Processing and Variable Metronomes

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Processing and Variable Metronomes

Post by Xenophobe »


I've been playing with Processing lately -- it's a java-based programming language (google it). One thing I made is a variable metronome. It starts out relatively slow (around one beat every two seconds) and then slowly ramps up to about three beats a second. From there, it returns to the slower beat and begins the climb again. It has some other characteristics but they're too complicated to mention here. I'm posting this because I thought it was *ahem* entertaining and relevant to the site.

The code refers to two sound files. In addition to the code inserted below, I've attached a zip of the folder containing the code and sound.

Code: Select all

import ddf.minim.*;

Minim minim;
AudioSample kick;
AudioSample chimes;
float last;
float nextkick;
float lastchime;
float tic_prob_max = 2100;
float tic_prob_min = 300;
float tic_triggers = 0;
float tic_prob_next_change = 2;
float delay_to_change_window_size;
float tic_prob_change_max_triggers = 10;
float tic_prob_increment_max = 300;
float tic_prob_increment_min = 50;
float tic_prob_increment_increment_min = 10;
float tic_prob_increment;
float tic_direction = 0;
float tic_direction_change_prob = .05;
float tic_prob;
PFont myFont;

void setup()
  size(512, 200, P2D);
   myFont = createFont("verdana", 12);
  // always start Minim before you do anything with it
  minim = new Minim(this);
  // load BD.mp3 from the data folder with a 1024 sample buffer
  // kick = Minim.loadSample("BD.mp3");
  // load BD.mp3 from the data folder, with a 512 sample buffer
  kick = minim.loadSample("BD.mp3", 2048);
  chimes = minim.loadSample("chimes.wav",512);
  nextkick = millis() + tic_prob_max;
  tic_prob = tic_prob_max;
  tic_prob_increment = tic_prob_increment_min;

void draw()
  float m = millis();
  if (m > nextkick) {
    nextkick = m + tic_prob;
    last = m;
      if (tic_prob >= tic_prob_max) {
        tic_direction = 0;
        tic_prob_increment = min(tic_prob_increment_max,tic_prob_increment+tic_prob_increment_min);
        if (tic_prob_increment == tic_prob_increment_max) {
         tic_prob_increment = tic_prob_increment_min;
      } else if (tic_prob <= tic_prob_min) {
        tic_direction = 1;
  if (m >=tic_prob_next_change) {
        tic_prob_next_change = m + random(1000,15000);
        if (tic_direction == 1) {
         tic_prob = min(tic_prob+tic_prob_increment,tic_prob_max);
         tic_prob = tic_prob_max;
         tic_direction = 0;          
        } else {
         tic_prob = max(tic_prob-tic_prob_increment,tic_prob_min);

  if (tic_triggers >= 100) {
    tic_triggers = 0;
  text("tic_prob = " + tic_prob,10,20);
  text("tic_prob_increment = " + tic_prob_increment,10,50);
  text("tic_direction = " + tic_direction,10,70);
  text("tic_prob_change_in = " + (tic_prob_next_change - m),10,90);

void keyPressed()
  if ( key == 'k' ) kick.trigger();

void stop()
  // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them
Processing code to demonstrate automatically ramping metronomes
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Re: Processing and Variable Metronomes

Post by Xenophobe »

Comments? Has anyone tried it?
Posts: 92
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Re: Processing and Variable Metronomes

Post by Xenophobe »

miller wrote:One quick question... is there a way to package your creation more like an executable, so that end users wouldn't have to install Processing to run the metronome?
You betcha. I don't access to the IDE right now but I'm pretty sure you can export programs as either JAR or EXE.
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Re: Processing and Variable Metronomes

Post by MegganKelley »

Just wanted to let you know that I've downloaded Processing & your variable metronome and got everything up and running. I'm not familiar with Processing (had never heard of it before, in fact), but it sounds interesting and I'll have a look.
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