Just A Little Scene: Esper Tease

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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Just A Little Scene: Esper Tease

Post by Salamando »

I awoke slowly to a very pleasant sensation. In my half-asleep fog, it took me a moment to recognize the warm, wet sensation of a tongue sliding along the shaft of my cock. No, wait, not just one tongue, but several. There were at least five of the flexible, hot wet muscles sliding along my cock, in a continuous downward stroking, covering every inch of my cock. My mind lurched awake at this realization, when I was struck by two more realizations: one that my cock and balls were almost painfully swollen and tense; I don’t know how long the tongues had been caressing me, but it was clear I was ready to blow my load well before I woke up. Second, I realized I couldn’t move. At all. I couldn’t even blink. All I could do was breath and lay where I was, completely paralyzed, as the tongues continued their seemingly ceaseless attentions to my cock.

I tried to cry out, tried to speak at all, but the best I could manage was a ragged breath. I was just starting to panic, when I heard a vaguely familiar voice. <Hola!> said a woman with a Hispanic accent and a chipper tone. <You took your time waking up, my friend. It’s almost noon.>

What the fuck? I thought, trying to say the words. Who are you? Where am I?

<Yikes> came the reply. <You forgot me that quickly? I guess you were pretty hammered last night, but I would have thought I’d have left a better impression.> I noticed how odd it was the way her voice seemed to not really come through my ears. In fact, though it sounded like she was right in front of me, I could not feel any notion of her presence. No warmth, no breath, no shifting of the mattress due to her weight, not even that general sense of physical proximity you get when know a person is there.

Where the fuck are you? I thought, again trying to say the words.

<I’m at work> came the reply. <Sorry, but you were out cold, so I just let myself out. You’re still at your apartment, in bed.>

It took me a moment to process the logic of what she had just said, but before that sank in, it finally hit me that she had heard my thoughts. I hadn’t actually said anything, just thought it, and she knew what I was thinking.

<Man, you even forgot I was an esper?> she said. <Wow, you’re either a lightweight, or you must have come into the club already blitzed.>

Club? My mind finally cobbled together the previous night’s events. Somewhat anyway. After downing a six pack with a buddy of mine, we went to a club, and picked up a couple hot young ladies. We then skipped to a bar for some shots, and after that... I had vague flashes of sex, but it was pretty much a blur from there.

<That’s a shame> the woman in my head said. <I certainly had a fun night with you.>

That’s nice, I said. I tried to squirm a bit as I felt my cock twitching. The tongues hadn’t ceased their ministrations. Wait, if you’re not here, then who the hell is licking me?

<That’d be me> she said. <You gave me such a good time last night, I thought I’d give you a pleasant way to wake up.>


<I’m telepathically sending you sensations of tongues along your cock> she said. <Feels nice, huh? Bet you’ve never experienced more than one chick using their mouth on you at a time.> Suddenly, the sensation changed; the tongues kept doing their downward lick, but now it felt like a mouth had closed around my cock and was sliding up and down, pausing the suckle just the head every third or fourth trip. <I’ve blown a few guys with a friend of mine before. It’s funny, they each acted so tough, like they could go all night long with both of us, but when we took them in our mouths, they couldn’t last more than a minute.>

I could understand why. The sensations felt incredible, even though there was apparently no one really there. I was again sharply aware of how tense I was. With the added sensation of the suction, I felt as though I was going to cum any second; in fact, I felt as though I should have already cum. Somehow, I couldn’t.

<You won’t cum until I let you> she said. <I don’t want you finishing too quick. I want you to enjoy this.>

Why can’t I move?

<I have your body locked down. I didn’t want you hurting yourself when you woke up.>

Hurting myself?

<You know, trying to get yourself off. The last guy I woke up like this immediately tried fucking the floor. Trust me, rug burn on your cock isn’t fun.>

I lay there, letting myself float in the pleasure her power was giving me for a few minutes. The sensations were incredible; so much so that I was certain I’d be thrashing if I wasn’t paralyzed. My breath was heavy, my cock jerking like crazy. The sexual pressure was becoming too intense. You still there? I thought.

<Still here. Having fun?>

I think I’ve had enough fun. Let me cum, and release me.


I was not expecting that. I fumbled for a moment. The need to cum was beginning to made it hard to think. Um… Please release me and let me cum?


Why not?!

<Work is boring, and I need something to amuse myself with. So, I’ll keep playing with you on the side.> The oral sensations stopped, to be replaced by the feeling of several soft, but firm hands grasping me and stroking me, cupping my balls, and massaging my penis head. I felt my body trying to shudder at the new sensations.

Oh, Jesus… how long do you plan on doing this?!

<Until I can get back to your place. Should be around 7 or 8 tonight.>

Holy fuck. I can’t take this for that long! Don’t leave me like this!

<Oh, good Lord. I told you last night, when you were begging me for an orgasm, that I would let you cum tonight, if I could play with you however I wanted today. Not such a bad deal, right? >

I don’t… I don’t remember.


I wasn’t in my right mind last night. Please stop!

<What’s it worth to you?>


<I was really looking forward to tonight, but if you don’t want me to play with you, that means tonight is off. No sex, no orgasm for you. At all. If I stop playing with you now, I’m not lifting the little block I placed on your orgasm.>

That’s insane! You can’t do that to me!

<Sure I can. Don’t worry, I’ll release the block eventually. Probably when I stop being pissed at you for blowing me off. Though I’ve been known to hold a grudge, so that could be a while.>

Oh, god… The urge to cum was almost painful. There was no way I was going to last another hour under this torment, much less another 8 or so. God only know what else she had in store for me when she did return. But if I didn’t comply, who knows how long she would leave me blue balled?

The pleasure suddenly increased, the sensation of the hands now replaced with the tight, wet heat of a phantom pussy. I let out a low, quaky groan, the first sound I’d been able to make since I woke up. My cock felt like it was on fire, the tension like a rubber band stretched and held at the point just before it snapped.

<Tell you what> she said. <I’ll let you simmer like that for a half hour or so, then I’ll check back with you. I hope you won’t disappoint me.> I felt the sensation of lips kissing my cheek, and then she was gone from my mind.

I lay there, boiling in sex, fighting over what fate to choose…
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Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:07 pm

Re: Just A Little Scene: Esper Tease

Post by jason »

Oh, now THIS is beautiful. Funny, sexy, yet still showing off the awesome power of those "empowered" women.

Thank you
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