Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

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Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by vindicare »

Hello everyone!

We've recently seen an explosion of support for the Cock Hero movies originally created by lalaland, developed by andyp and vindicare (me). I know there are several people out there that would like to try to develop a movie of their own. That is why I created this thread, to give a quick guide in how to begin and offer support, feedback and ideas to a fellow developer!

The more cock hero movies the better!!!!!



Here's some additional tips regarding Cock Hero production:
  • You can get great music that is free for non-commercial use on - use the Creative Commons search options.
  • See also:
  • It can be tricky to find good adult clips and get permission to use them. You can use promotional clips that are watermarked at your own risk, but we recommend that you consider contacting the site that produced the clips for explicit permission to use then. Point out that Cock Hero teases leave people pretty horny and that you'll include the URL for their site both while the clip is playing as well as at the end. ;-)
  • Never, ever use clips from the private member-only areas of sites!
Step 1.
First off, what are your plans with the movie? Is it going to be a series or a standalone movie? What will you name the movie/serie?

Tip: Since the original Cock Hero series is concidered to be finnished, I would recommend naming the movie (or new series) something like "Cock Hero _randomname_ 1". For instance, I'm working on a series of 6 movies that will be called "Cock Hero Flux 1", "Cock Hero Flux 2" etc.

Step 2.
Create a new folder which will contain everything about the movie. You can add subfolders for music, clips, testing parts etc.

Open up an empty document. Start typing down what music you will be having and what clips you will be using (you will probably need to download a few clips for this). After you have decided on some music and a few clips, it's time to organize it! For example;

Scene 1. - Warm up
Vid: Hot Babe Dancing
Music: Techno Beat

Scene 2. - Endurance round
Vid: Lesbians
Music: RnB song

Step 3.
Get a video editing program. The most popular ones are Adobe Premiere and Sony Vegas. Personally I've only been using Sony Vegas 10.0, so the guide will be described from that program from now on. Sony Vegas is a fairly simple video editing program which allows alot of drag and drop and easy to use program.

Here's the layout of the program:


1. Project Media. All files that you are using are stored here for ease of access.
2. The Video Preview window. Here you see your video playing while working.
3. First video track. Will always be on top of the others. I'm using it for comments and text.
4. Second video track. Using the BREAK and STROKE text in the upper right corner.
5. Main video track. Here is the main video.
6. Main audio track. All the music goes here!
7. Second audio track. Here goes all the beats, bells and sounds
8. Main work area. Here you can scroll to zoom and press play to see your video.

Settings for a new video project (what I'm using, dunno if it is the best but it works):
Width: 1280
Height: 720
Field order: None (progressive scan)
Pixel aspect ratio: 1,0000 (Square)
Frame rate: 29,9
Leave everything else as standard.

Step 4.
Drag and drop the video to the video track. Adjust the lenght by dragging it on the edges.
Drag and drop the audio to the audio track. Adjust the lenght by dragging it on the edges.

You can add fadetime by dragging it in the top left and right corners, aswell as add speed by right clicking and selecting Insert -> Velocity. Most of the clips comes with the audio aswell. It can be removed by right clicking and selecting Group -> Clear, then you can move the audio and video freely.

Here is a more zoomed in view of the work area. Here you can see the beats, music, video and text all working together. The blue lines on the text event indicate the fade time in which they appear (easibly draggable).

For more newbie introduction to Sony Vegas and regular creation of video with music, check this video guide out: ... egas-5.php

Step 5.
Adding beats and beat matching!

This is probably the most advanced thing about creating a Cock Hero movie.
I've uploaded several sounds which you can drag and drop into a new audio track beneath your music track.

The beat sound:

The "let's get ready to rumble" sound:

The boxing bell sound (at the start and end of each round)

The pause music (in between rounds)

Beat matching:

After importing the music to one track and the beat to the second track, it's time to beat match!
Using alot of Copy (ctrl + c) and pasting (ctrl + v) is essential when working on a video!

Here's what I do:

1. Zoom in on the music track as much as you can and try to move the first beat to the exact position below the music track where the first beat in the music appears. You can try to play the movie and see if the beat matches the music.

Tip! Lower the volume on the music track and raise it on the beat track. It makes the beat more hearable!

2. Then, right click and press "Insert empty event" as seen below in pic 3.
This will add an empty event that you use to measure the distance between each beat. It is like importing a short sound which doesn't sound anything.

3.Adjust the empty event so that it ends just in time for the next beat, as seen here:
Copy the beat and move it to the end of the empty event. Now you have two beats with an empty event in between!

4. Now copy the empty event again and paste it after the second beat. It should look like this:

5. Now mark both the 2 beats and the 2 empty events and copy them. Paste them a few times and add it all together and listen to the tracks to see if the beat matches.

A well matched beat:

A poorly matched beat:

And there it is! You can try to copy and paste longer sections of beats and listen to the track further in. If the beat is off, you have to remov all the beats and adjust the original empty event (making it shorter or longer) depending on if the beat is after or before the music.

This is a bit tricky in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it it's quite simple!

Step 5.
Rendering the movie.

Just select File -> Render as, and you get the option to create the movie with different settings. Once the movie has been rendered you can now open it and test!

Step 6.
Adding the stroke meter.

This is fairly advanced and right now it's only andyp how knows how to. I'm still learning to implement it.

The end!

I really encourage you to try this out! It's more fun creating these videos than actually playing them. Writing the text and inserting and adjusting your most sexy videos to your favorite music really is a blast!

Good luck everyone and don't hesitate to ask for help in this thread!

Last edited by vindicare on Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by supermokkori »

Good tutorial vindicare. :thumbsup:

I've actually created a few compilations myself and was hoping to see how to incorporate/create the "stroke meter". Alas, you left that out for now. :lol:

Good stuff - hopefully we'll see a whole new section to Milovana thanks to you, andyp and lalaland. :-D
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by andyp »

So then, ill try to describe the stroke meter implementation.

Here is the project file you will need. To recreate this would be madness.

It took me ages and ages to get the beat meter right and to be fair I'm not even sure how i managed it in the end lol :)

You have to use adobe premiere pro cs5.5 x64 to insert the effect into the vid...

So ill start of with how i did Ch6 for vidiacare

Step 1
If your using Sony Vegas you need to export the video as normal.

Step 2
You also need to export the beats as a mp3 file.

Step 3
Start adobe premiere pro and drag all your vids into the project manager then onto the timeline.

Step 4
Start adobe after effects, drag your beats mp3 into the already made rounds 1,2,3,4 from ch5.

Step 5
Open each composition one by one and drag the beats.mp3s on the correct timeline for the rounds.

Step 6
Highlight the dark gray solid 2 (our custom effect its the stroke meter).

Step 7
Go to effect controls in the audio layer we select 1.mp3 (or whatever round is).
Step 8
Save after effects project.

Step 9
Back over to premiere pro, goto file adobe dynamic link, import aftereffects composition.

Step 10
Find the project file "round1 wave 3.eap", select the round composition you want to import, it should then appear in the project manager.

Step 11
Drag it onto your time line and match up your beats to the meter :)

Let me know how you get on, would love to see more vids with this in..:)

If i get time i might do a video guide ;)


Last edited by andyp on Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by narikoisheavenly »

Great guide guys!
Really love this series that lalaland started.

I hope someone can eventually do a celebrity themed Cock Hero, with all those awesome celebrity "photo shoot-behind the scenes" videos.
I just imagine that being incredibly hot!

Great job again!
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by andyp »

updated link...
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by ~HD-Ready~ »

@andyp: can you make a few screenshots on how to insert and configure the stroke-meter, like vindicare has it in the informations about sony vegas?
I dont really get it with the text instructions :whistle:
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by andyp »

Updated with pics :) hope it helps..

Let me know if you need any more pointers


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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by cai »

The text must be a gif? Cant write a text with Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas direct into the video?
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by phil26 »

I dont know how to use the stroke meter. I have Ulead VideoStudio 11 . Can someone help me please?
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by hiphopanonymous »

phil26 wrote:I dont know how to use the stroke meter. I have Ulead VideoStudio 11 . Can someone help me please?
I don't believe the stroke meter is work-able outside of Adobe After Effects.
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by ~HD-Ready~ »

Another point which i think, is very important, is the titel melodie/music in the beggining from the video, each cock hero clip is it from andyp or vindicare has a unique intro (and outro) melodie which reminds the viewer on the style from the autor, and he conglomerates the good memories which he had with the videos with this melodie so i think, every autor should have his own titel melodie in the beginning (first 20 seconds of a video) and the end (outro with credits) which is a signature for his style.
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by blacklobster »

ok bit of a nub question , what do i export from sony vegas as. i couldnt see any options for export other than for sony psp file, im thinking because i just rendered it as a wmv its also the cause of my next problem . for doing the stroke bar part my beat bar seems to look correct in after effects but wont show on premier well, it shows and imports ok the sound is there but the beatbar doesnt show over the video .
any idea what i could be doing wrong . im using sony vegas 9 and the latest premier / after effects ( adobe ones are trials but not sure thats the problem ).
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by blacklobster »

got it figured out , just had to move the bar higher :D , everythings sorted and ill start work on a cockhero right away . great work on the guide thanks everyone who put some input in to it and i hope to make you all proud :D
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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by andyp »

I got asked how i match up my beats in another thread,

So i thought i would post it here too :), hope it helps someone...

I tend to just use YouTube - find a popular song that has a good beat, stick it in YouTube. if you need a longer song add club or mix or extend to the end of the song name, summat will come up that fits. then and you have it as a mp3 :)

As for beat matching god its a night mare, Ill share my tips. Now i have never shared this before, I'm giving away the family silver here but hey, you don't need to start from the beginning like i did. I first determine what BPM my song is ( Then I generate my beat using hammerhead ( and export it to wav (a few minutes of the beat) I then add this to another layer of sound in my video editor and adjust the timing and length as necessary to match the song layer. (as well as the fade in and outs), once you get the hang of this you can knock audio together far far quicker than doing it beat by beat...

(Tip, play the song in mediaplayer, in hammerhead set a beat going and use mediaplayers pause/play button to try to sync the beats, you will know when its right and wrong just by listening)


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Re: Guide: Create your own Cock Hero movie! Tips & support!

Post by blacklobster »

im going to have to try them out i hope they work well with rock ,metal music because i find them a bit hard to use for making beats . i already did the beats for my next vid so ill try it out for part3

i use spotify or youtube and recorded the audio using audacity ( need the " what you hear" option for soundcards ) then id go to amplify lower it a little to something like - 1 then go to bass boost and increase that alittle so the beats were more noticable . then it is just a copy and pastefest in sony vegas .

also in adobe after effects on the beatbar when you go to the effect options to add the file you can adjust the size of the beat symbol and colours aswell , when i discovered this i was over the moon :P

and if you dont have and dont want illegal copys just download the trial versions of adobe after effects and premier .
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