KCTC Reporter 7

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KCTC Reporter 7

Post by KittyZateez »

There I was, naked and kneeling behind the most incredibly gorgeous cock tease I had ever laid my eyes on. My dick was completely erect after being subjected to the absolutely delicious visual and mental stimulation Kitty had been serving up for me. And there, right before my eyes, was this fabulously attractive prick teasing goddess, posing for me in an very erotic and explicit way. She was facing away from me, bending forward straight-legged to rest her long-nailed hands on a high stand of candles. Her legs were spread apart a bit, and my mouth fell open as I stared at her feminine display of pulchritude...


From the position I was in, behind her and on my knees beneath her, I had the most delightful view of her lower body, and everywhere I looked was a lovely curve or feature to gaze upon. Her long legs were fleshy and toned, and they had a wonderful shape and physical definition to them. And the way they looked in her slutty spiked heels was undeniably appealing.

Speaking of which, her legs and high heels were very much in my psyche at that point too, because she had just finished teasing me by prancing around the room, making me follow her around on my hands and knees like a lovesick puppy. And I just loved the way she ordered me to stare at her legs and heels also, telling me not to take my eyes off them - a command with which I was more than happy to comply...

And now, as Kitty wiggled her body back and forth and slowly hiked up her skirt, revealing herself completely to me, it was clear that she was showing off her bare ass and pussy on purpose. She actually wanted me to look at her goodies - but somehow I just couldn't bring myself to do it! I felt like it would be an insult to look...it was as though I respected her too much somehow to just stare and drool at her feminine charms like a mindless, horny animal, even though that's exactly what I was at that point...


So I just continued to feast my eyes on her gorgeous legs...gazing all over them starting at her thighs and moving downward, pausing on luscious little places like the parts that had particularly impressive muscle definition. This showed that she had been consciously keeping herself healthy and fit, which only added to her irresistible sex appeal.

My eyes went down over the backs of her knees and onto her calves, again noticing how toned and tight they looked, and then I looked even lower, making my way down to those oh-so-sexy shoes she wore. Her pretty, curvy feet were fully on display on her spiked stiletto heels, and the lovely, shiny black ankle straps were wrapped suggestively around her ankles. I stared at the shiny gold anklet dangling there, looking sooo enticing...

"You see something you like?" Kitty teased, shifting her weight from side to side and waving her bare ass and pussy back and forth before my eyes, knowing I hadn't dared to look up that high yet. She could see me in one of the wall mirrors as I stared at her fantastic legs and her pretty feet all perched up high on those spiky heels, and she appeared delighted at the fact that I wasn't looking up any higher just yet...

“Oh yes, Miss Kitty,” I began, my eyes darting quickly back up her legs and skipping over the rest of her to catch her gaze. I was hoping I could answer her question exactly the way she wanted me to, but right when I started to continue, she interrupted me.

“Good,” she said, cutting me off. “Now, stop staring at my legs and look higher.” Her tone was suddenly more firm, a switch that always caught me off guard when she mixed it up like that. But I liked it.

I blushed profusely - she had already noticed my absolute fixation on her legs and high heels, a condition which she herself had caused, by the way. But now she was confronting me because I hadn't been able to tear my eyes away from them, even to take a peek at her bare ass or pussy. Even now that she told me to, albeit somewhat indirectly, it still wasn't easy to comply. Why was that??

Kitty noticed my reluctance and giggled, "Awww...what's wrong, Tommy? Hmmmm? Poor baby, maybe you just need a little encouragement!" She continued speaking, gently and sweetly but with just a hint of assertiveness as she coaxed me into her web some more, "In that case, let me help you focus your attention right where I want it..." And with that she slowly placed her hands on one of those luscious legs of hers...

"First off", she cooed, glancing down as she ran her hands down her leg, resting just above her knee, "you seem to be quite infatuated with my legs." And she moved her hands slowly back up over her thigh and continued, "I don't blame you, sweetie...because they ARE very sexy, aren't they!"

Again I just nodded, which had become the default response to questions she asked me that had an obvious answer. Her hands then glided back down towards her knee again, caressing her soft flesh as she went, and she watched carefully to see if my eyes were following her movements, which they were. Then her hands slid back up her thigh to just below her ass, where they paused and stayed...

"But Tommy," she continued girlishly, "you simply must be dying to look at other things also, and I already told you I want you to do that, but I see you haven't done so yet...there seems to be something inside you that is preventing you from being more naughty for me. So let's see if I can change that, okay baby?" She paused, waiting for my response, which came in the form of the now predictable nod, and then she continued, "I bet I can...so Tommy, let's play a little game!"

Oh my, what did Kitty have in mind now? Whatever it was, I knew I could not deny her anything she wanted, and I would play along with pretty much any game she could come up with at this point...

"I think you should follow my hands with your eyes, and you should stay focused on them wherever they go...don't take your eyes off them! And...I have another little idea too, which I'll tell you about in a minute. But first, do you agree to watch my hands, wherever they may go?"

Oh, those hands of Kitty's...it would be my pleasure to fixate myself on them! I stared at them, noticing once again that they really were gorgeous - they were feminine and soft looking, with just the right amount of fleshiness to them. And Kitty's long slender fingers, with those ultra-sexy long red fingernails, had treated me to a tantalizing tease all over my scalp earlier, so it was very easy for me to focus on them and recall the yummy pleasure that she had already rewarded me...

Again, I just nodded in agreement at her suggestion, and she smirked at my instant compliance to her wishes. But it wasn't good enough, and she coaxed, "I can't hear you!" This brought about an all too familiar "Yes, Kitty" from my lips, and again I was feeling like that response had been preprogrammed or recorded and all I had to do was push play...

My response did the trick for her, and her smirk became a smile of satisfaction as she began rubbing her hands up and down her thigh, testing my obedience to her instruction. She led my eyes in circles as she rubbed up and down, round and round on that one particular area of her leg, and then she made little zigzags up, then back down over herself. She bent over to one side as her hands reached down below her knee, and then oh-so-slowly slid back up onto her thigh...and my gaze followed her everywhere she went!

This pattern repeated itself for several minutes, and I felt like she was toying with me on purpose (which she was), as she suggestively began leading my eyes higher and higher up her thigh each time she went back up over it. After a while longer, she paused, leaving her hands right at the point where her thigh ended and her ass cheek began, and she glanced back at me, seeing the glazed-over look in my eyes, and just left her hands right there, again testing my compliance with the game at hand.

"All right Tommy, that's very good, honey!" she said gleefully, pleased with herself and with my obedience. Continuing to test me, she slid her hands slowly down her thigh and back up again, but this time they just kept going, rubbing up over the side of her ass cheek and right onto her soft fleshy behind.

"This," she said, her voice taking on a sweet and yet authoritative tone as she rubbed both hands on her ass cheeks, "is my ASS!"

She was mocking me now, making fun of my obsession with her body, and toying with the way I hadn't been able to stare at her ass yet, because I had become infatuated with another part of her - her legs. It was a part that she had caused me to be attracted to in the first place, according to her seductive guidance, and she had clearly enjoyed how I had been having a hard time moving on to the next part of her, even after being duly instructed! What a wicked little mind game this was...and I was falling for it, hook, line and sinker!

What was happening to me? Who cares! This had already become the most incredible sexual experience I'd ever had, and I was going to go with it, wherever Kitty led me, wherever she wanted to take me...

Next, she turned to one side, hiding her pussy from me but giving me a wonderful view of the shape of her perfect butt, and slowly rubbed one hand down her leg toward her knee. She watched me carefully in the mirror, ensuring I was following her hands with my eyes. Posing as she was, with her ass cheek protruding outward, the shape and definition of it was quite appealing, and she brought her hands back up onto it and gave it a soft squeeze, the fleshiness of it responding to her touch.

And now that my eyes were focused on her plump ass, she took her hand away, and suddenly I was able to look at it...and stay looking at it! She slowly turned back around to face away from me, and my eyes moved over both of her ass cheeks, and then slowly down the crack of her ass...Kitty looked over at me in one of the wall mirrors, and I could see the look on her face. She was pleased at how she had been able to direct my attention to her hot ass, using her hands as the guide, and she knew she could take me anywhere else she wanted me to go using that same technique.

I could see Kitty's bare pussy coming in to view again; I knew it was there, totally exposed and available to look at, but somehow I still didn't feel like I should gape at it...and instead, I just kept giving her hot ass a close personal inspection. She peeked back at me as I stared at it, slowly letting my eyes move over every inch and curve - the round part of it that led into the tops of her thighs, the curviness of it on both sides, and that naughty crack down the center that started right below the bottom of her back.

"Would you like to hear about the other little idea I had, Tommy?" she suddenly asked, and I tore my eyes away from her luscious booty and looked up at her, in a completely overwhelming state of hyper-arousal. Again I gave her a simple nod, which was about all I could muster at this point. She continued, "What about this - when I touch my ass, you stroke your cock. When I take my hands away, stop."

She didn't even wait for a response, but just placed her hands on her hips, one on either side, and threw her hips slowly from one side to another, providing an absolutely tantalizing display of her brazen sexuality. And then she just slid her hands right down onto her ass cheeks, and glanced back at me to see what I did. Of course, like a mindless robot, I reached down and began stroking myself...

But the moment I did, she pulled her hands away, smiling from ear to ear as she observed me play along with her new game. She waited a moment and then began grabbing that plump ass of hers again, allowing me to stroke without a word.

And so it went for a while, my stroking being controlled completely by the simple act of Kitty touching her ass, and she kept toying with me like that for a few minutes, touching herself briefly to make me stroke and then removing her hands to make me stop. She was absolutely eating up every second of her total power over me!

Soon I began to notice her bluffing me, pretending she was going to touch her hot bottom, reaching for it but pausing right before doing it. The first couple times she did that, I fell for it. I'd start to stroke and then stop immediately when I realized she hadn't made contact with herself yet. But I was catching myself violating her terms and conditions, and little by little I began waiting more patiently for her to touch herself. It was a simply awesome display of sexual power and control, and I was totally hers to tease and toy with as she saw fit.

Kitty finally just burst out laughing as she kept trying to fake me out, pausing just an inch away from that hot behind of hers repeatedly and watching to see if I'd fall for it. Finally she reached for herself one more time and just took her hands away, putting them on her hips and leaving me wanting to stroke but not being allowed to. This was a good thing because my cock had reached an incredible state of arousal, and I felt it throbbing and pulsing as my heart pounded wildly.

Despite the considerable feelings of humiliation I would have thought this would cause, having her laugh at me like that, I didn't mind one bit, because seeing her derive such pleasure from teasing me like that was surprisingly fulfilling for me.

"Oooo, I like this game!" Kitty giggled gleefully as she continued to deny my touch, and she toyed with me a few more times, baiting me to touch myself before finding that I wasn't falling for it - I was completely under her spell now and I knew to watch her every move and wait for her to actually touch herself. So then she suddenly just stopped the game and reached underneath her skirt, pulling it back down over her ass, wiggling her hips back and forth as she went. "But I think that's just about enough of my ass for you, reporter-boy, for now..."

I watched in fascination at the sight of her pulling her skirt back down - what else could I do? Again, I might have thought that seeing her cover herself up would be a sudden disappointment, but she had already given me so much pleasure it didn't matter to me at all...

"Let's keep playing this game, sweetie, but now you can only touch yourself when I touch my LEGS! You'd like that, wouldn't you Tommy?" Once again, my nod was automatic and practically involuntary.

She followed through with that suggestion by slowly lowering herself down, all the way down onto the floor in front of me, using the rail on the wall for balance. She plopped her sexy ass down and rested backward on one hand, extending one leg out straight and lifting up the other, bending it up and resting the high heel down next to her other knee.

She then took one hand and rested it on her ankle, slowly rubbing it upward, her long-nailed fingers curling around the front of her shin as she said sweetly, "You see these, Tom? You do remember these, don't you?"

Remember them? She knew full well what the answer to that was, but her "playing innocent" routine was wonderful in a kind of "mind fuck" sort of way. And despite Kitty's considerably successful attempts to distract my attention away from her fantastic legs, making me stroke myself whenever she rubbed her ass, I definitely hadn't forgotten about them...

As her gorgeous, slender, red nailed fingers rubbed up and down the lower half of one those sexy legs and paused briefly, just above her ankle, I had no problem putting my attention where she wanted it now. I also had no problem continuing to follow the rules of the game, and my hand made its way to my cock, which had calmed down ever so slightly from its "on the brink" state before. I watched intently as her lovely hand made its way slowly upward...


My gaze lingered on her pretty hand and sexy red fingernails for a few seconds, and then her hands went lower, down over her fleshy calves to her shapely ankle. It was all wrapped up in the shiny black strap of her outrageously sexy high-heeled shoe, and I focused in on her shiny gold anklet as she flicked it playfully with her finger. My hand continued to gently stroke my cock, before she suddenly took her hand away. I stopped, leaving it twitching right on the edge of a fabulous orgasm. Damn she was good!

I just stared as her foot pivoted back and forth a little, resting on that spiked stiletto, and she put her hand back on her shin and moved it slowly down to her ankle, catching my eyes with it and bringing it back up her leg, slowly. I started to stroke again, very slowly, sensing that if I went any faster I would simply explode...and that was the LAST thing I wanted to happen!

"Hmmmm", she said, a doubtful tone in her voice, taking her hand off her leg, "something seems to have gotten your attention now. What is it?" Again, one hand reached down and she used her sexy red nails to toy with the gold anklet, adjusting it playfully as she looked down at it, not needing to even look at me to encourage my attention and make me respond.

And she was right. Something really did have my attention! I paused for a moment, her confrontation of me becoming more familiar...but it was still a struggle to find the right words to play along, and I just stammered, "I...I love your anklet!" She smiled her approval and her hand reached down lower, caressing the shape of her shoe before wrapping her lovely long-nailed fingers around her spiked stilleto. "And what else?" she cooed. I blurted, "Your high heels!"

"Yes, Tom, these high heels are VERY sexy, aren't they!" She looked down at them knowingly, as though she had some plans for me regarding those sultry spike-heeled shoes of hers, but she didn't enact it just yet. Instead, the leg tease and jerkoff-control game just continued.

Her hand slid slowly up her leg again, very slowly this time, rubbing around the front of it, massaging gently as I watched with a puddle of drool beginning to pool under my tongue. And my stroking continued, keeping myself right on the edge of orgasm with an effortless ease.

I could barely speak, but I managed to croak out one word..."Wow!" She giggled at my nervousness and my complete infatuation with her legs and heels, and she wasn't going to let me off the hook. In fact, she was obviously going to have some fun with it at my expense...

And she continued, looking down at her wonderfully fleshy legs as she massaged them with her hand, "Let's talk about them a little, shall we? I do so LOVE my legs!"

I just nodded and watched her. This was going to be a one-side conversation...

"I love the shape of my calves, don't you? Did you notice the way the muscles tighten when I walk, then loosen up when I'm sitting? It's because of these sexy shoes, the heels are so high, they really tone my calf-muscles when I walk in them. And that happens quite often, because I really adore wearing shoes like these!"

I could not have said it better myself, and couldn't think of anything more to add, so I simply said, "Yes, Kitty!"
She smiled broadly, enjoying my inability to respond in an intelligent way. So she simply continued to torment me, and her hand moved slowly up over her thigh, and she add, "And my thighs...sometimes I feel like they're kinda fat, but I guess I'm just big-boned! My thighs seem to get a workout when I wear high heels like this too, having to keep my balance and trying to walk really sexy seems to help my thighs stay in shape too. Did you notice that, following boy?"

Again, her description had completely overwhelmed me, the way she was admiring herself, sharing herself with me, but doing it in such a self-absorbed way...it was completely intoxicating! She really had me now, and there was nowhere else I'd rather be. I was hers! All I could say was, "Yes!" And my hand continued to stroke myself as she expertly started and stopped me whenever she sensed me nearing an orgasm.

My cock was betraying me with its appearance - every time the cockhead started to turn purple and get all shiny, she knew I was getting ready to cum, and she'd stop me. My balls would start to pull up close to my body, and again, she would see that and stop me. And when the shaft started to look like it was going to explode, with the veins all bulging out...well, you know what she'd do!

Kitty studied my cock's reactions to her, looking at it closely and observing it respond to her expert prick teasing. She smiled proudly at her dominance of me, knowing full well that my sexual attraction to her was completely overtaking any ability I had to resist, that I was like putty in her hands at this point. She was leading the situation right where she wanted it to go, and she was in complete control....


I am still not done with my seduction of this particular reporter...although I think we'll all agree that it is well underway! Perhaps one more chapter of this story is forthcoming before I'll send him on his way...

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
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Re: KCTC Reporter 7

Post by ObedienceIsPleasure »

I´m still trying to find the right words to describe the feelings I got right now. As you may know, as the amazing tease you are, men got problems keeping their thought together when the bloodflow concentrates on one particular body part *smile*

When I registered to Milovana, the very first thing I discovered, was the "Stories" area. I really enjoy reading erotic stories and poetrys to get me going. I find it sorta overwhelming being teased for a while and not touching. The sexual encouter and overflow is way more intense that way. But back to the topic, I discovered the "Storie" area and I read one name over and over again. I really didn´t know where to start with, so I choose the KCTC Reporter series. It really has been an amazing journey of pure arousal.

The way you describe your actions, even they way this "poor" reporter is feeling, getting teased to hell and back. I can´t help but to imagine myself in this situation and how I would feel. It is getting me really startet. Now you even play teasing games with him. Letting him stroke and stop to your touches, bringing him to the brink again and again, just to leave him hanging. It´s really hard to find words for that.

All I can say is, you are an amazing writer, an amazing tease with an incredible way to express yourself. I´m impressed, overwhelmed and mentally stimulated. Really heads up, great work and I can´t wait to see in what other ways you will tease this poor/lucky guy :-)
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Re: KCTC Reporter 7

Post by bus-boy0 »

Another masterpiece of a chapter Miss Kitty. the awesome controlled stroking game is a genius detail.I can feel our protaganists horniness and desperation thanks to your wonderful descriptive writing skills. You truly seem to know the desperate mind of the male tease-freak submissive. Cant wait for the next chapter....
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Re: KCTC Reporter 7

Post by idg69 »

Thank you Ms Kitty. Like busboy, obedience and all of the other milovanites that thoroughly enjoy your writing and charms, I am in awe of this story, your skills, and seriously envy this reporter. I will happily sharpen my writing skills for a chance at an encounter such as this!

Thank you thank you thank you. We are lucky to have you.
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