Tease Toy Orientation 3 of 6: Conflict Mediation

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Tease Toy Orientation 3 of 6: Conflict Mediation

Post by subzerowriter »

Authors Forward: Before we start, a few things the reader should be aware of. This will be quick, I promise!

1. This is a sequel series to another story I wrote and posted in the story forums called “Strip Club Tease Toy”. I recommend reading it first in order to get the full picture of how exactly Dan ended up in this situation. I’m certainly biased but I think it’s worth it. :blush:

2. This is the third of a six part series, and I’ll be publishing the rest of the installments weekly(ish), so if you like my stuff, keep an eye out for future installments (and please let me know in the comments: knowing that people actually are enjoying this makes working on it a lot more fun!)

3. If you HAVE already read “Strip Club Tease Toy”, you may notice a few small changes: I changed a few names and details for continuity reasons, but it’s nothing super complex. In fact, I imagine the only thing the average reader would notice is that I’ve changed Sarah’s name to Cindi. But that’s why, if you notice anything different.

4. This is A. a fantasy and B. heavily about female domination and tease and denial. If it's not your thing, don't read it and then leave mean comments on a free story. That's weird behavior! Just go find something you like and talk about that! I don't need the kink shaming!

That’s it! Please enjoy, and again, PLEASE let me know if you did! I have a lot of future plans for the hapless Dan Green, and I’m having a lot of fun doing this.

Tease Toy Orientation: Conflict Mediation

Dan stumbled out of The Tease Club Wednesday night, trying to wipe the last vestiges of Dominique’s juices from his face as he began his walk towards the bus station. He still couldn’t believe that she had fucked with him so openly and in public like that yesterday. This whole thing was starting to get even bigger than he realized.

He spent the long bus ride home terrified that he was going to be subjected to some other crazy sexual game, but his evening (surprisingly) turned out to be relatively uneventful: in fact, he didn’t hear from any of his captors and tormentors until nearly midnight. The quiet was a relief: he was exhausted, and after another long, cold shower, he settled in front of the TV, watching a History Channel series about Civil War submarines as he tried to relax.

As much as he enjoyed the peace and quiet, however, he found his mind struggling to calm itself, returning to the sights, and sounds, and smells, and touch of his beautiful…what had Lexi called them on Tuesday? His “owners”. That’s right. The word made him shiver, but whether in terror or arousal, he couldn’t tell. In fact, several times throughout the evening, he found himself wondering what was in store for him the next day, almost with…was it excitement? But, surely that was just because his body was so hungry for release…right?

It was incredibly confusing, and he tried his best not to think about it, but he felt himself drifting off into fantasies of being back in the Break Room, bound, teased, and humiliated again and again, in constantly new and exciting ways, as the night went on. He couldn’t even begin to guess what Dominique and Lexi alone in a room with him was going to look like tomorrow. As he settled in to bed, his phone began to ring loudly, Cindi’s smiling face appearing on the screen, and he felt unwanted and uncontrollable excitement flood suddenly through him. “What’s happening to me?” He thought to himself, “Am I starting to enjoy this?” He answered quickly, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

“H-Hi Cindi! How are you?” He heard her giggle, and respond in a soft, friendly voice, and the instant he heard her voice, every taste and touch and smell and image of her in his mind flooded him with sense memory. His cock twitched involuntarily. “Hiiiiiiiii, Dan! Did you have fun with Dominique tonight?”
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“Uh, ya Cindi, we had a- a lot of fun.” Dan responded, trying his best not to give her the satisfaction of hearing him struggle, either with sexual frustration or this new, dizzying confusion. He tried to push this bizarre sudden excitement (desire?) aside, although with little success. “You can’t be excited about this, she’s fucking blackmailing you!” he screamed internally, furious with himself.

“She’s the best, right?” Cindi exclaimed, before continuing at a softer volume, “Well I just wanted to call and thank you- I caught up with her a little on her break and she said you were so sweet tonight! She told me that she was feeling kind of intimidated about her tag team shift with you and Lexi tomorrow…” Suddenly, Cindi’s voice changed, and swelled with what almost sounded like pride, “But then she got this big smile on her face, and said that when she told you she was nervous about it, you offered to wear the Control Ring for her so she would have the ‘home field advantage’ tomorrow…That is so CUTE Dan! I can’t believe you would offer to do that for her!”

Dan scrunched his face in frustration, trying to work all of the frustration out with his clenching muscles so he could keep it out of his voice. These fucking games were never ending. As he responded, however, he realized with sudden clarity that he knew exactly what he was supposed to say here: he had listened to every syllable that had come out of Dominique’s mouth that evening with laser focus, after all: he was living under the constant terror that he was going to miss some verbal tripwire and be thrown into further frustration and humiliation. “Uh, ya Cindi, of course. I just didn’t want her to feel bad about herself. I know some of the girls are intimidated by Lexi, and Dominique told me how much this stuff is about feeling good and powerful for her.”

Cindi almost gasped, and she spoke with what certainly SOUNDED like genuine, beaming pride, “Oh. My. God, Dan you are seriously turning into just the SWEETEST man! You’re becoming a good little listener! Wow…I think this new lifestyle regimen is very healthy for you! You know Dan…” and suddenly her voice dropped in both volume and octave, becoming slightly husky, “If you keep it up like this, I think you may have quite a lot of fun at the Sunday Hearing. It’s really nice to see how happy and confident you’re making all my girls.”

Dan tried to sound bashful, and to ignore how genuinely pleasurable he found her praise…not to mention the sound of her melodic voice, or of her laugh, like wind chimes. “Oh, well, I- I didn’t do it because of THAT Cindi, I just…I just wanted to help.” He was starting to get nervous that this was going to turn into some weird, trapping accusation that he was taking credit for something he didn’t actually do, but her voice stayed sweet as she responded.

“I’m really glad to hear that, Dan. Really glad.” She said, and he could almost HEAR her smile through the phone, but then her voice grew frustrated, “God, I love Lexi and Dominique both like sisters, but…they just get on each others nerves, you know? I’ve known them both forever though. It really stresses me out, I hate when my friends don’t get along with each other…” She sighed, her breath distorting slightly through the mic of the phone as Dan listened quietly, trying to figure out where this was going or what he should say.

“Part of the reason I wanted you around was I thought that having someone like you would be a great team building exercise kind of thing, you know?” She asked rhetorically before continuing, “Destiny actually NEEDS the practice, and Trixi’s gotta learn a little more confidence, but honestly, the rest of us KNOW what we’re doing, we don’t really need you to practice…I was just hoping that you would bring me, Dominique, and Lexi closer together. I just want the two of them to get OVER it, and work together. Be a team.” She grew quiet for a moment, and then spoke up again. “Dan? Can I ask you a favor?”

Dan almost screamed: the word “favor” out of the mouths of these women was beginning to fill him with Pavlovian dread…but he also found himself oddly excited again, and he thought (to himself of course), in both bitter frustration and hopeful excitement “Sure Cindi, here it comes…you want me to jerk off 15 more times tonight without cumming? Do you want to send me some naked pictures? Should I come over and let you fuck me again? What’s it gonna be? Will one of you FINALLY fucking let me cum again soon?” Then he steadied his nerves and opened his mouth to actually respond, “Sure Cindi…What is it?”

Her request wasn’t at all what he was expecting, however, “Just…just try to help them get along tomorrow…okay?” She asked in a quiet, serious voice, “I mean it, I really want the five of us girls to be a family, a team, and I…I think you could really help us all get there. They’re both so goddam talented, and they both love this shit, they should be best friends…” Her voice was incredibly serious, and as far as Dan could tell, she was being surprisingly sincere. “Would you just try to get them to work together? For me?”

Dan assured her he would, confused at the disappointed reaction of his body to this entirely non-stimulating request…Yesterday he would have given anything in the world for the ring locked against his cock to stop vibrating, but now he a part of him wished he was getting that same attention now. Cindi thanked him again, saying goodnight with a wet kiss against the speaker before hanging up.
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Dan settled into bed, trying to process the call. That had felt nothing like the teasing, pornographic call he had had with Dominique the night before: Cindi seemed genuinely interested in talking to him, which had felt surprisingly nice, and he found himself oddly swelling with pride instead of arousal at the idea that he could help her feel better. “God” he thought to himself, dizzy with conflicting feelings, “Seriously, what the fuck is going on with me?”

He tried to fall asleep, but found that he couldn’t calm his mind, and eventually, after 20 minutes of tossing and turning, he turned on his reading light and thumbed through a well read copy of Crime and Punishment (which he kept in his nightstand for emergencies of the insomniac variety, like this) until he finally drifted off. He dreamed of beautiful, writhing female bodies, undulating against him in a dark void as bolts of crimson silk slid around his body with serpentine, life-like movement.

As he drifted through the void, with every movement he made, the silk slid tighter and tighter around him, coiling against him, as the bodies around him multiplied, pressing more insistently against his flesh, filling his nostrils with the smell of perfumed soft flesh and his mouth with the taste of smooth, salty skin. Tighter and tighter the silk slid around him, allowing less and less movement, and soon, his arms and legs began to feel like they were moving through tar, and all the while breasts, and thighs, and fingers and lips slid against every exposed inch of him as he hurdled through the inky blackness…


Dan awoke with a start, his erection a massive tent beneath his sheet, to the sound of his 6am alarm. “Jesus,” he thought, “I feel like I just closed my eyes.” He got up, took another long, cold shower, and began to go about his morning. His day, like his “post-shift” evening, was mercifully eventless, and it was maybe because of this that he found himself again wondering often what was in store for him tonight.

He thought, not for the first time, that if these girls just let him fucking CUM once in a while, this might even be a little fun. “But that’s not going to happen! And I can’t just keep getting blackmailed like this for the rest of my life!” He suddenly thought to himself, feeling his resolve harden once more. If he didn’t find a way out of this by the end of the weekend, he was going to pull the trigger and damn the consequences. He couldn’t go on like this forever, after all.

His newfound resolve certainly made him feel better as the day went on…but when 5pm rolled around he noticed that this “resolve” didn’t cause him to feel any less physically exhilarated as he left his office, got into his car, and drove as fast as he legally could downtown. As he slipped in the back door for what was going to be his fourth evening in a row at The Tease Club, he could feel his cock begin to swell slightly already, in simple anticipation of the evening. He undressed quickly, and had finally finished folding his clothes neatly in a pile by the door, the terrified excitement of his nudity making his body feel electric, when he heard a voice from the other end of the hall, causing him to jump in surprise.

“Hi Danny!”, called Dominique, peeking from the doorway to the main room at the far end of the hallway, “We’re not going to be in the break room today- Lexi and I decided we wanted to show you something special! But you gotta follow me back through the main club, okay?” Dan tried to remind himself that the only people who were here right now were the girls, almost all of whom had already seen him naked and humiliated, but the slow nude walk down the hallway was still terrifying, and when he walked into the main room, he saw with relief that other than Dominique, it was entirely empty and uncharacteristically quiet in The Tease Club this evening.

“C’mon!” She exclaimed, gesturing to him to follow her in the direction of the private rooms. She was wearing black leggings, a pink half t shirt with frayed edges, and a pair of pink and black heeled tennis shoes. Her curly, wild hair was pulled back into a short pony tail with a pink scrunchie, but several strands fell loose, bouncing in tight, luxurious curls across her dark brown eyes as she looked over her shoulder, smiling back at him. Dan followed, wondering why the change in venue, his cock twitching as his eyes slid over every inch of her strutting body. Her ass and legs looked amazing in the skintight leggings, and when the light hit them in certain ways, he could see the tone of her skin through the fabric.
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She lead him past a pair of thick black curtains, and then past several small rooms, all decorated with couches and plenty of mirrors. “Those are the champagne rooms,” Dominique explained, a dancing laugh creeping into her East coast voice. “Those are for guys with extra cash to throw around, or VIPs…but we’re going to our MOST extra special room today Dan. Everyone just calls it “The Bedroom”. We don’t even use it most nights, a guy’s got to drop some real cash to get in there with one of us, believe me.” She looked back at Dan, smiling again, “But you were so sweet to help me out yesterday…I figured you deserve a treat! So you’re going in there with TWO of us! Don’t you feel honored, Danny Boy?”

Dan started to give a fumbling, half baked response, but before he could get out more than a word or two, Dominique stopped at a door at the far end of the hall, opening it, and gesturing theatrically for Dan to enter with an extended palm and a sweet smile. He walked in, and his first, stupid thought was “Well, I guess I see why every calls it ‘The Bedroom’.” The walls were lined in black velvet, and the room was completely unfurnished except for a clock on the wall, and a massive, incredibly sturdy looking four post, California King bed in the center of the room.

The posts of the bed were thick, unpainted dark wood, and Dan saw without much surprise that thick leather bondage straps hung from each of them. The bed’s ceiling was mirrored, a massive reflective pane almost 8 feet across, and the bed itself looked like it could easily fit 4 to 5 people. There were sheets on the mattress, and pillows resting against the headboard, but as Dan walked closer, he saw both the sheets and the pillowcases were made of, not cloth, but some kind of smooth, rubbery material. On the ground, at the foot of the bed, was a massive jug of baby oil.

As he surveyed the room, again trying to figure out exactly what was in store for him, Dominique crept up behind him quietly, and slid her arms around his waist, causing him to jump slightly. After how viciously she had tickled him yesterday, he was still terrified of her, and it definitely showed. She pressed her lips against his ear, and whispered breathily into it, “Why dontcha get on the bed, Danny boy? Don’t worry, we change and clean the sheets every time someone uses The Bedroom, and besides hehe…as you can see, they’re stain proof. Lexi will be here any minute and I want to make sure you’re all ready to go when she gets here.”

He felt her slap his ass playfully, her open palm smacking against his cheek and leaving a light, warm stinging sensation. “Spread out face up, okay?” Dan obeyed, crawling onto the bed, his hands and knees sinking into the softness of the mattress beneath the rubbery sheets, and then he flipped over and stretched out, feeling simultaneously humiliated and exhilarated.

Then, as he watched, she walked around the bed methodically, grabbing the restraints hanging from each of the posts one at a time and fastening them around his wrists and his ankles, pulling his naked body tight against the bed like a starfish. Every movement she made as she did this was methodical, theatrical. She posed, preened, stretched, and strutted, smiling at him constantly, and never breaking eye contact for more than a few moments. He found himself ogling every inch of her that he could see as she moved around the bed, and he realized that he was already sporting more than half of an erection. God he was so hungry to touch her, to taste her…he almost couldn’t wait for things to get started.

As she was finishing up her work, the door opened, and Dan saw Dominique’s previously happy face tighten immediately. He lifted his neck up from the pillow to see who it was. Lexi strutted in, wearing the slinkiest black dress he had ever seen (the neckline plunging and the clinging hemline shockingly short) and a pair of black, strapped open toe heels. Her hourglass figure was astounding, and in his already heightened state of arousal, the sight of her made his mouth begin to literally water.

She clicked into the room with an incredibly sour expression on her face, letting the door slowly swing shut behind her, and looking around the room, incredibly unimpressed. “Good evening Daniel. Are you just about finished securing him, Dom? Or will I need to double check the fastenings before we get started?”
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Dominique rolled her eyes, and her demeanor became more aggressive almost immediately. “Oh fuck you, Lexi…and don’t call me Dom. That happened like one fucking time, and it was 3 years ago.” She pulled at Dan’s wrist again, making sure he was stretched as tightly as possible, and the theatrics were gone now: she was all business as she finished her work. “And that was just because there was a bad buckle on the left arm restraint. I kept telling the old owners that and no one would listen. That’s half the fucking reason we decided to buy the place, remember? Because they didn’t fucking listen when we told them shit was broken?”

She turned to look at Dan, rolled her eyes again as if just for his benefit, and then she sighed, relaxed, and in a loud, fairly pointed voice, said “But we’re not here to talk about our problems today…right Lex? This is our time with Dan, after all, and we want to make sure he gets the attention he deserves.”

Lexi said nothing to this, and instead strolled over to the right side of the bed, still looking sour and unimpressed. She stood opposite Dominique, who was was on the left of the bed, and she leaned down to remove her shoes, her plump, freckled breasts swaying sweetly as Dan looked hungrily right down the front of her dress. She seemed to struggle with the strap around her left ankle for a moment, and her tits jiggled deliciously as she did, her crimson curls cascading down around her face.

Dan shook at this, already cursing his restraints…and in his state of overwhelming arousal, it didn’t even occur to him that Lexi was not the kind of person who struggled with shoes, and might be intentionally doing this for his benefit. Then, as she placed her heels in the corner and began to move back toward the bed, she said, quietly (but not too quietly) and in a terse tone, “Well, all I know is that in MY 8 years of tying down customers, I’ve never had one break free on ME.”

Dan heard a snort that sounded much more angry than amused, and pulled his eyes away from Lexi’s curves for long enough to see real rage flicker across Dominique’s face, and the East Coast, tough girl beauty snarled, “Oh FUCK YOU, Lexi.” Dominique was getting visibly agitated now, and Dan was beginning to feel a little frighted, very aware of how helpless he was, tied naked and vulnerable between these two women in what was clearly a rapidly deteriorating situation. Dominique smiled at Lexi, but the smile was cold, sharklike, and didn’t get anywhere near her eyes, and her hands fell to her hips in an aggressive, challenging stance. “Well, I don’t know, Lex- MAYBE I’ve got a bigger problem with that then you because none of your customers give a shit about touching you!”

Lexi’s glittering emerald eyes flashed back, and Dan sensed that things were about to take a much more dangerous turn between these two women. Panicking, thinking about his call with Cindi the night before AND his physical safety, he suddenly blurted out, “Lexi, Dominique, PLEASE!” so loudly that both women turned to look at him, shocked and surprised. He tried to think of something to say to de-escalate things. “Look, I…I just think…Look, you’re clearly both very capable women. You- you’re part of a team here, right. You all bought this place together. So a win for one of you is a win for all of you…You should be…” He tried to remember what Cindi had said, “You should be working together. Helping each other out. Not trying to compete…Right?”

He looked at them, trying to decipher the expression on each of their faces. He suddenly realized his plea, from a blackmail victim who was tied naked on the bed like this, probably sounded pretty damn ridiculous. Both of them were looking at him with a combination of shock and bemusement, and suddenly Dominique snorted, “Work together. You must be out of your goddam mind. This bitch tries to steal my customers every time a guy flashes real money around me.”

Lexi’s face hardened again, and her lips tightened. She shot back angrily, “Well my dear I’m sorry if you are struggling to hold onto your client base.” She smiled wickedly, “I know you’re getting a bit long in the tooth, after all. I can’t help it if one or two come my way.”

Dan’s attempt at deescalation seemed to have failed, and his mind raced to find another way to fulfill Cindi’s request. He was unsure if this was because he wanted to stay in her good graces for Sunday, or if it was because she had sounded so genuinely upset on the phone last night. However, as he was thinking, Dominique snarled and gesticulated wildly, exclaiming “Bitch, I said ‘TRIES to steal’! None of my boys are sniffing around for a uptown fire crotch to run off to!” Suddenly, she turned to look at Dan, and gestured to her body, demanding angrily, “Dan! Will you tell this uptight psycho that I’m clearly the hottest person in this room?”

Dan instantly froze. He had not expected to be thrust into the center of the conversation like this. He had been getting in the habit of mindlessly agreeing with everything these women said to avoid their easily earned ire, but that was obviously a problem here. He wasn’t even sure he had an answer, the two women were both obviously absolute knock outs…but that wasn’t the point, there was no way he could answer that question and come out unscathed. He looked to Lexi for help, and saw with rising fear that now Lexi was now looking at him intently as well. “Well Daniel?” She spoke softly, “What do you say? Which of us would you prefer if you were a customer this evening?”

Dan chuckled nervously, hoping absurdly that she would break into a smile and say she was kidding…but she simply continued to look at him with those calm, unimpressed emerald eyes. He gulped, and said in a careful voice, “Well…c’mon now ladies, don’t…don’t make me answer that question. I…I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, after all…” He looked at Dominique on his left and Lexi on his right, silently pleading with desperate eyes for them to stop this. He didn’t know where it was going, but he knew he didn’t like it.

Dominique moved towards him, and suddenly lifted her hands to the frayed edges of her pink shirt, beginning to slowly slide it over her head. Her small breasts stretched against her, and the light bounced off of a small silver piecing in her bellybutton. She threw the shirt in the corner, and Dan saw with hunger that her dark nipples were already hard. “I asked you a question Dan. Which of us do you find more attractive? Which of us would you pick to dance for you? If you HAD to pick.” She giggled, and smiled at him, her eyes suddenly flashing playfully. “Well, I guess you DO have to pick.”

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Dominique began to remove her shoes and socks next, and Dan was actually panicking now, terrified at how securely and tightly he was bound against the bed, a vulnerable and helpless starfish, and when he spoke, he sputtered a little, spittle flicking from his desperate lips. “Dominique…please. I don’t- I don’t want to answer that question. You’re both so beautiful, so gorgeous…You’re so sexy, I swear, I…C-can you…Can you at least promise that you…I mean, both of you…won’t take it out on me if I don’t pick you?”

Dan was looking at Dominique, who had slowly rolled down her leggings as she quietly watched him desperately beg and plead, and who was now crawling onto the bed completely nude, with a hungry and terrifying expression on her face. But it was Lexi who responded, scoffing slightly at his request, and when he turned to his right to look at her, he found that she was in the process of slowly…SLOWLY…sliding the hem of her slinky cocktail dress higher, and higher, and higher, the black material brushing against her round, pale, freckled thighs.

“Well of course we can’t promise that Daniel.” Lexi said, still slowly lifting her dress, and now it was gliding up past her small, fiery, manicured bush as she continued to speak, her hands letting the material brush back and forth playfully against her as it rose, “I can’t very well be held responsible for YOUR decisions, after all, now can I?”

Her dress was up around her breasts now, and she gripped the fabric in both hands, sliding it up and over her head in one fluid motion, revealing her completely naked form to his hungry, pleading eyes. “In FACT…” she continued, as she began to climb up and onto the bed on Dan’s right, “…if you DON’T pick me, I’ll probably just vote for you to fail at the Sunday Hearing. You know, as punishment.” She smiled at him sweetly as she spoke, as if she were explaining something incredibly obvious to a child.

Dan looked back at Dominique, hoping for some kind of a life line, and found nothing but her cold, waiting stare. He didn’t know what to do. There was no easy way to placate them, and besides his own safety if he actually took sides, he found himself, absurdly, really considering his promise to the blonde and blue eyed grand maestro of this whole affair. And while he didn’t know if he could actually convince these two women to get along for Cindi, he was pretty confident that telling one of them that he thought she were prettier, in front of them both, was probably the wrong jumping off point.

Both women were now sitting on the bed near his waist, stark naked, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He really only did see one decision. He found it terrifying, but he didn’t see any other valid options. Then he opened eyes again, resolute, and said confidently, “No. I-I’m sorry but, I…I won’t answer that question.” He was truly terrified of these women, and his cheeks burned as he spoke, adding lamely, “I think you’re both equally gorgeous, AND equally valuable to The Tease Club.”

Lexi smiled at this, and brushed her fiery red hair out of her face, her eyes sliding down to his now mostly erect, twitching cock, and she began to slide one long, white, gleaming, nail up and down his inner thigh, the slight point causing him to shiver as it glided against his sensitive skin. It stopped at the scrotum, and began to lightly trace up and down around the crease where his thigh met the very base of his cock, causing him to gasp. “Well, that’s very sweet and all, but, you know, Daniel, we do have ways of…MAKING you answer.”
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Dan was beginning to become dizzy already, but he shook his head violently, adamant in his decision…On the other hand, he was also suddenly experiencing the sinking realization that he finally knew what tonight’s games would consist of. “No. I don’t mean to disrespect you, or Dominique, Lexi, but…I won’t do it.” He felt insane openly saying “no” to Lexi like this, and he decided he should try to at least soften the blow for his own sake, weakly adding, “I…I won’t do anything to make either of you feel badly about yourselves. Please…please don’t try to make me.”

Lexi looked at Dominique, and the animosity in her startling emerald eyes towards her workplace nemesis was gone, replaced with a kind of playfulness that Dan hadn’t seen in her before. “Well Dominique? What do we think of that? Should we put up with that sort of back talk from our Practice Coach? Or should we show him that the girls at The Tease ALWAYS get their way? Work together, as he said.”

She looked back at Lexi, her eyes remaining cold and unimpressed for a moment…but then her eyes drifted down to Dan’s ever expanding cock, and she smiled slightly, almost in spite of herself. “Well…I guess we DO need to make sure he remembers who’s in charge, don’t we?” She sighed, “Sure Lexi, we can…work together.” Dominque’s eyes were locked with Dan’s now, her smile widened. She slid one hand up Dan’s belly and chest, gliding forward against the bed as she did so, until she was lying on his left side. Her head lay against his outstretched left arm, and her hand absentmindedly began to rub against his nipple, causing his breath to catch in his chest in humiliating, ragged gasps.

He looked into Dominique’s eyes, large and deep, and tried not to visibly react as he felt Lexi’s other fingers join the first against the flesh of his inner thighs. Her nails began to trace arcing patterns up and down the sensitive skin of each thigh, moving maddeningly around his buttocks and taint, up and around his lower belly, tickling at his very slight happy trail…but never touching his cock in any substantial way. He could feel that he was fully erect now, his hungry dick bouncing and twitching, desperate for attention. He craned his neck for a moment to look down at Lexi, but Dominique’s hand slid up quickly from his chest to his neck the instant he did so, moving firmly against his jawline and holding his gaze in hers.

“Well Danny?” She asked almost lovingly, “Are you sure this is what you want? To say no us?” His resolve had shrunk somewhat since the women had crawled onto him, but he shook his head again. “Please Dominique, I won’t…Please don’t try to make me ahhhh!!” He gasped out mid sentence as the fingernails tracing around his lap were joined by a wet, flicking tongue. Just as quickly, she lunged forward, taking his face more firmly in her hand and pressing her lips against his, kissing him with slow, exaggerated, wet smooching sounds, silencing his begging.

He kissed her back hungrily, feeling Lexi’s fingernails brush and tickle playfully through his pubic hair and her tongue lap wetly against the skin of his extreme inner thigh, less than an inch from his scrotum. His cock was oozing precum now, standing up in desperate need of attention, receiving nothing but a few light brushes of Lexi’s crimson hair against it as she teased him. His torso wasn’t bound, but his limbs were pulled so taut that he could thrust very little, and he shook violently as his cock pushed ineffectually against the open air, inches from Lexi’s laughing eyes.

He felt the familiar dull ache beginning to return to his testicles, as the fullness of his cock swelled against the Control Ring. Both women’s mouths grew wet against him, and the room filled with the sounds of slurping and sucking, intermingling with Dan’s desperate moaning. This went on for what felt to Dan like a dizzying, swirling eternity, but according to the clock was about 5 minutes.

Suddenly, as Dan kissed and nibbled hungrily at Dominique’s full, soft lips, he felt Lexi’s tongue and fingers leave his lap, and the refined redhead slid up and over his leg, lying against his right hand side on the bed, her hair falling against his right bicep, lightly tickling him. He felt her press her naked, soft skin against his side, sliding firmly against him, the swell of her firm but ample breasts molded against his ribcage and her hard nipples rubbing sensuously into him as she pressed forward. He was still kissing Dominique, but he felt Lexi’s hand slide across his chest, her thumb and finger finding his right nipple and sending electric jolts of arousal through him with each maddening squeeze.

As if on cue, Dominique’s mouth left Dan’s, and she simultaneously slid her body more firmly against him, matching Lexi’s position so that Dan was literally sandwiched between these two gorgeous and tantalizing creatures. Dominique’s body was incredibly warm and soft, and he gasped as her skin rubbed deliciously against his.

He looked back and forth, helplessly mesmerized, as each of these women wrapped their curved, smooth thighs around each of his bound, outstretched legs, crossing their ankles around each of his calves and pulling tight against him. He felt the moist warmth of each of them pressing against the skin of his upper thigh and they began to writhe against him, rolling their hips in slow, pistoning rotations, and his head finally fell back, overwhelmed with sensation.

That was when he was reminded of the mirrored ceiling at the roof of the bed.

He looked up to find his predicament reflected back at him in perfect detail, and he gasped and struggled helplessly against his restraints as both women tightened their thighs around his, grinding their naked bodies against him. His eyes crawled over the reflections of Lexi and Dominique pressed against him, their bodies writhing as they ground their hips, and he watched as he felt each of the women lean forward, beginning to kiss up the sides of his neck. He watched the reflection of Dominique’s hand slide down his chest, down his belly, and she began stroking and rubbing lightly around his lower belly and inner thighs again, and tickling lightly at the base of his cock. She slid her mouth against his ear as she teased him, her gasping, warm breath blasting against the sensitive lobe before she cooed breathily.

“If you pick me, I might let you cum Danny.” She giggled warmly. “Don’t you want to answer? Don’t you want me to stroke your cock, to make it feel good? C’mon Dan, we both know that you want me to touch you. Just say it. Don’t you want me to touch you Dan?” When she finished speaking, she extended her tongue, and licked slowly up the ridge of his earlobe, causing him to shudder uncontrollably.

After a few seconds she went back to whispering in his ear, her hand sliding closer and closer to his cock…but still never touching it, “If you pick me I’ll be sooooo grateful.” she cooed, and her voice was dripping with sex. “Maybe I’ll let you REALLY ride me. Just fuck me silly, you know? Hands free, grabbing big handfuls of my luscious ass. Maybe I’ll let you cum.” She moaned as she slid her hips against him, “Maybe I’ll let you cum on my FACE. Don’t you want to find out, Danny?” She went on and on, alternating between licking at his ear or whispering sizzling, creative temptations into his mind. He tried with all his might to focus on every “might” and “maybe”, and to remind himself that he had to avoid this trap at all costs.
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He was getting dizzy, and the ache in his balls was growing. He felt the cold air begin to tickle against a line of precum that was trickling down his desperate, throbbing shaft. More than anything, he wanted to beg for her to stroke him, to lick him, to suck him, to FUCK him, but he kept his mouth shut, grinding his teeth violently as fingertips stroked up and down his thigh and her soft lips sucked and slurped against his ear. He wasn’t going to let them win, he thought, with quickly waning willpower, not this time.

As he valiantly dedicated all of his remaining, shredded resolve towards remaining silent, he felt Lexi press up against his right ear, and she begin to whisper as well…but while her breath was as warm and inviting against his ear as Dominique’s had been, her voice was cold and threatening, and sent a chill down Dan’s spine. “I hope you don’t think I would stoop to such depths to debase myself Daniel. I’m not interested in winning some silly pissing context by manipulating the simplest tool in the room. But I AM interested in making sure you know the danger of defying us. Which is what you are doing, if you continue to remain silent. We asked you a question, and you WILL answer us.”

Her hand slid up from the vulnerable nipple it had been teasing, and he felt her fingers crawl up and around his throat in a loose grip. They didn’t tighten, exactly, but he felt the sharp edges of her nails press inward, trailing against the skin, up and down, and the feeling was an exhilarating reminder of his physical helplessness. He was overwhelmed with terror that he was making the “wrong” choice here, both denying Dominique’s enticing offers and earning Lexi’s ire, but every time his resolve faltered, he remembered Cindi’s request on the phone, and he steeled himself again. This “Sunday Hearing” better be fucking worth it, he thought miserably.

This went on for 20 minutes, the two women stroking his torso and grinding against his thighs, whispering an alternating litany of warnings, and offers, and threats, and deals that spun Dan’s head. A week earlier, he wouldn’t have believed it was possible to feel this dizzy while tied in place. It took everything he had not to beg and plead…but he didn’t break. By the time they finally stopped their relentless assault, each had left a moist wet spot against each of his outstretched thighs, and saliva dripped from each of his earlobes down his neck.

They both pulled away from him, sitting up on their knees on either side of him, and Dan finally looked down again: he had only seen the world around him through the reflection in the mirror for the previous 20 minutes, his eyes fixed on every curve of these gorgeous women as they had slurped and whispered at his ears. Seeing the world through his own eyes again was disorienting, but he noticed quickly (and with rising anxiety) that they both appeared to be quite frustrated with him.

“Wow!” Dominique exclaimed, unhappily and betrayed, looking at him with comically hurt eyes, “You’re REALLY not going to answer us are you?” Dan thought about shaking his head, but decided it was safer to lie perfectly still. This was entirely uncharted territory for him, after all. Lexi spoke, much more quietly than Dominique, and while her emerald eyes looked at Dan coldly, a small smile began to creep across her face that Dan didn’t like at all. “Dominique my dear, if Daniel feels that it is alright to ignore our requests like this…perhaps we SHOULD work together after all. I think I know how we can both get exactly what we want.”

Her smile widened further, her perfect, dazzling white teeth glinting in the light. “I believe I would like to propose a game.”

She cocked her head to the doorway, suggestively, and Dan’s heart sank as the two women crawled off the bed to converse in private. Lexi walked around to her, and began to whisper something in her ear. Their newly shared goal of breaking Dan’s spirit seemed to be bringing them closer together after all, he noticed sweatily, as Lexi slid her hands lightly around Dominique’s waist, pulling her close, and she pressed her lips to her ear, whispering excitedly.

Her pale, freckled skin stood out in stark contrast to Dominique’s sunny, bronze complexion, and Dan was absolutely mesmerized as his nude, voluptuous tormentors pressed lightly into each other, whispering and giggling. Dominique whispered back a few hushed and indecipherable questions, listening intently to Lexi’s responses, and then she smiled widely, and began to look very excited, nodding at Lexi happily. “Oh…OH! Oh fuck ya, I LIKE that…That’s going to be fun! Why don’t you go get the laptop, Lex, and I’ll explain the rules to ’lil Danny boy?”

Lexi smiled back at her, all animosity seemingly gone now, and turned to walk out of the room without saying another word, the door clicking shut behind her. Dominique spun back to face Dan, looking very excited, and climbed back onto the bed with him. This time, however, she pulled herself up between his legs while facing away from him, so that her ass pressed up against Dan’s cock. Then, she arched her spine and leaned back so that she fell down on top of him, her warm, silky ass cheeks completely enveloping his cock, and her head laid back against his chest, her curls splaying out against him.

She looked up at him with playful, dancing eyes, and smiled widely, wiggling her hips slightly and causing him to gasp. It was the first time his cock had been touched since he had walked into the room, and it sent a flood of relief through his body to feel her skin rub deliciously against his sensitive, hungry skin. He let out a wavering moan, in spite of himself.

“Well Dan,” she giggled sweetly, and her hand lifted above her head, sliding into his hair, and pulling his face down to look at her, “Lexie very intelligently pointed out that we actually don’t HAVE to get you to answer us, because Trixi already designed a neat little contraption to answer for you! I totally forgot that the Control Ring is capable of measuring arousal levels…So Lexi suggested that since she and I’ve been…you know, beefing a little bit, we should have a friendly little competition to clear the air!”

She giggled at Dan’s confused and nervous expression, and tucked a thick strand of curly hair behind her ear, “Doesn’t that sound fun? We’re going to have 2 rounds, 20 minutes each: one round with hands and one round with mouths. For each round, we’ll go 5 minutes each so we can come up with individual scores and settle who you prefer…” Then she giggled again, and then rolled her eyes playfully as she continued, “And then because it’s CLEARLY so important to you that Lexi and I learn to get along, we’ll do 10 minutes working together! Winner of the individual rounds gets to decide what we do with you for the last hour of the shift, and if the group numbers go higher than the solo ones, Lex said we should agree to try to knock it off with this silly feud.”

She beamed with pride, “Doesn’t that sound like a blast?” Dan was experiencing an incredibly confusing (but increasingly familiar) combination of arousal and terror: he was sure that this would be many things for him, but “a blast” didn’t sound like one of them. He dutifully responded though, his voice hoarse after a marathon of maddening teasing, “Y-ya Dominique that sounds really great.” She stroked his cheek lovingly with her outstretched hand, “It is seriously so CUTE that you don’t like us fighting Dan. I’m really glad we found such a sweet guy to be our Practice Coach. I really hope I win! If I do, I’ll totally take off your Control Ring and let you go home early, okay?”

Dan nodded at this quickly. He tried not to get his hopes up, but he desperately noticed that she definitely hadn’t said “might” or “maybe” that time, and the idea of being free of this device and jerking off to his heart’s content sounded like pure heaven. She giggled again at his eagerness, and then the door opened once more, Lexi walking in with Trixi’s battered laptop in one hand. She was, of course, still naked, and Dan was somewhat intimidated by how comfortable these women felt in their nudity. His own lack of clothing made him feel like a helpless and exposed piece of meat, and yet Lexie somehow looked like pure power and liquid grace.

She walked to the corner, opening the laptop and hitting a few buttons, “One second…” she spoke absently as she finished launching some complex looking program, and then she placed the open laptop carefully on the floor in the corner of the room, lines and charts flickering across the screen, “Alright, sorry, the program pretty much runs on its own, but it needs to be in the same room as the device to record the most accurate readings possible.” She smiled at the image of Dominique draped over Dan’s helpless, bound, and heavily panting body, and she spoke, warmly this time, “Dominique my dear, have you explained the rules to Daniel?”

The curly haired, bronze skinned beauty smiled back, nodding, and Dan was again struck by how different the energy between them seemed to have become. “Their shared fondness for torturing me seems to have erased all of their other issues. Wonderful. I did exactly what Cindi wanted. Yay me.” he thought frustratedly.

Then Dominique rolled off of him, exposing his cock to the open air once more, and she took a comfortable position back on his left side. “We just went over how it works! Dan is VERY excited to play.” She giggled, winking at Dan as if they were sharing some private joke. “He can’t wait to see who comes out on top. Isn’t that right Danny boy?” she asked in a baby voice, cooing at him like he was a pet. Then she looked back at Lexi, who was crawling back onto the bed on Dan’s right. “So…Round 1? Who’s going first?”

The girls decided Lexi would kick things off, and she crawled down to the foot of the bed with a predatory grin. Sitting between his outstretched legs, she sensuously and theatrically licked the palm of each hand, never breaking eye contact as she then slid her steely, precise fingers around his shaft. Dan began to gasp almost immediately: Lexi began expertly stroking up and down the base of his throbbing shaft with her left hand, while lightly stroking her wet fingertips against his sensitive cock head with her right. She pushed her upper arms together against her breasts as she did this, pressing them invitingly together, and licked her lips theatrically at him, her green eyes flashing beneath her cascading, fiery mane.
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Dan felt his mouth watering as he watched Lexi pose and smile at him, his bound hands twitched and pulled ineffectually against his bonds as he panted and gasped like a trapped animal. After about 30 seconds of this, she also began rubbing the pad of her thumb against his frenulum, gliding it lightly back and forth against the ridge of his now dribbling cock, and Dan felt himself began to build towards climax. He strained his neck to see both her and Dominique as much as possible, his eyes crawling hungrily over every inch of these gorgeous, naked women as Lexi’s manipulations caused the dull pain in his lower belly to spread, and his scrotum pulled tight agains the rubber ring encircling it.

Suddenly, her hands left his cock, and he groaned in total frustration, causing Dominique to giggle slightly, “Ohh, interesting technique Lex!” She watched as Lexi waited for Dan’s desperate cock to cool down enough that she could risk touching it again without causing him to explode, and looked genuinely interested in how Lexie was approaching this “competition”. “I don’t know if that’s the right way to go though…” Dominique continued, “you’re gonna get a big spike in arousal levels with each edge, but then there’s so much wasted time while he cools back down!”

She looked at Dan, smirking, “When it’s my turn we’re going to go slow…okay Dan? I’m going to show you how to reeeeally enjoy yourself.” Lexi’s hands slid back against his shaft again as she said this, and in a quiet voice, with a slight smile, the redhead said, “Oh by all means continue to tease him on my time Dominique darling…I’m happy for the boost.” She started to say something in response, and then looked sheepish, and fell quiet. Dan was so immediately overwhelmed by the return of Lexi’s teasing fingertips to his aching shaft that he slammed his head backwards against the pillow, only to again be treated to a birds eye view of his predicament in the mirrored ceiling.

Lexi kept her back arched, her strokes almost prim and proper, a slight smirk breezing across her face for an instant with every wretched gasp and moan from Dan. When her five minutes were up, the laptop beeped loudly on the floor, and her hands fell away instantly. Dan strained desperately against his bindings, shaking uncontrollably, and almost sobbing with frustration. Moving with the liquid grace of a cat, and watching him drool over her with a satisfied smile, she crawled across Dan’s leg and back to the right side of the bed before gesturing to Dominique. “Alright my dear, let’s so what you’ve got for us.”

Dominique crawled between Dan’s legs herself, arching her back so that she was in full body profile, and looked at him with a sweet smile, whispering “ We’re going to do this a little differently then Lexi, okay Dan? I want you to beg while I tease you. Not to pick one of us!” She added quickly, smiling, “We know you won’t do that. Our cute lil knight in shining armor.” She snorted derisively, making his cheeks flush with embarrassment before continuing, “But I want you to beg me to let you cum, okay?” She giggled at his hopeful expression, and continued, “Oh I’m not going to actually LET you cum, don’t worry. But…I have a theory I want to test out.”

She slid forward onto her elbows, so that her face was hovering inches above Dan’s bouncing, twitching shaft. She was still on her knees, so that her round bottom rose firmly in the air behind her, swaying back and forth invitingly as she began to grin at him mischievously. She leaned her left forearm forward, allowing her hand to fall gently against his manhood, and she held it in a loose grip, allowing it to roll back and forth against her palm as it twitched and bounced in her grasp. Her fingers were so soft, so warm, and his hungry cock was so desperate for more attention that every point of contact against her skin felt electric. He moaned, indecipherably, barely able to lift his head to watch. She smiled at him again before continuing.

“See, I think that you LIKE feeling helpless, Danny boy. I think you like begging. And I think this little experiment is going to prove me right. SO beg me Dan. Beg me to touch you faster.” She slid her right hand forward now as well, and she lightly took his shaft in the loose fingertips of each hand, holding it loosely between 10 splayed out fingertips. Then she leaned forward, opening her mouth slightly, so that her full, glistening lips were a centimeter from Dan’s desperate cock head as she stroked her fingertips up and down against him.

As he watched, bug eyed, she let a strand of saliva drip from her extended lower lip and fall onto the head of his cock. He gasped as he felt it trickle and run down to her lightly stroking fingertips, which began to spread it into a light layer of lubrication across every inch of him. His eyes felt locked onto her wet mouth, hovering so close to his dribbling cock head, and he felt himself starting to lose control.
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He opened his mouth, and the hungry hiss that came out of him was twisted with frustrated desire, “Dominique…Pllleeeeeeeese, oh God, please let me cum. Please stroke me faster, please hold it tighter, I can’t…Oh fuck, I can’t fucking take this anymore of this fucking teasing, Dominique PLEASE!” He knew that there was no hope that she would listen to him, but his need was so great that once he started pleading he couldn’t stop, and he felt his desperation and volume beginning to snowball beyond his control, as she kept up her maddening, excruciatingly slow pace. “Oh god I’m so close to your mouth, PLEASE! Kiss it, or lick it, or…or suck it, but do SOMETHING! Please, Dominique, I mean it, I-I really can’t take any more of this, I feel like I’m on fire, and I can barely breathe, please let me cum, I’ll do anything. ANYTHING! DOMINIQUE!”

Her hands never reached the speed or precision of Lexi’s, but the soft, loving way that she fondled his cock, and constantly seemed like she was JUST ABOUT to take his shaft down her warm wet throat left him teetering and dizzy, and his desperate begging began to reach a pretty impressive volume. When her five minutes were up, and the laptop beeped loudly again, Dominique motioned for Dan to be silent. His voice fell quiet immediately, but his ragged, gasping, sobbing breaths filled the room. She shifted over so that she was straddling his left thigh, while Lexi did the same to his right.

Then, as Lexi slid her hands forward to begin lightly stroking Dan’s swollen testicles, she looked at him and spoke, so softly and calmly that Dan had to struggle to quiet his ragged breathing in order to hear her, “As I’m sure Dominique mentioned, we’ve decided that you were right, Daniel.” Just as she began to speak, Dominique’s hands slid forward as well, up his opposite thigh, and her fingers began to interact with Lexi’s against him, lightly tickling his scrotum and taint, making him squirm and groan.

“We are supposed to be a team, after all, and the value of a team comes from being able to do things together that one cannot do alone,” she continued. “So with that in mind, Dominique and I have come to a decision: If we work together, as you said, and reach a better result than we could alone, we both agree to bury the hatchet and start off on a new foot.” Dominque giggled and chimed in, as a sea of twenty probing fingertips began to slide and stroke and rub and squeeze up his shaft, slowly, so slowly, rising an inch every 10 seconds or so. “Ya, so there’s real stakes to this Dan! I know how important it is to you that we all get along!”

Dan was so overcome with arousal that he was unable to speak, and he moaned incoherently, shaking as they slowly (so fucking SLOWLY) teased him, the mass of stroking fingers moving higher and higher until they began to writhe against the tip of him, wracking his body with tortuous pleasure. The two women were not only acting friendly towards each other now, Dan noticed in spite of his dizzying frustration, but were almost…flirting with each other. He kept catching them glancing at each other and trying to hide tiny smiles. He watched as their fingers not only rubbed and stroked against him, but slid against each other, and as the teasing went on and on and on, he caught Dominique eyeing Lexi’s chest, or Lexi biting her lip invitingly at Dominique more than once.
Last edited by subzerowriter on Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 3 of 6: Conflict Mediation

Post by subzerowriter »

Dan began to wonder what exactly what happening between his captors, but he didn’t have long to do so, because the laptop beeped again, and soon the two women moved into the second round of their “competition”. Lexi went first, again…and again she got right down to business, licking her full ruby lips with a wicked smile before sliding her mouth around the head of his cock, beginning to pump up and down against him in determined, constant movements that made him cry out.

She took him all the way down her throat, her lips stretching forward and tightening against him, almost reaching down to the Control Ring, and then she let him slide slowly back out to her lips once more. After a moment, the motion repeated again. And again. Over and over she bobbed up and down against him, her incredible red hair bouncing and cascading against her pale freckled shoulders, and her emerald eyes gazing at him with false innocence as she continued her machine like, unrelenting pace, batting her lashes at him playfully.

His hungry dick completely enveloped in her slick, warm throat caused him to babble and squirm again as he was forced to withstand this brutal, teasing assault. Lexi seemed to have a supernatural ability to sense when Dan was reaching the point of no return, slowing down and speeding up just enough to keep him teetering, and he began openly crying as she slurped at him.

Then, the laptop beeped again, and Lexi fell back, daintily wiping the corners of her mouth with an extended pinky, smiling at him with an incredibly satisfied expression. Just like before, Dominique began incredibly slowly, and teased him mercilessly, demanding that Dan beg her as she slid her pouty, glistening lips teasingly against the base of his shaft.

“Do you want me to put it all the way in my mouth? I don’t understand Dan? You don’t want me to just lick and stroke and tease…like this?” She asked playfully from time to time, as Dan screamed and sobbed for Dominique to give him real blowjob. His voice was hoarse and ragged, and after a minute or so, she finally did began to lick and kiss against him as well, lightly cradling his scrotum in her left hand, and pumping her right hand against his lower shaft as she sloppily and performatively teased his cock head.

She never took him all the way down her throat as Lexi had, instead swirling her tongue playfully against the helmet of his engorged cock as she slid her fingers unrelentingly against his shaft. But just like Lexi, she never broke eye contact, her deep liquid chocolate brown eyes glittering at him playfully as she continued her unrelenting oral assault.

By the time her 5 minutes were up, both women were beginning to appear much more aroused, and they were breathing heavily as they leaned in to lick and slurp at his testicles simultaneously. As he watched, his face trapped in a rictus expression of absolute pleasure and pain, they drifted slowly up his throbbing member. Each planted a wet teasing kiss against the base of his shaft, moving upward slowly and slurping against him…but then, as they reached the tip of him, their lips pressing not only against his cock, but also against each other, kissing and slurping at him, their tongues beginning to slide against each other..

Dan watched, bug eyed, for the next ten minutes as Lexi and Dominique began to sloppily make out with each other against the sensitive tip of him. As things became more passionate, Dominique’s hand slid into Lexi’s red hair, pulling her tight, and Lexi’s hand fell to Dominique’s inner thigh and began to lightly rub against it. Dan’s ragged breath caught in his throat again and again as he felt wet tongues swirling against him, plump lips slurping and kissing at him, and watched his gorgeous captors began pawing gently at each other, reeling at this new dimension of sexual torture.
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Dominique and Lexi had gone from appearing to want to murder each other to appearing to want to fuck each other silly in a matter of an hour, and even after the final 10 minutes of this “competition” had passed, and both women fell away from him and each other, the sexual tension in the room was thick. Dan had no idea what was going to happen next, and was so confused and exhilarated that he almost forgot the desperate hunger in his lower belly for a moment.

Lexi smiled at Dan again…but he noticed an uncharacteristic flush to her freckled cheeks as she spoke, and a similarly uncharacteristic shake in her voice that betrayed real arousal, “Well, I suppose it’s time to see who won, isn’t it?” She flipped her leg over his, climbing off of him quite smoothly, and she crawled down from the bed, picking up the laptop and looking at the screen as she walked back over, spinning it around to show Dominique.

The women’s reactions were indecipherable, and Dan’s terror was growing again now. It didn’t matter if this had been forced out of him or not, he had no doubt that whoever lost would find a way to punish him for it, no matter how chummy they seemed with each other now. Finally, after 10 never-ending seconds of silence, Dominique whispered, wonderingly. “Oh my god…”

Lexi giggled, responding. “I know! It’s so close…” She sighed, and put her arm around Dominique’s waist in an affectionate gesture, balancing the laptop in her other hand and giving her an encouraging squeeze, “It’s so close that I almost don’t mind that I lost. Hehe, fuck Dom, I think you’re right about Dan liking to beg. You’re numbers are high as hell when he was really yelling.” Then Dominique pointed at the screen, excitedly, and exclaimed, “But oh shit look at this! The numbers almost TRIPLE when we’re tag teaming him!” She turned to Dan, and smiled at him warmly, “You were right Danny boy! “Working together” really is the way to go!”

Lexi closed the laptop and looked at Dominique, “Well,” she said in a smile that actually seemed genuinely friendly. “I invented the game, I guess I better follow the rules.” She stuck out her hand, an absurdly formal gesture given that both women were completely nude, “Dom, I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch, I’m gonna try to work on it, and I hope we can start over.” Dominique looked back at her with a lopsided, slightly unbelieving grin, and then took her hand, shaking it firmly. “Alright, Lex.” She said, still smiling, “Thanks. Me too.”

Then she turned to Dan, “Well Danny, as the winner for the day, I have decided…that we’re gonna give you the rest of the night off. I’m gonna take off the Control Ring and send you home.” She walked back over to the bed, smiling widely at the growing look of hope that was spreading across Dan’s face. She reached down under the bed, and, to Dan’s surprise, produced Trixi’s “Universal Remote” from underneath. She pressed a button, and Dan heard a light click within the rubber ring against his scrotum.

Dan watched, almost unbelieving, as she reached forward and broke the rubber ring apart for the first time since Lexi had locked it against him over 48 hours earlier. It was like he could hear a choir singing. He felt the air breeze against his finally free ball sack, and he almost cried in relief as she slid the metal ring slowly up and over his shaft. He was free. He was finally free of that horrible fucking thing. Then she smiled at him sweetly, and spoke, “I’m going to to put Trixi’s toys away, ok Dan? And then I’ll come back in with your clothes: the bouncer is usually working the main room by now, so I don’t want you to have to walk through naked.”

Dan was barely listening, already trying to decide how many times he thought he would be able to jerk off without hurting himself before they put the ring back on him tomorrow, but Dominique didn’t seem to mind his excitement. She giggled, and turned to Lexi. “Lex? Wanna hand me the laptop and keep an eye on him till I get back?”

Lexi smiled, handed her the laptop, and gave a friendly, flirty wave, as she watched her walk out…but the instant the door closed behind her, Lexie turned back to Dan, her friendly demeanor fading away in an instant, and the cold, cruel look in her eyes washed away any sense of relief he had been feeling. “Daniel.” She said, and her voice dripped with venom, “You’ve embarrassed me, Daniel. You’ve said ‘no’ right to my face, and you’ve embarrassed me.”

She placed a hand on the foot of the bed, and then began to crawl up and over his body, moving on all fours towards him like a hungry tiger, her breasts dragging sensuously against his cock, his belly, his chest…until her face was hovering less than six inches from his own, her legs pressing firmly against his ribs, and her round bottom resting comfortably against his belly. She continued to speak, purring softly and breathily now, but her eyes remained hard and cruel, “Now…whatever do you think we shall do about that?”
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Dan licked his lips nervously, and swallowed, trying to steady his voice as he stammered a response, “Lexi, I’m sorry! I-I don’t think Dominique is better looking than you or anything I swear, I probably just…you know, biologically liked some of that stuff better! You’re a goddam knock out. I mean, that’s obvious right? SO you- you can’t blame me for that… And I- Oh, god, I’m sorry I told you no Lexi, but I was trying to help!”

She was looking at him with those maddeningly cool, unimpressed eyes. Those eyes that made him want to babble apologies, and excuses, and crawl on the floor, and beg for mercy as they silently judged him, piercing his soul, watching him flounder, and stammer, and panic.

She shook her head, disapprovingly, and whispered, “Well I don’t think that’s really the point, is it Daniel? The point,” she whispered, as she began to lovingly stroke his tear stained face in one hand, “is that you openly defied me. And you haven’t paid a price for that. I don’t think a tease slave who openly defies his owners should get to go home early…do you, Daniel?”

Her eyes glittered with laughter at his dawning realization that his evening was not over. “I think a person like that should be reminded of his place in the world. So I think when Dominique comes back in, I’m going to try to convince her to keep you around for a while longer.” Her eyes hardened warningly, as she continued, “And if she asks what you think of that idea, what do you think you should say, Daniel?”

Another tear rolled down his cheek as he looked up at her, terrified, “I-I think I should say that…that sounds like a really good idea, and I would love to stick around.” Lexi smiled with pride, patting his cheek condescendingly, “You are so smart for a tease slave, Daniel! Very good answer.” Almost as if on cue, the door latch began to jiggle, and Lexi fell away from him, moving back to the foot of the bed as Dominique walked back in, carrying Dan’s clothes in a neat stack in her forearms. “Ooookay Dan, you ready to get out of here?”

Before he could respond, Lexi slid off the bed, and stepped behind her. She reached around Dominique’s waist with each arm, and plucked the pile of Dan’s belongings from her hands, tossing it to the floor. Then, before Dominique could react, Lexi tightened her arms around the woman’s waist, pulling the her tightly into her embrace.

As Dan watched, terrified and fascinated, he saw Lexi slide her face over Dominique’s shoulder, resting her chin against her collarbone, and nuzzle against Dominique’s ear with her cute, freckled, button nose before she started to speak, “You know Dom, it is of course absolutely your choice what we ultimately decide to do with Daniel here, but…” She smiled, breathing heavily into Dominique’s ear as Dan watched, bound helplessly to the bed, and then she began sliding her hands down the front of her taut belly as she continued, “I will admit I am feeling quite frisky after our little competition, and I would like to go out on a limb and say that you seem to be feeling the same way.”

Her right hand slid down to Dominique’s slit as she said this, and Dan could hear the sounds of her wetness as Lexi began to rub against her. Dominique had gone slightly limp in Lexi’s grasp, falling back against her and letting out a light moan as the redhead teased her sex with slick, probing fingers. She continued her teasing whisper against Dominique’s ear as she did this, just loud enough for Dan to hear. “And Daniel let me know while you were gone that he had been feeling so guilty about opening refusing us like that…that he thought it would be fun to thank you by sticking around and having some fun together for the rest of his shift.”

Her eyes glittered as she looked away from Dominique’s face and focused on Dan, “Isn’t that right, Daniel, my dear?” Dan nodded, silently. He was actively trying to hold back tears, and he knew that if he actually tried to speak he wouldn’t be able to hide his desperation. But she didn’t seem to need much convincing, and his weak, terrified nod seemed enough.

“Wellll…” She started in a voice that was both indecisive and dripping with arousal, turning her head slightly to bring her nose up against Lexi’s delicate neck, “If Danny’s okay with it…I suppose I could use a little fun…” She opened her eyes widely for a moment, as if remembering something, and stared at Dan as if in a fog. “Oh, Dan’s not wearing his Control Ring anymore…are we gonna let him cum too?”

As Dan watched helplessly, Lexi slid her left hand up Dominique’s torso, and began to grope tenderly at her small breasts, plucking at her dark nipples playfully. She looked directly into Dan’s eyes as she did so, her emerald eyes flashing with laughter, and she shook her head in mock regret. “Well, Dom, you see, while you were putting Trixi’s tools away, Daniel and I had a little conversation, and he decided that, after saying no to both of us today, he doesn’t deserve to cum in front up us either.” Her smile grew wider, almost sharklike, “So Dan’s going to wait till after he goes home tonight. And then he can jerk off as much as he wants! Isn’t that right Daniel?”

Dan nodded quickly, his fantasies about an early, quiet evening of sexual satisfaction fading from his mind: he was still terrified at the absolute menace that had dripped from Lexi’s voice when she was alone with him, and didn’t want to do anything to make this worse for himself. His silent, panicked nod was enough for Dominique, however: As Lexi walked around the outside of the bed to grab something, Dominique crawled up, and on to him, kissing and licking up his body hungrily, moaning at the taste of him like she was in heat, until she reached his chest.

Then, as she swirled her tongue theatrically around his nipple, her wide, innocent eyes staring back at him, he saw Lexi climb back onto the bed as well, and then saw with a plummeting stomach that she held in her right hand something that Dan had forgotten was even in the room: A large, gallon jug of baby oil.

Dan watched as Lexi drizzled oil all over Dominique’s toned, bronzed back, letting it drip down her ribs, along her breasts, her arms, her thighs, and her round ass. He watched as Dominique began crawling across his body, dripping with oil, and pulled Lexi forward, kissing her deeply and pressing against her as her hands disappeared into Lexi’s red hair. He watched as the oil spread in wide glistening bands across Lexi’s pale freckled skin as Dominique groped and slid against her.
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He watched as they fell down on top of his bound body, moaning as they writhed, draped across his chest, the slurping wet sounds of their impassioned kissing filling him with hunger. From time to time a hand or a thigh or a foot or a breast, slick and dripping with baby oil, would slide against his cock for a moment, but the sensations were so fleeting, so random, so frustratingly brief, that he almost wished he could feel nothing at all.

Dan gritted his teeth in frustration: everywhere he looked, he was surrounded by these oily, writhing bodies. He could see every inch of them in the mirrored ceiling of the bed, glistening in the light as the moved, and after a few moments, the stimulus became to much, and he closed his eyes, trying desperately to calm himself. However, as soon as he did this, he felt a light slap against his face, and opened his eyes to find both Lexi and Dominique shaking their heads at him disapprovingly. “Nuh uh, Danny!” Dominique giggled in a playful voice, “You don’t close your eyes during a performance. That’s so rude! Keep watching the show, okay Danny boy?”

And watch he did. After passionately grinding against each other for a while longer, Lexi slid down to Dan’s torso, her knees pressing firmly against his hips, so that her swollen lips were pressed right against the head of his cock. Every inch of her was dripping and glistening with oil, and she looked like some kind of supernatural goddess. Lexi tossed her hair over one shoulder extravagantly, her full breasts bouncing perkily with the motion, and then she pressed her hand against Dan’s cock, holding it to her wet slit and beginning to rub it against her in slow, teasing, circular motions.

As she did this, Dominique rolled over onto her hands and knees, and crawled down the bed towards Lexi, giving Dan a perfect view of her incredible round ass and thick, firm thighs. Then, Dan almost fainted as he watched her wrap one hand against Lexi’s backside to steady herself, and then she began to lap wetly against the both of them, so that she was sliding her tongue against both his cock head, and Lexi’s engorged clitoris. Both Dan and Lexi reacted simultaneously, letting out gasps of unexpected pleasure as Dominique simultaneously teased and slurped at Dan’s helpless cock head and brought Lexi to higher and higher levels of ecstasy.

After a few more minutes of this, Lexi became so overcome with pleasure, that she crawled off of Dan’s cock and crawled back up to the head of the bed, lifting her leg over his head, and pressing her hips down against his face, so that her warm sex slid against his lips. He felt the tickle of her pubic hair against his chin, and breathed her in hungrily. Simultaneously, Dominique leaned back on her elbows by Dan’s feet, and pressed her own sopping sex up against his cock, her legs splayed out over his thighs. Beads of glimmering baby oil dripped down her collarbone and delicate breasts, as Dominique drizzled more onto herself. The bed was slick with oil now, and Dan was covered with it as well.

Lexi leaned forward, pressing her upper torso against Dan’s as she began to grind slowly and rhythmically against his face, and she smiled, incredibly satisfied. Her face and hands were positioned so that she now had both Dan’s cock to tease and Dominique’s beautiful swollen slit to play with, and she began to kiss hungrily against Dominique’s thick thighs, moving closer and closer to her sex, while her fingers began to slide playfully against Dan’s cock, rolling it along Dominique’s warm and silky flesh.

His cock rubbed between Dominique’s wet vaginal lips and Lexie’s face and he moaned into her, exhilarated and overwhelmed. He began to obediently lap away at her, dutifully, reveling in her taste, and he continued to gasp and moan as he felt Lexi’s fingers and lips and Dominique’s warm thighs and wet sex completely surrounding his raging erection.

For the rest of the shift, the two women alternated like this against him, first Lexi on his face, then Dominique, and then Lexi again. Whenever Dominique was at his feet she would idly tickle at his soles from time to time. He struggled to keep his composure, but this would cause Lexi to sternly admonish him to keep still and do his job whenever he lost control and burst into unwanted laughter.

Over and over, these women gushed against his face, orgasming loudly against him as they stroked and teased and giggled and licked. Every 15 minutes or so, one of them would drizzle another healthy helping of baby oil across their writhing naked bodies, and soon Dan could feel a growing puddle of oil pooling around his ass. When the hour was finally up, Dan was little more than a quivering puddle himself. A steady stream of precum dribbled down his cock, mixing with the intermingling saliva and baby oil that covered him, and his eyes were wild, almost feral as he whipped his head around, panting uncontrollably.

Lexi and Dominique both climbed back down and off of the bed, looking incredibly satisfied. The events of the evening had become a bit of a blur, but he would guess that he had brought each of his captors to climax at least three times. The pain in his scrotum was excruciating, and he was already debating whether he would allow himself to masturbate in the car on the drive home. He felt like he had survived a hike up Mount Everest, and had been trying to survive an incredibly dangerous bout of sexual hypothermia. Now he was ready to go back to base camp and finally warm up.

Dominique walked over to him, leaning forward and kissing him lightly on the mouth. His hair was slick against his forehead with sweat, his cheeks were stained with tears, and his mouth was covered with the intermingling juices of both women, but she smiled at him like he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. “I’m not going to forget how sweet you were today, Danny. Thanks for helping me and Lexi bury the hatchet. And thanks for sticking around to apologize.” Her smile grew slightly, and she began to walk towards the door, “Make sure you think of us while you enjoy yourself tonight! Sweet dreams Danny!” She blew him a final kiss, and then walked out the door.

Dan felt terror bloom in his belly as the door clicked shut, leaving him trapped alone in the room with Lexi, still stark naked and dripping with oil. She walked over to him, smiling as well, but unlike Dominique’s smile, this was a shark’s grin, hard and predatory. “Well Daniel? Do you think you have adequately apologized for defying Dominque and I this evening?” She looked at Dan pointedly, who was wisely choosing to stay quiet as he tried to figure out what exactly was happening. “Do you think that an hour of sexual eye candy is the punishment you deserve? Are you absolved of your sins now? Well? Daniel?”

She pulled herself back up and onto the bed as she said this, the baby oil puddling around him squelching as her ass pressed into it. She looked at him expectantly, clearly expecting an answer, and Dan let out a mewling sob, “Lexi pleeeeeease, I’m sorry, I don’t…I can’t…I didn’t know what else to do! I didn’t want to upset either one of you, please let me go Lexi, I’m so sorry…”

She looked surprised at this, and held her hand to her chest in a pantomime of scandalized shock, “Let you go! Of course I’m going to let you go! I can’t keep you here Daniel, your shift is over! The rules say that now you get to go home…” Her eyes began to fill with glee as she continued, “On the OTHER hand…I really just don’t think you’ve been punished quite enough.”

She appeared to think for a moment, playfully prolonging the tension as Dan stared at her, terrified. Then she nodded sadly, as if coming to a hard decision. “I don’t think I have any choice. I’m going to have to vote for you to fail at the Sunday Hearing. In fact…” and Dan watched helplessly as this gorgeous redhead tormented him, grinning, “I think I’m going to have to try to convince ALL of the girls to vote for you to fail.” She looked down at him and lightly stroked his cheek with the back of her hand, “Do you know what happens if you get a unanimous fail vote Daniel? I don’t believe we went over that particular detail of the contract on Tuesday.”

Dan shook his head, trembling, “N-No Lexi, you didn’t.” Lexi flipped her hair out of the reach of the puddling oil he was now lying in, and leaned down against his side again, so that she was holding her head up in one hand, and lightly stroking against his chest and belly with the other.

Her eyes shined, laughing playfully as she explained. “Oh, it’s reeeeally interesting Dan. See if EVERYONE votes for you to fail, that means that you’ve fucked up BIG TIME. So to make sure you know how serious that is, a unanimous fail vote means that you get a 24 hour marathon edging session, followed by a week in the Control Ring on Mistress Mode. Can you imagine? 24 hours straight? We’re all supposed to take two 3 hour shifts, so that you don’t get a break for even a second. Licking and pumping and tickling and sucking…”

Her voice grew deep, thick with arousal at the idea of him tortured like this, smiling at him as she spoke, “and never…ever…cumming. Over, and over, and over, and over…riiiiiiiight to the edge. All day…all night, and then locked in an electric chastity belt for seven…whole…days.” She giggled, her hand sliding down to his scrotum and tickling against him playfully. “Oh and that doesn’t mean you get a break from your shift the next week either! See we figure that a week in Mistress Mode with that much frustration pent up inside you will drive any man to his best behavior. Oh man it’s going to be soooo much fun. Doesn’t that sound fun, Daniel?”
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Dan began sobbing openly, his body shaking as he became overwhelmed with panic. He had been operating under the hope that, at the very least, he was going to be able to navigate these traps and mind games well enough to at least earn a reward at the end of the labyrinth on Sunday. The idea that he would instead be unfairly thrust into even more sadistic sexual torture almost caused his mind to snap. With a clenched, pained expression, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, he began, again, to beg, “Ohhhh God, PLEASE Lexi, I’m sorry! Please don’t do that, oh god, I don’t think I would survive that. I’ll do anything you want, anything at all.”

His mind raced for something to offer, something she would want, and then his brain seized at something she had said earlier, triumphantly, suddenly blurting out, “WAIT! You asked…You asked if I thought I had been punished enough for defying you…What if you punish me now instead? Please, please don’t tell the others to fail me, you can punish me however you want.” He looked up at her hopefully, but Lexi smiled back at him cruelly, pretending to feign confusion, “But Daniel!” She said with wide, innocent eyes whose lashes batted at him playfully, “I already told you, your shift is over! Whatever could I do to you NOW that would continue to punish you for the rest of the night. Hmmm…”

She furrowed her brow cartoonishly, and continued, “What could we do right now that would be a punishment, even though your shift is over and you’re going home? Man, that’s a tough one.” She scratched her head and looked at him. “Well Daniel? Do YOU have any ideas?” Dan’s head fell back against the pillow in both frustration and relieve, as he finally saw where she was going. He gritted his teeth, in humiliation and frustration. She was actually going to make him request to put the Ring back on. “Well,” he thought to himself, trying to ignore his crushing disappointment, “This is how I was expecting tonight to end before things got started anyway. At least I’ll still have a shot on Sunday.”

Dan weakly suggested that he wear the Control Ring for the evening, tears streaming down his face, and Lexi smiled widely, quite pleased out how quickly she had manipulated him into saying exactly what she wanted. “Wow Dan, what a GREAT idea!” She exclaimed, giggling as she slid her hand up to his face, stroking against it in a motion that felt more condescending than friendly. She leaned forward, kissing him gently on the mouth, her warm soft lips filling him again with a desperate hunger. “Are you sure, Daniel? Are you sure that’s what you want?” She whispered against him, and she let out a small chuckle at the dejected expression on his face as he nodded weakly.

“You know,” she began, “I really do appreciate the help you gave Dominique and I today, Daniel. I’m so glad you found a solution to your punishment problem. I know how much you are looking forward to Sunday. If you keep this up, maybe you’ll earn a passing vote from me after all.” She kissed him again, and then began to slide back down from the couch as she continued to speak, “I’ll be back in to put your Control Ring back on in a few minutes, okay? You just sit tight.” She smirked at her little joke, and then walked out of the room, leaving Dan shivering, frustrated, terrified, and devastated.

He lay there, humiliated and naked in a now cold puddle of baby oil, his raging erection screaming between his legs as both Lexi’s and Dominique’s saliva slowly dried against his sensitive skin. He tried to slow his breath, but had little success, and his cheeks burned in shame and helplessness as he waited for Lexi to return to imprison his hungry, desperate cock once more. “3 more days…” He reminded himself grimly, and he suddenly wasn’t sure whether he was referring to his decision to try to end this, or the tantalizing promise of sexual gratification that this “Sunday Hearing” represented. “3 more days.”

To be continued…

Dan will be back soon for his first shift with Destiny! If you made it this far, and liked what you read, please let me know!
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 3 of 6: Conflict Mediation

Post by forbiddendesire »

Amazing sequel! Looking forward to reading part 4, thanks so much! I love Dom so far, and Lexi is so sweet and cruel.. Would love being between these two lovely ladies.
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Re: Tease Toy Orientation 3 of 6: Conflict Mediation

Post by Milov08 »

Damn i really liked the scene of this chapter :love: Lexi is my favorite for now hehe but i like Dominique been the good one to make the contrast.
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