The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

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The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by temptemp »

You know what I reckon would be great for syncing with Cock Hero videos? This thing.
It hooks up to a controller via USB so I should imagine could be hacked. I wouldn't have a clue how to do it personally neither am I planning on buying this kit at the moment (although I hear its other attachment is meant to be amazing) but it's a lot cheaper than the RealTouch -- the only other possible device capable of doing this I'm pretty sure -- in the long-run, that's for sure.

Just thought I'd mention it as I can't find any other thread referring to it already. Tell me what you think.
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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by SexualChoc »

:-) got to LOVE Japanese sex toys...

thanks for the post...
I would love a product review
How long did it take to ship to you??
was it worth the cost??
(And other similar questions)
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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by temptemp »

Tch, pay more attention man! :-P lol
I don't have one, I just understand they're meant to be excellent toys. Although some reviews do mention people having problems with it being underpowered, which I suspect is something to do with it not getting enough power due to different electricity systems in countries outside Japan, if you watch videos it seems an incredibly powerful device. Its production was delayed for a couple of years even to iron other problems out.
Maybe one day I'll go for it and buy one (plus base unit of course) but as I've said I wouldn't know where to start modifying it for Cock-Hero synchronisation purposes. I do think though, could it be done, that it would be the perfect solution to this dream goal we all have on this thread topic.
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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by roobie »

Happy to see new types of toys. Bored by almost every single toy being just the same old motor vibrator packaged in a slightly different shape. Sadly the reviews on Amazon for this seem to be pretty bad.

"Too loud"
"Doesn't have enough power to move at all unless you choose the highest settings"
"Broke down after 3 uses"
"Too expensive" (looks to be about $100)
"The material doesn't feel good"
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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by temptemp »

Yeah, I think at least some of those are true. However, I think for a product that's trying to achieve something that's actually quite complicated it's bound to be a bit finicky. What I mean is that I expect given proper preparation and setup, with the correct lube for example, it probably works quite well. I expect those who have had trouble didn't use it properly which is a shame if you're willing to spend so much on it. OK so a good product should work in all weathers so to speak but considering how long it took them to design it just goes to show how difficult recreating the simple act of an hand moving up and down is.
Another product, a bit older than the A10, just slipped into my head actually. The Men’s SOM (pic below). Again heard some good things but the problem with this one is that it's an all-enclosed product so you can't detach the controller. Oh well. :-/
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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by temptemp »

Can't believe I didn't think about this one before. How's this for "cuming" at the problem in a different direction. Instead of a machine doing the stroking for you, you pump and the game records how well you did. Just like the original Guitar Hero! Ta-da, presenting the Ju-C Air!

(click image for more info)

Yes that's a thumbstick controller on an onahole. Yes you can fuck virtual girls, if that's your thing. Yes that's a ejaculate button. But the point is that's it has sensors to track your penis thrusts AND it's USB.
A CH video that scored you on how well you keep the beat, what a dream!
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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by Nezhul »

I was really thinking of buying it (the A10 Piston), but watched the review that got me thinking.

the main concern is that the motor seems to be pretty weak. I'm not that much concerned about cleaning and ripping it, because I use toys with enough care to not break them, but the fact that the motor can't take much resistance to the point that it can't handle if it's mildly lubed - is sad. The settings seem fun though. And also I imagine you can drive it via PC because it is driven with the remote by miniUSB, so there's no problem in feeding signals directly from PC.

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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by Btvfirstsub »

I think the A10 is great as long as you're well lubed. It sometimes binds up on the slowest setting and can be freed up with a thrust or two. I like it best when I am semi hard, it draws me in and slurps me up but that doesn't last long. Cock hero is great with the a10, the control lags a little for switching beats. I usually keep it's control at 5 to 10 out of 10 and try to match tempo. When the beat changes I improvise by stroking or thrusting the whole thing ie switching from 4/4 to 3/5 time etc.
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Re: The A10 Piston attachment for the R1 by Rends

Post by temptemp »

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt....!! (read the recent edit at the end of the article)

Well fuck me, I was not expecting that dream to come true! Say no more! Well I hope you guys do here, I've got to go figure out how to budget for this thing! :bounce:
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