Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 10

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Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 10

Post by KittyZateez »

Barbie had just confronted Dan about how he stared at her boobs, and she loved observing his embarrassment because she had basically set him up to do it in the first place! She had visually inspired him to do the very thing that guys are usually told not to do; they’re taught that it’s rude to stare at girls, and it’s even worse when they focus their attention only on certain parts of girls’ bodies…


There was an inherent contradiction in her exhibitionistic game because of that fact, and it was one she just loved to exploit. Why? Because it’s usually the girls who are enforcing the rule; they’re the ones that catch the guys staring at them and they’re frequently scorning them for their disrespectful leering.

So for a girl like Barbie, who had been subjected to her fair share of ogling when she was younger (and when she didn’t know how to handle it yet), it was fun to turn the tables on all those naughty boys who used to check her out back when she was just beginning to develop a full figure.

As she got older, though, and as she became more in touch with her feminine sexuality and her inherent physical attractiveness to men, she really began to enjoy the pleasures of teasing. She learned how to show herself off in various ways; how much fun it was to set little traps for guys by flaunting her charms on purpose and then busting their balls for looking at her.

She quickly learned that there was a diabolical little mind game she could play involving using that societal norm against them. When she was out on a date, or even better, in a private situation, she’d dress provocatively, show off for a guy, and then catch him looking at her body. Then she could decide whether to encourage him further or scold and admonish him; it all depended on the context and what she was in the mood for.

So anyway, at this particular moment in tonight’s date, she had played it both ways just like that, baiting poor Dan with her nice little show, then questioning him about it, only to coerce him into confessing how much he liked to watch her!

During this most recent performance of hers, she pulled out a compact mirror and fussed over herself while Dan watched, and only then did she confront him about his interest in observing her while she showed herself off for him like that. A bit of tittie-teasing was involved, too, followed by an even more direct confrontation on her part, with her putting him on the spot about his voyeuristic desires.

But now she decided to add one more little detail to the game, and she decided to freshen up the dose of perfume she had applied to herself earlier. She knew all too well about the seductive power of certain brands of designer perfumes (it’s a well-known trick of the trade, that the sense of smell can be very susceptible to stimulation, and that perfume can be a powerful aphrodisiac that is highly connected to sexual arousal).

Anyway, now it was time to further ensnare her new loverboy with a seductive new scent she had just gotten. Dan had already gotten a few whiffs of it earlier when she hugged him outside, but she had purposely not sprayed much on yet because she wanted to entice him a little later…and now was the time!

So she reached into her handbag and produced the small perfume bottle, pulling it out and showing it to Dan. Everything about it represented elegance and femininity, with the shape of the crystalline glass looking very exotic and expensive.

As she showed it to him, she said enthusiastically, “Oh my god, I just love this new perfume!”

She then took the bottle and let it dangle between her thumb and forefinger very daintily, holding it down right in front of her lovely cleavage. It was like she was hypnotizing him, smiling at him enticingly and letting the stylish little bottle sway back and forth as held it in her lovely fingers. Dan just stared at it as it twinkled in the light, right there in front of her gorgeous, voluptuous decolletage.

As he continued to fixate on her mesmerizing display, she leaned forward slightly so he could see down the canyon of cleavage in between her breasts. Keeping the pretty glass bottle right there, she held it still in one hand and daintily pulled the top off it with the thumb and index finger of her other hand.


Smiling at him, she purposefully spritzed it once under each ear and then she went a little lower, adding another squirt on her collar bone on each side. Then she winked at him as she moved down even lower, pausing for a moment and then adding one more squirt right between her cleavage.

Dan had been attentively watching her lovely display, and she figured the enticing fragrance of her perfume would reach him soon enough, but she decided to make sure he could smell it right away. So she reached forward a bit with the bottle, squirting one last blast into the air in front of her. She waved it toward him with the palm of her hand, asking him nicely, “Do you like this scent, Daniel? I just picked it up today, it’s one of the sexiest ones I’ve ever smelled!”

Dan inhaled deeply and was instantly stunned by the enticing smell, it was the same kind of vanilla scent he was beginning to associate with her presence, and again he could feel his cock pulsing in his pants as he took several more breaths of it.

Barbie smiled at this as she watched him responding exactly the way she wanted, but then she decided to move on to the next part of her game, which involved leaving him alone temporarily for one reason or another. This was something she loved to do after teasing a date to arousal; she found it very effective in making them want her more and more.

So she picked up her purse and stood up, moving around toward his side of the table. Standing right in front of him and looking down, she said, “Well Daniel, I suppose I should go visit the ladies room and powder my nose before our dinner arrives. Now you be a good boy and wait right here for me until I get back, okay?”

As if he had anywhere else to go or as if he’d ever feel the need to walk out on her! Dan nodded dumbly, his eyes looking up at this gorgeous temptress as she stood there right in front of him, giving him her instructions…

Then she bent over toward him, taking his face in both hands and planting a soft kiss right on his lips. It was a total surprise to be granted even that simple level of intimacy, and as first kisses go, it was simply mind-blowing.

The way she took his face in her hands was very abrupt and assertive, but the kiss itself was soft and slow, and she let her lips fall open a little as though she was going to slip him some tongue, but she didn’t. Then she pulled away slowly after doing it, leaving her hands resting on his cheeks for a moment before lifting her warm palms off, leaving those lovely, shiny pink nails still in contact with the skin right under his ears.

And then she slowly dragged her nail-tips along his cheeks, down onto his jawline and toward his chin just like she had done before. He was paralyzed once again by her sensuous touch, and he just sat there and let her do it to him - exactly the way she wanted!


His eyes danced over her body and face as she stood there, bending forward right there in front of him with her lovely breasts spilling out of her fluffy angora tank top. Her nails slowly came together at his chin just like before and she giggled as she gently took them away, sending chills up his spine. Then she stood back up, spinning around with a toss of her hair as she proceeded to prance off toward the bathroom.

Dan’s gaze was completely focused on the entire lower half of her body as she went, and again he watched that undeniably sexy strut she seemed to have perfected. She even tossed her hair to the side again and glanced back at him as she walked away, smiling in satisfaction when she saw him watching her. But then she turned back away from him, continuing her wiggly-squirmy strut until she disappeared down the hallway on the other side of the restaurant.

Of course, her scheme to make him want her more by temporarily leaving him alone began working almost instantly, because as soon as she was gone, Dan felt a sudden emptiness down to the very core of his soul. Being around her was completely intoxicating; he had already become quite enamored and even addicted to the presence of this incredibly seductive girl, so having her leave him by himself, even for just a few minutes, felt like a punishment worse than death.

But as much as he loved being with her, he honestly didn’t know if he was going to survive the evening; the food hadn’t even arrived yet and this was already the most erotic date he had ever been on in his entire life. The mystery, the uncertainty, and especially the outright fear that he might say or do the wrong thing and lose her forever; it was all completely blowing his mind!

But the sudden kiss she had given him before she left him sitting there had turned him on immensely, not just from the physical contact but also because it was a suggestion that there was more intimacy to come. Needless to say, he was thrilled beyond belief at the prospect of that; she was by far the hottest girl he had ever encountered, and he found himself wanting to do anything this girl said just for the chance of having some time alone with her!

So as he sat there desperately wanting her back with him, he mindlessly fidgeted in his seat, suddenly becoming acutely aware of the throbbing erection in his pants. It was wonderfully pleasurable but also quite uncomfortable, trapped in there as it was. He felt like he was in the middle of a seduction scene in a porn video or something, and he found himself wanting to take out his cock and play with himself, but of course he knew it was absurd to even think about doing it right there in public!

So instead, he let his hand fall down between his legs, taking an opportunity to attempt to adjust his hardon. It was bent in half in his pants, and he knew it would be much more comfortable if he could move it around and position it so it stuck straight up in there. So he shifted his body in his seat, lifting each hip little while sliding his hand inside one of his pants pocket. Little by little, he poked at his erection with his fingers until he managed to unbend it and let it stick straight up like a flagpole in his pants.

The minute it did, he closed his eyes and exhaled deeply; the feeling of relief was amazing! It felt so much better like that and now he could more fully enjoy the relentless stimulation that this wonderfully wicked teasergirl had been unleashing on him! It never occurred to him what the consequences of doing it might be…

When he opened his eyes, though, he found out! He looked at the table next to him and saw two girls sitting there watching him with big smiles on their faces. He guessed that they had seen what he was doing, so all he could do was look away and pretend not to notice them, but inside he was totally embarrassed. One leaned over and said something to the other that made them both giggle, but after that they just went back to eating their meal, so Dan didn’t think much more of it.

And besides, with Barbie taking her time powdering her nose or whatever, all he wanted to do was think about HER. He continued fantasizing about how she had been teasing him so expertly so far, and he was simply dying to know where else on this journey she was going to take him. He also couldn’t help but wonder if she might even start to become a little more kinky, just like his Tease Club girls…

Their brand of domination was so much more sudden and direct; it had been absolutely wonderful to surrender and give himself to them. But this drawn-out, erotic prick teasing control game that Barbie had been subjecting him to was quickly becoming even more appealing to him. And oh boy did he want to know exactly where else it was going to go!

Of course he hoped it would slowly become more intimate and more sexually explicit too, and somehow he knew it would, but it was up to her to control every detail of how and when it was all going to happen…

Anyway, right then, as if on cue, he heard the click-click-click sound of stiletto heels approaching him from behind, and he assumed it was Barbie returning from the ladies’ room. But wait…it hadn’t been very long at all, he thought, so although it could have been her, it just kinda didn’t make sense because it didn’t seem like enough time had passed for her to return.

As the sound got closer, he turned his head and was stunned as a tall, shapely blonde girl breezed by. She had barely gotten past him when her exotic perfume wafted into his nose; it was different than Barbie’s but every bit as sexy, and it hit him like a ton of bricks.

She appeared to be pretty much the same kind of girl as Barbie; she was tall, blonde, curvy, and leggy. In fact, she looked so similar that it easily could have been Barbie, and Dan was confused for a moment before noticing some things about her that were clearly different. Either way, he was wonderfully surprised by the appearance of another busty blonde babe who had suddenly materialized right there before his eyes…


Although he could only see her from behind at that point as she strutted over toward a table nearby, immediately he observed how everything about her was simply oozing with raw, feminine sex appeal. Boy did she ever have THAT in common with Barbie! The way she looked, the way she was dressed, and especially the confident style with which she sashayed over to greet two pretty girls sitting at a table nearby – all of it was completely captivating to him!

He thought to himself that he was clearly in luck at that moment too, because Barbie wasn’t with him then and he could openly indulge his selfish desire to look at this sexy girl without being caught staring. That way he could enjoy drinking in all the lovely details of her appearance without worrying about offending his date...

As the luscious blonde pranced along with her arms daintily swaying around for balance, he got a full view of her entire body, but his deep-rooted voyeuristic desires ensured that he focused in on only one part of her at a time. So for now, he fixated his eyes on the center of her figure, right on her lovely behind. I mean, he had to start somewhere, and besides, that ass of hers seemed to be commanding his attention somehow!

Dan saw that she wore a tight, black velvet miniskirt which was quite short but not obscenely so, ending about three-quarters of the way up her thighs. He loved the way it curved out from her small waist and wrapped around her full-figured hips and bottom, making those parts of her body look simply amazing! It was nice and clingy too, with not a single ripple or loose fold anywhere on it, which allowed it to really accentuate the curves of her butt cheeks as she walked.

He was completely captivated by this girl’s incredibly round and plump bottom pivoting up and down as she took one step after another, and without looking anywhere else on her just yet, he could see that she had on a wide, shiny black belt around her trim waist that really accentuated her hourglass figure.

The contrast of her incredibly trim waist paired with such a generously endowed set of hips and curvy butt was completely mesmerizing, and Dan’s submissive mind instantly had him fantasizing about being down on his knees behind her, with her ass right before his eyes. It was absolutely perfect-looking, and he would love nothing more than to kneel right there and simply beg her to let him worship it!

His eyes stayed helplessly locked on that incredible tush of hers gyrating as she walked until she stopped and stood right in front of the girls’ table, sticking one leg out to the side and shifting her weight onto the other leg. Only then did he look downward, and he was further enthralled by the sight of her gorgeous legs.

They were long and shapely, with wonderful muscle tone that made them look simply fantastic in her gorgeous, shimmery black pantyhose. His eyes moved adoringly down over every inch of them as she leaned over to talk to the girls seated there, and then his gaze landed on her feet, focusing in on her sky-high heeled shiny black pumps.

He had already figured out that she must have been wearing high heels; that clicking sound that shoes like that make on a hard surface is a dead giveaway, and sure enough, the moment he saw them he was not disappointed. The heels on those sexy shoes of hers must have been 5” high or so, and the fronts of her pumps had sharp-pointed toes that gave them a kind of potent, almost wicked-looking appearance.

And of course he noticed the sparkly gold anklet wrapped around her shapely ankle, complete with some kind of little gold charm dangling from it that twinkled in his eyes as it caught reflections in the light. As he fixated on it, he suddenly had a vision of being down on his hands and knees behind her, following her around the room like a lovesick puppy!

Oh, if only he could do that, his eyes would be locked on those lovely high heels as he crawled around at her feet, and he’d be simply dying for a chance to rub them with his hands and plant kisses all over them if she’d let him! It even occurred to him that he wouldn’t mind if she simply ignored him the whole time; it would be worth it just for the chance to grovel at her feet and drool at the sight of those kinky high heels right before his eyes…

My god, these were deeply submissive visions he was having - what in the world were these sexy ladies doing to him?? As he sat there, pondering what was going on as he shamelessly studied all the tantalizing visual details of this hot girl (fantasizing about her too), his hand stayed resting on his hardon and he squeezed it absentmindedly.

Meanwhile, he watched as both the girls sitting at the table lit up with excitement and obvious recognition as the voluptuous blonde struck her pose and said hello to them. He could hear their sweet, feminine voices greeting her warmly and enthusiastically, although he couldn’t discern exactly what they were saying. But he could tell they were immediately complimenting her on the way she looked, and it was clear that this magnificent girl’s appearance seemed to be a normal topic of conversation for all of them.

The way they were acting was very similar to the way the restaurant hostess had greeted Barbie when she walked in with him that evening, and they both smiled broadly and watched the stunning blonde with looks of admiration in their eyes that Dan found to be very surprising. They seemed to be making comments about her body and the way she was dressed, so she took a couple of steps back so they could see her better.

She looked down at herself, smoothing the furry material of her red sweater with her hands and then rubbing them down over her black velvety miniskirt as she openly flaunted her charms for her two female admirers. Next she took a moment to turn to the side, shrugging one shoulder upward as she lifted her lovely mane of golden blonde hair up and away from her face and neck, holding that pose and smiling warmly at the girls. Then she ran her hands through her hair, fluffing it up with her fingers and letting it fall back down over her shoulders and back while the two girls ooo’d and aaaah’d at her.

And oh, that hair of hers was very much to Dan’s liking! It was incredibly feminine and just lovely to look at; it was a golden blonde color with lighter, almost whitish highlights in it, and it was wonderfully long and thick. It had clearly been carefully brushed out and teased up into a classic “big hair” style, and it looked heavenly soft and whispy as it cascaded down over her neck and shoulders, falling halfway down her back in soft, thick, fluffy waves.


The next thing he noticed was that the curves of her torso were wrapped in an absolutely fabulous-looking, elegantly styled red angora button-down cardigan. It fit her quite snugly so that every single inch of the fluffy, furry fabric was gently clinging to her fantastic upper body. It also had a very sexy, low-cut V-neck front, and she had left a couple of buttons undone from there so that her generously full breasts were literally heaving out from underneath.

‘What is it with these busty blondes and their angora sweaters?’, Dan thought to himself. Barbie had worn one the first time he saw her, and tonight she had another one on. And now this other girl showed up wearing angora too!

He was quite pleasantly surprised to be seeing these hot girls wearing it though, because he had always found the exotic, furry fabric of angora to be very seductive. It was so feminine, so classy and luxurious-looking, and it really accentuated the visual appeal of a pretty girl when she wrapped herself up in it.

But he didn’t get to see girls wearing it that often, it was considered to be more from a vintage era and had fallen out of fashion long ago. He mostly remembered seeing young, pretty girls wearing it during his high school and college days, and they had always been very attractive to him when he saw them in it. But now, for some reason, both his new Goddess and this other busty blonde seemed to have embraced wearing it again…

As he kept watching, the pretty blonde turned from one side to the other, showing herself off for the young ladies some more, and Dan could see the exact size and shape of her bosoms from different angles. They completely captured his attention almost instantly, because they were really quite impressive, to say the least!

He focused his eyes on them in that fabulously decadent furry sweater, and it quickly became clear that they were even bigger than Barbie’s. They were definitely implants, just so big, round and perfect, but they weren’t absurdly large the way some porn stars have them done. They were in perfect proportion to her lovely, shapely body, and given how full-figured the rest of her body was, they looked incredible!

Dan continued to stare at them while she flaunted herself like a model on a photoshoot, and she giggled in appreciation of the attention and compliments the two seated girls were giving her. Suddenly it struck him, although he couldn’t be absolutely sure, that it seemed like she might not even be wearing a bra! Her boobs were so full and firm, partly exposed like that under that lovely red angora fur, and with her sweater partially unbuttoned he figured he would be able to see a peek of her bra if she had one on.

Between the way that clingy, tight sweater held her in place with such lovely effect, and the way those big jugs of hers jiggled in place as she moved around; it all seemed to confirm the fact that she was braless. And he almost moaned out loud with pleasure when he realized he could see her erect nipples poking into the delectable angora fur from underneath it…

She was being so brazen and openly exhibitionistic, and it was quite surprising to see, especially with the girls approving of her like they were. But for some reason it appeared to be normal and acceptable behavior there at the restaurant. So, what in the world was going on here, anyway, and who the hell was this girl?

As Dan continued to watch her, his mouth fell open and he could feel a puddle of drool forming under his tongue. This other enticing blonde vixen really looked like she could be Barbie’s sister or something! His eyes opened wide as she planted her hands on the table right in front of the two girls sitting there, slowly bending forward and keeping her legs straight. And she held that pose, balancing on those precariously high heels and letting her curvy butt stick out salaciously behind her.

Once again his gaze moved down her gorgeous legs, down onto those kinky spiked heels, just drinking in every bit of the fabulous display of feminine pulchritude she was showcasing. His eyes stayed locked on her high heels and his hand squeezed his cock some more as his mind ran wild with desire.

And as he watched the two seated girls continue to focus their attention on her, they spent another couple of minutes chatting before Dan suddenly realized that she seemed to be checking on their meal and asking them about the service there at La Bella that evening…

And right then there was suddenly another well timed click-click-click sound coming from behind him again, and this time he figured it was Barbie returning, but instead, Suzi marched by with a tray of several plates balanced up high on her hand.

The moment she passed by he saw that she too was dressed differently. He could tell that she was wearing very high heels too; the clicking sound they made gave it away but it was also obvious from the way she was walking that she was wearing sexy shoes like that. She seemed to be quite used to them though, because she was doing a very skilled balancing act holding the tray with platters of food on it…

He could see her shoes just a little in his field of vision too, the heels were clearly very high and spikey but for the immediate time being his eyes focused in on her cutely-shaped butt as it pivoted up and down with each step. And as she wiggle-walked along, he gazed admiringly at it and enjoyed how it was wrapped in a short black leather miniskirt; the sight of which was instantly very appealing to him.

His eyes moved down Suzi’s lower body and he marvelled at the shape of her lovely legs as well. She appeared to be wearing the same style of shimmery black pantyhose that the busty blonde was wearing, and although Suzi wasn’t as tall or voluptuous as the other girl, her legs were wonderfully shaped and very smooth-looking.

Dan’s eyes continued down her legs the moment she stopped and put the tray down a table, picking up a couple of platters and placing them in front of the two patrons. And there on her pretty little feet were the same kind of shiny black spike-heeled pumps that the blonde wore, also with a similar gold anklet wrapped around her ankle. All this seemed to indicate some kind of requirement regarding the attire of the female staff at La Bella…


‘Wait…was this like a dress code or something?’ Dan thought to himself as he feasted his eyes on Suzi’s body, suddenly dressed in the much sexier clothing. Whether it was some kind of uniform or not, he approved very much, because he had always had a thing for pretty women with great legs wearing miniskirts and high heels…

But with heels like that, so high and pointy, it was clear why the girls there might not wear them all night long. Still, maybe it was a rule or something for them to slip into them at some point during the evening, and since Dan had always loved seeing women wearing very high heels, he was quite excited by this fact! Besides, maybe it was in their best interest to dress like that, because Dan immediately made a mental note to give Suzi a more generous tip that evening…

Anyway, as Suzi put down the tray and began serving the entrees to several tables around him, the gorgeous blonde began making the rounds too, greeting each table with varying amounts of recognition from the patrons. It was obvious at that point that she was some kind of manager or something, because she was definitely going from one table to another to touch base.

But one thing he noticed was that no matter where each table she visited was, she seemed to be making it a point to strut right by his table. Instead of just going directly from one to the next, she made it a point to prowl around the room for a minute, inspecting the workings of the establishment and prancing by Dan’s table with her hips gyrating and her boobs jiggling.

Every time she approached, Dan glanced at her but quickly averted his eyes; he didn’t want to be rude and let her see him staring at her. But he quickly noticed that she wasn’t paying any attention to him at all, she was always eyeing other parts of the room as though he wasn’t even there. Soon he realized he could check her out more intently each time she approached, because she never even looked at him as she passed by him…

And there was another intriguing dynamic beginning to emerge, one having to do with the reactions of the patrons she visited at each table. It struck Dan that given this gorgeous girl’s provocative, sexy appearance, he was surprised that she wasn’t getting even an inch of disapproving reactions from the women, especially ones that were there with their husbands or boyfriends.

The ladies smiled politely as this brazenly attired, busty blonde checked in with them, and it occurred to him that it was as though most of the women knew who she was. Some of them seemed more familiar and friendly with her than others, but either way they clearly didn’t mind the openly enticing visual presentation that this girl was making, and they were very respectful of her as she greeted them warmly and checked in about the meal and the service.

The way the men reacted to her was all too predictable, of course; they were stunned when they saw her approaching and they had this blank look on their faces as they saw how hot she looked and the way she was dressed. They alternately stared at her up and down but also nervously glanced at their wives or girlfriends to see their reactions. It was fascinating to watch the men as they could barely control their desire to openly ogle this girl but they were also clearly concerned to do it in front of their female companions.

But an even more intriguing thing was the fact that as she was flirtatiously engaging the men physically, she seemed to be otherwise ignoring them. The moment she arrived at each table she was making it a point to touch each guy here and there, resting her hand on their shoulder or curling her arm around their neck, but her body language was more focused on the ladies and she was talking only to them as well.

It was as if the women were more important and they should be the focus, and the men were there simply to be casually stimulated. Dan found it completely fascinating to observe, and the pretty blonde was definitely repeating this theme with each table she visited, each one for only a minute or two.

Dan even noticed a peculiar twinkle in some of the ladies’ eyes as they observed their male partners being teased by this beautiful buxom blonde, which was in stark contrast to what would normally happen in such a situation. ‘What in the world is going on here’, he thought to himself, ‘why aren’t any of these women throwing drinks in their husbands faces and storming off in anger?’

Whatever it was, he immediately found it to be wildly erotic; there was something mysterious going on, and it was as though all the women were in on it. It seemed like they all knew something that the men didn’t know, and they were all colluding together to perpetuate the situation…

Anyway, after a brief visit at each table, Dan watched as the blonde patted each guy approvingly on the shoulder or tickled their chins with her one of her fingernails, addressing them directly just once. She made one quick comment to each of them before prancing away, wiggling her ass for them right at eye level.

Whatever she said to the guys seemed to really get their attention, and every single guy she did it to just stared at her glorious bottom as she moved away. A couple of the ladies had to abruptly tap their husbands on the shoulder or even grab their chins and turn their heads away to keep them from staring at this completely irresistible bleach-blonde sex kitten. But again, they weren’t mad, they seemed to be more amused than anything else at the predictable behavior of their men…

Of course, even though Dan was completely fascinated with watching the blonde, he also took little opportunities to ogle Suzi as she delivered the meals to tables around him, and she too was clearly turning it into quite a performance, taking dainty little mincing steps in her lovely high heels, and bending over straight-legged to put the plates down in front of the patrons.

Every time she did that, her skirt hiked up her body and little peeks of the curves her bottom came out. Dan’s eyes moved hungrily up and down over every inch of her legs and high heels every time she did it, but then she’d straighten herself up again, taking the hem of her skirt in both hands and wiggling it back down purposefully to cover herself up again.


She too was behaving similarly to the busty blonde in the way she was interacting with the customers. She was addressing only the ladies, checking with them to see if there was anything else she could get for them and making it a point to casually rest her hand on the guys in whatever places she felt like. Every guy fixated on her as she walked away too, with that glazed-over look in their eyes after being given just a little bit of physical attention from such a pretty girl.

But unlike the blonde and the way she was ignoring Dan, Suzi seemed to be making eye contact with him at every available opportunity. After she left the platters on each table, she looked at him with a knowing smile, seeming to be quite proud of herself and very confident in the way she comfortably moved around so enticingly in her lovely short skirt and high heels.

Dan stared right back at her, finding himself becoming very attracted to her, and they both knew it. He’d look into her eyes for a moment, but then he couldn’t help himself and simply had to let his gaze drop down to her lower body.

It was clear that it was her enhanced style of attire that had amped up her sex appeal in his eyes, and Suzi seemed to be fully aware somehow of the fetishistic nature of what dressing that way does to certain kinds of men. Indeed, from the way she was showing off she definitely knew full well that wearing her short skirt on her lovely behind, adorning her nice legs in shimmery black hose and slipping her pretty feet into those ultra-sexy spike-heeled pumps; it all held some kind of magical power over guys like Dan…

Anyway, with one round of entrees delivered now, Suzi let the empty tray hang down from one hand as she strutted back toward the kitchen, heading right toward him and focusing her gaze only on him.

She really amped up the sexy strut this time, taking tiny, dainty little steps and wiggling her hips side to side as she approached. Dan watched her intently, and she smiled as she saw him doing it, winking at him and letting her hand glide along his shoulder as she got within reach.

“I’ll be right back with your meal, sir!” She said with an incredibly sweet-talking style that left Dan stunned by how appealing her voice sounded. And similar to the way Barbie had tantalized him, she let her nails glide very lightly along the back of his neck, sending tingles of pleasure up his spine as she gave him a little tickly-tickle with them and then pulled them away.

Click-click-click went the sound of her spiked heels as she headed for the kitchen, and Dan instinctively pushed his chair out from the table, rotating it a bit so he could watch her without twisting his neck around. He just stared at every inch of her round butt and gorgeous legs as she went, making several passes up and down them. She looked simply breathtaking, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her until she literally disappeared behind the swinging double door leading into the kitchen.

That’s when he looked around, suddenly becoming more aware of his immediate surroundings. He saw the same two girls sitting at the nearby table, the ones who the busty blonde had first greeted before and the same ones who had almost certainly seen him adjusting his erection in his pants earlier. And again they were both staring at him with what could only be described as shit-eating grins on their faces.

They had clearly seen him ogling Suzi, and they had probably seen him staring at every inch of the sexy blonde too! Suddenly he realized his hand was still down between his legs, and he abruptly lifted it up and put it on the table in front of him like he didn’t know what else to do with it. Then he noticed one of the girls saying something to the other one, and it caused them both to burst out laughing as they looked at each other and then back at him…

Right then, the message notification chimed on his phone, and he pulled it out of his pocket and saw a message from his Goddess. She had been gone a little longer than he might have expected, so he hoped that nothing was wrong. And he was pleasantly surprised but also a little confused when he read it.

It said, “I think Suzi looks much sexier dressed like that, don’t you? She has great legs!”

The message was exciting but also a little scary to him, because he suddenly realized that Barbie must have been watching. But exactly what had she seen? And her message was the very first hint that she had been “setting him up” somehow, perhaps even with the assistance of the other girls…

He had no idea what was going on, and it wouldn’t be much longer before more details of the game would be revealed to him, but for now he just sat there, stunned and unsure of what to do or how to respond. So yeah, for the time being, he would just have to wait…


This chapter became quite long and I had a delightful time describing the appearance and attire of the new girls - and especially writing about them strutting around and teasing all the boys at La Bella! I've actually written most of an entire second half of this scene already, and I was going to post it all together, but I have to put some finishing touches on the rest of it before posting it, so....

In the meantime, I figured I could tantalize all my fanboys with the introduction of Suzi and Kitty (ahem), so I decided to post the first half and leave all you naughty boys dangling from my string, letting your horny little minds run wild with exactly what's going to happen next!

Take care, my pets...
Kitty :love: :love: :love:

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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 10

Post by Rooktus »

Great development of the story. It will be great to see how will women take turns at teasing poor Dan. And more importantly, if Dan could take it all.
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