice down to his right. “Yes Daniel, you may.”

Dan swallowed, and spoke again. “If…Ahh ahhh ahhh…If I ask to cum…WILL you let me cum, before you turn on Mistress Mode for the week? IF I ask?” He was close to reaching the crest again, and he felt like he could hear Lexi’s sly smile in her voice as she responded, purring as her hands slid against him, “Now Daniel…what would be the fun in answering that question for you? Isn’t it soooo much more fun if we leave you to wonder? Although…there is one way to find out, Daniel. Would you like to find out? All it takes is one word Daniel.”
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Dan shut his eyes in frustration for a moment. Fuck. That definitely meant no. But…what if it didn’t? He let himself grow hopeful for several seconds as he contemplated his decision, but…no, he suddenly decided, he wasn’t going to be tricked that easily. They were going to have to do better than that. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, and then spoke, trying to sound confident, “No…No, thank you Lexi.”

Again, he heard the slight mischievous edge to Lexi’s tone as her hands devastatingly left his cock again, “Good boy Dan. Playing it safe. Very smart. Well, there’s always next week, if you change your mind about finding out.” A tear rolled down his cheek. He had never thought he would be able to feel this completely and utterly helpless. Over the course of the hour, Lexi brought Dan to the edge and back over 15 times, and he watched Trixi bring herself to a total of three gasping orgasms, gritting his teeth violently and using every spare iota of focus that he had to keep from screaming and pleading for release.
Last edited by subzerowriter on Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by subzerowriter »

When Dan’s hour was finally up, he was openly sobbing, each breath ragged, and every fiber of his body screaming with need. Trixi grabbed the remote, Dan heard a click, and suddenly the prison of metallic bands encircling his naked body slackened again. Dan had been limp with exhaustion and overstimulation, and without the structure holding him up, he collapsed against the chair. After a few moments, he began to recover slightly, catching his breath and calming his body, and he reached up to pull the panties from his face. Lexi stood up daintily next to him, and when she saw what he was doing, issued a strict, startlingly loud, tutting sound that made him lower his hands immediately.

Lexi shook her head disapprovingly, and then slid one bare knee onto the chair Dan was sitting in, pressing her leg against his hip so that her freckled perky breasts were almost exactly at Dan’s eye level. “WHAT EXACTLY do you think you are doing Daniel?” She looked down at him expectantly, her hands on her hips and her eyes flashing in brilliant anger, and he started to babble incoherently, terrified “I’m sorry Lexi, I thought…I thought since the test was done, I was supposed to take them off. I didn’t mean to break the rules, please Lexi, don’t be angry with me. Nobody told me the rules. Please…”

Lexi slid her knee farther forward, shifted her weight to it, and then lifted her other knee against his opposite hip, so that she was straddling his legs, his dribbling cock bouncing and twitching in front of her. Her brow furrowed slightly, as if she couldn’t believe what she had just heard, and she smiled incredulously as she said, “I’m sorry Daniel. It almost sounded like you were trying to blame us for your behavior. Is that what you were trying to do?”

Dan began to immediately babble an apology, but Lexi lifted a finger and pressed it to his mouth, cutting him off. When he fell quiet, Lexie dropped both hands to her skirt, and began to slide it sensuously up her thighs, first up to her crotch, and then even higher, pulling the entire circle of fabric up around her hips so that it sat in a crumpled ring of shimmery, black material around her toned, freckled tummy. Dan saw with stunned amazement that she was wearing no underwear, and that her pale, freckled mound, nestled beneath a manicured triangular tuft of fiery pubic hair, was less than three inches from the head of his cock.

“I’m glad you weren’t trying to blame the owners for your mistake Daniel. In fact, this leads perfectly into the final point of today’s orientation. Let’s talk about the Sunday Hearing, and our Formal Complaint policy.” She placed her hands against his his cheeks and squeezed, quite firmly pulling his gaze up and away from her pussy, and looked deeply into his eyes, “Do you want me to fuck you for a little while, Daniel? While we go over the last few points of your contract?” Dan looked at her trembling, and his voice was so hungry with need that his answer came out in almost a hiss, “Yesssssss, Oh Lexi pleassssse…That, that would be so wonderful…”

She smiled condescendingly at him, and slid down slightly so that the warmth of her swollen lips pressed down agains the tip of his dick, and she began to lightly rock her hips, moving her slit slowly against his cock head. “Good Dan. Very good. Then place your hands on the armrests and keep them there. You may move your hips against me, but you may not touch me in any other way, no matter what I do. I expect you to follow my lead: do not move faster than me under any circumstances. If you do not follow these instructions exactly, you will be punished with another hour of edging before you are sent home. Do you understand me Daniel? You don’t need to speak, a nod will suffice.”
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Dan nodded quickly and eagerly, moving his arms quickly against the armrest and waiting expectantly. Lexi let out a light chuckle for the first time at this pathetic, desperate display, and then with a wet sliding sound, lowered herself against him. Dan felt himself fill her, pressing deliciously against her slick inviting warmth, and he let out a quavering moan, desperately clutching at the armrests with all his strength, trying with every fiber of his being not to move.

She reached forward, plucking lightly at the base of Trixi’s panties against Dan’s throat, and began to lift them, and for a moment, Dan thought she was taking them off…but she stopped once she had fully revealed his mouth, folding the extra fabric over his nose and tucking the elastic band behind his ears, and snorted derisively at the ridiculous image of him this produced.

Then she flipped her hair out of her face in a wave of luscious embers, and slid her upper body against him, her breasts pressing deliciously into his firm, bound chest, and her arms sliding around his neck. Her emerald eyes sparkled at him from less than two inches away, and he breathed in her flowery, understated perfume. “Remember Daniel.” She whispered breathily as she batted her eyes innocently at him. “Be a good boy. I don’t want to have to punish you.” Then she pressed her mouth forward against his, tightened her arms around his neck, and moaned into his mouth, kissing him deeply.

It felt ridiculous and humiliating, but he kept his mouth slack, exactly as instructed, feeling like a catfish on a hook as he tried desperately to ignore every nerve in his body that was telling him to kiss her back, to grab and grope and her, to pull himself tight against her, to lift her off the chair as he fucked her violently and powerfully. He let out a trembling gasp as he felt her head turn slightly, her lips locking in a seal against his, sloppily kissing him, and then her tongue slid into his mouth before beginning to swirl and probe against him.

Her mouth was minty and cool, and her soft pillowy lips felt wonderful against his mouth. She licked and slurped at him wetly, letting their saliva dribble down his lips and chin, and on occasion, theatrically licking his face. As she did this, Lexi began to lift her hips off of him, sliding up his cock about 3 inches, and then slowly lowering herself again, keeping her torso pressed against him as she did so. The entire motion took almost 6 seconds, and Dan almost cried at how slowly she was moving. Permission to fuck her back didn’t mean much at this speed, and he was shaking with desperation.

Lexi kissed him like this for almost 5 minutes, slowly sliding up and down against him every 5 or 6 seconds with maddening precision. He moved against her when he felt it was safe, but it almost made the hunger worse. Then, apparently tired of her game, she released his face, licking her lips with satisfaction, and daintily wiping the corners of her mouth as he fell back, panting and dizzy, his mouth smeared and dripping with both of their saliva. He felt a strand of drool begin to drip down over his chin and trickle down his neck, and he opened his mouth to speak, croaking, “L-Lexi?”

“Yes Daniel?” Lexi responded, as she continued to grind slowly against his aching shaft. For one insane moment he considered asking her to speed up, and then wisely decided against it. “May….May I wipe off my face?” Lexi smiled widely now, revealing perfectly capped, beautiful, straight white teeth, and shook her head, almost pityingly. “No Daniel, you may not.” Then she slid her face forward again, but this time moved her mouth along his jawline, dragging her wet lips against his skin until they pressed up against his ear. He was panting loudly now, but he jumped slightly as he felt her nipple at the lobe of his ear, tugging at it playfully with her teeth, and then her mouth slid farther up, and her wet tongue began to swirl into his ear.

Lexi began to move slightly faster now, completing one full up and down every 2-3 seconds, and he moaned a bit more loudly now as he sped up in kind. His mind filled with the sound of her hot panting breath blasting down his ear cannel, the incredible sensation of her firm body pressed against his, and the wet slurping of her lips and tongue against his ear. Suddenly the tongue stopped, and Lexi began to speak, her husky voice slightly ragged now, and insanely, she began to go over the contract with him once more. “Alright Daniel, where were we? That’s right, the Sunday Hearing. Because Sunday represents both the end of your work week, and the end of a weekend with a specific performer, the day will culminate in a kind of Team Building Gathering/Judgement Hearing.”

She gasped and panted against him as she spoke, each word another blast of hot breath against his wet ear. “From 6pm to 11pm on Sunday Evening, you and all of the Tease Club owners will meet. After two hours of socializing, you will have your Control Ring removed at 9pm and the official hearing will begin. You will then have two hours to plead your case for which payment tier you deserve for the week, and then we will each vote on your performance at your job for the week, giving you a pass/fail grade.”

She giggled slightly into his ear, “Assuming you’re petitioning for Tier 1, sexual gratification, you’ll need to convince all five of us. Five pass votes are required for Tier 1. 4-3 pass votes gets you into Tier 2 though, Daniel. That means you’ll make $500 for the week! So that’s not so bad for a hard day’s work, even if you manage to piss one of us off, right?” Dan violently scrunched his eyes shut in frustration, at both the insane sex court and jury she was describing and at the sensations he was being flooded with. The idea of being paid for this blackmail sexual torture felt almost as humiliating as tonight’s insane ordeal, but he gritted his teeth and answered as respectfully as he could. “No Lexi, that’s incredibly generous of you all. Thank you so much.”

Lexi sped up again (Dan immediately did the same), and slurped hungrily at his ear as she continued, “Tier 3 is visual payment. That means you get to watch us perform for you, or on you, or on each other…but you don’t get to cum. Tier 3 usually lasts for 6-8 hours. That’s for if you get 2 pass votes or less. That’s for bad boys, Daniel. So make sure you stay on our good side, okay?” She sped up again, and now was actually fucking him. Every word she gasped into his ear filled him with fear, but that didn’t stop how she was making him feel. Looking over the curve of her back, he could see her perfect, round ass pistoning against him. He began pistoning himself now, gasping at the feeling of his lower belly slapping against hers wetly as they thrust together. He was beginning to feel the explosion building within him again, his breath shortening, and his scrotum began to tighten against the damned rubber ring wrapped around it once more.

Suddenly, at the lowest moment of his thrust, Dan heard a click, and with horror, felt the bands wrapped around his body harden against him once more. He opened his eyes to see Trixi grinning slyly at him, standing silently behind Lexi, the remote control in her left hand. She was leaning back against the bizarre, bondage dentist’s chair, and had removed her skirt now, so that she was wearing only her grey knit cap, glasses, and Doc Martins. She held her right index finger against her purple lips in a gesture warning for silence, and then she slid her hand down to her shaven pussy. She began to theatrically touch herself, and Dan almost cried in frustration at losing the little freedom of movement he had had.

Lexi acted as though absolutely nothing had happened, however, (although Dan noticed that she slowed her movement against him significantly) and continued her overview. “Now. This last one is very important Daniel, so please pay very close attention.” she breathed into his ear, “As our Practice Coach, you represent The Tease Club at all times. You must never sow unrest, disillusion, gossip, or false accusations among the group. However, we also take your comfort and safety very seriously, and want you to feel comfortable telling us if you feel like something unfair is happening, or one of us is bulling you.”

“Therefore, if you are ever, under any circumstances, found to have said something negative or accusatory about any of the Tease owners in any way, this will be considered a Formal Complaint against the company, and we will hold a tribunal during the Sunday Hearing to assess it’s validity, and determine if you’ve been wronged.” She giggled, and pulled back from his ear, holding herself up by pressing her hands against his chest as she continued to grind against him, her breasts bouncing perkily as he sat there, frozen, and longing hungrily to return the favor.

“Now keep in mind Daniel. These tribunals take time and energy, and if you begin throwing around baseless accusations every day, that’s going to have quite an effect on how many owners vote for you to pass on Sunday night. So be very…very…careful with what you say about us to each other, alright Daniel?” Dan nodded weakly, and Lexi smiled. “Very good Daniel! I think that is all of the pertinent information I had for you this evening. I think you’ve earned a reward for paying such good attention, don’t you Daniel?”

Dan felt hope leap into his throat, and he nodded hungrily, “Yes Lexi, oh my god, a reward would be so wonderful, thank you for being so generous.” She smiled, sliding down against his cock so that he was in to the hilt, her lips pressing against the steel half of the Control Ring, and she slid her arms around his neck and her upper body against his once more. “Fuck me Daniel.” She whispered, pressing her freckled nose against his and looking deeply into his eyes with sparkling emerald irises. “You have 20 minutes left in your shift. I give you permission to cum. You may use the full freedom of your hips. Go as fast as you want. If you cum, Trixi will hit the override, it will be considered a permitted orgasm. You were a good boy, you earned it.” Dan looked at her helplessly, completely unable to move, and he heard Trixi snort loudly from the other side of the room.
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Lexie acted as though she didn’t hear her, and furrowed her eyebrows slightly, in a slightly mocking expression of concern. “What’s wrong Daniel?” she asked, “I thought you would be so excited! Why aren’t you moving?” She wiggled her hips against him invitingly, and looked at him carefully, asking teasingly, “Is there something you want to say, Daniel? Is something the matter?”

He could see Trixi’s naked pale figure over Lexie’s shoulder, touching herself and giggling as she watched Dan’s predicament. Then the final words of Lexi’s contract overview flooded back to him: “Be very…very…careful with what you say to us about each other.” Oh god, he thought despairingly, these women always seemed to be six steps ahead of him with their fucking head games. He closed his eyes, taking a deep steadying breath, and then opened them again, trying to sound as calm as possible as he said. “No…No Lexi, nothing’s wrong. I…I just, I’m tired…I guess, and I need a minute to catch my breath. I’m so sorry, Lexi is that ok?”

Lexi rolled her eyes slightly, but smiled and said, “Ahhhh, I see…I’m sorry Daniel, are we wearing the old man out? I suppose we don’t want you to faint again, do we? That’s alright Daniel, you just lie there and relax while I play with you. But don’t rest too long. There are less than 20 minutes left on my offer, remember?” Before he could respond, she slid her mouth forward against his and began kissing him once more, her tongue sliding in and out of his loose mouth as he felt her hard nipples rub against his chest. After a minute or so of this, she began sliding up and down against him again, although very slowly, and he lay there, trapped and desperate, as she wriggled against him.

Suddenly, he heard another click, and felt the bands loosen against his body again, and he opened his eyes in time to see Trixi lift her hand from her wet slit and theatrically blow a kiss at him. He almost cried with gratitude and began humping against Lexie. She loosened her lips from his, pulling back and laughing a little, startled at his ferocity. His hips lifted them both forcefully off the chair, causing her fiery hair to bounce behind her like a halo as he thrust up and into her. He took her at her word to go as fast as he wanted, and within minutes he was beginning to build towards climax. However, again, during the lowest point of the thrust of his hips, he heard that fucking click, and the bands froze against him once more. Lexi never stopped moving, but she slowed down significantly once more, her hips continuing to move methodically (but far to slow to tip him over the edge), and she slid against his neck once more, slurping and gasping against his ear.

Trixi continued this game for the rest of his shift, giving him 1 minute of freedom, maybe 2, again and again, over and over, before snatching it away again with a click of the remote, usually right when he was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. He stared at her pleadingly, silently, tears rolling down his face as Lexi switched to his other ear and continued to slurp and lick at him, grinding maddeningly slowly against his helpless cock. But Trixi showed no more mercy than Cindi had, and after a few more rounds of her game, a timer on the worktable beeped, signaling that it was 9pm, and Dan Green’s first shift as The Tease’s newest official team member had ended.

The Exoskeleton had been frozen when the timer beeped, and remained so as Lexi slid off of him with one final, delicious wet glide, causing Dan to gasp in a bizarre combination of agony and ecstasy, his hungry cock slick with her juices and tingling in the cool air. Then he watched, bug eyed, as she pulled her skirt back down over her hips, ass, and crotch, and began to gather her things, as if she had just ended an absolutely mundane and unimportant business meeting.

She slid her jacket up and over her shoulders smoothly, and buttoned the front, turning to Trixi as she did so. “Trixi darling, I’m so sorry to hit and run like this…I didn’t want to miss your first shift, (I know how you worry, but you did wonderfully, sweetheart) but I have an important client waiting for me across town at 9:30. I need to catch a cab as soon as humanly possible. Would you be alright with finishing things up here? The rest of the girls are just next door if you need anything.” Trixi grinned warmly, clearly greatly pleased by the praise, and shooed her away, “Lex, thank you so much for being here- It meant a lot to me, you know how nervous I get around the new ones.” She looked at Dan, and her eyes sparkled, “But Dan’s not new anymore! I can tell we’re going to get along great. Go do your thing, I got it from here.”

Lexi took one final look at Dan, his eyes crazed, his hair sticking out in wild tufts from the panties obscuring half his face, his chin gleaming with drool, and his cock twitching and dribbling, and she snorted. “Goodbye Daniel. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Then she slid out the door, clicking it shut behind her, and the instant she was gone, Trixi spun to look at him, beaming. “Dan, I think momma Lex is PROUD of me. Oh my god, that went sooooo well! You have no idea how lucky you are, she really is the best. Ok, so I’m gonna grab your stuff, take off the Control Ring and then bounce, Dan. I’ll release you once I’m back in the main room ok? Just leave the Exoskeleton on the workbench before you go.” Her eyes narrowed for a second and she spoke sternly for the first time to him, “And it better be in wonderful shape when I come check on it later, okay Dan? PLEASE be careful with my equipment.”

She strutted over to the couch and gathered his shoes and pants, and then started to walk back over…but stopped for a moment, as if in sudden, deep thought. Then a sly smile that terrified Dan to his core crossed her face, and she slid down on the floor at Dan’s feet, his things in her lap. She looked up at him, her dark eyes laughing beneath her large black glasses in a way that reminded him startlingly of Cindi, and as she adjusted the boxy frames with one hand, she asked in an innocent voice, “Hey Dan? Could I ask you, like…a super huge favor? It would really mean a lot to me.” Dan closed his eyes and tried to hold back tears. Fuck. What now? His cock was still twitching, covered with Lexi’s juices, and the air wafting against his member was infuriating. He couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of here, speed home and spend the rest of the night jacking off. Then he took a deep breath, and responded, “Of course Trixi, I would do anything for you.”

Trixi’s smile widened even further somehow, and her eyes sparkled again. “Oh my god Dan, that’s so sweet! I’m seriously just so excited that all of my equipment worked so well today. I was really worried about it, ESPECIALLY in front of Lexi! The guy before you, Louie and I did come up with the Control Ring together like Lexi said, but…he disappeared like RIGHT after we finished it. It was so devastating, I really was having fun working on all this stuff with him.”

She slid her hand against his knee, and stroked the skin lightly, looking down as if in embarrassment at her request. “I just…would you keep the Control Ring on for me, just for tonight? I really just want to make sure I got everything right. It would let me run a diagnostic later, and check on a few final things…and it could just be our little secret right? I don’t want the other girls to know I’m still worrying about this. I feel silly but…you don’t mind, right Dan?”
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She looked back up at him, batting her eyes, and Dan looked back at her, horrified. The rest of the night? He opened his mouth and his voice croaked, pleading, “Trixi…I-I, please don’t…please don’t ask me…” and her face hardened. “Really Dan? It’s that big a deal to you to spurt, RIGHT this second? I just told you how important this was to me, and about how nervous I am about impressing the rest of the owners! I mean, I thought you were a nice guy, but even if you weren’t, I figured you’d at least think it was the smart play to try to stay on my good side.” She waited, expectantly, and Dan closed his eyes again, a tear rolling down his face. “No, no you’re right, Trixi, of course. Of course that would be fine, I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Her face softened immediately, and she smiled as if this was incredibly sweet of him, “Oh good Dan! I’m so glad! I knew you were a nice guy.” Then she slid her hand back off of his knee and into the pocket of his khakis, producing his iPhone. She looked back up at him. “I need to sync the bluetooth so I can check on some stuff later, ok? What’s your password, Dan?” Dan stifled another sob. He was shocked at how effectively these women were finding their way into every part of him. He told her, resigned to his fate, and when she asked for his Apple Id information as well, even though the reason she gave for needing it made no sense, he told her that too. He was still holding out hope that there would be a weak link in this chain, but it clearly wasn’t Trixi.

She smiled sweetly at him one final time, satisfied, and then she placed his things in his lap against his desperate erection, leaned forward, and planted a soft, intimate kiss on his forehead. “Thank you so much for tonight Dan. I had a wonderful time and learned so much. I’ll see you again soon, ok?” Then she walked out the door, her bare pale cheeks gleaming in the light, her pigtails bouncing, and her Doc Martin’s clomping against the linoleum, leaving him, waiting to be freed so he could get dressed, go home, and take the longest cold shower of his life.

To be continued soon...

If you made it to the end and like what you read, please let me know! Again, knowing that people are enjoying this stuff is a big motivator in writing, and I’m always interested in constructive feedback. Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be coming soon (unlike poor Dan!)
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by hj9k1 »

subzerowriter wrote: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:31 am To be continued soon...

If you made it to the end and like what you read, please let me know! Again, knowing that people are enjoying this stuff is a big motivator in writing, and I’m always interested in constructive feedback. Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be coming soon (unlike poor Dan!)
This is great, I love it! :blush: :w00t:

Some feedback on the writing:
Spoiler: show
Overall VERY well written!

Here are some small things I ran into:

The name "Sarah" appears at one point in the story, as I understand that is a previous name for "Cindi"?

Who is "Krista", is that Destiny? I'm guessing a draft name left behind, because it's a name that suddenly shows up and then never returns?

Some of the names seem to vary for no reason: "Lexie" vs "Lexi" and "Trixie" vs "Trixi". For these, it's not at all unclear who is who, but I still found it slightly distracting while reading as it's just spelling variations.
Dan vs Daniel serves a purpose, Lexi vs Lexie does not seem to serve any purpose (but it makes me start to wonder whether I'm just imagining that it was spelled differently a moment ago).

"he felt her nipple at the lobe of his ear, tugging at it playfully with her teeth" surely should be "nibble"?

"ear cannel" should be "ear canal"

"bulling" should be "bullying"
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by subzerowriter »

Thank you so much for the feedback! It sounds like I missed a few of those name changes while I was editing and proofreading: Thanks for pointing it out. I'll try to be more careful about that before posting the next one. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for reading!
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by KittyZateez »

Giggling to myself after reading hj9k1's feedback...

I'm afraid I must confess to having some small influence over subzerowriter's story in this case. I am to blame for some of the name changes, I proposed some alternate spellings for the girl character's names, perhaps a larger change for one or two of them as well, but it seems he may have missed a few of them in his edits. And for some reason he was more than happy to oblige me, although for the life of me I can't seem to figure out why...

In any case, for those of you who have read this story, our new friend subzero does have more chapters coming, and to let you all in on a little secret, he and I are currently working on a spinoff story to his work, very much in the vein of my KCTC (Kitty's CockTease Club) erotic fantasy stories. It may even have a character directly from some of my KCTC work!

Anyway, I wanted to acknowledge subz's work again and warmly thank him for his efforts. There may even be other forms of mutual appreciation going on behind closed doors between us, but who knows...a girl never kisses and tells!

Take care boys, and stick around, there's more Tease Toy Orientation stuff coming and a new storyline from the both of us in the works as well!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:

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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by subzerowriter »

What the wonderful Miss Kitty says is very true...she HAS had a big of an influence on some name changes in my series...I just can't seem to not give in when it comes to what she wants. She's very persuasive :-) (On top of that, it doesn't hurt that she's usually right :-P "Cin"di is a great name for the girl to take down my religiously repressed protagonist, and Dominique is honestly 50 times better than Krista).

If I missed any of the name changes in my proofreading, apologies, sometimes when Miss Kitty and I are talking I have a hard time focusing and keeping a clear head. But I've gone back and tried to fix most of the one's I missed on the first go around, and will continue doing so as I keep publishing.

And speaking of teases, Miss Kitty just teased a very exciting announcement! As she said we are collaborating on a project we're both very excited about, and which we'll start publishing soon! It's a bit of a cross-over of sorts between Dan Green and the ladies of Kitty's CockTease Club (If you're not familiar with KittyZateez and her work, I STRONGLY recommend you check out her KCTC series, all of which is available on the Milovana story forum).

Miss Kitty, thank you so much for your warm words, and of course for this little visual token to remember you by... :blush: I am, as always, a bit red faced and butterfly stomached in your presence.

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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by hj9k1 »

Cool, looking forward to seeing more of this, as well as your collaboration!

The name changes seem good to me as well, there were just some inconsistencies introduced in the process.
If you are fixing that, that sounds great to me!

subzerowriter wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:21 am sometimes when Miss Kitty and I are talking I have a hard time focusing and keeping a clear head.
Uhuh :lol:
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by derickbadman »


i had some time on the weekend and today (at work) to read through Tease Toy Orientation 1-3. I have to say that i was really blown away. I had a throbbing hard cock all the way from the beginning to the end of the stories. It was so nicely and visually written, that even though some words were new to me (not my mother tongue), i did understand everything. Sometimes it felt like the reader gets put in the same predicament as Dan :-D .
Really loved it. Can´t wait for the next part.
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 1 of 6: The Contract

Post by Milov08 »

Hi everyone!

I dont usually participate in chats but this time totally deserve it. I read the 'Tease Club' 2 days ago and was really inmersive. I love the plot, and where the story is going with this first chapter of the new series. Please go on with more, your work is awesome! ^^

I love the idea of putting in place a "jerk" like Dan and how Cindi control his live now. Eager to reaa more of this.
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