Femmes of Spring Break: The Manor

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Explorer At Heart
Explorer At Heart
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Femmes of Spring Break: The Manor

Post by micheleFFS »

Femmes of Spring Break: The Manor

Jenna and her college roommate, Sondra, settled into their seats for the three hour flight to Sondra’s hometown. Sondra, evidently exhausted from finals, promptly tilted her seat back and fell asleep. Jenna, wired from the coffee she’d drunk to study for her geology final, found reflecting on her first six months away from home more interesting than the airline magazine.

Classes had been about as she expected, challenging but not overwhelming. Some of the weekend parties far surpassed anything she’d done in high school. The pretty brunette had no trouble finding dates or invitations to parties. Knowing her legs were her best feature, she wore miniskirts or tight jeans. Sometimes, she envied Sondra’s large bust and the stares her roommate received from numerous boys on campus. Remaining unattached, she enjoyed several of the handsome, virile males on campus in casual sexual encounters. Sondra, it seemed to her, had been both wilder and more selective. Sondra flirted outrageously, often wore low-cut blouses and was sometimes deliberately careless with her neckline. She had dated a few boys a few weeks, then unceremoniously dropped them.

When they double dated or spent time casually with guys, Jenna noticed Sondra was assertive to the point of being demanding. She radiated a sense of entitlement where boys were concerned. Jenna admired her self-confidence and emulated her. Last week, when her dinner wasn’t prepared right, she peremptorily told her date, “The salmon’s overdone. Go find the waiter and tell him to come over here.” He’d given her a startled look, but obeyed. That felt good, Jenna told herself. I never would’ve said that before I met Sondra. She’s the best.

Sondra was invariably considerate, kept her clothes clean and tidy, was empathetic and very friendly. They became quite close and discussed their families, past boyfriends and current interests. On one memorable night, they’d slipped their arms around each other’s waists for mutual support as they tottered home late from a party. They collapsed on one of the beds. Their good night hug turned into several kisses which got rather passionate. Both giggling, they broke off and went to their separate beds. In the morning, they’d enjoyed a good laugh about it.

During their conversations, Jenna realized Sondra’s family was quite well-to-do, so she’d eagerly accepted her roommate’s invitation to visit for spring break. Sondra mentioned they’d be able to do some horseback riding. “I’m sure we’ll find some boys to ride also,” Sondra had said with a wink.

Jenna smiled, looking at her sleeping friend, anticipating following her lead into whatever adventures she had in store. She looked so relaxed and peaceful Jenna wanted to join her. She lay back in her own seat and slept for the rest of the flight.

Jenna’s first clue of of Sondra’s family opulence came when a handsome, uniformed chauffeur met them at baggage claim by. Sondra introduced him as Hal and he stood at attention instead of offering his hand. Carrying their two valises, he led them to a town car. A chilled bottle of champagne awaited them in the passenger compartment.

The bottle was almost empty when the twin gates of Sondra’s estate swung open. It was nearly dark, but Sondra saw the size of the mansion as they swept up the circular drive. It was three stories high and over 100 feet long. As they pulled to one side of the house and towards the spacious garage, she caught a glimpse of a barn and a fenced paddock and a lake off in the distance. “Sondra, I had no idea you were as wealthy as all this!”

Sondra smiled enigmatically. “I am pretty blessed, and I’m very happy to share this with you. I know we’ll have a good time. There’s lots to do and people to meet.”

Hal took their things upstairs while Sondra introduced Jenna to her parents.

Sondra’s mother, Elaine, was tall and slender with blonde hair with red highlights Jenna suspected came from a rinse. “Welcome, dear. It’s always nice to meet one of Sondra’s new friends. Make yourself at home, we’re very informal here. Get anything you want from the kitchen, anytime.”

Sondra’s father Ben was over 6 feet tall, athletic and fit, though his hair was thinning on top. He greeted Sondra with a warm smile and said, “As my wife says, please make yourself at home. If there’s anything I can do to make your stay more pleasurable, just ask.”

They made suitable small talk about finals and the flight as they walked from the large living room through the dining room into the kitchen. Ben moved swiftly but efficiently about the kitchen, giving them salad and sandwiches, and offering wine or juice. Sondra asked for white wine and Jenny apple juice. When they were done, Elaine tactfully suggested they might want to go upstairs and have some private time.

The girls talked a bit in Sondra’s room, mentioning that now each had her own room for the first time in their friendship. Sondra said, as they ended the evening, “Sleep well. I’ve got some good plans for us in the morning.” She winked, so Jenna knew something was up.

In the morning, Sondra knocked on Jenna’s door. “Can I come in?”


Sondra entered, wrapped in a bathrobe. Jenna was still in her nightie, between the bed and the washroom. Sondra hugged her and kissed her cheek. With a mischievous grin, she said, “Let’s go for a ride after breakfast. Wear a short skirt and skimpy panties or go commando like me.”

Sondra laughed. “Okay,” she said a bit uncertainly. “Want to tell me what’s up?”

“No, I want to surprise you. Come on down for breakfast whenever you’re ready.” With a laugh and a flip of her eyebrows, Sondra went back to her room.

I’ll go along with whatever she’s got, but I’m not going commando. She appreciated that Hal had put everything away in a logical manner. She selected a short skirt, a thong and a striped, formfitting, multicolored modified tee. Anticipating something fun and at least slightly sexy, she went downstairs. Sondra, she noted, wore a light black and white checked dress, her curly blonde hair cascading down the back.

Elaine, Sondra and Jenna sat at the counter, served by Ben. He gave them coffee and juice and a delicious vegetable frittata with sausages on the side.

Elaine said, “I don’t know whether Sondra told you all about what we have here at the Manor.”

“No, she didn’t. I got the impression she was well off, but I had no idea…”

“We are very fortunate. We inherited money and when we’re not being the idle rich, we devote ourselves to charity. Seriously. But we do have many comforts here. The riding stable, a tennis court, and we border a large private lake along with several other families. You can sail in the dinghy, paddle a kayak or go water skiing. There’s plenty to do here, and you and Sondra can invite your friends for parties.”

“Wow! This is quite a change from living in the dorm and studying. Lucky me.”

“Sondra, how do you first plan to entertain our guest?”

With a smirk, Sondra told her mother, “I think we’ll go for a ride this morning.”

With a similar smirk, Elaine nodded. “I thought you might.”

Jenna looked from one to the other, laughing slightly. “I suppose I’ll learn what the joke is soon enough.”

Mother and daughter grinned and nodded. Ben smiled knowingly from where he stood by the stove.

“Come on, the servants will clean up. Let’s get down to the horses.” Sondra headed for the door, Jenna following.

Outside, they followed a path toward the barn. When they got close, Sondra put two fingers in her mouth and let out a piercing whistle.

Two grooms, men in their 20s, came out in response. “Miss Sondra, you’re back. Good to see you,” said one, a handsome, muscular blonde.

“Welcome back,” said the other, swarthy, taller and thinner than his companion. Each stood to one side of the door, hands clasped behind their backs.

“Don’t let my friend Jenna stop you from greeting me properly. Lie down.”

To Jenna’s amazement, the two men lay on the ground on their backs. “Wha…” She began, then stopped in shock. Sondra straddled one of the men, one leg to either side of his face. And she’s commando, Jenna recalled. Her eyebrows went up and her jaw dropped.

“Miss me, Jethro? Enjoying the view?”

“Oh, yes, Miss Sondra, I missed you and I’m very much enjoying the view.”

“Straddle Seth, Jenna, we’re just getting started. If you’ve got panties, lose them or pull them aside and sit down like this.” With that, Sondra lowered herself until her thighs and bum covered Jethro’s face. “These two willing servants will give us a delightful welcome.”

Jenna took a deep breath, grinning. What an idea, she thought. So this is how the other half lives. Wow. I guess I’ll enjoy it while I can. She slipped a finger up under her skirt and tugged the skimpy thong aside, then settled down on Seth’s eager mouth.

Jenna felt Seth’s wide tongue slide gently up and down her lips. His saliva mixed with her juices, dampening her immediately. “Oh!” she gasped.

Seth skillfully sucked her labia, alternating sides, his tongue darting in and out of her entrance.

Jenna grinned, excited by the novel position. Like any healthy girl, she loved cunnilingus, but had always propped up a pillow, spread her legs and lay back to enjoy the male attention. This felt different. She was riding, but not a horse. She turned slightly to grin at her friend. “Oh, this is a marvelous surprise, Sondra.”


“I love face sitting. Depending on whether you lean forward…” Sondra closed her eyes and gasped, “Oh that feels good on my clit… Or back… That’s it, Jethro, lick my rosebud. Rim me, rim me!” She closed her eyes and her breathing quickened. After a few moments she settled back to the middle position.

“I gotta try that,” Jenna said enthusiastically. Unlike Sondra, whose legs extended above Jethro’s head, she squatted with her calves on Seth’s shoulders, so her directions were different, but the effect identical. She leaned forward so the tip of Seth’s tongue rasped her clit. So many new experiences at once! Public sex. Sharing with her best friend. A handsome male sex servant. The delightful feelings in her clit! She gasped aloud, orgasm approaching. She leaned more forward, resting her hands on the ground, thrusting her hips onto Seth’s mouth and tongue. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried as she came.

“Ride him, cowgirl! You’re a natural!” Sondra rocked slowly back and forth, grinning at her friend’s pleasure.

Jenna never stopped after her peak. She sat up and enjoyed Seth’s probing as deep as his tongue could go in her slit. Then, biting her lip in a questioning smile, she rocked backwards, supporting herself on her hands. She paused a moment, testing the new sensation. “Oh, this is nice. I’ve never done it before, but I like it.” She closed her eyes and rocked back and forth gently, savoring Seth’s tongue swirling around her sphincter.

Sondra drove the lesson home. “Lying back on the bed while a guy licks you is lots of fun and I love cumming that way. But this is better. I direct the action. Guys lick my ass whether they want to or not. I get what I want. If cunnilingus isn’t about female pleasure, what the hell is it about?”

Jethro mumbled something.

“Quiet you! Back to your licking. I know you like doing it too, but that’s only secondary. It’s all about us girls, isn’t it, Jenna?”

“You bet! This is super.”

Sondra leaned forward. “I’m ready to cum, Jethro. Lick me good.”

Grinning expectantly, Jenna followed her lead and both girls gasped together. When they opened their eyes, they looked at each other, laughing and grinning.

After a few deep breaths, Sondra stood up. “Well done, Jethro. I am glad to be home.”

Jenna also stood, feeling a bit awkward. She hesitated, then said, “Seth, it was, um, very nice to make your acquaintance.” She giggled and everyone laughed.

“While you’re here, Miss Jenna, you can use me any way you like.” He dropped his gaze and stood with his hands behind his back, the same as Jethro.

Sondra led the way into the stable. “Get a couple of horses ready for us, boys. Jenna, we’ve got several sets of riding togs and we’ll get some to fit you.”

Behind the tack room was a changing room with many male and female riding garments on racks. As the girls made their selections, Jenna said, “Wow! That was amazing! Not only the sex, but the whole thing — the servants, the way they instantly do what you want — I never imagined. You gotta tell me more about it, Sondra.”

“Oh, I will. Let’s go for a ride, the horses are a lot of fun, and I know a place we can sit down and talk.”

The girls looked sexy and powerful in jodhpurs, starched shirts, knee-high boots and jaunty helmets. Last of all, Sondra handed Jenna a brown leather quirt. “Ever used one of these?”

“No, I’m afraid I’m not a very experienced rider.”

“Well, I’ll teach you all about the quirt later. For now, if you want to make the horse go faster, just strike her lightly like this on the hindquarters.” She held out one hand and very quickly tapped the point on her palm.

Seth and Jethro held two saddled horses by their bridles. “Here’s your mare, Artemis, Miss Jenna. Do you need help mounting?” Jenna, determined to put on a good show, grasped the saddle horn, put her foot in the stirrup and swung into the saddle. “I think you already know I mount quite well,” she said with a smirk.

Everyone laughed and the two girls rode out through the open gate of the paddock.

Sondra led them down to the lakeshore. A small sailboat, tied to a buoy, tossed gently on the waves offshore, a swimmer’s raft with a diving board floated nearby, and a boathouse with a deck and projecting pier lay at the right boundary of the family property. Sondra pointed out the homes of her particular friends on the lakeshore and indicated the lone public beach at the far end, over a mile away. “We can go over there and party. During spring break, it’s almost always just kids, so it’s lots of fun.”

Jenna admired the view and said, “I’d love to go sailing. I’ve only had a couple of opportunities.”

“Maybe after lunch. The wind’s always better in the afternoon. Let’s go up that hill; there’s a place we can dismount and talk.”

A trail wound in several switchbacks from the shore up to a low hill overlooking the lake and Sondra’s home. Sondra walked her stallion at first, then touched his withers with her quirt, and the horse trotted up hill, Artemis following. For Jenna, the pace was perfect. She felt the powerful potential of the horse, but without any new rider anxiety.

At the rounded top of the hill was a gazebo with a hitching rail nearby. They tied the horses and took seats at the table in the center of the gazebo.

“All right, tell me all about this female paradise we’re in.”

“Female paradise. I like the sound of that. I guess in a way it’s true. Mom was raised to believe in female superiority and so was dad. My grandparents all knew each other, but the marriage wasn’t really arranged. I learned both of them dated other people before they settled on each other. Mom, as you can see, rules the roost. Dad’s very happy with that and does whatever she asks.

“So while I was growing up, I saw how mom was the leader of the family and accepted it as fully normal, which I think is right. Remember all those talks we had about how guys are immature, impulsive and selfish? You won’t find that around here. Don’t get me wrong, dad’s a full member of the family and he and mom come to mutual decisions, but mom’s the leader. And I insist that’s how it is when I’m with boyfriends. Most don’t last, but I’m patient.”

“Well, I always knew you were self-assured, and I picked up some attitudes from you. You’re a great friend.” They hugged briefly. Jenna went on, “But what about the instant sex with the stable hands? And are they really named Jethro and Seth?”

Sondra laughed. “No, they’re actually Robert and Jim, but their nicknames are an in joke. Truly, though, they’re genuine submissive males and recognize their place. Hal, too. They’ve been here since I was about 10 or 12. Mom and dad kept most of the sexual stuff from me, but on my 16th birthday I was given all sorts of privileges. Jenna, feel free to use all three of them any way you want. They’ll be happy to serve you sexually or in any other capacity. Don’t miss taking Hal to bed one night; he has wonderful technique and a lot of endurance. Jethro and Seth are damn good too.” She smiled at her friend, inviting comment.

“I’ll take you up on that. I could get used to being bossy.”

“I’m sure you will, I’d spotted good potential in you right from the start.” The two hugged once more and kissed. Sondra suggested they finish by riding around the lake. They remounted their steeds and soon dropped down the hill to the bridle path ringing the lake.

The pair rode their mounts across the lower edges of the properties surrounding the lake while Sondra explained the simple unwritten etiquette rules protecting everyone’s privacy. They spoke briefly to the few people enjoying the lakeshore this late morning. A couple of boats dragged wakeboards up and down the length of the lake.

Jenna’s mare gave her a smooth, even ride. The back-and-forth motion and the aftereffects of the cunnilingus kept her pussy humming. She twisted her back and stretched her arms, enjoying the view and the warm sunshine. This is great, she thought. I’m gonna make the most of this opportunity. Whenever Sondra look back to check on her, she gave her friend a big grin.

After rounding the wide part of the lake, they came to the public beach. A man was fishing from the dock and a couple of elderly people soaked up rays on chaise lounges. Sondra dismounted and Jenna followed suit. Sondra’s eye gleamed, a portent Jenna knew well. “What’s up?” They sat at a picnic table, facing the lake.

“The next step.” A lopsided grin accompanied this cryptic remark.

“Another surprise?”

Sondra nodded. “Tell me about the guy that mistreated you the most or who pissed you off the most.”

Taken aback, Jenna blinked and laughed. “There’s been a few. It’s hard to pick.” She laughed again. She took a couple of deep breaths and her jaw clenched.

“I try not to think about this because it was so unpleasant, but here goes.

“At a New Year’s Eve party during my senior year, I met a guy named Dirk. He was handsome and fun, but at times I thought he was arrogant, especially to girls that weren’t very attractive. Sex with him was good. He was gentle to get started and very vigorous when we were actually doing it. He varied the pace, and I love that. I thought maybe he’d outgrow the arrogance.

“Then, one week in early May, he was slow to answer texts so often that I wondered what was up. But Friday night he picked me up for a movie date and we went to a friend’s house where a guy lived alone with his father. He had the whole furnished basement to himself.” Jenna smiled. “It was our school’s big passion pit. Lots of people, including me, lost their virginity there.”

“Dirk and I found an air mattress and a couple of pillows in one corner and started making out in the dim light. I noticed one difference. Usually, he played a lot with my breasts and got me going that way, but this night he barely kissed them before he pulled my pants down. He was a real panty freak, and always played with me before he slipped them off and this was no different, so I just figured he was eager.

“While he rubbed my pussy outside and then inside my panties, I undid his belt and got at his cock. He’d already gotten me wet, but it wasn’t long before I felt his pre-cum spreading over his tip. I remember whispering in his ear, ‘I want to suck your nice cock.’”

“He told me, ‘Be my guest.’ So I sucked him until he dripped pre-come. He told me he wanted to fuck me and I rolled on my back to make it easy for them to slip my panties down. I spread my legs and used my fingers to open my pussy wide for him.

“He said, ‘what a great invitation,’ as he entered me. He fucked me long and hard, fast and slow and I was real orgasmic. At one point, he stopped and looked at me. He said, ‘I want to remember how tight your pussy is.’ Finally, he grunted and gasped as he came in me.”

Sondra arched a skeptical eyebrow. “This was your worst?”

“You’ll see. He rolled off me without even a kiss and said, ‘Yeah, I wanted to remember your nice tight pussy. So I decided to fuck you one more time. I got a new girl, you don’t know her, but I’m tired of pretending your tiny tits turn me on. Sorry, babe but I gotta play with big ones.’”

“Oh my God, what a bastard.” Sondra put her arm around Jenna’s shoulders.

“Yeah, that really hurt. I stared at him in shock until I realized that he was serious and even if it was a joke, it was the end of our relationship. I was never so angry at someone in my life and I’d never been so humiliated. I wanted to punch him in the face, grab his balls and squeeze, but I knew he just overpower me and laugh at me. I turned away so he wouldn’t see the tears I blinked back. I grabbed my jeans and top and stuffed my bra and panties into my pockets, slipped into my sandals and walked out of there without a word. The sonofabitch actually laughed at me as I left.

“When I got home, I was too angry to cry and I just stayed up all night thinking of nasty things I could do to him. I wanted to strip him naked in front of everybody and make fun of his dick. I wanted to paddle his ass ‘til he howled.”

Sondra smiled sympathetically. “Still makes you angry, doesn’t it?”

“It sure does. I wish he was here right now. We’d show them a thing or two, wouldn’t we?”

“You bet! Now hold that thought. Stay pissed off.” With that, Sondra jumped up and sprinted for her horse.

Surprised, Jenna followed her. Sondra kicked her horse in the haunches and her stallion took off at a canter, followed by the mare. At this faster pace, Jenna still felt in control and the speed and bounce of the ride kept her emotions high. She saw Dirk’s face in her mind’s eye and growled. She ground her teeth, her jaw clenched and her eyebrows knit together.

In this mode, she followed Sondra into the paddock, where they pulled the horses’ bridles to stop them. Jethro and Seth came out and immediately took charge of the horses. The grooms led the steeds to their stalls, making sure they had water to drink. The brief canter had not been enough to work up a sweat for either beast.

“All right, you two. To the woodshed!” Sondra stood just outside the barn door, one hand on her hip, the other outstretched, pointing with the quirt to a lean-to attached to the side of the barn.

“Yes, Miss Sondra,” said the grooms. They preceded the girls through the door.

Jenna took a few moments to orient herself to the woodshed. A couple of windows gave enough light to make everything plain. The barn-side wall supported a sizable stack of firewood, but the rest of the woodshed looked unusual. In one corner stood a low table with a couple of chairs. Nearby were a pair of gymnastics horses. The arrangement puzzled Jenna. Who’d want to hang out in a woodshed? Then she noticed the far wall. A rack like those that held bridles in the tack room here displayed wooden and leather paddles, a long handled hairbrush, and several quirts, some of the much too long to be used on a horse. “Oh, wow. I get it, a real woodshed — with extras. Are we really going to…?” She gasped. They really were. Why else would Sondra bring them there? An exciting, naughty girl feeling thrilled her, dampening her pussy.

Sondra smiled enigmatically and took her friend’s hand, leading her to the chairs where they sat. Without being told, Jethro and Seth placed the two stools in the center of the room. Each stood next to one, legs apart, hands behind their backs, eyes downcast.

Jenna suddenly got it. “Jethro. Seth. Woodshed. We’re going to do something nasty in the woodshed. This is Cold Comfort Farm come to life!”

Sondra and the grooms all laughed. “Didn’t take you long to tumble to it. Ever spank a boy?”

“No, but I sometimes wanted to.”

“Well, you can just pretend these guys are Dirk the Dick and take it out on them. Have a seat. We’ll take it slow and I’ll give you a spanking lesson. It’s a lot of fun and really gets you going. Pick one of the guys and don’t worry, you’ll have a chance to wallop both of them.”

“Whew,” Jenna whistled. “I never thought I’d really do this but I think I’ll like it. Seth, you did such a nice job licking me I think I’ll start with you.”

“Thank you, Miss Jenna. I’m here to please you.” He stood in front of her, as Jethro stood before Sondra.

Sondra reached for his belt. “There’s a special feeling when you take down a boy’s pants for spanking. I love it and I think you will too.”

Jenna felt a surge of excitement as her ‘naughty girl’ feeling intensified. The belt undone, she started on the button and zipper. She felt powerful as she tugged the pants off his hips. “Oh,” she gasped in surprise. Seth wore a dainty lace-trimmed pink bikini. A few inches of his erection poked above the waistband. “What a nice surprise. You look very pretty in your panties, Seth.” She wrapped her hand around the exposed portion. “And I like what sticks out.” She stroked it and glanced over to see how Jethro packed his panties. He wore a black thong. His erection poked forward a bit and Sondra lightly slapped it back and forth.

Jenna took a deep breath. I could get used to this, she thought. It’s like a one night stand only better. I call the shots. As she stroked the shaft, she hefted the two balls with her other hand. “You’ve got a very nice cock, Seth.”

“I’m glad you like it. I await your pleasure whenever you like.”

Sondra broke in. “Enough pleasure for these lads right now. I want to make some butt sting! Get over our laps.”

Meekly, the stable hands draped themselves over the girls’ thighs. Sondra immediately commenced slapping Jethro.

The sharp sounds of the first swats excited Jenna. She rested one arm across Seth’s back and tentatively smacked his bum. It sounded nice, and she liked the jiggle she saw. She struck him again, a bit harder. A quick glance at her friend showed Sondra vigorously raising and lowering her hand.

“Don’t be timid, Jenna, like most new spankers. These boys can take a lot. It’s good for boys to be spanked by girls and these guys know it, don’t you?”

Jethro said, “I’m happiest when I’m serving a woman and the spankings help keep me in my place.”

“I need a reminder from time to time or I tend to get uppity,” added Seth. “You can hit me as hard as you like, Jenna. It’s a good hurt, and it won’t injure me.”

“All right, you asked for it.” Jenna spanked harder and faster, covering the entire buttocks. The feeling of power, the sight of the bouncing cheeks and the slapping sounds went to Jenna’s head. “Oh, this is fun! I never imagined.” Seth’s cheeks, where not covered by the pretty panties, grew pink. She wanted to see more. She hooked her fingers into his waistband and tugged.

Without being told, Seth raised his hips and she drew the skimpy garment down his thighs to his knees. “Oh, your bum’s pretty in pink!” She smacked it some more, alternating cheeks, hitting the fattest part of the muscular buttocks. “Oh, wow!” But after a few more strokes she started flicking her hand at the top.

Sondra noticed and said, “When your hand starts to sting, it’s time to move on. Over the horses with you boys.”

Jethro and Seth, hobbled by their pants, shuffled over to the horses. “Oh, look at those pretty panties slide down his calves,” Jenna said, pointing to Seth.

Sondra laughed. “Very cute.”

The boys bent over the horses and Jenna noticed leather wrist and ankle restraints attached. “Are we going to tie them up?”

“We can if you like, but we’re only giving them a training spanking for you. They won’t need to be restrained today.” Sondra walked to the wall and selected to wooden paddles, handing one to Jenna. “Besides, I prefer to have my men submit voluntarily. Remember, don’t be timid. Smack away, girl.”

Jenna hefted the paddle by the handle, swinging a rectangular piece of hardwood with six holes drilled in it. She slapped it against her palm. “Oh, I bet this stings.” A resounding smack attracted her attention to Sondra and Jethro. She clearly saw the outline of the paddle across both of his cheeks. Grinning, she turned her attention back to Seth. Whap! She splattered his bum with the unyielding wood, but the man didn’t even cry out. Jethro, she heard, gasped with each blow. She struck harder.

“Take a wider swing, Jenna. Enough to make him grunt each time.”

She thought, this must hurt but maybe it’s okay. Wham!

The blow elicited an audible gasp from Seth. “Yes, like that,” he said wiggling his hips enticingly. “Don’t be afraid, I can take it. I truly like it. It’s good for me.”

Jenna laughed and landed two more swats in rapid succession.

“You’re getting it, Miss Jenna. That stings good. Thank you.”

“Give him 10 or 12 good ones, then feel his bum,” Sondra urged.

Jenna got into a rhythm, alternately smacking each cheek with the flat of the paddle after a good backswing. Maybe she’s right and I am a natural. I sure love doing this, she thought. She grinned as she readied the paddle for an extra hard smack. Slam! She landed her blow and licked her lips as she heard Seth groan, “Ow! That was a good one! You’re a fast learner.”

Jenna paused, breathing hard from exertion as well as arousal. She put one hand on a bum cheek, admiring the pink blush and the darker spots just beginning to form. The radiating warmth thrilled her. “Oh, you’re so warm. It must hurt.” She put both hands on his bum and rubbed, exploring the contrast between the warm cheeks and his cool, unspanked thighs.

“It sure does tingle,” Seth reported. “Your hands… So cool. What a treat.”

Jenna explored his crack, tickled his asshole with a fingertip, hefted his balls, and rather awkwardly reached his cock. She expected the pain would’ve made it limp, but it was partially stiff and grew and expanded at her touch.

“Ah, thank you, Miss Jenna.” Seth arched his hips away from the bench, affording her a better grip.

“That’s a good instinct, Jenna. Alternate pleasure and pain,” Sondra coached from the side. “Swat him a few more times and we’ll switch.”

Licking her lips, Jenna rained several more blows to the unresisting male. Seth gasped aloud and his entire body jerked with each strike. Jenna grinned and glanced over at Sondra. “Sondra, this is wonderful. I never knew it could be so much fun.”

“I knew you’d love it. Want to try Jethro for a while?”


As the girls switched places, Sondra hugged and kissed Jenna full on the lips. “You go, girl. Wallop his ass.”

“All right, Jethro, you’re in for it. I’m experienced now,” Jenna laughed. As she done with Seth, she explored Jethro’s ass, cock and balls. Jethro’s cock was noticeably longer than Seth’s. She gave him a few strokes, and then wielded her paddle.

Jenna’s eyebrows rose as she observed the effect of the paddle. The resounding thwack, the bouncing butt cheeks, and Jethro’s, “Oof!” thrilled her. She brought the paddle down harder. Jethro’s louder cry inspired her and she hit him quite a bit harder the third time. To her delight, his entire body twitched and he moaned, “Oh, that was a good one! You learn fast.”

“I love doing this.” Jenna struck him again and again as he writhed and moaned. She paused to look at the big red blotches.

“Feel the heat. Paddles make really hot buns,” Sondra urged.

“Wow, you’re right. Really warm there. How do you like it, Jethro?”

“It hurts, and it stings, all pins and needles but I do like it and I hope you do more.”

“Oh, never fear, I will. This is too much fun and it’s making me hotter’n hell.” A thought struck her. She reached between his legs and discovered a fully limp penis, pre-cum coating the tip. “The pain makes you limp, right?”

“Yes, Miss, but I try to stay hard for you as long as I can. To show I appreciate you punishing me.”

Jenna grinned and shook her head in amazement. I never imagined this, she thought, and it’s such fun. She swung the paddle several more times, hard and fast. Jethro’s reaction was all she hoped for. His cries and gasps were continuous and he kicked his legs and flailed his arms, but never tried to move away from her or to defend himself in any way. Her eyes snapped, her expanded nipples rubbed against the fabric of her bra and she was as damp as ever. She glanced at her friend, and saw that Seth was in a similar state. The boys’ mingled cries filled the woodshed.

Sondra caught her eye and then stopped paddling. “Ready for the next step?”

“There’s more? Bring it on!”

Sondra took the paddle from Jenna and said, “Be a dear and get our quirts, OK?”

“You bet!” Jenna quickly went back to the chairs and picked up the quirts, handing one to her friend.

Jenna stood behind Seth to his left. “Watch a minute before you start, Jenna. There’s real finesse to a good caning.” With that, she lightly tapped Seth’s bum cheeks with the quirt several times. She pulled her arm back a little farther each time, so the force of the blows slowly increased.

Seth lay on the horse, unmoving at first, then he pushed his buttocks out towards the quirt.

“That’s it, my good boy. You love the kiss of the crop, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes, Miss Sondra. I love the way the pain blossoms.”

Sondra drew back her arm and applied a really hard cut to the lad’s jutting buttocks.

“Yeeowtch!” cried Seth, his body writhing. After a few moments, he lay quiescent, breathing hard.

Wide-eyed, Jenna watched as a thin red line etched across both cheeks.

Sondra calmly resumed the softer aiming taps. “Caning is an art that takes practice. It’s a nice challenge to make parallel stripes up and down the thighs and ass. If you really want to hurt a boy, crop him in the same place again and again. I sometimes like to make parallel lines and then make another group of stripes diagonally across them. Makes a beautiful pattern. One note. Until you’re more experienced, always be sure that the tip of your instrument hits on the buttocks, and does not wrap around to the front.” Her arm went back and forward quickly.

Seth cried out again and pushed his buttocks out for more punishment. A second line, above and parallel to the first, grew as the two girls watched.

“Wow,” said Jenna. “May I?” She reached her hand towards the inflamed bum.

“Of course. Check them out, then use your quirt on Jethro.” Sondra held the riding crop up against her shoulder.

Jenna felt Seth, finding the entire buttocks were inflamed and quite warm. The twin creases looked angry and felt warmer to her touch than the surrounding flesh. “That must hurt a lot, Seth.”

“Oh, yes it does, and it doesn’t go away for a long time. I confess I’m proud of how much I can take. I suggest you inspect my bum over the next few days and see what it does for me.”

Jenna shook her head in amazement. This was a lot to take in. I wonder if I can bring myself to hurt someone that way, she questioned herself. But I’m going to try.

She took a stance behind Seth and imitated Sondra’s aiming taps. Her first swish, crack! did not produce the anguished cry and desperate writhing that Sondra’s elicited.

Seth had the temerity to complain. “Miss Jenna, you can do better than that.”

Thus challenged, Jenna gritted her teeth and sped up the pace and force of her aiming taps. She swung her arm back and forward.

Swoosh! Smack!

Seth nearly screamed in his feet pounded the floor. He gasped, “I knew you could do better and boy, was I right!” Everyone laughed. A moment later, Jethro cried out as Sondra struck him again.

“For your first lesson, let’s stick to the traditional ‘six of the best,’ okay?”’

“Sounds good to me.”

The rest of the caning went quickly with the boys nearly screaming at the end.

Sondra told them to remain in place while the girls inspected their handiwork. They felt the two boys’ warm, red buttocks once again. Jenna’s last two cuts crisscrossed the first four. Sondra’s were more evenly spaced, but she self-criticized. “I’m out of practice.” She traced her fingernail sharply across her top welt. Jethro jerked in response. “This one’s too high, almost got his coccyx. That’s a no-no, can actually cause damage.” She turned to Jenna with a big grin. “You did a great job, Jenna. I knew you’d take to domination from the moment I met you.” She leaned forward and the two girls hugged and kissed. “Horny?”

“Horny? Me? Horny? Are you kidding?”

“Well, we can have them eat us right here if you’re in a hurry, or we can take them somewhere else and fuck them. Up to you. What’s your pleasure?”

“Oh, I need it right now.”

“So do I. Let’s relax in the chairs and have the boys service us.”

“Oh, goody!”

The girls returned to their chairs, sliding so they were almost reclining with their legs spread. “Come here, boys, and undress us,” Sondra commanded.

Jethro knelt before Jenna and tugged down the zipper of one of her boots. “Miss Jenna, you made my bum sting a lot. It still does. It’s an honor to be your first spankee, and you’re quick learner.” He helped her out of her boots and slipped down her jodhpurs, taking the skimpy thong with them. “If it would please you, I’ll stimulate your breasts and nipples.”

Jenna loved being asked. The emphasis centered on her pleasure, not his. “You’d better, or I’ll whip you again.”

His hands went under her shirt and pushed her bra up. He cupped her breasts and rolled his thumb over her nipple. At the same time he kissed her inner thighs, preparing to lick her.

Sondra giggled. “Jenna, you’re a very good student. You just had a a practical lab, now comes the lecture. Pay close attention, they’ll be a quiz at the end.” Everyone laughed.

“You had an introduction to the three types of spankings: hand spanking, paddling, and caning.

“Hand spankings are traditional, give the submissive a childlike feeling and the dominant the superior position. It’s very intimate because your bodies are in contact and your genitals are close together. A hand spanking lends itself to sexual play and is often a terrific part of foreplay. There are techniques I’ll teach you later.”

Jethro, having worked his way to the top of her thighs, sucked on Jenna’s pussy lips. Her breathing deepened.

“Paddles come in all sorts of materials and sizes, household items to purpose made paddles like we used. They hurt more than a hand spanking, are noisier, both in the application and in the response. As you know, they make the buttocks a very warm and rosy red all over. Paddles impart pain by thudding.”

One of Jethro’s hands slid down Jenna’s torso and two fingers slipped into her pussy as his mouth and tongue concentrated on her clit.

“Caning is a general term for using any thin, usually round, implement. Some are rigid, like our quirts, some are flexible and require more practice. Canes impart a sharper, more focused explosion of pain. This is generally called sting as opposed to thud, and spankees usually prefer one to the other, but we don’t care. We do whatever we want to them… oh, that feels good, Seth.”

Jenna closed her eyes, savoring the sensations filling her body. “Nice lecture, but I’m more distracted than I ever was in class.”

They both laughed aloud, joined by the boys’ muffled responses.

Jenna felt the breast Jethro’d abandoned with one hand and pushed his head more tightly to her with the other. With several loud cries, she orgasmed, with Sondra’s gasps joining hers a few seconds later.

Sondra rolled farther back onto the seat of the chair and gripped the backs of her thighs. “You can tilt just like face sitting.”

Jenna imitated her more experienced friend and experimentally rotated to present the lower part of her bum. “Lick my ass, rim my hole.”

Jethro obediently kissed and tongue her cheeks in the valley between, rotating his tongue around and around over her sphincter. His two fingers really wriggled inside her slit.

Jenna, relatively inexperienced in anal play, found the sensation quite pleasant and the sight of a proud, strong male kissing her ass and licking her ass hole very empowering. Her juices flowed freely. She shifted position after a while. “Lips now, boy. Keep those fingers moving.”

“That’s the idea. Tell him what to do,” Sondra managed to gasp.

Jethro managed to lick and suck each of Jenna’s wet lips.

Finally, she instructed, “Clit. Clit. Finish me off!”

Jethro’s tongue swirled around her clit again and again, and finally sucked it in between his lips and rasped his tongue over it rapidly.

“Ohhhhh! Ahhhhhh!” Jenna pinched her nipple and ground Jethro’s face into her as she came with her strongest orgasm of the day. Eventually subsiding, she tousled Jethro’s hair and favored him with a contented smile. A glance showed her that Sondra was in a similar post-orgasmic state. Their eyes met and they grinned.

“Get us some water and our clothes.”

“Yes, Miss Sondra,” said the boys in unison as they obeyed.

A few moments later, the girls stood and changed back to their regular clothes, sipping water from sports bottles. The boys watched avidly, standing with their legs spread in the hands behind their backs.

With a grin, Sondra said, “Now for your quiz. Name the three types of spankings.”

“Hand, paddle, and cane.”

“What’s the single defining characteristic of hand spanking?”

“Umm… Intimacy?”

“Yes, but a better answer would mention physical contact. Half credit.” Everyone laughed.

“I think I’d probably flunk the rest of the quiz, but I blame Jethro for distracting me.” More laughter.

“Well, you certainly passed. Absolutely full credit on your lab! Now, let’s go get some lunch. Boys, stay ready. We’re gonna use you tonight.”

With a patronizing wave from Sondra, the two girls headed for the main house.
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Re: Femmes of Spring Break: The Manor

Post by zuledian »

These kinda stories are absolutely my favorite, please tell me there's more of these amazing characters?
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Any genuine females interested?
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Re: Femmes of Spring Break: The Manor

Post by micheleFFS »

I'm glad you liked my story, Zuledin. I'll put you on my list of people to notify when I publish new stories or chapters.

You say these are your favorite types of stories. I can guide you better if I know what you like.

I like to write detailed, realistic, it-just-might-really-happen stories.

Search this forum for my name. You'll find two novels and several stories.

The two novels:
  • The Sorority series is an exploration of one man's learning about submission from several beautiful, cruel coeds.
  • Inadequate Hubby explores what happens when a young wife when she decides to end his chronic masturbation, premature ejaculation. Whatever shall she do about his tiny dick?
I also have male-dom fiction and straight sex stories on www.lushstories.com. I'm called Paddler there. Find my profile and click on my stories. Please leave comments, both here and on Lush.

Your obedient servant,

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