Webtease suggestions

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Webtease suggestions

Post by funden »

Hi folks!

I'd like to suggest the following additional features concerning ordinary (non-flash) webteases:
  • add the Author under the title of the tease - at least on the last page - linking to other teases by the same author.
  • add an option to favorite the current tease, also at least on the last page.
  • Edit: oh, and one more thing: add "most favorited" to the "sort by" options if that's technically possible.
This helps a lot in case of random teases with multiple parts. Otherwise one has to manually search for the tease to find the author and/or favorite it.

As always: thanks a lot for Milovana! :wave:

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Re: Webtease suggestions

Post by Nooble »

add the Author under the title of the tease - at least on the last page - linking to other teases by the same author.
Great idea, I second that!
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Re: Webtease suggestions

Post by flpanther »

I sure hope they listen to you.

The manual search every time is frustrating.

I would also like to see a list of the flash teases only with the suggestions above added. Thanks
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Re: Webtease suggestions

Post by lb5000 »

He everyone I'm not sure this is the right place to post :innocent: but...

Some of the tease builders want to get more feed back on the tease, maybe it is possible to connect a comment field to the rating system with auto-posts on the correct part of the forum. Or something alike. And the possibility to rate the tease even when you stop it half way threw, for what ever reason their might be.
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Re: Webtease suggestions

Post by seraph0x »

lb5000 wrote:And the possibility to rate the tease even when you stop it half way threw, for what ever reason their might be.
I wanna pick out this point since this has been requested quite often, often enough in fact that I've decided to change our voting system to allow this. Not sure when I'll have time to make it a reality, but it's now officially at the top of the list. :-)

All the other stuff, great ideas. I'm hoping to incorporate all of this in future updates to the tease viewer. With the sorting by favorites - that would be simple to add, only question is where? That line with the sorting and the search box is pretty much full. Anybody got any ideas?
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Re: Webtease suggestions

Post by green »

seraph0x wrote:
lb5000 wrote:And the possibility to rate the tease even when you stop it half way threw, for what ever reason their might be.
I wanna pick out this point since this has been requested quite often, often enough in fact that I've decided to change our voting system to allow this. Not sure when I'll have time to make it a reality, but it's now officially at the top of the list. :-)

All the other stuff, great ideas. I'm hoping to incorporate all of this in future updates to the tease viewer. With the sorting by favorites - that would be simple to add, only question is where? That line with the sorting and the search box is pretty much full. Anybody got any ideas?
That sounds like a great Idea =)...

Cant wait to see the implementation ;).

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Re: Webtease suggestions

Post by That1ShyGuy »

funden wrote: Add the Author under the title of the tease - at least on the last page - linking to other teases by the same author.

This helps a lot in case of random teases with multiple parts. Otherwise one has to manually search for the tease to find the author and/or favorite it.
I was just going to start a thread for this same suggestion! Its a pain to do multi-part teases sometimes, especially when the teases in the series don't share a common name with eachother, which is the case of some of the teases here. Really just adding a link to the author on the last page near the voting option would be more than sufficient I think.
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Re: Webtease suggestions

Post by texturedshroom »

While we should definitely list the author on each tease, you guys might want to consider opening each tease in a new tab when starting one. I always do this so I can get back to find more by that author if I like it.
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