[Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged / AliceAwaked

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[Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged / AliceAwaked

Post by markus »

### Edit03: ###

Here is a small patch for Alice Awaked, it contains only an updated start-script.
(Thx to Daragorn for pointing out! ) :-)

https://mega.nz/file/rYQB1R5Q#OAfi_fYRw ... uAYxmnLCLM

---> Install (unzip) AFTER (!!!) you have installed Alice Awaked, so that the start script will be overwritten with this newer one.

### Edit02: ###

Hi all!

Not only Tease Ai itself is about to awake, ... Alice is as well. ;-)

Now don't hang your hopes too high, AliceAwaked is a continuation of AliceMerged, which means it has the same limitations as AliceMerged has, ... that is most and foremost that the chastity-system of it is not handled very well yet, it's incomplete.
Maybe you can imagine that while I have created Tease Ai Awakening over the last 14 months, I didn't found much time to spend on scripting.
Btw.: Recently I've started to rework that chastity-system, but no promises, not sure when or even if that will be finished,

If you are a fan of chastity and have some knowledge in scripting, you might give it a try and come back with feedback and script corrections, ... but don't expect that system to work correctly!
If you deactivate in the settings that you own a chastity, -> the same as it was with AliceMerged, then you might can have some fun with it as it is.

Basicly what it contains compared to the older AliceMerged:

- At some points some new commands of Tease Ai Awakening are used.
---> So if you want to play AliceAwaked, you will need Tease Ai Awakening to play it with, ... sounds logical, doesn't it?! :-D
But I will keep the older downloads online, so if someone don't like Awakening for what ever reason, the old AliceMerged (compatible to the original TAI) will still be there, but of course that one will not be updated anymore since I concentrate on AliceAwaked.

- The old AliceMerged had a script in the module folder called 'zzzMyRebalance.txt' (and a lot of copy & pastes of the same script).
As the name of that script suggests, it was a try to 'rebalance'.
Now AliceAwaked has a new module_HUB, a 'control center' so to speak, ... to me personally it feels much better than that old approach.
Both approaches follow the same goal, to break a bit out of that static cycle of taunts -> module -> link -> taunts and so on.
Also it shall prevent that modules are played too often, since then they could 'getting old' too soon.

- Again a lot of VERY small corrections, like here and there a changed @Wait-values, some typos corrected, some sentences rephrased.

- Updated to the latest versions of 'House Of Tease' and 'Miss Blue'
Thanks a lot, and my credits goes to both of you:
PtheV and avatarbr for allowing me (once again) to use your hard work to be used in this Alice project.

At all, if you didn't checked their projects out yet, it's worth a try for sure!
avatarbr - 'House Of Tease':

PtheV - 'Miss Blue':

Things you will need to set-up if you want to play AliceAwaked (compared to AliceMerged)

- Contact4
This is a new contact, it's intended to be a 'random guest'.
So you should name Contact4 'Guest' and put in it's picture/video folders a lot of totally different models.

- Contact5
Only used as your Masu-Trainer.
This could also be one of the contacts 1-3, so you could use the same name and same pictures/videos as you did for one of the contacts 1-3, or you choose a different model/name, that's up to you.
Personally, for Masu, I prefer only pictures, so my contact5 is the same as my conatct1, but while conatct1 has mostly videos, conatct5 is the same model but only pictures.

- Settings -> Video -> CHC Player
Make sure you select a folder which contains some videos in 'Additional Videos For CHC'.
The more additional videos you have the better, but those should be videos you like and consider as hot.
But of course you could also set there a folder, i.e. the folder you have used as your 'general' video folder if you don't have some additional ones at hand.

Make sure you select a folder which contains Beatmeters (!!!) ... they are used quite often.

Here are some new beatmeters (another 92 files, this package can only be unzipped if every file is downloaded) the other (older) beatmeters are at the end of this post:

https://mega.nz/file/vBpRTJoA#AxJpguy5r ... 40Fz4cB1-g

https://mega.nz/file/7FZTEKzA#_gBMJikmJ ... a5U7aLNHHU

https://mega.nz/file/TFIXQSxb#_0jhPT4KA ... ML_5pk6Fz4

https://mega.nz/file/vRJW1BgD#1DXRYiTM6 ... cPHKKADlG0

This is just one sound file and a bunch of empty images folders you'd have to fill up, but hints about that are included in the personality itself while playing.
Those empty folders may be selfexplaining, so if you like to, you could already start filling them up.

https://mega.nz/file/TAolBQRR#9ObjtO0cb ... 1Mqb9TxF74

https://mega.nz/file/ucwySCBZ#SnqZZsHSf ... 10mO81ecM0

As said above, AliceAwaked is a continuation of AliceMerged, so you will need all the files from AliceMerged (Audio,Images,Video).
Then just unzip the scripts and you should be ready to go.
If you like to continue play from AliceMerged, you can copy & paste the folder '\Scripts\AliceMerged\System' to '\Scripts\AliceAwaked\System'.

### Edit01: ###
- A new chastity system (don't expect too much, though, ... feedback and suggestions are welcomed in general, but especially on that matter, ... I don't have much experience when it comes to chastity. So if you are into that, some feedback on that matter would be cool! Since this is not really tested, you could consider that part as in an alpha state.)
So I would recomment, at least until it's tested out, ... uncheck in the options of TAI that you own a chastity device,... should lead to a better experience with AliceMerged, ... as stated, the chastity system is Alpha-Stage.

### End of Edit01 ###

I guess one possible description for AliceMerged is 'a Remix of existing personalities'.
When you compare this personality to a remix of a song, it's based on an existing song (existing personalities) but it has a new beat (script-flow), some new elements (new scripts), it takes the best parts of the original song but in the end you have something 'new' -> AliceMerged.

But you could also call it a modification, do you remember 'png wicked tease' ... that was a modificated version of Wicked Tease, ... so this could be seen as a modificated version of House Of Tease, with some additions.

Most of the content is from those well known personalities, House of Tease and Miss Blue.
Also other sources of scripts and ideas are used (and sometimes edited):
Spoiler: show
- PNG Wicked Tease
- Spicy
- Some scripts from swit69 and tigrotto
- Some Webteases from Milovana
- Fury ... I didn't took scripts from it (it's too special, too story driven to simply adopt scripts/modules from it) ... but my script-flow is heavily inspired by it.
The idea of it is to have a personality that has a huge variety of scripts and also that new script-flow.
So it also tries to break out of that Taunt -> Modul -> Link - Circle,... not completly, well,... give it a try and you will see. :-)
(Hint: Set your session time lower than usual, because it might take longer until you reach such a check for 'when it's time to end a session').

What it contains:
Spoiler: show
- Shortened scripts to have a better 'flow' (sometimes I had the feeling I am reading a manual of a script-command)
- You will be disapointed if you like pins on your balls (mostly removed)
- Added a lot of metronome commands
- I bypass most of the mood-systems (a domme should be able to have her own mood randomly imho)
- Thousands of micro-changes, i.e. adjusted values for wait-, multiple edge- commands, corrected typos, etc...
- Taunt-, Start- and Endscripts adjusted
- A new chastity system (don't expect too much, though, ... feedback and suggestions are welcomed in general, but especially on that matter, ... I don't have much experience when it comes to chastity. So if you are into that, some feedback on that matter would be cool! Since this is not really tested, you could consider that part as in an alpha state.)
- Involving some more videos, mostly short-time video playing, but also using the new features of the 'Unofficial Patch 55.7.2'
- Added a little bit more about 'AV_Persona13' -> Your secret crush
My 'philosophy' with this is 'sometimes less is more'.
I appreciate all the work which was done to build up mood systems, or that there are scripts triggered when you react in a special way and such,... but to me it turns out that there are scripts I have never triggered, maybe because I play a little bit different than the author was expecting me to play.
(Or maybe I didn't had any 'philosophy' at all and just copied every script I found into the module-folder and saw that it works quite well that way,... who knows *g* ;-) :-P ).

While I am at the 'philosophy' of it, ... this personality is not meant to be 'everybodys darling' ... some things still are optional, but I don't focus on keeping things as much optional as possible.

I never had planned to release/create a personality, ... but somehow it happend that I played, made changes the next day, played again,... made more changes and so on, and now I have this modificated and extended version of HoT + MissBlue, ...
I guess there will be never a 'final' version, as long as I play it I will always find this or that to change/add/remove/simplify/rephrase and so on, ... it's Work-In-Progress, period.

But I think, ... why not share it 'as it is' right now,... it's not 'perfect', it might never will be 'perfect',... but I have a lot of fun with it, so maybe some people out there will enjoy it as well.

About my workflow:
Please have in mind that I never looked through all of these scripts -> That would spoil all the fun for myself, instead I play it, while playing I note down when I see something which should be changed (with the @ in the chat), ... and the next day, I look up my chatlog and correct/change what I have noted down the last session.
Because of that workflow, there might be small updates every now and then.

About audio, images and video content:
Like already said, this was never planned to be downloaded, so I didn't care about the file size while creating.
Sorry, I didn't sorted out what's absolutly needed, what could be released as a light-update version and what you might have already downloaded with other personalities.
I simply packed/zipped what I have here, ... just install AliceMerged in a whole new folder/new TAI installation, so your other installed personalities cannot be harmed in any way.
(I.e.: I have edited some beats ... 'b055.mp3' for example and made them much longer because sometimes they ended too soon, if you now install my package in an audio folder of another personality, you might end up with beats playing for too long because there wasn't a stop-sound needed in the former personality).

Local picture tags:
Here is a list of tags which should be present:
Spoiler: show

New feature: 'tai2dommesAtOnce':
I know that it could be hard to find picture sets for this feature, well, the feature is there, it's up to you to use it or not.
To make it work, you'd need picture sets of a model which would be your main domme, and picture sets which shows your main domme together with a second model.
You would need to add a textfile named 'tai2dommesAtOnce.txt' manually in those picture set folders which shows them both, so that TAI can recognize that there are 2 dommes/girls on the screen.
Also you would need at least one avatar picture of that second domme in the folder TAI/Images/marAva2domme/secondDomme
Spoiler: show
When the second domme has left after the main domme changed her clothes, you might ask where the second domme is, what she is doing.

Added a bit for the topics 'ForcedBi/Cuckold':
AliceMerged doesn't focus on these topics, but it has added some things towards them.
It's not right there from the start, you'd need to trigger these things,... just play along or take a look at the spoiler.
Spoiler: show
From time to time there will be a chance to 'like' or rate pictures, sometimes it's a gay-blog-picture, if you like (or rate them with 5) enough of these pics, the first step will be 'unlocked', like even more, next step could be unlocked.
A second possibility is to tell her that you crave cock, you'd have to do this more than once.
So it's necessary to have a folder and URL file selected in the TAI-settings -> Images -> Genre Images -> Gay, ... don't worry, if you are not into it, you'll see such pictures very rarely.

If you go into that direction, you'd also have to edit 3 variable-files in:
Spoiler: show
They are called:
Open them with a text-editor to set paths to according video folders on your PC.
(There are example paths, so it should be easy to figure out how to set it to your paths)
Debug commands:
Spoiler: show
'metro on' -> Will give the command: @MetronomeOn(#Random(90,180)
'metro off' -> Will give the command: @MetronomeOff
'langsamer,slower' -> Will give the command: @StrokeSlower
'anhalten' -> Will give the command: @StopStroking ...You could try to type 'fix' or 'debug' @PlayAudio[tease\cStroke.mp3] @UnlockImages @MetronomeOff
'skip module,skipmodule' -> Will give the command: @Call(Stroke\Link\mar_Link.txt) @UnlockImages @RemoveContact3 @RemoveContact2 @RemoveContact1 @AddDomme @EdgeMode(Normal) @BeatMeterStop @UnlockVideo @AFKOff @End

If you find any problems, if you have feedback/criticism, ideas, content to be added and such, just drop me a line.
For problems it would be helpful if you use the @ in the chat and send the chatlog. (In the thread or via PM if you prefer that).

I am sure I would forget someone if I would try to write a list of names,... so credits goes to all of those people who worked on TAI itself, to those who created content, to those who are active in this forum or on the webpage, webtease writers, idea-posters and everyone else I forget to list here! :-)

To the scripters:
Please feel free to use any ideas or scripts I have created here for your own projects.


Recommended patch version:
Tease AI patch 4 + Async ChatReadyState reversed.zip:
https://mega.nz/file/DV4EAIhC#orlrDxBLj ... 53EE5skIfQ
There is a file in it called '\Images\System\_LocalImageTags.txt'
If you already have tagged local images, then this patch doesn't overwrite your file, ... but if you install this patch to a new TAI installation folder where you don't have tagged local pictures, then you will have to rename:
(... Or, if you have tagged local pictures with another personality/TAI installation, of course you could just copy & paste that file into the " '\Images\System\" folder).

(The patch is still under development, see leezer3's posts in this thread, but this version should already run much better than my original patch did, .... THX a thousand times and big credits to leezer3 for all those technical-/performance- fixes! :wave: )

You still will need the beatmeters from here:

You will need the Unofficial Patch 55.7.2 and at least one set of beatmeters which are linked for download in that patch-release thread:
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=23259&sid=75ba1550 ... cbd2b1a3f3

(It's recommend to download all beatmeter-sets, but it's a lot to download, so you could get started with only one of those sets)


Audio (3 Parts Zip-Archive):
https://mega.nz/file/6YgAVbQD#uSyyiVK1w ... 0RdjklKFug
https://mega.nz/file/eEwS1RID#ABkfy1WFt ... WGp97nd7Mo
https://mega.nz/file/TJpC2DLJ#PVtdlL3ob ... 1GGaiYk4yY

Audio - Update (you will need both, the Audios above and this update):
AliceMergedAudioUpdate02.zip (Update 2 contains everything from Update 1, it's the whole Spicy Audio Folder now):
https://mega.nz/file/jBpWkBTJ#oSYm0-cwL ... E3lJH5DaPo

https://mega.nz/file/bUwyxZYA#Luh2W99Xq ... ev-pMs5eE0

Images - Update (you will need both, the Images above and this update):
AliceMergedImagesUpdate02.zip (This update contains the images from Update01)
https://mega.nz/file/nRIFTCBA#05H1ZUEF3 ... 30kKXqiky8

https://mega.nz/file/bUhAzBYK#-U_TbhRGu ... RnCCLwfwAc

Personality - AliceMergedScripts_2020_10_16.zip - leezer3's fixes V8 included
https://mega.nz/file/rF5SwDaT#Bxvapm4FS ... h1G03-O3PM
For any updates of the personality scrips: Best way to install them would be to go to the folder:
Delete every folder EXCEPT the folder 'System' (this contains your progression), copy the zip file of the new version into the TAI main folder and then unzip the update 'here'.

Play safe and enjoy!
Best greetings,
Last edited by markus on Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:53 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by dark0512 »

Thank you for sharing and spending the time on this. I look forward to trying it!
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by smargerbarg »

This sounds really awesome! Can’t wait to try it!

Will I need to tag all my photos in a different file for this to work? Also would you mind posting your url files. I haven’t used any since tumblr died.

Thank you for the effort you put into this!
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by smargerbarg »

You will need the Unofficial Patch 55.7.2 and at least one set of beatmeters which are linked for download in that patch-release thread:
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=23259&sid=75ba1550 ... cbd2b1a3f3

(It's recommend to download all beatmeter-sets, but it's a lot to download, so you could get started with only one of those sets)
does this mean that I should unzip the 55.7.2 patch over Alice?

or download all the beat meters listed. i am not sure where to save them if that is the case.

sorry for the trouble.
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by DV8ion »


I was wishing someone to merge some personalities.
first session was great.

Thanks for this :)
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by avatarbr »

Nice one. I will take a look at the new scripts to see what you did. Maybe I can integrate something in the new HoT version (Inception?)
I play it, while playing I note down when I see something which should be changed (with the @ in the chat), ... and the next day, I look up my chatlog and correct/change what I have noted down the last session.
Damn, I feel that. Now I write something on the chat too, so I can remember what was wrong. :lol:
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by Spielers »

smargerbarg wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:30 pm

does this mean that I should unzip the 55.7.2 patch over Alice?

or download all the beat meters listed. i am not sure where to save them if that is the case.

sorry for the trouble.
First un zip Tease Ai 49 than unpack 55.7.2 and replace the TAI 49 file with the new TAI 55.7.2 files. than download the beatmeter witch is in the last spoiler by TAI 55.7.2 first post. post this in the TAI/Video/beatmeter dir and than download all audio unzip all together in the TAI dir than the same with images and the video and the script (unzip it in TAI dir) finish
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by markus »

smargerbarg wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:02 pm Will I need to tag all my photos in a different file for this to work?
No, this does nothing special, tagging works like in any other personality.
Also would you mind posting your url files.
Here are some:
https://mega.nz/file/HdQSDACT#CqtI97D8_ ... X7j8a0fvxk

smargerbarg wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:30 pm
You will need the Unofficial Patch 55.7.2 and at least one set of beatmeters which are linked for download in that patch-release thread:
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=23259&sid=75ba1550 ... cbd2b1a3f3

(It's recommend to download all beatmeter-sets, but it's a lot to download, so you could get started with only one of those sets)
does this mean that I should unzip the 55.7.2 patch over Alice?

or download all the beat meters listed. i am not sure where to save them if that is the case.

sorry for the trouble.
AliceMerged make use from new commands from the patch and the beatmeters, so you will need both, the patch itself plus the beatmeters.
As Spielers already explained, they must be in TAI/Video/BeatMeter

avatarbr wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:48 am Maybe I can integrate something in the new HoT version (Inception?)
Since an intro is normally played once and then never again I did't put too much effort in it, ... but if you like it, sure,... take what ever you like from this project.
(It contains the intro questions from HoT)

Best greetings,
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by Daragorn »

Wow this sounds awesome man!
Thank you very much for sharing this new personality with us, i can't wait to try her
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by traedor »

Tried playing through the second day of the intro today. After making it through the marMyIntro3 script, the program went to a stroking section and after a module played it went to mar_myStart and i think was acting like I had just started the session. I got to this section
Spoiler: show
System: Options menu:
System: 1 - Connect to mistress
System: 2 - Note down an orgasm outside from a session
System: 3 - Have a little wank
System: Please make your choice.
and the tease was ended once I tried option one and the request timed out.

If this is how the second day is supposed to go then fair enough :lol: . But it seems off to me.
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by markus »

Hi everyone!

Edit: New update, download in the first post
traedor wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:44 am Tried playing through the second day of the intro today. After making it through the marMyIntro3 script, the program went to a stroking section and after a module played it went to mar_myStart and i think was acting like I had just started the session. I got to this section
Spoiler: show
System: Options menu:
System: 1 - Connect to mistress
System: 2 - Note down an orgasm outside from a session
System: 3 - Have a little wank
System: Please make your choice.
and the tease was ended once I tried option one and the request timed out.

If this is how the second day is supposed to go then fair enough :lol: . But it seems off to me.
That was one problem, the other, you will be asked about the name of the girl next to her, there was a check for the flag 'tai2dommesAtOnce' missing.

Best greetings,
Last edited by markus on Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by bonsec »

Thanks for the release!
Anyone have an issue where TeaseAI becomes unresponsive (shows as not responsive in the task manager)?
It happens when the domme is about to say something, most noticeably at the very first "Hi" and also randomly during the session.
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by Daragorn »

bonsec wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 1:58 pm Thanks for the release!
Anyone have an issue where TeaseAI becomes unresponsive (shows as not responsive in the task manager)?
It happens when the domme is about to say something, most noticeably at the very first "Hi" and also randomly during the session.
yep i have the same, it get unresponsive a lot with the latest patch
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by smargerbarg »

thank you for the help, the first session was fun!

I had a few issues on the second session, the main one is probably my fault. the program was not responding for a large portion of the session, almost every time i responded TAI would go unresponsive for about a minute. the second was the errors that i posted below. also probably my fault for not installing TAI correctly.
Spoiler: show
ERROR: Can't locate the file: "E:\Alice\Images\System\LikedImageURLs.txt" :::: Error loading TextFile: E:\Alice\Images\System\LikedImageURLs.txt
ERROR: Can't locate the file: "E:\Alice\Images\System\DislikedImageURLs.txt" :::: Error loading TextFile: E:\Alice\Images\System\DislikedImageURLs.txt
Mistress: Don't slow down, keep stroking just like that
ERROR: Can't locate the file: "E:\Alice\Images\System\LikedImageURLs.txt" :::: Error loading TextFile: E:\Alice\Images\System\LikedImageURLs.txt
Spoiler: show
ERROR: Out of memory. :::: Error loading image: E:\Pic\General\6 (169).gif
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Re: [Tease AI] Personality AliceMerged

Post by Daragorn »

Actually the unresponsiveness is probably an old "bug" in my routine for checking the answers of the sub allowing for the usage of vocabs in the response files.
The program is recreating the list of responses every single time the user write something thus slowing everything down.
I've fixed it by making it create the response lists once when you launch TeaseAI and then just checking against it.
The only downside for this is that, if you happen to change anything in the response files during a session, you have to save the session, close teaseAI and reload it in order for the changes to take effect.
You should see a great increase in responsiveness, though....from my quick testing they were nearly completely gone.
You can try this hotfix here:
https://mega.nz/file/p4QEGTxJ#UeTbGreLa ... F8WsEQGxZU
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