Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

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Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by Salamando »

EDIT: I may add new scenes in subsequent posts now and then, so if there's a new post from me, check it out.

Over on FetLife, I've been slowly doing a little series of short-short stories called "Just A Little Scene", short little fantasies of mine or snippettes of scenes taken from larger stories, I've decided to write up. Here's one I thought you all might enjoy:


Doug grunted and fumbled for the phone as it rang. Roused from his sleep, he barely registered the clock saying 3:30 AM as he grabbed it. Without thinking, he answered, muttering, “H’lo?”

A husky female voice answered softly. “Hey, babe.”

Doug’s mind lurched awake and he let out a soft gasp of “Sara…” He instinctively tried to hang up the phone, or at least throw it across the room before she could say another word, but it was already too late. His penis was already fully stiff and tense, and he felt her magic wash over his body. With a gasp, he rolled onto his back.

“So… I had some fun today,” Sara said. “Wanna hear about it?”

“Sara,” Doug said, his voice already shaky. “No, please, not tonight…”

“Aw, come on, babe,” she said, her voice thick with sensuality. “You always love my stories, don’t you?” Doug grit his teeth and let out a soft groan as he felt her magic start to thrum through his sex. “Aaaanyway. I went out clubbing with some friends tonight, and as you can imagine, I got hit on quite a bit. But there was this one guy, real pushy type. He thought he was so cool. I admit he was pretty hot. But he had such an attitude on him. Kept coming up to me and telling me how I was gunna have my mouth on his dick before the night was through. As if he could handle my mouth.” She paused. “Mmmm. You remember my mouth, right, hun?”

Doug let out a gasp of “Y-yeah…” as the energy on his cock began to feel like a hot, wet tongue tracing his length. Soon, his whole sex felt engulfed in a soft, wet heat, a phantom mouth slowly sucking and sliding along his shaft. Even before her powers, Sara could utterly devastate him with her mouth; now, she only had to think it, and the feeling of her mouth brought him to his knees.

“Yeah?” she said, and paused again, seeming to let him simmer in the sensations. “So after I told him to buzz off a few times, he still didn’t get it. I turned to him then and gave him a Look. Like, boy you don’t even know what you’re dealing with. His cocky grin faltered and his eyes widened. I could see the bulge form in his pants rather quickly. I think he was surprised. So I told my friends I’d be right back. I stood and I beckoned him to follow. Come on, I said. You should have seen him. Went from cocky jerk to horny little puppy in no time flat. I could feel his eyes running up and down m curves…”

Doug could see the scene in his mind’s eye, Sara beaming it into his thoughts. Doug watched the slick, but arrogant looking dude go slack jawed once Sara turned her full attention to him. Poor sap. His cock was trapped by her magic the moment she turned towards him. Obviously, Sara hadn’t minded his attentions, or she could have made him disinterested. But no, she wanted to see how long he would try. Apparently satisfied, she had him follow her towards the back. Doug found himself helplessly swooning to the image of Sara’s sexy body, her hips swaying hypnotically. No doubt she had been tantalizing his cock with her magic as she led him to the back. By the time they reached the small hallway which led to the back exit and she shoved him against the wall, no doubt he was ready to burst the moment she so much as breathed on it.

“I pressed him against the wall, like I do with you sometimes. He wanted to grab me, turn me around, and fuck me right there. I could see it in his thoughts. But he couldn’t fight me any more than you could. He was pinned to the wall, his cock straining to rip through his pants and feel me. I traced one finger along his bulge. Poor thing. It was more than he could take.” Doug felt the magic add the tracing of a phantom finger along his shaft as he was forced to watch the scene in his mind. At the single caress of her finger, even through his jeans, the guy completely lost it. His hands clenched into fists and he shuddered, he let out a hoarse cry as his expression contorted into what was unmistakably his “O” face. He came with incredible force. The stain on his dark jeans was apparent within seconds, so forceful did he shoot his seed.

Doug felt a burning jealousy for him, despite his obvious humiliation. Despite her numerous teasing and playing with Doug, she almost never let him cum. It had been at least three months since the last time Sara let him climax. But this cocky, in-over-his-head sap, had been blessed by Sara with that ultimate release. A humiliating release, but a release, nonetheless. He watched as Sara, laughing, let him stumble off, dazed and confused, trying to get to the bathroom and clean himself up before someone noticed.

The scene dissolved and Sara chuckled into his ear. “Poor guy,” she said with mock sympathy. “How about you, hun? You get any action lately?” Doug could not answer. His breath was coming in gasps as the sensations on his cock continued to build, taking him to he edge of that sweet release… but no release was forthcoming. Instead, the sensations continued on, the sexual pressure squeezing his will and his sanity. “Oh, that’s right,” came Sara’s voice. “I keep forgetting. You don’t know how to go out and get laid. Too bad you can’t masturbate.”

Doug let out a desperate cry, “Sara… please…”

“Well, I just wanted to tell you that little story,” said Sara. “Not that big a deal, but I thought it was funny. I’ll catch you later, okay, hun?”

“No, wait!” yelled Doug, but she had already hung up. The sensations continued to tease his cock for another few moments, then faded. It took him hours to calm down enough to get a fitful sleep, his unrelieved cock burning with the need for release. But he couldn’t even touch himself, thanks to Sara's magic. He could only pray Sara would feel generous sometime soon and let him cum. Of course, knowing her, she would then just post-orgasm torture him. Sara always found a way to make every pleasure a sensual agony.
Last edited by Salamando on Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by Salamando »

Sara let out a sigh of utter contentment as she let herself fall back onto the bed. The sweat began to cool on her body, and she let out a satisfied moan as she gently rubbed her now red, tender, and very thoroughly pleasured pussy lips. “Man, I’ve spent so much time teasing your cock from afar, I forgot how good of a fuck you were,” she said, looking to her utterly exhausted partner.

Next to her lay Doug, also covered in sweat and still quite flushed. His body shivered as he struggled to get his body moving. It was clear he wanted nothing more than to roll over, pin Sara down and continue fucking her until he couldn’t move anymore. But Sara was finished with him, and her magic effortlessly held him in place, invisible bondage pinning him from head to toe. His only free part was his penis; Sara glanced at it, watching it bob gently in the air. She reached down and pressed it by the tip to Doug’s stomach, then let her finger slip of the tip, causing Doug to let out a sharp gasp. The penis sprang back up like a jack in the box, glistening with pre-cum and Sara’s fluids. It was still swollen to maximum tension, veins bulging hideously, the head an ugly shade of purple, and the shaft beet red. His testicles were swollen full and dark like overripe fruit.

Sara had sometimes seen the phrase “angry penis” used to described an overly excited cock in the occasional porno story. It seemed like a silly expression at the time, but looking at Doug’s organ now, Sara felt the expression to be entirely appropriate. In fact, angry wasn’t even the right word. Doug’s penis looked downright furious. Raging even.

Despite all your rage, you are still just a dick in a cage, Sara thought, and she laughed. Of course, the only cage in this case was Sara’s magic taking away Doug’s ability to masturbate or have an orgasm for… how long had it been now? She couldn’t remember. She’d taken away his masturbation when they’re broken up two years ago, right about when she’d gotten her powers. She’d let him cum a few times since, after a thorough teasing of course, but she honestly could not remember when exactly the last one had been. Four months? Five?

Either way, she’d found herself horny on a Saturday night and her usual fuck buddies all had prior engagements. And she didn’t feel like breaking in a newbie. She was going through her contacts on her phone, and came across Doug’s name, and realized with a start that for all she had used her magic to fuck around with him every couple of weeks or months, she hadn’t actually physically fucked Doug in two whole years. Hell, she could count on one hand the number of times she’d even been in the same building as him since their break-up.

So, imagine Doug’s surprise when he came home from work, and there was Sara, totally naked. She hadn’t even given him time to say anything, just stripped him nude with a flick of her hand, and then tackled him. They’d fucked missionary, cowgirl, doggie style, reverse cowgirl, even 69’ed a bit. Sara had let Doug move as he wanted, and completely enraptured, he had put his all into fucking her senseless. It had felt so good, Sara hadn’t wanted it to stop, and for nearly three hours, they’d gone at it. Doug probably thought if he’d pleased her well enough, she might give him some relief this time. He’d given her thirty orgasms before she was finally satisfied. He hadn’t cum once.


Oh, good, Doug was able to form words again. Now the begging would start.

“Sara… please…” he croaked.

Sara reached over and trailed a single finger along his still slick length, gathering a small dollop of fluids. His penis lurched comically, and Sara chuckled again. She slowly brought the finger to her mouth and licked the tip, savoring their combined tastes. She locked eyes with Doug, and closed her lips around her finger and slowly withdrew. She worked her finger in and out a bit, before letting it go with a soft smooch. Doug’s eyes were wide as headlights following the motion, and his penis continued its silly dance.

“So, pretty nice to feel some real pussy again after two years, huh?” said Sara. She knew for a fact Doug hadn’t had actual sex since their break up. She made sure to mention that quite often. “Man, I can’t even count the amount of dick, and pussy, I’ve gotten since we broke up. I was just with a guy last week. We did it in the back of his car, a sweet Cadillac. Roof down and everything, under the stars. It was kinda romantic actually. He got kind of pissed though, because afterwards, we got back into the front seat, and he told me there was no way he could go without cumming that night. So, I jerked him off and he absolutely hosed down his dashboard. He started to complain, but I just grabbed his dick and made him spurt again, this time all over gear shift and cup holders. He was so drained, and grateful, he forgave me, because it was so totally worth it.”

Doug let out a ragged breath, and Sara could see fresh tears forming in his eyes. Before he’d cried from the sheer overwhelming pleasure, now it was just from raw desperation and hopelessness. “Oh, come on,” said Sara. “Don’t be such a crybaby. I just gave you an orgasm a couple months ago, didn’t I?”

“Nine,” choked out Doug. He was finally cooling down; even with the tears of frustration. His breathing was getting easier, and his penis finally began to loose some of its tension. “Nine fucking months you goddamn bitch!”

Sara just looked at him coolly. “Wow,” she said. “That is pretty rough. In that case, I’ll let that little talk back slide.”

“Sara, what do you fucking want from me?” said Doug. “I tried to be a nice guy and a good boyfriend. Then you got your crazy powers and wanted to be in an open relationship and I told you I couldn’t handle it. You clearly don’t need me in your life, you can have all the dick you want at the drop of a hat, why are you still punishing me?”

Sara looked back at him, savoring his pained expression. “Because I like it. At first it was petty revenge, then, it just got fun.” She shifted down a bit, turned onto her side with her head propped up. She reached out and grasped his penis, and what little tension had eased now tightened once again. “I dunno, Doug. I just can’t help it really. The more I screw with you, the more I want to keep screwing with you. You’re really the only guy I torture like this. Most of my lovers aren’t even fully aware I have powers. They just think I’m that damn good. But you? For some reason, I just never want to hold back with you.”

She paused, glancing at his penis as she stroked it. Pre-cum had resumed flowing, streaming steadily from the dark tip, keeping her hand well lubed. She moved her hand up and cupped the penis head in her palm, and began to swirl back and forth. Doug let out a pained cry and his body shuddered. Palming his penis head was absolute torture for him, but Sara didn’t stop. “You know what?” said Sara. “I was totally going to let you cum tonight. That was the very first thing I was going to do to you. I was going to point at you, go ‘bang’, and watch you shoot your spunk right across the room. Then I was gunna let you fuck me any way you wanted.” Her palm swirled faster, and Doug whimpered heart wrenchingly. “But the moment I saw you walk in that door, something just took me over and I had to. I had to just fuck you, and to hell with your relief.”

She let go of his penis head, and Doug let out a huge gasp of relief, his body twitching like crazy. But this relief was short lived as Sara reached down and cupped his swollen testicles. They barely fit in her hand. A surge of magical stimulation erupted from his balls, enveloping Doug in raw pleasure, touching off every sexual nerve in his body. His penis lurched like it was trying to rip free of him to escape the torment, pre-cum flinging everywhere. Doug was boiling in a sea of sexual fire, and there was absolutely no relief in sight. He needed to cum, had needed to cum for months, and tonight had been at the brink of orgasm, but unable to go over, since the moment his penis touched Sara’s pussy lips. Sara held him like that for a few moments more, listening to his pathetic whimpers and cries for mercy until they once again became jibberish. She was a while still afterwards before she let him go.

Finally feeling strong enough to stand and walk again after her incredible night, Sara began to collect her clothing from where she’d tossed it in the corner. She spoke to Doug as she did, forcing him focus through his haze and hear her words. “I honestly forgot how long it had been since you’d cum. I hadn’t realized it had been that long. But you know what?” Now dressed in her shorts and top, sans underwear, she stepped up to Doug. She released him from her mystic bondage and Doug, too weak to pounce on her now, simply half curled into a ball, his tender penis throbbing like mad. Sara leaned over and spoke softly in his ear. “Now, Doug, I’m kind of curious to see how long I can keep this up. So guess what? As far as I’m concerned right now? You will never, ever cum again.”

“NO!” gasped Doug, looking at her with utter horror.

“Aw, don’t feel too bad,” said Sara. “I think I’m gunna visit you in person again much more often. After all, no sense letting that cock of yours go to waste.” With that, she laughed, and left Doug to simmer in his suffering.
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by Salamando »

Violet was bored out of her skull. It was another slooooow night at Victoria Secret, and as she sat at the fitting room counter, she glanced around to the handful of shoppers. She wondered again why a telepath had to work such a menial job; her Mentor insisted it built character to do some mundane work for a while. Still, this sage advise did nothing to help pass the time.

As she looked at the shoppers, idly reading their surface thoughts, she noticed one, a young man of about 19, who was nervously looking through panties in the aisle across from the counter. A quick glance at his thoughts confirmed he was looking for a sexy gift for his girlfriend, which was really a treat for him as well. Typical male.

He caught her looking, and blushed, trying to duck behind the counter. But, of course, Violet was quite cute, and so, he couldn’t help but sneak a peak back at her. She smiled lazily, and winked at him. The boy’s eyebrows raised a bit and he stiffened, slightly. He swallowed hard, and before he knew it, he was staring at her rather intensely.

By this point, though, Violet had already turned her attention to another customer, an older woman who wanted to try on a few tops. The customer entered the stall, and Violet went back to leaning on the counter, looking bored. She glanced back at the boy, and smirked slightly. The poor guy’s libido was already on a hair trigger from imagining his girlfriend in the sexy lingerie which surrounded him. The little telepathic tap Violet had given him as she winked was more than enough to open the floodgates of arousal, and give him a bulge in his pants. In such a state, he couldn’t help but “admire” her cuteness, despite the girlfriend he had back him.

Pretending not to notice the young man’s stare, Violet turned and started reorganizing the counter and straightening the area immediately around her station for about the twentieth time that day. However, she was an excellent multitasker, and while she set about her menial work, her mind slipped into the boy’s psyche and found the dial on his libido. She slowly started turning it up. She paused only when she heard him let out a low groan, followed by noticeably heavier breathing. Her back to him, she broke out into a grin, and resumed the increase, only slightly faster now.

Assuming the boy’s state of arousal was a 1 right after she winked at him, he’d let out the moan at about 4. In Violet’s experience, 5 was when most boys lost it, so she was quite impressed when he made it all the up to 7 before his knees went weak, and he half fell onto the rack of panties.

Violet quickly turned at the sound of his collapse, a convincing look of concern on her face. “You okay, sir?” she said, coming over to him.

The boy let out a lust filled gasp, and Violet held back a grin. The poor guy had to take care of his little problem and fast, or was going to starting humping the first thing he saw. “Oh, g-g-gawd…” he drawled out, as Violet helped him to his feet. “I-I’m sorry, I g-got to go!” A little wild eyed, he nearly bolted for the door, the only thing on his mind being to relieve the sexual pressure. Watching him go, Violet let out a huge grin as she imbedded a command into his mind that he would remain horny and not be able to release until he had thoroughly satisfied his girlfriend. Then she snapped the dial all the way up to 11.

She couldn’t help but chuckle at the boy’s desperate wail as he stumbled out the door, barely able to walk straight. Drunk with lust, he was going to make a bee-line straight for his girl’s house. Violet managed to mentally command him to call his girl for a ride so he wouldn’t have to drive himself. She also made a command that he couldn’t force himself on her, so the girlfriend would at least have time to find a secluded spot before they fucked in the backseat. In the state he was in there was no way they were making it home first.

Violet chuckled to herself again, both at the boys predicament, and her co-workers surprised and confused reaction to the man’s sudden outburst. She then glanced at the clock and sighed with annoyance. Only about five minutes had gone by; she still had two hours before she was off for the night. Next time, she was going to have to drag things out more.
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by Salamando »

Violet grinned. She had been Instant Messaging a guy friend of hers, and had gone on about the usual stuff, complaints about work, what she and her family were doing for Christmas, etc. She’d brought up how she’d gotten a new haircut, and she decided to e-mail him a picture. She also knew the guy was a raging pervert; several months of dating him back in college had taught her that. She was under no illusions as to what he might do with her picture, even one as non-sexual as a mug shot showing off her haircut. Mentally, she reached out to him. Even across an entire state, if she could focus on him (which helped a lot thanks to being in real time IM), she could read and tweak his thoughts. She watched him clairvoyantly as he opened the file and flushed just slightly, nodding his approval, not just at her haircut, but how cute it made her look. His libido flickered, and he thought briefly of touching himself, but immediately felt foolish and closed the picture. He messaged her that he thought it as cute.

The poor guy actually had no idea of Violet’s powers. She hadn’t truly awoken to them when they were dating, and while she had used them on him a few times, he had no idea that it was her handiwork. Part of that was her simply making him forget when she blatantly used her power. The other half was doing it secretly.

Violet caught that flicker of libido in his psyche, and flicked it directly. She giggled as she sensed his penis twitch, and he considered opening the picture again. Another mental flick, and he gave into the impulse, clicking open the picture file and glancing it over. She caught his thought of God, she’s s fucking cute, and she smiled at his unknowing compliment. She mentally fanned that little flame of arousal, and soon enough, his cock went from semi-hard to throbbing. She giggled as she watched him mentally struggle with himself, completely unaware that she was nudging the fight in his cock’s favor. A minute later, he was naked, staring as if in a trance at Violet’s picture, his hand slowly stroking himself.

She let him stroke for a good ten minutes, enjoying the physical show as well as all the mental images he conjured, with no help from her. Still perverted as ever. She loved it, even if she made him think she didn’t. Soon enough, his breathing became heavier, and his stroking firm and steady. He was coming to the brink of orgasm.

Not so fast! she thought. She planted a notion in his head that if she IMed him, he had to stop what he was doing and answer back.

[You got awfully quiet] she IMed him.

She laughed as she watched him freeze in mid stroke, the color draining from his face. Clairvoyantly, she saw his eyes widen and sensed a mild wave of panic wash over him as he realized what he was doing. He quickly fought to shake the haze of lust and think of something clever to respond with. Delighted at his perplexity, she couldn’t resist jacking him around some more. Figuratively speaking, of course. [You’re not doing something bad with that picture, are you?]

His eyes bugged out, causing her to giggle, but he thought of a lame, but believable excuse. [LOL, no, just using the bathroom] he said after waiting another minute, so it would seem like he got back later.

[Uhuh. :-P] she teased.

[Well, if you go giving me ideas, I might not be able to help myself] he said boldly. She smirked at the small sprout of hope that she would like the idea, and maybe get in on it. She did, in fact, like the idea, but it was even more fun not letting him know that.

[rolls eyes You’re such a guy] she typed.

[I try ;-)] he typed. When Violet didn’t respond, he was unable to resist, and started stroking again. He had cooled off too much, and he had to build up to his peak again. Violet waited until he was almost there, then IMed him again. She laughed as he shuddered, forcing himself to stop so he could type a response.

Silly little pervert, she thought as she repeated this process for the next hour and half. Just can’t finish what he started. He even typed “brb” several times, hoping to delay her so he could finish himself, but she still interrupted him right at the critical point anyway. He was getting extremely frustrated, but he just couldn’t not stop and respond when she messaged him, even with his fingers slick with pre-cum. After the twentieth edging, she could see him shiver with pent up excitement, just aching to release.

Finally, she’d had enough amusement, and released the condition from his head as he started to reach the edge for at least the thirtieth time. Just before he came, she decided to fuck with him once more. [Careful you don’t hit the keyboard. ;-)] and she logged off.

He gasped and let out a quaky groan as he finally was able to release. Violet smiled with delight as she clairvoyantly saw, heard, and felt his orgasm. And when it was over, she couldn’t help but laugh as the poor boy stared in confusion at the last line she’d sent. Slightly freaked, he had no idea if she was just fucking with him, or if she really knew he had been stroking. Of course, she did know. But watching him freak was just too funny. ;-)
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by Salamando »

“Hmm… well, this is what we get for taking the short cut,” said Joachim, with a smirk, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. Raquel let out a resigned chuckle. They were driving back home in Joachim’s Toyota Corolla, returning from spending the weekend at a friend’s place, and unfortunately, the main highway back was congested from construction bottlenecking rush hour. Bumper to bumper, gaining maybe a couple of feet of ground every minute, they were pretty thoroughly stuck. At least the weather was nice, warm but with a cool breeze, so they weren’t roasting in the car as long as the windows were open.

Joachim glanced to Raquel. “Well, hun, can you see how far it stretches?”

Raquel was already focusing her psychic power to cast her gaze out, clairvoyantly following the stretch of road for several miles out. “Jeez, we’re going to be here a while. There’s like an 8 mile back up. Two miles until the side road.”

“Ah, I love having a psychic wife,” said Joachim with a grin. “Makes life so convenient.”

Raquel who winked back. “Always happy to be of service, dear,” she said. They sat in silence for a while, Raquel flipping through radio channels, but finding nothing but adds and irritating talk segments. She sighed. “This is why we should have taken my car. I always have a couple books in the backseat for just such an occasion.” She fished in her bag at her feet, and pulled out an issue of Time. “Alas, I’ve only one magazine, and I don’t feel like sharing.” She stuck her tongue out playfully at Joachim.

“Damn you hindsight!” said Joachim. They both laughed. Joachim thought for a moment. “Well… I might have an idea to pass the time,” he offered.

“Oh?” said Raquel. Joachim just looked at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and without even having to read his mind, Raquel knew exactly what he was thinking. She smiled at him. “Oh, you’re so bad.” She leaned over and kissed him. “We could be here quite a while, you really think you can take it the whole time?”

“Well, least till the next turn off,” said Joachim. “Then we can break off and find a less cluster fucked route.”

“Well, just in case, I’m getting behind the wheel, okay?” said Raquel.

“Fair enough,” said Joachim, grinning wide. They waited until the cars stopped moving again, then got out, and quickly switched places, Raquel getting behind the wheel, Joachim in the passenger seat, reclining the chair back. Raquel glanced over, noting Joachim already had an erection making a bulge in his shorts.

“Ready, hun?” she said. Joachim nodded, and Raquel took his hand, giving it a kiss. Then, as she eased the car along with a slow crawl of traffic, she reached out with her mind to caress Joachim’s psyche.

It was a wicked game they had played a couple times during long trips. Raquel would use her psychic influence to stimulate the nerves of Joachim’s body, sending telepathically induced ripples of pleasure through him. Gently at first, but over time she would increase the intensity. She would not let Joachim achieve orgasm, psychically blocking him from achieving release, and he was not allowed to touch himself. He was also not allowed to touch her until they reached their destination; however, as soon as they were able to get some privacy (sometimes reaching the hotel, sometimes just pulling over into a hidden area), she would relent her psychic strokes and release the block on his orgasm. He was then allowed to do anything he wanted to her, fuck any hole from any position until he was thoroughly satisfied. Raquel would thrill to how powerfully he took her, swept up in his passion. She savored every his every release, knowing she was the cause, and through her psychic link, his climax sent torrents of pleasure through her, causing her to climax with him.

This time, however, Raquel smiled slyly as she decided to mix things up a bit. As Joachim let out a pleased sigh from the telepathic touches, she took her magazine and flipped through it while she eased the car along with the flow of traffic, such as it was. Five minutes went by, then ten, then twenty. Joachim squirmed a bit and glanced to her. Both were wearing shorts and tee-shirts, and while Raquel’s shirt wasn’t designed to show off any cleavage, Joachim nonetheless admired the swell of her breasts.

Raquel picked up on his attentions, glanced over, and smiled at him. She slightly increased the strength of her mental caresses. Joachim let out a breath and settled himself in for the ride. He kept glancing at the mile markers until finally, the side road was in sight, about a half mile away. It’d be a longer road home, but he was confident he could handle it, better than trying to creep through the traffic jam. As they neared the turn off, Joachim closed his eyes and let himself ease more into her touch. His eyes fluttered open again a few minutes later, as Raquel again increased the stimulation, and he gasped. Joachim checked the mile markers again and blinked.

“Uh, Raquel, I think you missed the turn,” he said.

Raquel glanced up from the magazine. “Oh, yeah,” she said. “Whoops.” She smirked at Joachim.

“You did that on purpose, you minx!” said Joachim.

“Tee hee,” teased Raquel, sticking her tongue out, and causing the sensation of a hot, wet tongue to slide along his length. Joachim let out a soft moan. “Oh well, we can just make the next one.”

It took twenty minutes, but finally, they reached the next one. “Uh, we’re coming up to it,” said Joachim. The psychic tongue hadn’t let up, and suddenly, it “pressed” a little more firmly.

“No backseat driving, hun,” said Raquel, with a smile, as she went by the off ramp.

“Oh, you bitch,” said Joachim, grinning.

“Ooh, already at the name calling?” said Raquel. She puckered her lips and blew him a kiss; the tongue sensation on his cock became a full on mouth, sucking him sensually. Joachim let out a low moan.

“Jeez, baby,” he said, his voice already getting thick with arousal. “Getting a little intense already.”

“Tell you what, hun,” said Raquel. “Let’s make this a little more interesting. There’s just ten more off ramps before we get to the one we usually use to get home. If you can handle passing all ten without begging me for mercy, we’ll go straight home, and you can fuck my brains out like usual. But! If, before we reach the exit to get home, you can’t take it any more, we’ll take the next exit and go around the rest of the jam.

“However, if we do that, if you don’t make it through all ten, when we get home, you will lick me to orgasm for every exit we did pass. And then afterwards, you will only be allowed to masturbate yourself to orgasm.”

Joachim’s eyes went wide. “H-hey, come on, I wasn’t serious about the bitch comment…”

“I know,” said Raquel. “I just thought I’d raise the stakes of our little game.” She smiled as she let the terms sink into Joachim’s head.

“Aww, that’s real mean,” said Joachim. “I’ll eat you out as much as you want, but you wouldn’t really make me just masturbate, would you?” Raquel just smiled. Joachim chuckled nervously. “Oh, wow. You’re being mean today.”

“Well, the next ramp is coming up in a few minutes,” said Raquel. “If you wanna give up right away, we’ll exit and back out now, I suppose we could just go home and have regular sex…”

She smiled as she saw the wheels turning in Joachim’s mind. She eased up the ministrations of her phantom mouth so as to not give him too much incentive to take the easy way out. He swallowed hard, and nodded. Raquel smiled, and resumed her psychic blow job. Joachim let out a sigh, and settled in for a long, long ride…


He’d made it as far as the seventh exit. Over that following hour, she had gone from psychic licking to stroking to outright fucking him with telepathy, intensifying the sensations after every pass. Finally, halfway between exits six and seven, gasping and sweating, body twitching, he’d grabbed Raquel’s arm, and the words exploded from his mouth. “Oh, fuck, Raquel… st-stop, you win, you win!”

Raquel leaned over and kissed him passionately, using her psychic senses to keep an “eye” on the road. She immediately lessoned her psychic touches to a soothing, slow hum of energy. Enough to keep Joachim excited and hard, but not enough to overtax him.

Joachim laxed, somewhat, and lay back gasping. “Okay, babe, we’re going,” she said. With that, a few minutes later, she pulled off to the exit. At this point, the traffic was starting to flow a little bit faster, but it would still be faster to take the side road.

Joachim tried to keep himself under control as they went, but his eyes were locked in roaming over Raquel’s body, from her gorgeous face to her lovely legs. When they got home, Raquel gave him another kiss before they left the car. “That’s seven, babe.”

Joachim nodded, returning the kiss, and his hand reaching out to clutch her right breast. Raquel let out a soft sigh as he massaged her through her top. He continued the kiss, his other hand cupping her face as the hand which clutched her began to move for her collar, the fingers intent and slipping beneath. Raquel’s hands came up, almost reluctantly, and she chided, “Ah, ah, you know the bet.”

“Please, please let me fuck you…” said Joachim in a low, husky voice. “Afterwards, please…”

Raquel smiled, gave leaned forward lips parted to give him another deep kiss. Joachim leaned forward, tongue already seeking forward. But with a quick dart, she gave him a quick peck to the lips and jumped out of the car, practically skipping towards the house. Joachim nearly fell forward, and blinked for a moment, before grinning sheepishly, and quickly following. “Oh, you bitch…” he muttered.

He felt the psychic touch along his cock begin to increase once again, climbing from the light tracing to an increasingly intense stroke of energy with almost every step towards the house. He got through the door, wincing as his overly teased penis rubbed in his shorts, and as soon as the door shut, he practically tore off his clothes. Standing there, he tried to catch his breath, but failed as the strokes thrummed even more intensely. He barely made it to the living room before he fell to his knees.

“Come on, baby,” said Raquel. “I’m waiting.” Joachim looked up and his eyes went wide, taking in his wife’s gorgeous nude body, splayed over the couch. Her legs were spread wide, her back arched a bit to emphasize the swell of her now bare breasts. She reached down and traced a finger along the length of her pussy lips, pausing to press against her clit. She shivered and a bolt of pleasure shot through her loins. Even though she hadn’t been stimulated throughout the drive, the anticipation of what Joachim was about to do, excited her immensely, and she was quite sensitive.

Wasting no time, Joachim crawled forward. He clutched at her legs, feeling the calves flex under her touch. Too riled up to take things slow, he fastened his lips to her sex, and moaned as he reveled in her taste. Raquel gasped, more riled up than she had realized; Joachim’s own roiling lust washed over her psychic senses, spiraling her own excitement even higher. Lord, she had really run him through the ringer this time! Joachim began to suckle on her clit, she came almost instantly, bringing a startled, but delighted gasp from Joachim. She eased up her psychic touches on him, letting him get enough control to continue focusing on fulfilling his part of the bet, and let herself fully immerse into the pleasure. Joachim’s skilled mouth caused powerful eruptions of pleasure through her core, and only minutes later, she came once more, leaning over Joachim and grasping him intently. “Oh, baby,” she whispered. “Baby…”

Joachim was whimpering and shuddering, even as he put all his passion into loving Raquel with his mouth. He licked and probed at her pussy lips, sucking and nibbling at her clit. His hands ran lovingly up and down her thighs. She held him to her, one hand cupping at the back of his head, the other clutched at his back. Raquel’s mouth was agape, her eyes half open as she bucked and writhed in her seat. She wailed in ecstasy and gasped his name over and over, even as her psychic touch spurred him ever on. A large stain of pre-cum was pooling the carpet even as her juices soaked into the couch cushion. She came again and again, her body jerking with each climax, her juices filling Joachim’s hungry mouth.

So caught up in the wave of pleasure, they both lost count and track of time as Raquel simply continued to urge him to make her cum. Ten or twelve climaxes later, Raquel finally let Joachim go, and she fell back onto the couch, gasping. Joachim, groaning loudly, hips bucking, collapsed into a ball on the floor, his raging cock jerking like crazy.

“Get up,” gasped Raquel, reaching with her power to force his body to move. “You were good, so good… you can cum, baby, cum inside me…”

Joachim managed to struggle up long enough to pitch forward onto Raquel, and, like a guided missile, plowed his overly teased cock into her slick, sensitive pussy. He penetrated, and both of them let out a scream. Joachim orgasmed instantly, holding Raquel to him for dear life. His orgasm was so intense, it overwhelmed her psychic senses, and she found herself climaxing with him, despite being thoroughly satisfied. He pumped into her with spasmic thrusts, and even when his first orgasm finished, he didn’t stop, continuing to thrust into her until he climaxed a second time, then a third.

Finally, he fell to a boneless heap on the floor, taking Raquel with him. They two lay half conscious on the floor for a while, side by side. It was a while before they were able to rouse themselves, but when they did, they lay there, kissing and cuddling for a long time.

“Well… I think that’s one game I’m gunna need some practice getting better at,” said Joachim. He kissed her deeply once again. “But thank you for letting me cheat.”

“MMmm...” said Raquel snuggling against his chest. “Only because you’re just so fucking good with your mouth. But next time, I won’t be so merciful.”

“Deal,” said Joachim. They both shared an exhausted, but thoroughly satisfied laugh.
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by camel »

Very nice! I love the personalities.

You might want to search mcstories.com if you haven't found that site before.

My favorite on that site is Alan ( http://mcstories.com/Alan/index.html ) but there are plenty of female dominant stories on there too.
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by cactusman »

Terrific stuff, thanks for posting these scenes!
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by mmdead2002 »

Great stories...great writing! Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by SexualChoc »

Are you Published?

You should be, if your not
You could just gather the short stories you have done here for publishing
Susan Strick occassionally gives us sneek peeks at stories but thye are usually published.
And if you are is there a website or link for your stuff?
is my other profile. see my chastity belt link :
http://www.milovana.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16#p139016
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by Salamando »

Thank you all for the compliments, I'm glad you've enjoyed them!

By the way, I am current writing a new, full-length story featuring Violet and Sara.

No, I'm not published, but the more I write these things, the more I'm thinking its something I want to pursue.
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by Salamando »

Jack was starting to squirm, and Tasha giggled. “T-tasha!” he gasped. His penis was threatening to rip through his shorts and just looking at his cute friend was making him tremble with the urge to grab her, throw her to the floor, tear off both their clothes, and fuck her like a tiger. But all he could do is sit there, feeling hornier by the minute.

“Something wrong, Jack?”

“I th-thought you said you w-weren’t going to do anything seck-seck” *gasp* “sexual with friends any m-more?”

“I’m not,” said Tasha plainly. “Makes things too awkward.”

“Then what are you doing to me?” said Jack.

“Hey, I can’t help it if you’re attracted to me, Jackji. Sorry, you’re cute, but you’re just not my type.”

“B-but Tasha! I know you’re using your p-power on me!”

“Well, duh.”

Jack gasped again. His knuckles were white as he clenched the couch cushions for lack of being able to do anything else. “S-so why….?”

“Cuz you’re just so cute and funny when you’re all riled up!” She giggled and lifted her legs, resting her bare feet on the space between his spread thighs, barely an inch from his swollen balls. She wriggled her toes and he flinched, his cock spasming slightly. Natasha let out a full laugh. Jack’s eyes were wide, nearly bugging out, and his jaw slightly slack as he was entranced by her toes and their proximity to his aching member.

“Jesus Christ…” he whispered hoarsely. “C-c-can I at least m-masturbate?”

“No,” said Tasha, a sly smirk on her lips.

Jack looked to her in a panic, sweat breaking out on his brow. He was still getting hornier, his penis now practically tingling with sensitivity. He felt like if this kept up, he’d cum his pants just from sheer excitement alone. But he knew better.

“How about we watch some TV instead?” said Tasha. She positioned herself on the couch so that she was relcining against the armrest, facing the TV, and her feet were in Jack’s lap, still not touching his member, but draped over his thigh. Jack let out a quaky groan as she wriggled and curled her toes, bounced her feet a bit as if to the beat of a song. She watched the TV, basically ignoring Jack even as she tortured him. Eventually she’d send him home and only then could he tend to that massive boner while burning for her, but for now, he made a comfy leg rest.
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Re: Just A Little Scene: Multiple Scenes

Post by wonderbo »

Nice job with "Foot Tease". Short, but still gave me a boner!
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