Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

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Mistress Jenifer
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Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by Mistress Jenifer »

*smiles softly*

Seems plenty of people expressed interest in my forum game that I started titled "Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer". This one happens to be the sixth edition of the game and before really going into the meat of this... the teasing, I want to address a few other points beforehand. So please read through these before going down to the task at the bottom of the post, I am doing these a bit differently based on things that occurred with the previous five editions. And those that took part in them (if there are any) I would like feedback on if these rules/guidelines are better in terms of understanding level.

~The title is a tad misleading, yes I know. But something like "Denial with Mistress Jenifer" just does not sound as appealing to me as "Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer". So despite the title this game can actually last less then seven days or more then seven days. I am pointing this out first because some people may not want to go through with this if it is more then seven days for some reason or another (travel, school, work, etc) and I understand that.
~My second point on this is very simple. By taking part in this game you effectively give up the ability to freely orgasm to me. I will be the one who says when you get to orgasm, could be in two days, could be in 7 days, could be in 15 days... Only I know and you will simply have to find out... And there is a risk, if you do not do well or amuse me... That you will be denied.
~My third point is each day's task is designed originally to be completable in roughly 30-60 minutes, some of them defiantly can go longer and some shorter. Frankly I do not know at the time of typing this how long each task will end up taking you as I do not have many days written up, most of the time I write down a general idea and the task expands from that. I will however note if I think the task will take longer then an hour.
~My fourth point is that I expect a report from each and every one of you taking part. Now this has in the past been a little confusing so I am breaking it down a bit further.
~~~~Each task is posted by me between midnight and 1am EST/EDT. That will most likely never change, if for some reason a task is not posted within that time frame presume that you are on NO TOUCH.
~~~~Your reports will have a window of Two Hours after my post to be considered valid completion of the task. Valid tasks completion helps towards earning an orgasm at the end of the game.
~~~~To clarify tasks extend from the time it is posted till the time the next one is posted. This two hour window exists for tasks that do not have a set end-point (Touch=Edge, No Touch, and other such). They are simply not doable in one sitting whereas a task like watching a video and doing certain things (stroking, edging, etc) has a set end-point, the end of the video. If the task has an end-point the report should be typed up and submitted shortly after it is done, if the task does not have an end-point then the report is to be done within that two hour time window, before bed if said window is while you sleep, before work/class/etc if the window is while you are out during the day.
~~~~To further clarify the time window, say my post goes up at 12:34 AM EST, then you have till 2:34AM EST to make your report and have it considered valid. Regardless of if you did the task at 5pm in the afternoon or not, if the report is not in by that time then no credit. So I encourage you all to post your reports when your done with the task(s) when possible.
~~~~I encourage these reports to be detailed. I mean it. If you post saying "Task Done" then... Um consider your chances of cumming at the end of the game less then someone that posts a paragraph or more about the task. I enjoy reading reports, sometimes I get a little wet reading them.
~~~~I am aware that I will probably have people playing from different timezones then myself. If that is the case then post according to your timezone which can be found by clicking here which quite handily should default to midnight, so just compare your timezone with that of EST/EDT. For those who may not know of a good choice for the EST/EDT city; anything in New York or New Jersey, both states fall into the timezone.
~~~~For those who are in different timezones, you will have to do your reporting according to your schedule and the timezone difference. Since each task should be doable in under an hour you should be able to do them in the afternoon/evening and then make a report before going to bed.
~My third point is those that cum early for whatever reason... Well, you all will remain denied till the game ends and deal with the "Cumming Early" punishment that will be within a spoiler, which will be different then the general punishment for not doing well/entertaining me with your reports.
~My last point I believe is simple. I do expect a measure of honesty from my subs during the game. If you cannot do X because of Y, fill in X and Y with whatever, tell me. Ether you have a medical issue (weak knees for example), its a hard limit (doubtful but possible), or something else. I also expect some of the detail in the reports to be how you feel from the tasks, I really enjoy the emotional/psychological side of bdsm to some degree. Plus as I do not dominate each of you on an everyday basis it helps me get a gauge of how certain things effect you. Like I know for some subs doing X, Y, and Z combined make them feel extremely submissive or extremely horny... I want to know this, if possible I like to add in some of it. Or avoid it if I feel like it will be harmful to you guys.
~~An additional little point. I have a very... odd style about me I suppose I could describe it like that. I like to write my actions, and often when possible I write up little introductions (to those that read the Seven Days I linked in the "Another Seven Days?" thread they will know what I'm talking about). So read through them and give it a try to visualize what is occurring... I also tend to include actions in the tasks, like laughter..idle finger drumming...smiling...etc. I can't speak for everyone but I feel like they add a certain flavor to the post and keep it from being just a boring list of things to do... So I keep doing it and simply hope those taking part enjoy them.

Well... with the rules and assorted information out of the way I do suppose it is time to start in on Day One, don't you all? *smiles*
*I lean back in my chair, crossing my spandex clad legs at the knee... letting my heeled boot just hang there* I figured with the first day I should... well dress the part while I type everything up. And whats more "the part" then a tight catsuit... heels... gloves, all in black? I cannot think of much else *smiles letting you all take in the view of my spandex clad form* Do try and not drool... *giggles and smiles*
Well... What to do for day one... That is truly a good question. I could do something simple, or something complex... Or something in between. Believe the last game I started with a Ladder, but I don't think this one will start that way. No... *smiles*

Today's task is something a bit more basic... But also something I find very amusing... Since it is the first day as my toys to tease...torment...and frustrate. I feel everyone should get some time to stroke/edge/palm/whatever... Aren't I nice? Of course there is a catch *giggles* there is always a catch isn't there?
The catch is that throughout the day when you decide to stroke/edge/palm/whatever you must do it for 4 minutes straight. Of course you can do this multiple times during the day, but each time will be for that amount of time in bold. Simple catch don'tcha think? Do keep track of how many times you decide to play and add them to your report.

Also with your report I want you to add a few things... Namely your top two fetishes outside of T&D, chastity, and cum-eating. Sadly I will add to that list something that I learned about myself in the last time I did this, humiliation. Yes yes, sorry to those who may have this as a top fetish but I strongly believe that this is my weakest fetish to do with others. And in the last game I did this in humiliation was one of the fetishes and I felt each of those things were very forced on my part. I highly doubt it was fun for those taking part.
Now, these fetishes will be counted up by me and if there are a lot of people under a certain one I may or may not add a "Fetish tag" to the end of my posts. At this moment I am not sure I will be doing the Fetish Tags. Its a balancing act, because I defiantly feel like they make the game more enjoyable as everyone gets to explore their fetishes a bit more. Versus the extra time they add to put together these posts. Suppose I could use how many fetishes there are in this group to help determine it, we shall see little ones *smiles*.

Enjoy yourselves little ones, I am certainly looking forward to reading your reports;
~Mistress Jenifer

Any questions feel free to post questions here for me, or PM me them if you do not want to vocalize the question in a public thread.

I added in a point to clarify, it is in italics above the actual task for today.
*Credit to LDM for the banners, love his work thought I'd promote it. Clicking on them will bring you to his deviant art account.*
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Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by cbffsa »

I would feel privileged to be allowed to take part, Mistress Jenifer. I hope that I can live up to your expectations and add to your enjoyment. This is my first time giving up my orgasms to another.
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by KirkElCapitan »

I would be interested in doing this if the time window was a little wider.

A 24 hour window would allow me to complete the tasks. Due to my work schedule, I may have to be asleep or at work during the 2 hours following midnight. I know my request may be met with a simple denial as is your right, but I wanted to share why I won't be able to participate with the current conditions.
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by Mistress Jenifer »

*sighs and rubs my eyes*
This is the actual game thread. I really don't know why people post asking permission... Perhaps I should just throw it into the first post a simple;
"If your taking part or want to take part, do the task and make a report"

I am fairly sure I made the point in the first post that you should make your report so that it works with both your time zone and the Task-Schedule. So if your going to be asleep when the task goes up, or at work... Then obviously you should be making your report before bed/before going to work. Hell today is an example of a report that sort of needs to be done near the end of your day. Get the report out of the way early if the task allows, which sadly this task does not.
*Credit to LDM for the banners, love his work thought I'd promote it. Clicking on them will bring you to his deviant art account.*
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by nylonfeetboy »

Getting started now.
How many times is this that I've played, 3 or 4? And I seem to get more excited about playing every time. :blush:



KirkElCapitan wrote:I would be interested in doing this if the time window was a little wider.

A 24 hour window would allow me to complete the tasks. Due to my work schedule, I may have to be asleep or at work during the 2 hours following midnight. I know my request may be met with a simple denial as is your right, but I wanted to share why I won't be able to participate with the current conditions.
It's 26 hours to complete a task from when it is posted. It's two hours from the posting of the next task.
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by les »

                        I am no touch while things are considered by
                                    Mistress Jennifer

                     I have failed as I did not read your post until over 4 hours after posting

                        Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

                        Postby Mistress Jenifer » Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:16 am

                     My time zone is BST/GMT. It is now 08:30 for me. I went to bed at 19:00

                     I suffer with sleep apnea and I am up early today, I rarely rise before 10:00BST (04:00EDT)

                                          Lord Les
                                 Be careful what you wish for!

Growing OLD Is Inevitable,
          But Growing UP... Is Optional
                              Why do I have to stop being a KID now I can afford it.

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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by Mistress Jenifer »

*rubs my eyes again*

It really seems like my wording needs to be better for the newer folks, I will edit into the first post a correction... But yes nylonfootboy is correct, as it seems another person (and possibly more) have read and misunderstood...

You have 24 hours from when this topic went up to do the task, and then 2 hours to type up the report. It is up to each of you to actually fit into those 24 hours the task(s) and if possible the writing of the report. The 2 hours exists because I give tasks like today's which extends all day long. As you should be doing the report as the final part of your day (or close to it) for tasks like that, but otherwise if the task is only a few edges/strokes/a video then the report should be done after you've finished.
*Credit to LDM for the banners, love his work thought I'd promote it. Clicking on them will bring you to his deviant art account.*
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by les »


                     The game is back on

                     Top 2 Fetishes




                     Surprise phone call means I am out to see granddaughter,
            While her Mum does Sunday roast.
            Back home tomorrow morning.
            Hence early report.

                     I watched and stroked to
                        Really slow handjob with ruined orgasm and teasing :\'-(
                     3 times in 4 minute segments over 3/4 of an hour.

                                          Lord Les
                                 Be careful what you wish for!

Growing OLD Is Inevitable,
          But Growing UP... Is Optional
                              Why do I have to stop being a KID now I can afford it.

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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by whatever12 »

Well I probably wont get another chance to play with myself before the next task Mistress Jenifer so I figure I will post now, for the past few months I have kind of been cumming as I please so after my two 4 minute sessions today I felt kind of weird just stopping, about 4 edges all up to some lovely ass worship porn :)

My two Fetishes are Anal (no toys) and Ass worship, might be hard to work around so ill fit in another group if you wish.

Thanks for the game Mistress
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by denialnewbie »

Dear Mistress Jenifer,

I filled with excitement when I saw that this game had started. I read trough your first post. Growing harder in my pants by the second.While reading I wondered if the first task was also posted, if so what would it be? I read trough all your points and saw the first task. I throbbed, it even hurt a little inside my pants. I did not drool, although hard not to do. *smiles*

I did visualize how beautiful you would look. *I slid my pants and underwear down to my knees to free myself and started typing this report* It was hard not to start touching. I also set up a 4 min countdown timer. I scrolled back up to the top of your post and started going to the points again. Just to be sure I understood it all. When I reached the point of the first task I got harder again.

Thinking about your nice body clad in a tight catsuit *hard throb* down from the arch of your feet in the heels, up your legs *throb* still going up to *gulp* 'the treasure' we would all love to see and touch. *drip of precum* going up again to see your firm breasts and firm nipples *drip of precum* inviting to reach and touch but not allowed. *throb* Then to see the smile on your face, your lips so inviting. your eyes so intense *really rock hard and so hard not to touch* very kind eyes but also penetrating right into my soul.*deep breath*

Wanting to touch so bad, clenching the muscles in my arms to keep me from touching. If I am already this horny I don't know what will happen after 7, 15 or more days... I decided not to touch (yet). The feeling of being horny, wanting to touch, every nerve in your body comes alive.

My top fetishes outside T&D, chastity and cum-eating are
- anal

The second one is hard, I like bondage, and other things. but for this game i have to say,
- Being submissive, for my mistress *thinking of the nice view, the tight catsuit and heels*

Giving control away, not knowing what will happen next, ... I am sorry if this does not make for a concrete 'tag'.

Mistress Jenifer wrote: Enjoy yourselves little ones, I am certainly looking forward to reading your reports;
~Mistress Jenifer
I already do! I hope you like the reports

Love denialnewbie,
your horny, throbbing, rock hard, dripping and filled with excitement submissive.

I will post another repost at the end of the day.
*Pulling my pants up, very 'hard' to do*
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by hehehe12333 »

Shall post now since it is almost midnight here.

Its been a wk since my last orgasm so i hope i can make it through this game.

1st session
Stroked to regular porn and edged twice in 4 mins. Leaked some precum after stopping.

2nd session
Was super aroused after my first session, kept me horny and looking forward to stroking again.
Stroked to shemale porn and edged 3 times and dripped alot more precum than before.
I imagined that im in his place, getting fucked by the shemale, so turned on by that.

Cock is getting hard while writing this post and im so horny right now

My top 2 fetishes other than T&D, chastity and cum-eating would be:
1) anal
2) nipple play ( I like to play with my nipples when i stroke :lol: )

Looking forward to tomorrow. :wave:
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by Jake24087 »

Hello Mistress Jennifer

I have done your edge task 3 times to my favorite fetishes:

Anal: although I don't have toys, don't know what to get
Crossdress: also wishing I had clothes :(

Looking forward in pleasing you mistress
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by Zanmato »

Hello Mistress Jenifer.

It's my first time participating and I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store. Hopefully it's a lot of fun.

I found today's task quite easy, but also very addictive. I managed to do seven sets of four minutes within two hours and ended up edging a total of 30 times. Needless to say, I was dripping and pretty frustrated by the end of it, and wanted to indulge in a few more sets but unfortunately I have school work I need to be doing, so I had to restrain myself. Hopefully I'm not too distracted and can concentrate!

As for my two fetishes, I guess those would be CBT and Crossdressing.

I eagerly await your next task.

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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by Subbylocked »

Hello Mistress Jenifer,

I really enjoyed reading the first task. I had an erection right away. I Do Not Know whether it was your incredibly teasing way of making Men obey your commands, the pure control or the thought of not being allowed to cum for an undefined time. Since my master allowed me to play along, i will give up control of my orgasms once again. I think I am just addicted to being denied.

I started with my First 4 minutes by accident. I saw some porn and started to stroke. Then i remembered that i have to go on for four minutes. I edged once and enjoyed it.
I decided Not to wear my chastity cage today, since i thought i would stroke several times.

I was busy all day and were Not able to stroke. I thought about you mistress Jenifer, you reading the posts. I truely think you are really intelligent so i always think about you sitting in front of your pc, deciding WHO is worthy getting your attention.

I had another 4 minutes in the evening and edged once again.

I really appreciate your effort and the work according to this project mistress Jenifer.

My two other fetishes, which i think might be easy to involve, are:


Last edited by Subbylocked on Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Seven Days with Mistress Jenifer - 6 -

Post by nylonfeetboy »

Well there's not a huge amount I can say just yet as it's only day 1, plus I'm tired so writing creativity has long left me today.
Horny! That's what I can say.
When I saw the announcement that there might be another game I joined and locked my chastity until the start, so I'm starting out horny.

I did 7 edges over the day, had I not been out I probably would have accumulated a lot more, but 7 was plenty to build up some significant horny to start off the game.

Top two fetishes, hmm tricky to pick just two so I'll go with:

crossdressing/forced fem (particularly things with stockings and heels)


maybe for a number 3 I'll add "Anything involving my hitachi"

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