[Release] Virtual Succubus v0.42 (Oct' 2023) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.23 (November 2021) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »


This month’s update is a complete rework of the game’s between-session content, and the addition of a gamemode.

Patch Notes TLDR:
  • Taskmaster Mode & Assignments (Horniest to-do list you’ve ever seen)
  • Habits (Use the power of horny to build some better habits!... or hornier habits.)
  • Duties (Use the power of horny to… do your taxes, I guess?)
  • Commandments (Have your succubus temporarily modify your life!)
  • A bunch more stuff!
Version 0.23 Patch notes!

First, Taskmaster Mode and Assignments allow you to create your own entries in a to-do list. Throughout a session with your succubus, you’ll be encouraged to complete these tasks and be rewarded for their completion. They can be productive, or they can be horny, it’s up to you!

Depending on what options you choose, she can also make you do things without the horny parts, or skip most of the parts of regular sessions, only rewarding you with an ending after you’re done.

There are many options that should enable a variety of possibilities; such as Repetitions, Priority Assignments, Difficulty Values for downtime, Multi-Step Tasks, etc.

This is pretty unusual for the genre… but so is the entire game, I guess.

I thought it was a fascinating possibility that opens up the game to be used in a lot more ways, and allows the userbase to thoroughly customize what kind of content they want to see or be told to do!

Workout sessions, maid sessions, custom kink content, etc.

Next up is a rework of the between-session task systems in the game.

After more than a year and a half of working on the game, the most notable lesson is how quickly consumable content becomes wasted development time. This was especially notable in between-session content, where only one task would be assigned, and there was little possibility for procedural generation of different scenarios.

With today’s focus on creating systems that will remain relevant through long-term use of the game, I’ve created 3 new optional systems that should cover most possible options that you might want to be told to do between sessions.

Habits is the first, a system where your succubus will check on your ability to retain your habits every session. She’ll also encourage you to pick up new ones, and be disappointed if you give up on any. Examples are provided both for lewd and productive purposes!

Duties is the second, a system where after each session, you’ll be assigned a task to complete before the next. Only one random duty will be picked from your list! Examples are provided for both lewd and productive options here as well.

Lastly, Commandments are a list of potential modifiers upon your life that your succubus can assign after a session. These are generally more on the lewd side, with a lot of kinky lifestyle possibilities. They can also only be given as a punishment for a failed session, allowing you to come up with some pretty extreme stuff.

All 4 of these new systems support import and export strings, making it easy for the community to share their creations, or for you to make backups! It can also be used as a semi-multiplayer option; for example, a real dom creating entries for you to add to your game.

This is certainly not the end of custom-entered content in the game, but it’s hopefully a good start!
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.24 (December 2021) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »


Patch Notes TLDR:
  • A complete rework of the session’s ending.
  • A longer, more climactic and drawn out final experience involving lots of teasing, begging, positioning, and various kinks!
  • Anal endings are now supported, with consideration for their feasibility.
  • Expansion of the (optional) CEI systems.
Version 0.24 Patch notes!

This month’s update is almost solely focused on a complete rework of the game’s endings.

It’s been a bit of a sore spot for a while, but after a year and a half of development, I was confident I could make something that would be enjoyable to people interested in these kinds of experiences.

Endings are now split into two segments, teasing and finishing.

During teasing
, you’ll be challenged to endure something to prepare you for the next step. It won’t be easy, and she may just try to make you fail on purpose here.

Finishing is where the real fun happens; She’ll give you various instructions, but also give you permission to finish for a time. If you’re unable to do it fast enough, she’ll take it away and give it back later.
This will continue until you’re capable of doing so, getting both easier on the finishing side, but more challenging on the teasing side!

Anal Endings function in a similar way; At first, you’ll get a relatively short timer, but after a few times, you’ll be given ample time to try.
If you fail too many times, you might get a chance to back out of trying for it… but she may or may not accept immediately!
Note that Chastity is now also optionally compatible with anal endings!

The optional CEI system has also been expanded to involve more CEI play instead of simple instructions. You may also choose to bring it back to a simpler state with a simple toggle in the endings menu.

That’s not all though! Practically all the systems involved in climax are now significantly more customizable and expanded. You’ll hopefully find a significantly more compelling finishing experience to top off your sessions with your Succubus! I look forward to your feedback to continue its improvement.
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.25 (January 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »


Patch Notes TLDR:
  • New in-game menu allowing you to Safe Word the session. This can mean a pause, or ending the session.
  • New Quickies system. Quickies are shorter sessions for when you don’t have much time!
  • Regular Quickies are focused on edging and teasing.
  • Rhythm Quickies are purely focused around a metronome rhythm game experience.
  • Free Quickies are a way for you to engage with the game and respect your contract with your Succubus even while doing other things.
Version 0.25 Patch notes!

This month’s update is focused around a few Quality of Life changes and some new game modes!

The new game modes are called Quickies! They’re requested after earning her favor, and will allow you to complete sessions much quicker than traditional sessions.
  • The first is the regular Quickie. This is a short session containing teasing, edging, positioning, and begging.
  • Next is the Rhythm Quickie. This session type is solely focused around metronome-based rhythm instructions(See: Cock Hero) where she directly plays with you.
  • Lastly is the Free Quickie, which is a new way for you to respect your contract with your Succubus! Begin a free quickie before participating in any other… activities, and she’ll watch you as you do it, ensuring you don’t break your agreement to only have “fun” with her around.
Next, the new in-game menu now supports a few extra features!

The most important of which is the Safe Word. This used to not be much of a necessity, as you could just walk away from the game..

Over time, it's become obvious that as people have become attached to their Succubus, and the game became more and more intense, it's better to treat this as a real BDSM relationship, safeguards included.

The new Safeword feature allows you 3 options, at any point during a session. Pressing safe word will change scenes to a calmer scene where your succubus is giving you positive attention, and will reset her mood to pleased. This can be turned off, if you prefer the old "Walk away if it becomes too much" approach.

You’ll have the option of outright quitting the session with no penalty, or to ask her to go easier, or to continue the session as is.

There’s also a new Pause button that pauses the session timer (so you can find that toy she’s asking for!), and a new Hide UI feature for your screenshotting/gawking needs.
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.25 (January 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by petka11 »

Tried this for a week already, and it's quite nice!

I would wish it expand further in the future,
Like better graphics,
Text to speech (maybe?)
Estim sessions (this could be just crazily good!)
And much more..

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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.26 (February 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »


It's Valentines day, and what better way to celebrate than by spending time with your favorite succubus?

Patch notes TLDR:
  • Painless mode for those who like their pleasure without pain.
  • Positioning Rework
  • Timed opportunities
  • Pavlok Integration
  • Big improvements to loading for mobile devices that had issues with that.
  • Happy Valentine's Day!
Version 0.26 Patch notes!

Painless is one of the oldest requests for this game, which somehow wasn’t taken into consideration at the start and thus was far more difficult to add than it should’ve been. I hope it pleases a few of you out there that may have been mitigating this issue otherwise.

The loading changes should hopefully alleviate some of the mobile crashing issues that have been happening; I appreciate any reports of improvements or changes.

The positioning rework is focused around making positioning as a whole more compelling for a wider part of the playerbase; now, you can set specific positions that are manageable/comfortable for you and match your effort level depending on how you usually play!

Opportunities should spice up interactions and allow you a bit more control over how sessions play out. Want to spice it up a bit? Provoke or taunt her, and get different tasks for a little while!

Lastly, I’ve implemented support for a… bluetooth shocking bracelet.

It’s called a Pavlok, and it was surprisingly simple to implement compared to all other Bluetooth devices. (don’t worry, I’ll look into that eventually, just a very very big scope thing comparatively; this took a few hours).

I found the idea of breaking the game <-> reality barrier with negative reinforcement pretty interesting compared to positive, so I spent a bit of time adding it! I’m sure this won’t be a hugely popular feature due to the cost, but this is more of a little passion feature kind of thing.

If you’re interested in looking into that, you can find a referral link here!

And, as usual, you can view the full patch notes here: Version 0.26 Patch notes!

Positioning Rework
  • A new menu has been added allowing you to select the positions you want her to assign you.
  • Tasks involving positions or statuses requiring positions have been replaced with this new system.
  • Every few minutes, she may ask you to change positions or stop taking a position.
  • Positions should take into account physical possibilities (all fours disables off-hand tasks, for example)
  • This system is also implemented into endings.
Dev Note: It’s now really easy for me to add positions, and they’re all optional, so I’m very open to suggestions!

  • Opportunities are short appearances of various interactions/buttons throughout gameplay, generally before a scene transition.
  • Currently implemented are Provoke, Entice, Taunt, and Praise, all of which affect her mood differently with no long term consequences upon the session.
  • The intention is to make the game feel a bit more reactive and interactable; This gives you some level of (randomized) control on where the session goes, without affecting its outcome.
Pavlok Support
  • Added Pavlok support. This is a separate bluetooth device that allows your succubus to shock you!
  • The current implementation allows you to adjust min and max shock level, adjust delay to line up visuals with shocks, and will play out in several scenarios:
    1. When she's mischievous, she may just randomly decide to shock you for a laugh.
    2. During timed punishments, you'll get a consistent loop of shocks. The lower her mood, the harsher the shock.
    3. During counted tasks, she'll give you an ever-growing series of shocks. Don't take too long, or it will get harsher and harsher.
Dev Note: This implementation can easily be expanded upon depending on the interest in the feature/device! There's a lot more I could do here, but I’ll need to see some interest first.

Internal loading rework
  • Large changes have been made to how the game loads, hopefully improving how many mobile devices are having issues with crashes on initial load.
  • It should now be much faster to load into the menus, but it may take longer to load into the actual session (the summoning your succubus screen).
Dev note: This is not the end of improvements to mobile loading, but I'd appreciate feedback for lower-end mobile devices (2-3gb RAM)

  • Reduced the chance of fake ending extensions.
  • Countdown endings segments now have a chance to get denied before you're given permission.
  • Added “Painless” (Other Toggle). This allows you to disable painful tasks completely. (Dev note: this one was sadly much harder than you would expect, oversight &, bug reports appreciated.)
  • Added "No Fake Endings" (Other Toggle).
  • Added "Mischievous Tattoos" (Visual Toggle)
  • Added "Furious Tattoos" (Visual Toggle)
  • Added "Thirsty Tattoos" (Visual Toggle)
  • Added "Furious Claws" (Visual Toggle)
Polish & Misc
  • Quickies now wipe the ''previous ending'' data, meaning they won't be ignored when reacted to during the intro.
  • Quickies now skip more parts of the intro.
  • Footjobs are now a separate toggle in the rhythm menus and no longer dependent upon the foot worship toggle.
  • Removed the old edging ''task'' system, as that was primarily focused around position-based edges and is now outdated with the newer edging-related systems.
  • Removing statuses while safeword is active should no longer have mood consequences.
  • All favor requests are now free on valentine's day.
  • Added a few valentine's day visual effects and an intro string.
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.27 (March 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »


Patch Notes TLDR
  • Select only your favorite stroking tags (fast, rough, tight, head, shaft, etc)
  • Timed Task Layers, creating thousands of potential new combination tasks.
  • The ability to fully disabled counted tasks, if you don't like them.
Version 0.27 Patch notes!

More mechanical improvements and tweaks this month!

Counted tasks have always been a little divisive, but I haven’t been able to allow for the disabling of them due to some internal stuff and the fact variety would be very significantly hurt. This patch changes that by reworking timed tasks and adding more layers, and at the same time makes it much easier in the future to add more variety.

The stroking tag selection feature is yet another sore spot; while the game is all about telling you what to do, some stuff just doesn’t work for certain players. This new system allows significantly increased variety, and more customization for what actually works for each player’s preferences!

With the new stroking task layer, and timed task layer compatibility, variety in general is greatly increased. Most tasks in the game can now be combinations of multiple instructions, meaning you should see far less exact repeats with enough toggles enabled. You can expect further improvements in the future, as content additions to both of these systems now have an exponential effect compared to when they were all separate tasks.

I'll be looking at creating something totally new for the game rather than refinements for next month, as I've been working on cleanup for a while. 

I hope you all enjoy!

Current 0.27 Patch Notes:

Timed Task Rework
  • A lot of internal work has been done to make task layers (example: while doing X) compatible with timed tasks.
  • Many timed tasks that used to be combination tasks (do X while Y) have been removed, with the additional component being added through task layers.
Dev Note: This is effectively a very large increase in potential task variety, depending on your toggles. It also makes it possible to totally disable counted tasks while retaining the Themes function, which has been a sore point for many.

Pleasure Instructions Rework
  • Stroking tasks (and their vagina-mode equivalents) have been reworked to be randomly generated based on a series of tags you can enable in customization.
  • Each task can be composed of up to 3 different tags, for example “fast tight head strokes” vs “slow loose full strokes”.
  • A Simple Stroking toggle was added to the new customization menu for this, to limit it to one tag per instruction.
Dev Note: Combined with the new Stroking task layer, this increases the variety of pleasurable tasks you can get by a lot.

  • Kinky now almost guarantees task layers for Counted & Timed tasks.
  • Tweaked ending fakeout system further as it seems it was still too likely due to a bug (feedback appreciated, this is tough to balance)
  • Increased the rate of edging prompts to compensate for some changes over previous versions.
  • Added “No Counted Tasks” (Other Toggle)
  • Added “Counted Punishment” (Other Toggle). This overrides the previous toggle for punishments.
  • Added Cock squeezing CBT task layer for Counted & Timed tasks.
  • Added Stroking task layer for Counted & Timed tasks.
  • Added new timed tasks replacing counted tasks for those no longer using them.
Dev Note: I apologize but there won't be a new April Fools event. time constraints have been very rough for these more complex old system tweaks, and I wanted to prioritize the more important work.

Polish & Misc
  • Added new Stroking Types menu
  • Safewording now removes all statuses.
  • Safewording now removes the current position.
  • It should no longer be possible for her to lock the disobey button on a counted task, if this counted task is in the process of being seen as ''disliked'' (This is reset every time you complete the task)
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.27 (March 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by shima »

Few suggestions
-Task lenght up to 6 hours
-New rythm game for CBT, classic portal for genitals and she does a new animation with kicks instead of the slaps, activates only with high livels of CBT
-Pause button, option for her to get mad if you use it
-Edgeslut option, she makes you edge like 100 times per hour
-Chastity can be based on hours spent with her, for example chastity ends in 7 days, but can also end sooner if you spend 30 hours with her
-More interraction, a permanent button that opens a menù with many things you can say to her, you can compliment her on something, request a specific type of tease, etc.
-New rythm games for stroking with new animations, assjobs, titjobs, blowjobs if she's super horny
-Sounding, some people are into it
-More customization for her, mostly body type, age, height, weight, more muscles, more fat, tit size, ass type, etc.
-Ability to select photos and videos from your drive and play them during the tease, she can also select from a folder and play them randomly
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.28 (April 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »

Patch Notes TLDR:
  • Edge Counting Sessions
  • New reworked intro with warm-up sequence.
  • Player dress-up with customizable outfits and accessories
Version 0.28 Patch notes!


This month’s version is mostly focused around new features expanding and improving upon the beginning of sessions.

A warmup segment has been a frequently requested feature, but I understand that not every user is interested in that or gets ‘’warmed up’’ the same way so I wanted to avoid taking a heavy-handed approach to it.

The design intention behind this month’s change was to make the game’s intro more interesting, varied, and immersive while simultaneously introducing a warmup component that runs alongside the typical prompts you would get at the start of a session. The warmup components can be disabled, if you’d rather not get those prompts, but the reworked and improved intro should apply to every player.

The order in which things are stated can now change session to session, there’s new intro events focused around positioning-heavy sessions and worship toggles, and there’s a couple new challenge events that make you modify your behavior throughout a session. Several new features have also been added to the intro, including the Toy Checklist, Player Outfits and Player Accessories.

The Player Outfit & Player Accessories systems are the best way I could find to introduce content for people into dressing up for their kinks. I hope people into feminization / pet play / etc enjoy, and I’m sure the more vanilla among you should be able to find ways to utilize it as well.

I’ve also added a new time limit called Edge Count, where instead of any specific time limit, you’ll instead have to complete a specific number of edges by her commands. The length of these sessions will heavily depend on your edging difficulty, but you can adjust the number as needed. This also combines nicely with the new edge counting intro challenge that challenges you to keep track of your edges.

Version 0.28 Features (View full Patch notes for more!)


Edge Counting Time Limit
  • A new time limit where you’ll be asked to edge multiple times.
  • Depending on your edge difficulty, the length of these sessions can vary a lot.
  • Feeling up for a challenge? This session gives you frequent opportunities to taunt and increase the amount of edges you need to complete.
  • This interacts properly with the Edge Stop toggle and Rhythm sessions.
Intro Warmup
  • She now periodically gives you pleasurable instructions throughout the intro, spicing up the prompts involving what’s gone on between sessions, what will happen during this session, etc.
  • This can be disabled with a new toggle.
  • An option is given at the end of the intro to give the player more time to warmup before beginning the proper session.
  • If you do not need this extra warmup period, she’ll ask you if you’d be willing to edge to make the session more challenging. Accepting this will also override the minimum edge timer setting, allowing you to get edges from the start of the session.
Player Outfits & Player Accessories
  • Player outfits is a new feature allowing you to enter a variety of outfits for your succubus to request from you. Own a maid dress? Here’s your opportunity to use it!
  • Only one player outfit will be selected each session, but you can have as many as you want.
  • Player accessories are similar to outfits, but can have variants. I.E. Pink Cuffs / Black Cuffs / Fluffy Cuffs
  • You choose how many accessories can be given at the start of a session. This feature is perfect for more aesthetic accessories, feminization like makeup, or pet play accessories like ears.
Dev Note: This replaces multiple toy toggles that no longer have a purpose as they had no gameplay implications and were simply “put on X”.
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.29 (May 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »

Hello hello! Reminder to those who missed it; Patreon alternatives are available on the official site!

Version 0.29 Patch notes!

For the first time since the game’s release, a new core task type has been added with this version! Core task types are tasks that can randomly show up at any point during the session, and are generally the main backbone of every session (Timed, Counted, etc)

Metronome Tasks are tasks utilizing the Counted Task tasklist, including all the procedural layers available for these tasks. Instead of having you repeat and count your own actions, your succubus will wag her finger to a certain rhythm, and expect you to match it, and sometimes count that.

Recently, I’ve had a focus on trying to increase the amount of potential failure points in sessions (I.E. making it possible to fail for experienced players). Last update’s edge counting was the start of this, and this new task type also involves similar elements; sometimes, she won’t just wag her finger, but also expect you to count the amount of repetitions she has you do (sometimes out loud, if enabled!).

There are also many different mischievous actions your succubus can take for these tasks! I’m really really happy with these, there was a lot of design space available for some very fun (see: rather sadistic) stuff.

As it is impossible to perfectly balance for every player, the intention behind these tasks is not to be especially challenging to perform, but to challenge the player in a different way (giving up control, counting while distracted). Of course, this task type can be toggled off, just as Counted Tasks can.

After frequent requests, I’ve also added a way to convert the existing session-based chastity system into a timed chastity system. It effectively utilizes all the same structure, but converts the sessions given into days at the end of your session, locking your access to your Succubus until that amount of time has passed.

Lastly, you’ll also notice the game has various new graphics including a new icon, logo, loading screen, etc. As the game is moving towards being in a good spot mechanically, with a lot of different directions to add content without adding more mechanics, it’s now time for me to start polishing up the experience to eventually head towards a full release. You can expect more of this in future versions; don’t worry, the maze of menus won’t stay this confusing forever.

P.S. Thank you for the surge in feedback using the new feedback forms on the website!
A lot of bug fixes and minor changes here were results of submissions to these forms.

Metronome Tasks
  • A new core task type that will appear frequently during your sessions.
  • Follow her finger wags and perform the actions she orders you to do.
  • 3 possible variants:
    - Simple
    - Count
    - Count down from X (it won’t always reach 0, so you’d better keep track!
  • If you fail to count properly, you’ll be asked to try again. If you fail again, the task itself will be counted as failed, causing a dedication loss.
  • Many different mischievous actions can be taken by her, including some that will loop into themselves, creating a near-infinite amount of potential variants on this task, especially if you taunt her.
Dev note: Thanks to @ Vector Vortex on the discord for the task inspiration. You can also blame him.

Timed Chastity
  • A new toggle that completely transforms the session-based chastity system into a more traditional time-based one.
  • Sessions will be added up at the end of sessions, converted into days, and you will no longer get access to your succubus until that length of time passes.
Pre-Task Edging
  • A new system causing your succubus to give you edging prompts right before you perform core tasks.
  • This is only a single edge, but you can be asked to ride it for several seconds before beginning your task.
  • Depending on the task afterwards, this will either significantly increase its difficulty, or cause the task to act as a cool-down from the edge.
  • Designed to be given RIGHT before you perform the task, to minimize the time you have between being on the edge and performing your upcoming task.
Dev Note: Feedback has indicated that the last few months of tweaks reduced the edging intensity in the game, this should bring it back, hopefully in an even more fun way. This also should combine nicely with the previous update.

  • Your Succubus now tells you what the answer was if you fail an edge count challenge at the end of sessions.
  • The session timer now starts at the beginning of the intro rather than at the end.
  • Added the “Two Hand” and “Off Hand” statuses & toggles. This allows you to enable the appearance of temporary statuses that will require you to change all of your stroking to either two handed or offhanded.
Polish & Misc
  • The game now has a new logo.
  • Changed the game icon to be more subtle and fit the new logo.
  • A new loading screen has been added for the succubus summoning segment.
  • The favor icon has been changed.
  • Adjusted the text box so it can get a bit bigger when needed.
  • Adjusted some negative status removal text to be more appropriate for reward removals.
  • Several statuses with no time limits now have one.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the ''did you do anything without her'' question from appearing during the intro.
  • Fixed a bug causing permanent status requests to not be permanent.
  • Fixed position removal not using pronouns.
  • Added the legs busy flag to String: Ankle & Balls
  • If chastity is enabled, random time limit can no longer select Until Dry
  • Being on the chastity release session after a sentence will now unlock customization when chastity no customization is on.
  • Fixed warmup stroking not respecting chastity statuses.
  • Fixed an issue causing some ending teasing edges to not be counted towards the edge count.
  • Ending prompts should now respect the gagged status.
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.29 (May 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by RemiHiyama »

Is there a way to disable the counting on metronome tasks? I'm not sure whether I like the basic idea or not, but I absolutely despise the counting.
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Jackie Chan
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.29 (May 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by Jackie Chan »

Hey, I just randomly stumbled over this on Reddit and while I mostly lurk here I really had to check if this software was mentioned on here and I'm glad to see it is. So far I only checked the demo, but this seems preeeetty good even with the demo restrictions!

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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.30 (June 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »


Version 0.30 Patch notes!

The main feature this month primarily applies to PC users but it’s been an overwhelmingly requested change since the game’s launch. I reworked the game’s UI to support all aspect ratios, meaning you won’t get black bars on the sides anymore on PC, and tablets should function better in general.

A collaring system has also been added, where she will control your collar-wearing and check on your dedication to it. I’ve been thinking the collar is an underdeveloped part of the game for a while, as it tends to be a significant part of D/S relationships. The options given should allow for several different levels of dedication!

Difficulty ranges have also been a long-requested feature that’s getting added this version. This allows you to set minimum and maximum value on each difficulty slider, allowing her to choose the difficulty at the start of every session. This should allow players to add greater noticeable variability to sessions.

Collaring System
  • The base collaring system will simply have her expect you to put on a collar before your sessions. She will check if you did.
  • “Punishment Collar” allows her to ask you to wear a more intense (restraining or otherwise, like a posture or spiked collar) throughout your session as a punishment.
  • “Collared” has her expect you to keep the collar on at all times between sessions.
  • “Day Collar” will have her switch you to a submissive collar at the beginning of sessions, but return to a less obvious day collar afterwards.
  • “Public Collar Punishment” will allow her to command you to keep wearing your submissive collar after a session, if you fail it.
Difficulty Ranges
  • The Difficulty menu now has two sliders per difficulty, allowing you to set a minimum and maximum (or both to the same)
  • The difficulty will be chosen at the start of each session.
  • In-session difficulty modification through decisions is now temporary until the session ends.
Widescreen Aspect Ratios
  • No more black bars!
  • Support for any aspect ratio, including ultrawides.
  • Better supports for tablets; no more off-screen text.
  • Fixed a lot of weird text scaling that would make it too big or too small.
Ingame UI Improvements
  • Your succubus’s status can now be accessed by tapping or clicking on her mood icon.
  • Your own statuses now have their dedicated button top right, which now also contains the current player position.
  • A new text separator has been added to replace the old red line, it now adjusts to her mood.
  • Clothespin Scrotum status now asks for different amounts of clothespins
  • Added the “No Counting” Other Toggle
  • Added a couple new positions
  • Added the ''Ankle Key'' Other Visual toggle
  • Added the "Always Ethereal" Head Accessories toggle
Polish & Misc
  • Findom tribute button is now in the game menu instead.
  • Removed the old deprecated minigame (as it would've been too broken with the new variable screen width) Dev Note: My apologies if anyone was still using it, but this thing has been deprecated for over a year and it’s about time I remove it considering this version’s other changes.
  • When you're expected to disobey a task, disobeying the pre-task edge now counts as a disobey.
  • Minor body improvements
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.32 (Aug 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »

Patch Notes TLDR:
  • Facesitting & Smothering, including various kinks like armpits and feet smothering.
  • Booba sliders for both size and jiggle!
  • Breast expansion options, including mood-based growth and edge/reward based growth.
Version 0.32 Patch notes!


After last month’s more minor polish update, I figured it was probably best for a content focused update. More specifically, this turned out to be the ‘’Implement the most-requested features of the last couple years’’ update.

Many of these features are things I’ve been hesitant about in the past, but are now feasible due to new ideas, or necessary due to previous additions.

In a way, this is also me giving in a bit to ‘’who cares if it’s a bit jank, people really want this’’. I still tried my best to make them work in the context of the game; some of these I’ve been thinking on for a very long time. I hope this new approach will please those of you who have been pushing for these additions!

0.32 Patch Notes:


Facesitting & Smothering

5 new long-requested rewards have been added with the new Smothering toggle!
  • Two regular facesitting animations, one from the front and one from the back.
  • One breast smothering animation, where you’re brought into a hug.
  • One foot smothering (stomping) animation, locked behind the “Feet” toggle.
  • One armpit smothering animation, locked behind the “Armpits” toggle.
These tasks include both breathplay and non-breathplay variants! They also include a new ‘’muffled’’ audio player based on the ASMR audio player.

Breast Sliders

I gave in to what is perhaps the most requested feature ever.

A new menu has been added in Visuals allowing you to configure both breast size and jiggle.

Many animations have been adjusted to dynamically adapt to the selected breast size.

There may still be some jank and clipping here and there, but hopefully nothing too insane.

Breast Expansion

Now supported due to the addition of breast sliders, you can now tie her breast size to her mood in the booba menu! The booba slider will dictate the smallest size she can go to if an expansion option is enabled. Several options are available:

Mood Expansion - Ties her breast size to her mood. (Overrides below options)

Edge Expansion - Every edge increases her breast size.

Reward & Punishment Expansion - She can give out rewards that increase her size, or give out punishments that reduce it.

Global Oops Button

Another long-requested feature, this one has a lot of potential unforeseen consequences. But with the recent addition of stroking layers, it became a necessity. The new button is found in the in-game menu, and will also adjust to oops settings like Edge Stop.

Please let me know if you use it in certain scenarios and it doesn’t respond how it should.

  • Added the “Cutie” and “Darling” sub names.
  • Added “Punishment Positions” Other Toggle. This prevents positions from being given unless she's in a bad mood, and prevents their removal unless she's in a good mood.
  • Added a new Other toggle "Always Pronouns" that prevents her from using objectifying pronouns when angry.
  • During Rhythm Edging timer locks, there's now a chance for her to restart the timer instead of unlocking the lock. This can loop into itself, if you're unlucky.
  • Max difficulty edge count now gets significantly more edges during edging prompts between tasks.
  • Increased the base edge riding lengths during the ending teasing.
  • Pre-task edges can now have you repeatedly edging before allowing you to continue with the task, based on your edging difficulty.
  • Edge stop causing additional edges is now twice as punishing, with a high minimum edge count.
Polish & Misc
  • Many outfits having bandaids in their underwear layer now have tape pasties instead. Bandaids as a visual component were very divisive, thus they’re now limited to a single outfit focused on them.
  • The get to the edge while begging segments during ending teases are no longer timed, now waiting until you edge.
  • Boobas now grow a little bit for every clothing layer removed. (minimal, mostly a flavor change)
  • Added some extra time to the start of counted rhythm events to allow the player to prepare.
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.33 (Sep 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »

Note: Special announcement below!

Full patchnotes here


This month’s update is a mix of two things; a long-planned feature finally being implemented (Sub-toggles) and an idea that was developed through discussions on the Discord (Drain Sessions).

Subtoggles are a new feature that allow you to customize the specific behaviors of your kink and toy toggle. You can increase the rate of appearance, change them all to rewards, punishments, and even mark them as experimental - preventing any negative consequence if you disobey. This was a large bullet point on my way to finishing up the game’s gameplay customization; I hope it allows some of you to change the game to work as you’ve always wanted it to.

Drain sessions are a new time limit based on the typical succubus trait. This is a unique session type that will override your ending settings (while kind of combining all of them), and will always end in an Oops; you will be expected to keep going until you can’t handle the draining sessions anymore. This synergizes very well with the breast expansion toggles added last month, and an additional toggle was added to support this.

Lastly, I’ve also done some significant work behind the scenes to increase task variety in a session. Namely, tasks with lesser task counts should now show up far more frequently, and sessions should be more balanced between stroking instructions and toggle-related instructions. Along with the new Subtoggles feature, this should significantly improve the issue where you may turn on a toggle and not see it for a couple sessions.

I also have an advance announcement to make this time!

Next month’s version will include the much awaited bluetooth toys implementation. This integration will be done through XToys.app, so just about any toy compatible with that platform will also be compatible with Virtual Succubus.

I’ve added more links to the website Toys page, including some exclusive discounts I’ve obtained for you guys! You can also read more about how the implementation will work on this page. Using the affiliate links there is very appreciated; it really helps me get a gauge of how much work should be put into this part of the game.

These features are currently in testing by t3 patrons and Discord testers and I’m still iterating on the design, so let me know what you’d like to see!

I'm also looking for long-term (6+ months) players who own or will own toys to provide feedback on these new features, please DM me on discord for the tester role!

Current 0.33 Patch Notes:



Subtoggles contain several different components allowing you to modify Kinks and Toys.

They are accessed by long-pressing a toggle checkbox in the menus.

Task Multipliers are used to multiply the rate of appearance of a toggle up to 5x.

Always Regular, Always Punishment, and Always Reward allow you to modify the categories of tasks involving this toggle. Note that this does not apply to task layers.

Lastly, Experimental allows you to mark toggles as something you’re only experimenting with. Disobeying or failing these toggles will not cause negative consequences. This includes when tasks involve layers with these toggles.

Energy Drain Time Limit

A new time limit! During energy drain sessions, your succubus will lose energy for every task given. Failing tasks will reduce energy significantly, while edging will raise it.

Once your succubus is out of energy, she will jump you and begin to drain your pleasure. To feed your succubus energy, you'll have to ride an edge continuously while she enjoys her meal thoroughly.

She will release you once she's sated, or accepts your begging for mercy (as you expect, this won't happen every time). Every time your succubus drains you, your future edges will feed her less and less, increasing the difficulty of keeping her fed; The goal is to last as long as possible early on, as that's where it'll be easiest for her to feed on you.

Oopsing during these segments will lead to a question where she asks if you've ruined, and will offer to keep going regardless. The session ends once you've oopsed and refuse to continue feeding her.

Toggle Rate Redistribution

Added a new system to redistribute the odds of tasks.

For each archetype (Regular, Reward, Punishment), this system will check each available task.

If there are already many tasks in the total pool of available tasks involving the toggles that are part of this task, the chance for it to play out will be significantly lowered, unless it was already low.

For example: If there are 8 nipple tasks in the reward pool, the likelihood of each individual one will be significantly lowered, effectively increasing the likelihood that a single vibrator task would appear.

A secondary system has been added that attempts to balance the likelihood of toggle-related and non-toggle related tasks. If there are significantly more non-toggle related tasks in the available pool of tasks, their chance to appear will be lowered.

  • Added a chance for the ending ''Permission to cum within'' timed windows to display as ??? instead.
  • Added a chance for the ending ''Wants you to cum in exactly X'' to display as ''As soon as she tells you to'' instead.
  • Added "Energy Expansion" booba toggle for energy drain sessions.
  • Added the "Drain Until Dry" toggle. This forces you to keep going after oopsing on a drain, behaving similarly to Until Dry.
  • Increased the mood reward of successfully stopping on edge when edge stop is enabled.
  • Further decreased the chance that disliked tasks appear.
Polish & Misc
  • Added a note on the chastity menu indicating that timed chastity prevents playing sessions.
  • New passcode entry UI elements
  • Moved the RLGL camera closer.
  • The BE boob shrink punishment should no longer happen unless there can be a significant size difference.
  • Toy and Kink menus should no longer reset their page position when exiting the page.
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Re: [Release] Virtual Succubus v0.34 (Oct' 2022) PC/Android support, Free PC webdemo

Post by SuccuDev »


Full Patchnotes here

It is done. After two years and a half of endless requests, your succubus can finally control your toys through xtoys.app! There’s also a few extra quality of life updates for those of you who don’t have such toys.

The experience is significantly improved by these toys now, so if you’re interested in getting one, take a look at https://www.virtualsuccubus.com/toys! The website is also being entirely redone for this release!

A few games have already done the whole ‘’sync a toy to the beat’’ approach, so I wanted to try something different. With Xtoys’ support for various sensors on either phones or PCs, I was able to make a variety of scripts for your succubus to use on you that are significantly more BDSM oriented than just controlling pleasure.

The implementation is split into two distinct parts, session additions and toy events.

The in-session additions mean that for example:
  • When she makes you edge, your toys will be turned on their ‘’edge’’ settings.
  • When she wants you to ride it, they will be turned on their ‘’ride’’ settings.
  • She also can set your toys to Tease or Punish, depending on the situation.
Overall, these interactions are supposed to just be supplemental to the existing experience. They’re best used with toys that don’t involve setup, and can be kept on for the entire duration of the session.

Toy events are a new type of event that play out throughout a session and has your succubus use various toy scripts on you; this will also use the same Edge, Ride, Tease, and Punish settings from above, but you can set the toys to be different here to support more ‘’Involved’’ toys like strokers (a common example would be the Max2) Toy events can involve a lot of different scripts, for example “Stay Still”, or “Silence”.

While they’re best played with a toy that supports some kind of negative reinforcement (usually pain), they’re entirely playable with only pleasure; the punishment for failure is the deactivation of your pleasure toys.

Each potential script is toggleable, so you can only play with the things you like. Most of them are heavily tweakable in xtoys as well!

This is definitely an enthusiast level implementation. While I’ve done my best to make it approachable, complexity requires some level of concession to the fact that it will be harder to set up. BDSM itself is pretty high effort, so I trust most of you will be ok with this and prefer I take this kind of approach.

New systems and options have been added to help support these new features, including the Player Status menu where you can disable certain things for yourself. For example, if you want to use an anal bluetooth toy, you can now easily mark your butthole as busy for the session.

A new session type solely dedicated to Toy Events is also available.

This implementation wouldn’t be as complex and intricate as it is without the tools https://xtoys.app/ has given me. Mumble has implemented various features that were vital to making this a good experience over the last month.

If you have a bit of extra support to throw their way, please consider it!
https://www.patreon.com/denialtek/ . You can also get ad-free Xtoys by doing so.

Current 0.34 Patch Notes:


XToys Support

Your succubus now supports 300+ smart and bluetooth sex toys!

In the new menu, you’ll find a way to access the XToys Layout for the game. Upon loading this layout, you’ll be able to set up various scripts for your succubus to use on you throughout the session.

Your XToys can be run on a different device than VS with no issue; if you want to run it on your phone while you play on PC, that’s totally doable (and honestly preferred in a lot of cases due to your phone’s various potential sensors interacting with some scripts).

The menu for this will also include some testing buttons to make setup easier.

Most scripts will also support patterns! Settings these up will be your responsibility, as different patterns work for different people.

The scripts available with this first iteration are:
  • In-Session Edge/Teasing/Punishment
Allows her to use your toys throughout regular parts of your session.

You can tweak both pleasure and pain outputs for Edging, Edge Riding, Teasing, and Punishments.
  • Toy Event Edge/Teasing/Punishment
Allows her to use different (longer set-up) toys during Toy Events.

You can tweak both pleasure and pain outputs for Edging, Edge Riding, Teasing, and Punishments.
  • Rhythm Bursts
This allows her to use toys during Metronome Tasks and Rhythm Events.

Depending on if the task/event is a reward or a punishment, you’ll get different outputs on this scripts.

Each time a ‘’tick’’ happens in either a rhythm event or a metronome task, your toys will activate.

Note that this is not intended for devices like the Handy or Strokers to match rhythm.
  • (Toy Event Command) Count!
Your succubus will use a toy of your choice on you X times. You must count every repetition and give her a number at the end. You can choose the toy and intensity.
  • (Toy Event Command) Stay Still!
Your succubus will demand you stay completely still. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped. When sadistic or mischievous, she will randomly use your pain output on you to try to make you move.

This requires a camera for the script to use. This camera is only seen by XToys.

You can tweak the sensitivity to movement, which parts of the body to track, and the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.
  • (Toy Event Command) Make Noise!
Your succubus demands you moan for her. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped. When sadistic or mischievous, you will be expected to make only a certain amount of noise, and she will try to cause you to make more.

This requires a microphone for the script to use. This microphone is only heard by XToys.

You can tweak the sensitivity to sound, and the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.
  • (Toy Event Command) Silence!
Your succubus demands you stay silent. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped. When sadistic or mischievous, she will try to cause you to make sounds.

This requires a microphone for the script to use. This microphone is only heard by XToys.

You can tweak the sensitivity to sound, and the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.
  • (Toy Event Command) Say…
Your succubus expects you to repeat words for her. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped.

This requires a microphone for the voice recognition script to use. This microphone is only heard by XToys.

You can tweak the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.
  • (Toy Event Specific Toy Command) Accelerometer
Your succubus expects you to keep using a toy at a certain speed. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped.

This requires a toy that supports accelerometers. Some examples would be using the Lovense Max2 to stroke, or using the Lovense Nora for penetration.

You can tweak the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.
  • (Toy Event Specific Toy Command) Calor
Your succubus expects you to keep using a toy at a certain speed. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped.

This requires a specific Lovense toy called the Calor, and works similarly to the Accelerometer script, but instead requires you to go faster and faster due to the better depth sensors on the Calor allowing this.

You can tweak the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.
  • (Toy Event Specific Toy) Stroker/Thruster Speed
This script is specifically used to interact with Strokers/Thrusters like the Handy and fucking machines. It will play out along with your other toys during Toy Events, at varying speeds and depth levels.

You can tweak the minimum depth, and there’s a setting to adjust for both stroke length and penetration depth. This mode cannot use patterns.
  • (Toy Event Specific Toy) Stroker/Thruster Pattern
An alternative to the above, this script instead utilizes patterns. Both cannot be used at once for now.

Bluetooth Toys Sessions
A session type solely focused around toy events!

Player Status
A new menu allowing you to pick various statuses you might find yourself in before a session. This is best used when using bluetooth toys that may limit your options.

You can now easily disable:
  • Anal
  • The use of your legs.
  • Stroking
  • Vaginal Penetration
  • Clitoral stimulation
  • Removed the lockout stake because I can't handle the daily DMs by people with post-nut clarity wanting to get out of it. I apologize for having to do this, I’ve tried to just deal with it for the sake of cool thing, but it’s a daily occurrence and becoming really taxing.
  • Draining sessions should no longer end after (apparently) a mere 2 hours
  • Strokers/sleeves will now be used by the stroking system for several tasks in a row instead of just one when enabled.
Polish & Misc
  • Rewrote all the code for scene transitions. Scene transitions are now 50% faster, which means less black screen time!
  • Combined the naming/gender/sex menus when you first start the game.
  • Increased the rate of idle animations when she's just standing.
  • Added an extra closer camera angle to the default standing scene for variety.
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