Smart cock ring?

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Smart cock ring?

Post by SmackMyNuts »

Has anyone else thought about trying to build an intelligent cock ring? We all know that the fundamental problem with cock rings is that they can cut off oxygen to the penis if they're too tight. But what if you could make a self-tightening cock ring which measured the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream in order to tell if it had gotten too tight and adjusted accordingly?

From reading about pulse oximeters on Wikipedia (, it doesn't sound like it would be that difficult to build your own blood oxygenation reader for a different situation. It seems like the hard part would be the tightness, but that could probably be handled through some form of automated inflation dohickey. Has anyone looked into building one of these?
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Re: Smart cock ring?

Post by littlepos »

Not sure there would be enough of a market to offset the manufacturing costs. on the other hand, if you think there is, why dont you make the leap?

What if Alexander Bell, or Steve Jobs, or Jonas Salk would have said, "I have this great idea, anyone else wanna build it and take credit for it?"
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Re: Smart cock ring?

Post by impulse321 »

That's an interesting idea. There've been discussions of a sensor (penile plethysomograph) where a cock ring would go, but I hadn't thought of using it to restrict blood flow, much less have it automatically adjust. Hmmm... Doing the adjustment pneumatically is one way, but maybe something like a turnbuckle (or a hose clamp) might also work. Done right, I think such a toy could work as both a sensor and an actuator.

What other "smart" behavior would you want it to have? Anybody with ideas, please chime in!
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Re: Smart cock ring?

Post by SmackMyNuts »

littlepos wrote:Not sure there would be enough of a market to offset the manufacturing costs. on the other hand, if you think there is, why dont you make the leap?
Unfortunately, I just don't have time right now. I work full time at a fairly time consuming job and very simply don't have the tinkering time I would like. Also, my wife isn't that into teasing and doesn't want to use cock rings, so I don't know when I'd use one. But I figured that I'd rather share the idea in case anyone else wants to try it rather than just keep it to myself.
littlepos wrote:What if Alexander Bell, or Steve Jobs, or Jonas Salk would have said, "I have this great idea, anyone else wanna build it and take credit for it?"
Um, if Alexander Graham Bell had done that, then Thomas Edison would have invented the telephone. He was already working on one. Basically, they were racing to see who could create a workable prototype first.

Steve Jobs was a manager and marketer, not an inventor. Steve Wozniak did the computer designing. Jobs organized things and helped to get them sold. Plus there were dozens of other computer companies around.

And as for Saulk, really, a polio vaccine and a smart cockring aren't comparable. I don't expect a smart cock ring to save many lives. That said, Saulk's fundamental improvement was the idea of using a dead virus for a polio vaccine. If someone else had actually carried out the trials, it would have worked for them too. I'm sure lives were saved because of his work, but if he hadn't done the work, someone else would have. There was a big nation-wide push to try to cure polio on, after all.

Anyway, I guess my point is to use better examples if you're going to lecture me about what I ought to do because these don't really work.
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