Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 3

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Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 3

Post by KittyZateez »

Dan looked back up at her, feeling dizzier and dizzier. He was shocked at what she said, and it took him a moment to absorb it, but when he did, a wave of embarrassment swept through him. She had immediately set a different rule for him than for her, which totally turned him on for some reason. She was telling him that she wanted him to talk to her out loud, but was she really going to respond only in text messages?

He could feel himself blushing, and he didn’t know what else to do besides sit there and look at her. She still wasn’t physically acknowledging him in any way, except that he could swear he saw just the faintest hint of a smile flashing across her full, glistening pink lips as she stared down at her phone over her sunglasses. She had him right where she wanted him, and they both knew it!

And now she used her free hand to lightly brush her hair through her magnificent long blonde pony-tail in slow, almost petting movements, pulling it up and away from her body and letting it fall back down against her chest. He was beginning to find himself breathless at the sight of her luscious locks being threaded through her nimble, slender fingers, over and over and over. There was clearly a performance going on here, and he just didn’t know quite how to react to it yet…


“M-Miss…” he started, with a bit of a nervous stutter, “Please, what’s…what’s going on? Are you mad at me for staring at you? I’m really sorry, I hope you’re not upset, I just couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are, and…“

As he was speaking, this luscious temptress began typing on her phone, seemingly ignoring him. He stopped in mid-sentence as a message notification came in, and he looked at his phone. The message from ‘Goddess’ read “So you enjoyed staring at me, hmm? I figured as much – boys are so predictable. Tell me, then…what did you like about me?”

Dan suddenly began sweating bullets. She was really putting him on the spot with her confidence and her provocative question. He looked up at her nervously, simultaneously trying to decide if this was some kind of bizarre trap, and also, of course, what his answer should be. He had never felt this off balance in his life!

Since he was looking up at this blonde goddess from such a low angle, every inch of her was accentuated, like she was up on a pedestal. He even noticed that the round curve of her gorgeous ass hung over the edge of the stool slightly, right at eye level.

His eyes made another pass over her body, starting with the line of her long, shapely legs, and moving back up over the staggering curves of her massive breasts (which fit even more snuggly against the angora from the way the fabric pulled back against her in this position). His gaze continued along the tiny, cute bump of each nipple, up over the bare skin of her shapely neck and finally settled lovingly on her dramatic facial features.

His cock, which had softened considerably during his panicked sprint through the city, was beginning to twitch back to life now, seemingly very happy with this seating arrangement, but suddenly he didn’t care (or at least wasn't worried she would be offended) if she noticed. He threw caution to the wind and started complimenting her, a bit uncertain as to what he should and shouldn’t say…

“Miss, you’re just really pretty. I’m so sorry for staring, but I just couldn’t help it. I think the thing I like most about you is your eyes and the way they look when you smile. I mean, I saw you smile at that barista in the coffee shop and I almost fell out of my chair. Your whole face just lights up when you smile like that!”

Dan meant every word he said, even though the way he stuttered when he tried to compliment her betrayed his nervousness at how intimidated she was making him feel. He was dying to compliment her on her gorgeous figure too, but he figured it would be too much too fast. And he watched her closely as he talked, looking for some kind of positive response and desperately hoping that telling her those things would mean that he would see that warm smile of hers again.

But she continued to seemingly ignore him completely, scrolling through more messages on her phone and literally not reacting to his comments at all. Her calm, casual demeanor as he began pouring his heart out to her made it seem like this was a normal, everyday situation for her. And yet for him, it was completely new and mysterious, with a totally unpredictable future, and that only served to make him feel even more nervous. Still, as uncertain as it all was, there was something about this particular dynamic that excited him very much…

After he finished speaking, she scrolled through a few more messages, leaving him dangling in his state of anxiety for a few moments. Then she skillfully tippity-tapped on her phone, a delicate process indeed with those sexy fingernails of hers, and she continued the back and forth swaying motion with her lower leg. The moment she hit send, another message notification rang out on his phone.

“So you think I’m pretty, do you? You like my eyes, and my smile too? Well…that’s very sweet of you to say.”


And the tippity-tapping with those nails on her phone continued, the sight of which seemed to be more and more captivating as Dan watched her communicate with him solely in text form. Somehow, he immediately understood that when she was typing a message, he shouldn’t bother responding, because she wasn’t done ‘talking’ yet…

The next message came in, and when he read it, it sent his mind reeling. It said, “Before we go any farther, there is one thing you should know, and it is this. I expect boys to behave themselves. You DO want to behave yourself for me, don’t you Daniel?”

My god, the way she was asking questions that weren’t really questions, the way she was planting the seeds of obedience and making it clear that she wanted to control certain aspects of his behavior; it was all incredibly erotic to him. He immediately felt himself wanting to behave himself, obey her, and basically do whatever she said!

And while he was still incredibly uncertain about exactly what was going on, he was also becoming increasingly sure that this was turning into exactly the kind of sexually charged encounter that he had been desperately hoping it would.

His verbal response to her ‘leading-him-along’ question flowed from his mouth without a second thought, and it felt completely natural to say it. In fact, there didn’t seem to be any other possible response at that very moment, so out it came…

“Yes, Goddess.”

Suddenly it became clear that those particular two words had the effect he was hoping for, given that he found himself immediately wanting to please her. He watched in fascination as this incredibly attractive, busty blonde temptress finally turned her eyes to him, acknowledging his appropriate behavior for the very first time. A knowing smile slowly crept across her face as her gaze penetrated him to his very core, and his entire body felt paralyzed in place as her smile turned into a grin.

She held his gaze as she slowly shifted her body on her barstool, turning to face him as she uncrossed her legs and extended them, straightening them out to one side towards him. She lifted up both feet, keeping them together right next to each other, and then she looked down at them as she rotated them both at the ankle, in unison. Dan’s eyes were drawn to them, almost as if the act of her looking at them made him look at them too.


And then she lifted them towards him, swinging both of those high heels right by him, not more than a foot away from his face. The sight of those lovely, dainty feet passing right before his eyes focused his gaze on them and kept it there. Then she recrossed her legs and began swaying one of them back and forth again, repeating the process of extending it straight out on every second or third sway, holding it still for a few seconds, bouncing her pretty foot up and down a few times and then rotating it round and round at the ankle.

Once again, the flirty, provocative bouncy-bouncy motion of her bright blue Candies’ mule totally captivated him, especially the way it dressed up her slender, soft, delicate foot. She even flexed her foot a few times, making that lovely shoe slap against the sole of her foot with a ‘flap flap flap’ sound. It was a wonderful little showing off procedure, clearly being done on purpose, and as he fixated on her obvious performance, it was like everything else in his mind simply fell away.

She too had been watching him closely, studying his gaze on her pretty feet, making sure he was totally focused on them the way she wanted. But then she looked away, because it was just about time for another little show. So she took a deep breath and stretched, lifting her arms up high above her head and arching her back, sticking her chest forward so those boobs of hers pushed out in a simply outrageous display of feminine pulchritude.

She rotated her upper body side to side a little bit, just a couple times, providing him with some different angles to ogle her, brazenly showing off her charms for his hungry eyes. Then she straightened one leg out again, lifting her foot upwards and sticking it towards his slightly upturned, stunned face. And she flexed her ankle, pointing her foot directly at him, with her gorgeous high-heeled shoe dangling from her shiny red toes, right before his eyes.

Dan had to tear his eyes away from those fluffy, fur-covered tits of hers to zip down to the foot-show she was putting on for him, and he was able to focus on those pretty red-nailed tootsies for a minute with a puddle of drool forming in his mouth. But his big-boob fetish began to overpower his focus on them and he found his eyes traveling hungrily back up the line of her leg, over the curve her hips, and onto the soft muscled lines of her tight tummy.

Moving just a bit higher, he saw that her electric blue angora crop top had been pulled so high against her lithe torso that he could see a peek of flesh on the underside of her gorgeous breasts sticking out from the bottom of that elegant furry sweater. Seeing him studying her body parts with such devotion, she smiled to herself and gave those breasts of hers a nice little wiggle-jiggle, just to tantalize him further.


Dan felt another sudden flush of blood to his face as he watched her blatantly tittie-tease him like that. This whole thing was becoming quite real, he had been totally caught up in it and there was nowhere else he’d rather be!

But she was just getting started, and she relaxed her stretch, exhaling slowly, lowering her arms and picking up her phone. Putting her arms on either side of her big boobs, she mushed them together as she typed up another message. In that moment, for him, time stood still as he stared at those fantastic breasts of hers with his mouth hanging open…

Another notification chimed on his phone, and the sound brought him back to reality a bit. He looked back down at it to find a new message.

“It seems you know how to address me properly, Daniel. I don’t know how it happened, but I approve.”

She was clearly referring to the title he had given her, having been prompted by the way her contact name had been entered in his phone, which of course was still quite a mystery to him. He looked back up, slightly exhilarated at her apparent approval of his behavior, and he exclaimed the same two words he had just uttered moments earlier. Again he said them without thinking, and they came out slightly louder than he intended them to…

“Yes, Goddess.”

This elicited a playful giggle from her, and she looked right at him, smiling broadly and giving him a sexy, knowing wink, and then looked back down at her phone again. Right then he suddenly became very aware that the patrons at the bar had looked over at his loud response, and he started to speak more quietly as he attempted to calm down.

“But could you please explain what’s going on? Or at least tell me your real name? And how did you get my number?”

Again this gorgeous girl didn’t even look at him as he bombarded her with questions, instead she just took a deep breath, letting it out with a sigh of obvious dissatisfaction as she clickety-clicked another message on her phone.

“More questions?? Bad boy!”

Dan started to respond to her scolding, feeling a need to apologize again. But as he started to speak she lifted up her hand in a stop-sign motion and shushed him without looking at him, uttering a simple but firm “Shhht”.

It was the first thing she had spoken out loud to him, and it was a simple command that left him feeling embarrassed again but also aroused at her total power over him. He found himself going quiet without hesitation, because the incredibly enticing appearance of this delectable female was completely overwhelming him in the best possible way.

Then she curled her fingers, leaving her index finger up as if to say, “one moment”. And she just kept typing…

Dan was left sitting there, watching her in utter admiration. His eyes danced up and down over every inch of her at that point, and everywhere he looked there was something on display. Everything about the way she looked just oozed sheer, delightful femininity in its purest form, and his desire for her continued to escalate.

He stared down at his phone again as another notification came in; he was starting to feel a bit of whiplash from looking up and down so quickly so much. But he was full of nervous electricity in the presence of this stunningly attractive but also quite bewildering woman, and he wanted nothing more than to just play along with her…

Her message read, “Your questions are pointless and will not be answered. Keep asking them and I will simply walk out. Is that what you want?”

Dan looked back up quickly, and he tried to hush his panicked tones a bit more this time, practically panting out his nervous reply, “No! No, please, don’t do that!”

Once again she typed up another message while he watched and waited. “Good. Because I have a proposition I would like to make. Would you like to hear it?”

“Yes!” Dan panted, his voice trembling with excitement.

“All righty then. Then you’ll be a good boy and wait right here.”

Right then, she hopped down from her bar stool, and those big boobies of hers did a salacious jiggle-jiggle as her high heels hit the floor. She stood up straight, with her entire body now on full display right in front of Dan’s face, and she reached up with one hand and tugged downward on the hem of her sweater, pulling it down snugly over those braless tits of hers. As she did that, she wiggled her curvy hips side to side, just totally flaunting the arcs of her midsection.

Her phone was still in her other hand, and she glanced at him briefly before typing up another message. “Oh yeah, and I’m sure you won’t mind keeping your eyes on me while I go get us some drinks. Right?”

He read the message, which sent a tingle up his spine. My god, being encouraged to look at her and not take his eyes off her…wow, this girl really was a brazen showoff! And the idea of being propositioned by her for something was really blowing his mind too…

His cock was throbbing in his pants at this point, and he still had absolutely no idea what was going on, but he was more than happy to follow her instructions. And his fears that she was furious at him for leering at her were fading quickly now, replaced with the realization that she really was showing off for him on purpose. The idea of it was new and exciting, despite his ongoing experiences at the hands of the girls at The Tease Club, and there was nothing else on his mind besides doing everything she said.

But before she walked over to the bar, she had one more trick up her sleeve. She looked into his eyes and struck a pose for him, putting both hands on her hips and breaking into a big smile. And then, slowly, almost magically, she reached up with both hands and undid the hair-tie holding her ponytail, pulling it through the elastic and letting that fabulously long, silky blonde hair fall down around her shoulders.

Her smile widened as she ran her fingers through that lovely, golden blonde hair of hers, and then she lifted it away from her neck and shoulders with her hands and held that pose for a moment. Her smile grew wider as she saw how she was completely captivating his attention, and then she fluffed up her hair while he stared at her with his mouth hanging open. Her eyes did not leave his for a second, and his focused gaze clearly met with her approval…


The way she looked with her hair down completely transformed her appearance somehow, from a kind of casual look to a more relaxed, enticing and incredibly seductive style of brazen sex appeal. Dan continued to stare at her as she turned to face away from him and tilted her head back, tossing her hair from side to side, causing it to sway back and forth in beautiful girly fashion right in front of his face.

And then she turned back around to face him with a big warm smile on her face, clearly proud of herself at her open display of exhibitionism, and she winked at him as she held out her sparkly pink phone, letting it dangle a little from in between her thumb and index finger. “Guard this.” She said, with a mix of firmness and sweetness in her voice.

Dan just stared into her eyes for a moment, stunned at the soft femininity but also the strong confidence of her voice as she spoke to him for the first time, other than to shush him. Then he mindlessly looked at her girly-looking phone and reached for it, but she giggled and pulled it away, her eyes twinkling with excitement at the way he had walked right into her little trap.

As predictable as her little “come and get it” game was, Dan still found himself very surprised at how easy and natural it was for her to toy with him like that. She giggled at him some more as she proceeded to play a little game of keep-away with him for a few seconds, effortlessly teasing him by offering him her phone and making him chase after it with his hand a few times. Confident she had bested him in this simple game, her eyes twinkled as she simply tossed it on his lap instead of letting him have it.

And without another word, she turned to the side and sashayed off towards the bar. But she hadn’t taken more than two or three steps before she tossed her hair to one side and looked back over her shoulder at him, looking into his eyes for a brief moment. And after that she looked down toward his midsection, zeroing in on the now VERY pronounced tent in his pants, and a slightly amused smirk flashed across her lips for a moment. And then she turned back around and flounced over to the bar, with her high heels clicking and her hips wiggling in ways that made Dan’s head spin.


I'm still takin' my sweeeeet time with this story, boys, I do hope you don't mind! And again I'd like to offer my special thanks to subzerowriter for his co-authoring of this work!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 3

Post by Izhanagi »

Love it
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 3

Post by Shadow_Witch69 »

Loved it 🖤
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Re: Barbie's PrickTease PlayDates 3

Post by hj9k1 »

KittyZateez wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:36 pm
I'm still takin' my sweeeeet time with this story, boys, I do hope you don't mind! And again I'd like to offer my special thanks to subzerowriter for his co-authoring of this work!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
Good work, both of you!
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