A Confession for Goddess Lily

You messed up? Couldn't stick to the instructions? Confess here and do better next time.
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Re: A Confession for Goddess Lily

Post by havemercy »

WTF? Why am I an idiot again?

I still don't know where I said anything against you or Jace. I'm free to say what I want and I'm not disrespecting you so don't disrespect me.

This is what I was talking about. This is the thing I hate that comes out of a woman when you be good to her. I could never go along with it. You try to be nice and she gets bossy and then starts to tell you to do instead of ask. Every time that has happened with me I just can't continue with it and end the relationship.

I will not post to this thread anymore since this bimbo has issues and thinks everyone should drop on their knees and worship her. I would love too, but only as a fantasy. 8-)
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Re: A Confession for Goddess Lily

Post by Little_Lily »

Oh, I'm sorry, was I supposed to react positively to your statement about wanting to slap me in the face with an egg? How silly of me. Must just be because I'm such a bimbo. :-/ How silly of me to construe that as offensive.

I don't expect everyone to drop to their knees and worship me, but I guess with that extremely low IQ of yours, it might just seem that way. I'm not calling you an idiot because I think you should worship me. I’m calling you an idiot because you are one. Next time, read through it again, break all the words down into little syllables, and then sound them out. Maybe after you do that it might make a little more sense, but I won't hold my breath.

Re: A Confession for Goddess Lily

Post by JaceDare »

Wow, I had no idea I had opened up such a can of worms with my post. But since Goddess Lily has been doing a more than adequate job of not only defending herself but me and our relationship as well, I'll keep my response brief.

Lily is right in everything she's said here as regards me, my female friend, and my relationship with Goddess Lily. I'm not a very trusting or open person normally, but when I do trust someone I do so as completely as I possibly can. In the short time that I've known her, Goddess Lily has earned my trust. I won't air our entire relationship for others to judge, but I will say that the trust she's built with me is not of a sexual nature. Our relationship is more complex than a simple fantasy.

Second, as far as my friend reacting poorly to the unusual followup to my orgasm: it's the first hand job I've gotten from her. We've only been seeing each other for a couple weeks, and if/when the time comes that I want to share this part of my life with her, I'll have to make her know that my relationship with Goddess Lily was already in place before she and I started dating, and at that point I'll have to be willing to let my relationship with Goddess Lily go if it means keeping a girlfriend that I care about.

Honestly, I don't know how she'll react. Being familiar with D/s relationships, if a girlfriend told me that she had been serving an online master for the first months of our relationship I'd be a little surprised, and I'd ask her to end it, but I wouldn't let it be the end of our relationship. My friend isn't in that place, so I don't know how she'll react if we ever have that conversation.

Third, because Havemercy just doesn't seem to get it. I asked for this. I sent the email saying I wanted to be dominated. I sent a second email proposing a task that was both humiliating and painful for Goddess Lily's amusement. I entered into this knowing that, if I got her attention, I was getting a Domme, not a playmate, not a girlfriend. Honestly if she spent her time asking me what I felt like doing or asking please before she proposed every task, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. When it comes to a girlfriend I want something a little different. Because I'm submissive I'll still want someone in charge, especially in the bedroom, but I'll want more equal footing in other areas of the relationship. But what Goddess Lily and I have isn't that. And, Havemercy, no matter how you spin it, saying you want to slap a woman in the face with an egg is offensive. It's even more offensive when you take into account that I was a willing participant in the situation you were responding to.

I only hope that those of you out there who really want to be in a D/s relationship, rather than just fantasizing about it, will meet someone as responsible, respectful, and caring as Goddess Lily. I'm in good hands, boys, so don't worry about a thing.


P.S. Okay, so maybe that wasn't brief. JD.
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Re: A Confession for Goddess Lily

Post by MisterBarville »

Not that anyone asked me, but I am one of those who yells at the tv when the plot makes no sense, or when the lawyers don't object when they should.
1. Isn't this supposed to be fun? I come across plenty of stuff on milovana that weirds or grosses me out, and when it does, I put my index finger to work and click on to the next thing.
2. Havemercy--we all say stupid things now and then. Just apologize and move on. Trying to explain yourself by saying "I was only expressing my feelings" makes things worse.
3. JaceDare--what do you mean your friend reacted poorly? She stayed the night and gave you another handjob! And from what Goddess Lily says, you seem to have a relationship. If this is a bad date, I can't wait to hear about your good ones! So, I hope the "can of worms" doesn't discourage you from obeying Goddess Lily's commands or from sharing your experiences.
4. Goddess Lily, Thank you for your wonderfully cruel imagination and sense of humor.

Re: A Confession for Goddess Lily

Post by JaceDare »

Haha, Barville, you're absolutely right, my friend's immediate reaction was not bad at all. :whistle: But I did say that she found it odd. I was responding to sexualreflex's comment, and the fact is my friend did later describe the cum-eating as "gross." But she obviously likes me, it was the best date I've had in a while, and it hasn't hurt our budding relationship. On the contrary, it gave me the opportunity to talk a little bit about submissiveness with her (something I've never done in person before). So don't worry, I'm still planning on following all of Goddess Lily's commands, and I'll share them whenever she instructs me to.

Unfortunately for the rest of you, havemercy's comments may have discouraged her from making me post in the future.

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Re: A Confession for Goddess Lily

Post by blue_down_under »

havemercy wrote:WTF? Why am I an idiot again?

I still don't know where I said anything against you or Jace. I'm free to say what I want and I'm not disrespecting you so don't disrespect me.

This is what I was talking about. This is the thing I hate that comes out of a woman when you be good to her. I could never go along with it. You try to be nice and she gets bossy and then starts to tell you to do instead of ask. Every time that has happened with me I just can't continue with it and end the relationship.

I will not post to this thread anymore since this bimbo has issues and thinks everyone should drop on their knees and worship her. I would love too, but only as a fantasy. 8-)
All kink issues aside...

Anyone who thinks it's acceptable to hit women doesn't deserve respect. Look dude, you obviously have some issues with women in general, you're whole viewpoint is a little fucked up, I'm not trying to have a go, but when you say it's ok as a fantasy, but you'd get violent in real life, well something isn't right. That, and stereotyping all women (ie, the 3rd and 4th paragraphs), makes it pretty clear you have some issues. If you find out what you're issues are, and then work out how to fix them you'll end up as a much happier person.

sexualreflex909 wrote: that being said i think its a little bit wrong of Jacedare to have a girlfriend and a online domme
not that i consider it cheating - but because he could seriusly mess up real life relationships due to a fantasy, the fact you said she already found it a bit odd that you went out of your way to lick the cum off her hand and the fact you excused yourself to go toilet and do means that your acting differently that you normally would have done, she may pick up on that and find it a little odd, you may even risk putting her off your relationship.

lilly you say that the relationship you share with jacedare is one other's wont understand, but respectfully it hasnt been a extremely long relationship - as much as havemercy seemed a bit over the top with what he said i do feel its a little extreme to give condition's to what someone can do with his or her girlfreind - i understand the fantasy, but thats a bit too much power to be playing with.
I won't answer in too much detail because Lily already addressed this. I know there's the whole different power balance thing when it comes to D/s relationships, but Jace is still a grown person and at the end of the day only he can take responsibility for his actions, if he didn't like what he was being told to do, he should have said something. Havemercy is working off the premise that he would have done something to show he didn't like what he was being told to do. If that something is having a rational discussion, congratulations, you're probably in a healthy relationship and are capable of behaving like an adult. If that something is violence, then you're not.
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