Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 5

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Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 5

Post by KittyZateez »

After Dan walked out of La Petit Mort, he realized he had just been treated to the most intense display of suggestive but nonexplicit visual titillation he had ever seen! As the imagery of his new Goddess flaunting her charms for him danced around in his mind, his erection lasted the entire drive home, and he could barely contain his arousal. This gorgeous, buxom blonde temptress had clearly targeted him for seduction, and her blatant teasing had already infected him quite thoroughly.


She had told him she was an exhibitionist, which he usually associated with someone who likes to have sex in public, but it was clear that her brand of it was simply dressing up all sexy and showing herself off (those were her exact words, in fact!) And right at the end, when she told him her name (as opposed to leaving him hanging with only the Goddess title), she literally told him that she loved teasing him. And oh, how that particular word “teasing” really had deep erotic meaning for him at that point! My my my, he was really onto something here with this girl…

In any case, he was simply dying to see what would happen next, but somehow he thought he should let her make the next move. He could have texted or called her since she was already in his contact list, and it might have been okay, but he just wasn’t sure.

In fact, as the day went on, he started to wonder if she would like a quick follow up text, and he even started to think that maybe he should just go ahead and proposition her for a date. He went as far as typing out a few different text messages, but he deleted them as opposed to sending them, second guessing himself and instead simply deciding that for now he should just play it cool.

But after a few hours, during which time he checked his phone repeatedly, he began to worry that this exquisitely appealing girl, the one who had so quickly taken over his every thought, that maybe she was expecting him to make the first move. Girls like it when guys do that, right?

But he remembered the exact words of some of the things she said, first of all, that she was interested in him, but also that it would be a Female Led Relationship. Those were quite clear statements, ones that implied that she planned to engage him in further contact. But wait…toward the end of the encounter she said that she would contact him IF she decided to take him and allow him to date her!

There was an all-too-familiar mind game developing here, one of mixed messages, conflicting ones even, and it was something he was well acquainted with from his interactions with The Tease Club girls. He was happy to play along, though, especially with a drop-dead-gorgeous buxom blonde like her, but he simply didn’t know the rules! And maybe that was the point, he figured, at least for now. Besides, he was sure more would be revealed if she did decide to engage him further.

But as the day went on, his fears that the entire thing had been some kind of cruel prank began to grow, and he started to imagine that she was out somewhere with her all gorgeous friends right now, laughing about the pathetic loser waiting hopefully by his phone. In fact, during the next four hours with no response from her, the dinging of any random message notification on his phone made him go through a rollercoaster of extreme hope and intense disappointment, all in a dizzying 3 second span. At that point he began trying to convince himself that he was right, that she wasn’t going to call, that he was hoping for an impossibility.

When his phone dinged again around 4:30, he tried to steady himself again for disappointment as he reached for it, but he was relieved and overjoyed to see that it was, actually, finally a message from her. Her contact name in his phone had mysteriously changed (just as mysteriously as the way it had first appeared) to ‘Goddess Barbie’. He opened the message quickly, almost dropping his phone in excitement, and actually stood up from his bed as he coursed with adrenaline over the fact that she had finally written him.

It was a picture of her, and his heart leapt into his throat when he feasted his eyes on her. She had taken a picture of just her face, framed in a lovely halo of her golden hair, and he was stunned to realize that he had somehow already forgotten that she was actually that beautiful. Her eyes were wide and innocent, with those sparkling blue irises seeming to drill deep into his mind. Her full, soft, pink lips were spread in a dazzling white smile, and a long, thin curl of blonde hair was dangling down across her face.

The text accompanying the picture read “Helloooo Daniel…”


Dan’s cock twitched and started to get hard pretty much instantly. Damn, just two simple words from her, spelled in an exaggerated way, really got his attention! He started to type a response, but then another message came in from her…

“Have ya been thinkin’ about me? I bet you have…”

Dan wrote back as quickly as possible, flustered immediately at her flirty greeting and suggestive question.

“Oh god, yes!”

The moment he sent it, he panicked and sent a second message as fast as he possibly could, correcting himself and hoping he hadn’t committed an unforgivable transgression, “I mean Goddess, YES!”

A smiling winking emoji came back, but nothing else, so he continued with some not so faint praise.

“I’m so happy to hear from you - you look amazing in that picture, you are just so gorgeous! Yes, I’ve been thinking about you all day wondering if I’d hear from you!”

A few minutes went by before another message came in, with him waiting literally on pins and needles, simply terrified that he might have said the wrong thing. He quickly found that when she didn’t respond instantly, it amped up his anxiety and filled him with self-doubt and fear that something he would do would turn her off.

But then she responded, “So I’m sure you’d love to see me again. What’s up for tonight?”

“Oh Goddess, I was hoping you’d decide to allow me to see you!” He was really trying to echo her choice of words and empower her to make the decisions. It was a subtle way of telling her he really wanted her to do so…

So he continued, “Would you allow me the privilege of taking you out for dinner tonight?”

Again there was a pause of a few minutes, which left him feeling flustered and worried, second guessing everything he said and how he’d said it.

Finally, a response came in. “I’d like that, but I’m busy. I’m going out with some girlfriends.”

Some imagery of that thought instantly appeared in his mind, a group of four or five gorgeous girls going out dancing at a club, attracting the attention of every red-blooded male in sight. And then, for some reason he envisioned her at a BDSM club, her and her friends all dressed up in Dominatrix attire, having their way with any and all submissives that their hearts desired…

After all, even if it was little by little, she really did seem to be heading things in a dominant direction, and he was simply dying to know if she would be as kinky as The Tease Club girls. But he was already coming to understand that her style of game playing was much more of a slow enticement, clearly more focused on the teasing itself as opposed to moving right into contract agreements, bondage restraints and sexually explicit acts.

In any case, this was his time off from his current captors and their rules for him, so there shouldn’t be any hurry. But still, he was absolutely beside himself with desire for her already, and he couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next!

Soon another pic came in with a message, “Gotta go now. Talk to ya tomorrow!” Dan’s eyes popped when he saw her, all gussied up in her classy attire, fur coat, tight skirt and high heels, with two pretty friends standing on either side of her. And he instantly felt a pang of jealousy, feeling like he would do anything to accompany these girls on their night out together, no matter what the situation was…


Anyway, he knew that was the end of the conversation, and even that caused him concern, wondering if he should acknowledge her with a response. He realized that if she hadn’t sent a pic then he would have let it go with her ending the conversation, letting her have the last word, so to speak. But the way she looked in her elegant, sexy outfit deserved some appreciation, and again he debated just what to say.

After a few minutes he decided on something simple, something he maybe wouldn’t have said if she hadn’t so openly stated that she was an exhibitionist. He knew it should not be anything explicit, but he also didn’t feel a need tone down a response, so he typed three simple letters, in capitals.


He smiled to himself as he hit ‘Send’, figuring this was correct, and sure enough, a quick response came back.

“Glad you like! Hmmm…perhaps that response deserves a reward…”

‘What did she mean by that’, he thought to himself. His question was answered soon enough when another message came in.

“Touch yourself for five minutes, just like earlier today. Then STOP!”

An immediate flood of thoughts and feeling overcame poor Dan the moment he read her instruction. Seeing her and her friends dressed up all classy and sexy like that had instantly turned him on, and his hand had already made its way to the hardon in his pants. His mouth fell open as the reality of what she was doing to him continued to sink in, and he just sat there, gently squeezing his erection and rubbing it with his hand as he stared at the picture of these gorgeous girls.

As a couple minutes went by, he suddenly panicked because he hadn’t started a timer, and knowing how mysteriously this girl’s contact information had suddenly appeared in his phone, he figured the Tease Club girls had something to do with it. Could they be monitoring him somehow, watching him through a webcam or something? And would they be timing him themselves to make sure he followed his Goddess’ instruction??

He glanced around the room, trying to see if there had been a camera planted somewhere, continuing to rub himself, finding himself literally starting to reach the edge of an orgasm, and he had to slow down his squeezing and rubbing or else he would have come in his pants! And then, as abruptly as his indulgent treat had begun, another message came in from his Goddess, pretty much five minutes to the second from the last one.

It said one simple word. “STOP!”

There could be only one response, and this one required absolutely no thought on his part. “Yes, Goddess!”

Immediately a response came back. “Good boy.” God did he love it when a pretty girl said those words to him! He felt flushed in the face, and his cock pulsed and throbbed in its state of erection after he took his hand off it.

And that was it. He decided to give her the last word at that point, unless she had anything else to say to him, but somehow he figured he wouldn’t hear from her until she was ready to initiate contact again.

And that’s how it ended that day, so he spent the night just hanging out, fussing around the house, reading, watching TV, and generally finding that it was quite difficult to keep his mind off her. The fresh memories of how she looked in person, combined with the images of her all dressed up to go out, served to keep him horny and turned on. And his cock seemed to have a mind of its own as it alternated from a half-mast erection to a full on rock hardon several times, over and over, pretty much all night long…

The next day, late in the morning, her next message arrived.

“I had fun last night! Here’s what I wore, figured you’d like to see…”

Dan was at his desk when it came in, and one look at her picture had his cock responding like Pavlov’s dog. She had on a gorgeous sparkly low-cut dress, part pure glamor and part brazen sex kitten stripper, and his eyes moved over every inch of her body as another message notification chimed.


“You like??”

He could barely type fast enough, feeling like that question deserved an immediate answer.

“OMG, Barbie, you look so sexy!”

Again, if she hadn’t confessed her exhibitionistic streak so openly to him, along with an associated demonstration, mind you, he probably wouldn’t have been that direct so early on in their interaction. But hell, the way she was dressed was clearly intending to put on a show, so why not?

“Thanks Danny!” It was the first time she had called him that, and it instantly reminded him of the sweet-talking pet names the Tease Club girls had coined for him. His heart started pounding at the sight of her, and his cock instantly got as hard as a rock. He glanced around the room in a reaction of sheer paranoia, afraid of being observed somehow, and his hand slid under his desk and started squeezing it.

Then another message came in. “Are you touching yourself?”

Again, the blood rushed from his message as she seemed to know what he was doing somehow. Or did she? Was it just an educated guess, so to speak? There was certainly a pattern forming here, where she was encouraging him to pleasure himself, and it was really catering to one of his wildest fantasies about so called jerk-off encouragement…

He debated what to say, whether to just confess and admit it, or whether to lie and deny that he was doing it. I mean, what if she was insulted that he was doing it? But…what if he told her he wasn’t doing it, and she wanted him to! Would she be insulted that he wasn’t doing it? Oh, the utter confusion and arousal he was experiencing right then was simply delicious!

Anyway, he figured that honesty was the best policy, so he simply texted, “Yes, Goddess. I am. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it…”

Pressing ‘Send’ on that message felt like putting his head on the chopping block, and the lack of response for a minute or two had him simply going out of his mind. But then…another message came in.

“Naughty boy! You didn’t ask ME first!!”

Dan smiled to himself, having a moment of panic at her initial scolding, but then a sigh of relief as he read the second part. Thank god she wasn’t offended! Damn…this girl was really amazing, and he knew just what to do at that point. So he typed out a one word response…


Her response to that particular word came right away, and Dan’s mouth fell open as he read it. “Very good. See how easy that was? Now you behave yourself, be a good boy, and play with yourself for two minutes for me. You may begin NOW.”

‘Wow. Just WOW’, he thought to himself, as his interaction with her was quickly turning into a naughty little jerk-off control game, just like he had always fantasized about! The thrill of it, coupled with the uncertainty of what the future might hold with this girl, was almost too much to bear. But he knew he should respond, and again there was no thought involved in the decision of just what to say…

“Yes, Goddess!”

And then he did it. Just what she told him to. First he started a timer on his smartphone, and then he unzipped his pants, took out his throbbing hardon and started stroking it. Nice and slow, mind you, because he knew if he increased the pace for just a few seconds he might explode all over the place. And sure enough, just like clockwork, precisely two minutes after she told him to begin, another message came in, telling him, “STOP.”

Dan smiled to himself as he typed his response. This one required little thought, and somehow he felt he should say it.

“Thank you, Goddess!”

He pulled his pants back up over his hardon, leaving it sticking straight up against his body like a flagpole. He was more than happy to obey her, and besides, he would have squirted his cum everywhere if he hadn’t stopped! Somehow the thought of that, as much as he wanted it, still just didn’t seem right in some way…

Anyway, it took quite a while for him to calm down, during which time he simply marveled at the thought of all these little mind games and control-play activities she was engaging him in. To say he loved every bit of it would be an understatement, and he was simply delighted to let her take full and complete control of exactly what would happen next, if anything, and when…

He went about his business for a while, but throughout the day she sent a few more messages, flirting and chatting casually, sending a few face selfies, etc. They were spaced out just enough to let Dan’s hardon diminish, although she never quite left his mind. And then a notification would come in and there’d be some suggestive question with a pic attached, and his arousal would amp up pretty much immediately.

Dan felt a need to ask her out again, especially with the way she seemed to be enticing him, and when he did she said she wasn’t sure and she’d get back to him. A few more hours went by before she sent a message saying, “Sorry hon, I can’t tonight, I’m busy.”

And there was another pic, this one in an even sexxxier outfit of her in some very sexy lingerie. What a suggestive implication it was, like ‘being busy’ meant she’d be dressed that way under her clothing out on a date or something. He couldn’t help but think she was purposely implying she was going to take her lucky date home with her and reveal her attire to him, with quite a predictable response from the lucky guy after that. Maybe…


He felt a hint of anger at her lack of consideration, thinking to himself, ‘She couldn’t have told me that earlier?’ But seeing her looking like that overrode his frustrated feelings and it sent his arousal skyrocketing yet again, and for some reason, thinking about her being with someone else excited him…

That whole week went by pretty much just like that, with flirty messages popping up on his phone at random times during the day, with her doing things like telling him she was going out shopping and sending pics to show off her new outfits for him. A couple times, right at bedtime, she sent him pics of herself in lingerie with cutesy little “nighty-night” messages that just drove him wild. And each day either she coaxed him to ask her out or he did it himself, and each time she expertly dangled him from her string for a few hours and then came up with random reasons why she couldn’t see him that night.

To make matters worse, Dan had not masturbated to climax either. Although the explicit instruction to do so hadn’t occurred again the way it did the first time, he would frequently play with himself and think about her. And when those sexy pics of her came in wearing lingerie he usually took out his cock and stroked it while he fantasized about her.

In any case, he had probably gotten a couple dozen erections by the time Friday had arrived, between the times she had teased him while he was at work, times he stroked himself without her contacting him first, and especially those lingerie pics.

Finally, after practically begging her to go out with him Friday night, she gave him some hope that it was going to happen.

“Pretty sure I’m available, but let me double check” was her response, and Dan heart skipped a beat as yet another pic came in, this one of her dressed casually but very sexy in some skin-tight jeans and a skimpy little top. He figured a little grovelling was in order, and he knew full well it would be well-received, so he typed that one little word that she seemed to approve of every time he said it…

“Please!” But there was no response. God did it have him waiting on the edge of his seat as he waited for her response! Yes, no, no matter what she said or did, he felt wonderfully ensnared and infatuated by this girl, she was clearly a master of her techniques, and he also knew that things were just getting started.

So he waited. And waited. Almost two more hours went by, during which time he found himself opening that picture from her and staring at it again and again, his eyes lovingly following the swell of her lips, or the line of her jaw, or wondering at the way her eyes shined like that. But finally, at about 7pm, she sent him a restaurant location, and told him to be there by 8.

Dan looked at the name of the restaurant and almost jumped out of his skin! She was taking him to “La Bella”, the same restaurant where he had first had his life changing “Date with Destiny” months earlier, the one where he had first fully acknowledged how much female dominance really appealed to him.

It had certainly been quite a formative moment in his life, to openly admit that to someone, especially to a dominant female. And he figured it was no coincidence that it was the same place where he had met his destiny, so to speak. It really was a beautiful restaurant; it was a very romantic atmosphere, and very private. He suddenly remembered how long those table cloths had been, how much lap activity they could hide, and how every hostess and waitress who worked there seemed be a young, stunningly attractive woman…

Anyway, he had been getting more and more consistently excited throughout the day, and while the degree to which he was walking into things with so much uncertainty concerned him, he was finding himself struggling with the constant obsessive visions of this delectably luscious creature that had continued to entice him and lure him to her…


We're still buildin' up kinda slowly, my dear boys...we do have some sexier things planned, but I hope you're all havin' some fun with yourselves in the meantime!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
Last edited by KittyZateez on Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 5

Post by subzerowriter »

Oh man Kitty, you are a force of nature...some of the expansions here are FANTASTIC.

I'm still so proud to be working with you on this series! I think I'm looking forward to that first date almost as much as Dan is...
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 5

Post by hj9k1 »

KittyZateez wrote: Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:49 am We're still buildin' up kinda slowly, my dear boys...we do have some sexier things planned, but I hope you're all havin' some fun with yourselves in the meantime!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
Love it! Looking forward to the next chapter! :blush: :no:
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