Your Opinions on the Getdare Forums?

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Your Opinions on the Getdare Forums?

Post by Turtle »

Hopefully I'm posting this in the best spot. What I'd like is to gather opinions on / reviews of the Getdare Forums (

Immature as it is, the idea of doing some embarrassing assignment for another person is kind of exciting -- sort of like a webtease with some added spice (I have got to get out more). Anyway, I've lurked around the site quite a bit, and while a lot of the content isn't for me, some of the threads have definitely caught my eye.

So why not create an account? There are a couple red flags I'd really appreciate some perspective on:
  • Here's the biggy: it looks like the site only recently switched to 18+, and it allows existing minors to keep their accounts so long as they stay out of certain sub-forums. This raises concerns about liability should I inadvertently give or receive some sexual dare from a minor. Plus there's the moral issue: I'm not a creep and don't want to be one.

    Secondly, the privacy policy implies that admin may give out users' personal information in retaliation for "pissing them off." This isn't a huge deal, since I'm pretty mild-mannered and inoffensive, but it nevertheless gets my paranoia bells ringing.
No doubt some Milovana members are also on the Getdare forums. Any insights or opinions? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Your Opinions on the Getdare Forums?

Post by manwithcape »

getdare might just be the most repetitive forum I've ever visited.
Most sites have topics that return every few months, that site has the same thread multiple times per page.
Interesting concept and I admit to occasionally glancing it over but I'm not a fan.

Regarding personal infomation , just don't use your main mail adres. Manwithcape isn't my real name.

Minors on the site? I'm pretty sure you're not going to get arrested for writing on a forum. When playing a game with someone you always make judgement of the players. "Are they minors?" has just been added to the checklist if you don't want to be a creep.
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Re: Your Opinions on the Getdare Forums?

Post by Slutastic »

Its pretty sick people are playing sexually with minors over there and getting away with it.
I had a quick look through and seen lots of minors doing sexual stuff for adults and thought to myself this is one forum not to sign up on. doubt i will ever go back there and im surprised that someone hasn't been arrested over there already.
We are no longer all together as one but separate mental patients, that yearn to be ejected out of this poisoned atmosphere to a warm bed and a friendly therapist.
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Re: Your Opinions on the Getdare Forums?

Post by Turtle »

Yeah, it was foolish of me to even consider joining. I had mostly lurked in the 18+ sections and hadn't seen any recent activity among minors, but it's clear the whole place is pretty sleazy. I won't be going back.

Guess it'll just have to be webteases for the occasional self-humiliation fix. Human interaction is overrated anyway. :-/
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Re: Your Opinions on the Getdare Forums?

Post by Sett »

Where to start... There is no way to know who goes where on the internet. Not their name, not their sex, not their age, and the "I'm over 18" tickbox dosn't help either. Even if they tell you, there's still no way to be sure. I may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean they're not after me, you know?
That being said legal age for sex in my country is 15 and despite (M)tv, people of this age are usually well educated and aware, so that is not that big of a problem for me, at least legally. Plus i'm not that old either.
So i look around there from time to time, there are some nice ideas to be found (and some really, really stupid). I agree though, that if you want to spare yourself some unpleasant surprises, you are better off just lurking.
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