Sam's CockTease Therapy - Part 3

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Sam's CockTease Therapy - Part 3

Post by KittyZateez »

Sam had watched Vivi tantalize the smart guy in their Political Science class repeatedly before turning up the heat to boiling one last time - and it really seemed like she had an obvious scheme in mind on that particular day. And sure enough, after class, Sam watched her approach him in the hallway in a particularly seductive outfit and proposition him to be her tutor.

After that, Sam noticed her answering more questions and doing better on tests. And before she coaxed the smart guy to help her, the professor had always been criticizing her for not doing her homework, telling her to work harder and turn it in on time. But now she had been acing all her homework assignments...

Meanwhile, the guy she had teased over and over in class seemed to be getting some ongoing attention from her, although not quite like when she first set her sights on him. Sam noticed her flirting with him a little, before and after class mainly, and it was obvious how he kinda followed her around like a puppy, wanting her attention, waiting patiently for it but not always getting it.

It wasn't like he was her boyfriend though; the dynamic was different, and there was something else going on that Sam couldn't quite figure out...

Somehow, she seemed to be able to attract this guy to her but then kind of ignore him when he went to her. She really seemed to have a mastery of keeping him dangling from her string like that, and she even enjoyed showing off her power over him in front of all her pretty female friends. She'd flirt with him while they watched, and she'd make him do things for her - like follow her around and carry her books - and they'd all just giggle and whisper to each other as she openly manipulated him.

It was absolutely fascinating to watch how totally in charge she was, bossing him around and just generally flaunting the fact that she had him completely wrapped around her little finger. But the most appealing thing about it was the way she did it with such sweetness; Sam had simply never seen anything like it!

Sam started to realize that she was actually dominating him in a way, making him do her bidding, but the way she was doing it with such affection and feminine charm was completely new and wonderfully exciting to watch...

I mean, he had certainly heard of women who like to dominate men, and he did have certain sexual fantasies it. But what he had seen had always been through pain, degradation and humiliation, and that didn't appeal to him. He saw porn videos of cruel Dominatrixes tying up men and whipping them or calling them vile names, and it had all been very repulsive to him. But this, watching Vivi just completely slay this poor guy with the utmost sweetness and seductive sex appeal, THIS was something else entirely!

How embarrassing it must be, Sam thought, as this hot girl controlled this helpless guy in front of all her friends, but he also realized that the sticky-sweet attention this guy was getting from her must have been absolutely wonderful. Just being given little bits of girly tenderness from this unbelievably sexy babe must have been worth putting up with all of her controlling, manipulative games...

Meanwhile, Sam's infatuation with Vivi continued and intensified as he watched her toy with that guy. She was constantly on Sam's mind and in his fantasies, and since he hadn't been dating anyone after his girlfriends in freshman year, he played with himself several times a day while he fantasized about her. He had never been so horny, and it was all because he found himself so much more turned on than he ever was before. And it was all due to HER!


He imagined what it would be like if she was his girlfriend, how it would feel to have her tease him just like she was teasing that student. He loved to think about taking her out on dates, fantasizing about how she'd dress up really sexy and show herself off for him. He daydreamed about how wonderful it would be to just get closer to her - to be allowed the privilege of being around her in any capacity...

And somehow, seeing her make that pitiful guy do things for her excited him; the more Sam thought about it, the more he started to want to do things for her too, and he knew he would do anything she wanted just for the slightest bit of personal attention from this lovely sex kitten. He had really become quite obsessed with her already, and before long he found himself in a position where things were going to get even hotter for him...

Anyway, Sam started to notice that she was really struggling in Calculus. They had that class together too, and that was one subject he knew well, but it was clear that she was having a hard time. He knew that the "dumb blonde" routine she had put on in their Political Science class was kind of a joke, because she was clearly smarter than she wanted people to think and she had started to do better after getting that guy to help her.

But with advanced mathematics, she didn't have to put on an act, it was genuinely quite challenging, even for Sam. Soon though, with some effort on his part, he was doing well in the class, and he didn't know it yet but before long he would find himself in the same situation as that other guy...

After a few classes where he answered some challenging questions, Vivi had started to notice that he was an excellent student. He had been working hard and studying a lot; getting good grades was an obvious goal, but deep down he desperately wanted her to tease him and treat him just like she treated that other guy...and maybe if he showed how good a student he was she would take notice.

And then, one day, after he solved a complex problem up in front of the class, he saw Vivi smiling at him as he strode back to his seat. He could feel his face flushing as she continued staring at him, her deep green eyes burrowing into the depths of his was like he could feel her mind working, scheming up a salacious little plan. And suddenly, just like that, she started working her charms on him.

She had on a tight white angora tank top and white jean short shorts that day, not exactly one of her most wildly enticing outfits, but pretty revealing and still quite suitable for purposes of teasing. The white color, especially the soft angora, gave her an almost angel-like appearance that Sam found very alluring. She had also just gotten some light, almost pure-white highlights put in her golden blonde hair, which added to her angelic image. She really did look quite lovely!

He watched as she crossed one of her sexy legs over the other, just like he had seen her do a hundred times before, but this time she was doing it for HIM. He noticed her sheer, silky tan-colored pantyhose as his eyes moved downward to the familiar pair of white high-heeled open-toed strappy sandals she had on.

He had seen her wear sexy stripper-style heels before, in fact those kinds of shoes seemed to the only kinds she wore! These white ones wasn't one of her wildest pairs, but they were plenty sexy and they matched her rather toned down look (toned down for HER at least) quite well. Bouncy bouncy went her pretty foot, with her shiny red toenails clearly visible under her sheer hose, and the sparkly silver anklet she had wrapped around her ankle twinkled in the bright classroom lights...

He was transfixed for a moment, focusing on her sexy shoe bouncing up and down and suddenly he glanced up and saw her staring at him with a big knowing smile on her face. Her hands reached down and rubbed slowly down her fleshy, wonderfully tanned and toned leg, and she used her red-nailed fingers to gently adjust her foot in that oh-so-sexy shoe. All the while she held his gaze, and he could feel his face flushing even more. His eyes were simply unable to tear themselves away from her penetrating stare.

But then she looked down as she fussed over her shoe some more, and it was like she was giving him permission to stare at it too, so he did. It was magical, watching her adjust her shoe like that, and she pushed it gently onto her foot some more, slipping it farther into the vamp and toying with the ankle strap as he stared and felt his breath quickening...

After watching her do this same routine to the other guy, he was in heaven having her do it to him, and his cock started responding, much to his embarrassment.

Despite his uneasiness though, there was an irresistible and familiar sweetness to the way she was luring him that relaxed him somehow. After all, he had already seen her do the exact same thing to the other guy! The way she was smiling so warmly at him as she spun her web around him was just plain beguiling. He had fantasized for months about having her tease him like this, and as she continued to showcase herself for him it was like a dream come true!

After tightening her shoe on that pretty, dainty foot of hers, she let her hands glide slowly back up her leg and she began bouncing her shoe up and down some more before looking back into his eyes to be sure he was watching. Yes....he was!

And as the class proceeded, she alternated between paying attention to the professor and watching Sam as she absent-mindedly toyed with a lock of her silky blonde hair, twirling it playfully around her slender feminine finger as she continued to casually bounce her sexy spike heel up and down. Those two actions were starting to become some of her teasing trademarks...

Before long, Sam had a serious erection going on in his pants, and without thinking his hand fell down to his crotch and started squeezing his bulge. Before he knew what was happening, he heard a sweet-sounding giggle and he looked to one side and realized that two of Vivi's pretty friends had been watching her tease him, and now they had seen him mindlessly touching himself.

His face turned so red he thought he would start to bleed out his eyes! His embarrassment was unlike anything he had ever felt as he looked at Vivi again and she stared back at him, cracking into the biggest smile ever, and she stifled a laugh, snickering as the other girls whispered to each other. But Vivi just rubbed her sexy-nailed fingers down her long fleshy leg again, and Sam stared in fascination, suddenly feeling an almost out of body experience.

She was toying with him and he knew it. But at that moment he didn't care about anything else going on in the room, or on the planet, for that matter...all he wanted to do was just ogle Vivi as she continued to string him along, leading him right where she wanted him to go, right where she was going to take him. And he was more than willing to let her.

As the class continued, Vivi slowly and methodically wrapped him completely around her little finger with a simply brazen display of her ultra-feminine sex appeal, and Sam was absolutely transfixed as she cast her spell upon him. His erection throbbed in his pants as she proceeded and there wasn't a single thing he could do about it!

Then, as the class wound down, he realized he would have to stand up and walk out of there while trying to hide his...excitement, so to speak. Vivi knew full well what she was doing to him too, and at one point her eyes glanced downwards at his crotch to be sure. She smirked at the sight of his arousal as she took a deep breath and stuck her chest out a little, showing off those fabulous breasts of hers.

After the bell rang, Sam picked up his books and held them in front of his pants as he stood up, managing to hide his erection but looking pretty awkward doing it. His face was beet red as he slunk out into the hallway, thinking he could get away, figuring he could run to the boys room and "take care" of his little problem.

But no...he should have known better, because Vivi was standing in the hallway waiting for him. She smiled as she caught his eye and approached him right away, making it clear there would be no escape. Oh, the wonderful symbolism of that simple act!

Sam noticed her posse of friends nearby, all of them looking on intently. For a moment he just panicked; he wanted to run and hide but he also knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for all semester. She was giving HIM her attention now and he instantly realized that there was nowhere else he'd rather be.

He felt completely helpless and paralyzed as this gorgeous girl approached him, and his eyes locked in on hers, her gaze instantly captivating him again. Her breasts jiggled gently as she pranced along in her high heels, and she was purposely taking short little bouncy steps, swaying her hips side to side in a very feminine way. He had seen this little show-off routine before, but this time was different. This time she was doing it completely on purpose...and doing it just for HIM.


"Hi there, I'm Vivi!" she said in that sweet voice of hers, smiling warmly as she came toward him with an effortless confidence, holding out her hand. Those long, slender fingers and nails of hers were pointing downward, looking oh-so-kissable. He looked down at them and marveled at their elegant feminine appearance...

He didn't speak at first as he took her hand and felt the softness of her fingers for just a moment. She moved her hand (with his hand attached) toward his face like she was gonna make him kiss it, but as it got closer she gently but abruptly took it away from him.

"S-Sam", he stuttered, instantly feeling wildly nervous trying to actually talk to her. He had built her up in his mind as his most erotic sexual fantasy, so finally just being around her in person, interacting with her in real life was completely overwhelming. And of course, right away he was also feeling very much overpowered by her controlling behavior.

"Well hello there, S-Sam," she said with a wink, enjoying his nervousness and mocking his stuttering response a little, just for fun. After a brief pause she asked tentatively, "Could I talk to you about something?" Her confidence suddenly giving way to a disarming, innocent uncertainty that had Sam reeling.

"Sure..." he said, somehow glad all he had to do was give was a one-word answer, because just being close to this stunning goddess he had admired for so long was driving him wild. He was already completely turned on, and with her right in front of him now he was completely tongue-tied - and she knew it!

She smiled sweetly as she leaned up against the wall before continuing, weaving her spell around him some more as she held her books up against her chest with both arms. She paused for a moment before continuing, holding his gaze as she led him along into her trap, letting her cleavage heave up out of her low-cut furry white tank top.

Then she calmly said how she had noticed that he seemed to be good at math, explaining that she was really struggling and could use some help. Oh, the sweet innocent tone of voice she used; it was so wonderfully appealing! Sam knew it was an act but he loved it anyway. It was like she was a helpless maiden, a damsel in distress, and she wanted her knight in shining armor to come and help her. Who was Sam to deny her?

Now then...he had already seen almost the exact same routine before, since he had watched her work her magic on that other guy, and he knew where this was headed. But he didn't care, it was as though he would do anything for the attentions of this sexy girl, and somehow knowing he had something to offer her, anything at all, was incredibly exciting.

He tried to play it cool as she slowly approached the topic of having him help her as a tutor in the class; and his heart pounded as his breath got shallow while his eyes danced from place to place all over every inch of her. She seemed to know that, and she casually served up little visual treats as she continued her enticement of him.

She swayed her upper body from side to side as she chatted him up, letting her big breasts jiggle just a little, and she twirled a soft lock of her silky blonde hair between two of her gorgeous long-nailed fingers some more, like she had done in class earlier. She also shifted her weight from one foot to the other, throwing her hips out to one side with an abrupt motion that bounced her boobs up and down a little...

Sam just stood there, completely overwhelmed by the stunning flirtations and deliciously feminine presentation of this simply fabulous young woman...he was HERS to do with as she pleased and both of them knew it!

Of course, being true to form she took her sweet time as she slowly led him right where she wanted him to go, making suggestive flirty little compliments, buttering him up with false admiration for his intellect. And then she finally rested her hand on his arm as she giggled playfully and hesitantly proposed that he be her tutor. Her tone of voice was so irresistible as she asked, and her touch sent chills through his body. He took a sudden breath in and realized it was full of her sexy perfume...

No sooner did the words finish coming out of her mouth, than he instantly blurted out that he would be happy to help her. Her stunning green eyes twinkled with excitement as her face lit up, and she smiled broadly at his immediate acceptance. She had him now...and she knew it!

So then she slowly reached out and put her long red fingernails onto his wrist, playfully walky-walking them one over the other up his arm as she showed her appreciation. He watched this incredible sight fervently, and his body tingled all over in response to the simple but sensual touch of this fabulous temptress.

"Great!" she said sweetly, proceeding to make a very suggestive reference to her intentions. "I'm afraid I can't pay you anything, but maybe we can work something out to make it worth your while...I mean, I really do appreciate it so maybe we could spend some time together at my place while I figure out a way to repay you! Or perhaps..." and she paused, tickling his chin with one of those gorgeous shiny crimson fingernails, "you might like to take me out sometime...yeah??"

And as she ended her sentence, she put those sexy red nails attached to the slender fingers of one her sensuous hands right onto his jawbone, looking at him intently and pausing for a moment. Then she let them glide up over his cheek, then back down onto his neck and over his shoulder, down the length of his arm and over his hand. She swirled them around in a flirty zigzag pattern as she went down and then she paused them for a moment, leaving them resting on his hand briefly before pulling them away, letting them glide off the ends of his fingers.

The sensation of her doing that, blatantly tantalizing his face and body like that was mind-blowing, and Sam's knees went weak for a moment as her stimulation bounced around his body like electricity. He couldn't respond to her suggestive comment, it was so provocative and it was accompanied by such deliciously erotic titillation, he was just stunned and simply going out of his mind in response to her sensuous advances...

She took a step back, taking her books away from her chest and inhaling slowly, saying "Why don't you come over tonight and we can get started? My roommates are going out and we'll have the place all to ourselves!" And she threw her shoulders back slowly but noticeably, pushing out those big firm titties for him.

The way she stuck her chest out was an open invitation to look, and Sam couldn't help himself as he glanced down at her perfectly round globes. She had done it completely on purpose, and she giggled as she slowly swayed them side to side just a bit for him, once again bewitching him with her completely overwhelming femininity. His eyes just focused in on her tits, helpless to resist as she blatantly teased him for a few more luscious moments.

She smiled broadly at him now as he looked back up into her eyes, knowing full well how suggestive her proposition was and being fully aware of what she was doing to him. She just glared at him knowingly then, keeping him dangling for a few moments longer before suddenly relenting and giving him her phone number, telling him to shoot her a text.

Sam obeyed her like a robot; he was simply going out of his mind and he would have given her the world at that moment if she asked for it...his fingers were barely able to properly type a quick message into his phone and touch the send button!

And with that, she gave him a playful wink and leaned in close, saying "See ya tonight..." with the most incredible sticky-sweet girly tone of voice Sam had ever heard. Her seductive perfume absolutely clobbered his senses as he inhaled sharply, and she pulled away from him and spun around on her high heels.

Sam's heart pounded as she left him standing there, and he watched her from behind as she strutted away from him. Her lovely, long blonde hair flounced around, looking so pretty as it fell down her back, swishing back and forth. His eyes moved slowly down her body, focusing on her hot little bottom in those skin-tight short shorts, and then they went lower, all the way down her long pantyhose-covered legs to those dainty sky-high open-toed high heels.

As she paraded farther away from him, she put on quite the little show too of course, taking those tiny little mincing steps he had seen her do in class a few times, wiggling her butt and swaying her hips side to side in a very exaggerated fashion. And right before she went around the corner and disappeared from his view, she tossed her hair to one side, looked back at him and gave him a flirty wave with a few of her slender fingers.

Sam stared at the place where she had disappeared for a moment, simply blown away and frozen in place by the whole ordeal. But then he looked to the side and there was Vivi's posse of pretty girls, staring at him in amazement as they took in every detail of his reaction to her fabulously seductive demonstration. His face turned beet red as they giggled and pointed at him, and a few of them whispered to each other before they scattered in different directions, leaving him standing there in state of hyper-arousal...



Ooo YES boys, as you've observed, this has been a wonderfully slow buildup, and now we're finally getting into the main part of the fun and games! But Vivi still has big plans for our helpless little Sam, and she's gonna keep turning on the charms until she gets everything she wants...stay tuned my dearies, much more to come!

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Re: Sam's CockTease Therapy - Part 3

Post by yourstotease »

OH wow Miss Kitty, ViVi sounds like such a fantastic tease... just like someone else we know. Your stories always have me on the edge of my seat.
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Re: Sam's CockTease Therapy - Part 3

Post by greg_sub »

What a fabulous build up You have made Miss Kitty, I suspect that I am not alone in avidly reading this instalment, imagining myself in Sam's place, and eager to be enticed into Vivi's lair of erotic enslavement.

Thank You for another instalment Miss Kitty, I love it!
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Re: Sam's CockTease Therapy - Part 3

Post by Olii »

Thank you for posting stories again Miss Kitty, can't wait how the story of lucky Sam ends :love: :love: It's so hot :love:
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