For the Love of Money Repost

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For the Love of Money Repost

Post by remmy »

Someone asked for this story a while back. I posted it in response to the request, but I'm posting it here too, since the original post is so old they may not see it.

For the Love of Money

I felt like some kind of slut. Here it is Sunday afternoon and I'm standing around all
dressed up like a hooker on a street corner in Las Vegas-- and Vanessa is late again. Not
that this should be a great surprise to me, she's always late. I squint as a small car
approaches. Nope. Not her. Instead I'm treated to some catcalls as two-frat boys drive by.
This has to be a joke. That would explain everything. She was playing a joke on me. The
story she told me last night at the club had to be bullshit. Nobody would be doing things
like that. Nobody would pay the kind of money she was talking about either.
Yeah, she was playing a joke all right… Then, her new blue Volkswagen bug pulls into
sight. Funny, I got nervous when I saw it. Maybe she was telling the truth. "It's about
time bitch!" I shouted, as her car came to a stop. Vanessa just gave me a sweet smile as I
climbed in. "I felt like a fuckin' prostitute out there. Christ some guy offered me 100
bucks for a blowjob" (I was bullshitting her now— she had it coming.) Vanessa just
laughed. She was dressed very sexy herself— in garters and high heels. Her cosmetically
enhanced breasts were pushed up high in her tight black bra. I settled back as we drove
up the street.
"So tell me about this again? We could get $50,000 just for making some guy cum?"
Vanessa looked at me quickly. "Yep." "Bullshit…" I said, but something about Vanessa's
look took the bite out of it. She wasn't lying, but I still couldn't believe it. Vanessa
reached for a cigarette. She hardly ever smoked, except when she was drunk or nervous.
"I know, I didn't believe it myself until I saw it with my own eyes. It's some pretty
fucked up stuff. "She exhaled, then cracked the window. "I'd heard some rumors about it
from some of the girls at the club. Then, last month, I got invited in as a spectator." I
reached for a cigarette now. "But what kind of guy would pay that kind of money for just
one orgasm?" Vanessa shifted her eyes to mine. "It's not a guy that's paying, it's a
woman…" and she told me the story. Last month she was dancing at the club on an off
night. A few of the girls were sitting in a booth with an attractive older woman that
Vanessa had seen around before. After she finished her set Darlene approached her. "Hey
that woman over there was asking about you." Great, another lesbian she thought-- but
she had thought wrong. The woman in question was "Anna Amour" a big time stripper
from the seventies. She had liked Vanessa's set and wanted to buy her a drink. After
about 20 minutes, Anna said something to Darlene and left. "You're in honey!" Darlene
whispered to Vanessa smiling, and that Sunday they went up to Anna's mansion in the
hills…I stopped her.
"Wait a minute. You mean the woman was Anna Amour, the big Vegas stripper?" "The
very one." Vanessa smiled back. "And she will pay us $50,000 to make some guy cum?"
"Yep". I shook my head. "Bullshit Vanessa. What kind of woman would do that—
where'd she get all this money?" Vanessa snubbed her cigarette out. "From her last
husband. He died and left her millions." "But why would she pay us? I don't get it."
Vanessa looked at me and smiled knowingly. "You don't get it because you haven't been
told the whole story. She is also paying the guy NOT to cum." I sat back in my seat as I
started to put it together as Vanessa continued. "She offers 6 teams of women a chance at
making $50,000 to make some guy cum. Each team has 30 minutes to make him orgasm.
If they do it in the time allowed they get the money." "And if they don't?" Vanessa
shrugged. "They get nothing. I understand if the guy can resist all the teams, he gets
$100,000." I shook my head. " Why? Why would she do that?" "Well, the word is that
she hates men. Her whole life she had to play the whore to men in clubs. She's even been
rumored to have been a mistress to Sinatra. Anyway, she married some old rich land
developer, retired from dancing and thought she was on easy street. Except the old fart
was a real sick bird. Into all kinds of weird fetish shit. He used to make Anna do it all.
When he died, Anna decided it was pay back time. So, she started this up. Every month
she gets some guy and a group of women up to her place and the game begins." I sat in
silence for a minute-- this was more than I had imagined. "So you went up there last
month with Darlene?" "Yeah, I was just a spectator though. Darlene had a partner. She
lost. Some girls I'd never seen before got the guy off." "Wholly shit, and she paid then
$50,000?" "Yep, in cash." Vanessa pulled out another cigarette. "The guy almost made it
too. He was so pissed off when he came. Then, Anna invited some of the girls to an after
party and Darlene and I left. But Anna invited me back for a try at it this month and I
thought of you." Vanessa turned to me and smiled. "What's a best friend for?" We turned
up a long winding road. At the top was a heavy gate. Two guards were waiting. Vanessa
handed them a laminated card and they waved us through. We pulled up to the main
house. It was enormous. Many cars were already parked in the circular driveway. "Well,
we're here," Vanessa smiled. "Still want to go through with it?" I looked up at the house.
It seemed ominous. "I could really use the money," I whispered. Vanessa touched my
hair. "I know you could. That's one of the reasons I asked you. But I gotta warn you. It's
really, really, wild in there. I couldn't believe it when I first saw it and I've seen a lot." I
looked back at the mansion and wet my lips. "Do we have to fuck this guy?" Vanessa
continued to stroke my hair. "Nope. We can use our hands, breasts, and mouths if we
like. But no vaginal contact. And I understand the guys are given a complete physical, so
they're clean. The last guy was really good looking too. It seems Anna likes her men
handsome, young and muscular. I turned and looked at Vanessa "I'm nervous…"
Vanessa squeezed my hand." Yeah me too…But I really need the money. You wanna do
this?" I looked down at my scuffed up black leather purse. Tips hadn't been so good at
our club lately what with all the new strip clubs opening up. I was almost broke myself.
"I'm in," I said softly. "Ok honey," Vanessa whispered back. "Let's go make us some big
money!" She gave me a quick kiss and we got out of the car, and walked towards the
front door…
End of part one.
A sign on the door said, "Please Enter." Vanessa grabbed the doorknob. " Here we go…"
She turned the handle and we entered. I don't know what I expected, but this wasn't it.
We had walked into a beautiful home. The entryway was done in tumbled granite. To the
left was an elegant living room. A large white grand piano stood in its center. A young
professional looking woman approached us. She was dressed in a gray business suit,
carrying a clipboard. "Welcome ladies," she said in a cheerful voice. "May I have your
names please." "Hi, I'm Vanessa and this is Sophia." She checked our names off on the
clipboard, then handed us each a piece of paper. "The game has already begun. You're up
fifth, right after the "Divine Sisters". Vanessa and I exchanged a quick look. We knew the
"Divine Sister's" well. (They really weren't sisters at all, just three look alike strippers
with ridiculously large fake breasts.) The young woman continued. "This sheet should fill
you in on all the rules. We've also listed his fetishes. You can use them against him if
you like." I looked at the paper she had given me. The lists of fetishes were over twenty
items long, including:
Large Breasts With Big Nipples.
Long Red Fingernails.
Red Lipstick.
High Platform Shoes.
Long Blonde Hair.
Black Lingerie… it went on like this. Suddenly, from down the hall, a muffled roar of
cheers and clapping was heard. The young woman smiled. "Looks like it's starting again.
A very handsome man dressed in a tuxedo walked over to us. "Please show the ladies to
their seats. Enjoy yourself and good luck." She walked away as Antonio led us down the
hall. We stopped at a large double oak door. He slowly opened it, and Vanessa and I
walked in. The room was dimly lit and much larger than I expected.
About thirty women sat around the perimeter at tables smoking and drinking. A large
fully stocked bar was against one wall, staffed by four incredibly muscular men. In the
center of the room was a raised carpeted stage. A man was strapped down tight to a
special table that held him at a 45-degree angle. His legs were kept spread apart and a
thick leather strap kept his head complete immobile. Sweat was pouring of his body.
He was shining under the bright halogen lights. Television monitors hung on every wall
transmitting "The Game" in full color close-ups for those who weren't near enough to see
all the gritty details. I stared at one of the monitors in disbelief. Two women were
kneeling down in front of the man manipulating his erect penis. They were taking turns
masturbating him and playing with his balls. They laughed and teased him as they poured
a thick honey colored oil onto his cock from green crystal bottles. Behind him was a kind
of dressing and makeup area. Racks of sexy lingerie were on each side of a vanity table.
A large lit makeup mirror hung above it. Next to the vanity was a Metal cart that held all
types of sexual devices. Dildo's, Cockrings, Vibrators, Buttplugs… Nothing had been
overlooked. A tall woman with long blonde hair extensions was looking at herself in the
mirror and applying red lipstick to her collagen-injected lips. Above her was a large
digital clock. It was counting down the minutes. 27 left to go.
"Are you ready baby?" The blonde woman cooed as she slowly walked around to face
him. Her tits were enormous. "Are you ready for a little tit fucking?" The other two
women laughed and stood up beside him, rubbing the thick oil on his nipples now. The
blonde pulled up a rolling stool in front of him as the other women adjusted the table via
hydraulics. The blonde woman pulled on her distended nipples and looked into the man's
eyes. "Your gonna cum for me whore," she hissed, and wrapped her giant breast around
his cock. She threw her head back and laughed wickedly as she slid it between her well-
oiled tits. The other two coaxed and teased the man, begging him to cum. They laughed
as they pulled at his nipples and licked at his ears. One of the women slipped on a latex
glove and inserted two fingers up the man's exposed anus. He strained and bucked
against her hand. "Ohhh this bitch is gonna blow!" The blonde woman shouted-- and
began pumping his cock firmly with her right hand.
Her left hand was busy kneading his balls. Then, she stopped at the base of his cock and
wrapped both of her hands around it tight and slowly began to pull her hands forward.
The woman with her fingers in his anus began to slowly rotate her hand causing it to
spiral in deeper, as the third woman twisted the man's nipples between her painted nails.
They seemed well rehearsed-- They had done this before.
The blonde slowly pulled forward on his cock forcing a long string of pre cum out of it. It
just hung there. It must have been a foot long. They were actually trying to pull the
orgasm out of him. He screamed and bucked beneath their manipulations. This perverse
scene caused the women watching the hoot and clap. "Ohhh! Here he cums!" The blonde
exclaimed. The man bucked and screamed even louder. I was sure that it was over-- but
somehow he held on.
The blonde showed her disappointment by roughly letting go of his cock and storming
back to the dressing table- as the other two knelt down and began working on him. The
blonde picked up a large strap-on dildo and walked in front of him again. She smiled as
she ran the fake cock down the front of her body slowly. "Would you like to do this to
my pussy?" She asked in a sweet tone-- then jammed the dildo up her cunt. "Jesus
Christ!" I whispered- but Vanessa must have heard me because she took my hand and
gave it a warm squeeze. " Ladies." Antonio led us to our seats- A table about 30 feet
away from the action.
I was closer than I cared to be. From here I could see everything. The man's tortured eyes
as the women teased and manipulated him. The blonde had positioned one of the other
girls in front of him now. She had strapped on the cock and was fucking her from behind.
The woman was bent over- sucking on the man's cock moaning loudly. The third had
positioned herself behind him now. Her hands were scratching up and down his sweaty
chest. All around him were video monitors he could see clearly. But they weren't playing
"The Game." They were playing different video loops of women masturbating men and
making them cum— again and again. Erotic music was playing from overhead speakers
but I could hear every moan and giggle clearly. There must have been live microphones
hanging above the stage. "May I get you something from the bar?" Antonio asked in a
professional voice. Vanessa answered for both of us. "Two scotch and waters please."
"And make them doubles!" I said quickly. Antonio walked away and Vanessa took my
hand again. "Now, don't freak out on me girl." I looked down at the paper the young
woman had given to me before-- it was shaking.
By the time Antonio came back with the drinks I had calmed down a bit- but the
spectacle on the stage continued. They had positioned the table horizontally now. One of
the women was crouched over the man, her open vagina just inches above his cock. The
other was gently pulling on his erect penis, begging the man to fuck her partner. The
blonde had moved next to the man's strapped down head. Even though she spoke softly, I
could hear ever word. "You're not going to make it," she whispered gentle as she stroked
his hair. Even if you make it past us, you're going to fail sooner or later." The man licked
his dry lips as his eyes darted from side to side. "Do you like my two girlfriends?" The
man looked up at the two women above him. They kissed deeply, then flicked the tip of
their tongues together as they laughed. The blonde watched them smiling. "They'll do
anything I want. Anything I tell them." The two women moaned and rubbed their lewd
naked bodies against his sweaty legs. The blonde continued. "I have a proposition for
you. If you cum for us now, I'll give you half of the money and you can have both of
them." The man watched them breathing shallowly. "They're quite good, I've trained
them both myself. They'll suck and fuck you for as long as you like. And when you're
finished with them, you'll have $25,000." One of the women was masturbating the man
in earnest, looking at him with passion filled eyes. "Please make love to us," she
whispered breathlessly. "We want to fuck you sooo bad." The man watched them
silently- he was trembling. The blonde slowly waked over to them. "Tell you what, I'll
even sweeten the deal." She turned to him, her large breasts shinning from the oil and her
sweat. She cupped them with her hands rolling her nipples between her fingertips. "You
can have all three of us. We'll fuck you better than you ever imagined possible." She
kissed the two women, then looked at him grinning. She scratched her nails up his bound
legs slowly then, softly wrapped her hands around his cock and began to pull. She didn't
need any lubrication he was dripping. I looked up at the clock- they had 12 minutes left.
"So, do we have a deal?" The whole room had gone silent. Everyone was leaning
forward-- waiting. The man whispered something but I couldn't hear. The blonde leaned
in closer. "What darling? I didn't hear you…" The man struggled against his head strap.
The blonde drew nearer…then; he spit in her face. Her reaction was swift and immediate.
She slapped him hard. "YOU FUCKING LITTLE WHORE!" She screamed- and
advanced towards him. Just as quickly several large men were on the stage. They
restrained the blonde. The other two women began to scream at him as well, their soft
sexy demeanor for before forgotten. A loud buzzer sounded. And the lights in the room
came on. I looked at Vanessa alarmed." What the fuck is going on?" Vanessa shook her
head. I looked around quickly. Some of the women had gotten to their feet. Then, in the
back the room, I saw Anna Amour. She was sitting in a large gold ornate chair on an
elevated platform. Next to her were two very young looking girls. They were naked. The
men held the three women on stage at bay as Anna stood up- she had a microphone in her
hand. Her voice boomed from the overhead speakers. "Violence like that is not permitted,
you know the rules Sabrina." The blonde stopped struggling but her face was still furious.
"I'm sorry Anna, it won't happen again." "That outburst will cost you. You are banished
from the game forever." The blonde's face fell. " No Anna please…I'm sorry- he spit
on…It won't happen again." Anna looked at her unsympathetically. "Escort the ladies out
please." And without another word the three women were led of the stage and through a
backdoor. The room erupted in a buzz of whispering. Anna looked about scowling-- then
she smiled. She looked like an evil cat. "Ladies, I apologize for this unfortunate outburst.
After a brief intermission the game will continue as planned. Team three please prepare
yourselves." And with that the light dimmed and music began to play again. Several
young women dressed in black walked on to the stage they were all wearing latex gloves.
They began to wipe the man down with large moist sponges. One of the women squirted
water into his mouth from a plastic sports bottle. Two others were straightening up the
makeup area. Vanessa leaned over to me. " They're preparing him for the next team. He
has a 10-minute rest period after each attempt where he's cooled down and given fluids
so he won't pass out. I watched the man as he cursed and struggled against his bonds.
"Are they going to untie him?" "No, they'll keep him strapped down till the end." I
looked back. His head had dropped forward. Two women were sponging down his legs.
He was trembling again. I felt sorry for him. "We'll at least they give him water and cool
him off." " Oh they're not doing it to be kind. They cool of the scrotum because it makes
it easier for him to cum and they will also make him urinate." As if on cue, one of the
women walked up to him with an empty specimen beaker. She gripped his now flaccid
penis and pushed on his lower abdomen. After a moment, clear urine poured into the jar.
"They keep his blatter as empty as possible. The need to urinate can block the urethra. " I
looked at Vanessa confused, she smiled. "If he has to pee it makes it harder for him to
cum." I looked back at the man; they had extracted quite a bit of urine from him. I shook
my head. "I don't get what so hard about him not cumming for 4 hours I've been with
guys that could go that long and there wasn't $100,000 at stake." Vanessa looked at the
man strapped to the table and sadly smiled. "They've been teasing him non stop for the
last thirty days." I looked back at Vanessa. "I don't follow…" and she told me. It seems
that the guys are picked for the game thirty days prior. The guy is put in chastity. They
actually put something on his cock that makes it impossible for him to cum. During that
time he lives here at the mansion under Anna's ever-watchful eyes. Women unmercifully
tease him day and night. Anna has a special crew for the job. They do everything
imaginable to the guy except let him cum. Vanessa speaks softly now, keeping her eyes
fixed on the man. "I here it's really rough. By the time he's strapped onto the table he's
almost insane with lust and desire. That where the real torture of it comes in. The guy
would give anything to cum, but he tries with all his might not to." Vanessa looks down
at the floor now. "All for the love of money." I looked back at him again. He was
shaking. "Oh God Vanessa, I don't know if I can do this…" Vanessa leaned in close to
me- her lips touching my ear." Sophia I know it's really…weird, but $50,000 will make
such a difference in both our lives. I picked up my drink- it was empty. I pushed the glass
across the table. Vanessa took my hand. "Look, you've slept with guys you've met at the
club that you haven't particularly liked because they bought you stuff right?" I nodded
silently. "Well, just think of it like that- only you're getting $25,000 dollars for thirty
minutes of sex." Vanessa turned my face to hers. "Look, during the next team, watch him
closely. Watch what the women do, where they succeed- where they fail. I think we can
break this guy." I looked back at the stage. The women in black were finishing up. I
looked back into Vanessa green eyes. "It just seems so wrong." "Sophia, the guy
volunteered for this, no one forced him to do it. And if he wins he gets paid well for his
troubles, and if it gets to intense- all he has to do is cum and it's all over. Nobody really
get hurt." I looked back at the stage. The man was alone now, his eyes closed. The table
had been returned to an almost vertical angle. He was facing all of us, breathing slowly-
deeply. Vanessa put her arm around me. C'mon girl, I need you…" I let out a long breath.
"Get me another drink and I'll be ok…" Vanessa kissed my cheek and headed for the bar
as the lights dimmed. Two black women slowly walked on the stage from behind him.
The women watching began to cheer and clap. One of the women approached the man
licking her lips in an exaggerated performance of lust. She was wearing knee high black
leather boots and a gold G string She was topless her heavy breast swayed in front of her.
"Hi baby. I'm Labelle and this is Coal." The women called Coal approached him slowly,
running her hands over her naked body. She had to be a dancer. Her body was incredibly
muscular. Her firm breasts jutted straight out and were topped with large coffee colored
nipples. Labelle gently put her hand under the man's chin- making his eyes meet hers. He
looked at her miserably. Her long painted nails tickled under his chin She was smiling
wickedly at him…"Hi baby. Are you ready to cum?"
End of part 3
For the next thirty minutes I watched Labelle and Coal as they worked on the man. No
doubt about it- these women were pros. Labelle had very long fake fingernails that she
scratched and teased him with. They had positioned the table horizontally again. She'd
start at the soles of his feet. Tickling them lightly. Slowly she'd draw them up his legs as
she taunted him. She'd scratch up the inside of his thigh causing him to moan and arch
his back uncontrollably. She'd laugh at his predicament, telling him all he had to do was
cum and it would be over. Then, she'd concentrate on his balls. Pouring the thick oil on
them from high above, watching in delight as it ran down them slowly. It reminded me of
those candy commercials, where they'd slowly pour honey or melted chocolate onto a
crispy cookie. Then she'd massage the oil in slowly keeping his cock pulled tightly
against his stomach. She'd chuckle as he whimpered trying to pull away from her hands.
Then, the masturbation began. Slow, firm pulls, followed by rubbing the head of his
cocks. Her long nails would invade his pee hole ticking. Every now and then she'd give
his cock a hard squeeze causing pre-cum to pour out. Then she'd polish him with it.
She'd talked to him soothingly, coaxing him on. Her voice was almost hypnotic. After
five minutes of intense masturbation, she'd start the whole procedure over again. She
seemed to sense when the man's cock was going numb. She'd slowly draw her hands up
his legs again, promising him blessed relief. She'd put his cock between her breasts
looking him dead in the eyes as she licked and sucked on just the head. If she felt him
slipping away she'd take it into her mouth deeper. I've never seen a woman able to take a
cock in so far. She'd deep throat him all the way down to his balls. Then slowly pull it
out sucking hard. This would cause the man to spasm on the table. I didn't know how he
could stand it. While Labelle worked on his lower half- Coal concentrated on his upper
body. She'd stroke his sweaty brow and softly kiss his neck remarking on Labelle's
performance, asking how he liked it. She'd rake her nails across his chest knowing just
how to play his nipples. She'd lick the sweat off him, then suck his distended nipples into
her mouth- nibbling, biting- pulling them gently between her teeth. When Labelle was
masturbating him she'd nibble at his ears and bite down on his neck- leaving dark circle
that would later bruise into hickeys. She'd beg him to cum, coaxing and moaning and
laughing as Labelle deep throated him. They played his body like an instrument. Working
together in perfect harmony. Yet somehow he held on. When the buzzer sounded he was
weeping, but he still hadn't cum. " Fuckin' fagot!" Coal muttered as they were led off the
stage. The women in black appeared again and began to wipe him down. I had drunk two
scotch and sodas during the last performance. I was pretty buzzed, but I thought I knew
they had done wrong. I turned to Vanessa.
"I think I know why he's not cumming. They're trying to hard." Vanessa looked at me
surprised. " We need to be gentle with him. Treat him lovingly. Make him long for us.
The last three teams have beaten him up pretty well. He's probably numb by now. I think
if we work on him slowly, really tease him, he'll cum." Vanessa smiled. "I think you're
exactly right." She leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips- then her tongue went into
my mouth as she moaned. " God, I'm so horney…" Then she broke away laughing, a
little embarrassed." I'm sorry Sophia. I'm a little drunk and all of this is really getting to
me." I've never had a lesbian experience with anyone before, but I wanted Vanessa too. I
leaned in to kiss her again…But our tender moment was interrupted by Champagne, a
platinum blonde bitch stripper from our club. We both hated her. "Hello, Vanessa I didn't
except to see you here." Champagne smiled but her tone was very condescending.
Vanessa picked up on it right away. "Champagne, I'm so glad you're here. We need
some drinks. Scotch on the rocks for me- Sophia what would you like?" Champagne
sneered at her. " If you want a drink why don't you ask Sophia to get it, she's the little
cocktail waitress here." I smiled sweetly and gave Champagne the finger. Champagne
reached for one of Vanessa cigarettes. "So what brings you sluts here." Vanessa didn't
blink. " We're team number 5." Champagne lit up and exhaled as she laughed. "You and
cocktail waitress here? You haven't got a chance." Champagne looked me up and down.
"The guy likes girls with big tits. Sophia what are you now a B-cup." "At least mine are
real." I snapped back. (It was the best I could think of.) Champagne turned back to
Vanessa. "If you needed a partner darling you should have asked me. I can make any man
cum." Vanessa smiled sweetly. "And I here you often do…" Champagne laughed coldly.
"We'll, I'm sure you won't even get the chance. The Divine Sisters are up next. They've
won the game twice this year." Champagne looked at the man on the stage- they were
extracting urine from him again- He was shaking. "And this boy is ready to pop." I had
heard enough from the bleached blonde bitch, so I excused myself to go to the ladies
room. It was in the back next to Anna's chair. As I walked by she smiled at me. The two
naked girls were attending her. One was rubbing her shoulder as the other lay face up in
her lap and sucked at her large breasts. Anna must have been over 50, but her tit's still
looked great and to my eyes she was natural. But there was something in her eyes. She
looked evil… she looked like she hated me. I went into the bathroom quickly to get away
from that look.
Two women were fixing their makeup in the mirror. A third was doing a line of coke off
the counter. A fourth woman was in an open stall sitting on the toilet. Her legs were slung
over the shoulder of a very tall muscular naked man. He was fucking her without mercy.
His cock must have been at least 12 inch long. One of the women fixing her lips spoke to
me. "The line starts her honey." I looked back at the women getting fucked she was
pounding the wall of the stall with her fists and screaming. "I just came in to pee," I said
quickly and when into an empty stall. I shut and locked the door .Two stalls over the
women was still screaming and pounding as she came. The other women were
applauding. " I'm next!" One of them cried and after a moment the banging began again.
I covered my ears and tried to pee, after a few minutes I gave up flushed and exited the
stall. The woman who was doing the line of coke from before was getting fucked now.
She had scratched up the man's back pretty bad. The other women were watching and
laughing. I got out of there fast and made my way back to my seat. The lights were going
down. The women in the room cheered and whooped as the Divine Sister's took the
End Of Part 4
On my way back to my seat, I stopped by the bar and got a double scotch. I downed it in
three grimacing gulps. When I got back to our table, I was a little pissed off to see that
Champagne was in my seat. I stood next to her looking down waiting for her to move.
She just smiled a bitchie smile and looked up at me. I wanted to punch her.
Vanessa, sensing my anger, scooted over and shared her chair with me. She put her hand
on my leg, rubbing it gently. I was really feeling that last drink. I moved it to my crotch
and put my arm around her and kissed her cheek.
"I want you," I whispered.
Vanessa looked at me with sparkling eyes and began to stroke my pussy through my
panties. We watched the game together, her gently touching me under the table.
As much as I hate the Divine Sister's and everything they stand for- I gotta admit, they
knew what they were doing.
They started out by standing in front of the man, dressed in matching black tight leather
dresses. They all had sheer stockings and very high black platform shoes that made them
look nearly six feet tall. They were wearing long blonde wigs and fake black eyelashes.
Their makeup was thick and slutty. It boggled the mind how big their implants were. It
was rumored that they had to have them done in Mexico because no doctor's in the states
would go that big. One of the sisters approached the man.
"Hi," she said in a very sexy voice. "I'm Pixie." She slowly pulled the top of her dress
down and exposed her giant breasts. The man's eyes widened in disbelieve. The next
sister approached.
"And I'm Dixie." She too pulled down the top of her dress. The man's eyes moved to her
breasts. She pulled at her thick nipples and laughed as the third sister approached him
"And I'm Trixie." She too exposed her breasts smiling confidently.
"And we're going to make you cum!" And they went to work on him.
They had it orchestrated almost like a Vegas show. Pixie began to do a slow sexy strip as
the other two hurried to the dressing table. They began to put on their costumes as Pixie
stripped down to garter's hose and heels. She picked up the bottle of thick oil and slowly
poured it all over her massive breasts. Letting it run down between her deep tanned
cleavage. She rubbed the oil in- sensuously eyeing him; then, she tipped the table back
and settled between his spread legs. She suggestively licked her lips and flipped her hair
"I'm gonna make your hard prick feel sooo goood!" She teased, and began to fuck the
man between her breasts.
This woman knew how to use her tits. Within minutes he was moaning constantly. He
couldn't take his eyes off of her. She'd pump him firmly between her massive orbs and
slap his stiff cock against her enormous areola's. Then, she'd rub the head of his cock in
a circular motion outlining them.
"Oh yeah, does that feel good? Does my little baby wanna cum all over Pixie's big nasty
She blew him a sultry kiss with her red lips as Dixie made her way up behind the man.
She whispered in his ear as she manipulated his nipples between her "French Tipped"
fingernails. She was dressed in a nurse's outfit complete with a white cap.
The zipper of the costume straining against her immense tits.
"Isn't she sexy," she teased him from behind as she polished his nipples in a circular
motion. " Don't you just wanna shoot your hot cum all over those big titties?"
Pixie continued to pump him as Dixie slowly walked around to face him. The man
sucked in his breath when he saw her. Dixie kissed Pixie using the tip of her tongue so as
not to smudge Pixies red painted lips, then it was her turn.
She slowly unzipped the dress. Her breasts were incased in a special white nursing bra
that just exposed her large brown nipples. They looked dark and swollen in contrast with
the bra and her crisp white uniform. Pixie stood beside the man and giggled coyly as she
handed Dixie a tube of red lipstick. She took it and sensuously painted her lips slowly
before his eyes.
"Are you ready for your blow job darling?" She smiled wickedly up at him as she knelt
down and took his cock in her warm wet mouth. Her lips shined glossy red as she
engulfed him causing him the whimper and moan.
She looked at him the whole time as she sucked and nibbled. Her eye's had a knowing
evil glint. Within a few minutes he was howling. His cock looked purple- his balls huge
and swollen. He was really suffering.
Pixie knelt beside her and played with Dixie's tits laughing and coaxing her on. Finally,
she stood and slowly tilted the table horizontally again. All the while, Dixie sucked and
caressed him with her mouth, never taking it away from his penis. Pixie's tits were still
slick from the oil .Now she poured a generous amount of oil onto the man's chest and
began to rub them back and forth against him. Teasing his nipples with hers.
"You like my big nasty tit's don't you baby" she said in a pouty little girls voice. "Tell
you what. I'm going to let you watch me suck on them."
She hoisted her massive tits with both hands to her wanton mouth. She bathed her nipples
with her tongue, letting them pop out between her teeth before his hungry eyes. Dixie
was sucking his dick for all she was worth- stroking his slippery balls- kneading and
tickling them with her nails. They had 15 minutes left.
I was breathing hard now. My pussy was very wet. Vanessa had slipped her fingers
underneath the elastic of my panties and was teasing the lips around my vagina. My head
was spinning. I pushed her hand hard against me – and she gently slid her fingers inside
of me. My breath was coming in hot pants against her neck. I looked away from the
action on stage to one of the TV monitors placed around the man.
They were playing a different video now. I noticed with disgust that it was a video of The
Divine Sisters getting some other man off. It must have been taken earlier this year- but it
was the same stage, same table. The man on the TV was throwing his head from side to
side screaming as the three of them worked on him laughing. Then he arched his back
and was still-- frozen—straining beet red-- then he came in thick high spurts. The Divine
Sister's threw their heads back in triumph and high fived each other. Then the video
started over again, looping continuously.
This video changed my mood completely.
As I watched it play again my body started to go kind of numb. They were whores. Evil
little sluts that would do anything for money. Their morality and sense of decency long
since bought and sold. I hated them- and I hated myself for being here.
The overhead speakers were blasting some old instrumental strip song from the 50's. I
felt light-headed. I tore my eyes away from the TV monitors and back to the action on the
stage. The two sisters worked on the man with all the skill and perfection of a surgeon.
His mouth was frozen in an anguished grimace. He was in trouble- we all knew it.
Trixie was at the makeup table putting on her final touches; wearing a black leather
bondage costume. Thin leather straps crisscrossed the front of her chest. Making her
breasts seem even larger. She wore high black boots, with 7 inch spiked heels and chains
wrapped around them. She had on a black Nazis commanders' hat with "DS"
embroidered on the front. Trixie turned and lit a cigarette in a long black holder, then,
slowly walked towards the table. The sisters laughed and taunted the man when they saw
her. He let out a wail that caused the room to erupt into cheers. He was going to cum, I
was certain of it.
Trixie smiled evilly down at the suffering man. She sensually blew cigarette smoke into
the air.
"I told you, we have way's of making you cum!" She said in a campy German accent.
Then she laughed and shook her giant breasts at him.
Pixie tilted the table up, as Trixie slowly removed her long black leather gloves. Dixie
popped his cock from her mouth and quickly picked up a long thin dildo. It was meant for
anal stimulation. She lubed it up as Pixie positioned him. Trixie looked him dead in the
"And now my young Jedi ---you will cum!" And she wrapped both her hands around his
huge purple cock and began to masturbate him.
Dixie stood on his left and teased his anus with the dildo, then, slowly inserted it. The
man cried out again. It went in impossibly deep. She began to slowly rotate it. It must
have been rubbing against is prostate. He let out another wail that the sisters matched in
volume mocking him.
Pixie was working on his nipples again. Taunting him- telling him it was all over. He
stared with bulging eyes, as Trixie worked on him with both her hands.
Stroking slowly and firmly- then jerking up and down on just the head quickly. She
polished his sensitive knob palming it as she gently pushed his balls up so they
disappeared inside him. The man wailed "PLEEEAASSE NOOOOO!" and that's when
the chanting began.
It started from the back of the room and spread- getting stronger. One word- over and
over. CUM-CUM-CUM! Women began to pound on the tables. The Divine Sisters had
Suddenly I felt like I was going to throw up. My skin had gone cold and clammy but I felt
hot all over. Champagne looked at me and laughed. I pulled Vanessa's hand away from
my crotch. She looked at me, hurt at first- then concerned. "Sophia are you…" I got up
quickly. " I gotta get out of here!" I said in panic. Vanessa got to her feet too. "Ok- Just
calm down…" Her lips moved but I couldn't hear her. The women were all chanting
now- banging. The music was blasting. The man screamed again. I heard him loud and
clear over the din. "PLEAASE STOPPP!"
I bolted for the back of the room towards the doors I had come in before. But when I got
there I froze. There were no handles on them. No way to open them. I couldn't believe it.
What kind of place was this?! I pushed on the doors hoping they'd give- but they were
locked tight.
I looked to my right and there was Anna Amore, smiling down at me from her evil
throne. Vanessa caught up to me. "Sophia!" She screamed. "Calm down. It's OK!"
I pulled away from her and headed for the bathroom. I had to get away from the chanting-
from the scene on the stage- from the man's tortured eye's and screams.
I ripped open the bathroom door, just as the woman being fucked in the stall came. She
screamed as the seven other women around her chanted CUM-CUM-CUM!
The room started to spin. Bright lights flashed in front of my eyes. I fell backwards…
The next thing I knew, Vanessa was carrying me in her arms. We were in a carpeted
hallway. The chanting seemed farther away now. She leaned me against a wall and
opened a door.
We went into a large room. It was cooler in here. She had gotten me out -somehow. I
looked at her with tears in my eye's
"Thank you," I whispered. She set me in a chair and went and got some cool water. I
drank it quickly. "Easy honey, just sip it, you're going to be ok."
I looked at her gratefully. " Thank you- I couldn't stand it anymore- I'm sorry I let
you…" Suddenly a loud buzzer sounded. I screamed and dropped the glass.
I looked over my shoulder.
I was in a large dressing room. Racks of lingerie were against a wall. A long well lit
makeup table was next to it. A TV hung on the wall. It was broadcasting the game.
Underneath it was a digital clock. It read 0:00. On the TV the Divine Sisters were leaving
the stage- furious. They had lost-- and we were up next.
End of part 5.
A heavy metal door that led from the stage to the dressing room burst open and the
Divine Sisters stormed in.
"You stupid cunt!" Pixie screamed, "We fucking had him!" Trixie pulled off her blonde
wig and turned to her furious. "Don't you fucking scream at me bitch! You were up on
that stage too. You were supposed to break him down!" Pixie yanked off her wig and
threw it. "I did my part! You had to fucking try and clip him. We had him, but you got
greedy!" Pixie advanced on Trixie. Dixie intercepted slapping her hard.
"Knock it off! It's over!" Pixie stood there breathing hard, her hand pressed against her
red cheek. Trixie looked down at the ground as Dixie continued. "We fucked up. ALL of
us! We underestimated him. Let's just try and forget it. We can make up some of the
money we lost at the after-party." She pulled off her wig, revealing a short dark cropped
haircut. Pixie moved moodily to the makeup table. Trixie went over to a shower stall-
pulled off her hose and heels and went in- slamming the door. Dixie sighed and unzipped
her nurses' outfit. Underneath it was a tight waist corset. She walked over to Vanessa.
"Mind giving me a hand?" Vanessa unsnapped the back and helped her wiggle out of it.
She was wet with sweat. "Dixie turned and smile thinly. "Thanks. Hey, you got a
smoke?" Vanessa pulled out a cigarette and lit it for her- she exhaled sharply. "Thanks,"
she said a bit more friendly this time. "Hey, haven't I seen you around?" Vanessa smiled
"Yeah, I work over at the Bluebird." Dixie nodded. "You two up next?" Vanessa looked
at me- Dixie didn't wait for an answer.
"Well, good luck. The guys a fucking rock. I don't know how he made it this far."
Vanessa spoke softly. "What did she mean- she tried to 'clip him'." Dixie shook her head.
"You get an extra $10,000 if you stop his orgasm. You let him get out one small spurt
then, you clamp his dick shut –slap his face or hit him in the nuts– something like that.
Anyway, Trixie tried to clip him- she thought he had cum but…" Trixie ripped open the
shower door.
"He did fucking cum!" This set Pixie off again. "Oh, don't start that shit again!" "ALL
RIGHT, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Dixie screamed. The two women fell silent. Dixie
turned back to Vanessa. "Anyway he outsmarted us.He faked it. The guy's good." Pixie
turned to us still angry.
"Yeah, we did all the fuckin' work on him and you two skinny whores will get all the
rewards. Fucking two-bit downtown strippers." Dixie spoke even and low. "Pixie. Shut
the fuck up or I'm gonna rip your tits off." Dixie dropped her smoke to the carpet and
ground it out. "Good luck," and she went to the other shower. After a moment Pixie
followed. I could see them through the frosted glass. Pixie put her arms around Dixie and
kissed her, saying she was sorry, then she began to cry. Dixie held her in her arms
rocking her gently.
The door to the stage opened, and one of the women in black entered. "Team 5, you have
20 minutes before you're on. We're giving him an extra 10 minutes to recover. Team 4
beat him up pretty good." I looked at Vanessa- she cast her eyes away. "They're icing his
balls down- he took quite a hit there." She smiled professionally and softly shut the door.
Vanessa knelt beside me. "You ok?" I looked up at her. "No-I'm not fuckin' OK! I wanna
get out of here," I said almost crying.
"I can't go out there. I thought I could, but I can't. I'm sorry I let you down." I looked
down at the floor now. "Maybe Champagne can be your new partner." Vanessa stroked
my hair. "You can't change partners, it's one of the rules." She knelt beside me and tilted
my face to hers. "And even if I could, I wouldn't want a skanky bitch like her for my
partner. She'd scare the guys erection clean away." I smiled, despite myself. Vanessa was
smiling now too. "Poor guy's suffered enough." I started to laugh and Vanessa held me in
her arms.
"It's ok kid, I'll tell 'em that we're bowing out."
Vanessa stood and walked towards the door. I called to her. "You think we could have
won?" Vanessa turned and looked at me- her face was serious. "I think we would have
kicked his ass." I looked down at the ground again.
"I—I don't think I'm pretty enough…" Vanessa came back to me quickly. "Oh God
Sophia, you're fucking beautiful. You're young and sweet and you've got great tits.
"And they're real." I said in a shaky voice laughing a bit in spite of my tears. Vanessa
gently cupped the back of my head and brought her forehead against mine. "You're
beautiful, and everyone sees it but you. But if you can't do it…"
I sat there thinking. I hated the idea of walking out on that stage –but I hated the idea of
chickening out more. I wanted to show people like Champagne I wasn't afraid. But more
than that- I wanted to show myself. "We better hurry then… we only got 20 minutes."
Vanessa pulled her face away from mine. "You mean it!" I looked at her and slowly
smiled "Let's kick his ass." Vanessa kissed me and laughed, then moved quickly to the
makeup table. "Vanessa, one more thing…" She turned to me. "When this is over, win or
lose- I want you to take me home and make love to me…" Vanessa smiled happily. "Oh
God Sophia… we'll make love all night on that big pile of money!"
Twenty minutes later, I walked onto the stage alone. Vanessa and I had quickly gone over
our strategy as we put on our makeup and outfits. It wasn't much but it was all we had.
The women began to cheer as I slowly walked towards the table. I was dressed like a
cheerleader. My dark hair pulled into a ponytail. I was wearing a pleated skirt and a tight
white sweater with a big letter "A" on it. My breasts were squeezed into a wonder bra,
pushing them up high. I wasn't wearing any panties. The man on the table moaned when
he saw me.
He was in bad shape, breathing heavily, already sweating. "Please…" He whispered. I
looked at him coyly as I slowly walked toward him. His eyes widened as he tried to turn
his head away from me. The thick leather strap held it in place. I drew closer to his
mouth. My pink lipstick shimmering under the bright lights. Closer— closer. He was
whimpering. I stopped a fraction of an inch away- then I flicked my soft warm tongue
against his parched lips.
"Hi. I'm Sophia…" He whimpered again. I pulled away and looked him dead in the eyes
and sensuously licked my lips- then I turned away from him and walked behind the table
out of his sight.
Music began to play. Vanessa had requested sexy jazz. It fit my mood perfectly. The
video monitors around us flickered on –but instead of hard-core sex-they were playing
soft pictures of beautiful women undressing. I walked slowly around the table. I could see
Champagne still sitting at our table. She sneered up at me. I smiled back, looking her
dead in the eyes. After a moment, she looked away. It made me feel strong.
As I walked into the man's view again I slowly pulled off my sweater, letting it drop to
the floor. I winked at him as I walked past again, circling him. On the next pass, I
unhooked my bra in the back, letting the straps slide of my shoulders. I held it against my
chest, then, I stopped in front of him. I turned my back and bent over, touching my hands
to the floor- letting the bra fall off. I exposed my ass, letting my skirt ride up, showing
him my pussy. I looked at him over my shoulder and let out a girlish giggle, then, I
slowly turned to face him hands still covering my breasts.
He was staring at me, his cock slowly hardening. I hadn't even touched him yet. A surge
of electricity ran through me. In that brief moment, I understood one of the reasons
women strip. It's the rush of power. The control you have over a man without ever
touching them.
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:39 pm
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Re: For the Love of Money Pt 2 Repost

Post by remmy »

I walked towards him like a cat. Then, I let my hands fall. When he saw my breasts he
sucked in a quick breath of air. I played with my nipples, twisting them between my
fingers, looking him in the eyes. Then I looked down at his cock. It was rock hard. This
gave me all the confidence I needed. I knelt in front of him and lightly blew on his balls. I
kept my mouth just inches away. He looked down at me, trembling, waiting for it. I
flicked my tongue across the tip, so lightly I could barely feel it. But he did. He let out a
long slow moan. His cock was still very sensitive. I took just the tip in between my lips
gently, lovingly. I didn't want to rush or force it. I had to play it just right. I brought my
fingernails up to his balls, tickling them lightly. His body jerked violently. He was
probably still in pain from Trixie's attempt at a clip.
I backed off and concentrated on just the head again. Making him want me to take it
deeper into my mouth. I just kissed the tip, looking up at him innocently. I sucked on him
like it was my first time, rubbing him against my cheek, hesitating. I wet my lips and
slowly opened my mouth wider. He was watching-waiting.
I began to devour him now, moaning, telling him how beautiful his cock was, how much
I wanted him. Then, just as I was sucking his cock like a horney teenager. I stopped, and
pulled it from my mouth. I pouted, looking up at him. "You're sooo hard baby, are you
sure there's nothing I could do to make you cum?" Vanessa quietly walked up behind
him. She looked incredible. Her long blonde hair was flowing softly around her
shoulders. She was wearing pale green panties, with matching garters and hose. Her
makeup was sexy but not slutty.
She smiled down at me- then gently whispered into the man's left ear. "Are you sure
there's nothing we could both do… "
The man jumped when he heard her voice, he wasn't expecting anyone else. At that
precise moment, I slid my mouth over his erection, sucking him hard. He wailed. The
women in the room cheered. I was bound and determined to give this guy the best blow-
job he'd ever had. I sucked him much harder this time, licking up the sides, getting it wet.
I masturbated him with my saliva, keeping my eyes focused on his. Then, I'd slide him
back in my mouth again moaning gratefully. Vanessa was still behind him kissing him,
lightly on his temples. Her fingernails lightly flicking across his nipples. Her voice was
soft and gentle. Teasing. Coaxing. She nibbled at his ears. The man's muscles were
straining against his bonds now. I gently tickled the inside of his thighs as I sucked. But
his body had somehow changed. His breathing was different. He was fighting us now.
I quickly popped his cock from my mouth and Vanessa pulled away from him as well. He
looked down at me. He couldn't believe I had stopped. It was exactly the reaction I was
hoping for. "Not so fast baby," Vanessa teased. "We want to play with you a bit more
before we let you cum." His eyes strained to see her, but he couldn't turn his head. I stood
up slowly and smiled at him. " Ohhh God. You've got me so wet," and rubbed my fingers
against my pussy. I wasn't lying. I was dripping. I removed my fingers and painted his
lips with my juices. Then I began to lower the table.
Vanessa took a black blindfold and tied it around the man's eyes. When the table was
tilted just slightly I stopped. We stood on each side of him and poured oil all over his
body. Then, Vanessa gave the man a slow sexy lap-dance, rubbing her large breasts all
over his body as she talked to him, persuading him on. I went back to the makeup table
and fixed my makeup and hair. I wanted to look perfect when we took his blindfold off. I
looked up at the clock- we had 15 minutes left.
End of Part Six.
Vanessa really had him going by the time I returned to the table. But she also seemed
nervous. She nodded towards the clock. We carefully changed places. I straddled the
man's legs and rubbed my pussy against him, mimicking what Vanessa had been doing
as she continued to talk to him. He didn't notice the switch. "Are you ready to see what I
look like baby?" She teased and I reached down to take off his blindfold. Vanessa went
quickly to the makeup table as I removed it. He looked at me blinking- he expected
someone else. I smiled sweetly at him.
"Did you like your lap dance?" He blinked again, a confused look on his face. We had
thrown him. I smiled, "You wouldn't mind if I masturbated you, would you?" I held up
the green bottle of oil. I poured it over his cock and wrapped my hands around him. "I
just love masturbating men. It makes me sooo hot." I slowly began to pump him. I kept
the pressure light and even. Stroking him from the base, all the way up to the top, giving
the head a little squeeze each time.
At first he lay still, trying not to enjoy it. But after a few minutes, his body began to move
in rhythm with my hand. I was jacking him off just lightly and slowly enough to keep
him from cumming and he wanted more. We had less than 10 minutes when Vanessa
joined us. She had changed into all black lingerie now. Her makeup was perfect. It's the
most beautiful I've ever seen her look. She walked up behind the table and gave me a
quick nod. I stopped and looked at him innocently. "Do you wanna cum for me now?" He
was trembling again, but now it was from desire.
I tickled the underside of his erection still looking at him.
"I really want you to…" He whimpered softly. "Please baby. Please cum for me…" And
that's when Vanessa walked around the table into his sight. He let out a gasp when he
saw her "And cum for me too," she said in a low teasing tone and I wrapped my hands
around him and started in again. Vanessa leaned down offering one of her heavy breasts
to his straining mouth. To everyone surprise- he took it.
I pumped him, using both my hands. Firm strokes now. I gently rubbed his tight balls and
felt them retract. We had five minutes left. He bucked once trying to break my rhythm
but I kept on him. Vanessa was brilliant. She teased and coaxed him like she was talking
to a little baby. "'ve suffered sooo much. Let Vanessa and Sophia make you feel
all-better. That's it baby, cum for us, let it go… let it goooo..." Any other time, this kind
of talk would have made me laugh, but it was working perfectly on him.
He spoke to both of us for the very first time." Pleease," he whispered, " Please don't
make me cum." We were delicately pulling his orgasm out of him. I could feel it coming.
Vanessa kept talking gently. "Almost there baby, we're almost there." She was softly
kissing his lips, her large breasts pressed against his oily chest. I kept my speed and
pressure constant. Three minutes to go. Vanessa held her beautiful chest up in front of his
eyes and rubbed the thick oil sensuously into her skin.
"I'm going to let you cum all over my breasts, would you like that?" I was milking him
now. His cock felt red hot in my hands.
I blew lightly on his balls as I kept masturbating him. Vanessa was pulling gently at her
nipples now. "Come on baby, all over my big soft breasts." I scratched him with my nails
lightly. He strained again, fighting. I let go of him for just a second causing him to gasp,
then, I continued milking him as I had before. His cock was pulsing in my hands; his
breath was in pants.
Vanessa effortlessly raised one of her breasts to her mouth and blew on her nipple,
pursing her beautiful red lips." Ohhhh, come on baby, all over my tits…" His back
arched. I heard the women watching from behind me gasp. He had almost slipped from
my hands.
Two minutes now. Vanessa looked up at the clock and smiled down at him
sympathetically. "Darling, you have over 10 minutes left, you're never going to make it."
I smiled. She was brilliant. He couldn't see the clock and I'm sure his perception of time
was all messed up by now. Vanessa stroked his sweaty brow. "You're suffering so.
Please let us make you cum, then we'll untie you and end all this needless torment. His
cock was throbbing madly- matching the beat of his heart. "You can't possibly last for
ten more minutes. Let us finish it now. Will turn off all these hot lights and take you
somewhere cool and quiet and give you something nice to eat or drink.
He whimpered like a tortured animal and licked his dry lips. Vanessa moved closer to
him. "Then we'll make love, just the three of us. You can have us over and over…" Her
voice was so soothing, so convincing. "Give us what you're dying for. Give it to us
now..." The clock passed the minute mark. I couldn't believe it; he was going to beat us.
Vanessa calmly leaned in and kissed him passionately, then slowly pulled away and said
just one word… "Cum." I knew it was now or never.
I worked his cock up and down. Pumping. Turning my hands when I reached the top,
then, firmly back down. His eyes strained to look at me. I laughed a teasing confident
laugh. "Here it comes," Vanessa coaxed. He bucked and strained, every muscle tense.
"Here it coommmes…" His eyes rolled back white. "NOOOO!!!" "Yeeeessss.." Vanessa
cooed. He threw his head back. Frozen. Mouth open. Pulsing. Then---he came.
I let one small spurt fly out then I clamped the head of his cock shut and at the same time
I slammed my fist into his balls hard.
He screamed again, this time from pain. I had clipped him. I wasn't even aware that I was
going to do it till it was over. I had never hit a man like that before. I couldn't believe I'd
done it. The room erupted in cheers and applause. A loud buzzer sounded and the lights
came on. The women in black quickly took the stage. One roughly grabbed his cock as
another slapped him hard across the face. He yelped in anguish. "We have a successful
Cheers erupted again. We Had Won. Women were on their feet now applauding.
Champagne was still seated, looking at me in disbelief. I blew her a kiss. She quickly got
up and stormed to the back of the room.
Vanessa came and gave me a big hug, her oily chest rubbing against mine. I kissed her
deep as the women hooted and cheered. When I pulled away, Anna Amore was on the
stage. The two young naked girls were beside her. She was holding a black wireless
microphone. "Excellent work ladies." Vanessa squeezed my hand, she was jumping up
and down. Anna addressed the whole room now. "And now I'd like to bring up next
months contestant."
A very handsome naked young man walked onto the stage accompanied by two tall dark
haired women wearing matching black leather corsets and heels. He looked like a male
model. Young, tan, muscular and blond. He smiled a winning smile to everyone as he
waved. Anna handed Vanessa a metal contraption that had a series of leather straps and
locks attached to it. "Vanessa, would you do the honor of strapping him in." Vanessa
looked at the contraption confused at first- then she took it and knelt in front of the
model. She slipped the metal case around his cock and pushed it down, leaving just the
head exposed. Two of the women in black came and helped now, pulling the leather
straps tightly around the model's waist. They were locked in place with the locks.
With this device on his cock there was no way the man would be able to manipulate his
penis to cum. However, his balls and sensitive head were very vulnerable. He had been
His face grimaced in pain as they cinched and locked it into place. Then his winning
smile returned. The women all cheered again. "Now ladies, we will proceed to the after
party where Vanessa and Sophia will continue their torture of this months loser."
I looked at Vanessa in disbelief. "What does she mean?" Vanessa looked at me as if I'd
caught her in a terrible lie. "Vanessa what does she mean 'we'll continue to torture
him…' It's over. We made him cum… We clipped him! We get the money now, right…
RIGHT?! Anna smiled that evil knowing smile and spoke into the microphone. "I'm
sorry my dear, you're new here so maybe you don't know all the rules. The winning team
is obligated to continue to torture the loser during the after party."
I looked at Anna angry now. She just smiled that polite evil smile. "It was on the paper
we gave you when you came in. It's part of the terms you agreed to when you signed
your names. The man was still strapped on the table, he was sobbing openly. I felt sick.
Vanessa spoke up quickly."Hey, Anna, the kid here is new, she didn't know." The room
had gone completely silent. Anna just stared at Vanessa waiting. Vanessa pushed on.
Look, I'll take the full responsibility. I didn't tell her. I'll torture him myself, she doesn't
need to go. Anna raised her eyebrows still smiling. " Sorry ladies but it's either both of
you or you forfeit the money."
I looked at the man on the table, he was shaking badly tears pouring down his cheeks.
"Please…" he whispered in a raspy voice,
"Please, have mercy on me…" I shook my head. "No I-I can't…" Anna pulled money
from a small leather purse. "I understand ladies. It's your choice. You need to do what
you feel is right…" Vanessa looked at the money, then me, she had gone white. Anna
spoke into the microphone again. "Are there any ladies here that would like to make
some money and take their place?" Almost every hand in the room went up. Anna smiled
and looked back at me.
"Thank you ladies, you are dismissed. Antonio will show you out."
Vanessa moved to Anna quickly. "Anna wait. Let me…let me talk to her for a minute."
Anna looked at her coldly. "Please." Vanessa whispered. Anna gazed at her- mouth set-
then, "You have one minute." Vanessa led me away to the back of the stage. She spoke as
quietly as she could, but everyone could hear- the mics above the stage were still on and
Vanessa was panicking. "Please- Sophia. I…I really need this money." I looked at
Vanessa angry. She had kept this from me on purpose. I spoke very loud. "Vanessa. I'm
not going to torture that poor man anymore, this is so fucking wrong!" Vanessa looked
back at Anna and quickly smiled, embarrassed. "Keep your voice down please…" "No! I
will not keep my fucking voice down! This is sick- this whole fucking thing is sick."
Vanessa's eye's welled with tears. Sophia… I- I'm broke. I can't even afford rent. My
ex-boyfriend- he took all the money I had in the bank, everything. We owe— I owe a lot
of bills…" Her voice broke as she choked back a sob. "I'm not doing so great at the club
lately… I'm not getting the good shifts anymore. I'm getting older and there are a lot of
new girl's… younger girl's…" She looked at the women in the room ashamed, and tried
to get herself under control. They're going to evict me-- take car…" She began
to cry. "I'll give-give you all the clip money. You- you deserve it… I just…" She grabbed
my hand and squeezed tight. "I need this. Please. PLEASE!"
I looked at her trembling, a tear ran down my cheek. "Anna spoke into the microphone
booming. We both jumped. Well ladies, what's it going to be…" I looked at Vanessa. She
was so desperate. I wiped my eyes and whispered. "I…" "What!" Anna bellowed. "I
didn't hear you child." I looked at her. She was smiling that evil smile again. At that
instant I realized the truth.
Anna didn't just hate men –SHE HATED US. She hated us for our youth and all the
choices we had before us. She loved corrupting us as she had been corrupted. She was
making us into the same whore that she had become years ago. Making us sell ourselves
as she had. I hated her. I hated everyone in the room. I hated myself.
I looked at Vanessa again. But I loved Vanessa. She had been like a sister to me. She had
been there for me more times than I could count. When my boyfriend beat me up, she let
me stay with her, she insisted on it. When I was having trouble at the club, I'm sure she
saved me from getting fired. She was my best friend, and she needed me now.
"Yes." I said louder. "I'll do it." The man on the table wailed loudly. Anna looked at me
for a beat- considering it. "Very well. But for keeping me waiting. It will be your hand,
and your hand alone that will make him suffer." Vanessa is only allowed to assist you.
All the pain he will feel will come from you."
Anna walked to the man on the table and looked down at him. "And what pain you will
feel," she said whispering delighted, "The next 6 hours will make the last 30 days seem
like a gentle breeze." The man wailed, begging for mercy. The women in black produced
another chastity devise. This one looked incredibly uncomfortable. The man's eyes
widened in horror. "OH GOD! NO PLEASE- NOT THAT, NOT THAT AGAIN!!!"
The room erupted in cheers as they strapped it on. The man screamed in agony. Anna
watched, an amused smile on her face. Then, they wheeled him off the stage and through
a metal door marked "Private".
"Ladies, those of you who have been invited to the party follow us. The rest of you will
get your invitations for the next game in a few weeks. "Until then…" Anna walked off
the stage followed by the naked girls. The model and women in the black leather corsets
Antonio offered us each an arm and we walked off the stage and through the door
following the man strapped to the table- as he screamed and screamed.
End of part 7
For The Love Of Money Part 8
At 11pm, Vanessa and I walked from the front doors of the mansion to her car. We had
over $70,000 between us. Vanessa unlocked my door. I got in without looking at her. We
drove back to my apartment in silence. For the last six hours, I had tortured that poor
man, while the other women cheered me on....
The after party was held in a large banquet room. A huge oak table in its center. All
around were naked women and men, but all the men were blindfolded. There were
women there that had been at the game, but there were others too. Beautiful women.
Models. Porno Stars. Penthouse Pets. Women with incredible bodies. I felt so out of my
The man we had beaten on the stage was suspended by chains just inches above the
ground. All around him were objects of torture.
Objects that I was to be come very familiar with soon. Anna took her place at the head of
the large table and rang a small golden bell. Beautiful topless young women entered,
carrying silver trays of the finest food and drink money could buy. Everyone dug in
hungrily. I felt too sick to eat. One of the women in black led Vanessa and I into a
changing room and gave us 30 minutes to get ready. She also told us what was expected
of us and how to operate some of the hi-tech torture equipment Anna had provided.
She assured us that the man wouldn't be permanently damaged and that a lot of his
screaming would be from fear and intimidation.
"You better get ready now, they're all waiting for you." Vanessa retreated to a shower.
The woman in black pulled me aside. She gave me a small white envelope. "This is from
Anna, it's just for you." She smiled and exited. I looked inside, it was filled with a small
amount of white powder. It looked like cocaine. A golden straw lay inside as well. I just
stared at it. I had only done coke a few times, and I didn't like it much.
But I needed something to get me through this. Vanessa was still in the shower. I was
alone in the room. I noticed my hands were shaking again. "I need this," I said softly and
picked up the straw and took a deep nostril full. Then I did the rest. The effect was
immediate. I felt my body go kind of numb. I felt euphoric as well, my head was light. I
sucked in a trembling breath. Coke had never made me feel like this before. Outside in
the banquet room a man shrieked as women cheered.
My body was racing. Looking back at it now, I realized that I was also excited and
I showered, then started to put on my makeup. All the while, Vanessa apologized to me,
begging forgiveness. She told me she loved me, how sorry she was. I finally held her as
she cried against me. Outside in the banquet room women began to whoop and pound.
The man was screaming again. My pulse was rapid. I couldn't feel my legs. Then,
something inside me snapped. I felt a calm set in over me, like I was in a dream. Like I
was watching myself from high above. I wasn't afraid anymore. I kissed Vanessa, full
and deep, my tongue probing her mouth. I cupped her breasts in my hands and roughly
squeezed her nipples. When I pulled away she looked at me in surprise. But there was
something else… fear.
I felt strong. Like I had on that stage. I wanted it to happen now. We put on our costumes
and were led back into the room.
The lights were dim now, except for two spotlights shining on the man. In some of the
dark corners of the room women were having sex with men and with each other.
We approached the man. At first I thought he had passed out. But when we got closer he
looked up at us in fear. I walked up close to him. "What's your name." He looked at me
pathetically. "It's Paul…" I sighed, and looked down at the ground, then into his red eyes.
"Sorry Paul." Vanessa handed me a long metal dildo with a thick electrical cord attached.
I put on a pair of black rubber gloves, then I covered the dildo with some lubricant. I
inserted it brutally up his ass and walked in front of him again.
A crowd of about 50 women were watching me now. I could see Anna as well, sitting at
her thrown. Suddenly, around the room, TV's flickered on. They were all playing the
same image- the image of Paul hanging in front of me. I held the switch up so he could
see it. The room had gone silent. Paul whimpered and begged. I hesitated then flipped it.
Electrical current passed through the dildo causing him to buck and scream. The chains
that suspended him rattling. The whole room erupted in cheers. Hard rock music blasted
from speakers in the walls. The after party had begun.
I've never really hurt a man before. I mean, I've spanked a few guys for fun and I've tied
one of two to the bed while I fucked them, but I've never made a man scream and beg for
mercy like this before. As I watched him something happened to me that I never expected
would. I liked it. There's no other way to say it. I liked watching him suffer.
The rest of the night is a blur. We did everything imaginable to him. Pixie, Dixie and
Trixie were watching. I invited them on stage. I handed Trixie a thick studded leather
paddle and we took turns smacking his ass. Nipple clamps were squeezed on to his
nipples, they too were electric. I'd throw the switch and watch him dance. Then he'd beg
for mercy. Crying pathetically. But I think the worst for him was when we turned our
attention to his purple erection. We removed the cage from around it and worked on him.
This time we had no intention of letting him cum. We teased and masturbated him as
before, but we'd stop just short of his release. Anna had him hooked up to a hi-tech
device that could sense just when he was about to cum. A red light would flash silently
on the wall behind him, giving us fair warning. I don't know how it worked, but it did.
I'd be masturbating him lovingly. Telling him he was going to cum, that I was going to
show mercy on him. Then, each time, just at the last second, that light would flash and
I'd pull my hands away, laughing out loud mocking him.
He'd buck and lurch forward, his erection bobbing before him. Thrusting at the air trying
to squeeze that cum from his aching balls. All the women around the stage would hoot
and howl when he did that. I'd stand next to him smiling calmly then, I'd start all over
again. Teasing, stroking, tickling, pulling. I think this must have gone on for at least an
Finally, his voice raw, he'd beg me to stop. To show mercy. So I'd torture him again,
with the paddles or nipple clamps, and when he'd beg me to stop that- I'd start over
masturbating and teasing him again. Vanessa was there every step of the way with me.
She'd run her hands over his body. He'd watch us miserably as we kissed and fondled
each other offering our breasts and soft mouths just out of his reach. I invited other
women up on the stage to sexually taunt him as well. Labella and Coal, the women from
team three, were there and they had a grand time making him scream, first from lust and
desire, then from pain. Every hour or so I'd get a break and women would parade the
blindfolded men up on the stage in front of Paul. They would suck off and masturbate
them in front of him to orgasm.
Then, they'd spread the cum all over his chest and face. Then it would be our turn again.
Vanessa would hand me a thin whip or a cane and I'd go to work on the soles of his feet.
The women watching cheering me on. I held nothing back. Sweat dripping from my body
as I worked on him.
During one of my breaks I went to see how the model was doing.
He was surrounded by beautiful women, his chastised manhood hard and already
swollen. Four beautiful naked girls were teasing him, sucking on his cock head and balls.
Offering him their perfect breasts. They were treating him like a harem prince. Laughing
and kissing him. Pouring wine all over his naked body and licking it off. After 30 days of
this, I understood how a man would go mad.
The last hour of Paul's torment was the worst for him, and I liked it the most. We had
bent him over a padded sawhorse; his feet and hands secured. Six women had been
chosen to fuck him in the ass.
They stood in front of him naked, except for the rubber tools strapped about their waists.
Each dildo was just a little bit bigger and thicker than the previous. I leaned in and talked
to him like he was a little baby. Cooing. I painted his lips with bright red lipstick as the
first woman, Pixie, approached. "Suck it to make it wet, it's all the lubrication you'll be
getting." He tentatively took the rubber cock between his painted lips. Pixie grabbed the
back of his head, ramming it in deep. And so it went. He'd suck on the dicks, his red
painted lips smearing. Then, he get fucked. Savagely. I'd pet him softly as he cried,
begging for it to be over. Each woman would fuck him till she came. Then it was the next
one's turn. Each time I'd wipe away his tears and apply a fresh coat of lipstick to his
trembling mouth. I was going to be the last woman to fuck him, but he didn't know it yet.
Vanessa took over for me as I strapped the cock on behind him. My latex black penis was
comically gigantic. He screamed in shock and anticipation when he saw it. Vanessa
painted his lips laughing as I stroked the huge phallic in front of him. "I CAN'T DO IT!!
" He cried pitifully. "I can't e-even get my mouth around it!!" "Ahhh," I said in a sexy
voice. "You won't suck on my big black cock?" He closed his lips tight and shook his
head. " I smiled at Vanessa. "Maybe Vanessa here can change your mind." Vanessa
walked in front of him with the thin cane smiling wickedly. "Oh, I think I can get him to
beg to suck on it!" She went behind him and swung the cane down hard on his up turned
ass making a whizzing sound. I pulled up a comfortable chair in front of him and crossed
my legs. My cock sticking straight up almost touching his lips. I calmly lit a cigarette as
Vanessa whizzed that cane down again and again.
He broke almost immediately. Begging her to stop. When that didn't work, he begged to
suck on it. I withheld it from him for a long time, smoking calmly. I even leaned over and
ran my own tongue around the dildo, it was that long. I took it in my mouth and sucked
lovingly on just the head, eyeing him the whole time. Vanessa would tease him with the
cane, swinging it but pulling back just short of contact. When he heard that whizzing
sound his body would tense in preparation for the pain- but nothing…. Then without
warning she'd bring it crashing down. He'd scream even louder then.
Finally, I offered it to him. He choked on it several times, but it finally when down his
throat. Then, I walked around him and positioned it. His ass was stretched and open from
all the previous invasions, but he still wailed like a baby when I slid it in. I rode him
slowly, enjoying his agony. He had ran out of ways to beg, so he just grunted and moaned
a singular word now and then like, "Stop, Please, Mercy..." Sometimes, he'd shriek for
the longest time. I couldn't believe how long it could last. I looked above me at a TV
monitor. My naked sweaty body looked so sexy as I fucked him. I rubbed my tits as I
prepared for my orgasm. It had been building all day- all night. When it rocked through
me, I screamed, throwing my head back in triumph.
The women watching cheered and ran on to the stage. Hugging and kissing me. At
Midnight, Anna approached us. She was smiling but now her smile seemed genuine. "
Excellent job my dear. You have done very well. I have given you a bonus of $15,000.
I am very pleased." Anna kissed my cheek softly, then grabbed Paul by the hair. "And
now I think it's time for his final performance."
The women in black unchained Paul from the sawhorse.
They had to hold him up. One of the women produced a bottle of lotion and handed it to
me. I poured it on his cock for the last time. They released his right hand but kept his left
behind his back. A long line of women had gathered in front of the stage now. Anna
turned to them. " I feel generous tonight. The woman that's on stage when he cums will
get $5,000!" A cheer went up from the room, as sexy music began to play. A tall
redheaded woman walked onto the stage shaking her tit's as she danced in front of him.
The woman in black placed his hand on his cock. "Masturbate for her bitch!" And after a
moment, he did.
Every minute, a new woman walked unto the stage taunting him, trying to be the one that
would make him cum. I thought it would be over right away, but it took nearly 20
minutes for him to orgasm. His cock had been denied and punished for so long that it
seemed like he was stuck. (I later learned that the lotion I had put on him had a numbing
quality.) He looked like a monkey at the zoo, masturbating furiously. He wailed the
whole time, one word over and over. "Pleeeeeeeeease!"
Anna watched in glee. Finally, while a young girl with oversized breasts gyrated in front
of him, he came. One of the women in black caught his semen in a cup. Before I knew
what I was doing I grabbed it from her, drinking it down. Then I grabbed Paul by the
hair, pulled his head back and kissed him deep and let the cum pour from my mouth into
his. The room went nuts. Women jumped up on the stage and grabbed me, kissing my
mouth trying to taste some of that cum...

We stopped in front of my apartment. Vanessa looked at me. "You want me to come in?"
I looked at her for the first time on that long ride home. "Not tonight, but soon." I quickly
kissed her cheek and when in alone. That night, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was on that
stage. A man I'd never seen before was hanging there, begging me to have mercy. All
around me were naked women, but they were writing in torment as well. They were
burning alive.
I was in hell.Anna was sitting on a thrown made of human body parts. She was smiling
that evil smile. Satan herself. I woke up wet with sweat. It was 4am. My underwear was
wet as well. I rubbed myself through my panties till I came. I've never had an orgasm
more powerful. I lay awake till dawn, running everything through my mind, what had
happened to me- and how it had changed me.
As I finally drifted off to sleep, I knew the answers and I knew what I was going to do.
The next day I went to work an hour early. I took the owner, Lonny, into the backroom
and told him that I wanted to dance. He looked at me amused. "Hey, kid. Your cute and
all, but I don't think your ready…" I pulled down his zipper and fished his cock out.
For the next hour we negotiated. I'd suck on him and just as he was about to cum, I'd pop
his cock out of my mouth and look up at him innocently. "I think three nights a week
would be sufficient to start, and I want Champagne's shift on Saturdays."
He'd look down at me breathing hard. I'd rubbed just the head against my lips, waiting.
"Ok," Lonny finally blurted out, "You got it." I looked at him smiling. "I also want
Vanessa to get more hours as well." He looked down at me still not believing the change
in me. "Ok— Sophia anything, just make me cum!" I popped him in my mouth again and
finished it. After my shift that night I went over to Vanessa's to divide up our money. I
insisted on a 50/50 split. She was so happy. So grateful. She told me Lonny had called
and wanted her to start working weekends again. I kissed her, then, took her in the
bedroom. She never saw it coming.
I tied her to the bed with silk scarf's. "This is for lying to me about the game. "I got off
the bed and went to my overnight bag and pulled out the dildo that I had fucked Paul
with. "I'm going to make you cum again and again till you can't take anymore.
I slowly strapped it on. I got on the bed between her tied legs and ate her first, teasing
her. She came in less than two minutes. Then I mounted her and fucked her slowly,
looking down at her the whole time. She came hard that second time, arching her back.
Then it was my mouth again. I'd taunt her with my tongue knowing just how to lick and
tease. It came so natural to me. Then I'd play with my own pussy holding it just out of
her reach. Masturbating. She begged me for a taste but I denied her. "Your punishment
will be that you can never have me." She looked at me miserable as I went down on her
again, forcing out another orgasm.
I don't know how many times I made her cum. Maybe a dozen. I drug her to the
bathroom and used the shower massage on her as well, holding it against her cunt as the
warm water pulsed against her swollen clit. I kissed her deep, her hands tied behind her,
talking to her like she was a little baby, as she came again and again. I left her exhausted,
Later that week, Champagne confronted me about her shift change. We went outside to
talk about it. I beat the holy shit out of her in front of a crowd of girls from the club.
At the end, I sat on her chest, pinning her arms and let a long trail of spit fall from my
mouth onto her pretty scratched up face. She never worked at our club again.
I won the game alone the next month. I was up second.
The model came in less than 10 minutes, blubbering. He passed out three times at the
after party as well. He was such a wimp. Pretty boys usually are. Anna approached me
later that night to become part of her special team that worked on the men for thirty days.
She offered me $50,000 a month plus I would live at the mansion. I agreed, and moved in
the next week. I made love to Anna that night in her thrown as the two naked girls
watched and attended to our every need.
I quit the club of course. I could never make that kind of money dancing and teasing
these poor men was more fun than I ever could have imagined. Anna had it down to a
science. There were six of us and we'd take turns working on the guys. We also had
special machines that would keep them in a constant state of torment. I later learned how
she could afford the game each month. Several rich and twisted friends of her late
husband were buying and reselling the tapes of the game on the black Internet market.
She was also selling the "thirty day" tapes herself to an overseas distributor. People were
paying as high as $5000 a tape! She was making money on the whole thing.
In case you haven't guessed, the game was rigged as well. Anna knew that these men
wouldn't be able to hold out for five minutes after being teased for thirty days, what she
did was brilliant. There was a young girl name Chloe, that the chastised men all thought
was just a maid, but she was really working for Anna in another way. She was so sweet
and innocent looking that when the guy's were alone with her, they'd beg for release.
They'd promise her anything, money, sex, you name it.
Chloe was great. She acted so sincere and kind that the guys bought it all. They were so
desperate. She told them she lifted the key off of one of us girls and would remove the
cage from around their cocks. The guys were always tied to the bed, so they couldn't get
away. Then, she'd clumsily masturbate them, acting nervous, stopping several times to
check to make sure no one was coming. The guys would go nuts, thinking they were
about to cum and then not. They'd moan and cry as Chloe stopped every few minutes
running to the door to listen. She'd even re-attached the cage on them several times as
well, because "She thought she heard something," then she'd remove it and start again.
After about 45 minutes of this the guys would get pissed and yell at her. She would
pretend to cry, stopping the whole thing. Then the guys would have to start begging her
all over again, whispering, pleading her to finish.
Anna was filming the whole thing. We'd watch the tapes later and howl with laughter.
Doing lines and lines of that wonderful white powder that Anna had given me that first
night. It was a mixture of cocaine and opiates. Finally, Chloe would make them cum, but
by then, they were so nervous as well that they really didn't enjoy it.
Every guy came at least six times in those thirty days, some even more. This way they
had a better chance of lasting till the end. The teams would get paid nothing if they
couldn't make the guys cum, and Anna seldom invited winners back for a second time.
(Unless they were popular with the people buying those tapes.) Then, when the guy was
collecting his $100,000 for making it all the way to the end-- Anna would pull out the
tape of him cheating and she didn't have to pay him a dime. The whole game cost her
nothing. Seven guys made it to the end of the game last year. None of them were paid a
Chloe and I became lovers. We'd have our pick of the best looking men and women
Anna had to offer. I quit seeing any of my old friends, but it was Ok. I had new friends
now. Young beautiful women and the most handsome men whenever I wanted. I got my
breasts and lips and thighs done later that year.
Anna paid for everything. I'm a 34DD now. My lips thick and full. My thighs slender and
tight. Men, that never used to notice me, now flock around me, begging for a date. Little
do they know what I will do to them. Chloe and I have had many carefree hours making
love- with some poor sucker tied to a hard backed chair, forced to watch us, his cock
completely ignored.
I have the life I've always wanted now. I'm beautiful, confident, rich and desired. I just
hope there isn't really a Hell, like the one I saw in my dreams. I've done so many awful
things I could never get in to Heaven now.
There isn't really a Hell..... is there?
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