Why so much men deny to use their brain?

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Why so much men deny to use their brain?

Post by dark »

The question says all. I will never understand it. Sometimes i feel shame to be a man. This is no joke, i feeling guilty for my fellows. What brings some guys to show a behaviour like a little boy if a woman is teasing him? You can see men loosing their mind, because of women in all lifestyles. This is not a "fetish" phenomenon. Love makes blind, oh yeah so true. It made me blind, too. But it seems that lust makes stupid.

In the BDSM scene the problem is more individual. One example: Do you ever heard about moneyslavery? The principe is easy. You degrade and humililate a man and he sends you money for this. I heard about slaves who paid ten thousands of dollars to their mistress without ever seeing her. There are no money femaleslaves outside. What brings a man to do these stupid things? Are they just weak or permanent hory?

Sometimes i suffering about it. For example some time ago i tried to search a dominant woman for a relationship. But almost every woman expected that i am a mindless little boy who just need a little humililation for sending her money. I can understand the women. Although i think that they are also guilty and abusing their power it's easy to see a man like a little playtoy if they behave like it, just because they are too horny to have a clear thought.

I always have the problem that the weakness from men and the abusing from women makes me angry. I am someone who is very sensible about other peoples feelings. So everytime i see it, it hurts me. I can't explain why.

We also saw the behaviour in this forum. So i am asking why it is impossible to control yourself? If i take another examples, so much men can't control their sexual urges. Think about child porn, rape and the other ill shit what we men do because we can't find the "on" button for our brain. Of course there are also women who do this, but it's really a exception and often they do it together with men.

I don't want to compare the crimes with BDSM or other lifestyles. But in fact it's always the same what drives us. You can watch TV. For example a musicvideo. You see half naked girls dancing and teasing you. The men like it because they have no other choice and women like it because they want to be the sexy bitch in the video. Maybe i am bourgeois, but i give a shit on these superficialities. I am pissed off of them, because it's fake. It's prostitution. Sex sells yeah, but sex is too worthy for just selling or buying it! Ok to expect respect in these times is stupid i know. And i already lost the belief in this will change any time. To change it depends on us, on every man on this planet.

Is it too much when i please for a bit of selfcontrol?

Thank you for reading. I know my opinion is very individual but please don't take it as provocation. If i could explain it in german it would be more clear. Why i wrote it? I hope to convince some guys to think about. Just think about...
Last edited by dark on Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by elvikingo »

I agree, it seems very stupid to pay thousands of dollars as a money slave.

On the other hand I have heard of people paying millions for old stamps. Stamps that have been invalids for hundres of years.

Passion transcends the rational.

You know, when you make a noncoerced deal you give up something to get something else in return. You probably would not give something up to get the other thing if you did not somehow find the deal worthwhile.

We should be grateful that we are allowed to spend our money as we wish.

Imagine living in a state prohibiting any kind of 'irrational' use of money.

I think men are more extreme in their passions than women, generally speaking.

As far as feeling ashamed about being a man.

Well, this is what our culture wants us to. Western culture is overflowing with misandry. So I think that is a seperate issue.

Concerning men who cannot control their sexual urges and thus pose a danger to society. Well, we have places for those men.
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Post by dark »

Hmm i don not understood all. For example my dictionary couldn't say me what misandry means. But i don't want to forbid anything. It's just a spoken thought and i took the moneyslavery as an example.

But i appreciate your post. The example about the stamps was well choosen. The question is: It is worth to give up all your principles for sexual passion?

I think principles are very important. I have a lot of points where i say "stop, i don't go further".
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Post by elvikingo »

dark wrote: The question is: It is worth to give up all your principles for sexual passion?
Absolutely not!

Without principles everything breaks down.

The problem is connected to hedonism and decadence - and vanity.

For me the moral law cannot be broken just to achieve pleasure, for example.

Without principles we live only by instinct - in effect reducing ourselves to animals.

So inside every man there is a struggle. A struggle between the male and the man.

When a beautiful woman is teasing you she is communicating with the male. If she asks you something in return which you are not willing to do because it violates a moral principle the man part has to step in and say:

"Listen, you are very beautiful, but there are just things I would never do even for the most beautiful woman in the world."

On the other hand sexual urges can be used in very subversive ways within totalitarian regimes for example. When you start messing with sexual urges you are dealing with some of the strongest forces in nature.
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Post by dark »

Yes evilkingo, but i think the most are males and not men :-D Hmm i am disappointed. I thaught i would get more feedback. I expected feedback like: "dark you are completely wrong what a stupid opinion etc..."

Don't hold yourself back because i am a mod i can live with other opinions ;-)
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Why Men Do Stupid Things

Post by MrGypsy43 »

Why do so many men come to this site? It's a fantasy place, that's why. I think deep down everyone wants something beyond the day to day drudgery, and sexual fantasy is a great escape. My wife, for example, is a very good person with many good qualities, but our sex life too vanilla, so I look for an outlet, and this site serves that purpose. She's really clueless when it comes to the internet, so I've got an easy avenue to explore my fantasy world without threatening our marriage.

It's all a matter of degree. I don't come here every day for hours on end. Some men take it to an extreme, and harm themselves and others, monetarily or otherwise. I understand your sentiment, however, that you're, in a sense, embarrassed to be a man because of the extent to which some men will degrade themselves in pursuit of these passions. This is the stuff that psychologists can study, and profit from, for a lifetime.
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Post by Sockratease »


I'm new here, but here is a post I made in antoher forum addressing Financial Domination:


Princess Lissa Offers this, but does not Require it of Her slaves.

She stresses that if your bills are in danger, or if you just can't afford it, then find another way to Please Her.

Which I do.

I struggle to make my living, and my finances are not Dominated! I am getting by, but not yet getting ahead.


There was an $800 cash prize at another fetish forum which I won and Donated to Her because it was my only chance to Tribute Her thus without hurting myself.

I get by, so did not NEED the money, though it would have been nice, and dedicated the contest to Her. I announced She would get the money when I entered.

I always keep my Word, and so it went to Her!

Here is where I can tell You something about what a slave who can afford it might get out of such a thing. Her Gratitude was obvious and made me Very Happy! I was able to help at a time when my Princess was in need (there was an expensive problem in Her life at the time, and I was able to help alleviate some of the pressure).

I can't grasp those who want to ruin people, and I suspect it's beyond my Princess's understanding too, but it was nice to be able to help Her so directly at a time when She needed help.

While I am sure Her Hand is always open to those willing to give, there is no forceful pressure to give regularly, or even to give anything beyond what one can afford. (although I hear one can "buy" their way out of chastity...) (at least temporarily)

But I know the type in question here.

They are beyond my understanding too. I can understand greed, but not wanting to ruin people! There's no continued support!


As with every other fetish- Safety and Sanity should always be the primary considerations.

I would never do this for any other Woman! But Princess Lissa has come to mean much to me. If I ever encounter another windfall of cash, I shall be sure to treat myself to someting (My Turn!) but if there is a lot, I'd be willing to share again. No Problem.

I hope this helps clarify things a little.
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Post by dark »

Thank you for your answer Sockratetease and good to have you here :-) And i understand that you gave the money to her. First point you won it. Second it was not a regulary payment and you already knew her. But the moneyslavery is just the abusing of sexual bends, in my eyes. I talked to a moneymistress who took all the money from a guy and when he was really in a need she gave it back to him. But i think that is an exception. But i am not talking only about moneyslavery, i mean the whole thing that a lot of men can't think clear if they are horny. For me it is something what i can't understand because i can keep my prinicples althoug i am desperate.
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Post by Sockratease »

Yes, I have offended some people in the community by insisting upon keeping my principles, despite having a submissive side.

I have even been chided for certain limits I have which I will not compromise.

But I feel being open, honest, and consistent is all that matters.

Keeping to one's Principles is a sign of trustworthiness and good character!

Even when desperate... Hell! Especially when desperate!
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Post by Monkeybutt »

I watched a silent film made in 1926 last night called 'The Temptress' starring Greta Garbo.

In the early part of the film there was this scene wear the owner of the largest bank in Paris invited a large number of people for dinner. Everyone was having fun sitting at this huge table. The banker was sitting at the end of the table and close to him was Elena played by Garbo.

The banker poured poison in his drink, stood up and made a toast. He then announced to everyone that he was financially ruined because he gave everything to Elena. He then drank the poision.

The incident embarrassed Eleana as it got into all the papers in Paris.

The movies ending got goofy with her turning out to be a drunk in the gutter at the end.

The point of posting this. Well men have ruined themselves long before any of us were ever born and will continue to do so long after everyone of us are dead.

I know such a woman in real life and she got all the lectures that dark has posted on this thread.

Lets call this woman Sandra. I was at a book store with her and another woman lets call her Amy. Sandra handed me a book and said she would like to have it. I thought nothing of it and bought it for her. Amy saw me buy it and I caught hell later on. Amy is disgusted with what Sandra does to men.

I bought the book because Sandra has been a longtime friend of mine same as Amy. I didn't buy it because I'm a moneyslave. Amy just got worried that I might have fell into that lifestyle.


Chill out. There are many things that can get a person angry. How about women that are compelled to resort to prostitution. That is very degrading in case you didn't know. And something to get angry about. We would all like to see an ideal world but it's not going to happen. So all you can do is hang loose like a long neck goose :o)
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Post by dark »

@Monkeybut: Sure you are right there are a lot of other bad things in the world. But the content of this site is about sexual power exchange. Unfortunatly we don't have a lot of submissive women here (maybe no one?) So the most content is about sexual domination by women. That is the point why i posted this here.

And i don't mean only moneyslavery. I speak about women who use their sexual power to reach things outside from sexuality. And i mean men who can't recognize it because something else thinks for them, if you know what i mean. Let's call it the little friend ;-) You ever heard from a guide like "How you can make your husband to do the household with your sexual power"?

I mean this is very special in a BDSM relationship. If you are the submissive part you have to trust the top that (s)he don't abuse her/his power, because there is a point where you can't control it anymore. You give up the control about yourself.

For that reason, i think the topic is very important in a context to BDSM.
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Post by Salt »

I honestly have had a huge problem with people understanding my interpretation of submissive. I consider myself submissive, in that I love a woman who can command me, but I dont let anyone command me, my will is too stuborn to bend over for a lady with a whim, I am strong willed i guess you could say. I have strong feelings to protect and nurture, and I wont be a blank slate for a mistress to mold. I have had lots of people tell me that I am impossible because I say one thing and show another, but it is more that they dont understand what drives my libido.

I think that probably in relationships where men and women go overboard by others standards, it is because they don't talk about their requirements honestly with each other.

I think that women who Demand tribute or worship are mostly going to find men who accept that they are going to worship. I wont say that it is unhealthy to do those things, because I am no different in my way, the best I can do is say that I am not aroused by that kind of activity.

Dark, I think that people who let themselves be walked over deserve it, you can only show someone the path, they hafta walk it themselves.

hm reading back I guess I dont make much sense, but I still feel like theres just as much responsibility to the person being taken advantage of, as the person who is doing the wrong.
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Post by Joe1 »

The fact is that most men think with their dicks. It's all we care about and it's like there is a direct link from our dicks to our minds. The minute we get turned on the dick takes over and does anything to achieve pleasure, thereby turning us into sluts willing to do anything.

Most women don't recognize the power they can have over a man. The best advice I can give to you is embrace your weakness and find a girl that you trust that can have fun with it.

I've been fortunate enough to talk my wife into dominating me. IT started out as fun and slowly turned into a lifestyle. I am no longer allowed to cum without her permisison. I am disciplined regularly and required to obey her at all times. She keeps me in a horny state all of the time which I absolutely love! She has required me to pay for things like manicures, pedicures, and other gifts for her. It gives me a rush to know when she exerts her power over me. I also know she loves me and would never do anything to hurt me.

By embracing this lifestyle I am so much happier and fullfilled.
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Post by dark »

Nice to hear that you Joe are lucky with your lifestyle but that is nothing for me. I need respect in a relationship from both sides. And for me the life is more than beeing submissive. I also want that my girlfriend can see me as a tough man and if she would have the key to my chastity belt i think i wouldn't be more obdient.

Because i am not thinking with my dick ;-) i don't like it when somebody abuse me in an absolute way, no matter how horny i am.
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