Dan's New Life 03: The Team Mascot

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Dan's New Life 03: The Team Mascot

Post by subzerowriter »

Dan’s New Life 03: Team Mascot

Chapter 1: The Day After

After Dan’s humiliating, massive orgasm as the sun set on his birthday party, after he had spent the rest of the evening lapping desperately between the tight, quivering thighs of each of the Tease Club owners, he had almost immediately begun to wonder what his “Birthday Present” meant about his “Sunday Hearing” the next night. Since he had become an unwitting tease slave to the blonde and voluptuous Cindi, the soft and loving Destiny, the inventive and sadistic Trixi, the cruel and refined Lexie, and the tough and commanding Dominique, Sunday had been the only day that Dan was able to earn even the remote chance of an orgasm. But his birthday had been on a Saturday…

He hadn’t needed to wonder long, however, as Sunday evening came around fast enough. After heading back to Cindi’s apartment with her Saturday night once the party had died down, the blonde seductress had immediately resumed her soft, flirtatious, and relentless cock teasing of Dan, and when she drove him back to the Tease Club Sunday evening, his cock was throbbing and oozing in anticipation of another orgasm, despite his release the night before.

He had arrived, expecting to be immediately put into the Chippendale style “uniform” that the girls were so fond of making him wear on the nights of Hearings, but as soon as he had stripped down for Cindi, she had lead him immediately into the Break Room, and had begun strapping him into the remote controlled bondage bench that Trixi so lovingly called “The Chair”. The difference in the opening festivities immediately made him nervous, but he clung desperately onto the hope that he might actually have a chance to cum again this evening.

Since turning his life blindly over to these women almost a month earlier, Dan had quickly learned the most horrifying curse of his predicament: no matter how much he yearned to cum, no matter how satisfying, and explosive, and exquisite it felt when he was finally allowed to erupt, the satisfaction never lasted. One orgasm a week (at MOST, and then only if he was very lucky) was just not enough to relieve his aching blue balls or his desperate sexual hunger for any significant length of time. 20 or 30 minutes after he had exploded on his birthday, his cock had grown rock hard again, and he had felt that familiar, needy, dull hunger begin to return to his scrotum.

As Cindi strapped him into The Chair now, his other owners strutted into the room. And as Cindi slowly disrobed for Dan’s crawling eyes, the other women strutted silently around his body, until each was lightly touching him, cooing slightly as they stroked at his helpless, naked form.
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“You know sweetie,” Cindi began, purring as she spread the base of The Chair, splitting his bound legs and allowing her to creep her soft fingertips slowly up his inner thighs, “TECHNICALLY, you’re supposed to be in Mistress Mode until tomorrow after failing the test last week…” Dan froze at those words, and the chubby, big breasted blonde had giggled, wrinkling her freckled nose at his reaction. Dan had spent the last week in a device that shocked him every time time he was about to cum, after he had failed another one of their impossible tests, and they had used it to tease him to the brink of insanity for the entire week.

Cindi continued in an innocent voice, smiling sweetly at him, her blue eyes glittering with laughter, “But…the girls and I were talking, and we all decided that after letting you cum, and turning off the voltage for the rest of the night, it would be kind of silly to turn it back on for less than a day…”

Destiny, who was standing by his lower hip, chimed in, her deep, warm, large eyes making him feel weak as she leaned forward, pressing her massive mocha breasts together, “So I suggested that we just do your Monday Test a day early and get it out of the way!” She moved closer, her hand sliding up his chest until it found one of his exposed nipples, and she began plucking at it sensuously while she purred, “Besides, after the generous gift we gave our little Tease Toy yesterday, I think his poor frustrated cock is going to have a much easier time of it.” She batted her eyes at him sweetly, and breathed, “What do you think of that idea, baby? Would you like a chance to avoid an extra day of Mistress Mode?”

Dan’s mind raced, as he looked around from one beautiful buxom stripper to the next. Dan thought he truly might do anything to avoid another day of Mistress Mode. And Destiny had been right, that despite the growing hunger in his loins, he was not quite NEARLY as desperate as he had been only 24 hours ago. But the Monday Test could be almost impossible under the wrong circumstances, and it had seemed like all FIVE of them were going to administer it at once today. He stared, silent and thinking as fast as he could while he tried to calculate his best option, but a flash of annoyance on Destiny’s face threw him into a panic, and he finally burst out, “YES! Yes please Destiny, I don’t want to get shocked again, please do the test today, you’re all so generous…”
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Cindi had nodded in approval at Dan’s babbling, very pleased with how thoroughly they had broken this arrogant man. It had been only weeks ago that Dan had strutted through the world with a holier than thou attitude that was as infuriating as it was unearned. And now here he was, naked, mewling, begging, entirely at her mercy and loving every moment of it. “Good, Dan,” she had giggled, as her fingers crawled up his innermost thighs, and she began to tickle lightly at his already swelling testicles, “You already know all the rules, so just be a good boy, okay? No talking or begging for one hour if you don’t want your poor little balls getting shocked for another week…”

Dan nodded, trembling as Cindi checked the clock and began. Dan stiffened in his bindings, expecting all five of them to descend on him at once as soon as the games got started, but the others just continued to lightly stroke at him as Cindi’s soft, teasing fingers slid slowly up from the base of his cock. None of them spoke, or did anything but stare at him, as they lightly petted every inch of his body. Dan’s mind raced in the silence. The Monday Test tonight? What did that mean for the Sunday Hearing? Was it canceled? Or would he have a chance to earn release after the test was over?

He shivered and trembled under the soft teasing touch of the girls, and his eyes bugged out of his head as he watched Cindi’s fingers writhe playfully about 3/4 of the way up his shaft, never quite reaching his aching purple cock head. He had been tempted to ask Cindi about the Sunday Hearing all day, but had been so afraid of the answer that he had kept his questions to himself. Now, however, he cursed himself: it would have been so much better just to KNOW while he was put through this, he thought to himself as he gritted his teeth, trying and failing to thrust deeper into Cindi’s hands as the Chair held him firmly in place.

During the Monday Test, whoever was teasing him (usually Lexie) almost always talked endlessly as they edged and tortured him, saying anything they could think of to tease him into speaking and failing. But tonight, all five women were completely silent, quietly staring deeply into his eyes as they played with him. The effect was eery, and he found himself shivering as he looked from Lexie’s piercing green eyes to Trixi’s mischievous dark ones, wishing he could escape their gaze somehow.
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It was almost 10 minutes of nothing but the sounds of Dan gasping and wheezing before someone finally spoke, and it turned out to be Dominique. “You know,” she said suddenly in her tough, Bronx-y accent, as her soft nails teased against Dan’s underarm, making him giggle, “We’ve been REALLY good to our Tease Toy this weekend…” She snapped her gum juicily as she looked up and down his trembling body with playful eyes, “We gave him his precious little cummies yesterday, in front of ALLLLL those sexy girls…and now, today we’re taking a day off his punishment? I think, if Danny boy were a gentleman, he’d do something to thank us for being such good owners.”

“Oooh, I like that idea” Cindi purred, as she continued to lightly brush her fingers against just the edges of Dan’s cock, making him pump and thrust with heartbreaking futility at the open air, “What did you have in mind, Dominique?” Dominique licked her lips as her deep chocolate eyes glittered, and she continued to tickle maddeningly at his armpit as she laughed and said, “Honestly? After we let him spurt all that sticky cum all over the place, while so many sexy girls cheered for him? I think he should offer to wait another week before his next Hearing!”

Dan stifled a groan, trying again desperately to thrust his hips, heartbroken but not quite surprised. Deep in his heart, he knew that hoping for an orgasm two days in a row with these women was a pipe dream, and he had been stupid to hope for it. Still, despite all of that, he felt real tears of disappointment well up in his eyes, and he forced them back. But when Lexie spoke up next, her words destroyed his composure completely.

“Wait a minute my darling, just to clarify,” the pale, freckled redhead said to Dominique, in her soft, icy, composed voice, “You’re talking about having our precious Daniel skip next week, correct?” Her emerald eyes shone brightly at him as she teased and plucked at one of his nipples, “I mean, there’s no way that any of us were even THINKING about giving our little Tease Toy another release tonight, right?”
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The tears Dan had been fighting back burst forward uncontrollably, as Dominique laughed and responded, “Oh duh, there’s no way he was EVER going to pop again tonight…that would be WAY too soon” She had leaned forward as she spoke, her soft, brown tight curls bouncing adorably around his face as she playfully used him, “Well Dan? Don’t you think we deserve a thank you for how generous all your owners are? Don’t you think you should wait another two weeks before you have another chance to cum for us?”

Dan had started shaking, his body wracked with sobs, and he bit his tongue to stay silent as he shook his head violently “no”. Dominique had leaned forward then, and gently wiped the tears from his cheek, before whispering in her husky, tough girl accent, “You know, Danny boy, if you don’t say anything, we’ll just have to assume that you agree with us… Is that what you want? You want us to cancel the Hearing next week?” Almost the instant the last word came out of her soft, full lips, Cindi’s fingers finally crept to his desperate cock head, and he began to thrash as her fingertips swirled precum around his tip.

He strained wildly, desperately attempting to escape his bonds, his mind whirling: two more weeks? Or say something and it’s back in Mistress Mode for another week of hell? Oh Jesus…He was so trapped in his thoughts that he had completely forgotten how inescapable the bindings of The Chair really were, and despite the straining cords of his muscles, or the light sheen of sweat that broke out over his body, he didn’t move more than a millimeter. As Dominique giggled and asked him what was wrong, he burst out into a warbling sob as he desperately shook his head “no” so quickly that he began to feel dizzy.

“Cindi, how long does Dan have in his test?” Dominique said, laughing at his panic. “45 minutes” Cindi responded, as she dipped and swirled her wet fingertips against the slit at the head of his cock until they were glistening with precum. “Well then,” Dominique said, her soft lips spreading into a huge, beautiful smile, “I guess you have about 44 minutes to say something then, Danny boy, before we cancel your next cummies…” She strutted slowly up to the head of the Chair, and spun expertly on her clear, glittery, stripper heels, before grabbing the back of his head, and mashing his face against her full, naked, bottom, “So you better think long and hard about what you want.”
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As Dan realized what this meant, that the girls were essentially putting him in a position to choose between another week in Mistress Mode, or another two weeks without the chance to cum, the other girls descended on him like a pack of vultures, groping and kissing at every inch of his body, rubbing themselves against him, moaning in his ears, licking at his chest, and arms, and neck. He felt sobbing, confused frustration overtake him completely beneath a wriggling, soft, warm pile of girls as he began straining at his bondage again. He knew he couldn’t take another week of Mistress Mode.

But he wasn’t quite sure how much more of this he could take either.

Chapter 2: New Challenges

Dan somehow managed to stay silent, and make what he knew was the better call. He knew how much more torture these women would have put him through with a taser wrapped around his testicles for another eight days. But as the next two weeks wore on and on, he found it harder and harder to believable remind himself of that. While he wasn’t in any physical pain this way (except for the gnawing ache constantly pulsing from his testicles), the sexual agony these women kept him in through simple tease and denial mind games was extraordinary.

Every weeknight Dan was in the Break Room of The Tease, being excruciatingly tortured from 6-9pm, and then left as a plaything for any dancer on a break from 9pm to midnight. And while those private sessions in the first part of the evening were always the worst part of the night, being on “entertainment duties” from 9 to midnight was no picnic either. Whenever he was alone in the room, a constant loop of porn videos would be playing for him on the screens. And every night, after enduring hours of teasing, he would eventually lose control and begin to stroke himself. But every time that it happened, every time he began to fondle himself, one of the women seemed to come in within 1 or 2 minutes, laughing at him mercilessly each time they caught him. He began to suspect that they were watching him somehow and doing it intentionally, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from trying.

The endless stream of videos constantly playing each starred at least one of the women from the Buena Vista who had stood around him cheering and laughing as he had cum on his birthday, which was a constant, arousing reminder of his humiliation that day. And as each video started, the title gave the performer’s name, so that he soon had learned the name of each neighbor of Dominique’s that they were tormenting him with.

Sasha Foxxx, the lithe, cat eyed beauty that had taken pictures of him and giggled uncontrollably as he came, was featured prominently, slowly teasing one cock after another. Erica Campbell was another, a soft, curvy brunette with round breasts and a gorgeous face, who constantly stroked herself in sheer stockings. In almost every video, she cooed at him to touch himself in a soft voice that began to seem more and more teasingly cruel. Raquel Roper, a dark eyed, raven haired beauty with a talented tongue, drew his attention every time she appeared, expertly licking one cock after another to the edge and back as she stared into him through the screen.
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The names went on and on. There was wide eyed Ashley Alban, who’s twerking videos were almost as hypnotic to him as the videos of her playful teasing the camera with her jiggling round ass and tight, fake breasts. Emily Lynn, who had the fluffiest, most drool inducing ass Dan had ever seen, fucked dildo after dildo for him as he paced around the room trying not to masturbate, her dark hair bouncing almost as much as her round bottom. Then there was Ambercutie, a chubby, stacked cam girl who danced and bounced, grinning at the camera from behind cute, tiny, black glasses as she fucked herself with a vibrator. A state of the art surround sound system installed throughout the Break Room ensured that Dan was constantly attacked with soft, teasing voices; wet, gasping moans; and shuddering squeals of pleasure from each woman.

After the third day of this, Dan had entered the Break Room that night to find every single wall mounted with a big screen TV, and the instant his 9 to midnight shift started, they each began playing new videos simultaneously, one after another. By the end of week one, he had learned every name in the montage, and had realized that there were exactly ten names on this list. Two of them, an angelic faced, dominant young woman with a playful bratty energy named Natalya, and a wild and All American blonde with perky tits and streaks of pink in her hair named Anabelle Pync, often appeared in videos together, writhing against some helpless sub they were relentlessly cockteasing.

Jamie Valentine, a confident, voluptuous Latina woman with a youthful, bossy attitude and a taste for foot worship, played constantly as well, and Dan couldn’t help but drool over her cute little toes wiggling at the camera as she laughed at him from every direction. Ellie Idol, a gorgeous cam girl with a talent for scene work rounded out the bunch, using her soft, innocent face, and playfully cruel voice to tease him every night. Sasha and Erica and Raquel and Ashley and Emily and Amber and Natalya and Anabelle and Jamie and Ellie. Again. And again. And again. Every night. For almost three hours, and always after some of the most excruciating and creative cockteasing he had ever experienced.
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Anytime he did succumb to his animal urges, one of the Tease girls was there, like clockwork, and after a few minutes of laughing at him while he tried to deny it, whoever it was would usually join him on the couch, and lightly play with his cock while they asked him what he liked about each of the video girls.

Each of the Tease Club girls teased him in some different way each time they caught him: when Destiny or Cindi caught him, they usually made him sit still as they slid his cock between their tits while he watched one video after another, giggling and stroking lovingly against his throbbing cock between their massive melons as they made fun of his incessant masturbation. Lexie enjoyed pressing her stiletto heels firmly against the underside of his cock whenever she caught him, pushing his throbbing shaft back and forth against his belly as she asked him which pornstar he though sucked cock better, or demanded that he describe what he wished he could do to each one.

Dominique enjoyed making him get on all fours in front of the couch every time she caught him, and demanded that he spread his legs widely, so she could sit behind him and watch the videos with him while she lightly fondled her toes against the backside of his exposed scrotum. As she watched him drool and asked him questions, she would slide her toes playfully up and down the underside of his taint, and (in moments that made his breath catch in his throat in terror) even press them playfully against his pucking anus, threatening and teasing to go deeper.

Every night, for days on end, they put him through this cruel and hypnotic erosion of his willpower, and even though he knew it would bring only more torture, and humiliation, and punishment, he found his hand crawling back to his throbbing cock, over and over. The evenings of this seemed eternal, and every time Dan drifted off to sleep it was another night of fitful slumber, punctuated by endless dreams of the 10 gorgeous and talented porn stars he was being constantly subjected to.

But the mornings weren’t any easier. Every morning, for two weeks straight, when he woke up at 5am to begin shaving his body and working out for the Tease App camera, Dominique was awake and waiting for him online.
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In the past, the girls had simply watched him anonymously as he worked out naked according to their orders, but Dominique had started video calling him every morning, starting with the Monday morning after his birthday. She seemed to take a special interest in this time of day, making Dan bring his phone into the shower with him so she could watch him shave and give him humiliating pointers. After the second or third day of this, she had begun sending him home after his shifts with velvety, sweet smelling soaps and lotions, and would demand that he watch her finger herself on screen as he soaped his hairless body up and down on camera for her every morning, blushing wildly.

Dominique had taken a much more focused approach to his exercise routine as well, completely overhauling his regimen into a strict and grueling schedule of planks, squats, lunges, and crunches. Then, as she giggled at his throbbing, bouncing cock, she would make him run in place for 30 minutes. Every morning. By the end of the first week, his skin was no longer just hairless, it was smooth, glowing, supple. And his body had grown tight and thin, almost lithe. As turned on as he was by the humiliation of it all, Dan was starting to become turned on by his own body as well, and he caught himself absently fondling at his own smooth and hairless form constantly throughout the day.
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During this new, almost two hour morning routine, in between panting bouts of fingering herself to orgasm again as Dan watched her (she usually came two or three times each morning), Dominique actually talked to Dan, asking about his life and his background in a way none of the other women really had before. The questions were surprising from someone with such a tough affect, but they were genuinely curious, and although he was nervous to ask her anything back at first, once he finally did, the questions began flowing naturally.

Dan was constantly surprised by what he learned about Dominique during these conversations, and it made him realize that out of all of the girls, he knew the least about her. He learned she was older than he expected, almost 36, and that she had been stripping for over 12 years. He learned, like Cindi had mentioned on his birthday, that she was quite a protective mentor to more than a few of the girls living in her “sex worker haven” apartment complex, the Buena Vista. He learned that, despite her bisexual nature, she only slept with women, only used men for kinky domination, and was completely uninterested with being penetrated by a man’s cock.

And he learned that she saw it as her mission in life to teach as many young women as she could to be empowered and dominant, in and out of the bedroom.

“I mean, don’t you think more women need to learn how fun it is to be in charge, Danny?” she had asked on the Thursday morning of his second week of denial, as she watched him shave his pubic hair and lotion his body under the steaming torrent of his shower, panting slightly as she touched her self. “Don’t you think more sexy young women need to know what it’s like to be on top? To be in charge? You like when I’m in change, don’t you Danny?” Dan had nodded obediently, and she had giggled as she purred, “See? Doesn’t it feel good to be a good, obedient boy and follow orders? Turn around and use that tingling mint body wash between those quivering cheeks for me while you think about it, okay baby? Do it the way i like.”
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Dan had moaned, his voice quavering as he obediently squirted the strong tingling lotion into his hand and presented his ass to her, spreading his cheeks and massaging the suds against himself, the way he knew she expected him to. She loved to watch him tease his asshole for her in the shower like this, and had made him do it for almost 20 minutes every morning since she started these 5am calls. Dan had never been someone who felt comfortable with the concept of anal pleasure before he had met these women, and he was painfully aware of how much of the attention to his anus came from Dominique. She seemed to be wildly drawn to that part of his body, and he shuddered with nervous fear as he felt his fingers slide soapily against his puckering sphincter for her.

“See Danny, doesn’t it feel good to let go of alllll that silly, manly control?” She gasped as she swirled her fingers against herself, and watched him do the same. “Doesn’t it feel good to do exactly as you’re told, to take orders like the wet…sudsy…smooth…sexy…dirty…soft boy you are?” He felt his cheeks flush in humiliation at each new adjective as he teased at his anus. His body was at war with itself, unable to process why he was so turned on, and his cock jutted out from between his legs, bouncing and untouched. He wanted to touch himself so badly, but Dominique would punish him immediately anytime he didn’t follow orders. Regardless of how friendly and conversational she was with him, she never let him forget how completely she owned every iota of his being.

“Very good…” Dominique purred from the phone, so wet herself now that he could hear the slick sliding of her fingers against herself through the speakers, “Now bend over and push them in deeper…” Dan stifled a confused sob as he did so, arching his back the way she had taught him to, and pushing soapy fingers against his quivering anus. He wasn’t supposed to like this dammit…he wasn’t supposed to feel this way, he was a man, he was supposed to use his cock to penetrate, thrusting and ramming, just like God intended…

“Mmmmm…” Dominique moaned, her cute accent cracking as she began to head towards her second orgasm of the morning, “Ya, just like that…finger yourself for me baby…fuck yourself and imagine it’s me…that I’m ramming my thick, hard, ribbed strap on deep inside of your pretty hole…” At these words, Dan felt his old self burst suddenly to the surface, and he suddenly stood, up, pulling his fingers away from his sphincter and whirling back to face the camera. “Dominique!” he almost shouted, dizzy with confusion, “Please, I don’t want that! All this teasing is one thing, but I’m a man! Men are supposed to…to take women, not the other way around!”
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Dominique gasped at that, shocked at his sudden disobedience, and he instantly felt the Control Ring locked around his cock tighten in warning. He dropped his hands to his sides, suddenly horrified at the idea of punishment, unable to believe he had disobeyed her so severely, so suddenly, and so closely to his potential release day. “Danny!” She said angrily, holding up her dripping fingers to the camera, staring at him like he was the dumbest man alive. “Did you seriously just stop the show when I was like…10 seconds away from cumming for you? Do you see how fucking wet my fingers are right now? What the fuck?”

Dan’s sudden, confident burst of energy had faded as quickly as it had arisen, and he began to apologize desperately. After six hours a day of women and porn, women and porn, every single night, and two hours of this every single morning, Dan was throbbing and aching even more than he had been on his birthday. He couldn’t take any more punishment right now. But Dominique silenced him with a gesture, and as he cut off his pleas and waited for her to speak, his untouched cock throbbed painfully, and her earlier words whispered in his mind “Doesn’t it feel good to do exactly as you’re told?”

She arched an eyebrow at him silently, letting him squirm for a moment as she decided what to do with him, before her face suddenly brightened with an idea and she said, “I know! Trixi told me she had a package delivered to you last night! That will be perfect punishment for blue balling me. Did you get it?” Dan nodded at the camera, nervously wondering what was in store for him. “Did you open it?” she asked, playfully.

Dan shook his head no, nervous to say anything that would make things worse: he had in fact brought a package in last night, but it had been so late and he had been so exhausted from all the nightly torment that he had left it unopened on his counter. Dominique’s smile grew wider, almost predatory, as she giggled in aroused excitement, and she purred, “Finish your shower and go open it then, Danny boy…Your punishment is that you have to use it until I see you at the end of your shift tomorrow night…”

She leaned in close to the camera, and licked her lips before blowing him a kiss, while playfully fluttering her eyelashes at him. “Don’t forget, you’re MINE this weekend! Dominique and Danny boy’s first weekend together…I don’t think you’re ever going to forget it…” She bit her lip flirtatiously at him, and smacked her gum juicily, as she continued, “And until then, anytime you think about Trixi’s gift doing its job, remember that this is a punishment for lying to me..”
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She stared at him, smiling as she continued, and her huge, chocolate eyes made him shudder, “Don’t forget, with that Control Ring wrapped around your poor dripping cock, us girls know EXACTLY what turns you on. And I can see just how much your cock is throbbing at the idea of me thrusting and ramming one of my big, thick strap ons into that sweet, sweet ass…” Dan had started to argue at this, desperate to deny that he wanted to be penetrated like that, but she had hung up before he had said another word, leaving him panting and throbbing under the hot water, suds dripping down the back of his thighs.

He cleaned himself up, giving himself 30 seconds of cold water in a futile attempt to calm himself down before work, and he headed downstairs. As he opened the package, and his heart dropped, he realized what Dominique had meant by this being “punishment for lying to me.” For weeks now, the girls had used a smallish buttplug, round, black, and bulbous, complete with a GPS tracker and a remote control vibrating feature, to torment and humiliate Dan in dozens of playfully cruel and creative ways.

Inside of the box was what appeared to be version 2.0.

With trembling hands, Dan pulled out a huge, hot pink butt plug, swelling out almost an inch and a half wider than the previous one before tapering back. It was almost double the length of the last plug as well, with more than double the ridges down its fat base. But even worse, he realized as he turned it around in his hand, even worse than the size or the humiliating, hot pink material, was the thick flat handle which jutted out from it’s base, and read in soft, feminine letters the words “Butt Slut”.

He felt tears welling in his eyes as he stared at the words, and thought again about Dominique telling him that he was lying to her. He was horrified at the thought of pushing this monstrosity inside of him, stretching and pulling at him, for more than a day and a half, and shivered in confusion, but he couldn’t deny how hard his cock was getting, or how much he was was starting to breathe quickly. A loud ding rang out from his phone, and he looked down to see that he had gotten a message from Dominique in the Tease App.
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“If that plug isn’t inside of you in two minutes,” the curt message read, “I’m going to have to come up with some MUCH more interesting punishments for this weekend.” Dan moaned and dropped his towel, knowing he had no choice. He pulled a small jar of lubricant out of the box as well, groaning as he felt each ridge of the toy entering him slowly, filling him up. The toy was so large that the wide, round “Butt Slut” base stuck out past his cheeks. The handle didn’t protrude enough that anyone would be able to see it through his pants, he found with relief, but he was horrified to immediately learn that every time he sat down, the protruding plug pushed the toy sensuously against his prostate. He wasn’t going to be sitting down much for the next two workdays.

Another loud ding echoed throughout the room, and Dan opened his phone to find another message from Dominique, this one much more playful. “There you go! Wow, that was fast for such a big toy! Good job, my cute little Butt Slut,” it read, and the words caused Dan to unconsciously tighten his cheeks, pulling the toy inward and making him gasp as he pressed and stretched against it, “doesn’t that feel nice? Isn’t your cock nice and hard right now? Maybe you like this more than you think…Anyway, same rules as always, you can take it out for bathroom breaks for up to 15 minutes every three hours. I hope you enjoy it until I pick you up for your shift tomorrow night! Maybe next time, you won’t be such a naughty, dishonest boy while I’m trying to play…”

As he finished reading the last words, Dan felt the thick, protrusion inside of him begin to shake in a low, dull, constant hum, and he shuddered as he fell to his knees, moaning weakly. Even at this low setting, the rumbling of this much larger toy cascaded through his body, filling him with inescapable hunger and pleasure.

All day long, Dan walked stiffly, his massive erection hidden in the waistband of his pants, as the plug teased his helpless body. His smooth, moisturized skin felt electrified as it slid and brushed against his clothing, his cheeks were constantly flushed in embarrassed arousal, and his breath was constantly short and barely controlled. But worst of all, every time he tried to sit down, no matter how slowly or gingerly, he had to stifle a moan as his weight fell onto the base of the plug, and in his mind’s eye he saw the calligraphied “Butt Slut” etched between his cheeks.

But despite all of this, as his cock throbbed and dribbled, and his testicles hummed in a dull, warm, desperate need for release, Dan felt himself getting more and more hopeful. This weekend, he was going to belong to Dominique, and he had no idea what she had in store for him. But Sunday was fast approaching, and that meant that the thing Dan wanted, more than anything else in the world, was fast approaching too. He could get through almost two days with this monstrosity shoved inside of him. He could get through whatever Dominique had in store for him this weekend. Because in three days, after two more hellish weeks of mind melting torture, Dan was going to have another chance to cum.
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Re: Dan's New Life 03: The Team Mascot

Post by subzerowriter »

Chapter 3: Dan Goes for a Ride

To Dan’s horror, the girls left the plug running most of Thursday and nearly all of Friday, while he worked in his conservative Christian office. The longer he was with these women, the harder it became to act like his old self, even at work, and he found himself struggling to look people (especially women) in the eye, as he skulked around the office, desperately hoping that no one could hear the near constant, low hum rippling through his genitals.

He avoided sitting as much as he could, but his Friday turned out to be flooded with group meetings, and he knew there was no way he could avoid sitting without arousing suspicion. As a result, by the time he reached The Tease Club that evening, and let himself in, panting and wheezing, through the back door, his throbbing cock was already slick with precum. Trixi met him at the door, and giggled excitedly as she examined the effects of the new plug on his body, playing with the remote control and taking notes on his reactions for over an hour.
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As she played with him, to “remind him what was at stake”, as she put it, Trixi turned on the flat screens adorning every wall, and this time, instead of the constant stream of pornography that they had been playing for weeks, the screens were filled with footage of Dan. Ever since Dan had chosen to give himself over completely to these women during his first Sunday Hearing, and had voluntarily handed Cindi a DVD with enough footage on it to blackmail him for the rest of his life, he had quickly learned that The Tease Club dancers recorded nearly everything he did with them. And he had also learned that making him watch highlight reels of his constant sexual agony while she tortured him was one of Trixi’s favorite past times.

As Trixi brought the massive vibrations of the butt plug up and down, over and over, Dan stared helplessly at footage of him tied naked and spreadeagled to a bed, screaming and cackling as Dominique and Lexie pressed up against him and softly licked at his ticklish, vulnerable armpits. As Trixi used her fingertips to push the handle of the toy more deeply against him, he moaned and gawked at footage of Cindi dragged her tits across his wild eyed face while Destiny slurped and sucked gently at his erect nipples, his cock bouncing hard and untouched between his legs. Every ten minutes or so, the scene would change, reminding him of another erotic and maddening experience that he had just endured.

Each time she did this, he was absolutely humiliated to watch himself like this, and his cheeks grew hot as he watched himself mewl and whimper and beg and cry. But he had learned by now that he would be punished if he closed his eyes or looked away. And so he watched scene after scene of new blackmail materials play out on every screen, and as Trixi worked the butt plug like a jackhammer against his helpless prostate, he tried not to think about what would happen to his life if he let himself cum without permission, and this footage got out.

The deeply resonating vibrations shook him to his core at their highest levels, and Dan was soon curled in the fetal position on the floor, unintelligibly moaning as he thrust desperately, aching for relief. She strutted around him with her clipboard as he writhed, her Doc Martins clomping lightly against the rug as the light gleamed off the stainless steel piercings in her nose, lip, eyebrow and belly button. She acted much more animated with him than usual, and her dark eyes, lined with deep purple eye shadow, glinted with laughter as she explained how and why the new plug was so effective.

“I’ve been working on all KINDS of new stuff for you, my little guinea pig…” she cooed at him through glossy, dark purple lips as she twirled a jet black pigtail in one finger and watched him squirm. “I can’t spoil all the surprises, but Dominique had some VERY interesting requests for new hardware for this weekend…I built a LOT of fun stuff for you two to play with…I think it’s going to be a memorable one, Danny.”
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When Trixi had finally turned down the vibrations, and left Dan alone for the evening, dribbling and moaning on the floor at nine o’clock, the TV’s lining the room switched from video edits of Dan’s blackmail material to porn the instant the door shut behind her. Dan sobbed wildly as he was suddenly bombarded with the images and sounds of Raquel Roper and Sasha Foxxx decadently licking and slurping at a cock together. Already denied for almost two weeks, the addition of the plug throbbing inside of him drove him wild as Raquel’s wet mouth, and Sasha’s delicate tongue teased and edged in every direction he looked. Within minutes, he was starting to lightly stroke his cock, unable to help himself.

He was “caught” five times in the next hour and a half, and when Dominique showed up at about 10:30 to take him home, she found him on his knees in front of Lexie as she lightly stroked the stiletto heel of each of her jet black, red soled Louis Vuitton platforms against his cock. Dominique watched for a few minutes, amused, as Lexie let her wriggling feet fall away from his aching member over and over, and he sobbed as he stumbled around the carpet on his knees, trying to find the right angle to press against her bouncing heels once more.

“Ok Lexie baby,” Dominique finally said with a snort, interrupting Dan desperately straining his hips forward to push his member against Lexie’s maddeningly moving targets, “I’m glad you two are having fun, but we’re on my time with the Tease Toy now, and you know what we talked about.” Lexie chuckled lightly at that, and lowered her heels to the floor, before standing up over a kneeling and devastated Dan. “Yes, yes of course, my dear, apologies,” the redhead said softly, as she leaned down and grabbed Dan’s face in her hand, lifting it to look at her. She winked at him, and purred, “After all, from what you’ve told me, our little plaything has quite an exciting weekend ahead of himself. Far be it from me to interrupt that.”

Lexie grabbed her phone as she stood up, expertly balancing on her heels, and she strutted across the room, her pale, round bottom and her fiery hair bouncing with each step. Then, as she reached the door, she turned to look at him one more time, and tapped her phone. He immediately felt the massive butt plug inside of him begin to vibrate deeply, and he gasped and stiffened uncontrollable as she blew a kiss at him, and walked out the door.
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Dominique walked over to him, naked on the floor, and tossed his clothes on top of his trembling body. “C’mon, get dressed Danny boy, the night’s not over yet, and we have a party to get to so we can kick off our weekend right! I have some people I want you to meet.” She stared down at him, one lock of her wildly curly hair flowing across her face, and the instant he began to obey and get dressed, she nodded in approval and began to change out of her “work clothes”.

Dan’s mind whirled as he watched her begin to remove her own platform heels, and grab a pair of satin, teal thong panties out of her gym back before slowly sliding them up her thick, copper thighs. She had told him Thursday morning that he had to wear this damned butt plug until “she picked him up at the end of his Friday shift”…was he allowed to ask her to take it out yet? He felt the bulbous tip of the plug push pleasantly against him as he struggled to pull his underwear over his throbbing, leaking cock, and bit his lip to stifle a wild moan. And what did she mean “get to a party?” Who was she taking him to meet?

Dominique dressed slowly, sensuously, and Dan goggled at her as she squeezed her incredible ass into a pair of skin tight leather pants. He almost began to beg her to remove the plug for a moment while he watched her slide her arms through a tight white T shirt with a plunging neckline, but he stopped himself at the last second. He was hornier, hungrier than he’d ever been in his life (which at this point was quite an achievement), and he knew that he couldn’t let himself do anything that might invite more punishment.
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But he couldn’t stop wondering as he watched Dominique pulled on a pair of hefty looking leather boots, and fasten two large, golden, heavy hoop earrings into her ears. They bounced below her beautiful curls with each step, glinting in the light as she opened the door and invited him into the hallway. Walking gingerly forward, he tried to ignore the teasing vibrations against his anus as he thought, “Just two more days…just behave until Sunday and this will all be over soon…”

Dominique held the door open for him, and as he headed out into the hallway, he automatically began to walk to the back door, where his car was parked in an alley behind the strip club, but Dominique stopped him in his tracks with a snap of her fingers, and laughed at how quickly he froze as she said, “C’mon Tease Toy, you’re going to leave your car here this weekend. I’ll give you a ride to the party.” He hurried behind her, suddenly growing nervous as he saw where she was going. But he followed obediently as she walked him through the doors to The Tease Club’s main room, into a hollering and cheering crowd and the deafening pulse of club music.

Cindi was dancing on stage, completely nude except for a pair of glittery, clear stripper heels, completely surrounded by drooling faces, and Destiny was giving a man (who looked like he had died and gone to heaven) a slow, grinding lap dance while a small group of jealous men watched. Trixi was spinning elegantly around one of the poles on the far side of the room, her pale, tattooed skin, steel piercings, and boxy glasses glinting in the strobe lights as she hypnotized her own small crowd. Dominique led him slowly through the club, and each of the dancers waved at him playfully as he walked by.

Dan blushed wildly as he felt the crowd jealously wonder why all these dancers were waving at him, and his cock surged slickly against his already damp underwear, as the plug hummed constantly against him. He felt like the walk through the club took an eternity, but soon enough he followed Dominique through the front doors, and they left the pulsing music and flashing lights behind them as they entered the cool night air. “C’mon baby,” Dominique said as she strutted ahead of him, and he marveled at the way her round, inviting ass looked in that black leather, “My ride’s over here.”

He followed her along the sidewalk, trying not to grunt at the constant, inescapable vibration as she strutted confidently ahead of him. He was struggling to maintain his composure in public, and again thought briefly about begging her to remove the plug, but again dismissed it as too risky. However, that was before he saw what they would be driving home.

Dominique stopped walking in front of a massive, wide, Harley Davidson motorcycle with gleaming chrome piping and rich, black leather upholstery. Dan watched with widening eyes as she sensuously lifted one leg over the seat, expertly sinking comfortably into position as she hugged the bike with her thick thighs. As he stared with wide eyes, she flipped her bouncing curls out of her face, and silently commanded him over with a single beckoning finger.
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Dan walked numbly forward, his cock bulging obviously in the front of his pants, and Dominique laughed as she opened one of the saddlebags and began looking for something. “Awww what’s the matter Danny? Has someone never ridden a motorcycle before? Are you nervous? Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of you…” She suddenly found what she was looking for, and pulled a small, shiny, pink helmet out of the bag, looking pleased with yourself. “Look!” she said in playfully mean reassurance, her thick east coast accent cracking with barely held back laughter, “I even have a helmet for you! Sorry if it’s a little girly, I keep it for when I take Lexie on joyrides.”

Before he could stop her, she pulled the helmet down firmly onto his head, and tightened the straps securely against his throat. Then, as he stood there, feeling ridiculous, she patted the small passenger seat behind her and arched her back, wiggling her ass provocatively as she giggled, “Well? What are you waiting for, hop on baby.”

He stared nervously at the small triangle of hard leather that awaited him, and he swallowed hard as he moved to climb on behind her, but as he lifted his leg, the softly vibrating plug shifted inside of him and he felt a blossoming wave of pleasure course through his body as he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

“Please, Dominique!” He burst out, almost crying as he struggled to stop himself from humping forward, and he felt his fear of being punished for asking his burning question slip away “Can…can I take out the plug now? Please? You said I only had to keep it in until you picked me up tonight, please! The vibrating is driving me crazy…” He clenched his thighs together and let out a soft, breathless moan as Dominique burst out into a fit of laughter, and reached down, pulling him to his feet.

“Oh my god, is someone using it on you right now?” She pulled him close to the bike, and he teetered as he felt her fingers slide around his buttocks and begin to press lightly against the handle of the plug through his pants. He moaned louder as he felt her push three fingers against it, and he had another flash of the words that he knew were inscribed on the flat base: “Butt Slut”. “Oh wow!” She marveled as she prodded at him, feeling the vibration through the handle, “It’s really buzzing! Who’s fucking with you?”
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Dan gritted his teeth, and grunted out “Lexie is…she’s been doing it all day…please Dominique, I can’t take it anymore, please let me take it out, I’ll do anything…” Dominique rolled her eyes, and fished her phone out of her pocket. “Well, I’m not going to let you take it out HERE Danny, we’re in public,” she laughed, as she began to dial a number. “And besides, I’m not the one who’s going to decide when you take that out tonight anyway baby, that’s for the girls at the party to decide. But don’t worry, I’ll help you out.”

“What girls? What party? What was going on?” Dan wondered dizzily to himself as Dominique held the phone to her ear, growing more and more nervous. She waited for a moment before smiling as she said flirtily, “Hey Sexy Lexie, are you fucking with the Tease Toy right now?” Dan watched her eyes gleam at the response, and she looked him up and down as she replied, “Ya he finally worked up the nerve to tell me…Poor guy, he was TERRIFIED, it was SO cute…Will you turn it off for me now? Ya, we’re about to head out to meet the team. And do me a favor, and make sure none of the others use the remote this weekend either, okay?”

She waited for a few moments again as Lexie presumably spoke on the other end, and Dan almost cried in relief as he felt the sensations attacking his anus dissipate. “Oh don’t worry,” Dominique said into the phone, grinning beautifully at him as she spoke, “We’ll take LOTS of pictures. I’ll see you on Sunday, okay baby? Bye…” She stuffed her phone back in her pocket, and then grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him towards the gleaming bike. “Ok, happy now? Let’s go, you big baby! Climb on!”

Dan gingerly climbed onto the Harley, and slowly lowered his ass against the small passenger seat behind Dominique’s wide, well worn saddle. He felt the base of the plug push firmly against him, and he let out a wheezing gasp as he straddled the bike behind her. Dominique giggled at his noises and grabbed his hands, pulling them tightly around her firm waist so that he slid against her body. She arched her back, and wiggled her ass slowly against his throbbing cock through his pants, widening his thighs as she said, “Ok Danny boy, just hold on tight and lean the way I lean, we’ll be there before you know it, okay?”
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Dan grunted as he felt his cock pulsing between her leather clad ass cheeks, and he groped hungrily at her waist as he moaned, “Dominique, please where are we going? What did you mean earlier, what girls get to decide when my plug comes out? God, Dominique, what’s going on?”

Dominique giggled again, and continued to grind against him as she said, “Don’t worry baby, you’ll know everything soon. I don’t want to ruin the surprise!” Then she pulled his hands up her torso, placing them firmly against each of her tight, perky breasts through her clinging white T shirt, and she reached forward to turn the ignition key.

As the motorcycle roared to life between his legs, Dan actually screamed in horny desperation as the rattling engine vibrated through the handle of the plug, making it shake inside of him even more powerfully than before. He groped desperately at her soft tits as she raised the kickstand and balanced the bike, revving the engine a few times experimentally. Each roar of the engine sent another massive wave of ecstasy through his body, and almost immediately he was whimpering and humping desperately against her.

Dominique laughed, smiling back over her shoulder at him as she backed the bike out of its parking spot, “Ooooh Danny, you sound just like Lexie back there! She always gets SOAKING wet with that engine purring between her thighs…” She wiggled her ass against his cock again as she turned onto the highway, and as the wind began to blow her beautiful hair in his face, she called back, “Don’t worry, little Butt Slut! The drive’s usually about 30 minutes!”

Dan sobbed, gasping into her bouncing, luxurious curls, gripping tightly at her warm body, as she really opened up the engine on the straightaway. He felt his body writhing and thrusting against her as the cool evening air whipped at him, and the plug inside him drilled and rubbed, sending wave after wave of torturous pleasure through him. And as the long drive into the darkness began, her words, those same words engraved on the anal toy tormenting him, echoed through his mind, making him dizzy with confusion.

Dan gasped and squealed the entire ride: the constant, thrumming roar of the engine, as well as every slight bump in the road, felt like a jackhammer inside of him, and he was so close to her he could breathe her in. He felt his cock slide wetly against her bouncing, leather clad ass, and he could already tell that by the time they got to their destination, there was going to be a large moist stain growing against the front of his slacks. He groped at her warm, tight body desperately, trying to breathe, as they careened down the highway. When she finally slowed down for an exit lane he was actively struggling not to explode against her.
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After twisting and turning down a few darkly lit streets, she finally pulled her rumbling bike into the parking lot of a large apartment complex. The last time he had been brought here, he had been equally “distracted”, and it took Dan a moment to realize that he was back at the Buena Vista, the home to Dominique’s apartment, as well as an apparently huge, secret community of cam girls, pornstars, high end call girls, strippers, etc. Dominique stopped the bike, pushing down the kickstand with one foot and mercifully switching off the engine.

She slid sensuously off the bike and turned around to unbuckle the helmet strapped tightly on his head, as if he was helpless without her. Her eyes drifted down to his crotch as she did so, and she snorted, causing Dan to follow her gaze. His cheeks burned as he saw that his dribbling cock had soaked a dark, obvious stain, almost six inches wide into the front of his pants. As soon as the helmet was off, Dominique stowed it back in the saddlebag, and began to walk into the large campus of apartment buildings, motioning for him to follow. “C’mon horny boy, we’re late enough already! We don’t want to keep the team waiting!”

Dan climbed gingerly off the huge motorcycle, being careful not to bump his sensitive ass against anything, and shuffled behind her, holding his hands in front of the still growing stain in the crotch of his pants. “T-team?” He moaned out weakly, terrified of what might be coming, “Dominique PLEASE, tell me what’s going on, who am I meeting? Are we going to your apartment? Please just tell me what’s happening, you’re making me so nervous…”

Dominique stopped and turned to look at him with an annoyed expression, appearing for a moment like she was about to order him to stop asking questions, but then she rolled her eyes and laughed to herself, “Oh, jesus…you big baby, FINE. I’ll explain on the way. God, mostly I love the pliant little soft wimp that we’ve turned you into, but sometimes you can be so WHINY…” Dan’s cheeks blushed furiously at that as he struggled to swallow his pride and keep silent, and she turned around, explaining ahead of him as she walked.
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“Well, Cindi already told you about how the Buena Vista is one of the only places in town that will rent to girls who make their money the way we do…and so over the years we’ve developed quite a little community for ourselves here.” She walked much more slowly as she talked, and with a few stern looks, she made it clear any time he got too close or too far that she expected for him to follow closely behind her. Even in her heavy riding boots, she moved with feline elegance, and her juicy ass rolled as she strutted ahead of him.

“We all take care of each other here. The older girls mentor and watch out for the younger girls, and the younger girls help the older ones out financially when they start to age our of this line of work. It’s a place that’s really important to a lot of working girls. And after working in the city for a few years, and talking to the thousands of other girls you cross paths with in this line of work, we started to find out there’s a few other places around like the Buena Vista around town.”

Her strut slowed to an excruciating pace, and she arched her back, sliding her hands around her hips so she could cup and lift at her buttocks while he helplessly ogled her, “So a few years ago, some of the girls got together from some of the different havens hidden around the city, and they started talking about putting together an informal sports league, so the girls could all get to know each other better.” She she began to lift her lower cheeks with two fingers of each hand as she moved, letting them drop and bounce as she continued, “At first, it was just going to be for fun, but then a few clever dancers got talking, and they realized that there might be a way to make some money at the same time.”

“And so…” she purred, as he whimpered and followed slowly behind, his eyes glued to her ass, “the UVL was formed, an underground adults only sports tournament that only the community’s most trusted and valued clients get to know about. Tickets are $50 bucks a game, $100 during the play-offs, the games are a blast to play, and at the end of every game, the losers put on a sexy show for the crowd. It was an instant hit, we all had so much fun, and now, with the first game of our twelfth season coming up, it’s become one of the biggest money makers in the community.”

Dan panted as he tried to match her glacial pace, watching her jiggle her ass for him, and he felt his cock squelch against the oozing wetness of his entire groin. “Dominique,” he grunted as he struggled, “C-can we go a little faster please?” Dominique didn’t even turn to look at him as she answered in her squeaky, playful, raspy Brooklyn accent, “No Danny. Now get down and follow me on your hands and knees, as a punishment for asking. You wanted to know what was going on and now I’m telling you. So listen good, and don’t you DARE take your eyes off my ass.”
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Dan groaned in humiliation, grateful for how late it was as he fell to his hands and knees and crawled behind her in the moonlight. “Anyway, as I was saying…” she laughed, as she slowed her rolling strut to a snail’s pace, “The tournaments are a big hit! There’s eight teams, and we’re all pretty good, so the games are always exciting to watch.” She paused, and then laughed again, “Well, I guess with those uniforms, it’s pretty exciting to watch no matter what. Anyway, each game is five matches, and each loss means the team loses an item of clothing. Shirts first (no bras allowed), then shorts…and then the losers need to take their panties off in front of the whole crowd, and throw them into the stands for a few lucky fans to keep as a souvenir. Man, the crowd REALLY likes that part…”

Crawling like this, the massive plug up his ass was stronger, more insistent, and he ground his teeth in desperation as he tried to spread his thighs more to escape the sensation. Dominique continued on, ignoring his stifled grunts and moans as she spanked lightly at her ass, making it jiggle. “At the end of the regular season games, the losers just have to dance around naked for a few minutes for the crowd after they lose their panties…but during the playoffs, the fan base is so riled up that the losing team does a bit of a sex show for the audience. The girls have a great time with it, there’s a big trophy, and tons of good natured trash talk and competition.”

Suddenly, FINALLY, she stopped, and turned to look down at him, struggling ridiculously behind her as he stared hungrily at her gorgeous ass in the open courtyard, “I played for a long time myself, but…remember I told you that I’ve been stripping 12 years? I just can’t keep up with the younger girls on the court anymore. So I moved on to coaching! You’re looking at the second year coach for the Buena Vista’s UVL team!” She suddenly reached out, offering to help him to his feet, and he took her hand gratefully, his knees wobbling weakly as he stood.
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Taking his arm firmly in the crook of hers, Dominique pulled him close, and walked him to a door of a large, three story solo unit in the center of the complex. “Well, we’re here!” She said, smiling, and Dan looked back at the path that they had come. He realized dumbly that they were probably less than 150 feet from the parking lot. Dominique had managed to turn a 150 foot walk into a ten minute ordeal. He looked past her at the door, and suddenly wondered who was inside. He was suddenly growing very nervous, and for reasons he didn’t want to think about, began suddenly remembering the ten gorgeous porn stars that he had been staring at for the last two weeks.

“So Dan? Any questions?” She asked, batting her eyes at him playfully, seeming to read his mind. His thoughts swirled as he tried to process everything she had just told him. “Yes, who i-“ he started to ask, but Dominique suddenly lifted a finger to his lips, silencing him mid word. She smiled proudly at how obediently he grew quiet, and she lightly teased his lower lip with her fingertip as she whispered in that husky East Coast voice with a playfully cocked eyebrow, “You may ask three questions.”

God, everything this woman did was so confident and controlling, and in a way that made him feel so powerless. Even though they were close to the same height, Dan felt like he was constantly looking up at Dominique, even when he wasn’t on his hands and knees. His mind raced, and considered all the things he suddenly needed to know. He finally sputtered out in a strained voice, “Oh god Dominique, w-who’s in there? Who’s on this team?” He stared at her, feeling panic grow in his belly, waiting for an answer, but she simply held up three fingers with one hand, and then dropped one.

He scrambled for two more questions, and weakly stammered, “What…Oh, god, what does this have to do with me, Dominique, why are you introducing me to your team? A-and what game are you talking about? What kind of sports league is this?”

Dominique snorted at him, and reached into her pocket for a stick of gum, staring directly at the stain in the front of his pants as she slid it sensuously into her mouth and began to chew. In the brief walk/crawl to their destination, Dan had forgotten about his humiliating appearance, and he suddenly burned red even more brightly. She made him sit silently in his own humiliation for a few moments. Finally, as she smacked her gum juicily, she said in a playful voice, “Oh well, well as soon as you see the team, I think you’ll figure out what the sport is, sugar, so don’t worry about that: I told the whole team to wear their uniforms tonight. They’re REALLY excited to meet you.”
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Her eyes glittered playfully as she continued, “And as for what this has to do with you…Well, every good team needs a mascot, don’t they?” She held one hand lovingly up to his face, cupping it and holding his cheeks softly, “And since I just happen to own a full time Tease Slave with absolutely no free will, and who has to immediately obey every single desire I can think of…” He moaned at this, as she continued, “I volunteered you for the job! Isn’t that exciting? This weekend’s going to be a bit of a try out, just to make sure the girls like you…”

Suddenly, she gripped his jaw much more tightly, and smushing his cheeks firmly together as she said in a stern voice, “But, of course, you’re not going to do ANYTHING to make them not like you, are you Dan? You’re going to be a good boy?”

The crazed, sexually starving man cringed, and sputtered out, “No Dominique I promise, I’ll be good, but PLEASE, who’s in there? Can I clean up first, my pants…i-it’s so humiliating…”

Dominique rolled her eyes at that, laughing as she snorted, “Humiliating? Sweetie pie, half of these women watched you cry like a baby as you fucked a melon to death while tied to a picnic table less then two weeks ago! Besides, I’m sort of proud of how big that stain is…I love when the Lexie floods her teensy little panties on the back of my hog as it rattles and hums, and now you get to know how it feels too.” She smiled widely as she reached for the doorknob, and giggled, “And as for who’s in here? Don’t worry, Dan, it’s no one scary, just some girls from the neighborhood! Over half the team lives here, and the other half spend most of their time hanging out on the weekends. In fact, I bet you’ll see a few familiar faces on the team…”

Chapter 4: Dan Meets the Team

Dan’s eyes took a minute to adjust to the light as he walked into the large, warm living room, and he blinked as he heard a cacophony of female voices cry out, “Coach!” as he and Dominique stepped inside. He almost knew what he was going to see when his blurred vision cleared, but he still was awestruck as Ashley Alban began bouncing over towards him. Her wide, playful brown eyes looked up and down him as she stared with excitement, “Oh my god Coach!” Ashley exclaimed, in the same delicious voice that had been listening to for weeks, “THIS is him? He’s cute!”
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Dan stared at her, star struck. An honest to god PORNSTAR was standing two feet away from him. His eyes crawled helplessly down her body, and he saw that she was wearing a tight, grey sports bra which was clinging tightly to her tight chest, emblazoned in hot pink letters that read, “The Buena Vista Cockteasers”. His eyes crawled further down, and he grew dizzy for a moment as he noticed that she was barefoot, before he finally registered what else she was wearing.

Short, tight, and a deep navy blue, Ashely’s tiny volleyball shorts barely contained her soft, milky thighs, and when she noticed him staring at her, she spun around for him to get a better look, giggling knowingly as she did. He moaned, and felt his cock press insistently against his dripping underwear, as he spotted her plump butt cheeks peeking out of the stretchy skin tight material. “Volleyball girls,” his mind whispered to him hungrily, as he noticed how far into the crack of her ass the tight material stretched, feeling himself losing control.

She suddenly looked down, and began laughing hysterically as she pointed directly at his oozing crotch. “Oh, damn Coach, what in God’s name did you do to him on the ride over? The poor guy is leaking like a FAUCET! Raquel! Jamie! Did you see this?” Dan suddenly felt weak, and leaned his weight against the wall, as tiny raven haired Raquel Roper and curvaceous and snotty Jamie Valentine strutted over to him from the couch, each wearing matching monogrammed sports bras and volleyball shorts. “Wow…” Raquel said sardonically with a lopsided grin as her dark eyes crawled down to his pulsing, wet bulge, she looked back at Dominique with an impressed giggle, “Jesus, how hard have you been fucking with this poor boy, Coach?”

Dominique laughed, and exclaimed, “I told you guys! Between the five of us, it’s basically 24/7 now. We spent the first month or so ramping up slowly…it’s unbelievable how desperate he gets after a while.” She turned to look at him, smiling proudly, “We’ve been driving him crazy every day, and our little plaything hasn’t had his precious cummies in almost two weeks. My gift to you girls.” The way they were talking about him like he wasn’t there, like he really was just a toy for their amusement, was humiliating. But even more humiliating was when Jamie strutted behind him, and reached her hand around to the front of his pants, groping and giggling as he whimpered, and she sneered at him, “Wow, feel this wet, filthy cock…Someone’s excited…”
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As Dan stiffened, trying not to collapse to the floor, Ashley turned to Dominique and said, “Hold on, most of the girls are upstairs.” Then, in a much louder, laughing voice, and looking directly into Dan’s eyes, and playfully called out, “Oh ladies! Coach brought us a toy to play with!” Wishing the floor would swallow him whole, Dan groaned as he heard several excited squeals from upstairs, and the rumbling of bare feet on carpet. And as the herd of excited women came down the stairs, he saw that it was exactly what he had been afraid of.

Every performer from the videos came down the stairs with an excited grin on her face, one after another, and each in the same, skintight, skimpy volleyball uniform. Emily Lynne skipped over to him, her bangs bouncing around her gorgeous face. Annabelle Pync squealed with excitement and bit her fingernail as she ran into the room. Soon all ten of them were surrounding him, all staring and grinning and talking at once. Dan couldn’t make out a single word in the cacophony, and looked from one familiar face to the next, feeling himself get dizzy.
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Dan had rarely allowed himself to indulge in the “sin” of pornography before he had been seduced and captured by Cindi, but after weeks of being tormented and teased by the images of these beautiful women, giggling and dancing and sucking and teasing and riding for the camera, he felt like he was surrounded by movie stars. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Each girl was so gorgeous in her own way, so confident and assured, and after having seen so many hours of them naked and wriggling, he couldn’t help but let his eyes drop to the ten beautiful bodies surrounding him. He realized with a shudder that each one of them was barefoot, and felt his mouth begin to salivate as he looked from wriggling toes, to toned thighs, to barely contained ass, to soft, jiggling breasts, each girl in the same skintight uniform.

Dan was actually feeling himself begin to teeter on his feet when he heard Dominique’s voice call out loudly, cutting through the noise. “All right team! Settle down and give the boy a little breathing room while I go over the rules for the weekend!” The girls surrounding him snapped to attention at the sound of Dominique’s loud accent, and they immediately spread out into a larger circle that included Dominique, with Dan trapped in its center.

“Okay…” started Dominique, who put her hands on her hips and spoke in a projecting, confident tone that Dan suddenly realized must be her “Coach” voice. “As you all know, The Buena Vista Cockteasers are in need of a new mascot, and your favorite coach has brought you someone that she thinks will fit the bill. Tonight’s about getting to know each other, so hang out, party, have some fun. Because tomorrow, if everyone decides that they like him, Dan’s going to join us for some team building activities. After that, we’ll take Sunday morning to train him in a few easy mascot routines, and then that night we’ve got our first game of the season. Everybody with me so far?”

Dan looked around at the group of young, nubile women, who were all staring intently into his eyes with small, knowing smiles on their faces as they nodded, and he whimpered, wishing again that he could disappear into the floor somehow. He felt his cock surge again and he instinctively put his hands in front of himself, desperately trying to hide the still growing stain on the front of his pants. But the instant he did, Dominique quietly said, in the sultry, commanding voice he was much more used to, “Hands together behind your back right now, Danny.” Dan moaned miserably as he pulled his hands behind his back.
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“Now stand up straight.” she added with a laugh, “Arch your back and show off how horny your poor throbbing cock is right now for all the pretty girls.” He felt tears well up in his eyes as he immediately obeyed, and he had to stifle a gasp as his posture pulled at the plug in his ass. Ellie Idol was licking her lips at him, her piercing eyes looking very excited, and he saw Natalya lean over and whisper something in Sasha Foxxx’s ear, causing them to burst into uncontrollable giggles. He suddenly remembered Dominique mentioning that he was going to have to ask the partygoers for permission to remove his plug, and his face exploded into a blushing crimson. Oh jesus, the idea of admitting what was in his ass to these women felt SO horrifying…

“Good boy,” Dominique giggled as he presented her dripping, pulsating, desperate handiwork to the team, and she switched back to her “coach” voice before she continued, “All right, well I know that I’ve pretty much told you all the stories about my little toy here. As you can see, he will do absolutely anything I say, the instant I say it. We’ve essentially maneuvered him into blackmailing himself with his precious need to spurt, so no matter what happens, no matter how horny we make him, he will do ANYTHING he can to stop himself from cumming without permission…”

Dan’s face grew even redder somehow, feeling ridiculous and humiliated as she put his current circumstances so plainly, as she suddenly said with a warning tone that made him wince, “BUT! Just a word of warning. I know you girls are all professionals, so this is no disrespect. But I also know that none of you have any experience with extreme, long term cock teasing like this. So to make sure everyone’s being VERY careful, the first girl to make my toy spurt on accident, even if it’s ruined, is going to be riding my bench for the next three games of the season.”
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The girls erupted in cries of indignation, and he noticed several of them suddenly looking at his wet bulge carefully. Dominique held up a finger in warning, pointing it at every girl in the room before finally poking it at Dan and in the same, warning tone, said, “Do not test me on that. No game time. Be careful. That boy is DESPERATE right now, and that cock is on a HAIR trigger.” She held her stern expression for a quiet moment as her words settled in, and then she smiled again, and looked at Dan.

“Good. Now, before we turn on the music, break out the booze, and start the party…” she said, the soft, playful sultry tone creeping back into her voice as she smacked at her gum, “I believe Dan has a question to ask all you girls…but I think he might be feeling a bit shy right now, and I’m curious to see if he can work up the courage to actually ask it.” Dan turned to stare at her, and as the plug rubbed maddeningly into him with every movement, comprehension dawned on his face. She smiled sweetly at him, as she added, “So? Are you ready to ask the team a favor? Or do you need to wait for a while?” God, could he REALLY admit to the bulbous monstrosity up his ass in front of all these girls?

His mind raced as he looked around at the expectant faces staring at him from all directions. He thought about actually asking for permission to remove it in front of everyone at once like this, and began to feel sick. But GOD, he had to take this out soon or he was actually going to lose his mind! What were the options? Maybe he could find a minute alone with one of them at some point soon and ask quietly? Amber always seemed so nice in her videos, maybe she would keep it a secret for him, once she was done laughing? That wouldn’t be so bad, right?
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His lips shook, and he found himself struggling to speak. “N-not right now Dominique…” he finally said in a weak voice, and she giggled and rolled her eyes. “Well alright,” she laughed, as Ashley bounced over to the laptop on the couch and turned on some lightly pulsing club music, “I don’t see why you think it’s going to get any easier waiting, but I’m happy to find out how long it takes you to give in. Oh, one more thing I forgot…”

She lifted her hands to her face, cupping them around her mouth and shouting unceremoniously over the music, suddenly back to her Coach voice, “Ok girls, one last thing! To make sure that Danny’s just as obedient and loyal with you all as he is with me, I’ve got one final gift for my team.” She looked at him, smiled widely, and winked as she said the next words, “My horny little slave here has his next potential release coming up this Sunday, and I decided that YOU girls get to decide whether or not he cums! So we’ll do the Sunday Hearing in the girls locker room after the game.” Dan gaped at her, horrified at this, and the girls exploded into whoops and cheers all around him, laughing wildly at how upset he was getting. Dominique patted his head gently, ignoring his panic, and smiled as she said, “Now go meet the girls and enjoy the party, baby.”

As the girls talked, and drank, and danced around the living room, Dan struggled to survive as he walked around, mingling. Slowly processing that these ten mid twenties porn stars suddenly held the fate of his aching balls in their hands, he moved from one women to the next, saying and doing anything he could think of to ingratiate himself to each one. The girls all giggled and marveled at how eager he was to please, as they asked him questions about what his life as a sex slave was like. It was humiliating, but what was even more humiliating was how much each of them seemed to know about his predicament.
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Raquel asked him what Mistress Mode felt like, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she cornered him by the television. Emily Lynn made fun of him for passing out with Cindi on his first night, her soft eyes hypnotizing him beneath her bangs as she leaned against him in the kitchen. Jamie Valentine gushed to him about how hot she thought it was watching him cum on his birthday as she lifted one leg against his, running her bare foot up and down his calf and making him shiver. Each new reminder made him relive the moment, and these women knowing EVERY excruciating detail of the torture he’d been subjected to filled him with humiliation.

But even worse than that, they made him tell them about things that he had never said to anyone. For almost 10 minutes, Ashley and Amber danced with him while they asked him what it felt like to give up every ounce of free will to his owners, to know exactly how powerless, how helpless he had chosen to become. Once they had finally allowed him to stumble away, Anabelle Pync pressed up against him near the speakers, lightly dabbing at the massive wet stain at the front of his pants, and stared at him with her beautiful blue eyes as she made him tell her all about what Lexie’s edging felt like. She giggled and tucked her pink streaked blonde hair behind one ear as she listened to him describe the constant pain and desperate need of his blue balls, watching him stutter and moan as she teased at his wet spot.

Ellie Idol came up behind him about 5 minutes after Anabelle had finally freed him, and she had slid her hands around his waist and up to his chest, where she began lightly plucking and teasing his nipples through the fabric of his shirt. As she did, she leaned forward, whispering in his ear in her soft, girlish, innocent voice that had driven him so wild in video after video, and asked him “if only getting to cum every week or two was really enough to feel any satisfaction?” He started to answer her, parting his trembling lips and beginning to speak in an equally quiet voice, but Ellie pinched his nipples almost painfully, and he heard her voice grow bratty, loud, and stern in his ear, as she said, “Speak up Tease Toy, the whole TEAM wants to hear your answer.”
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She firmly spun him, guiding him insistently by his sensitive nipples, and turned him to the crowd of girls sitting on couches and leaning against walls and banisters around the room. Then, in a much louder voice, she called out, “Listen up girls! Danny here is about to tell us all about whether getting his cummies every week or two is enough to satisfy his full, swollen balls!” The girls burst out into gales of laughter, and for a moment he tried to pull away, his entire being screaming for him to hide in humiliation, but Ellie’s fingers were in a vice grip against him, and each warning squeeze sent another bolt of pleasure through his shaking body.

Almost crying in embarrassment, Dan wailed, “Of course it’s not! You girls can’t understand, Dominique, Cindi, Destiny, all of them, they keep me so horny that I can’t think! I can’t breathe! And every fiber of my being is screaming to cum all of the time, but if I let myself, my life will be destroyed! And when I finally DO get to cum, the satisfaction only lasts for less than half an hour before I’m aching to spurt again…” All around him, the ten gorgeous girls leapt to their feet, surrounding him and pressing against his body with a mocking, over exaggerated chorus of “Oh poor baby!” and “Aww Dan wishes he got more cummies!” and “Is the adorable little Tease Toy feeling frustrated?”

However, despite the constant humiliation and the confident, teasing energy of each of these beautiful nubile women, he managed to avoiding sitting for almost 30 minutes before anyone said anything. Several of the girls had asked him to join him on one of the couches, eyes glinting with a predatory interest as they patted the seat next to him. But he managed to hide behind his very real nervousness around each of them, and politely declined every invitation. However, that all ended when he heard a voice loudly cut through the noise, and call out “Hey Sex Toy!” He turned, startled and confused, to see Natalya staring at him from one of the couches. The girls all giggled, making him realize the name he had responded to, and he blushed wildly again.
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Natalya was sitting with her feet up on the couch, in a reclined position on her side, her cheek resting lazily in one closed fist. She had a bratty sneer on her face as she stared at him with contempt, and he felt himself wanting to melt beneath her gaze, as she jeered, “Is there a reason you won’t sit on our couches? Did you think no one was going to notice? Is Mr. Church Man so disgusted by hanging out with a bunch of porn stars that he thinks he’s going to catch a disease or something? Is that what’s going on here?”

“W-what?” he asked weakly, with sudden dizzy confusion, and he saw Ashley pause the music as all eyes turned to him.

Natalya lifted one arm, and pointed firmly, like he was a dog, at a spot directly in front of the couch, next to a coffee table with a few books on it. He rushed over obediently, feeling terrified, grunting as the plug in his ass stretched and filled him with each movement. “I said…” Natalya said, rolling her eyes in exasperation and brushing her silky hair behind her ear, “Do you think we’re just a bunch of dirty porn stars, and you’re too good to sit down with us? Dominique told us how the Tease Club girls met you protesting about sinful women in front of their club…Maybe Mr. Family Values hasn’t quite learned the error of his ways yet…”

He stared back at her, panicking, and then looked around the room. Every girl was watching, and he again felt a massive burst of humiliation in his gut at the idea of explaining the real reason that he didn’t want to sit. These girls were so young and sexual and beautiful…and so FAMOUS. He couldn’t stand the idea of them knowing the whole reason he couldn’t calm his erection tonight. He saw Dominique watching from the kitchen doorway, failing to suppress an amused grin, and he turned back to Natalya, still too mortified to say anything. “N-no, not at ALL Natalya,” he stammered, and took a step towards the couch. “I’ll sit with you right now…may I sit down? Please?”

The combination of her innocent, youthful face and her bratty, condescending sneer made his heart speed up, and he watched with confusion as she grabbed a largish hardcover book from the coffee table and plopped it down next to her on the couch. “Here you go then, Holy Father,” she jeered sarcastically at him, “Sit on that so you don’t have to worry about getting syphilis or something from my sinful couch.” He started to argue, knowing how much easier the soft cushion would be against him than the hard, rigid book cover, but Natalya interrupted him immediately, and raising her voice sternly, “Danny!” she started, in a spoiled tone that cut through the otherwise silent room, “Do you REALLY want to make an enemy this early in the weekend? Take the book and sit down. NOW.”
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Seeing no other choice, Dan took a deep breath, and sat down on the large book, grabbing at its sides to balance himself. He whimpered lightly as the base of the plug made contact with the hard cover, and felt a single tear roll down his cheek as his cock tented achingly in his lap. “Good boy.” Natalya said with a sudden, pleased smile, and she rolled over onto her back, crossing one soft, creamy barefoot over her knee, leaving it dangling in Dan’s face, as he sank back into the couch. “Now then, I’ve had a long week, and I’ve been thinking ALL day long about how I was going to make Dominique’s new toy worship my feet tonight. So get to work, Sex Toy.”

Dan reeled as he leaned forward with trembling lips to taste at her soft skin. He was kissing Natalya’s foot, he thought to himself in a stupor, the plug pushing relentlessly into him. THE Natalya. He barely even noticed when someone turned the music back on and the rest of the girls went back to milling around the party, drinking and chatting. Natalya’s feet were beautiful, soft and silky, and each toe was capped in tiny, glittery purple nails, He grew confident quickly, hungry as he traced his tongue lightly around the arch of her sole. “Wow…” the bratty adult actress said with a giggle as she arched her cute ankles for him, “You’ve got quite a little foot fetish slave too, don’t you Coach?”

As he began to suck lightly at Natalya’s toes, Dan heard Dominique laughing behind him, smacking her gum juicily as she said, “Oh I KNOW…isn’t it hilarious? He fucking LOVES feet…He had a hard time admitting it at first, but Destiny’s been working on it with him. You know what else he loves? If any of you girls wants to have a tickle party later this weekend, Dan LOVES having his own feet licked and his toes sucked…However, in my experience, if you’re going to do that, it’s usually a good idea to tie him down first, so he doesn’t thrash around to much.” Dan moaned into Natalya’s foot, sucking more hungrily now, and he humped involuntarily forward a few inches at Dominique’s words.
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“Keep your ass on that book slave, or you’re going to be in big trouble,” Natalya said with a mean laugh, as she dipped her toes into his waiting mouth, “I don’t want your goodie two shoes Church Man stink getting all over my slutty, pornstar couch.” Dan moaned as he grabbed against the sides of the book, balancing on it obediently, and he felt his cock surge deliciously against the tight wetness of his pants. Jesus, he thought as she offered him the other foot as well, “I can’t take much more of this…”

But things only got worse from there. After a few minutes of this, Jamie joined him on the other side of the couch, sliding sweetly next to him. She laughed almost unbelievingly at his passionate worship of Natalya’s feet as she lay on her back against the opposite armrest, facing him. “Wow, coach, you weren’t kidding, he DOES love feet! Ooooh, I’m in need of some attention too, baby…” she purred, as she slid her small brown feet against her chest. She smiled knowingly as his eyes crawled from her large tits, barely contained within her sports bra, to the big ass barely contained within her volleyball shorts. And then she offered him her foot as well, lifting it from his chest to meet Natalya’s, teasing at the opposite edge of his mouth. “Go on, pervy foot boy,” she purred, her voice dripping with glee, “Get my cute little toes wet…”
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As he slurped at both of them, growing dizzy as he moved back and forth between the two beautiful women, he felt another girl moving to stand in front of them. He looked up dumbly, toes in his mouth and wriggling against his cheeks, to see Ambercutie staring down as her voluptuous body towered over him. “Hi Dan, it looks like you’re having fun.” She observed with a giggle, her cute eyes beaming at him as she adjusting her small black glasses. His eyes crawled up and down her body, astounded by her figure: she was THICK, almost chubby, with full, bouncing breasts; round, jiggling thighs; and a juicy, plump ass that made him want to cry. It looked like she was about to burst free of her too-tight team uniform, and he felt his breath catch in his throat. She leaned forward, her heavy tits swaying in her sports bra as she purred, “Do you mind if I join you?”

Unable to respond, his mouth full of soft, wriggling toes, Dan let out a muffled sob as he felt Amber slide on top of him, straddling his body between her thunderous thighs. And as she lowered her ass against his throbbing, wet lap and shifted her weight fully onto him, he felt the plug press so deeply into him that his eyes almost rolled back into his head. Amber leaned forward, pressing her warm, curvaceous body against him, and began kissing lightly at his neck, beneath Natalya and Jamie’s dangling ankles. As he continued to slurp at both of their delicate feet, he felt Amber begin to slide her hands hungrily up and down his chest while she kissed lower and lower on his neck. Tears of frustration were streaming down his face now, as Amber’s full weight pushed the toy into him.
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As he sat there, writhing and drooling, Amber began to slowly unbutton his shirt, kissing down his collarbone and his chest as she rubbed against him. And as she did, she slowly slid his shirt off of him, pulling it sensuously down his back and arms, so that he was rubbing bare chested against her while she licked and slurped at his collarbone.

He held on as long as he could, but after less than five minutes of this onslaught, he felt that familiar feeling as his balls tightened, and his lower belly exploded with warmth. Picturing the growing mountain of blackmail material that Dominique and the Tease Club girls had on him, he suddenly fought his mouth free of Natalya and Jamie’s feet, grabbing at Amber’s arms to push her back as he panickedly screamed, “Wait wait WAIT PLEASE I have ask you all something before I cum in my pants!”
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Re: Dan's New Life 03: The Team Mascot

Post by subzerowriter »

Chapter 5: Getting to Know Each Other

To his tremendous relief, he felt Amber crawl off of him, and the other two pull their feet away, suddenly looking very surprised and nervous. Everyone in the room had frozen, except for Ashley, who almost comically turned off the music once more in the stunned silence. Dominique’s warning seemed to have worked: they were as nervous about him having an accidental explosion as he was. But now they were ALL staring at him. Anabelle, from the other side of the room, looked around with a confused look on her face, and in an almost ditzy way, asked “Wait what’s happening?”

“I think I know…” said Natalya with an excited smirk. She was staring at the book he was still sitting on, knowingly. He felt his face grow flushed as she giggled, “I was wondering for a while why he wouldn’t sit down anywhere and then it hit me…” She pointed at the book, triumphantly, and shouted, “He must have just gotten the biggest spanking of his LIFE! The poor guy’s ass must be killing him! So I figured I would fuck with him a little: that’s why I’ve been making him sit on that book, to remind him of the flogging he just got.”
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Dominique walked into the center of the room, smiling widely at Dan, and asked in a quiet voice, “Well Danny boy, is she right? Is that what’s going on?” Dan blushed wildly shook his head. Natalya scoffed, pouting and crossed her arms in childish disappointment while unhappily kicking him lightly in the side. Dominique laughed at her frustration, and, as if she were teaching a class of students, said, “A little lesson for all you Cockteasers…We’ve found through LOTS of trial and error that extreme pain isn’t always a great motivator if your goal is constant arousal.”

Dominique’s eyes laughed as she crossed her arms and grinned, staring down at him as she continued, “See, the psychological game is WAY more interesting! It’s really important to find ways to keep your tease toy nervous and on his toes. In fact, we really only even use Mistress Mode to keep him in fear of his own arousal, just shocking him enough to remind him of the threat. So outside of his special birthday spanking, paddling is actually not TOO common during our playtime. Although a little bit can be a good reminder of who’s in charge from time to time.”

Then she winked, and giggled as she said, “Although you weren’t THAT far off Natalya…You were focused on the right part of his body, after all: Dan DOES have a secret about his cute little butt that he would like to share with all of you.”

The other girls wandered closer, curious now. “What is it Danny?” Emily asked in a soft voice, biting her lip almost shyly. “Ya,” added Raquel, looking suddenly incredibly interested, “What do you need to ask us?”
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“I-I have something…inside me, and I need permission to get it out.” He tried to explain, his cheeks flushing in humiliation, looking from one pair of curious eyes to the next, wishing beyond belief that he wouldn’t actually have to say it. Erica rolled her eyes at that and asked Dominique, “Wait, is this some weird way of asking to cum? Because we’re definitely not letting him do THAT tonight!”

Dominique looked at him, and slyly smiled as she said, “Not like that Dan. Be specific. Be as specific as possible. Size. Color. Everything.”

Dan began to cry again, almost shaking in embarrassment, shirtless and desperate, and he began to moan out, “Oh god…I have…I have a huge, pink plug in my butt right now, and when I sit on Natalya’s book like this it’s torture, please let me stand up and take this out…” He was struggling to make himself understood between sobs, as he felt a fluttering of giggles from around the room at the words “plug in my butt”. He swallowed, trying to slow his breathing as he continued, “Dominique made me wear it as punishment because I wasn’t a good Toy the other day, and she won’t let me take it out until you all give me permission! So please, may I go to the bathroom and take it out? Please?”

He felt soft, feminine hands pull him off the couch and to his feet as he begged, and he found himself suddenly standing shirtless and shivering as the volleyball team of nubile porn stars surrounded him, asking one humiliating question after another, giggling at his answers. “How big is it?” Ellie squealed, as she bounced excitedly. “How long have you had it in for?” asked Ashley, looking suddenly very aroused. But the next question made him freeze. In a soft, playfully cruel voice, Sasha whispered, “Can we see it?”
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The girls all murmured excitedly at this and move closer towards him, and he moaned weakly as he felt a dozen hands unbuckling and sliding off his belt, before slowly unbuttoning his pants. He suddenly remembered what the base of the toy penetrating him said, and moved instinctually to stop them, but he found strong, feminine fingers holding his wrists firmly against his body as dozens of fingers tugged and pulled at his pants and underwear. The wet fabric slid down his thighs with a slurping sound, and precum actually flicked onto several girls thighs as his aching cock burst free.

For a moment, the sea of girls giggled and cooed over his stunningly frustrated erection. But suddenly, as they slipped his pants and underwear past his ankles, leaving him completely nude, he heard Raquel squeal “Oh my god, look at it!” from behind him. His stomach plummeted as they all hurried around behind him, and one by one, burst out laughing at the words emblazoned on the cap protruding from him. “Butt Slut!” snorted Jamie, cruelly, “Oh my god that’s fucking hilarious…Jesus, look how red and swollen his asshole is right now…” He began to tear up at that, and reached back in an attempt to cover himself, but he felt firm, feminine hands grab his wrists, pulling him forward. Then more steely, insistent hands bent him over firmly at the waist, and he gasped wildly as a series of soft fingers prodded and stroked at the cap, pushing and tugging at it.

“G-girls PLEASE.” He gasped, as they cooed and probed at the toy, keeping him on the teetering edge as the forced him to bend over. “C-Can I take it out now? PLEASE?” Anabelle said something quietly to Ashley, who nodded, smiling as she ran over to the laptop. Within seconds, loud, percussive hip hop music with a fast beat was pulsing through the room, and the girls pulled him back upright. Ashley strutted back over, moving in closely, and pushed up against him, wrapping one arm around the back of his neck and pulling him tightly against her.
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“Ashley, PLEASE let me take it out now, I’ll do anything you want…” Ashley completely ignored his words at first, and slipped Dan’s dripping cock between her thighs, squeezing it between them as she shook her head playfully. Then while he stared at her, helplessly, she took his trembling hands in hers, and slide them around her luscious ass.

She wiggled her bottom invitingly into his waiting palms, and he gasped as the movement caused her plump thighs to rub deliciously against his throbbing member. And then, as she gazed deeply into his eyes, he moaned as he felt her hands creeping around his own buttcheeks, wriggling towards the hot pink base at the center of his ass. He whimpered as she reached his defenseless anus, and she squeezed and rubbed gently at his cock with her thighs as she pressed against his buttplug.

And as he desperately begged once more for her to take it out of him, again promising to give her anything she wanted, she giggled and said, “Nope, Dominique told us to ignore you when you say that. You don’t have any power to negotiate, you’re just a helpless Tease Toy, and you’ll give us anything we want, no matter what we do or don’t give you.”

She begin to move to the music, rolling her hips against his now, forcing him to move his hips in tandem with her, fondling and pushing against the plug as she danced against him. “And what we want…” She continued, batting her eyes innocently at him, and licking her lips invitingly, “Is a dance party! So I want you to find a girl to dance with every time the music gets slow…and when it gets fast, I want you to jump, and gyrate and bounce…it’s a party after all, so I want you to really move those hips for me baby. Show me all your sexy moves…And if you do a good job, maybe we’ll be nice and take that naughty plug out for you after the dance party’s over, okay?”
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For what felt like an hour, the girls danced to one thumping song after another, drinking beers and doing shots as they wriggled and writhed against him. He was passed from one girl to the next, dripping and panting, completely and humiliatingly nude as they ground and slid against him. They expected him to be dancing constantly, and the never-ending movement made the device pushing inside of him drive him wild.

After 20 minutes of bouncing and dancing, he was dripping and exhausted. But anytime he stopped moving, Ashley would stop whatever song was playing to turn on a classic slow dance ballad, and one of the girls would begin pressing against him, sliding her hands around his hips until she was able to press firmly against the plug. Whether he started dancing obediently immediately again or not, the result was the same once each girl got her hands around his nude buttocks: she began slowly fucking him with the plug, pushing it rhythmically into him until he begged her to stop, while all the other girls laughed and cheered at him as he struggled to hold back.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the girls finally grew tired of dancing, and the music finally stopped. Her eyes shimmering, Sasha approached his shivering naked body, and she smiled at him as she said, “Okay Danny, you’ve been a good boy. Now get down on your hands and knees and we’ll talk that naughty little toy out for you.”

Dan looked around, suddenly realizing for the first time that they were not going to let him go to privately remove this monstrosity: they were going to do it TO him. He felt tears brimming in his eyes, and he sniffled as he said in a soft voice, “Please Sasha…can’t I go do it in private? It’s just so embarrassing, and I don’t want any of you to hear the noises I make as it comes in and out of me…Please, it’s so humiliating…”
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Sasha’s cat like eyes glittered at that as she purred in a sarcastically sweet and mocking tone, “Aww, there’s noises, huh? Well then I REALLY don’t want you to be able to hide from me while we take it out…” She walked around him, her fingers sliding playfully against the plug, making him whimper and flinch every time she passed begin him, as she said in a gleeful voice, “I told you to get on your hands and knees Danny. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

Dan’s breathing quickened, as he slid to his hands and knees, obediently sticking his bare ass in the air, leaving himself to their mercy. Natalya walked around the front of him, primly displaying her feet for him as he knelt forward and shifting from one raised heel to the other inches from his face as she said, “You know, for someone who’s been BEGGING us to take out that perverted toy shoved up your butt, you sure don’t seem too eager for us to do this. I think you should ask us again, Daniel. Unless you think we should leave it in until tomorrow…or maybe even Sunday…”

“N-NO!” Dan almost screamed, his asshole clenching around the thick rubber stem as the girls erupted into giggles, “NO PLEASE! P-please take it out now, I don’t want privacy, I want all of you to watch me as you take it out, just PLEASE take it out, I can’t take any more…”

He felt cool fingers running through his hair, making his body shiver, and he looked up to see Raquel looking down at him with dark, gleaming eyes, and she commanded in a husky voice, “Spread your thighs, arch your back, and beg us again slave.”
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He felt a teardrop fall from his eye and watched it splatter cutely onto Natalya’s left foot, as he did as he was directed, and sobbed again, “PLEASE Raquel, please take it out…” However, this time as he babbled, he felt a confident hand slide around the base of the Buttplug, holding it in a fist, with the stem between two knuckles, and Ellie called out from behind him, “Use your correct name when you beg us Danny…You know what name I mean…” He moaned, as he felt her push forward, thrusting the toy more deeply into him, as she cooed, “After all, how could you forget it, it’s written right here…now be a good boy and ask again…”

Dan’s body broke out into a sheen of sweat, and his entire body trembled as all pride left him, and he nearly screamed, “Please Ellie, I’m a Butt Slut, I’m a horny desperate Butt Slut, but I swear to God, I’m going to cum all over myself if you don’t take that toy out of me, PLEASE!”

His voice cracked as he bucked his hips, and the girls burst out into a gale of laughter as they all began chanting “Butt Slut! Butt Slut!” at him, marveling at how brightly red his entire body blushed. And to his great relief, he felt Ellie’s hand begin to slowly pull the toy out of him. He moaned wildly as the massive base and the first several ridges stretched his aching anus. But as the chants and laughter began to die down, he noticed with horror as she stopped pulling, and said in a giggly, playful voice, “You know…our little Tease Toy here just basically admitted that he could cum all over the carpet right now from nothing but anal stimulation…Hey Coach, have you guys made Dan cum by just playing with his ass yet?”
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Dan whimpered quietly, and pulled forward slightly, away from Ellie’s hand in an attempt to pull the toy further out of himself, but she immediately pushed the toy one ridge back into him in reaction. He shook as he heard Dominique giggle, and smack her gum as she purred in her husky New York accent, “No, because for some reason he’s being a massive baby about it! That’s why I was punishing him this week, because he stopped playing with himself for me just because I talked about taking him up the ass with a strap on. But, I mean, look at him! He would obviously LOVE that, right?”

Dan shook his head, and sputtered out, “B-but it’s not supposed to be that way! Men penetrate women, not the other way around! It’s wrong!” Sasha let out a mock gasp at that, and rolled her eyes before giggling to Dominique, “Oh wow Coach, sounds like there really IS a bit more of Mr. Church Man that we have to clean out of this silly Tease Toy’s head!” Raquel pulled a bit more tightly at his hair as she said, “Ya no kidding Sasha, that’s pretty outdated thinking there Dan…Maybe you need another reminder lesson about where your place is with women these days…”

Raquel flipped her dark hair out of her face, looked over Dan’s shoulder, and with a mischievous voice, said, “Hey Dominique, if the Tease Toy begged us to fuck him up the ass with that toy right now until he came, would you let him? None of us touching his cock, none of us touching any part of him except for his hungry, aching butthole…would you let him cum all over the carpet two days early? If he really, really begged? If he admitted how much he was DESPERATE for it?”
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Dominique strutted around to the front of Dan’s field of vision, still fully dressed, as she watched Dan shiver and moan, and laughed raucously at the question, “Oh WOW Raquel, that is a good idea…I think I’m going to allow that…” She looked down at him, her huge, chocolate eyes glowing as she repeated herself, “Did you hear that Danny? If you beg and plead and moan as loudly as you can for these beautiful girls to fuck you up the ass like the Butt Slut you are, I’ll let you spurt tonight.”

But just as Dan’s mind began to whirl, Emily appeared at his side, kneeling down and pulling his face into her soft, smallish breasts. As she mashed his drooling lips against her pale, perfumed skin, she exclaimed in her quiet, girly voice, “Oh Dan, don’t do that, I promise we have some really fun plans for you on Sunday if you wait…”

She pulled back from his drooling face, and leaned down so that her beautiful doe eyes were inches from him, and she whispered, “We’ve all been talking about it tonight, and we agreed it sounded so HORRIBLE to be constantly horny the way you have been…And you sounded soooo sad when you told us how quickly things got hard again even when you do cum… So we decided that if you’re a good mascot and you pass on Sunday Night, each and every one of us is going to fuck you, again and again, and you’re going to be allowed to cum as many times as you want…”
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Dan burst out into confused, desperate tears at this, and as Emily pulled his face against her soft chest again, she cooed, “Aww poor Danny…such a hard decision to make…”

He sobbed into her chest as he felt Ellie hold the plug against him, and his mind raced. Every single one of them? As many times as he wanted? And besides…no matter how much he needed to cum right now, did he really want to cum like that? Being fucked while his throbbing cock bounced, untouched and dribbling onto the floor? He hadn’t been truly inside a woman since he had exploded into Destiny at the end of his first Sunday Hearing…and now he had that chance to fuck this harem of porn stars as much as he wanted? He had to force the words painfully out of himself, and he whimpered in a choked voice, “Please pull it out…I don’t want to cum that way…I want to be good and earn my reward for Sunday, that sounds like heaven on Earth…Please Ellie, take it out of me…”

Several disappointed cries rang out from around the room, and Ellie sighed as he felt her pull the toy mercifully out of him, so slowly that it took almost 45 seconds. Sudden relief flooded his body the moment the last ridge was out, and he collapsed to the floor, feeling empty for the first time in over 48 hours. He felt like he had been holding himself back from the ragged edge of orgasm since he had first climbed onto Dominique’s motorcycle, and felt his body finally relax as it slowly realized that the constant, maddening stimulation was gone. His entire body was trembling, and sweat beaded down him as he struggled to catch his breath, surrounded by ten soft, manicured pairs of bare feet.

“Well,” sighed Dominique in a disappointed voice, “If Dan’s not going to give us a fireworks show tonight, why don’t you girls at least show him around the apartment a bit? I imagine that if he becomes your new team mascot, he’s going to be coming over here quite often.”

The girls all seemed to love the idea, and pulled the shuddering man to his feet. Without the large protrusion inside of himself, he was much safer from the edge of accidental eruption, but he was still rock hard, and his entire body tingled as he felt a dozen soft hands grope and squeeze at him. Erica purred at him as her eyes brightened, and she said, “Ooooh I have an idea!”
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She ran one hand up to his nipples and the other gently up and down his lower back, smiling beautifully as she asked, “So Dan, Dominique tells me you’re a big fan of all of our movies? She said that they’ve caught you jerking your poor, denied cock to our gorgeous faces 8-10 times a night for weeks!” The sudden return of Dan’s crimson, full body blush was answer enough, and all of the girls giggled as Erica continued, “Well then, why don’t we all show our new porn addict mascot around the bedrooms, and he can tell them all what he likes most about all our videos?” She reached up, and tucked her gorgeous brown hair behind one ear, smiling beautifully as she giggled and said, “Maybe if he’s lucky he’ll even get to see some…live demonstrations…”

The girls squealed in agreement, pulling and tugging at him as they led him up the stairs. He followed in a daze, nude and dripping, staring at the ten jiggling, volleyball shorts clad asses climbing up the stairs ahead of them. Each pair was just slightly too tight, and each girl’s full round cheeks peeked out from the fabric. In fact, for a few girls, like Ashley, Amber, and Emily, their cheeks did more than peek: each of those round hipped girls had more than half of their ass cheeks exposed He stumbled behind them, still barely able to believe this was really happening: the entire thing was like some insane dream.

For over an hour and a half, the girls dragged Dan from one room to the next, and in each new room, surrounded by soft, satin sheets, and frilly, lacy lingerie hanging from every corner, they asked him humiliating, specific, and personal questions about watching their videos. They asked him how he touched himself while he watched. They asked him which videos he liked the most. And they asked him what things they did that drove him so crazy that he couldn’t stop himself from stroking no matter how hard he tried. Each time he gave an answer they really enjoyed, he would find himself being pulled into a sea of young nubile bodies, their groping fingers holding him tightly in place, as the complimented party gave him a very personal performance of his favorite of their skills.

Dan worked up the nerve to compliment Amber’s dancing first, and she squealed with excitement, leaving the room to change, before dancing back in wearing nothing but a pair of silky, sheer, thigh high leggings and a tight, black high waisted thong. Then, as Dan watched and drooled, she jiggled and gyrated, inches from his face to blasting alt rock. Her heavy, full breasts bounced maddeningly close to his gaping mouth, her large pink nipples fully erect, and she grinned sweetly at him as she bounced her ass in his face.
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Ashely followed shortly after her, giving Dan a personal twerking performance. She didn’t even bother to change outfits first, instead bouncing and shaking for him in her volleyball shorts to a loud, pulsing hip hop song. As he watched her full, juicy cheeks and jiggling thighs move to the beat, she slowly slid the shorts down, revealing a moist pair of pink, cotton panties. As she gyrated her hips and rolled her round bottom in his face, he began to pant, and as he stared longingly, she slowly removed her panties as well. By the time the song had finished, she was standing completely naked before him, as he strained against the hands holding him tightly.

The instant he mentioned her dildo riding videos and complimented her ass, Emily Lynne climbed onto her bed, and ordered him to sit at the edge of it on his knees, while she pulled out the largest dildo he had ever seen from behind her pillow. Then, as the rest of the team’s hands held him firmly in place, Emily slipped out of her volleyball shorts and turned to face away from him, sticking her round, soft, pale ass in his face, before slowly fucked herself while he watched and panted.
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During each of these insane, teasing performances, the hands holding him tightly in place stayed completely clear of his erogenous zones. No one touched any sensitive part of him: not his nipples, or his thighs, and no one came anywhere near his throbbing, aching cock. With each of these dream women writhing in front of him, he couldn’t calm down, and he found himself humping forward, desperately trying to feel some sensation against his cock. He suddenly was horrified to find himself MISSING the massive plug in his ass, feeling only emptiness where the motion had created explosive pleasure for the last 48 hours.

In addition to completely ignoring his dribbling cock, after each of these mesmerizing, torturous displays, the woman “performing” for him would slowly remove her panties, performatively swaying her hips as she lowered her underwear past her feet, before draping them somewhere on Dan’s body. Amber slid her thin, moist cotton cheeky panties around Dan’s neck as she finished her dance. After Emily Lynne came, her ass shuddering in his face, she slid her lacey white thong over his head, leaving her wet arousal glistening against the small triangle covering his nose and mouth. As each girl did this, they joked that the panties were a “souvenir” or a “thank you” for agreeing to be their mascot and helping out the team, and soon his body was draped in soft, sheer, wet panties.

The team forced Dan spread eagled to the floor for Jamie, who kneaded, prodded, stroked and tickled at his body with her soft toes and her probing fingers as she called him a pervert, a loser, a geek. He moaned and cried, struggling as the girls held him in place, and Jamie teased at every inch of his exposed body except for his desperate shaft. They held Dan to a chair as Raquel and Sasha got on their hands and knees in front of him, and gave a slow, sensuous, softly licking double blowjob to a pink silicon dildo that they held inches from his own needy cock.
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It was while he watched Sasha and Raquel lick longingly around the head of the thick toy, his own desperate member only inches away from their staring eyes, that he first began to beg. He begged them to lick him, to suck him, to even blow air on his cock, but no matter what he said, or promised, or begged for, they silently ignored him, and continued their performance as they stared deeply into his trembling eyes. His voice grew louder, and louder, cracking with desperation as he begged one of them to touch his cock, just for a moment.

During all of this, he hated how much he could feel his body desperately craving his buttplug, and he pushed the thought down violently. If he EVER admitted feeling that way to a single woman in this room, they would never let him live it down. But GOD, his cock was throbbing, and there was NOTHING to push or rub or slide against…
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When they had finally finished giving the most incredible looking double blowjob he had ever seen, Raquel and Sasha had pulled Dan to his feet, and slowly teased off their panties while he watched and drooled. Then, after Raquel had slide her red satin panties over his face on top of Emily’s, Sasha dangled her sheer, black lacy underwear in his face, smiling widely as her cat eyes glittered at him. The skimpy thong panties were lacy, almost silky looking, a sheer black that was mostly see-through, and they had a large, ornate pink bow adorning at each hip. Then, as he slowly realized what was happening, she got down on her knees in front of him, and began sliding the girly thong lingerie past his ankles and up his calves.

He moaned uncontrollably as Sasha pulled the tight lace up his thighs and finally over his throbbing cock, threading the thin back up between his bare ass cheeks. She pulled and adjusted at the bows now adorning his own hips, and she giggled before lightly smacking his ass, and cooing, “Awww you look so cute in my panties Danny bear! I want you to keep them as a present for helping us out this weekend, okay? Make sure you tell Dominique you have to sleep with ALL of our presents tonight, alright? That’s an order Danny…”

Dan stumbled into the last room, erotic, feminine panties dangling from ever inch of his body, and he found himself being pushed onto the bed in the center of the room with Anabelle Pync, Natalya, and Ellie Idol, while the others stood around the bedframe, watching. The three girls wriggled around him, petting and rubbing against him, but no matter how much he begged, or thrust desperately, not one of them would touch his aching cock. As the three pornstars titillated and teased him, he screamed for someone to touch his cock, promising anything he could think of if one of them would just have mercy on him. They let this go on for almost five minutes before they finally ordered him to be quiet, and climbed on top of him, holding him tightly onto the bed.
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Anabelle pulled Dan into her arms, kissing slowly at his neck as she told him in a soft, sultry voice how happy she was that he decided to wait until Sunday. Ellie licked at his ear, her bare breasts pushing into his waiting, hungry fingers as she whispered to him about how much fun they were going to have tomorrow. As Anabelle and Ellie sensuously attacked him, he felt the girls surrounding the bed begin to grab firmly at his ankles, pulling his legs apart, and watched helplessly as Natalya crawled between his opened thighs.

He felt more hands grabbing at his wrists, pulling him tightly against the bed, and shrieked as he felt Anabelle and Ellie each begin to lick softly at each of his exposed armpits. The wet, teasing tongues made his body break out into goosebumps, and he giggled uncontrollably as they tickled at him, but with the two women on top of him, and seven other Cockteasers holding him in place, he barely budged as he struggled and writhed. He broke out into gales of laughter as Anabelle and Ellie began to poke and prod at his sensitive ribs, struggling to breathe as tears rolled down his cheeks. And as he bucked and writhed beneath them, he moaned as he felt Natalya softly press two fingertips just behind his aching ballsack, and she began to stroke teasingly at his taint.

“You know, Dominique’s right Danny…” she said, with a sneering smile as he began to react, and her fingers wandered towards his anus, “You are the biggest closet Butt Slut I’ve ever seen in my life…It’s OBVIOUS how much you need me to touch you here right now…And all that talk about men giving and women taking…Danny, I think you need to work on getting to know your feminine side…” She slid two fingers down the ridge of his swollen taint, away from his ignored and oozing shaft, and begin to swirl them against his anus through the panties.
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He broke again into soft, helpless sobs as Anabelle and Ellie kissed against him. Natalya swirled against him in the exact same way Dominique had been instructing him to do in the shower every morning, and despite how humiliating it was, he couldn’t deny how incredible it felt. He felt his legs go weak, allowing them to spread as widely as possible as he looked at the faces of the other girls surrounding him, giggling and whispering to each other. “Getting in touch with your feminine side’s not such a bad think,” Natalya laughed, as she teased him without penetrating, “Don’t those naughty, girly, WET panties feel good on your hard cock?”

He moaned, blushing again, and she giggled as she continued, “And don’t my fingers feel soooo good against your cute little hole? Don’t you want me to fill you up with these wriggling fingers Danny? Well? If you beg me, if you really admit how much you want it, I might just show you how good it feels…Just say it Danny…just admit how much you want me to fuck you with my fingers right now…And if you REALLY beg me, I might send one of the girls downstairs to check with Dominique if your offer for early release is still on the table.”
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Dan moaned in frustration as Ellie and Anabelle slurped at his collarbone, but he held fast to his original decision, and finally whimpered out a weak, “no…p-please I want the chance to be with every one of you on Sunday…” The instant he did, every single one of the girls pulled away from him, leaving him hyper stimulated and writhing in the center of the bed. Hands, mouths, and even Natalya’s fingers left his body instantly, and she, Ellie, and Anabelle slid off the bed immediately, joining their teammates surrounding him. He gasped at the sudden loss of sensation like he had been drenched with a bucket of cold water, and the girls broke out into giggles at his obvious and sudden frustration.

None of the girls looked angry, but as they pulled him up from the bed, and back to his shaking feet, it was immediately clear that the teasing for the night was over. “Well” Sasha said to him, patting lightly at his ass, and stroking at the panties she was making him wear, “If that’s your answer, then I think we should stop there for the night, don’t you Dan? But don’t worry, we’ll revisit the issue tomorrow. After all, it’s the team’s job to make sure every teammate is being honest with themselves.”

She ruffled his hair playfully, as if he was a child, and smiled as she said, “And you’re a member of the team now, ok Butt Slut? Now, don’t forget to tell Dominique that we said you have to wear our presents all night, so you’re thinking about us. Leave every pair exactly where it is. Tomorrow, we’re going to do some team building exercises, and I want to make sure you wake up FULLY COMMITTED to the team, ok?”
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The girls pushed Dan unceremoniously out the door, down the hall, and towards the stairs, where he stumbled down to find Dominique sitting on the couch and reading a magazine. She laughed wildly at him as she saw what he was covered with, and laughed even harder when Dan told her his instructions for the night. And as Dominique walked him back to her apartment in the still, midnight air, spending the five minute walk making him walk ahead of her while she complimented how nice his ass looked in Sasha’s panties, he thought about Emily promising that he would be able to fuck every one of those gorgeous girls Sunday night, and wondered what tomorrow might bring.

To Be Continued…

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! Please leave a comment, letting me know what you think. Knowing people are enjoying my stories is a big part of what keeps me writing!
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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Re: Dan's New Life 03: The Team Mascot

Post by KittyZateez »

Again, all I can say is WOW!

I had to read this during several sittings, because it's quite long and I tend not to want to devote enough time all at once to go through stories this lengthy (or shorter ones, for that matter). But I finally got to the end, and each time I read your works I am struck (and quite stunned) by your vivid imaginations of kinky bondage toys, associated teasing and mind games, and in general, all the little details of the action in your scenes.

All the different "main" characters have been very well developed, and this time you added all these other more minor characters that gang up on poor Dan and have their wicked way with him. And even though not all of the subject matter is in my preferred taste, I've always supported people's varying personal preferences - they fall very much into a "to each their own" kind of thing more so than any type of criticism of your writing. So...more power to you, there, teaseboy!!

Anyway, I wanted to post this complimentary message since there doesn't seem to be many replies to this story as of this moment, who knows why, I think it's a good demonstration of erotic, explicit teasing and kinky FemDom fantasy!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:

Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2022 3:25 am

Re: Dan's New Life 03: The Team Mascot

Post by trelyy »

“I mean, don’t you think more women need to learn how fun it is to be in charge, Danny?” she had asked on the Thursday morning of his second week of denial, as she watched him shave his pubic hair with it and lotion his body under the steaming torrent of his shower, panting slightly as she touched her self. “Don’t you think more sexy young women need to know what it’s like to be on top? To be in charge? You like when I’m in change, don’t you Danny?” Dan had nodded obediently, and she had giggled as she purred, “See? Doesn’t it feel good to be a good, obedient boy and follow orders? Turn around and use that tingling mint body wash between those quivering cheeks for me while you think about it, okay baby? Do it the way i like.”

I spent a lot of time reading this, but you obviously put more effort into writing the story, picking up the pictures... simply amazing, I've never seen anything like it! It turned out very worthy! I like this paragraph, as if I see how she does it ...
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