Sorority: My Slow Recovery

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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
Posts: 316
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:44 am
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Open to new ideas!
I am a: Switch
Dom/me(s): Not currently serving a Superior. I'd love to negotiate a contract to encourage my writing, as I've done in the past.
Any genuine females interested?
Location: Portland OR

Sorority: My Slow Recovery

Post by micheleFFS »

My Slow Recovery

Alexa, the nurse, though very attractive, made sure her visits were anything but erotic. She wore loose-fitting scrubs and had me tug down my pants and panties, inspecting my inflamed ass hole. She visually inspected my cage daily. I was supplied with salve and a few pair of latex gloves for self-application.

Healing from my ordeal took eight days. Alexa informed the Sorority, and my first sexual service shift came several days later, a Wednesday afternoon. Naked, unlocked at last, I took my place Below Stairs. Talissa and Bethie industriously wanked, anticipating serving one of the Sisters. They welcomed me back, without asking questions. During my penance, I’d met all the Auxiliaries from time to time and they understood that I must remain silent about my offense. No doubt they speculated.

Both boys sported healthy, stiff erections. I picked up a copy of Sub Men magazine I’d never seen before, reading a luridly illustrated story of a young corporate executive tricked into submitting to his beautiful, unapproachable boss. Excited to play with myself for the first time in months, I rolled my tip between my thumb and forefinger, squeezed the shaft, waved it about and even lightly slapped it. No response. My penis remained as limp as if I’d just taken a cold shower.

I tried various grips, pressure, rates and locations, all to no avail. I switched to a video.

Bethie looked at me with some surprise. Talissa said, “I’d have thought you’d stand right up after such a long deprivation.”

I sighed. “They kept me in a new type of chastity. It hurts a lot if you try to get it up. Plus there’s a harsher version that they won’t even allow on your shaft for more than a few minutes. Basically, they conditioned me not to get hard.” I gulped. “I hope I can overcome it fast.”

Their eyes widened. “I hope it never happens to me,” Bethie said fervently. Talissa nodded agreement. Bethany looked at me sympathetically, but I’m pretty sure he snickered as he turned his attention back to a magazine, pumping himself.

Not long after that, Angela entered and beckoned to Talissa. She glanced at me and said, “Not hard yet, Jenny? Maybe your punishment will never end.” She grasped Talissa by his stiffie. “I can only use a nice hard one,” she said, leading him out of the room.

Talissa came back after about an hour and recounted a routine ball twisting, cunt-licking and cock teasing shift. Failing to fully hide my disappointment and envy, I nevertheless complimented him on his good time.

Over the evening, a couple of other servants came and went. I heard several reports of others’ pleasure. My own cock remained unresponsive, however.

So it went for a couple of weeks. I gave a few rubdowns and other ordinary services, but no touches to breasts or asses, let alone pussies.

As usual, there were high and low points, if you want to call them that. During most of my shifts, Dorothea and Doris came Below Stairs to tease me about my impotence. Other Auxiliaries, chosen to provide pleasure by other Sisters, often slid their eyes to my shrimp, but refrained from outright teasing. The high points were when the Auxiliaries returned from their various services. Their descriptions of spankings, of massages and orgasms, and even of having their balls busted or dicks slapped fed my erotic imagination, but left me limp and pliable. Not very high points.

Low points came nearly daily. None of the Superiors I’d served most frequently paid me any more attention than they had during my punishment. Fairly often, I saw Veronica, Marci, Penelope or Elena in the halls. I tried unsuccessfully to catch their eyes. Samantha ignored me, Marci always quickly averted her gaze, and Vanessa usually turned away with a sneer. Elena glanced my way, but neither smiled nor spoke.

Worse, other Auxiliaries took my place. One night Nicola came back Below Stairs and described Samantha’s orgasmic moans he orally serviced her after she spanked him. There I sat, complementing him, vainly trying to get my cock to erect.

That night, I had a vivid dream in which Samantha gave me a smile, lay back in a chair and lifted her skirt, pointing to her naked pussy. As I licked, I felt a paddle descending on my upturned ass and knew, in the way one knows things in dreams, that Marci wielded the paddle. I awoke just as the chimeric Samantha orgasmed. To my great delight, my cock felt full and even painful in its confinement.

Unfortunately I wasn’t scheduled for sexual service shift for another three days. I’d gotten erect once. What would happen when I fondled myself Below Stairs?

Despite what I felt was a good attitude about my banishment and slow reinstatement, I felt deprived. Later the day after my dream, I sipped coffee in the student union , evidently looking pretty morose. Zoe sat down next to me.

“Why the long face? You got reinstated, whatever you did.”

“I know, and it was a near thing. I don’t get many shifts, when I do I don’t do any exciting service, just rubdowns and maybe get my balls busted. I haven’t done anything for any of the upper class Sisters. I’m not really complaining, but after three months of nothing, and about another month of next to nothing, I hoped I’d get somewhere.” I didn’t even want to talk about my well-known erection difficulties.

Zoe leaned in close when we started talking, but now, he pulled back. “You never went through it, did you? You went straight to the head of the class.”

“What you mean?”

“Remember in training I came without permission and got out of schedule? It took me a long time to get over that even though I performed well afterwards. And yeah, it was freshman and sophomores, rubdowns and bedtime ‘gasms. Chris and I envied the fuck out of you. Now I guess you’re finding out what we went through.”

“Wow, I can see why I don’t get much sympathy.”

“Well, I’m not a vengeful type, and I don’t wish anything bad on you. But I do feel a little bit of ‘your turn to suffer.’ I won’t say anything more about it. ”

I took a deep breath and thanked him for setting me straight. “I guess I need to readjust my attitude. Again.” I bought him a latte and we talked about professors and studies for a while.

I pondered what he told me back in my room. I felt like I did after Samantha recruited me and before the application ordeal. I needed to rethink. Research then helped me, why not now?

I spent some time online, learning new massage techniques. I practiced on my thighs and butt. I found an app that had phone-friendly videos, so I installed it.

A few days later, I arrived just before a 4 o’clock on a weekday afternoon shift, not a prime time for action. . Released from my cage, I leafed through the stimulating material provided Below Stairs. The only other Auxiliary present was Althea.

“Hi, Jenny,” he said with a smile. “How ya doin?”

“Okay, I guess,” I said, smiling back. Althea had always been nice to me and I both admired and shuddered at his ability to withstand cock and ball torture.

“I know they used the Punishment Bracelet on you,” Althea said sympathetically. “Dorothea uses it on me fairly regularly. She likes how I grimace and grunt when it’s on me.”

I flipped my eyebrows. “How do you like it?”

“Oh, you know me. I love and hate my tortured genitals.” He favored with me with a broad smile.

At the time, we obediently fondled ourselves. Althea stroked a full erection, while my dick remained limp. I picked up a photo-illustrated story about a cuckolded man and his wife’s lovers. The writing was good, the illustrations both sexy and apt. I recalled Amanda and Henrietta.

Althea evidently noticed my flaccid state. He spoke to me softly and slowly, almost whispering. The effect was strangely erotic. “When Dorothea clamps the Punishment Bracelet around my shaft, she usually explains the purpose besides the immediate pain is to condition me to a level of submission I would never imagine and certainly not wish for myself. She tells me that the Punishment Bracelet can completely extinguish a male’s arousal. ‘I promise you, Althea’ she says, ‘one of these days I’ll be done with your sexual services, so you won’t need to get erect ever again. That’s the fate I have in store for you.’”

“Wow! How do you…”

“I bow my head and tell her, ‘As you wish, my Mistress.’’’

“Well, it sure doesn’t feel good to be in that condition.”

Althea moved to my couch and sat next to me. He breathed his words in my ear. “I see you’re still completely soft, Jenny. Are you unable to respond?”

Ashamed, I nodded.

“So that’s part of your punishment for whatever you did. I’m sure you deserve it; the Sisters are strict but just. Don’t you agree?”

Again, I nodded.

“Perhaps you’ll never get it up again, and you’ll be a non-sexual servant. Don’t you feel good about it? Subservient? Obedient?”

Miserably, I shook my head.

“Oh, you’d like your masculine powers back?”

I nodded emphatically.

“Well, they must want you to resume your service or they wouldn’t allow you to try.” His voice dropped another register. I could barely hear. “Perhaps I can help my fellow servant.” His fingertips brushed my palm away and he folded his hand around my shrunken member.

His gaze fell on the magazine in my lap. “Oh, see the stricken but fascinated look on the cuckold’s face as the stud services his beautiful wife? His inadequacy in both size and performance can no longer be denied nor can the unprecedented screams of ecstasy from his wife. He is the opposite of you, Jenny. He’s very turned on against his will when he’d rather be unresponsive and angry. Instead, he feels sorry for himself and feels joy at his wife’s long-delayed satisfaction. He can’t help but erect and stroke himself, as much as he wishes to cry.”

Althea’s ministrations, his voice, and breath tickling my ear achieved what nothing else had. My penis finally erected. It grew more and more sensitive as it grew longer and thicker. Althea grinned when I became fully erect. He continued pumping me with one hand and swirled my tip with the other.

“Oh!” I gasped as my pre-cum coated my head and his fingertips. “It never felt so good to be hard. Thank you so much, Althea.”

“I’m happy to help. You have a very nice cock. Why don’t you and it get better acquainted?” He let go.

Elated, I stroked myself happily. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, savoring the sensation of my hard cock in my hand as I hadn’t in years. I massaged it with my fingertips, twirled the tip, cradled my ball sack while slowly stroking and generally had a great time. Relief overwhelmed me and I just about sobbed. I had seriously wondered whether I’d ever get erect again.

Lost in my masturbatory reverie, I didn’t realize Dorothea had entered the room until she spoke.

“Come, slave.”

Startled, I opened my eyes. She stood near our couch, beckoning to her favorite slave. She wore a formfitting white minidress, heels and hose. Her black hair cascaded over her right shoulder down to where her breasts bulged.

Althea stood up and said, “Yes, ma’am, right away, ma’am.”

Dorothea glanced my way, presumably noting my erection, but made no response. She led Althea from the room by his stiffie, causing him to trot in the peculiar way a penis-led submissive must to avoid treading on his Mistresses’ heels.

Left alone, I returned to my story, but discarded it and stretched out with the couch supporting my neck and bum, legs spread, eyes closed, concentrating on how good it felt to be stiff and wanking again. Then a new problem arose. My cock, overjoyed at his freedom and restored power, desperately wanted to cum! Would I have to relearn all my control lessons as well?

Well, I managed. Lotsa pre-cum, lotsa sitting very still with a tingling dick, breathing hard, desperately suppressing the urge to flex my dick and spray all over the place. I kept telling myself it was for my own good, determined to maintain control. I felt was proud of myself as I walked back to my dorm, caged once again.

Arriving for my next shift, I found Talissa Below Stairs, eyes closed, head rolled back against his chair stroking his big stiffie, glistening with pre-cum. He must’ve heard me, ‘cause he opened his eyes and nodded briefly before dropping back into his masturbatory reverie. I fondled myself hopefully. I only managed to get partially erect, a slight thickening and elongation, but nothing real stiff. Conditioning’s a bitch.

Doris came in and looked us both over. She beamed at Talissa. “Oh, you’ve got a nice big hard on, not like some people.” She looked at me, turned up her nose and actually sniffed. With another pointed remark about Talissa’s “big handle,” she led him from the room.

I hung my head, but bravely kept attempting to bring myself up. I sighed deeply, shaking my head. Would I ever break out of this conditioning? I thought my punishment was over. I comforted myself with the thought that I had gotten erect once and that I was young. I shuffled through the femdom erotica, settling on an illustrated tale of a teen boy caught exploring a beautiful girl’s underwear drawer. Wearing a pair of her panties, he was wildly stroking himself when the girl herself walked into her bedroom. Furious, she spanked him, questioning him about his proclivities. Though still angry, she developed some sympathy for him because he’d been overprotected. She alternated spanking with genital pleasure for him, clearly driving the inexperienced youth crazy with pleasure and pain. That story did the trick! Oh, it felt good to give myself full strokes and play with the spongy, dripping cockhead. After the story, I switched to a very hot video of lesbian domination.

Hoping a Sister would come in for sex or at least a massage, I alternated the sexy video with reviewing some massage techniques on my phone.

Elena came in, dressed for exercise with her long blonde hair in two braids. “Oh, hi, Jenny…” She broke off, knitting her eyebrows together. “Making a personal call Below Stairs?”

“No, Sister,” I said with a smile, catching her eye. “Studying.” I paused provocatively.

She stood with her fists on her hips, cocking her head speculatively. “What are you getting at?”

“Lately, I’ve given many sisters massages. Some have tight muscles, so I was… Um… boning up on how to help out.” I held out my phone, showing her the tutorial I’d been watching. “I couldn’t study at any other time without falling behind in school.”

She glanced at the phone, then at my cock, which I still fondled. “Not the most erotic material for wanking. How do you keep it so stiff?”

“I imagine how good I’ll feel using those techniques on a sore Sister. Plus I alternate studying with this sexy video. ”

She looked at me, eyes narrowed. She glanced at both screens, then shrugged. “Well, come upstairs with me. I need a rubdown and you can show me what you learned.”

As I followed her up to her room, I asked her questions about her warm-up and exercise routine. She told me her upper body endurance work sometimes left her neck stiff.

When we got in her room, I asked if she was willing to sit crosslegged on the floor so I could work on her by sitting on the bed.

“That puts you over me.”

“Yes, Mistress Elena, but it’s for therapeutic reasons and for your benefit as well as your pleasure. Believe me, I know my place, I know I need to prove myself anew and I’m eager to do so. I wouldn’t dream of thinking that you were in anything other than my Superior.”

She eyed me for a moment, then shrugged and sat in front of the bed. Sitting behind her, I began with gentle touches to her neck, shoulders and upper arms. I gradually increase the pressure. I found a couple of knots near her shoulder blades and work my way around them, farther and farther in, eventually feeling them fully relax.

Elena murmured contentedly. She leaned back and took my hands in hers, kissing each one. “Whatever you learned from those videos was worth it. That was great.” Gracefully, she stood up and faced me. She gave me a big smile and said, “Jenny, it’s nice to see you back Below Stairs. You deserved the punishment you got, if not more. I’m not sure I can trust you like I did, but I’m willing to give you a chance.”

“Oh, thank you. Elena, I’m not complaining, I agree I deserved it but, oh, I long to be past it!” Hands-free, I fondled myself hopefully.

“Whatever do you mean?” she said, with a raised eyebrow, she looked down her aristocratic nose at my partially limp cock. “Oh, I see. Still have trouble getting it up? What a shame. I can’t use you unless you’re all hot, horny and frustrated. I read the notes. I know you’ve only had one boner, brought on by Althea. A guy. Did all the feminine clothing get to you? Are you becoming gay? Or a sissy?”

“No, Mistress Elena. I just want to get it up easily, like a normal guy. It’s kind of frightening, since it’s still difficult. I wonder if…”

“If you’ll ever be able to fuck again? Oh, I hope so. As far as I’m concerned, my promise to fuck you after Christmas still stands. But I can’t fuck you if you can’t get it up. And I sure won’t fuck you if I don’t think I can trust you. I’m afraid you still have a long way to go before you get your cock in my pussy.”

“Well, Mistress Elena, it’s fantastic that you still remember your promise.” I looked up at her and managed a smile. “I’ll keep trying to get it up, and I desperately want to earn your trust back.”

Arms akimbo, she looked down at me. Cream colored shorts ended near the tops of her thighs. A satiny dark halter contrasted with her yellow hair in two long braids. Knee socks and running shoes completed a very attractive girl next door, athletic look.

“Mistress Elena, you look absolutely beautiful. I bet the guys in the gym couldn’t pay any attention.”

She laughed. “Flattery might get you somewhere.” With that she sat next to me. “Anything Althea can do, I can do better. Leggo your dick.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

She let my cock rest on her palm, not squeezing, barely moving, providing very gentle stimulation.

“I’ll tell you a true story, Jenny. Some of the girls here, like Vanessa, come from a femdom family. Not me. My parents divorced when I was young and my mom never remarried. She went on dates, but ever got serious. So I never saw a female-led home. In fact, I never thought of female domination until part way through my senior year.”

“Wow, from ‘never thought about it’ to the Sorority in less than a year? How’d you do that?”

“Like most girls, I fooled around a bit before mom let me start dating.” She smiled in remembrance. “I swallowed cum a few times before I ever went on a date.” We shared conspiratorial grins. “Anyhow, I had a few boyfriends and finally lost my virginity. I like sex. Who doesn’t? After a while, though, I realized I wasn’t getting off with any of these guys. I don’t mean I was running around, I was dating one guy at a time but after the third guy never got me off, I realized I was doing better with my fingers and vibrator at home. I talked to a couple of girlfriends and their experience wasn’t much better.

“I researched orgasms, believe it or not. Eventually, I realized that the real problem was that the guys didn’t know what they were doing. I got pretty excited. I figured I’d take my current boyfriend, sit him down, explain it to him and we’d figure out how to make it better for me. It sounded like a great idea.”

“It sure does. I wish someone had done that with me when I was in high school. Not that I feel bad about all the training I’ve gotten in the Sorority,” I hastened to add.

Elena smiled and squeezed my cock. Once. “Well, it didn’t work out so well for me. One day after school, my boyfriend came over and I tried to have this talk with him. When I told him he wasn’t making me cum, he got really defensive. Said he’d never had a complaint from anyone else. Said if I couldn’t respond it was my fault, and I was cold. He actually told me always thought I was a bitch…”

“Wow, did he blow it! I suppose you broke up with him.”

“You bet I did! Got real mad, jumped up, opened the front door, pointed outside, and yelled, ‘Get the fuck out, loser!’”

I grinned at her and clapped. “Good for you! That’s some Female Superiority right there. Your instincts are right on.”

“I think you mean it.” She squeezed my cock again. Twice.

“Oh, I do. So many guys are total idiots. Did you even bother to get a new boyfriend?”

“Yes, but not in the usual way. I thought about the guys I knew. Who showed respect for girls? I noticed a guy named Phil. I’ve known him since elementary school, but not that well. He was always polite and had a reputation for being a gentleman. I made a point of talking with him and I learned he was smart and not pushy. He never bragged or put on macho displays . We flirted a bit and he made jokes instead of sexual innuendos. I asked him out on a date.” Smiling, she gave me a few more squeezes. She kept her hand wrapped around my cock and I filled up a bit.

“He wanted to pick me up in his car, but I insisted that since I asked him out, I’d get him. I took him to dinner and a movie, and we laughed a lot about the role reversal. I loved it. I was in control of the date from the beginning. We had a really good time, and I drove him home.” She eyed me expectantly as she squeezed and stroked my stiffening cock. “Would you like to know how the date ended?”

“You bet I do!”

“Well, you’re nice and stiff now. You think you could take over?”

Disappointment caused my gaze to drop, but fortunately not my cock. “You’re right, you’re much better at this than Althea. I’m fully stiff in half the time.” I grinned at her.

“Well, this is a test. If you pass, I’ll tell you about the rest of this date. I’m going to get us some juice. Jerk off while I’m gone. If you’re stiff when I get back, I’ll finish the story. If not…” With that and a dazzling smile, she released my cock and left the room.

I grinned, very happy to be given a test I could pass. I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensations in my erect dick. I imagined all sorts of endings for Elena’s date. Cramped oral sex for each of them in the front seat. Cramped fucking in the back. Easy fucking on a blanket at a secluded part of his backyard. Liberal parents who allowed them to make noise in the bedroom. I finally edged and pre-cum flowed down my shaft. I felt great! I could jerk off again!

Elena’s reality was quite a bit different from my imagination. She returned, carrying two glasses of fruit juice. She handed me one and looked on with approval as I stroked myself. She sat next to me, but did not offer to take over.

“Well, there we were in my car at the end of a date. I kissed him and told him I had a great time. He agreed and said he hoped he’d see me again. I said, ‘That depends.’ “On what?’ ‘Sex,’ I said, keeping an eye on him. He was funny. His eyebrows went up his jaw dropped and he said, ‘Huh?’

“I laughed, and then asked him “For example, if you get your hand in a girl’s panties, what do you do?’ Well, to his credit he didn’t try to fake it. He told me he’d never gotten that far but that if he did he’d be very slow and gentle and make sure that he made me feel good. I told him I appreciated his honesty and I give him a chance. We made out for a while and I let them feel me up. I asked him if he’d like me to jerk him off and he enthusiastically agreed. So I pulled his cock out. It was a nice size, nothing spectacular. A few minutes later, he sprayed his cum up in the air, kicking his feet against the foot well. I cleaned him up while he kept muttering, ‘Thank you, thank you.’”

“Well, if he was a virgin, and you told him even experienced guys didn’t know what to do with a girl, he’d be a damn fool if he didn’t take you up on it.” She sat next to me on the couch, legs crossed but made no move to take over my wanking.

“You’re right, he wasn’t stupid, but attentive and obedient. In fact, he agreed eagerly. I decided to have a lot of fun with him. We get together one afternoon the next week and of course he was all set to fuck. But I told him that for today he’d just be above my waist. So he got a big lesson in how to make my breasts feel good, I got to see him squirm and finally, ’cause his parents would be home soon, I told him to take out his cock. He was all excited, expecting at least another hand job, but I told him I like to watch boys play with themselves and I made him jerk off.” She looked at me, grinning. “Much like today — except I had to remind him he agreed I’d be in charge.”

I laughed. What else could I do?

“Did you ever fuck this poor frustrated puppet?” I asked.

“He really was nice and developed a very gentle touch. The next time we get together my panties came off and he got an anatomy lesson on different ways to make me feel good. I told him he could go home without ejaculating unless he gave me an orgasm first. So he paid very close attention and learned his lesson well. I had a nice cum, and he sprayed high into the air.

“It kept going like that. The next lesson was how to eat pussy. Then, how to accept a blowjob. He kept begging me to fuck him and I kept putting him off. It was fun, especially after he learned how to give me orgasms.

“In the meantime, he got more and more devoted to me. He brought me gifts, did me favors at school, anything so I’d feel better about him and be more likely to fuck him. I loved the control. One day, I think it was after the pussy-licking lesson, I asked him about how often he jerked off and how long it took. I told him I wanted him to save up bigger wads and to last longer.” She threw back her head and laughed. “I got him to agree to jerk off only when I told him to. I got him to tell me how long it would take, on the excuse that he needed to learn how to last long to please me. He told me he’d do anything to please me. Gosh, that went right to my head!”

“I bet it did. You and every other girl in the Sorority!”

“You bet. He texted me in the morning, ’Can I please do it now?’ I told him yes, but for 20 minutes and he’d texted back that he didn’t have that much time, so I told to try again in the afternoon.” She laughed aloud at the memory. I shook my head in sympathy. “This went on for a couple of weeks. Once, I had him wait all day, and then told him he had to have a minimum of a half hour and call me when he was ready to shoot. I told him to guess what the reward would be for success. Sure enough, he called me back, barely able to breathe. First phone sex I ever had. Listening to him gasp while he squirted was so much fun. True to my word, I fucked him the next time we got together.

“In the end he became a good lover, but that was only a few weeks before school ended. I graduated; he had another year to go. I insisted we both date other people during the summer. We got together several times, but I made it clear I didn’t think he’d be a long-term boyfriend for me. He finally got the hint and started dating someone else around August.”

I asked her, “Mistress Elena, that’s a very hot story, and I’m glad you taught him what to do and had so much fun. But how in the world to get from there to the Sorority?”

With a wry smile, she shook her head. “I don’t really know. Some of the others know who recommended them, like Dorothea and Doris, but I guess whoever suggested me wants anonymity. I think it was probably my boss on my summer job because she saw how I treated Tommy That’s my best guess.

“Well, Jenny, you got it up and you’ve kept it up. Would you like to know what Hal felt when I gave him a hand job?”

“Yes, please, Mistress. And a blowjob and a fuck, too, if you’re so inclined, Sister.”

She just laughed and took over wanking.

She edged me twice, pre-cum sliding all over me. The third time was immediately after the second. “Jenny, you don’t have permission to cum.”

“I know,” I managed to gasp. Strange involuntary gulping or clucking sounds came from my throat.

“Well, I don’t want to set you up. Hold on. Don’t cum! Hold that edge!”

She kept me right there, gasping and kicking my feet. Without warning, she let go. “Keep wanking, no cumming,” she said with a taunting smile

I dared not touch myself. I wanted so desperately to flex my PC, but I knew if I did, there’d be hell to pay. Suppressing that urge was one of the hardest lessons I’d learned at the Sorority, but I learned it well. Eventually I relaxed and, after a few deep breaths, I obediently resumed beating off.

Still with that evil smile, Elena said, “Well, I’ve brightened your day. Now I’ll find a girl and lick some pussy.” With that cutting remark, she waved me out the door.

I forced myself to smile back, beating myself off, desperately avoiding cumming. “Thank you, Mistress Elena, for helping me to be stiff. You sure were better than Althea!”

For the rest of that shift, even though I didn’t serve anybody, I truly enjoyed being erect, edging and suppressing my desire, reveling in my restored masculine powers.

Restored bonerability didn’t translate to instant sexual gratification, not at the Sorority. Though I could now play with my stiffie along with the rest of the guys, my only rewards were the pleasure of wanking and the mixed pleasure of blue balls. I got a reputation for giving excellent massages, which paradoxically made me less likely to get chosen for sexual services. As time went on, I was selected more often and the frequency of digital or oral happy endings for the Sisters gradually increased.

One afternoon, Samantha, sweaty in matching tight, blue shorts and halter, appeared jogging in place in the doorway of Below Stairs, where Althea and I waited, properly stiff and jerking. “Jenny. Nice to see you all hard again. Fully recovered?”

“I think so. Physically, I work normally though I’ve not been allowed to ejaculate and test that function. Emotionally, I’m grateful and relieved. My attitude? I’m ashamed of what I did and of the attitudes I used to hold. I expect to maintain this attitude, but time will tell. I hope to earn back trust.”

“Well, run upstairs after me while jerking off, give me a one of your famous massages and we’ll talk about it.” With that, she darted out of sight towards the grand staircase.

Ever try to run upstairs naked while wanking? Slows you down. I arrived at Samantha’s room a little breathless, laughing, still upright.

Sam laughed, too. “You made it, boner and all.” She lay down in the stomach. “Shoulders and neck to start.”

“Yes, Mistress. May I suggest fingertip and palm effleurage as your perspiration evaporates?”

“My! Such big words. For the massage, I put myself in your capable hands. Don’t take liberties.”

“Of course not, Mistress.” Barely touching, I swirled my hands and fingertips over body, avoiding her shorts for now. She was soon dry enough and I warmed some massage oil I found on her vanity and started her massage. After her shoulders and neck, she wanted her lower back and hips next.

“May I touch your shorts, please?”

“No, remove them. No sexual touching.” She raised her hips and I slid her shorts down her long legs. She wore no panties. I worked on her upper hips and the small of her back, eliciting sighs of contentment. She directed me to her calves and I massaged her feet as well.

Samantha rolled over. “Thighs. Same restriction.” She spread her legs, giving me access — and a view of the first pussy I’d fucked. I rubbed and massaged the outside, front and finally the insides of her thighs, my cock straining and dripping. I couldn’t take my eyes from her pouting outer lips and the darker flaps between. A line of moisture gradually appeared at the slit. She tugged her halter over her head. “Breasts and nipples.”

Grinning, I complied. I lightly palmed her breasts and rubbed my thumbs over her nipples. They erected and I twirled them between my fingers.

Samantha took several deep breaths, making her breasts heave. “You haven’t forgotten how to touch a girl. Lick me. Fingers allowed.”

I did my usual slow approach to a pussy — kissing and licking the inner thighs, circling over the top of the slit, getting ever closer to the lips. I sucked on each lip in turn and finally licked my way from the bottom all the way up to her clit.

Sam responded with sighs and pushed my head into her pussy. I kept a hand on one of her breasts and sent two fingers exploring inside. As they wriggled about, my tongue tip rasped over her nubbin.

Sam came with cries and gasps, locking her legs around my back.

I never slowed to down and it wasn’t long before she went into another paroxysmal orgasm, stronger than the first.

She tousled my hair. “Good boy. Keep going.”

I kept licking and fingering, sometimes pulling my fingers out and pressing her pussy lips together with my fingers. I kept with her through two more orgasms, feeling very lucky. I gently humped my cock against the coverlet, easily staying fully erect.

“Enough!” Sam gasped. When I looked up, she gave me her TCD, which I hadn’t seen for a very long time. Made my cock twitch and precum. She lay still recovering her breath.

I felt great! Of the four Sisters with whom I’ve been closest, I’d finally been recognized by and serviced two. Felt like progress to me.

Sam commanded, “Fetch me a bra and panties, knee-highs, slacks, and a T-shirt.”

I handed her the items and she swiftly dressed. The T-shirt showed the Golden Gate Bridge. I looked at how it decorated her bulges and laughed.

“What’s funny?”

“The uprights meet the span at both nipples.”

She looked down and laughed also. “Attention grabbing, isn’t it?”

Very daring, I said, “No, just grabbing,” as I reached out with both hands and copped a feel.

Playfully, she slapped my hands away, laughing. Then she took a deep breath, put her hands on her hips, and regarded me critically. She climbed onto the bed and sat cross-legged. “Kneel.”

I dropped to my knees facing her, hands behind my back.

“Jenny, I recruited you and I was very proud of your rapid progress. I felt a lot more than disappointment when I learned what you’d done. I felt hurt and insulted for the entire Sorority, and for me personally. However I voted, I’m glad to see you making progress. I’m invested in you as a submissive. Tell me in more detail what you’ve learned, how you feel.”

“When I turned myself in, I felt terribly nervous that I’d be kicked out, but I knew I’d done the right thing. Turned out it was one thing to imagine being released, but quite another to actually carry out such a long-term deception. I felt terribly guilty about what I’d done, that I had ignored Amanda’s question to me, and as time went on, I felt more and more guilty towards Shauna whom I relationship-teased, which is way worse than cock teasing. You Sisters cock tease 15 Auxiliaries every day and we’re very happy to let you do it. There’s no way Shauna wanted to be led on that a relationship could exist, then to have me drop her. There could be no adequate apology made and she wouldn’t accept anything I said. I’m glad that she’s begun to explore domination with one of the guys who failed the application back in September.”

“Go on.”

“Throughout my punishment and to this day, I feel remorse, regret, and contrition. I’m determined to accept whatever long-term consequences there are, and to be fully submissive in the future.”

“I’m aware of Amanda’s question to you. How do you answer it now?”

“Amanda challenged me to understand how an attempt to break out of my cage undetected would affect me as a submissive. Prior to receiving the unlocking device, I couldn’t get farther than to recognize that breaking free would make any submission I have a sham.

“What I did not realize was that she was right about my nature from the beginning. I truly am submissive to females. It’s good for me to submit to your authority, to your punishments, and to have you control my sexuality. I told myself no real man would submit to this, so it was my duty as a man to break out.

“I realized over time that submitting to women’s superior sexual power and their qualities of empathy, understanding, and long-term thinking rather than focusing on instant gratification would provide me, if I submitted, with better direction for my own life. In short, by yielding to feminine power, I’d become a fulfilled male.”

Samantha regarded me steadily. She knit her brows together and made a thoughtful moue with her mouth. “That’s interesting. So you claim that this experience deepened your understanding and commitment to being submissive?”

“Oh, yes, Mistress Samantha.”

“That sounds good. You act consistently. However, you always sounded good before and acted consistently.” No TCD now. A skeptically raised eyebrow instead.

“That’s true. That is the hardest long-term consequence. I can only act trustworthy and hope it gets noticed. I set Henrietta as my role model. He yielded completely to Amanda’s authority and I’d like to be as acquiescent as he.”

“Well, I’ve never met him, but I’ve read reports. You set your sights high.”

“I wouldn’t want to set them low.”

She gazed at me enigmatically for a moment. “Stand up right by my bed.”

To my surprise and delight, she wrapped her hand around my partially stiff dick. “You have no permission to cum. Don’t ask.”

“No, of course not. Thank you very much.” I thrust my hips back and forth in time to her rhythm. My cock fully expanded. Very quickly, I slicked Sam’s forefinger and thumb with pre-cum.

She looked up at me with a wicked smile, then leaned forward and took my cock in her mouth.

Oh, that felt so good! I hadn’t been sucked in months. My hip thrusts became wild, almost uncontrollable. Sam wrapped an arm around my waist to hold position. In seconds, I squealed out my incoherent grunts and gasps as I worked to suppress ejaculation.

Sam didn’t stop. She increased the suction and bobbed her head faster. She cradled my ball sack in one hand.

“Gack! Ilg! Ugluff!”

“How many edges, you?” Sam mumbled around my cock.

“Unh! Constant edge. Can’t count.”

She deep-throated me and kept me down quite a while. I clamped my muscle, grit my teeth, and pounded my fists on my thighs to distract me.

Sam let me slide part way out of her throat, then bit my cock as she twisted and squeezed my balls!

I screamed and collapsed on the floor, rolling into the fetal position, holding my poor genitals, moaning, “Ow, ow, oh, that hurts!”

Sam’s gloating laughter was my only response. After a few moments, she reached down from the bed and lifted my head to face her. With a lopsided grin, she told me, “I love frustrating and hurting you. Now get out!”

I took a deep breath or two as I struggled my hands and knees, still in pain. “Thank you, Sister Samantha, for letting me serve you with the massage, for the pleasure and for your cruelty, which I deserve.” I crawled out of the room, but by the time I reached the stairs, I managed to pull myself up and use the banister for support on my way back Below Stairs.
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Re: Sorority: My Slow Recovery

Post by janmb »

Nice to see you are still at it. Greatest written series on this site by far - feeling bad for not having been able to keep up more lately. Will definitely have to correct that mistake soon :D
Yes, I most certainly CAN do it again!
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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Open to new ideas!
I am a: Switch
Dom/me(s): Not currently serving a Superior. I'd love to negotiate a contract to encourage my writing, as I've done in the past.
Any genuine females interested?
Location: Portland OR

Re: Sorority: My Slow Recovery

Post by micheleFFS »


Nice to have you back, too. Don't feel bad about the hiatus - I took most of a year off.

I'm determined to finish, rework, and publish for $$.

If you haven't already, read Jessica's Power Panties, the backstory for my avatar.

Your obedient servant,

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Re: Sorority: My Slow Recovery

Post by Morm »

Awesome installation! I’m thrilled to see you revisiting this series. Whenever you end up publishing for $$, sign me up for a copy.
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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Open to new ideas!
I am a: Switch
Dom/me(s): Not currently serving a Superior. I'd love to negotiate a contract to encourage my writing, as I've done in the past.
Any genuine females interested?
Location: Portland OR

Re: Sorority: My Slow Recovery

Post by micheleFFS »

Thanks very much, Morm. I'll put you on my list of readers to notify when I publish new chapters of Sorority and other tales.

Your obedient servant,

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