The dummies' guide to webteasing!

All about the past, current and future webteases and the art of webteasing in general.
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by texturedshroom »

Merged into "The dummies' guide to webteasing."
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by srb »


I just get sick of metronomes. The bum…bum…bum…ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba bum…bum…bum…ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba and so on just bores me. After two minutes I just want to do something else, there’s just a lack of stimuli.


I feel that tagging teases gives the audience an impression of what is going to happen in the tease. Some guys don’t like anal, or CBT, or cum eating. Some want to have an orgasm whereas others want to be denied, or at least have the option to be denied. It’s a courtesy to the audience.


You know, people have the right to their own fantasy. But at least be accurate in it. And if you’re just cutting off a lock you can get bolt cutters to do that with very little chance of collateral damage. Or hey, just don’t get it on in the first place. It’s rife with inaccuracies to anyone who’s even thought of one, let alone seen or actually looked at or worn one.


I said what I felt I should have said. Disagree with my as you will. I intend to return to my lurker mode, largely because I never wanted to get involved in the community. I’m not the typical submissive male who wants to serve at the feet of a dominant woman. I also have no desire to create a tease for milovana just because I feel that there is little or no interest in what I have to do, and there’s already little interest in what I do creatively. I’m not going to invest more of my time into another application with little or no appreciation. It’s nothing about you or the website but the forum is just another adult lecher community, with a thousand or more lurkers for every one active member.


Well I guess you’re in the majority there. This is a tease and denial website and there’s a good amount of that around. And I’m sure there’s a huge audience for chastity teases. I am. There’s plenty of teases out there. If people want to be surprised then they’ll want to be surprised. If I want to read a feminization or a forced orgasm tease then I’ll be able to find it. It’s a courtesy to the audience.


I don’t know why you did that, as I did not ask for it.

As for the question, about where to post this…

My observations are my own. I realize that hell, nobody probably gives half a care about what I think. Whatever, it’s the internet, you know? We all have our own interests, desires, and feelings and they’re all valid. You guys enjoy the fantasy of being locked up in chastity and denied orgasm, I’m more into the concept of being teased and brought to the edge, to an eventual climax. Nobody is required to share any kind of interests with me.

I never meant for this to be an accurate ‘how to’ guide for making webteases. I just have been here long enough and said what I felt I needed to say. Never thought anyone would listen or care. Still don’t. Honestly the reason that at least 50% of new web teases such and 75% aren’t great is that there’s no imagination behind the poster. It’s just ‘OH HAY I CULD MAKE U STOKE 4 ME!’ or ‘OK U WANT 2 STROKE THEN DO THIS’ or ‘OK SISSY QUEER TIME TO BE MY SLUT’

The reason that someone like submatt was SO good was that he could get into your psyche and really make you think about things, really affect how you look at a tease. He painted a picture, he established a scene and brought you into it. He didn’t rely on the images or the text, but instead your imagination. Even if it was something as bizarre as the Asian Experience, you went and played through multiple times to look at all of the different means of ‘winning’ (not that anyone won in that tease).

People lack imagination, and a means to tell stories.

I realize that I’m in the minority of how I feel and I just said how I felt. That’s all. I wanted to get it out there so it didn’t bug me anymore in the back of my head when I went over another shitty tease without capital letters, untagged, poorly written, with small images and various women that jump and change throughout, ultimately leading to what I know will be a ‘edge for me 5 times then click continue…haha loser no orgasm for you!’

So in the end it winds up being merged with this thread, well I didn’t exactly want that. But it doesn’t matter either, because it’s not about what I want or how I feel. It’s just about how it is.
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by cumhardy »

Its probably been merged because its very good advice on writing a webtease. If someone wants advice cuz theyre writing their first tease they would probably come to this thread. Otherwise your post would get lost in the other posts in a week or two, and then what good would it do anyone?

If you want people to listen to what you say and take heed then why not put it in the place where most people will come for advice?

Now its sticky sticky ;-)
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by MartinC »


You replied to me (about the use of Tags): "If I want to read a feminization or a forced orgasm tease then I’ll be able to find it. It’s a courtesy to the audience."

I don't disagree with you there at all: I am quite happy with the concept of tagging so you CAN do precisely that. I just wish the tags weren't DISPLAYED on the Tease. It's fine to use them as a search filter but it's hard to view a tease without catching sight of all the Tags that give away the plot.

Milovana people, would it be possible to have "Display Tags" as some sort of setting in your profile?

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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by all2true »

forgive me if this is off-topic but I felt I should respond:

I said what I felt I should have said. Disagree with me as you will. I intend to return to my lurker mode, largely because I never wanted to get involved in the community. I’m not the typical submissive male who wants to serve at the feet of a dominant woman. I also have no desire to create a tease for milovana just because I feel that there is little or no interest in what I have to do, and there’s already little interest in what I do creatively. I’m not going to invest more of my time into another application with little or no appreciation. It’s nothing about you or the website but the forum is just another adult lecher community

I respect lurkers, I just encourage everyone to write one tease no matter how baddly it's recieved.
Its not about being the best so much as sharing your creative side.
Having my creativity limited for to long, I encourage others to share.
Alway know we do appreciate you, lurking or not.
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Re: Advice on webtease writing from cactusman

Post by cactusman »

srb wrote:Hello, this is just a thread from a lurker who wants to give some advice on how to make webteases of a higher quality. These are just personal observations, I’m sure you all think I’m wrong.

Here is some advice of what to NOT do in a webtease

· DO NOT post a tease that’s not a tease. If all you have is a story, then just write a story, or an illustrated story. A webtease isn’t just a story, it’s more of a interactive story. So if all you are going to do is just talk while the audience reads and never invite them to stroke, edge, touch themselves, whatever, then it’s a story. And take it from someone who writes stories, there’s nothing wrong with that. But don’t post it as a tease.
I thought I'd contribute to this thread, finally. Lots of interesting ideas here.

But I have to say I disagree with the opinion about stories quoted above, since I like teases that tell a story, and having an illustrated story, even with no directions, really works for me :-D. And it seems that the readers here know what to do and respond well to this. Examples are the webteases "Tonight An Orgasm Will Cost You..." (, which is presently the 3rd highest rated webtease here, and the sequel "Tonight An Orgasm Will Cost You... Part 2 (Next Week, Mon.-Tue.)" (, which is at the moment (January 15, 2010) the highest rated tease and won TOTM for December 2009).

I agree with those who say to use Word or some other editor to put together the tease at first. I personally use SeaMonkey's Composer for this, making a webpage with the tease. However, it doesn't do spell checking, so Word is probably better for non-native speakers or those whose English isn't the best.
I suppose that won't help with flash teases, but then like some others I also prefer regular webteases.

I completely agree with those who say to revise and rewrite, giving yourself days between the initial version and when you revise, to really see it. I like to revise as much as possible before putting it into the Milovana editor, as then it's possible to insert and rearrange easily.

When revising scenes, I think it's worthwhile to add more to them, to make them a bit "over the top". Think about what you're trying to do and then do more of it. More intense action, more adjectives, more descriptions, drag out the details, etc.

When revising, it's important to use the preview feature of the Milovana editor to look at how it actually works in Milovana's format (in particular with the pictures as they will be seen by your readers).

I've found, as I pointed out long ago ( that the size of the pictures that show up in Milovana's editor depend on their orientation.
If possible I like to choose pictures that are wider than they are long/tall, as such pictures don't get compressed as much. But starting with a high quality picture is essential.

I agree with many who stress the importance of continuity in the story and editing. It's like a movie, you don't want a couch in the scene to move around while the actors are discussing something. So, the more one page is similar to the next (same model, same clothing, or lack of clothing, same place), and the more the model's movements are sensible and natural, then the more the reader is not distracted.

I've often written the words first and then added the pictures later. This is particularly true for my best work. For example, with "Lori's Fantasy-Based Teasing" ( I had the complete story first, which I posted to's story board, before I had the pictures put to it. But at other times, I find the pictures very hot and write or extend the story to get one or more of them into the tease. I can easily imagine starting with the pictures and just putting words to them, and have done that a few times (maybe I'll post some of these someday). If you start with the pictures, at least imagine an outline (and a beginning and end) of what you want to do.

I think it's important to match the picture's emotional content (usually the model's expression) to the words. I usually work from a single set of pictures for a given scene in a story (to help give continuity), and then to illustrate a bit of text, I try to get one key phrase from the text (e.g., "Not yet dear") and look for pictures that have that emotional content or that resonate somehow with it. (Sometimes the picture is actually expressing something like the opposite emotion, if the character is being a tease, etc. I just look for what "works" for me, in the sense that it turns me on the most of all the candidate pictures.)

I prefer to have the words broken up into very short paragraphs, which are much easier to read than a long paragraph, and especially so when there's a really hot picture next to them! I've often found that I can use a 3 paragraph format:
1. some context (continuity from previous page, narration, setting up..., e.g., "She rolls over, looks at you and says:")
2. Something the character in the picture is saying that the picture is illustrating (e.g., "Not yet, dear")
3. Some reaction to that (e.g., "You are horribly disappointed.")
There are many examples of this in the story Lori's Fantasy-Based Teasing and in the "Tonight An Orgasm Will Cost You..." series ( and It's not a hard and fast guideline for me, but just something that I've noticed seems to happen and to work often.

I agree with this advice: do not to put too many words on one page of the tease. My rule of thumb is that the words should never flow down much past the bottom of the picture (or at least not much past the end of the picture). Certainly in the preview you shouldn't have to scroll the browser down to see the text. If the text is too long, then I either rewrite to shorten the text, or I try to put in a second picture and split the words on the page, giving half of them to the first picture and half to the second. Sometimes I've even used the same picture twice in a row, and this seems fine to me in many cases. After a while, you'll get a feel for how many words will fit and can judge this before you put the tease into Milovana.

I've been experimenting with story teases in which only the women speak, and "you" are given stage directions. This is because all the hot stuff is usually what the women say (for me).
The ultimate realization of this idea is when "you" don't say anything at all, and the whole tease is just the woman speaking, as in "Total Devotion" (, which is one of my favorites, and where the woman doesn't expect any answer). That was fun to write and "works" I think, and I think is a technique that is fairly often used in good teases where there is a top or domme who is the main character.

As I've pointed out many times, I think that illustrating stories and letters can make for compelling teases. See my post on various board posting and stories that I've illustrated and if you like them, I urge you to try the same trick.

Finally, I agree with those who say you should just do what you like and find turns you on. If you can read your tease without wanting to masturbate, then it needs work. Conversely, if when you read it you get all turned on, you're doing it right! :blush:

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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by cactusman »


One other tip is to use as "cast members" for teases people for whom you have a lot of appropriate pictures.

This gives you the ability to pick the pictures that best match the emotion in the text.
I've found that using is a good way to find lots of free galleries for a particular cast member that may have been a bit short before. But I'm sure that there are other sites. See the thread on "The best sources for pictures" ( for many suggestions on where to find pictures.

I think it's helpful to organize pictures by model name and then within that in subdirectories named by what they are wearing (or "nude"), where they are, etc. This may be helpful when looking for a picture to complete a story...
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by breastworshipper »

Don't have a photo stay up too long without purpose. When someone is through reading the text, the flash tease should go on to the next step without too much wait. Waiting is boring. I've never been too fond of the question mark timers because too many seem to think making it hang an excessive time is erotic. Sound is VERY potent. Even the metronomes make a tease vastly more effective. I've always thought it would be erotic to have a moaning metronome. A woman's voice is potent.
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by casey »

perhaps set out a guide like a compass rose ~ N,S,E,W, NE etc
each point indicates a particular interest
North could be straight non orgasm tease, perhaps WNW could be trannies
than a number too which indicates intensity or length under that topic

but ... to the main point of dummies guide forum

advice/suggestion: that creators simply leave the tease a day or two [finished but unpublished]
then go back and do it yourself

this should indicate whether your intensions with the tease have been met, whether you yourself have been taken on the ride you had envisaged

as with all writing a delay before re-reading can really assist the editing/rewriting process
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by Sub-Routine »

If your interest is not something brand new on the site, read and play with webteases that interest you and figure out why and how they work. Reading makes you a better writer as much as, if not more than, writing makes you a better writer. Understanding what kind of effect a tease has on you is key to making one that more strongly affects you, and hopefully others as well.

I subscribe to the lazy method of tease construction, since I'm a very strong writer and I have a lot of knowledge about the teases I like. Typically the way I run is I find a model who I am interested in and browse photosets looking for facial expressions, actions, and ideas to form. Once I have a sort of basic idea of what I want to do, I put Milo in one side of the screen, the picture I'm currently on in the other, and start writing. I pull the tone of voice from the model's position and expression for each page and fill in the details based on where I want to go. Ordering the pictures and proofreading in Word are highly recommended steps, as is testing the tease yourself.

It's important to remember that a tease is equal parts writing and visual content. The visual content is not yours, but it's just as important unless you and your audience are purely linguaphiles. At the same time, the pictures don't function the writer doesn't function, and the most beautiful woman in the world is not typically very sexy if she is telling you to stroke 1000 times while looking at her boobies. There's one other part to this - the delivery. Classic teases are page by page stories with one picture each, so it's important to make it so that you don't overload or underwhelm with any one particular page. Don't make them stare at the same stiff image for too long, and don't let them skip past your model when she's doing something highly erotic.

Oh, and the audience's mood matters too! Here's a story for you: I've been pretty fiercely denied for the last two months for reasons of following my own teases. After a long Friday night of play and some 20 days without, I performed a favorite tease which I assumed to be orgasm-safe as it had very little stroking and a lot of other tactile play. After revving the engines hard for about twelve pages, I was asked to do my first 100 strokes and was absolutely astonished when I edged 9 times before finishing.

The tone of the tease should be adjusted according to what kind of fetish and state of denial you are engaging. A pure chastity tease has a different mood than one without a belt, because you can't moderate it with the most basic of stroking instructions - but on the other hand, you'll definitely have their attention...

Giving instructions that may be patently impossible (nonstop stroking with no cumming, for example, only functions when the user is NOT all that interested or is freakishly practiced at control) will cause your audience to either fail the tease and lose interest or ignore the instructions and lose interest. Similarly, while you can talk people into fetishes outside the basic T&D comfort zone that runs through all teases (which is stroking, very light pain play and submission to instruction), you can't just give an order outside this zone and expect it to be followed. Make an effort to make your kink sexy if you actually want to share it. Though please, please avoid potentially dangerous and unhealthy kinks - scatological, severe self-bondage and pain infliction, even drinking too much water for desperation play - as they are not spreading the love so much as spreading dysentery and accidental death.

That's all I can think of right now in terms of advice for your basic instruction based tease. My favorite tease on the site is actually The Anniversary Tease, which did a lot of things common in good storytelling - starting in the middle of things, then tracking back to the beginning and slowly building up to the climax (which doesn't exist, ha ha). It picked a distinctive but still sexy photoset, set a single instruction which wasn't really effected by the fantasy element of it, and then just told a story in such a captivating fashion as to keep me poring over each page, lingering for a while. It was accessible as both a story and a tease (and I don't think I had access to either of the toys necessary for it when I first came upon it, so that was important). Regardless of whether or not the teased had his toys ready, each page broke down into either a singular fantasy to mull over or a little order to perform - something to associate with the picture, but only for as long as you felt like doing so. A very disturbingly kinky idea, excellent pacing, good storytelling and writing, knowledge of the models expressions and appearance - all of these things put a good tease together without really having to rely on instructions at all. I'm not sure that I had any of the fetishes (other than chastity) related to that tease when I first opened it up. Now? I think I have all of them. Something to think about when you consider how you want to set up your tease.
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by 88888888 »

Al right, I don't know if this is the right place the post this, This is more an inspirational link.

Anyway for people making sissy teases, this masturbation technique might be interesting: ... n-of-how-i
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by joss »

I dont know if this is the correct place to ask this, but i dont find other place to do it.

How i can add a vid in the classic teasers? I mean a vid from pages like tube8 or xvideos. If i copy&paste the link that shows the pages as "embed link", when i preview the page it only shows the text code.

For example, if i paste this code in my teaser:

<iframe src=" ... v/1978591/" frameborder=0 height=481 width=608 scrolling=no name="t8_embed_video"></iframe><br /><a href=" ... 91/">sunny lane POV</a> brought to you by <a href="">Tube8</a>

When i preview the page i see the whole code, but not the vid embedded. There is some special way to do this?

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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by Mykki »

Well this is weird. I had done 137 pages for my first tease before saving yesterday. Today when I came back there was only 120 pages done. I'm very sure I saved it before finishing yesterday, but there are 17 pages missing today.

I did copy the script before finishing, but when I pasted the script back, the pages from 121 to 137 didn't reappear. I even tried creating blank pages from 121 to 137 before a new paste, but to no avail.

Anyone know a trick around this or do I have to re-do the missing pages?
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by Mykki »

Never mind! Found out what's wrong thanks to Nezhul's post from ... sing+pages

Just incase anyone else runs in to the same problem:
Nezhul wrote:There's something wrong with the script for sure. Probably a comma, a quote ('), a bracket ) or ; sign is missing somewhere. Look for the error around the last page that's displayed in visual.

Had this thing earlyer.
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Re: The dummies' guide to webteasing!

Post by computergeek »

Well being I am a dominant male and part of my trade is scripting in different languages, so I have a different take on all of this. Obviously I am not interested in being submissive to a woman, but on the other hand if the tease is exceptionally well written it may still take my interest. The best example I could give is The Bermuda Triangle Series by Incubo.

The Bermuda Triangle Series by Incubo ... a+Triangle

But what really interested in me was that games in the adult industry are so horribly written, they are nothing more than movies that pause and you got to click a button to continue them. If I want to watch a movie, then I will go find a movie to watch. Here on Milovana I have seen some rather well written games by armature programmers that the so called adult game industry barely is able to keep up with.

The maze of Lust by Nezhul

The Pornstar is Right! by Decker ... p?id=11987

So for myself at least, iteration with an environment is key. Can a tease be played more than once? Are there different choices? Are there random elements so it will change when you play it? Even more rare, does the tease ask you about your personal preferences rather assuming you want to cut your balls off?

I know this is a personal preference but the things I absolutely hate in teases.

- Metronomes
Nothing annoys me more than tick tick tick tick tick. Maybe find music with the tempo you are looking for? And please do not make an entire tease of nothing but metronomes.

- Counting Strokes
Stroking your cock 100 times while looking at one picture forever? Boring! Add more pictures on a timer, add a bit of dialogue, keep the tempo of the story moving.

- Get Hard
I do not know how many teases where the second page is get naked and the third page is get hard. A little warm up? A little enticement maybe?

- Extra Long Pauses
Ok on some teases this works, like if the tease was meant for all afternoon or all day and you are supposed to come back in 30 minutes, that kind of thing. I do not think I can enjoy staring at a single picture for longer than a minute or two, and even that is a very long time.

- Sexual Tempo
You are riding the edge and they want you to go faster? Ok I understand some teases are about trying to force you to cum against your will, but others are intended for an extra long tease. Start slow, build up speed, get to edge, SLOW DOWN!
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