The dummies' guide to webteasing!

All about the past, current and future webteases and the art of webteasing in general.
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Good Job Jenna

Post by submatt »

I think Jenna's on the right track with Seraphox's original post. Here's my thoughts.

1) I usually come up with a tease in one of two ways. The first is that I come up with a concept, then have to find the right pictures to fit it. That can take a while, but I often have several ideas in my head. For example, right now I have an idea for a tease where all you can see are the woman's eyes up very close, and I've yet to find the pictures for it. I think it would be amazing with the right pictures, so I'm going to wait until the right ones come my way or I won't do it at all. So if you have a cool idea for a tease, don't rush it. Maybe do a different tease while you work on the extra special one.

2) The second way is seeing pictures of a girl I like and having the idea form around her. For Entrapment, I just came across the pics and knew I had to do a tease with them. It actually only took me a little over an hour because I felt inspired.

3) Personality. There are singers with amazing voices and there are singers with okay voices who are passionate. And occasionally you'll come across an amazing vocalist who has passion and the voice. But it's rare. Personally, I'll take passion over an amazing voice. For example, Christina Aguilera has the pipes, but she bores me. No passion. Someone like Sarah McLachlan has a very good voice, but it's more about what she does with it. You know?

For me, it's the same thing with pictures. There are lots of pretty girls on the web, but I look for ones with personality. If a girl is sticking out her tongue or rolling her eyes or laughing or glaring, she just seems more real to me. Give me a cute girl with personality over a perfect plastic model any day.

4) Editing the pics. I guess milovana's software adjusts the size of the pictures you upload so that they can be viewed on the screen without scrolling. Call me dense, but it took me a while to figure out why some of my pics were coming out bigger and some smaller. So on my last several teases I've trimmed the pics I'm using to a size that fits on the page. That way the pic that shows up is as large as possible.

5) Here's some practical tips for tease management. When I find a series of pictures I like, I download them into a folder on my computer. Next, I trim them using Paint and save them under a slightly different name (e.g. girl01 would become agirl01). Then, when I'm ready to build the tease, I open the folder in filmstrip mode (as opposed to list or thumbnails). I make any adjustments to the order I want the pics to go in by clicking and dragging them. And then I stay on whichever pic I'm working on in the tease, so that I can check back and look at the expression on her face or even just to make sure I'm uploading the right one.

6) Check your work! Hopefully we're all adults here and either know how to spell or can at least spellcheck. Once you're done, run through your tease before you post it. Read through and find any grammatical or spelling errors and fix them. Nothing pulls me out of a tease more than typos. And as you're running through it, you can also make a mental note of any items used in the tease, so you can post proper tags.

7) I think it should be understood that there are different kinds of webteases. Some are going to have lots of instructions that make them more interactive with the user, and some are going to basically be stories with matching pictures. Some remind you that you're just sitting in front of a computer, while others infer that you're in a fantasyland of some kind. And, of course, there are so many different fetishes to choose from. So do what you like. Dabble. Try experimental ways of doing them. Or just tell a simple story. Whatever floats your boat.

8) I get most of my images at They're broken down into categories. I've also found Google's advanced image search to be very helpful when I want to find just the right series of pics. Don't forget to click the 'no filtering' button.

9) Writing a tease can be extremely stimulating! Some of my teases take forever because I just can't deny myself long enough to get it done. It's also a great way to tease and deny yourself. Example 1: I bought a CB2000 a couple of months ago, just to play with. Putting together a tease while in a chastity belt is crazy fun. Example 2: I got home from work and had to pee really bad, but I told myself that I had to hold it until I did a whole tease. It took me two hours, and I loved every minute of it!

10) Don't get discouraged! My first four teases were rated 2.9, 3.2, 3.7 and 3.3. It took me a while to get my ratings up. But I had a lot of fun trying! And now that I have more experience, I write some teases for the ratings, and some just because I want to do them.
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Post by seraph0x »

Just wanted to mention: This project is still hot. It can only make the guide better if we collect more information and opinions, so every comment on the topic is very welcome.:thumbsup:

I can't say when we'll have time to actually get this done, but trust me it is coming. :-)
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Post by joeliwan »

I think this project is a great idea and I agree with everything that's been said--especially about individuality and finding your own style. Since I've read a lot more teases than I've written, the only advice I have to offer is this:

Proofreading cannot be stressed enough. And it's not just about spelling, either. If you've taken the time to make a tease you're proud of, proofread it several times. First concentrate on the pictures. Make sure they're in an order that makes sense (no disappearing-reappearing underwear), and make sure the model's expressions match the text.

Next, go through for spelling and punctuation. I'm pretty good at catching my own mistakes as I type, but I still go back and find mistakes in things I've written. This is especially true if I care about the subject matter--the more involved I am in what I'm writing, the less time and concentration I can spare on the commas and periods. So go back after you've finished and double check.

Third, go through for things like pacing and tone. Give the reader a reason to linger on certain images that you find compelling. This can be done with specific times or simply with the type of instructions. If I have to edge three times or get flaccid, I'll be spending more time on that picture, so it should be a good one. Read it aloud if you can. You'll notice things about the way your tease sounds that weren't obvious when you merely looked at the text. The difference between a great tease and a stellar tease is all in the tone.

Okay, that's my two cents.
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Post by Executive Angel »

In looking at webteases, what works for one audience very well, may not work for another. We all have a thought, it comes down to learning to express it.

Some "teases" have more categories than others, mine are a bit more "case specific", so I'm not upset by numbers. I'm having a great time while still learning.
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Post by dark »

I like your tease, I already said that. I think text is more important than pictures. Your pictures are sometimes too small and don't fit together, but your text is often great :-) I can understand that because for the most women, the story/fantasy is more important. For a lot of men the visual aspect is dominating.
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Post by slavechylde »

I just thought I would add or reiterate a couple of things I think are important regarding writing teases.

1. At first, write only teases that appeal to you personally.

Sure, everyone wants a tease that scores high on the rating scale. But, writing something just because you think it will score high will result in a seemingly false tease that will not resonate with the viewers - not to mention teases that are repeats of what has been done before - again and again. So, choose a scenario that makes you hot. As you become more adept at writing teases, you'll be able to incorporate things that, if executed well, will connect with the readers.

2. As has been said before, proof your work.

Run it through a spell checker at the very least. As Jenna recommends, I create my webteases in a word processor, which allows structure and order to be built into the tease. I read my tease 3-4 times, at a minimum, before posting. Then, I read them another 3-4 times after posting them? Why? Because I'll find something I missed. Almost always. When I find it, I fix it right then (except if it is up for TOTM, of course) because I owe it to readers and to myself.

3. Don't get hung up on the ratings.

Do I like it when I get a high-rated tease? Sure. On the other hand, my personal favorite tease that I've written is not my highest rated tease. My personal favorite teases of Jenna's are not her highest-rated ones (she and I have discussed this recently; that's why I used her as an example). The point? Different teases will appeal to different people for different reasons. Just because you didn't get a super high rating doesn't mean someone somewhere didn't like it. It doesn't even mean that most people did like it. Remember, if you get a 3.7 rating, it means that4, roughly, 70% of the people people gave it a 4.0 (or higher) rating rather than gave it a 3.0 (or lower) rating. That's not a bad endorsement. And there are some hot teases rated 3.5 - 4.0.

4. Take chances.

Know why I always at least read a tease by submatt or Jenna? Because they take chances. While they will write teases with the pre-requisite rope/shoestrings/femdom/[insert standard device], they also come up with some very unique and exciting premises upon which their stories are based. When I open up one of Jenna's or submatt's teases, I don't know what I am going to get. They've overcome the limits of the McTease, and I appreciate that very, very much. I try to do that, too. Do we always hit the mark? No. But making the effort can be quite satisfying.

I'll stop there for now. Just a note to say that there are other excellent tease writers I like besides Jenna and submatt, but they were great examples of what I was trying to say.
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Post by zenlover »

Here is a piece of subjectivity, but one I feel strongly about, so I thought I'd share:

Multiple directions on one page can decrease the experience

As i read teases, and do as I'm told, i find that if the instruction is to stroke for three minutes, and then the next instruction is on the same page, i have a tendency to read that next instruction, rather than simply implement what i have been told.

I understand this is probably caused by lack of enough images, but i'd almost rather see the same image on the next page with the next instruction, rather than all of the instructions on one page.

The flash editor will allow for this, but the same issue of # of images available will continue to challenge the writer.

As i said, this is subjective, but i doubt that i'm a tremendously small minority on this.
KINKY FACT: I'm more of a tease and delay guy than tease & deny... prolong pleasure, but don't deny it! I submit to others on cam shows once a week or so. Contact me to be notified.
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Post by seraph0x »

Check this cool post] from the master himself, submatt.

On a separate note: The guide is still in the works and although we already have a lot of material we still need more. So if you have advice to share or even just links to the most interesting posts from our top authors, put them here. Thanks!
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Post by pi »

[quote="Jenna"]I’d like to take a stab at a few tips for writing webteases;

Use pictures of attractive women. Sounds obvious and there is plenty of room for personal taste but it's important. There are other important elements to teases but it’s still basically a guy masturbating to pictures. quote]

I'm quite new on this site and obviously i started with the webteases, but referring to the above, i don't always like the girls.
(The flash-webtease I like very much !!)
Demanding girls in my opinion has to be credible as a demanding girl, woman, bitch or lady. In my opinion they musn't look like ordinary model
types, musn't look to skinny (although there is a demand for it of course)
but just like the women you see around you in daily life.
Personally i like women to be a little bit chubby, big ass, big thighs etc.
I have a load of pictures on my computer, but i don't know if i can share them on Milovana, concerning the copyright.
Conclusion: Less model-types MORE credible dominating women.

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Re: guide to webteasing

Post by pi »

msnrlestat wrote:My suggestion would be to consider using gif files that have some movement to them and operate in a continuous or "loop" fashion. As an example, a Mistress wetting her lips over and over, opening her black leather top and then closing it again, etc......
TOTALLY agree with the gif files, i have copied pictures from websites on which there is a three to four movement (for instance a guy is jerked off in a very degrading position) and after that you put a picture of a beautiful
demanding female look who demands something of you.
I therefor LOVE the flash-tease (aside from the girls they use sometimes)
and that running clock..LOVE it, with moving pictures AND the flash-concept you bring the webtease on a higher level.
Like this website very much by the way !!!!

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Post by pi »

slavechylde wrote:I just thought I would add or reiterate a couple of things I think are important regarding writing teases.

1. At first, write only teases that appeal to you personally.

Sure, everyone wants a tease that scores high on the rating scale. But, writing something just because you think it will score high will result in a seemingly false tease that will not resonate with the viewers - not to mention teases that are repeats of what has been done before - again and again. So, choose a scenario that makes you hot. As you become more adept at writing teases, you'll be able to incorporate things that, if executed well, will connect with the readers.
like to add someting to this. I once received thru Email a sentence like this:

"I fucked a gorgeous man with a real cock and I told him all about you. I told him you were my little stroke pet who only orgasmed when I allowed it - it turned me on so much to be riding his cock, allowing it to cum inside me whilst knowing I was denying you."

This kind combination of humiliating and denying makes me terribly HOT and I don't know if there are such stories in the webtease-section but
the tease clearly states with this that she doesn't need you, to be more exact your denial exites her whilst having sex with somebody else, that is one part of the ultimate tease in my opinion. !!
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by yamaonda157 »

I'm new to WTs and tried my first one on this site. I did this one and it was great... And very hard to complete without orgasm. I strongly suggest it to everyone.
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by Victor2184 »

Um, while i understand the limited mobility of one's mouse hand when "viewing" teases, scrolling can usually be accomplished with a simple page down, down arrow, or a mouse scroll ball, and a big picture hasn't bothered me since i discovered clicking the picture is the same a clicking the word continue, fucking brilliant and made me feel like such a moron for not noticing for such a long time. Kinda creates a big target for you to click on to advance to the next page when your moving the mouse with you non-dominate hand. However the earlier recommendation of using the same pic on a new page to split up 2 directions is a excellent compromise. Though 1 page multiple instructions don't bother me personally, i can see how it breaks ones focus. On the other hand i HATE the same pic 6 times in a row more than anything, remember compromise for a smooth, interesting, and captivating experience throughout the tease. 6 pages can be just as fun as 60.
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by Jaberwocky »

I know the Amanda teases!!!

I have seen them on orgasmdenial when Milovana wasn't born yet. I even made a powerpoint show of one of them for best viewing. (with some minor alterations) I probably still have it.... somewhere.

Always nice to see that orgasmdenial and all of it's webteases and captioned images are still remembered now and then.

(btw, I noticed that is back online again. From a first glance, it looks nice. And my old ID still works)
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by cumhardy »

On suggestion:

I find it distracting in some teases where you dont know wher eyour supposed to be- I mean I like to be told whether im supposed to be standing/sitting/kneeling and whether im supposed to start off naked/clothed or whatever. Sometimes ill get halfway through a tease and the text will make reference to the viewer being naked or something and i will think "what? Im supposed to be naked?" or "oh, I was supposed to be standing all this time?" It kinda kills the fantasy.
Its the same with ones that require you to wear a cage but dont tell you this at the beginning or require lots of toys that you dont have but just halfway thorugh say something like "now get out your 20000 volt cattle prod and rubber gimp mask", if ineed to get some toys ready I need to know beforehand!
There aren't many with this problem, but its something that happens occasionally.
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