[ALPHA-RELEASE (.09)][GuideMe] Random Mazes

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[ALPHA-RELEASE (.09)][GuideMe] Random Mazes

Post by desertfox »

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You have arrived.
And why are you here? What drew you, now, to this moment?
A desire? A need? Or... a command?
The only way from here is forward, ever forward.
You will be tested, mind and body. And they will drink their fill, oh yes, they will drink deeply. Can you find the will to resist? To not give in to your base instincts, to give your body what it so craves?
When you are lost, and lost you will be, always remember this:
Do not cum in here!
Do you understand this? Never, ever give in.
Does this frighten you? Or... excite you?
The time is now, the doors are opening. What then, shall you do?

What is this?
This is a guideme tease that will place you in a random maze full of succubi (spelling?!) for you to escape! The content included is mostly softcore (solo nudity) and the teases are all edging and stroking. The tone of the teases are mostly pleasant or instructional. You can expect to spend at minimum an hour in the maze to get out, but it can take a lot longer, though you can quit at anytime and come right back to where you left off.

Thank you to Milovana!
Thank you to this community for introducing me to all of the content produced here! If it were not for PlayfulGuy's GuideMe Script Engine that he created I would never have written teases, and it is the main engine driving everything. Huge props to him for creating this wonderful addition to guideme. Also for Philo making GuideMe, it has been really pleasant working within the program this whole time, generally everything I've needed it to do it was capable and more. It is a really well thought out and developed piece of code and again a huge thank you for giving me a framework to work with.

It has been just short of a year since I started, and this is still an early version! There are sure to be bugs in here. All feedback is really, really welcomed. Was it too hard or easy, boring? Didn't make sense? Took too long? I also hope to keep working on this slowly over time and adding more content.

With permission from Schefflera there is a bunch of content here that is copied from Iana's maze. Some of it is slightly altered or extended, but I used his great teases to pad out the content to get this released. His mazes were the direct inspiration for this theme. The teases I wrote also follow suit with his, so if you enjoyed any of his mazes, hopefully you will enjoy the parts I have written.

There is also a story buried in here. Just the start of it. You have to find the right place to start triggering some of the events, but, if you miss it one time through, you can always go back in! The story isn't fully fleshed out so missing it won't be the end of the world.

What you need (Downloads Etc):
TORRENT AVAILABLE! Thanks to derpzero!
(11.22 KiB) Downloaded 1813 times

* The Maze! - Mega Download
*.09 Patch - Extract over top of the maze download.
*GuideMe - Used to run the tease, you need this version to run it. GuideMe 3.0 does not work with it yet.
*DO THIS!! - In your guideme folder you start guideme by running the file "start.bat". Please copy this file then edit it with a text editor (notepad, anything) to add some addition parameters.

Code: Select all

.\java\bin\javaw.exe  -Djna.library.path=.\GuideMe_lib -cp .\;.\GuideMe_lib -jar GuideMe.jar %1 %2

Code: Select all

.\java\bin\javaw.exe -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Djna.library.path=.\GuideMe_lib -cp .\;.\GuideMe_lib -jar GuideMe.jar %1 %2
Start guideme from this new file. YOU MUST DO THIS or guideme will be unable to play some files due to not having enough memory.

*Download the maze and extract it to the "Guides" folder. Basically the "Mazes.xml" should be inside Guides, along with a folder called "Mazes".
* Be gentile with it! It can sometimes take a bit to load in teases as it has to parse out longer files sometimes.If you click a button and everything sort of freezes, just don't touch the keyboard or click anything until it loads up. You can screw it up by spamming buttons too quickly. :(

Understanding Guideme
Here are some important tips for using guideme that were not obvious to me at first.
* In File -> User preferences, I make use of the My Name and My Sub Name fields. You will see your name used most frequently. Please fill them out to your preference. I do not use any other options in there.
*File -> Load and select the Mazes.xml to start. You can close guideme at any time and file load the mazes to pick back up where you left off without losing any progress.
* - FILE -> RESET WILL RESTART EVERYTHING - If you click this, it will delete every variable for the tease as though you just downloaded it. Please be careful hitting this option or you will lose everything. This is an alpha release so it is possible you may have to do this, but please understand what this option will do to the tease.
* If you want a full screen, in the application options select full screen. You can then press alt + m to hide the menu!

Trouble Shooting
I hope that this will not happen but here is how you can save yourself 90% of the time if you get hung in a bad tease or some other thing. Press alt + d to open the debug window. At the top is a long drop down box that will tell you the name of the page you are on. Hit the drop down and find the page maze_main then press Go. This will get you back into the walking around the maze mode and is a way to keep the ball rolling if there is a tease in there with an error.

Most of the time here was spent making a framework for the gameplay in the maze. It is very easy to drop in new files or add new maze themes by just changing some files. If anybody is interested in making more teases, themes(corridor pictures), or even working their own story in, please let me know and I can write some more detailed instructions on how to do it.
Last edited by desertfox on Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:32 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Random Maze Start (long way to go)

Post by schefflera »

Sounds like a great idea.
Unfortunately, I don't think, I can help out. I have never learned any scripting languages, or programming techniques. All I can do is write in Nyx and TeaseMe (figured the languages out by myself, which took a lot of time).

The idea with a random-maze everytime is great. And with a kind of plug and play, all the player needs is to add some teases/encounters.

I also like the idea with the keying. This makes it more interesting and not only walk through.

How can you fit the random-generated maze in guideme? I tested it and all I get is a visualized map.

Keep going. Wish to see one kind of that maze.
My flashteases: Have fun :)
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Re: Random Maze Start (long way to go)

Post by desertfox »

The hard part is writing the actual teases and content! I just need to keep pressing on. I did change the maze code a bit now that it'll bust down a few random walls so it branches a bit, and am randomly picking a start that is at least some minimum distance from the entrance, so so far so good there and time to wire it up to guideme.

This is the part that is a bit fail since I get time to write on a laptop, but it's a mac so no guideme. I only can get to the desktop later on in the day.

Will update the top post with the newer maze stuff.

So yeah the next part is the guideme part. Basically will need a script on one page that will parse the maze object that we get back from maze js. Essentially I need to keep track of my x,y coordinates, grab the room object from the map array and place a button for each exit that will change your coordinates depending on which way you go. EG going east will add 1 to your x coordinate.

It also needs to check for an encounter. The first easiest solution might be to just go to the start of an encounter page, and the last encounter page should essentially dump you back out in the maze where you were.

Anyway will plow on, I don't think it should take much to get it wired up, it's just I have to catch myself up on guideme and get time on my pc.

PS here is a random maze with the missing walls and start point (which is the S).
Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 6.46.17 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 6.46.17 PM.png (18.89 KiB) Viewed 31253 times
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Re: Random Maze Start (long way to go)

Post by desertfox »

Sorry to keep bumping this, but made some good progress and now have it set up so I'm walking around the mazes in guideme! I just need to hook up encounters next (hopefully get to that this week) and that is a really good start template for this.

One thought was on encounters. So i'm prefilling the encounters as per the maps I have above, but due to the nature of the mazes being somewhat long corridors and not too many branches, there would be a lot of backtracking. I could have it randomly scatter the 'encounter flag' around the map after you've done one.

Another approach could be to go JRPG style and have a climbing encounter rate every time you go somewhere.

Well for now I'm going to just make it work with the fixed encounter points and go from there.

Have attached the start of it, so it should make a 5x5 maze and dump you right into it so you can click the north / south/ east/ west buttons.
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Re: Random Maze Start (long way to go)

Post by desertfox »

Some more progress tonight. I've got it so when you hit an encounter, it launches a guideme script engine .src file, then comes right back into the maze where you left off.

There is a bunch of stuff to figure out next. Ideally I'd like it to parse the scripts directory and just build its list of encounters from there, so you can just drop .scr files and images and bam, new encounter. I think there is a way I could take in a file that is just a set of guideme pages too, but not sure right yet, that would be ideal though because you could just copy a chunk of an existing tease and have it as a possible random encounter.

But I also really want to start thinking a bit about the format/fun of it. I really liked what schefflera did with iana's maze with the 'special girls' in there, giving you a reason to wonder around it some more. Also I do dislike encountering the same person twice with the same tease, so maybe might set up a flag for number of times you've been to see the same person that could be read in in the .scr file to react accordingly, or some system for tiered encounters.

Also need the main format of the game in there, and might be good to figure out how to let the user decide if they want to be denied at the end, or have a chance for denial, or some ruin chance, or your actions in the maze affecting the outcome etc.

It's coming along though and almost near functional, which is really cool.
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by desertfox »

Ok, this thing is coming along really, really well. There are some really cool things in here so far and I'll put them in a spoiler for anybody that is interested in figuring things out during play. I'm really content light (non existant so far) but the hooks are all in place to drop in guideme script engine .src pages.

And if that sounds complicated, its not. A tease in it is basically written like

Code: Select all

image1.jpg,10,60, Stroke for 10 seconds at 60 bpm
image2.jpg, 10, 120, Stroke as I take my shirt off for 10 seconds at 120 bpm
image3,jpg, 15, 160, Get ready to edge in 15 seconds, 160 bpm!

GlobalButton Edged, player_edged
edge_1.jpg, 10, 180, EDGE
edge2_jpg, 10, 180, GET TO THE EDGE
goto edgeloop

RemoveButton Edged
Button Continue
image4.jpg, Let's continue
That's it, you can just write stuff like that with your images. Only a few things around it like where you exit and point to your image directories, but very simple and quick. You write that src and it can be an encounter in the maze easy.

So the features so far:
Spoiler: show
- It creates a random maze of some set size. I've defaulted it to 20x20. I have no preferences to change it but very easy to switch the numbers.
- When you create the maze it picks from a random 'theme'. The theme is just an image directory with a bunch navigation pictures in it. For example I've made a hedge maze theme that has an image for every room/exit combination. So for an east-west room it has a picture (ew.jpg) and a north-south-east-west room has nsew.jpg for it, and so on. So when you navigate and come to an east-west room, this picture is shown, so there is some consistency.
- Each theme has a 'pre-encounter', or random pictures. Meaning when you are about to start an encounter (one of those src files), it picks one of those random pictures and shows you that. For the hedge maze I found some random pictures of women in a hedge maze that you are stumbling upon. I also made a .txt file that goes in the directory that, if you want, you can customize the text that is shown with that picture before the player is brought to their encounter.
- So just dropping a new folder of photos in there and you can suddenly be in a hay maze or mansion themed maze or whatever.
- Going with that, something down the line I want to do is generate 2 or more mazes, each with different themes. So you may hit a small 7x7 hay maze, then exit into a 20x20 hedge maze.
- I just got mapping up and running today. There is a map inventory object you can find (working out how you'll get it). Once you get the map, you can go to a screen that will show the map for you, where you are standing, and ONLY rooms that you have already visited AFTER getting the map! So you find this bad boy and it maps for you as you walk around, meaning it's not so bad to do a larger maze.
- The random encounters you get are chosen from a directory of .src files. It will read in all the .src names then shuffle the order, and encounter them 1 by 1. When you've gotten to them all, it reshuffles and you'll do them one by one again. To actually find them in the maze, every step you take increases your chance to encounter something from 5. Once you encounter you start at 0 % chance again.
- I now have to work out how to do 'special encounters'. Just like iana's maze had special girls you would find, I want to work in things like that that will help you key to the exit, or give you the map, or other inventory items. I want to modularize this so it can be applied to your theme. So for example you can get a hedge maze that has 3 area bosses that may be avaible at the total exit of the maze, or a hay maze that has 1 encounter to pass before you leave the maze, but you may find 3 other sub bosses that will help/hinder you as you do the boss encounter... stuff like that. Still thinking on it. In the script engine you can view your flags so you could write a theme or set of encounters that flag you getting items that help with your special encounters you added, stuff like that.
- Also trying to figure out about second visits to girls. I am thinking that the 'encounters' should be written to be throw away one timers, but 'special encounters' let you do more stuff like second and third visits. i want them at fixed places in the maze, and once you hit it, it could be able to do something like add a new fixed encounter elsewhere in the maze. In addition you could probably do stuff like make meeting the girl the first time part of the random encounter system, then set a flag to meet her in the special system. Still a bit in debate mode here.
So yeah that is where I'm at, and I think I do want to make sure I release it with enough content that it is playable so people can see the potential of it. Right now to be honest I'm having a lot of fun just walking around the mazes and stuff while not triggering any of the encounters, which is really promising.
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by frankendude »

Looks neat. Do these simple src files use metronomes? Would be easy to get people to write a bunch of short encounter scripts. An encounter library with image files would neat where not only do you never get the same maze twice, but the girls are random too. Lots of replayability.
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by desertfox »

They can be whatever you want. In that little bit I put above, the first part is the image to show, the next is the delay before swapping pages, the third is the metronome beat speed, and the final the text that shows up. Here is a link to the script engine playfulguy wrote for guideme. You can just use it stand alone for guideme teases too.
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by desertfox »

Slowly moving forward on this despite having been back to normal life. I have most of the design figured out and implemented, just a few more features and a bunch of debugging and I'll have the framework all done and can start trying to actually make content.

In the meanwhile, had some questions for anybody interested in answering so I might get a better idea for people that have been into and/or doing maze teases.

1. What is it you like about the maze tease in general? The excitement of a puzzle? Being lost, not knowing which encounter is next? Having to escape to find the way out in order to cum?

2. How long in there? I'm probably going to just have options, but I could also try to 'tune' it to last about an hour. Right now have everything resetting every time you start guideme, so you'd have to finish it in one sitting. I will probably try to figure out good pacing for small, medium, and large mazes. What do you think, 30 minutes, 1 hour, then just 1 hour plus. Though a bigger maze I think at first will start repeating content too much (at first!)

3. Chance to cum at the end? I think I am at least going to structure it out so you have a random chance to finish, but if you stay in longer and find/do extra things you can come out with a 100% chance to do so if you want.

4. File size matter? I am probably going to do pics for the moment, but they can get pretty big. I may try to downsize the images near 1920x1080 if they are larger if the file size is getting too big.

5. Anything else you'd like to see in a maze tease?

Also again it should be very easy to add encounters in, so if you have 20 images of someone you like, you can get them in that maze with minimal effort as a random encounter.
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by mowlboon »

desertfox wrote: 1. What is it you like about the maze tease in general? The excitement of a puzzle? Being lost, not knowing which encounter is next? Having to escape to find the way out in order to cum?
Kind of all three I guess.
desertfox wrote:2. How long in there? I'm probably going to just have options, but I could also try to 'tune' it to last about an hour. Right now have everything resetting every time you start guideme, so you'd have to finish it in one sitting. I will probably try to figure out good pacing for small, medium, and large mazes. What do you think, 30 minutes, 1 hour, then just 1 hour plus. Though a bigger maze I think at first will start repeating content too much (at first!)
The time tuning could be more like 45/70/105ish, like the short one a bit longer, the longest one a bit shorter, I don't want to jerk all day just because I get too bored off of 30 (obvsly just my opinion #nooffence)
desertfox wrote:3. Chance to cum at the end? I think I am at least going to structure it out so you have a random chance to finish, but if you stay in longer and find/do extra things you can come out with a 100% chance to do so if you want.
Definitly implement that! Best thing would be something like minigames. Of course they appear at random, so it's more fun. e.g.:

Code: Select all

Do you want to play MyAwesomeMinigame1337OpieOP?

Yes -> +x% chance
No -> A small punishment at random (like in Peeping on Jordan) or something like decreasing the chance
desertfox wrote:4. File size matter? I am probably going to do pics for the moment, but they can get pretty big. I may try to downsize the images near 1920x1080 if they are larger if the file size is getting too big.
Everyone who doesn't have enough storage for his fap material should go back to playboymagazines.. JK
you could either make them all 1080p or 720p or something like 3 Versions for everyone to choose (480p,720p,1080p kinda?)
I know the last one is a reeeeeeeeally big amount of work since it's not like a video where you press a button and it's done
desertfox wrote:5. Anything else you'd like to see in a maze tease?
- As I said: Minigames :D
- a few Traps maybe?
- can't think of anything right now, will come back if I cum up with sumfin
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by desertfox »

Thanks for the feedback. I think what I need to do is probably just let you pick a size maze and encounter rate and try to give you some sort of idea how long it can take. I mean you can take a basic maze and make it take 4 hours if your first random encounter leads to a script you've put in there that takes 3 hours to finish. I'm thinking random encounters should be like iona's maze, about 5 minutes or so per one so you can keep moving.

What would be a trap in terms of a tease? Just falling into an encounter that forced you to edge excessively or gave you a speed trial of some sort to complete before you could move on?
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by desertfox »

Another progress update, I'm finally 1.0 feature complete. I have everything in there I want to get, and it all appears to be working. I am sure there will be some bugs, but for the most part I can get to the content now. This will probably be the longest part of building it, but really the more fun part too.

If anybody was interested in doing any random encounters with it all you need to do some guideme script engine teases and it can be dropped right into the random encounter folder and it'll get picked up as a possibility.
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by PlayfulGuy »

desertfox wrote:Slowly moving forward on this despite having been back to normal life. I have most of the design figured out and implemented, just a few more features and a bunch of debugging and I'll have the framework all done and can start trying to actually make content.

In the meanwhile, had some questions for anybody interested in answering so I might get a better idea for people that have been into and/or doing maze teases.

1. What is it you like about the maze tease in general? The excitement of a puzzle? Being lost, not knowing which encounter is next? Having to escape to find the way out in order to cum?
I particularly like the challenge of mapping the maze while being so horny I can't concentrate, and of not knowing when I'll hit an encounter or what will happen. That said, the sample mazes you've shown, and the ones I've generated with your sample code seem to have too many encounters for my taste. It's like it's too crowded in there. Perhaps this should be configurable.

I always treat a maze as I'm trapped in that maze with no release until find the exit. Since I may get too close to cumming I might have to quit and come back to it hours, or even days later to resume the search.

As I progress through a maze and get a partial map done, and find a dead end, then I get the frustration of knowing when I have to backtrack through one more encounters while I try to find the ultimate reward of that orgasm.

So for me, that means it must be mappable.
desertfox wrote: 2. How long in there? I'm probably going to just have options, but I could also try to 'tune' it to last about an hour. Right now have everything resetting every time you start guideme, so you'd have to finish it in one sitting. I will probably try to figure out good pacing for small, medium, and large mazes. What do you think, 30 minutes, 1 hour, then just 1 hour plus. Though a bigger maze I think at first will start repeating content too much (at first!)
I think you should be in there until you find the exit and that it should not reset. You should be able to exit Guideme and come back to that maze right where you left off. For me that's part of the beauty of a maze tease.

I would try and keep individual encounters something like 5 to 10 minutes each. I really liked Talia's maze as it had a nice mix of sessions. In some you just got stroking, some you only got one or two edges, others you got like 10 edges, and had to do them with very short breaks between (always a killer for me :) etc.
desertfox wrote: 3. Chance to cum at the end? I think I am at least going to structure it out so you have a random chance to finish, but if you stay in longer and find/do extra things you can come out with a 100% chance to do so if you want.
I generally prefer that the reward is an orgasm, but could be full or ruined. I'm sure that other people would appreciate having denial as a possibility too. Having extras like you suggest that give you a guaranteed full orgasm is a great idea. The girls could even tell you that you've earned at least a ruin now, and if you find x or y you'll get a full, stuff like that.
desertfox wrote: 4. File size matter? I am probably going to do pics for the moment, but they can get pretty big. I may try to downsize the images near 1920x1080 if they are larger if the file size is getting too big.
It's an issue for me. Some teases are crazy big, and an image that's more than 1920x1080 is just a waste of space anyway. Few screens can display anything higher. It takes much longer to load high res images, and then it just has to be reduce in resolution for display anyway.

I can't remember if it's a powertool I downloaded or if it's built into Win 7, but I have can just select a bunch of images and pick Resize, select whether or not to keep originals, set a maximum size and hit go. It's easy enough and I think it's important.
desertfox wrote: 5. Anything else you'd like to see in a maze tease?
I would like to see an option for random encounters and/or fixed encounters. Or maybe have the code generate mostly random encounters, but throw in a few fixed encounters that pull from a specific script or something. That sort of fits with your idea of extras in #3 above.

Sometimes knowing what's coming can be a great mind fuck. Like knowing that to back track from this dead end you have to go through that CBT/pain/whatever session again

Great stuff DesetFox. Can't wait to play with it!

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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by desertfox »

Thanks for the great feedback!
I particularly like the challenge of mapping the maze while being so horny I can't concentrate, and of not knowing when I'll hit an encounter or what will happen. That said, the sample mazes you've shown, and the ones I've generated with your sample code seem to have too many encounters for my taste. It's like it's too crowded in there. Perhaps this should be configurable.
I actually have that configurable now. There is an encounter step and chance. So every move you make it adds the step to the chance of running into something. So if the encounter step is say 10. The first move is 0% chance, second move 20% chance, third 30% chance etc. I'm not sure on the number there, but I did one quick test run with it at around 5 and got out of a 20x20 maze with 9 encounters just looking at the exit. With 5 min encounters thats at least 45 minutes. I think it might be good to do it proportional to the maze size, though at first I'm probably going to just release it with a 25x25 maze and try to find what is 'good' with that, then get more 'in game' options to tweak it later.

Also am looking to have some things change your encounter step as you play too ;)
I always treat a maze as I'm trapped in that maze with no release until find the exit. Since I may get too close to cumming I might have to quit and come back to it hours, or even days later to resume the search.

As I progress through a maze and get a partial map done, and find a dead end, then I get the frustration of knowing when I have to backtrack through one more encounters while I try to find the ultimate reward of that orgasm.

So for me, that means it must be mappable.

I think you should be in there until you find the exit and that it should not reset. You should be able to exit Guideme and come back to that maze right where you left off. For me that's part of the beauty of a maze tease.
I didn't even think of it that way, that you leave off where you are and are 'stuck' until you finish it. I've had an inkling I need to have it so you leave and come back with everything still in place, even if it is just reality getting in the way and you needing to stop. What you mention here just further convinces me.

I THINK it might just work with how guideme saves everything, I just have to turn off the 'always go to start page'. As long as the script engine works if you stop in the middle of it it should be good.

As for mappable, the whole thing will just be a 1x1 grid so it is definitely mapable as you walk.

I've also set a flag for when you have a map on you, and once you have the map it will start marking everything you've walked through. So you'll see navigation buttons, and when you have the map can go to the map page and see where you've walked.

I'm planning on giving the chance to get the map almost as soon as you get in the maze, with the option to just refuse to get it if you want to hand map it yourself. I probably should work in some sort of bonus for doing that but that might be off the table for the first pass :)
I would try and keep individual encounters something like 5 to 10 minutes each. I really liked Talia's maze as it had a nice mix of sessions. In some you just got stroking, some you only got one or two edges, others you got like 10 edges, and had to do them with very short breaks between (always a killer for me :) etc.
I'm with you here, having been inspired by how fun talias and iana's mazes were, it's what i'm going to aim for in the random encounters. I normally wouldn't think I'd have enjoyed sitting there with a pen and paper doing them, but my desk has two filled out maps for both of those teases ;)
I generally prefer that the reward is an orgasm, but could be full or ruined. I'm sure that other people would appreciate having denial as a possibility too. Having extras like you suggest that give you a guaranteed full orgasm is a great idea. The girls could even tell you that you've earned at least a ruin now, and if you find x or y you'll get a full, stuff like that.
I'm starting to write in some really light story/lore for everything, and am probably going to go this route, with the general idea if you are just getting from start to exit in the maze you might not have the best type of ending you want, but if you explore and spend more time, rewards await.
It's an issue for me. Some teases are crazy big, and an image that's more than 1920x1080 is just a waste of space anyway. Few screens can display anything higher. It takes much longer to load high res images, and then it just has to be reduce in resolution for display anyway.

I can't remember if it's a powertool I downloaded or if it's built into Win 7, but I have can just select a bunch of images and pick Resize, select whether or not to keep originals, set a maximum size and hit go. It's easy enough and I think it's important.
I remember having that powertool a while back, but seem to have lost it :) I think I will go through the images and shrink to that size...though on the other side I've destroyed my empornium ratio downloading picture packs, soo... I'll have to play it by ear depending on how much I do. I'm planning on just dumping it on mega to distribute it, so maybe I could do something like suggested above where i resize images to two sizes and you get the image directory separately. I'll probably think about this last as I may end up with something reasonable, though in my mind I'm thinking I'll be at least around a gig, but I may lose heart before that ;)
I would like to see an option for random encounters and/or fixed encounters. Or maybe have the code generate mostly random encounters, but throw in a few fixed encounters that pull from a specific script or something. That sort of fits with your idea of extras in #3 above.
You are in luck sir, I have two types of encounters possible. The first one is just, make a .scr file and put in the random encounters directory. That drives off the encounter step/chance as you walk around. It picks one randomly and in you go (well, I made it so you have to do EVERY tease in the directory before you see the same one again).

Type number two I'm calling 'triggered encounters' and those can be set up by setting a string in the scr file that gets parsed and puts triggered encounters in the maze. So the triggers I have set up are fixed point, then either near/far away from the entrance/exit or just random. So if you walk over that selected space it'll trigger the specified scr file/label.

I have one where it'll just set a trigger at your current position. So for example I have a place I want to always be there, in the intro script it sets a trigger for a random location, then when you go into that script, every time you leave it sets another trigger right where you are standing so every time you walk over that maze square you go back to that place.

Then I have it so you can insert them into the random encounters. So you can tell it to make the 4th encounter the player sees go to the script/label you want instead of the random ones. I also have a 'in X encounters' flag so if you are on your 10th encounter you can say in 4 encounters, so on encounter 14 you get the script/label.

I also made it so you can set 'unlock flags' which is just a string of flags it will check against before doing the encounter, so if you have a fixed spot, and you need to have the map to go into that script, but don't have it, it will look like just any old maze room.

So it's real easy to write the random encounter, just put it in the dir. Triggered encounters go in another dir but can be more confusing to write and debug, and you can sort of mess yourself. Like when I was doing that fixed location I kept forgetting to set the trigger when I exit, and you basically can't get back in there unless you reset, so have to be careful with things.

But I'm probably going more on the stroking/edging type of thing, but if someone wanted to add things in, its pretty easy for them to make a trigger to pick up say a 'golden shoelace' or something, then go back into teases and check the inv_shoelace flag they set and do some other stuff with it.

Anyway thank you again for the feedback, super helpful and has me thinking more!
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Re: [GuideMe] Random Mazes (work in progress)

Post by desertfox »

Welp, bad news on being able to pick up where we left off. It seems the script engine wants to move forward one more command every time you come up, probably due to being primed to go there after you submit, but really more killer is that the maze object I made doesn't seem to serialize properly when I restart guideme, it comes in with some sort of error or null when it tries to get it out of the scriptvars. It could be something else going on but seems like that.

The maze object was set up like

Code: Select all

function maze()  {
	this.var = whatever;

	this.member_function = function() {
Which I don't know if that matters, might be over my head on this one. Which probably means it's going to have to be in one sitting.

Maybe in the future can try to restructure it in some other way to fix that, but not sure how to do so.

Clearly the best solution here is to run guideme in a VM and save the state of it when you are done ;)
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