My First story....

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My First story....

Post by lttribal »

First a little intro... This is my first story submission so be kind. This is all based on personal playtimes with an ex girlfriend of mine. I have taken the liberty to change very little and what has been changed has solely been to keep story from getting boring. Enjoy:

Wondering where and when he lost control...

I am writing to share my experiences as ordered by my lovely girlfriend. Tonight, my Mistress, the one who will get to call all the shots and allow me the privilege of serving her needs. I will become her love slave, her pet, her servant to be at her disposal waiting on her word! She will enjoy a night of pure pleasure and ecstasy, of unbridled adoration, pampered and obeyed, brought to many orgasmic highs while hoping She notices that I am good and deserving I might have the priveledge of being allowed to have a release in her presence and for her pleasure. Don’t get me wrong, as nice that is I must earn it from my service and lack of self pleasure to Mistress, but that is the only place I am allowed to have a release. In Her presence, for her amusement and for her satisfaction, not mine. I just don’t know when it changed and I lost control and stopped topping from the bottom.

You see, in the real world I live a life which is very alpha male. I am a man who is always in a man’s role, a person who takes care of business, when the shit hits the fan, I am the guy who gets the call to clean up others mess ups. Short story is I live in a world I dominate and which also has the side effect of a lot of stress. With my beautiful young sexy girlfriend we have explored into what some may claim to be extreme or fetish type “special thing” activities. Let’s call it a sensual Female Domination type games. I am a mid 30’s guy who is active so have done all right in the aging department. My Mistress on the other hand is much younger, 25, and sexy as all that.

First time I laid eyes on her she was storming out of a club and crossing the street in front of me, SEXY, was the first thing which came to mind, she was in a lil thing, black I think, but that isn’t what held my attention, she had on sexy, thigh high, black ‘cum fuck me’ boots and a look to match! She turned and looked directly at me, her piercing glare staring right into my eyes; that look matched with the attitude emanating from her, I thought, “ Wow, even if she didn’t know it yet I did.” That girl was a natural Dominatrix. Or at least, she was confident and knew she could have any man there that night. My next thought was not of submitting to this goddess but more of a natural gut reaction of my alpha male state and the inevitable: “I am going to have a piece of that, and it is going to be GOOD!”

I won’t get into specifics but she is my girl now, when I am out anywhere with this goddess, eyes turn, guys look at her with lustful wanting and other pretty girls stare with ‘hater’ envy. I love it. That is my goddess, on or off the role-play games.

Once I met her and knew this was one fiery hot and ready sexy woman whom I just had to make my own. I learned that she and a few of her close girlfriends all whom had been Cheerleaders back in school, still got together to have cheerleader parties. Wow, what an added perk, you know the cheerleader fantasy? Mmmnnnnn, add a little dominance and male submission or service to the female and you can see where that can begin to lead.
I approached my vixen a few months ago and introduced the idea of a little role-play games and exploration of erotic fantasies. At first she got the wrong message and we had traveling and things went into a strange time between us. She was at first shocked, then amused, I think due to her feelings for me, she played along. Little did she know just how much enjoyment she would ultimately gain from having her own servant whom was at her command. Before the light bulb clicked in her head though, we had to survive our growing pains, we would end up having a lot of difficulty, I would try to help or get her going and ended up topping from the bottom which let to her being angry, or feeling like she was not good enough or I was not happy with her etc.

The whole reason I needed and craved to play these games never were fulfilled and we both ended up unsatisfied. Other things happened too, as we learned new things about each other and also found exploring together we discovered things we liked and didn’t. I felt comfortable doing things I would never have dreamed I would do with a girl present, let alone someone I loved and wanted to look up to me and respect me. But I think she realized the stress I was under and how these games were a needed therapy for me to just, stop, and remember a time where I didn’t have to have the answers, I didn’t have to take care of problems. I could just be happy serving the one beautiful girl I loved in a way which though might have looked strange to outsiders made perfect sense to us and gave me a place and time to relax put my self in the hands of my goddess to give her total pleasure without having to think, and where she could know and feel my trust and love for her as I was her pleasure slave, house cleaner, cook, errand boy, foot massager, humble servant awaiting her order or as entertainment used for her amusement, pleasure, and when she thought I was deserving could earn my release, only and always for her amusement and in her presence.
Initially, she didn’t realize just how advantageous a position she was put in and how much she could enjoy herself while simultaneously getting the pampering a girl dreams about and imagines in her romance novel mind frame but rarely gets to experience in our real life world.

My young, sexy little nymph made a discovery or finally realized just what fun and how enjoyable a position I had put her in. All of a sudden our playtime didn’t seem like a burden where she felt she was not good enough to please me so I had her role play or pretend she was someone else. (Which I never intended or even thought she would think.) She then did a little investigating of her own to learn more and as she did she found herself getting aroused at some of her thoughts and where they were leading her thought process.

She didn’t realize the pleasure I received giving and just being vulnerable to her commands, her gaze, her touch. When I am at her feet, serving, I am constantly kept aroused just by a gaze from her, a word of my predicament or telling me how many times I am to make her cum, if and how I will be allowed to orgasm at her feet under supervision. Or she will be doing something while ignoring me, as I am left kneeling in position of inspection at her knees, she likes to tease me and keep me erect in her presence so she will randomly just look down at ‘Her’cock and ask me how I feel knowing she has had two orgasms from my mouth or whatever and she has not allowed me one. In the beginning, she wouldn’t realize the joy and pleasure I was ready to give her and we would start playtime only to get side tracked with other mundane things for hours in between and hour here or twenty minute there of her or my pleasure and game time. Things changed all of a sudden a month ago.

My Goddess took over and laid down some ground rules if we were to continue to play. She now doesn’t waste any time during playtime, she makes sure to get all her pleasure and then some. The funny thing is she still will get off on her other little tangents, like playing with make up, or sewing new outfits or just doing her own thing but the difference now is she knows how to make the best use of me for her. Pleasure, service, errands or whatever. From the time we start til she is ready to end I know and feel like I am her love slave, her pet and sometimes, even her little maid! Outfit and all. It is embarrassing to write this and realize I am under her as far as authority goes, I am made to remember that fact in many ways, as our playing around together is getting kinkier she has me doing things I never thought I would want to. Being a heterosexual male I never thought some of this stuff would be a turn on but with her it is fun and I don’t feel weird because, it really is not my choice, I put myself at her feet and service and must behave according to her wishes. She has really figured how to make best use of me too.

Before a month ago, we would play but I would be free to do whatever I wanted until she actually got around to getting sexual, now though I am always reminded of being in her control in one way or another. For example, at the start of a session she will bring out a collar for me, that is our signal. Once it is on, I am to, if not already, get completely naked in front of her. Kneel down in front of her and bow down until my head is at the floor by her feet. In this position, head down, on my knees, legs spread, ass in the air, I wait til I hear her say ‘OK’ I am then allowed to kiss each foot and get back up to present position. This has me kneeling with knees wide and hands at my sides or clasped behind my neck. The differences now to before are things like, she will still go off on her sewing or makeup but she will lease Her cock to her foot and have me do things in leash range every once in awhile tugging the lease to let me know I am her pet. Or she will command me to kiss and/or rub her feet while reading or writing in her journal.

She will tell me to put on one of my many uniforms or outfits and clean or arrange while she is busy doing other things. She pops buy to tease me or will have me get her something from time to time. She will even sometimes just tie me into a vulnerable position, where I am displayed to her but not allowed to look or just made to feel humiliated. Oh, I forgot, I am always strapped in one of a multitude of ways for her visual pleasure, this of course usually means to my uncomfortable joy, just another of her ways of letting me know she owns me even when not touching me. I am not allowed to touch my own dick, sorry, her dick when we play. Sometimes this will last days; I can only receive pleasure if and when she things it would be fun, and only in her presence. I am always at her disposal however, and she likes to point out that she will receive pleasure and servitude from me. I am to enjoy her pleasure and not think of my own as it now is at her discretion. The result being that I am at a high state of arousal the whole time I worship at her feet. I would never have thought I could be at and stay at such a high sexual arousal without release for so long.

Mistress loves to just hold ‘Her” large cock in her hand not letting me pump as she holds me. She loves to hold it from the root so I don’t get any feeling of pleasure, but usually am straining and hoping for the command to pump, but she loves to just hold me like that as I tend to her and as she starts to CUMM, she will just look me in the eye, holding my dick ands smile. I love that because I know she is loving my adoration, but more she knows I feel so much for her that I can trust her with all this as well as the joy I get from her getting off from my ministrations even though I am not allowed to. She is good and kind to me though; she usually allows my release after she has had 5. So a 5:1 ratio. Sometimes however she might end up being too tired and is off to sleep while I lay next to her just in sexual denial filled with wanting but knowing better then disobeying and playing with myself. I just have to wait and pray she will wake up and allow me to please her another five times so maybe she will allow me to spill for her. Usually though, a new day comes with new chores or errands and it can be all day or even a few days before we can get back to game time. Those are tuff times for me.

Well, here I am, there is a little summary for you of up to tonight. I am a bit apprehensive as I am not sure what my Goddess has planned for me. All I know is that she has been upset with me and told me that tonight I’d better be on my best behavior and to prepare just to think of nothing other then being her toy, think of pleasing, think of being owned.
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Re: My First story....

Post by lttribal »

Wouldn't mind a comment or two? Is it boring? interesting? Want to know more? it sucks?

Just try and be kind and constructive with criticism, please. thx.
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