Jana is a bad girl

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smother sitter
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Jana is a bad girl

Post by smother sitter »

Old story of mine

Jana a Bad girl

by Smother Sitter

Jana stood over the bound figure, the straps tied to the bed made it impossible to escape. In the darkness, Jana only see the lower half of the naked male clearly. She could only see a dark definition of the man face. It didn't matter anyway.

"Are you ready?"

The figure began to moan and fret about in the confines of the straps. His speech was a unclear, but for the moment, Jana could not care less. She approach his body, only stopping when she meet his head. she straddled his head, putting both her bare feet next to him.

" "Look up ," she commanded.

Jana twirl her finger along the long tresses of her black hair. She was fairly certain that her new found slave was looking up to her wonderful ass. The tan orbs that was mere inches from his face.
"You better take a deep breath, because here I come."

Jana giggled with delight as she grind her bottom against the man 's face. She took hold of his struggling wrists and lean back. She was going to put her full weight on him. The male below her began to struggle wildly underneath her. His effort to dislodge his tormentor delighted her. Whenever he manage to move his head, she shift herself to a new position. She continued to block his effort to breathe. Her victim was able to find some air away from her big ass, but it was never very long.

Some time later, the man's struggles weaken until he was nearly still. His cock began to become erect, no doubt due to the ass fix it sation. It was the last final attempt to leave sperm in this world.
"Maybe I ride that dick," Jana thought in her sex-crazed mind." but first I going to cum."

Jana took no thought to the male below her, and continue to think only of her pleasure. She rubbed and grind her butt more and more till she could not stand it.

The man was for a moment relived when Jana moved to her chest. She turned her head and gave her victim a wicked smile.

"Are you ready? I want you to take your last breathe," she commanded to the bound male.
"Don't worry about breathing" she said to her dying friend. "you be my sacrifice to me. You will soon die beneath me."

Jana felt the organic pressure exiting her lions. As her orgasm went on and on, she had no intention of moving. Only her feeling matter. Suddenly the room began to get fuzzy and she was losing focus.

"What the hell going on?" she thought to herself. Suddenly she could no longer feel the man beneath her, or anything else for the matter.

Jana gasp, and look around her large apartment in the dark. She was naked, laying on the sofa after a sweetly night of kinky dreams. Her hand was covered by her juices. She must have Breathing heavily she was able to slowly clam herself down. She always has kinky dream, especially after watching a good porno movie, but this was different. It seem so real that she could feel not just his skin, but his desperate struggle as well.

It was no doubt the special face sitting video she ordered. It was a long one, and it took a while for her to even find it. The woman in the video, the mistress, was probably a porn star that played a dominatrix, rather than a professional dom. She didn't just smother the guy slave, but she fuck him afterward too.

Most of the Femdom movies that she rented, or occasionally brought, have very little fucking in it. Instead, the Domme or Dominatrix, would tease and torment the man. She would smother him with her breasts or ass, make him lick her feet. She would kick and often punch his balls as much as he could endure. She would tease his cock, bite his balls and after giving him a harsh hand job, she would make him come all over again. The male would be desperate to cum, but would find himself hard and dissatisfied.

Jana go up, letting the air cool her bare tan skin down. she was on the way to the bedroom, when she viewed herself on the mirror. She was tall, about 5' 10 with a chubby figure. She had full pronounced and large breasts, that went well with her voluptuous frame. She had wide hips, connected by long muscular legs. Her arms were more fat than muscle, but she could still knockout a guy if she wanted to. Her hair was cut short, ending just below her neckline. Her natural dark skin came from her mother, a woman from El Salvador who married a American.

The dark haired beauty went through her old living space with a disapproving look. It was nearly a steal, especially considering her budget. When she first move into the seven story department. She was very excited about it large size and low cost. Nearly six years later, it look disappointly empty.
Sure, Jana got a good-paying but annoying job ( as a telemarketer for a popular phone company, ) a college degree from a reputable school, and of course, gorgeous hispanic looks. That said, her social life was non-existent. She didn't have a steady boyfriend for nearly four years. Naturally, this lead to nearly every family member, who wanted to remedy the saturation. Her little sister Kelly, was the most annoying.

Jana and absorbed in thoughts when the apartment's buzzer rang. A frustrated expression on her attractive face. She went to the bedroom closet and put on her robe. She walked in a huff, completely surprising her new guest.
"I already have plans to spend the weekend by herself. Who was this person, who had nothing better to do but bother her?" She thought to herself.

The sandy haired visitor quickly regain her compose herself, and gave her best smile to her big sister.

"Happy birthday, Jana"

"Kell, what the hell are you doing here?"

"What? Little sister can come to her big sister's birthday?"

"Aren't you and the way to work? Why else wearing that skirt?"

Kelly stare sheepishly at her box in her hand. Her blue business blouse and skirt combo look dazing in the light. She had a quiet presence, especially compared to her sister. While both were tall, had green eyes and had "slightly chubby figures." They look and act so differently that many people would not peg them as siblings. Kelly surely took her genes from their father.

"I just came here to give you my present, it should help you with problem."

"my problem!!?"

Kelly's green eyes narrowed. "Yes, your problem. You can't stay alone by yourself. You have no close friends, you're single, no kids, and not a single boyfriend,...or girlfriend for that matter for nearly four years.

"Look, I changed, I not the party girl I was in College.

Kelly went inside Jana apartment and place a box to the nearest table. "Annnyway..., here's your gift, just be careful with it. "

Jana took the lid off of Kelly' box. Suddenly, to her surprise, she saw a small dog there. It was a light brown color animal. "What is it?"she asked.

"She is German Sheppard pup."

"Great, just what I need!"

"She will keep you company, and who knows? It might attract some cute guys. "

"just because I not a cat person, does not mean I want a dog.

"Here, just pick her up."

"She lighter than I thought she was. Still.."

"Look into her eyes and say no."

Jana look at light brown pooch again. As Kelly was holding her, she began to whine a little.

"God damit, alright, I keep her, but I better not live to regret this or I'll have this bitch euthanized!"

"Don't kid about that, about that, and anyway you can't it a bitch."

"Of course I can, she is a female dog, a real bitch.

Ralph Boregard was taking his normal haunts in the back alleys behinds the block's stores and apartment. He was whistling low tune, and was making his way to his old hunting grounds. He was a part time loader and stocker on one of those 24 hour convenience store, but it was never enough to pay for his bills (or his porn.) Ralph threw and caught his long combat knife. It was an bayonet really, sometime he won in a rigged poker game.

Ralph whistle a tune, as he remember, just two day ago, when he put the "lunger" as the old man called it to good use. He threaten an out of Towner with a long cut if he did hand over the content of wallet. His red wild bread gave the appearance of a grisly man who lived in the wood, was a great way to imitate people. In some ways it help outshine his short, chubby frame.

It was the girl that he met two weeks ago that made his blood boil. She was a slim, attractive woman. she was in her 20s, through she look young. He had ambush her from her blind side and drag her to the alley. Putting the knife to her throat, he roughly grab her purse. As he was searching her purse, he notice that she was trying to escape. He push her hard against the wall, as her resistance crumble.
Even though he was in a hurry, he did notice how attractive the woman was, and how helpless she seem. He could do anything to her. What could he do with her breasts, and what he could do with her pussy and nice ass.

Ralph's perverted thoughts was interrupted by the commotion just outside the alley. A small group of men and woman was heading towards the alley. Damn, they must have been with the girl. With no more thought to the girl, he grab whatever money he could and dropped the girl's purse. with luck, he should be able to make good his escape.

This time Ralph was prepared. He was lucky last time. Through he was called in a line up, neither the girl, his friend or the police recognize him and he was let go. Instead of taking this opportunity. Now all he had to do was find the right person at the right time.

Ralph went to the favorite porn shop, Roadside video, his "materials" safety hidden in the big coat he wore from the female cashier. While it was early fall, it was in the middle of the night so they should not be any suspicion from her. He look around, searching for his favorite brand of videos, BDSM videos.

"Where are all the Bon-," Ralph caught himself. He did not want give the blond female clerk any clue of his plans.

"He must be shy," The young, blonde clerk said to herself. She meet many customers who were embarrass, just by being there. "Our Fetish videos have move over here."

"Thanks, I got it from here."

"Well I could help, anything that you are looking for particularly. I had to be somewhat an expert in sexual fetishes. Do you want any suggestions?"

Ralph was getting increasable nervous. The girl was too interested in him for his liking. She would certainly remember him.

"I know what you need," the blonde petite female stated. "I suggest you buy a Femdom video."
"What's- what a Femdom video?"

Simple put, a Femdom video present a situation in which the female has total control from a sub. It call also be an attempt to forced a person into a sub position.

"You mean make him a slave?"

"More or less, but it is not always a male. Personally I would enjoy having a person tied up, unable to stop me from doing anything I want."

"Me Too" Ralph thought out loud.

Ralph know she heard him when he saw the look on her face. "So about those Femdom videos, what would you recommended?

The Blonde cashier continued on like nothing happen. "These three I would highly recommend. You like them, I sure, because they have lot of BONDAGE.

Ralph paid for the movies and quickly left the store.


Mary took stock of today's earning. It was usually something she did, as the last task for the day. Even though she still has four hours of his overnight shift. It was not unusually of her totake long break. She was her own boss for the moment, and there were something about that last guy. She had many customers who only came out at night and talk about their fantasies.

"Surely this guy was not attempting to make his fantasies true? What should I do, call the police
"No," she determined. "I going to see how this play out "

Throwing caution to the wind, Mary lock the door and went into the cold night.

She is Bad part two

Six month ago, Jana took a German Sheppard gift from his pesky sister. It was now early fall and she was as pissed as ever. in an expression of her frustration with her new pet, she named the pup, Gato and the relationship went downhill from there. She hate walking it, spending money for its food and dealing with its incessant barking. Naturally, Jana was frustrated as hell. After work Jana was in no mode to do anything with Gato, but what could she do?

"Beside, I could use the exercise." she thought to herself.

Jana stood in her long, now slender legs. She took the leash and put in on Gato. "Alright girl, let's get going."

Jana took Gato down the street. It was early fall, and was getting a bit nifty. She only wanted to take a short walk, but when Gato pooped early, they was little reason to rush home. This was why she was here not far from Roadkill Videos...

Ralph hurried through the back ways and alley of the city block. The videos he brought were in the deep pockets of his jacket, along with his other "instruments." He had plan to take his time with his perverted plan, but now he had to hurry.

Ralph took a short breath, pausing for the time being. Inside his coat he fingered his best weapon, Duck Tape. He wanted to t, because as a packer, he could get some for free, but he was unsure of it's strength.

" It was getting dangerous, maybe I should quit, forget the whole thing. "

Suddenly, Ralph spot a tall, black haired, dark skin woman, making her way to the alley. She was a little taller than he wanted, but by now he had little choice. In the months since she got Gato, she has slim down to a slender but pudgy figure. She had thinner arms and smaller hips, but her ass and breast was nearly as big as ever. Best of all she was alone, and she was obviously in a hurry. She would total distracted! For a minute, Ralph was feeling small pains of regret. He decided to was going forward with his plan, regardless of the consequences.

Jana cursed Gato, probably for the uptimeth time. During her long walk, she had lost track of time and now she had hurry back home. Suddenly she heard and felt movement on her right. A sudden pain and shock went through, her whole body and she nearly fell. She lost track of Gato, and struggle to confront her attacker. He had light brown hair, brown eyes, and a handle bar mustache. He also look like he had not shaven at least a couple of days.
Her attacker pull out a long knife. he seem to be barking orders but she had no idea what he was saying. She thought about screaming help or call for help, but within moments he was on her. He put the knife to her neck. "Don't make a move bitch, or I' ll spilt you."
Gato attack come to a surprise to everyone. A low growl came from her before her attempt to bite the man. For a moment her attacker was distracted. It was all she need.

Ralph never felt in such an helpless position in his short life. It was bad enough that the accursed dog distracted him, but the woman attack was total unexpected. He still didn't have any idea what she hit him with. a plank of wood? A trash can lid? It didn't matter in the long run. He was now cleverly immobilized, barely able to move from his restrained position. He was placed on his back, forced to look up at this enraged woman. Both his hands was behind his back, tied at the wrist. His legs was tied as well. Just how was she able to find the duck tape so quickly? Ralph thought. He had hid it in his coat quite, well. Has she discovered his intentions.

"Fuck!!" he thought to himself

"Hey, asshole, look up"

Ralph train of questions was stopped at the sight of the large ass above him, clad in some ugly panties. They hovered over him for a moment. It was impossible for him not to notice the numerous stains. The smell of ass and sweat was everywhere and he wrinkle his nose in disgust. Suddenly he felt a long gust of wind. It wast a silent fart. The smell of shit mixed in with the other odors. She was above his life of sight, he heard a long giggle. She turned about, her green eyes staring straight into his. Her long dark hair framed her face. She was prettier than he realized. It suddenly turned into a ugly frown.

"Sorry about that. I been holding that one in for a while. you brought this on yourself, you know. I going to do to you what you try to do to me. I already tied you up, but I going to teach you the meaning of being frighten. "

She stroke his face. "If you had any idea what my plan for you are, you be pissing your pants right now. This is a dream come true for me, but today your worst nightmare will be coming true."

She rotated again, her body was facing his feet. Again he could smell her ass again as she bend down. She straddled his face grind it's large mass and pressure against his unprotected face. Ralph squirmed and squeal, and he tried to get the any from the smell. After a few moments, that became the least of his problems.

She grinded her ass against him, blocking both passages of his nose and his mouth. She cleverly kept track of the movement of his head. He struggled to move his head just to catch a breathe. She was relentless. Before long, Ralph felt an incessant burning in his chest. He was running out air. Ralph struggle harder than ever.

"Didn't the bitch realized he need the breathe, " he panic.

As his conscience began to fade away, he felt warm liquid on his mouth. What! Did she piss on him. No it was much thicker than that. The liquid gust forth, he felt it though the dirty panties. It occur to him like a bolt of lightning. Shi didn't piss on him, she came. The Fucking bitch was turn on to this. Ralph went down cursing.

As Jana got up from the body, she nearly fell down again. She was still feeling the effects of the orgasm. It was the best she had in years. It probably would have been better if she took her panties off. Still she need to stay in control. At least for now. She looked backward, towards the man's face. He seem to be breathing. She tugged at her attacker's restrains. He wasn't going anywhere soon. Jana composed herself, she needed to look presentable to for the journey. She walk out of alley.

"Come here, girl." She handed the girl an old treat she had in her shirt pocket. She look into her dog's eyes. "You really earn this, girl, and we are not done yet. I come back and make that bastard really pay.

Part Three

Ralph woke up, and felt pain everywhere. I must be really out of shape. The woman single determine attempt to smother him nearly wipe him out. He attempted to move, but felt the strong pull of the duck tape. Damn this tape is strong. It was wrapped in layers. He was not going anywhere soon. Ralph's whole body felt numb. He groaned and moan as the pain coursed throughout his body. He got to get out of here. he only reason that bitch left him like this was because she planned to return. Fear began to loom larger and larger, in his head. It brought out memories, bad, perverted memories. He was not going out like this.

A sudden noise interrupted Ralph's train of thoughts. The soft padded sound of footsteps came to his ears. A figure appear, with a feminine silhouette. As she closer to Ralph's line of sight, he thought she look familiar. Medium length blonde hair, a set of perky breasts and a slender figure.

"Bastard.., I see that she kept you tied up."

It was her voice that Ralph recognize. She was the girl from that video store. What was her name? Mary! Thump, Thump! What the hell was she doing? In this poor light he could only see parts of the female cashier clearly. She went closer to him, and drop down on his abdomen. Bitch! that took all the air out of his lungs. It wasn't until now that he realize he was breathing hard. Now he could get a better view of his new attacker, he realized how much deep shit he was in. Mary still had her store vest and white T-shirt, but she was naked below the waist. Apparently she was a natural blonde.


Mary put her slacks, blouse, sweater, shoes and panties all in a neat pile in the dark part of the alley. It was near her hiding spot, while she witness the whole thing. She was fully prepared to fight off Ralph if she had to, when his attack began, but after the dog defend her master, she could see that the big woman no longer need help. She saw the Hispanic woman brought the plank of man's face. He was totally knock out. Like the woman, she was disgusted as the woman took out all of Ralph's instruments. Duck tape, binding ties, rags, and various sizes and sacks, and wooden mallet. She picked up her phone and was about to call the police, when she notice the woman picking up Ralph's new DVDs. They have been her recommendations, Femdom videos that have some face sitting and smothering elements. The woman put up a wicked smile and began to take off her shots.
"On no, she could not." Mary thought to herself. "She going to do it!"

She used the tape to bind the still unconscious man arms and legs together. Mary felt a gawking need that started in her pussy and spread throughout her body.

"That woman wasn't going to do what I always wanted, would she?" Mary thought. Mary had only wanted to dominated a man, someone who she could act out of her frustations on.

The woman took the dog lease and lead her away.

"Was she going to leave the attacker alone in his humiliation? Maybe I could take advantage of this."

The woman return quickly. It seem that the man had manage to wake up into his nightmare just in time. Mary could not stop herself from rubbing her pussy from watching the next stage of events. Not only did she verbally abuse him but, she sat on his face. She must have gotten the idea from videos her attacker had. With her panties on, she start to smother him. His attempts to escape just prolong his torture. Every time he move his head, she quickly settle her ass against his face. Sometime later, the man's struggle ceased. Mary waited, secretly hoping that she would do him in. He was slightly disappointed when she left. She wait for a few minutes before she made her move. She want the woman gone before she made her move.


Ralph could fell the full weight of the female cashier. She was not too heavy, maybe about 120 lbs, but he had no way to resist her.

"You Bastard. I saw everything. You going to pay for attacking that woman."

Ralph want to protest. His attempt was a total failure. The woman had tied him up with his own restrains and humiliated him badly. Wasn't that punishment enough? Mary bounced on him for a while, trying to think of an way to humiliate the prep more.

"You can't do anything, can you. No, there is something you can do. Something that can began your punishment, for the sake of all women!"

Mary shrug her legs over, until both bare and smelly feet was on his face "You start by Sniffing my feet. It was a long run over here."

Covered in a layer of gravel, sweat and grime, Mary's feet was the last thing he wanted to lick. He was more than a bit hesitant.

"You bastard, Sniff my feet now."

Mary took hold of Ralph's jeans and quickly unzipped him. Within moments of pulling down his pants, Ralph's cock was complete exposed. With her small hands, she took a firm grip on his family jewels.

Ralph let loose a muffed scream into the tape which was still firmly connected into his month. He quickl placed his nose between her toes. He took big sniff, hoping to placate the woman.

Mary kept a firm grip on his balls and gave him encouragements every so often to make sure he got a big of her stank as humanly possible. Eventually Mary got tired of this. She ripped the tape off mouth.

"Enough sniffing slave," she added the last word with particular venom, "Now start licking,
Mary forced her toes and heels into his open months. Ralph had little choice but to obey her commands. Mary's feet taste worse than their smell. He started with her heels and cleaned the soles of the feet. The most disgusting and humbling task was so bad, that he nearly threw up,

"Don't just suck at my toes, lick in between them as well"

Ralph steady himself for his new grim task. He taste sweat, dry skins, dirt and grime was SOME of the things he could clearly taste. Whenever he gagged, Mary would take hold of his balls and slowly SQUEEZE them. In total it took nearly thirty minutes, before Mary was completely satisfied.

"Good Job Slave, my feet has never been cleaner." she chuckled. "Now let see how long you can hold you breathe." Mary stood , turn around, and present her small by shapely butt. "I bet you can survive more than two, minutes. At least, I hope so.
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Re: Jana is a bad girl

Post by Sauurman »

Love the story! :)
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Blushing slut
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Re: Jana is a bad girl

Post by Blushing slut »

Hey SS. Great imagery in this. Havent read this till now. Well done. And welcome to the site, newbie... :-D
Ya Gotta Get Down----To Get Back Up Again
smother sitter
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Re: Jana is a bad girl

Post by smother sitter »

hey everyone. Glad that my old friends were able to commet
FYI, Jana is a bad girl is a rewriting of "She Bad" from Mistress Destiny, which suffer a website crash recently. I taking some time to delete some unnessary parts, do some re-editing and adding some more parts. Hope you like it.
Reader and writer of Femdom stories
smother sitter
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Re: Jana is a bad girl

Post by smother sitter »

Part 4
Ralph's journey to his own apartment later that night was a ragged nightmare of terrors. The blond cashier had place her small bottom on his face, smothering him to the point of near exhaustion. Just when he thought that he would pass out, that he could stand any more, she would let up. He would only have a few moments to catch his breath before smothering him again. Mary was relentless, cruel, and utterly sadistic. The worst part of this, was that Ralph could not shake the feeling that he deserve it. The smothering, pussy and feet licking, everything.

Ralph went through his plan aduction in head for the fourth time. He considered himself fearless, willing the face the conquences of his action like a man, but this was too much. He didn't have a steady relationship in two years, had not gotten laid nearly as long. His last girlfriend was a ballbusting amazon that was a semi-pro female boxer that fought with him often, bot physically and figuaraly. If they wasn't arguing about money, or habits, or other personal clashes, then it was the bedroom.

Ralph had such bad manners that woman often went out of the way to avoid him. Before he was a loader for Billing game and Hobbies Co, he had gotten fired by a female supervisers, brought on by a compaint from another female employee. So what if he had told everyone she had a fine "everything" (butt, breast, legs, etc). numberous times. He was just complementing her. After job fired from that jobs. He had to go back home. As a young man, he got in trouble a lot. Luckily for him, his parents, and step parents crazy antics took away most of the blame. Her birth mother numerous affairs, his father, a near gutless, cuckold , who stood by as man after man took away his beautiful wife.

His father Doug, after wasting time at a bar, met a black woman named Brianna. She was frustrated by her own problems with marriage. After talking for a while, the interracial couple had decide to spend their time with each other, rather than their faithless spouse. Some months later, Brianna divorced her husband, but Doug has a harder time. After a nasty divorce and settlement, the two forlorn lovers remarried. Ralph had alway been the odd man out. While his father and black step-mother had numerous kids, Ralph was the result of Doug's first marriage. He didn't know his won birth mother until nearly two decades later.

"Man, I can't be think about the past. I got to figure out what to do."

Ralph climbed the long stair to the apartment door. He hated to admit it but Ray was probably right. Ray, or Big Ray, as he was called by many of his friends, was the oldest of five other children that Brianna and Doug had. He was light skinned gentle giant who always saw the best of people. Ralph and Ray would hang out together a lot and would always watch out for one other.

Ralph walk into the living room, looking for his land line phone located near the small coffee table. He noticed that the room was unusually warm. Hadn't he turn off the gas? Ralph took little notice of such things and went to call Ray. It was nearly one now, but it would be eleven when Ray was living.

"Big Ray, here, may I ask who calling"

"Ray, you know it's me. Listen I need to talk to you about something real serious."

"What, you got in trouble again?"

"Ray, I tried to rape a woman."

There was a long, uncomfortable pause after that. "Shit, Why you calling me for, I can't cover for you. Not for this. The cops going to know we talk about it, and they might have me as a partner. I ain't going to jail, for this shit."
Ralph could feel the tension in Ray's voice, as it was break his usually good nature self. He had fantasies of being in a situation in which He have total control over a female. however, Most of the women in both their lives, were either sexy ball breakers or statuque amazons. Their relationship with "normal" women never last too long. Ralph recall Ray breaking up with a former girlfriend, because at the end of the day, she was not dominate. Ray would love to have strong independent woman as a wife, even if she was a bitch, but they were never attracted to his large frame. Itstead the dominating woman would go straight to Ralph. Oddly, Ray would almost alway attract submissive white girl. Ray, understanding Ralph's situation would humor Ralph.

"If you want to have a kind woman for you, you got to have act in kind." was Ray's advice.

"That easy for you to say. It like I got a shirt that says 'white submissive male bitch, avaliable." Ralph would retort.

So what do you want to do about it. Ray would say.

"Blackmail, get some nasty sercet from some hot woman, and threaten it against her, payment: free pussy."

"I don't think that could work, at least forever."

Ralph remember sneering. "Maybe I could take her to a place, where.... I could do what I want to her...."


"It was just a twist fantasy, you know Iwould never serious considered abducting a woman and forcing my way against her. It was fill with too many risks, and I 'respected' women too much."

Until now, that is. Back in the present, Ralph was a little worried of telling her brother of what actual happen when his "twisted fantasy" were awire.

Ray, calm down, I didn't succeed."

"What you stop midway through?"

"No..... It a little more complicated than that."

Ralph began spilling his gut out. He began with his fail attack with the woman and her dog named cat. He recalled the utter humiliation of being tied and basically use as a woman smother toy. The horror of nearly suffocating beneath her large ass. How, she had robbed his air continually, and very nearly life. He has passed out and survived his encounter with the righteous mad woman, only to return to his new night mare.

"So this new chick show up, she was a clerk from the movie store I by, and I think her name is Mary. So, she come up to me a says 'you going to pay for what you tried to do to the woman,' and I was still tied up"

"So she tried to smother you too?"

"No first, she made me lick her feet. They were so dirty and smelly I almost gag several time"

"Man, that just some nasty stuff man, but you know how woman are , they all sisters . Mess up with one, and you mess with all of them. Unless there's a guy involved, "

Ralph rolled his eyes. Ray was getting phi logical again. "Anyway, she put her ass on my face like the other woman did and try to smother me."


"Well yea, she was not a big as the other woman so sometimes I was able to move my head just a little to keep from passing out. but in retrospect, I should have just let her smother me fully. "


"'Cause she kept trying, Man! It was torture. I struggle, get a few quick breathes, then she reposition her naked ass and I have to fight her all over again. It get worse, man. "

"Worse, I don't see how."

"Well, while the whole time she trying to smother me, she also giving me a blowjob."

"What! I did not expect that"

"I know, I was surprised about that too. she had my pants down so the 'family jewels' would be exposed. I guess all the movement around her pussy and ass must have got her horny, so she start sucking at my dick.

"Was she able to deep throat all six inches.?"

Ralph ignored his brother's teasing and continued on his story. "See, she was just licking it a first, just laps here and there. She started sucking my head and before I know it, she was deep throating me. My entire dick was in her month. She suck and lick at it until it was fully hard.

"So far I don't hear what so bad about this."

"She start biting, man, fuck! Everywhere! She started at the tip and went down from there. She bit my dick sideways, from the top, and I swear, she was chewing at it. She nearly broke the skin. She did not stop there. She bit both the balls and the nut sacks as well. My balls still hurt. It was a vicious cycle. She would make me hard, bit me til I become soft from the pain, and suck me to hardness once again.

"Her ass was still on your face, the whole time, right."

"Yeah, I was still tied up, and could barely move. My nose enter her ass several times, and man, it smell like shit down there.

"So how did you get free, finally"

"She let me alone after a while. By then the tape on my hands got loose. I think it was because sweat on my hands. Anyway, I was able to cut off the rest of the tape with my spare knife. I pull up my pants, and start to get my things together. The first woman took most of my stuff, including my wallet. She took my big knife too."

"You mean that bayonet knife you won from that old guy? Sorry man, but it look like you got what you totally deserved. you are lucky to have just that happen to you. Both of them could had easily call the police and still do all that stuff to you."

"Yeah I know what you mean. Don't worry. I plan to stay away from women in general, for a while. Right now I got to take a shower."

Unfortunately, for Ralph it was only the beginning of his torment

Part 5

A hour and a half earlier, Jana had her hands busy. In one hand she had Gato's lease, who was pretty much dragging her to their apartment. on the other hand, she was carrying Ralph's wallet.

"let see what we have here. Credit cards, probably canceled. 40 bucks, that mine. Oh what do we have here." Jana stop rummaging through her attacker's wallet and unfolded the small piece of paper.

"What an idiot!" she said to herself.
Her attacker not only wrote his address, apartment letter and door number, but also included a key. A nasty, sexy, lust full plan began to form in her mind. It was a long time since she attempted to do anything like she plan, but there was no time like the present to see it through. She would have to take care of Gato first.

"C' com girl! we got to hurry home to see if I see got it."

Ralph had troubling thoughts as he took a long shower.

"Bitches, Damn it, Fuck!"

He rubbed and scrubbing himself, not much different than a woman recovering from rape would do. He had always had a hard time dealing with women, but it never got him into this much trouble. Both women could have easily kill him with their smothering tactics. Not even Clara, his latest ball busting Amazon girlfriend, treated him this badly. Still he was glad it was over. Ralph didn't bother putting on any clothes and fell almost imminently asleep.

Jana got out of her hiding space in the in Ralph's closet. Standing and sitting among Ralph clothes was nerve racking to say the least, but it was well worth the effort. After dropping Gato off at her department, she hurried over to Ralph's department. It would be an excellent time to "sexually ambush", her intended target. It was a while back the last time she "sexbush" anyone. She had brought her bag of specialize items and hid it on top of closet. She was worried that Ralph would beat her here, but Ralph was already well entertained. She had complete undressed and put her clothes hidden in Ralph's hamper.

Standing completely naked for a while cool her down, so she turn up the heat. She almost regretted it. Ralph could feel the heat and was began to act wary.

"Shit, she thought to herself, "now he going to look around and ruin my plan."

Much to her relief, Ralph opt to take a shower first before investigating. By the time he came out, he was totally exhausted and went sleep. She went straight to work. Old pantyhose will made good bonds. She amble her way to his bed. She learned from experience that there were two ways to tie up a man. You could tie a man to a bedpost, but it could give a man some leeway, unless, the you are using chains. She had the best experience when her victim was tied the bottom of the bed posts. she suspect it was not use much because it was so difficult to do.

Jana waited until Ralph's body turn, until he was on his back. Breathing lightly and slow, Jana to her time to slow settle herself on Ralph belly. She reach out with both her arms and reach her his left hand. Moving slowly, she tied the pantyhose across his wrist. She did the same thing to his right hand. Now thing were about to get trickle, but more fun as well.
She push forward until she was flat against his body. Holding her breath, she place her large breasts against his face, slower lower them till they covered his whole face. Jana was tensed, expecting a struggle. a series of snorts and moan escape from Ralph, but no other signs appear.

"Good," she thought to herself. "He a deep sleeper."

The last man she attempt to do this against was a light sleeper, and she had to physically smother him with her breast twice. Jana was satisfied that she did have to resort to that. It would tire her out and she was not half way done. Jana took hold of the panty hose reach for the cross beams of the pole that held the mattress up. The small bed that the apartment provided aided her mission greatly. She tied the end of the pantyhose to the bedpost, forcing Ralph's arm flat against the bed. Still breathing slowly, Jana successful tied up the other arm. She stood up, returning to her previous position. Now to test the bondage.

Jana reach for the bag handle and quickly grab a roll of duct tape.

"I know this use to be yours, little bitch," she whispered, "but now it going to be use against you!"

She quickly slipped a cut of duck tape across Ralph's mouth, just long enough to prevent from breathing using his mouth. She wait slowly till his body adjust to breathing only through his long nose. Amazingly, he was still asleep. She cutch his nose together and wait for him to squirmed.

Ralph eye suddenly shot open. he was having a peasant dream before his sudden need for air. He look up in amazement at fear of a large woman currently blocking his precious air passages. Ralph find to his disbelief that his mouth was tape up. His attempts to move his arms, amuse his attacker. Despite his panic state of mind, he could not notice that his assailants was nude, or that he could see her entire body. Her large breasts were firm, her nipples stood out like small bullets. Her pretty face was framed with her long black hair. Her mouth was curved into a wicked sneer. She was not only aroused, but clearly enjoyed what she was doing to him.

Within a few minutes Ralph sense that he was going to lost conciseness. He managed to knee her with his legs, but her center of gravity was too secured and she easy resisted his attacks.

"You going to pay for that little bitch, now that it hurt." she snared.

For a while, Ralph felt the full stings of Jana's slaps, with her other hand, to his face. His cheeks was hurting badly now, as they were already swollen from his lack of breathing. He was going to lose it soon. With his last once of energy, he tried to buck her off. However, she was able to keep hold of his nose despite his best attempt.

"Aw, baby, can't breathe, huh. You going to regret meeting me." Jana giggled. "I got to be careful, or you might DIE."

"I going to die now, and there's nothing I can do about it. "
Ralph lost the will to fight and stay still. It seem to be the surrender Jana was looking for. She let go his nose and allow him to recover. She lean back for a moment, her sweaty body relaxing after the last struggle. she lean close and place her hand on his brow.

"Good boy, you're totally at my mercy now are you"

he nodded.

'Good, hmm let see how are little friend is doing."

With that, she reach back and felt his cock. It was hard, but not fully erect.

"Hmm not hard enough..., I going to attend to this later." She quickly turn around, present her naked ass. "It time for you to get reacquainted with my butt, Sorry for the smell, but you ask for this, Ralph. "

She look back at him one last time. "The name is Jana, by the way. I just wanted you to know the person who is doing this to you. Now you be stand still. This is going to take some time."

Ralph felt the smothering pressure of Jana's sweaty ass. Her asshole surround his nose. The scent of ass, sweat, and shit mingle in her nostrils. Ralph could feel Jana warp her pantyhose around his legs. Not wanting to made her madder than she already was, Ralph tried his best to stand still. When his legs was restrained, he felt her mouth on his dick.

"I want you to know that I'm not doing this for you, I doing this, because I want too. " She had a firm grip on his dick. "Your Thing better be hard soon, because I going to have some fun ravishing you."

Jana continued to lick and suck his dick until it was nice and hard. She lift her smelly butt off his face and turn around. She moved her pussy just above his dick and lowered it, engulfing the cock until she reach his balls. She sat up and slowly fondle her breasts and she move slowly up and down Ralph's pole.

"You have a nice cock, but don't you DARE cum before I do" she commanded.

Jana cutch his throat with both hands and began moving up and down his shaft at a faster pace. Jana's face was a blank, show no emotions as she slowed down. Her long legs tighten against him and his cock was squeeze hard with her pussy when she come down. As she rose, she would cutch at the head of his cock, and then lower herself down again. Ralph want to thrust against her, to full her with his cock, but with his fear, weight and position made it an impossible dream. Instead he stood as still as human possible.

Jana shifted herself atop him. She moved more quickly after a while, fucking him with deep strokes, gritting her teeth and mumbling and groaning above him. Jana move went progressively harder and faster as she raped him. Ralph struggled in vain to somehow escape, to get away from the fact that he was being taken by her that he had no control on impact on the intercourse .His bonds kept him securely tied, restricting his movements as she used him, pounding her hips onto my engorged groin, clutching his throat, his chest and rolling, and squeezing his nipples until Ralph moaned in submission. She fucked him hard and deep, intensifying her thrusts, making the bed squeak, causing their sweat to commingle. Her pussy constricted on his dick and he felt her climax.

Ralph felt her cum on my balls, her hot, wet juices marking him as her property. He breathe heavily in response as he felt her grip mtightly, a guttural scream rumbling from deep within her lungs. He was slipping away, almost unable to hold back anymore.

"Don't you DARE!" She demanded. "I know you want to cum, but not yet," she whispered tenderly. "Soon but not yet. I want to get another orgasm started."

She started to pump again, forcing her pelvis against his dick. Her first orgasm did not seem to slow her down at all. In no time, she was fucking him with long fast, deep strokes.

"Cum, for me, boy. I want your seed in ME. Ralph do not hold back under ANY circumstances."

Ralph responded, arching his back quickly and thrust himself as far as he could. He let go, shooting a hot rope of spunk deep inside Jana, his senses blurring briefly as he gave myself to raw pleasure, seeing nothing but red. He moaned as she milked him, thrusting herself to yet another orgasm as she did so. Then she collapsed on top of him, her full body weight bearing down, holding him tight, suddenly kissing him roughly along his neck and cheeks. She even gave him some Hickies. She pushed her tongue inside his mouth once again, grabbing his hair and lightly slap his face as Ralph remained inside her, still spamming with pleasure.

Good boy, Good boy, she breathe at last. " she stood up, his cock still deep in her cunt. "We not finish not by a long shot."

Part 6

It was now two hours after Jana invaded Ralph's bed. Jana was still not fully satified with her ordeal with Ralph. She had not fuck and suck anyone for years, and she was going to make it up with him. Ralph beg her to stop sometime ago, but she was having too much time at the moment to care. His face was encase in her ass, and she took her time giving him a long, tortuous hand job. She lick, suck and wank his shaft until it was hard enough to stay in her pussy. Ralph tender dick was a constant source of enjoyment for her. She love being on top, control how much of his dick was in her at one time. She was a woman, strong and powerful, and Ralph, well, Ralph was a piece of meat, to use what she felt fit. Jana couldn't explained herself. The man who threated to rape her in a dark alley and maybe do much more to her, was now the serving and her toy. A man will zero chance of getting laid by her was now being fuck silly.

"Doesn't really matter, I guess," She thought to herself. "What important is he a male, and their nothing that he can do against me." Jana could do whatever she wanted to do to him and STILL call the police. He was perfectly blackmailed.

"What wrong, little boy?" she said as she took another piece of duct tape and put it on his mouth. "Does your cock hurt, huh. Well let me make it better." Jana grind her pussy against him, and rotated her body, twisting and turning his tender cock.

She tighten her pussy against his cock. Anger filled her. These man had attempted to attack her and now was getting the ride of a life time. She should be punishing him, not reward him!

"This is what you get for trying to rape me!"

Suddenly Jana raise her hands and start slap the man beneath her. She repeatedly slap his face, his shoulders, his chest, every place her hand could reach. Her barrage of blows unleash an sexual sadistic side to her. As she was slapping him furiously, Jana made sure to keep pumping and riding his cock. She might as well get some enjoyment out of it. Before she knew it, she came again on his cock. To her surprise, Ralph's cock had not wither, if anything it had become even HARDER.

"Fucker, you're actually enjoying this!" she shouted as she lash out again.

Ralph felt the full fury of the mad woman. He was not just slapping him, but started pummeling with her close fists. She no longer fuck him, but she still kept his cock firmly in her strong pussy. Her strong first hit his body over and over again leaving busies and even drawing blood.


Jana reached below her and squeezed his balls as harshly as she could. "THAT FOR STAYING HARD THE ENTIRE TIME I BEATING YOU!" By the time Jana became too tired to hit him anymore. Ralph was truly in bad shape. Jana squeezed the cock in her pussy. It was still hard.

"Might as well make use of him on last time." she thought to herself.
With the last of her energy, Jana pump at him gentle, from the cowgirl position, just rising up long enough to feel the friction. She could feel the orgasm coming and cry out. then a exhausted Jana felt flat on his body,

Ralph's whole body was rack with pain. He was flat on his back, his new tormentor was now sleeping him. Her endless fucking has soon change from pleasure to pain. He had no doubts that he was being raped by the woman, but the beating him took him over the edge. He drift away, trying to escape. It was odd, he was in more pain now than he was when she was hitting him.

Ralph tried to move his arms. During the second or third round of sexual intercourse, Jana had untied his arms. With a great deal of effort and pain, he manage to raise his arms.

"Hmm, Ralphie boy, you're ready awake. You are tougher than you look."

Ralph look into the open eyes of Jana. She unexpected smiled as she roll on top of him.

"That was very good. It was one of the best sex I had in a while. Sorry for beating the crap of out you." Jana mock. Ralph felt intense pain as she place her hands on his damage chest. "You must be in great pain. Let me help you with that." She quickly jumped off him. She put on one of her long T-shirt that she brought in her overnight bag.

"I just a little nervous. I not going to let some pervert in some other apartment a free show." She returned holding a couple of pills in her hand and a glass and took the tape out of his mouth.

"Take this" she commanded. Ralph look at her desperately. " It's pain medicine", now take it." Ralph took the pills from the hand. "You're going to need something to drink. Here, take this."

Ralph quick taste the bitter, salty liquid that fell in his throat. His eye widen as he realized what Jana give to him. She quickly hold up his glass, forcing the liquid down his throat.
"Drink it all, drink all of my piss, you bitch. if you drop a single drop, I will give you the beating of a lifetime, and I know that I will do that."

Ralph gagged it down. She straddled him again. She grin wickedly at him, place her hands on still painful chest. She slowly slap his chest, grinning at his pain. After a while, perhaps a half hour later, she stop.

"It going to take some time for you to recover, so why don't you take a little nap." She pull up her shirt, presenting her large breasts. Ralph felt her reaching back toward his cock. He was suspired to find it hard.
"I see that the other pill I gave you is working." She took her time as she slowly mounted Ralph's cock. "YESSss.. I love the feel of MY cock. Even when this bastard cums, I still be able to ride you."

She moved forward and force her breasts around her face. She push them down and mold them across his face. Ralph tried to pull away, twisting his neck to escape her smothering hold. Jana quickly disengage and reaffirmed her hold on his face. After a while he could no longer struggle.

"You going to be smothered by my big sweaty tits." Jana said, probably more to herself rather than him. "If I don't be careful, you could die. Won't that be all." It was the last words before Ralph lost conscience.

part 7
Jana got up from Ralph's damage body. He was completely flushed. For the past few only hours, he had been unable to response well to her advances. Smothering, face sitting and just plain fucking had been the order of the day. It was unfortunate that Ralph already took the precaution of taking several days off before planning his assault. Now it could going to be used against him.

"EEyyyuu, I so gross. well, it seems that both of us could use a bath."

Jana dragged the badly damaged body of Ralph into his unusual large bathtub. She started to run the water and drag Ralph's body in. Ralph look nervously at the level at the water. It was slowly rising. Jana slipped into the tub after him. She settled her things on Ralph's belly. He had no choice but to support her weight. She moved forward on his chest, and look straight at him.

"If you don't what I ask, I going to make sure you drown. No one will find your body for days." She turned around and presented her ass.

"I here to do what and I want. " She moved closer to him, from his chest to his neck. "You are here to do what is told. Now take a deep breath, you going under for a while. "

She sat on his face, forcing his body going under the water. Her heavy weight was totally concentration on his face. Jana continued to sit on his face, stealing his air. In just over a minute, his lungs felt ready to burst. He had not take as deep as breathe as he wanted. He continued to fight and struggle against her, but his body was too week. Jana could do whatever she wanted to do to him. He did not even had to be tied up anymore. Suddenly she lift up and he could breathe. Her ass form such as air tight seal, that water came quickly over him. She turned around and quickly pulled his head up from the water before he drown.

"I am going to relax now. For now you be my mat. If you try to say a single word, or try to moved from the position I put you on, I swear I will KILL you!"
She carefully laid Ralph down, pulling and twisting his body until he was flat on his back. with his feet was propped up, and his head underwater, Ralph began to struggle. He has no strength to response to the punches she given him.

"Calm down, will you, I going to let you breathe." Jana push a long straw through his lips. It was one of those big straws that come from the gas station.

She push him down again, until he was under water. Jana spoke , probably some kind of command, but he could not understand. He could see the blurred image of her wicked smile and her middle finger. She settle her head at his neck, the long tress of her hairs were blocking his vision. She suddenly grabbed his hand and placed them on her large breasts. Jana set her ass near the lowest part of his groin, on top of his legs. She use her legs to push Ralph legs apart into a "V." At last she set her out stretch legs inside the "V" and relax. It was good to have a living mat.

Ralph tried to get as comfortable as could. Jana's breast felt nice, but her weight was center on his stomach. Her head that was nesting at her neck made it difficult to move. He was still sore all over, and legs were in a awkward position. Worst yet, he could only breathe through a flimsy straw. He long ago close his eyes, since he could not see well under water any way. Any attempt to move was quickly answered by an elbow shot to the gut or a nipple twist to his chest. After a while he gave up. For a while the both lay there like that for a while.

At some point, Jana, pull him up, and push him back to the end of the bath tub. She threw the straw away. She turn around and sense fully stroke his face.

"You been a good boy, with your face under the water like that. You still a little too sore for me to use right now, so let continue this on your bed."

Jana got up first. "Odd, "he thought, she still beautiful." a shot of pain shock throughout his body. "She could stand to lose a few pounds" As Jana left the room, taking one of Ralph's towels to cover herself, violent thoughts ran through Ralph's mind. He want to hurt her. He want to hurt her bad. He was left alone in his thought and they became more and more darker.

"Little bitch, taking my wallet, ruining my plans, and her dumb dog. " He felt and strong itching in his. "Bitch going to pay."

Ralph hid his inner turmoil well. He follow Jana's various command to the letter. It was no use to try to do anything now. He still has not recovered. He found himself on his back again. They were in much the same position, they were before, expect his head was not under water. Hands at the breasts, her ass near his dick, and both pairs of leg spread out. They stay like this for a while, before Ralph felt asleep.
It was several years since Jana use a man as a mat. She was 20 years old and It had been a planned wrestling match with a larger man nicknamed Jean. He boasted that he could pin her and make her pray for mercy in under a minute. The only reason why he was humoring her was because of her heavy figure. He soon find out that he did not know what he was talking about. Living in the tough neighborhood of her hometown and two older brothers, made a woman who knew her way around wrestling. She still a wrestling fan, and when she was younger, had numerous arguments on whether wrestling was fake or not. She made him eat those words.

Still maybe it wasn't far to insist on fighting topless. Indeed all she wore were elbow and knee pads, a purple head band and pair of long shorts. She even insist on fighting barefoot. She suspect she look ridiculous, but still sexy. He was dress in standard high school wrestling attire, a red leotard, and some homemade wrestling boots . . The gym was empty of possible spectators. It was part of the deal
The referee, Eliza, a female friend and boyfriend to Jean, who set up the match is the first place, started the bell. She rush straight at him, nearly diving at the male wrestling body. The two wrestling combatants struggle against one another. The male was no doubt surprise by both Jana's aggressive, strength and skill. The two with went back and forth on. Head lock, grapples, and other various holds. He threw down and around several times, but she always recovered.

Finally there was on opening. Jean picked her up by her legs and slam her down. Luckily she knew how to branched herself and recover. When he turn his back. younger Jana tackle him from behind. Jean struggle to repel her but she had all of her constable weight. She quickly turn him over. She pined his arms above his head.

"You better give up now, or pay."

He grunted, and try to unpin his arms before giving his answer, "get off me, you FAT bitch!"

"Fat bitch, huh, well how about my fat titties, huh.

She molded her large breasts against his head, sealing his face and preventing him from breathing. Dannie tried to push her off, but a knee strike straight to his balls, prevented that from happening. After a while, he struggle became less and less. After about two minutes, Jana got off him.

"Is he still alive?" Eliza asked.

Jana tapped him with her foot. "Maybe." She jumped up and stomp and his belly. Dannie let out a low groan and his arms few out. "Look like he's still alive."

"Well then, let have some fun shall we." Elisa replied.

Jana walk over the wrestler head. "Is is named really Jean"
"No, " Eliza answered, walking toward the wrestler's legs. "If was I called him. He last longer than some of the others you been against, he may have lost but he still deserve an reward.

"Sure," Jana slipped over her shorts. She wasn't wearing any underwear. She put both her feet next to her head, facing his body. "Let's get started."
Reader and writer of Femdom stories
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