frozen balls

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Curious Newbie
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frozen balls

Post by cuckboy12 »

I have been teasing and denying myself for 2 weeks. After a tease i get a bowl of ice and put my penis and balls inside of it for about 10 minutes until they are numb. Is this going to affect me? me prostate or anything? I'm quite new to this and if anyone has any advice please show me. ty.
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Post by SmackMyNuts »

I don't know about the prostate, but generally speaking 10 minutes of putting you penis and balls in ice shouldn't be harmful. I am not a doctor, but I believe that I have learned enough that I can speak with authority here. In general, with cold play, what you have to worry about is frostbite. Frostbite is when the water inside the cells of your body begins to freeze. When this happens, metabolic processes stop, and the cells essentially die. When people get frostbite in their extremities (i.e. hands, feet, ears, tip of the nose, penis, and balls), it sometimes results in amputation being necessary if it gets bad enough. And most of us don't want that.

A mix of water and ice will be precisely at freezing (32 Fahrenheit, 0 Celsius). If it were any warmer, some of the ice would absorb some of the heat and melt, thus cooling it back down to freezing. If it were any colder, some of the water would release some heat and freeze, thus warming it back up to freezing. When you first put your penis and balls into the ice, it's just ice and probably a little below freezing, but I feel pretty sure that shortly the warmth from your penis turns some of that ice into water, since your penis is significantly above freezing, and then thereafter you have a mix. That mix will stay at 32F/0C so long as some ice and some water remains. At that temperature, there is no significant danger of frostbite. The water inside your cells is not pure water, it has salts and proteins and other things in it. As such, it will not freeze at 32F/0C, just as the ocean does not freeze at that temperature. The temperature in your cells would have to get below freezing before frostbite would set in. As such, you are not likely to develop frostbite in this situation. This is especially true since your blood continues to exchange heat with the rest of your body.

This is why ice packs are frequently used to reduce swelling, because they do not incur significant risk of frostbite. If they did, they would not be used. As such, this should be perfectly safe for 10 minutes, or even longer than that. I would not, however, recommend exposing your penis to below-freezing temperature for more than a very short time. Feeling numb is okay. It just indicates that things are cold. But if you ever after feeling numb, then begin to get past that and feel pain from the cold, that is a serious sign that frostbite is occurring and you should restore warmth to any effected body parts immediately. That goes for both cold play and just being outside in the snow making snowmen or sledding or skiing. Frostbite is very dangerous, and you do not wish to play around with it.

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