Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 1

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Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 1

Post by KittyZateez »

Author's Note:

Upon discovering the two stories recently posted by subzerowriter, titled “Strip Club Tease Toy” and “Tease Toy Orientation”, I liked them and found them to be very similar to my own work in many ways. I decided to contact him, and after doing so, he was quite excited, I must say…

I learned he was a fan of my stories, and he admitted that he had been influenced by my work. Since our writing styles are somewhat similar, and seeing as how his Tease Club girls reminded me of my own KCTC (Kitty’s CockTease Club) fantasy, I decided to propose a collaborative writing effort with him. So we came up with the following story idea, which is a continuation/spinoff from his tale about the girls who captured, restrained and teased poor Dan Green…

In addition to continuing the story of Dan’s introduction into so-called gentle Female Domination and cock teasing, this new story is focused on the period of time during which he is granted a temporary vacation from the clutches of The Tease Club girls.

Now that he is free to do as he pleases, subject to certain terms and conditions of course, one of my own KCTC girls comes into his life and decides to have some fun with him! Gee, what a funny coincidence…

There are certainly many other possibilities for crossover efforts between these two story concepts, but for now we’ll be focusing on the interaction between Dan and Barbie. In any case, I want to give credit where credit is due, so I’m making it clear that this new story is written by BOTH of us! I will say, however, that this story is much more slow moving, very focused on the way the female character entices and teases her subject and less descriptive of sexually explicit content, at least, at first...

Whether you’ve read subzerowriter's Tease Toy stories or my KCTC work or not, this one could stand on its own. Either way we both hope everyone here enjoys it!


After being released from three months of erotic sexual control at the hands of The Tease Club girls, Dan’s hunger to indulge himself was really intense, and during his first night of freedom he jerked off six times. The next day he did it five more times (two of which were in the office bathroom during his work shift, to his shame). He had an absolute lack of self-control, and even though he had made himself cum repeatedly, somehow he was starting to feel unsatisfied with each successive emission. That, and his cock was starting to feel a bit sore...

Despite having the dizzying liberation of being able to jerk off whenever he wanted, soon the diminishing returns of his pleasure and the raw, bruised, painful feeling that he was giving his exhausted cock made him finally realize, about midday on Wednesday, that this was no way to spend his sexual vacation.

The three months of having his sexual desires and energies stimulated and controlled by others (all while he was helpless to resist it) had really taken their toll. The hungry desire of his youth was back upon him, his religious repression seemed to be shattered for good, and he wanted to…well, to blunt, he wanted to FUCK someone. Hell, he needed to fuck someone!

He had spent so many years living in rigid, unyielding repression of his sexual drive, and then he had suddenly found himself being subjugated and toyed with by the divine, diabolical women of The Tease Club! And it was all at once; it went on and on, with the days turning into weeks, and the weeks turning into months, so now it was like a cork had popped and suddenly everything was flowing freely.

‘But if you want to have sex with someone and actually enjoy yourself, you can’t jerk off three to five times a day, you idiot!’ Dan thought to himself grumpily, as he pondered his situation. ‘At the very least you need to wait a day or so in between so you can finally feel your dick again.’ He chuckled slightly, and nodded as he made the decision, happy with his compromise. He was going to show some self-control and give himself a couple days off. He could do that after all, he was an adult.

Then, he thought…maybe once every other day after that, if he couldn’t find any women willing to approach him? That would be nice, right? He’d be able to make sure each orgasm was special. He remembered with a shudder that he was, after all, going back to Cindi, Dominique, Trixi, Lexi and Destiny when his little “vacation” was done. But was it a shudder of terror, or anticipation, or both…

‘Besides,’ he thought to himself with a smile, trying to push those confusing thoughts out of his mind, and suddenly feeling so much more relaxed and happy with his plan, ‘Even though Lexie told me I can only sleep with women who approach me first, that can’t be that hard to pull off, right? I’m sure some desperate last-girl-standing in a dive bar will be willing to shack up after last call somewhere, right? All I have to do is just go in, hang out, and make myself look available! How hard can it be?’

However, the next two nights proved to Dan that trying to get women to pick him up wasn’t as easy as it seemed. He spent Thursday sheepishly bouncing from one dive bar to the next, hoping that some woman somewhere would have enough liquid courage in her and like the look of him enough to come on to him, but mostly he got odd stares and found himself being cornered into bizarre conversations with drunken weirdos.

Friday he tried to go somewhere a bit more upscale, and even dressed up a bit, but it turned out that he had shot for a bit too upscale. He ended up waiting in a red velvet-roped line for several hours with a frustrated hard on hidden in his nice suit, surrounded by some of the most gorgeous and glammed up club women he had ever seen in his life, and eventually ended up giving up and going home in frustrated exhaustion.

Anyway, he woke up Saturday morning, grateful for the weekend. He may have been on vacation from the girls at The Tease Club, but he still had to work for a living, and over the last three months, his job as the Director of Programming at the “Return to Family Values Coalition” had begun to appeal to him less and less, as his motivations in life began to change in the embrace of those kinky Tease Club girls. He was frustrated by his first two strikeouts, but he was going to go out, enjoy his quiet Saturday morning, and brainstorm.

He needed to find a new way to tackle this, because the thought that he might spend this entire vacation unable to freely and completely feel a woman’s arms around him was starting to get to him. He needed to have access to her, to be able to reach out and touch her, while he was NOT tied up! He just wanted to be able to grab her and grope her, lick her and kiss her, and yes…thrust and pump and spurt his load into her as hard and as wildly as he could!

He was starting to admit to himself that a part of him missed the girls at The Tease Club very much already, but he was also quite excited to finally have that actual sexual freedom. God, he needed that so badly, and he was going to find someone, somehow, to satisfy his deeply rooted hunger while he could.

After spending most of Saturday morning cooking breakfast, cleaning up, reading, and enjoying some quiet time, Dan finally decided to go out for lunch and try to find a new way to tackle his “problem” as he was beginning to think of it. Thinking about this so much was starting to make him feel sort of horny all the time, but he was also a little relieved to find that sensation was finally coming back to his penis.

He smiled as he put on his coat and headed out the door, feeling his cock twitch a little. He had been slightly worried for a while there that in his desperate, obsessive self-pleasuring frenzy, he might have actually hurt himself. But things seem to be returning to normal, he thought, with a slightly embarrassed grin, and he said to himself ‘besides, even if you strike out again, tonight you can simply jerk off some more, now that you’re free to do it. God, I really can’t believe I can do that whenever I want to again!’

Anyway, he made his way down to a local coffee shop, which was only a few blocks away, and thought about what he might jerk off to later tonight if he struck out and ended up going home by himself. In only a few days of his desperate masturbatory fever, he had saved over a dozen favorites of sensual FemDom teasing porn scenes on his computer at home, and he had been trying not to think about them. But maybe he would watch some of them tonight, and perhaps he could go slow, taking his time and really, really enjoying himself, instead of just wildly pumping himself like a horny monkey and exploding in only a minute or two.

Anyway, he tried to shake off these thoughts as he walked into the shop, suddenly regretting wearing his skinny jeans. Despite trying to steer his thoughts away from the dominant babes teasing their helpless subbies in those videos he had saved to favorites, they seemed to keep popping up in his mind anyway, and he had started to get the beginnings of a slowly awakening erection. And if it went any further, he didn’t know if he’d be able to hide it.

Again he tried to shake it off, and he forced himself to focus instead on his coffee order. By the time he had grabbed a seat in the corner and pulled out his notes app to brainstorm ways to get women to notice him, his previously growing level of arousal had started to slow, his mind had started to settle, and he was relieved that it felt like his cock had begun to do the same. But that was about to change…

As he was staring at his phone, he suddenly heard the bell over the door jingle, which meant that a new customer had entered. A light gust of wind from the opening door blew a swirl of sweetly perfumed air his way, filling his nostrils. It smelled almost like vanilla candy, and it was absolutely intoxicating!

Then he heard the click-click of high heels against the hard tile of the coffeeshop floor, and after months of being trained to respond to that sound, he looked up instinctively. And that was when he suddenly found himself staring at the most beautiful, incredibly glamorous looking woman he had ever seen.

She was tall, blonde, leggy, curvy, and…yeah, statuesque would be the right word. From his seated position, he noticed her lower body first, and he saw that she was wearing a pair of baby-blue colored, skin-tight low-rise jeans which left the lower part of her tummy and upper parts of her shapely hips exposed. She wore a dangly, glittering rhinestone belt around her midsection too, and it drew his attention there, sparkling in the light as she approached.


The way her wide hips shifted as she walked was part hula-girl and part belly dancer; he was stunned by how brazen it was! But there was also a delicate and graceful style to her stride that he instantly found very appealing. It was almost like she was cocking her hips with every step, prancing along like she was on a fashion runway, with each movement being quite purposeful and deliberate. He had simply never seen a girl walk like that before, and it was clear that it was very much a performance of sorts…

God, looking at her was absolutely dazzling to him; it was almost like looking at the sun! In fact, it was very much like that, because as she got closer, he had to look away, lest she see him staring at her. She even glanced at him for a split second right before he awkwardly tore his gaze away from her, and despite the fact that she pretty much looked right through him like he wasn’t even there, he could feel his face beginning to blush, as if she had busted him staring at her or something.

He felt like the world had fallen into slow motion as she strutted past him and headed for the line of people waiting to order. As she did, a stronger wave of her enticing-smelling perfume hit his senses, and it made his heart pound and his breath quicken.

After she walked by, he could resume gazing at her loveliness without being obvious, and he found himself unable to resist doing so. He turned a little in his seat just a bit so he could keep watching her too, and he quickly noticed several other male patrons in the shop were finding themselves struck with the same affliction, one of an undeniable need to stare at her in awe of her sheer dolled-up femininity.

Her legs were long and shapely, and her jeans (which she had to have PAINTED on, he thought), were so tight that he could see the slightest indent of curved muscle along her round, firm thighs. And the way they clung to her shapely calves, the way the skin-tight fabric led his eyes downward where it stopped just before her ankles; it was truly a sight to behold!


As she stood in line waiting to place her order, she casually shifted her weight from side to side as she focused on her phone, scrolling through messages on the screen with one hand while she dangled her expensive-looking handbag from the other. She seemed kinda self-absorbed, pretty much ignoring everyone around her, which emboldened Dan to keep staring at her. Damn, that self-centeredness really was appealing to him for some reason…

His eyes moved up and down those skin-tight jeans on her curvy figure and landed on her ankles, which he saw were extraordinarily lithe and delicate. He noticed a dainty, gold ankle bracelet with a gold-bell type charm dangling from one of them too; it really accentuated the way that part of her body looked, drawing his eyes to her feet almost against his will.

She was wearing a pair of bright blue Candies’ mules: lovely, open high-heeled sandals which nestled each foot inside a bright blue vamp that left her pretty toes peeking out. Oh wow, those little feet of hers were BEAUTIFUL! They were so small and soft looking, all pretty and perched up high on those sexy open-toe open-heel shoes.


There was a small, pretty little blue bow of fabric adorning the vamp of each shoe, adding a dainty, girly detail to the appearance of the pretty foot-package, and he felt himself starting to feel a little light headed when he focused on her tiny, cute toes peeking out, which were painted a glistening red. Staring at them made his mouth begin to water uncontrollably, and yes, he felt his cock twitch in his pants, with a warm feeling starting to happen down there.

His eyes made another pass up her body, and after drinking in that lusciously shaped bottom of hers again, they landed on the wonderfully soft-looking, ostentatious electric-blue angora sweater that she had on. It was clearly a very expensive piece of female attire; the angora fur was quite long-haired and it had a designer look and feel to it. He was instantly captivated and totally enamored by the way it looked on her, just so classy and angelic in appearance…


Although it was a tight fit on her, the sensuous material moved around a little against her well-defined, feline torso as she took a step forward in line. The bottom of it was cut in a very high crop-top style, with puffy short sleeves that stopped just past her shoulder, and he felt hypnotized by her toned, tanned tummy and cute bellybutton, which was pierced with a short, thin, dangly silver rhinestone charm.

As his eyes danced over the shape of her upper body, he was captivated by the size of her breasts. He could see the lines of their shape moving as she shifted her weight around on her high heels, and suddenly he thought ‘God, those aren’t breasts, those are MELONS. Just look at the way they move around under her fluffy sweater like that…’

As he watched her incredible chest jiggle with each purposeful shift of her weight, he realized that she was adding a little bounce every time she planted her weight on her other leg, almost as if on purpose. And that led him to realize that that she wasn’t wearing anything at all under that fluffy blue angora. In fact, he suddenly noticed as he suppressed an aroused shudder that he could see the hard pea-shape of her nipples through the furry material as it slid along her upper body!

The thought of that bright blue angora brushing up against this woman’s tanned, flawless skin, and especially, seeing the way it slid against her hard nipples made Dan’s cheeks burn! But despite that, he allowed his gaze to continue upward to look at her face as she stood there, moving her body around almost as if she was posing for someone. He was like a mesmerized child watching a Disneyland parade!

Jesus, she was gorgeous! She had a classic, all-American beauty about her; her golden-blonde hair was pulled back into a tight, long ponytail, with a few slightly wavy curls bouncing free around her face. Those loose locks of hair bounced around slightly as she brushed them out of her eyes from time to time, and they gave her an almost angelic appearance as the fluorescent lights backlit her from his perspective.

Despite her beauty, however, there was something about the look on her face and the confidence in her expression that evoked a strong feminine presence; it was something that made him feel slightly nervous around her. She kept turning to the side a bit, then back toward him, and when she did he could see her beautiful, plump, soft-looking lips, which were parted just enough to show a flash of her stunning white teeth, and the light glimmering off her mouth, which was painted with a light pink shiny lip gloss.

She was wearing a pair of rhinestone-rimmed designer sunglasses that partially obscured her eyes, but as she glanced in his direction again, he could see the briefest flash of her gorgeous baby blue eyes with different shades of blue eyeshadow surrounding them. Everything about her expression said that she had no interest in giving anybody in the room the time of day. Again, he glanced away, feeling totally embarrassed, just in case she might see him ogling her so openly…

But then she went back to monitoring her phone, and as her arm moved to one side, he looked back at her and his eyes fell to her midsection. It was then that he noticed one other thing about her attire that completely stunned him. He saw the black panty straps arching up and out of those incredibly low-rise jeans, following the curve of her hip at least 3 inches past the denim. ‘Jesus, those are her panties’, he thought, thunderstruck. It was pretty much the most blatantly sexual thing he had ever seen a woman wear, and she was doing it in public!


He was totally mesmerized, and he couldn’t help but continue to watch as she ordered her drink and paid a very flustered and red face teenaged cashier for it. She didn’t have to be leaning over the counter like that, so why was she doing it? I mean, Dan was delighted that she was, because the view of her backside was absolutely glorious, as were the gorgeous curves of those tanned legs and feet in those sexy high heels, so he loved seeing her do it. But still…it was clear she was just showing off!

And then, suddenly, he saw something else. The straps of that naughty black G string, which were already enough to skyrocket him into full-on arousal since they were peeking out from her hips the way they were, came together in a triangle shape right at the bare small of her back, where the light curve of her spine met with the beginnings of the shape of her tush. And right there, the word “SEXY” sparkled in large, ornate, rhinestone letters that held the panty straps together. And that did it - Dan’s cock immediately went into overdrive, and he could feel the blood rushing into it, making it throb in his pants.


As she turned and took a few steps to the side while waiting for her drink order, her long ponytail bounced and swished behind her as she moved, stopping just at the glittering word on those panties of hers like some kind of bejeweled tramp stamp. Dan had always adored long, sexy hair on women, and his heart pounded at the sight of this girl’s simply gorgeous blonde hair looking like that!

Then she turned to face his direction, but she was still totally focused on that pink, sparkly-cased phone of hers. She took off her sunglasses daintily with one hand, revealing that her eyes were just as blue as Dan thought they might be, and she folded them and hung them from the neckline of her round-neck sweater, pulling it down deliciously.

The beet-faced cashier called out that her drink would be ready in a moment, and as she smiled at him, she became somehow even more beautiful! The nervousness Dan felt from seeing that slightly tough-looking expression on her face as he had watched her walk by now completely melted away. Her smile was dazzlingly bright, and her eyes seemed to twinkle when her lips spread into that warm, friendly expression. The baby blue color of those big, bedroom eyes of hers seemed to get brighter somehow in contrast to her pearly-white teeth...

Dan was already turned on, but after seeing her smile like that, a wave of warmth caused by her goddess-like grin went through him. He was so instantly smitten and so incredibly interested in who she was that he tried to see if he could hear her name when she gave it to the cashier. But the shop was so busy and bustling today that there was no chance.

His plans to brainstorm for ideas for the evening were suddenly the farthest thing from his mind, and he happily spent the next few minutes surreptitiously watching her as she hopped up onto a barstool in full view from where he was sitting, plopping her handbag on the high counter in front of her.

She crossed one long leg over the other, and immediately began rotating her foot round and round at the ankle, a move that Dan just loved watching pretty girls do. She was in almost complete profile to him, and her upright posture was flawless, portraying an air of utter supremacy. Her breasts were thrust forward, so that he could almost imagine the entire shape of her torso from the way that fluffy angora wrapped around her upper body. He even peeked around every few seconds to make sure no one was noticing him so openly lusting after her, but many of the other eyes in the shop seemed to be on this blonde beauty as well.

God, he really couldn’t stop looking at her! She was wearing big, gold-hoop earrings that glinted in the light, and both of her wrists was laden with delicate gold sparkly bracelets. She had perfectly manicured, half-inch long nails which were a shimmery pink color, and he watched them hungrily as she casually clicked them against the topside of the counter.

And when she finally stood back up and grabbed her specialty drink from the still red faced young barista, as she turned to walk back to her seat Dan thought for a terrified second that yet again she might have seen him staring. He could feel his face flushing red again too, because he was literally having a hard time tearing his eyes away from her!

If she had looked directly at him right then, with those gorgeous, piercing blue eyes, surely she would have known full well the impact that she had on him. But instead she just walked back to her spot, sitting directly in his line of sight, about 15 feet away, and proceeded to completely ignore him, pulling out her phone again, and taking purposeful sips through the straw of her drink almost absentmindedly. Oh wow was it a turn on to watch her do that!

After a few moments, Dan decided that her lack of reaction of any kind must have meant she hadn’t noticed him ogling her. Still, he mentally punched himself, thinking, ‘Dammit, you idiot, this isn’t The Tease Club, this is the real world. You can’t just stare at women like that just because you’re horny. Get it together before you start getting banned from places.’ God, he really thought she still might have seen him, and now he realized how dumb and slack jawed his expression must have been. He was so lucky that she hadn’t actually caught him; at least, he thought she hadn’t…

He looked up one more time, just to see if perhaps she had become aware of his presence. He was feeling such a familiar sense of nervous uncertainty all of a sudden! But then he saw that she was lightly dangling one of her blue Candie’s mules idly; she had slipped it forward on her foot and she was bouncing, bouncing, bouncing it quite daintily, letting it dangle from her toes as she read. GOD this woman’s feet were so gorgeous, and she was sitting almost like she was posing, like some sort of pin up girl model at a photoshoot.

He felt his cock throbbing in his pants even more intensely then, and although it took everything he had, he eventually ripped his eyes away from her bouncing foot, and tried, again, to “shake it off”. He looked down at his phone, determined to find something else to focus on as he realized that his hard on had become blatantly obvious, bulging as it was inside his jeans.

After a minute or two of blankly starting at an empty notes app page, he suddenly heard a very cute, feminine, breathy voice exclaim, “Oh shoot!” right as there was a slight thump and sounds of hard objects hitting the floor. He looked up suddenly at the noise, and found himself staring directly at this mystery girl’s round, gorgeous ass.

She had apparently knocked her handbag off the table and was now squatting on the floor with her legs fully bent, quickly gathering knickknacks and makeup and things, putting them back inside it. Her back was turned to him, and her round, juicy bottom was protruding quite blatantly, barely contained within her baby-blue jeans. Those glorious ass cheeks of hers were stretching and extending even farther out as she reached for various runaways under the table.

As he watched, with his will absolutely slaughtered by the sight of her, he shuddered slightly as he ogled her bending and reaching, causing her jeans to slide even further down her round hips, so that just a hint of the top of each ass cheek swelled out from the denim, and her bedazzled, flashy “SEXY” g-string panties were put even further on display for him.

His first instinct, despite the fact that his cock was pulsing in his pants, was to get up and help her, but he immediately stopped himself. There was probably no way that this woman would ever allow the intrusion, let alone talk to him, but the chance…oh god, the chance, if there was any at all…was so tempting!

He knew that if he walked up to her, she would most certainly be “off limits” so to speak, according to Lexi’s rules. He had absolutely no doubt that Trixi was keeping tabs on him somehow too, just to make sure he followed their rules to the letter. He wouldn’t really be surprised if she had found a way to listen in on his phone or read the texts somehow either!

But the sight of this stunning, busty blonde hottie, sitting there right before his eyes after a few days of self-imposed celibacy, was totally wild and unexpected. And after four days of almost obsessive, binging masturbation and three months of brain melting manipulation and teasing at the hands of The Tease Club girls, all of it was just blowing his mind! He was horny, to the say least, and all he could do was watch…and hope.


As she turned to sit back down, again he almost swore, just for one terrified, exposed-feeling moment, that she looked right into his eyes and caught him in the middle of his mindlessly aroused stare. But once more she looked down at her phone as if he wasn’t even there and simply continued to drink her drink. Wow, even the way she daintily wrapped those pretty, pouty lips around the straw and sucked some of her drink into her mouth was hitting him right where he lived, and he felt his cock pulse a bit more insistently.

Dan tried to look back at his phone as well, and even succeeded for a few moments, but then he heard a light moan, in that same soft, feminine, breathy voice she had used before (he couldn’t help thinking of Marilyn Monroe singing “Happy Birthday Mr. President”). Like a robot he looked back up to find that she was now resting one long leg against the chair opposite her and stretching forward to massage her small, delicate foot, the bright blue bow of her heels bouncing slightly as she stroked.

As he watched, he suddenly felt like every single other sight and sound in the shop suddenly disappeared, as this gorgeous woman slid her hands slowly down her calf, her dangling bracelets clinking slightly as he watched her use her fingertips to lightly press into the arch of her foot in small swirling patterns, dropping her eyelids slightly and pursing her plump, gorgeous lips into a small “O” of relieved pleasure.

He couldn’t look away this time, and he stared for what was probably only a minute, but it felt like an incredible eternity as she pressed and kneaded her slender delicate fingertips into her creamy soles of first one foot and then the other.

He was finding himself helplessly growing more and more aroused at this sight, and he felt the hardness of his cock begin to twitch in his pants. Feeling flustered, he immediately lifted his left leg and crossed his ankle over his right knee, tugging on his sock through his pants leg in order to provide an opportunity to hide the increasingly insistent erection. He let his hand fall down onto it, as casually as he could so it didn’t seem like he was doing it in case anyone was watching, and adjusted it against his thigh.

Just as he did, this stunning young lady leaned back, pulled her leg back from the chair, and turned slightly. This time he almost jumped: she looked right at him, this time he was quite sure she did, and he could have sworn that he saw her smirk just a bit. But again, it was an all too brief moment, maybe she had been looking at something behind him, and then she just went back to her phone like before, seemingly completely oblivious to him.

For the next ten minutes, Dan tried very hard (and with very little success) to stop sneaking loving glances at this gorgeous woman so that his cock would calm down enough that he could stand up safely again. But every time he peeked back up at her, seemingly helpless to stop himself, she was doing some new, seemingly innocuous thing that made his head spin and his cock pulse!

First, she stretched theatrically, with her arms pulled far behind her head and her massive breasts thrust forward. Then, his mouth fell open as he watched her undo the hair-tie in her ponytail, letting her gorgeous wavy blonde hair cascade free and shake wildly as it fell down over her back and shoulders before she elegantly pulled her mane back from her swan-like neck and redid her ponytail.

And finally he was stunned to oblivion when she leaned forward to grab something from her purse and seemingly unwittingly allowed him to stare hungrily down the front of her fluffy sweater at the deep swell of jiggling, swaying soft cleavage that bounced around in there…

Not only was he not able to suppress his hard on, it grew worse…much worse. And with his pulsing cock pressed against his thigh, traveling down the tight denim line of his skinny jeans like this, every slight movement he made seemed to make it harder, more sensitive.

He was starting to panic, wondering how long he would have to sit there, hoping that nobody glanced under the cheap plastic table long enough to see the outline of his rigid cock against his thigh! But then he saw, both with relief but also intense disappointment, that the woman had begun to gather her things, and she stood up and put on her sunglasses, getting ready to leave.

She took the same route out that she took in, and as she passed him, his brain instantly tried again to memorize every detail of her that he could see up close. Everything about her was astounding, but again, she click-click-clicked past him in those stiletto heels, using that insane, parading strut of hers, and walked out the door with another jingle of the bell. Again her perfume lingered in the air even after she was gone, leaving him panting as he breathed in the lovely, seductive scent with each breath he took.

He grunted, suddenly feeling a little silly that he had even fantasized about a woman like that asking him out on a date, and tried to adjust himself so that his cock could calm down. At least now he would be able to safely get up and leave soon, he reasoned, and then it occurred to him that he suddenly found the idea of staying home and jerking off tonight, and maybe thinking about all of the things that he would like to do to a woman like that, was almost exciting as actually hooking up.

After about 10 minutes, his cock relaxed enough that he was safely able to clean off his table and gather his things. However, just as he was heading to the door, he heard a message notification come in on his phone, and he pulled it out. He stopped in the middle of the coffee shop and stared at the screen, confused and disoriented. There was a notification alert for a text from a contact simply named “Goddess”.

He continued to stare, suddenly feeling very uneasy. He absolutely had not ever put a person into his phone as “Goddess”, and for a moment he thought that it was Trixi from The Tease Club playing a prank on him, but she always used that “Tease App” they set up, with those hot pink and red messages, so no, this felt different. What was this?

Suddenly aware he was still standing in the middle of the walkway, he quickly sat back down at his table, and opened the message. The contents were simple, but somehow even more terrifying. He could feel the blood draining from his face as he read the message, which simply said, “I know you were watching me.”


Okay boys, that's all you get for now...but as you can tell, we're just getting started with Barbie's little prickteasey seduction of Dan! There is much more to follow, but we'll be taking our sweet time with this little game, as usual!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
Last edited by KittyZateez on Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 1

Post by hj9k1 »

KittyZateez wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 8:13 pm Okay boys, that's all you get for now...
But... but... :blush:
KittyZateez wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 8:13 pm but as you can tell, we're just getting started with Barbie's little prickteasey seduction of Dan! There is much more to follow, but we'll be taking our sweet time with this little game, as usual!
Looking forward to it.
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 1

Post by subzerowriter »

Very excited to see this up! I hope everyone's liking it so far! Working together on this with the wonderful KittyZateez has been a lot of fun,and I'm very excited about some of the upcoming twists and turns of this little seduction! Poor Dan doesn't stand a chance!
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