KCTC Reporter Reboot - 8

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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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KCTC Reporter Reboot - 8

Post by KittyZateez »

Tom’s eyes were riveted to the totally hot, busty blonde KCTC receptionist as she got up from behind her desk and came strutting towards him. As she strode along, her gait displayed an air of sheer feminine confidence, and the combination of her knowing smile and the way she stared at him made her look like she was a feline predator that was out on the prowl. She was definitely targeting him now - coming to get him – and surely she was intending to sink her claws into him and eat him alive…

He looked into her gorgeous eyes as she approached, and the sight of her had quite a stunning effect on him. She was looking right back at him with each step she took, too, and a tingle went up his spine as she slowly got closer - such was the suddenness of having her turn her attention to him after making him wait all that time. He could feel his arousal rising once again, and it was wonderful, but he also felt incredibly intimidated by the appearance of this beautiful creature zeroing in on him the way she was. It really caught him by surprise!


As she continued her approach, he could feel his sexual excitement skyrocketing, and his cock twitched in his pants as he watched this deliciously prepared vision of alluring femininity finally focusing her attention completely on him. But instead of treating him to a close-up stationary view of herself when she got really close, she simply grinned knowingly, then took her eyes off him and simply brushed past him to one side without bothering to verbally acknowledge him at all.

As she breezed by, walking around to his side, she left only the memory of a brief up-close view of her appearance lingering in his mind. He had taken a deep breath as she came close, but he exhaled quickly as he watched her disappear from his view like that. Since she gave him a very quick look at her, but then she took it away, he was left with only his sense of smell, which was forced to focus fully on the scent of her seductive perfume. So with each quickening breath he took, the aroma slowly sank into his senses and it started to have just the effect on him that she wanted it to. Indeed, she had just left him with his first taste of her ‘give him a little and then take it away’ technique…

The click-click-clicking of her spike-heeled shoes on the stone floor that had accompanied her approach ceased for a moment when she got most of the way past him, and she was out of his line of sight now, standing beside him but also a little behind him. Instead of turning his head to try to look at her, he suddenly realized he could see her clearly in one of the floor-to-ceiling wall mirrors on the other side of the room, and the view was like he was outside himself, watching the scene of his own pending seduction unfold like he was in a porn movie or something.

Cheri seemed to know he could see her from that angle, and she glanced at him briefly in the reflection in the mirror to make sure he was watching her. Smiling to herself when she saw that he was, she then simply reached out and softly planted her warm hand right on top of his head. She left it there briefly, then playfully patted him like a housepet a few times, and then gave him a brief tippity-tippity-tap with her sexy-nailed fingers.


It was her very first physical contact with him that afternoon, and it was incredibly well executed – she had delivered it with a gentle sensuality that was absolutely perfect! The casual but also somehow assertive touch of the sharp tips of those shiny red nails on his scalp sent a pulse of tingling pleasure shooting down his spine - right into his crotch. The sudden stimulation caused his erection to throb in response with each beat of his now palpitating heart, and again he was stunned by the effect of the sensations she had caused with only the simplest touch…

He began breathing heavily, almost panting like a dog in fact, and Cheri’s generously applied perfume was causing even more intense feelings of arousal and desire as he took in one breath of it after another. Its vanilla scent continued to stimulate him more and more with each one, and even though he could see her in the mirror, he mindlessly turned his head to try to get a better close-up view of her standing beside him.

He could just barely catch a glimpse of her back there, but as he craned his neck to see more of her, he felt her slide her fingers down the sides of his head. Then she grasped it firmly and rotated it back towards a straight-ahead view, making sure the only sight of her he was given was the one she wanted him to see. She was keeping him at a distance in a way, only allowing him to see her in the mirror from across the room, and no closer. It was a surprisingly strong, physical move, and again, it really caught him off guard.

Tom kept his eyes glued to her in the mirror, and she bent over towards his ear, straight legged, and cooed, “Ah-ahh-ahhhh!” with a girly-girl sing-song tone of voice. Then she scolded him playfully, telling him sweetly “Nooo lookies up close until later!” Her power over him right then was undeniable, and since she refused to allow him a closer look, he had no other option but to keep staring at her in the mirror, watching this feline temptress assert herself over him!

Then she took her hand off his head, but he stayed still in a simple act of obedience, and he watched her reflection as she took a slow, deliberate breath in and blew some warm air in his ear, whispering softly in it as she leaned in even closer, “Now you be a good boy, stay right there and wait for us to come and get you…”

Then she stood back up straight, and came sashaying back around in front of him, prancing right by him again without even looking at him. Tom’s eyed moved away from the view of her in the mirror and onto her voluptuous figure as she did, and although she may have forbidden him to look, the way she immediately proceeded to show off for him while otherwise ignoring him again was a wonderfully naughty mind fuck.


Needless to say, her “don’t look at me yet” instruction went right out the window as his eyes drank in every inch of Cheri’s fantastic body while she paraded away from him. Of course, he shouldn’t have been surprised that what could have taken only a few seconds for her to cross the room became a more drawn-out show, and as she took slow, dainty little steps along the way, it became obvious she was doing it very much on purpose!

While Tom observed her flaunting herself like that, he suddenly realized that she seemed to be using that same sexy bouncy strut that he had seen Brigitte use earlier when the webcam followed her into that lounge area! He would soon learn that that particular style of exhibitionistic walking was a well-developed KCTC trademark, and it was one that allowed any TeaserGirl who had practiced it to perfection to serve herself up on a silver platter - for any male in sight to see…

Yeah, Cheri wanted him to look, all right, and Tom was more than happy to oblige her! So he simply feasted his eyes on her right then, starting with a quick pass up her body from her sky-high spiked heels all the way up to her lovely, teased-up blonde hair. And oh, that hair of hers was so beautiful, with its whitish blonde color, looking all wispy and silky as it gently flounced around with each step she took. Then his gaze moved slightly downward onto that bright red fluffy sweater that wrapped her upper body in ultra-feminine furry angora softness, and he was stunned by how sensual it looked - just absolutely dripping with girly sex appeal.

Since he had only seen her sitting at her desk, and then only briefly in front of him as she approached him just a minute before, he hadn’t been treated to the sight of how incredible she looked from behind. And whether he knew it yet or not, the fantasy of exploring Leg and High Heel Worship with a sexy, leggy KCTC girl had been firmly planted in his mind by Brigitte’s little webcam demonstration earlier, so it was the lines and curves of the lower half of Cheri’s body that were of particular focus for his gaze right then. Needless to say, the view of her from that angle was absolutely magnificent…

As she sashayed along towards the back office area, Tom’s eyes drifted down onto her trim, pretty waist, held firmly in place by her shiny white belt. He stared at her wide hips gyrating enticingly with every step she took, and then his eyes moved down over her lovely, curvy, wiggling bottom, displayed so lusciously in her skin-tight, white velvet micro-miniskirt. And of course, just like almost any red-blooded male would do given the opportunity, he fixated on that highly symbolic and erotic part of her body for a few moments.

His eyes went lower next, moving down over every inch of those fabulously long, white-stocking covered legs, and he marveled at the sight of them as they bent and flexed with each step she took. And finally, his gaze landed on her pretty little feet perched up high on her strappy stripper heels, and the way they looked combined with that familiar click-click-clicking sound of those spike heels on the hard floor was absolutely mesmerizing!

He was practically hyperventilating at the sight of her as she put more distance between them after giving him just the very beginning of a super-seductive come-on! And as she got to the clear glass door that led to the back office, she abruptly turned her head to look back at him, tossing her bleach blonde hair to one side, letting it flick outward daintily in response to the girly motion.


And then, with one more undeniably enticing look, she gave him a flirtatious wink, pouting her lips like she was giving him a sexy kiss, and simply turned away again, stepping through the doorway. The click-click-clicking sound of her prancing along in her high heels promptly faded as he watched her move along the hallway through the office glass, and then she just disappeared, leaving him hanging in a perfectly aroused state.

Tom’s mind was completely reeling at that point; he was panting heavily and his cock was pulsing in his trousers. He was suddenly aware of some moistness down there, too, and he looked down and saw a small stain of precum seeping through the material, clearly oozing out of the head of his teased-to-arousal hardon!

Having been given such a brief dose of sensual touching pleasure from this deliciously lovely sex kitten, his mind could barely comprehend what she had just said. But then it began to sink in. First, he understood that she had told him to wait there, which of course was completely predictable. But she had said he was to wait for…’us’?

I mean, first it was Brigitte he was going to see at his KCTC indoctrination, but when he got there, she seemed like she was getting Cheri involved in little ways too. So now, was it going to be both of them that would entertain him, or would it be two other girls, or maybe even more girls than the two of them, or…exactly what was going to happen??

As the possible implications of her simple little instruction sank into his psyche, he suddenly glanced around the room and saw that the two other guys sitting there in the reception area were looking right at him. One of them mouthed the word “wow” as if he didn’t dare say it out loud, but the other let out a long, low whistle, just to add a little punctuation to the other guy’s expression. Tom also saw that each of them had let their right hand fall down between their legs, right onto their noticeable erections, and they had each begun gently rubbing and squeezing themselves.

What’s more, Tom suddenly realized he was doing the exact same thing, giving himself some gentle pleasure with one hand between his legs, squeezing his own erection! It was quite clear that Cheri’s spell had definitely been cast upon them; she had all three of them wrapped completely around her little finger with barely any effort at all, and whatever attention she chose to give any of them from that moment on would most certainly be welcomed without question…

Yeah, that very first introductory prick teasing stimulation that Cheri had just dished out had been quite brief, but she had executed it with such skill and expertise that Tom began to realize just how pleasurable these little games could possibly become! And she managed to do all that despite the fact that she appeared to be new to this kind of thing? Damn…the impact of her behavior was mind-blowing, such was the simplicity of what she did – and more importantly, what she didn’t – do to him…

So anyway, he simply sat there, waiting for whatever was going to happen next, just as he had been told. He was certainly feeling like he was finally being led just a little further along into the erotic games of these scheming KCTC girls, and as the minutes started to pass, a rush of thoughts about everything that had happened to him so far flooded his mind…

First, he reflected on how each KCTC girl’s prior communications with him had employed a cleverly designed process of slowly introducing him to the kinds of controlling, manipulative behaviors they’d be using to lure him in and string him along. Sometimes it had been done casually, almost innocently, and in vague, general ways, with practically no awareness on his part of exactly what they were doing. Other times, of course, they had served it up using more direct and brazen techniques!

But no matter which approach they took, it always had the effect of enticing and arousing him in surprisingly potent ways. Indeed, he hadn’t ever been exposed to such subtle but also assertive and controlling behaviors from incredibly sexy women like them, and from the moment he contacted Kitty herself that first time, he was instantly hooked by all their brazen seduction games.


As things slowly proceeded in their enticement of him, there was clearly some sort of predetermined agenda, some kind of established process they were using to take control of him as they lured him in. At the same time, it became clear that their diabolical techniques had been carefully crafted to ensure that every girl was always in a position to make decisions about if, when and how things would proceed.

So as they scrutinized him and performed various behavioral tests on him, he also got the feeling that there were some elements of freedom in the methods they chose to use to pull him in and string him along. So in that sense, they were also being empowered in various ways even though there appeared to be a general guideline in their approach toward his stimulation. And of course, as they continued to tantalize him, they also made it clear that when he obeyed them, he would be rewarded for playing along with their alluring instructions.

In addition, just to add to the female power dynamic, there were other ladies who introduced themselves along the way, and these girls appeared to be in positions of authority over the other girls. As things proceeded, the higher-up girls monitored the behavior and tactics of the girls who served as introductory contacts with him, and these seemingly more accomplished vixens were also judging whether his responses to each girl were acceptable or not. Of course, there also seemed to be some obvious elements of collusion going on between all of them as well…

So whether he fully realized it or not, this type of introductory “training” was already being used to condition him to respond - pretty much involuntarily - to these hot girls’ manipulative activities, and to do so in exactly the ways they wanted him to! Only when they thought he was ready, and only after they felt like he had nibbled at their bait (or more specifically, when he had swallowed it hook, line and sinker) did they proceed to bring him in to the KCTC for a more formal introduction to their shamelessly controlling behaviors and erotic mind games…

As things slowly developed, all of these scenarios had clearly been geared toward evoking a perception of female sexual supremacy, one that they inherently possessed not only over him, but also pretty much every other red-blooded male on the planet. It was also one that would continue to be developed and explored – IF he behaved himself, and IF they decided to continue with the process of luring him even closer to them.

So even though the whole thing had clearly been a setup of some kind, Tom was absolutely stunned at how carefully planned and expertly executed their little schemes had been so far. And they were clearly just getting started! In any case, becoming swept up in it had already been by far the most exotic and tantalizing experience he’d ever had, and he had no second thoughts about consenting to its continuation…

When he walked in to the KCTC reception area for the very first time, immediately there had been a delightful escalation of the process of his eventual sexual surrender to them. Why? Because he was immediately treated to the sight of Cheri - the young, dolled-up bleach blonde receptionist sitting there. Right away he was completely enraptured by her, even though the only view of her he had was seeing her sitting on the overly high bar-stool style chair behind her shiny, see-through acrylic desk.


Of course, it came as no surprise that there would be a wonderfully sexy receptionist like her who would provide some initial visual stimulation during his first onsite KCTC encounter. And it was quite predictable that not only would he be made to wait for her to give him even a moment of her attention, but he would also have to wait even longer before being introduced to his personal TeaserGirl for their prearranged playdate.

Meanwhile, as the undeniably appealing welcome-girl mostly ignored him, interacting with him only briefly in between her busy receptionist duties, she also found ways to get him all focused and fixated on her at the same time. That glamorous appearance of hers combined with the sweet-talking style she used while she handled the phones lines was a big part of how she did it…

As Tom thought about his initial impression of her, he reflected on how absolutely gorgeous she was, starting with her hair and makeup that was done up in a way that showcased her lovely facial features. Of course, she was also dressed in a style that flaunted her voluptuous curves to dazzling effect!

In addition, even though she clearly possessed a number of irresistible feminine charms that she could use to entice him, it had been her fabulously sexy, extra-long, shiny red fingernails that had been of particular interest to him – right from the moment he noticed them. So while he waited and watched, she had demonstrated a few mesmerizing techniques designed to show them off for him, and it was an absolutely tantalizing sight to behold!

She had also handled their initial communications in a way that fit the slowly developing mind game scenario, because even though the callers on the phone lines apparently had been worthy of verbal communication, she had confined her interaction with Tom to texting only. This served to delay any more direct contact with her - until she was good and ready to speak to him directly – and it was an all-too-simple way of keeping him at a distance and making him feel secondary to whatever else she had going on. As such, it was yet another demonstration of the ways that his encounters with these scheming women were going to unfold.

Meanwhile, as the stunningly attractive receptionist casually weaved a sticky web of seduction around him without even bothering to speak out loud to him, Brigitte made her nearby presence known to him as well. She too cleverly delayed any direct contact with him, though, because like Cheri, she only addressed him in chat messages sent to the tablet they gave him when he arrived…

But of course she also found a way to put on a little show for him as well, doing so by displaying herself on her webcam as two lovely assistants helped her get ready for her date with him - or at least, that’s what they appeared to be doing. She told him she was excited to meet him, but that she wasn’t quite ready for him yet, because curiously she had some other business to take care of right at the time of their scheduled KCTC introduction.


Despite what that statement implied, Tom soon found out that the “business” she needed to take care of was a demonstration of a specific teasing game technique. And to introduce him to it, he was made to watch on a webcam while Brigitte allowed a set of anonymous male hands to make slow advances on her, without even being able to see the guy whose hands they were!

They came at her from outside the view of the camera, and the guy they belonged to must have been seated slightly beneath her as she sat up high on a bar stool. They were allowed to begin paying attention to her pretty feet in her sky-high heels, and then she let them proceed slowly up her sexy legs - but it quickly became obvious that she was very much in charge of how far they would be allowed to go.

You see, whenever she decided to, she would reach out and reject the hands, slapping at them or simply shoving them away, only to sit back and relax, allowing their approach again. Tom was completely fascinated as he watched them come back for more of her gentle discipline, and he quickly realized that perhaps he was simply watching a demonstration of the way that game was to be played.

And as Tom further observed the performance, he also realized that the guy participating in the game was openly accepting her control over his advances. Whoever it was seemed to enjoy approaching her spike heels and legs with his hands, doing it slowly and gently, and allowing her the pleasure of deciding when and how she would shoot him down again…over and over and over.

When that performance ended, with the video clip of it slowly fading to black, a message on Tom’s tablet had immediately appeared, assigning a specific name to that particular teasing game. And once he knew what it was, he was instantly intrigued and excited, finding himself desperately wanting to explore a Leg and High Heel Worship game with any one of the incredibly gorgeous, tantalizing KCTC girls!

Of course, from that moment on, as he sat and waited for Cheri to acknowledge him further, his eyes kept drifting down onto her long, lovely legs in those sheer white stockings, and he also became quite fixated on her pretty feet perched up on her shiny white stripper heels too.

As she sat in her overly high-up office chair, there always seemed to be some sort of seductive motion going on with her lower body – she’d cross and uncross her legs, bounce her foot up and down from the knee, and rotate it round and round at the ankle. As she showed herself off like that, he couldn’t help but visualize what it might be like to be allowed to make slow advances on her, perhaps from below her with her sitting up high above him, and he was simply dying to see if she would accept, or reject, his approach…


Meanwhile, as his very first KCTC encounter slowly continued, both Cheri and Brigitte began taking turns on him - getting his attention, stimulating his desire for them and then leaving him lingering in the heightened state of his own arousal while they bounced him back and forth between them. It had been subtle somehow, but at the same time pretty much in his face, and as such, it was rather baffling - but also intensely arousing…

To top it all off, as he was made to wait, there were some other simple but carefully executed demonstrations of teasing games going on. One little performance was the two hot girls toying with the furboy, putting him down verbally and physically, and another was some other girls playing kissy-hand games with the other clients waiting there in the reception area too…

Soon enough, Tom began to learn a little more about where things were going, and it started to develop when Cheri showed him his brand new personalized KCTC profile. It had clearly been designed to explore and document the particular tease-technique preferences that some of the girls had been introducing to him so far. But the profile was only getting started, with a partial list of interests that had been served up and demonstrated by some of the girls, obviously being performed just to assess his level of interest in each one.

Each topic had a yes/no option checkbox next to it, but only a few of them had been selected, clearly indicating that those were the ones he had responded to in ways the girls liked. As he glanced at each of the ones that had been selected so far, he found himself to be in complete agreement with them, despite being curious about the exact definition of one of them, called “Enticement Seductions”.

Furthermore, below the filled-in and checked-off options, there was a longer list of topics still pending that were spelled out, with associated checkboxes for each indicating a preference for them as yet to be determined. And there was also room for even more techniques to be added below the ones already on the list…

The feeling of being “profiled” like that was already somewhat familiar to him; the girls he had corresponded with so far had begun introducing him to those feelings by making him answer suggestive questions during their initial contacts. And although the list of erotic preferences that was being created was something that the girls were clearly taking the lead in, he was being shown that he was part of the process too.

Anyway, as Tom continued to absorb and process all these alluring experiences he’d had so far at his first KCTC experience, his thoughts were suddenly shifted back to his current reality by the chime sound notification of the tablet he still had nearby. He picked it up and saw a conversation between Brigitte and Cheri happening in a new chat window:

Brigitte: I think he likes you, Cheri! *Giggle emoji*

Cheri: Yeah, I think so too…guys are kinda obvious about that kind of thing, aren’t they…

Brigitte: Now don’t forget what all the girls have been telling you, that every KCTC TeaserGirl in Training needs to select just the right kind of guy to explore her cock teasing desires with, so the real question is…do you like him?

Cheri: Yeah, I do - he’s kinda cute!

Brigitte: Perfect! That’s the most important thing! So did you see him checking you out, and did you notice the way he was focusing in on something about you in particular??

Cheri: Well yeah, now that you mention it! When I showed off my long fingernails for him, just the way Candi taught me, he seemed to get all fixated on them. I pretended not to notice, just like she told me to do, but every time I glanced at him he was staring at them!

Brigitte: Yes, he definitely was checking them out, big time! You know why?

Cheri: I guess that means he has a thing for them?

Brigitte: Yes! Good girl!! I think you just took a step in the right direction...

Cheri: Oooo, this is getting sexy! So what happens next?

Brigitte: Well, it’s funny you should ask, because you ARE a TeaserGirl in Training! So I was kinda thinking - since you seem to like him, and since he clearly likes you (and, most importantly, since he obviously LOVES your sexxxy fingernails)…

Cheri: What? Tell me!

Brigitte: Then maybe you should play with him today instead of me…go ahead and use those kinky fingernails of yours to take him and make him YOURS!

Cheri: You make it sound so easy…

Brigitte: It IS, sweetie! All you have to do is find the kind of guy who has a fetish for something, and figure out what it is! If you learn how to cater to his erotic fantasies, and especially, how to GIVE them to him, then it’s all too easy to take complete control of him and make him do whatever you want…

Cheri: Oh god…hearing you say things like that is turning me ON!

Brigitte: And I think that’s not all he likes about you, either! I was watching him check out those long legs of yours while you were sitting at your desk. That tiny little miniskirt you chose to wear today really got his attention, and so did those white stockings and stripper heels…

Cheri: Oh yeah? I wasn’t sure about that, so thanks for telling me! Hmmm, I’m starting to have some naughty ideas about what I could do with him!

Brigitte: Perfect! Now just so you know, I made sure to give him a little demo of the Leg and High Heel Worship game all the girls have been introducing you to as well. It’s a perfect place to start when you’re learning some of the tricks of the trade, so maybe it’s about time you introduced yourself to this new teaseboy. Go ahead, take him and have some fun with him!

Cheri: Okay…so say I DO wanna play with him - how should I proceed?

Brigitte: Ooo, that’s a great question, with a very simple answer! You see, once you know about your teaseboy’s fetishes, all you have to do is confront him about them! Show him the thing he adores and wants so badly, then start a straight up conversation with him about it. Be confident and sure of yourself as you serve up his desires on a silver platter for him, and just watch him melt into a puddle of aroused obedience!

Cheri: But Brigitte, he’s here to see YOU, right? I mean, I wouldn’t want to interfere with one of your new clients…

Brigitte: Don’t worry about it one bit, sweetie, guys like him are a dime a dozen! I mean, I could strut into the Lounge right now and have my choice of at least a half dozen of them all to myself, so that’s no problem at all.

Cheri: You sure?

Brigitte: Of course! I say, go for it, girl, he’s all yours! Go get him!!

Tom was stunned as he read this openly suggestive conversation that the two lovely ladies were having about him – they were having their girl talk between themselves like he wasn’t even there! It was definitely a window into the kinds of things that assertive, sexy girls say when they’re talking about the ways they seduce and control their submissive boyfriends. And hearing Brigitte encourage Cheri to entice him with her long, sexy fingernails and fabulous legs was as much of a turnon as anything else that had happened at the KCTC so far!

However, he would soon find out that he might as well not have been present for that conversation, because right then he attempted to post a message to protest. He typed it up to both of them, saying that even though he thought Cheri was super sexy, his playdate that day was with Brigitte, and he didn’t want to be rude to her. But the moment he hit send, the message simply disappeared.

He thought he had made a mistake, so he began typing the same message again, but before he could finish it he saw another message starting from Brigitte, and it became clear that somehow, not only did both girls seem to know he had tried to send a message, but he had been blocked from doing so in that particular chat window!

Brigitte posted a text illustrating that fact, and she taunted him a little, saying “Awww…the little man is trying to join the conversation! But he can’t, can he!”

Cheri: *Giggling emoji* No, he can’t!

Brigitte: I mean, we’re letting him read it because it pertains to him, but this particular talk is only for us girls…and besides, he doesn’t get to have a say in these kinds of decisions anyway! KCTC girls make the decisions around here!!

Cheri: *Scolding teacher emoji* Now Tommy, I thought I told you to behave yourself and wait right there for us to come get you!

Brigitte: Don’t make him wait any longer, baby, I think he’s ready! Now go GET him!!
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