Sexually Inadequate Hubby: Premature Ejaculator, Sat.

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Sexually Inadequate Hubby: Premature Ejaculator, Sat.

Post by micheleFFS »

Sexually Inadequate Husband, Premature Ejaculation Training, Saturday

New to the series? Here's a link to all chapters, as well as to the index of my Sorority novel: ... 28#p190128

In the morning, Luke awoke before Julie. Excited at the prospect of the new step in his sexual training, he twitched his penis a few times, then spooned with Julie, shortly pressing a full erection into her smooth butt crack. A few moments later, Julie’s rolling hips told him she was awake. She twisted her neck and they kissed, albeit awkwardly.

She rolled over and hugged him, tenderly holding his stiffie.

“When does my new training start?” he asked eagerly.

Julie wanted to say right now, for that was the truth in one sense. As she rolled over, she said, “Sometime after breakfast.”

“I’m starving, let’s eat,” came the immediate reply. They both laughed.

Julie squeezed his boner. “I get the impression you’re eager to start.”

“You bet I am!”

“Even though it’s going to be humiliating and embarrassing?”

“Even though. I want to be a better lover to you, Julie,” he said sincerely.

She kissed him. She nibbled his cockhead a moment, then kissed him again.

Luke fondled her breast and she tightly gripped his ass.

“Mount me? Please?” asked Luke.

“Nope, no more play until after breakfast. Why don’t you make us some omelettes and I’ll get some beauty sleep?”

“OK. I gotta update the spreadsheet for last night and this morning.”

“Good boy.”

Luke pulled on a pair of shorts and, with a final kiss, went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Before turning the omelette, he entered last evening’s and the morning’s erections in the computer.

Julie stirred in her sleep when he reentered the bedroom, transferring the plates and glasses to a pair of bed tables. She rolled over and opened her eyes, smiled. “Thanks for breakfast, hon, not-so-hidden agenda and all.” They grinned. She left for the washroom, responding to Luke’s wolf whistle with a coquettish grin over her shoulder.

Upon her return, she found two large pillows for sitting up and the bed trays ready. The loving couple interspersed their repast with kisses.

Luke avoided wolfing his food, despite his eagerness to start training. They finished together and placed their trays on the floor. Luke hoped for further intimacies, but to his surprise, Julie criticized his culinary efforts. “Luke, the avocado and Swiss omelette was delicious, the potatoes O’Brien done to perfection, and the coffee divine. But where’s the sausage?”

“We don’t have any thawed, honey. I’m sorry.”

“Yes, we do,” she said with a sharp look.

“We do?”

“Yes, some very hot sausage.” With that, she dove under the covers and took Luke’s limp cock in her mouth.

Luke laughed. “Oh, Julie, what a cocktease. You really got me going! And you still are! Oh, that feels good. Is this the beginning of my training? Not humiliating at all!” He held her head as she sucked him, her head bobbing slightly.

With Luke fully erect, Julie licked his sensitive tip with her tongue. As soon as she tasted precum, she stopped. “That’s all for now. The real training comes later.”

“Dang, Julie, just when it started to feel extra good.”

Julie raised her eyebrows and held his eyes. She raised a finger by the side of her face and tipped it toward him.


“You just said something important, so I’ll remember it later. Clean up these dishes while I shower.”

Usually such chores were shared or done by the non-cook. Luke gave her a surprised look but said, “OK, Julie.” He dressed again and gathered the dirty dishes as Julie started her shower.

When Julie met him downstairs, he asked, “Are we going somewhere?” She wore a tight blue skirt to her knees and a scoop necked yellow top, nylons and black heels. A red heart-shaped pendant dangled at the very top of her cleavage. Matching earrings decorated her ears.

She hugged and kissed him. “Nope, my dress is part of your new training.”

“I like it already.”

“Dishes done?”

“Dishwasher’s running.”

“Good. Thanks. Why not take your shower now and come back downstairs?”

Luke showered quickly and came down in tan slacks and a maroon shirt, hoping to begin his new training, only to find Julie reading a book, her legs folded under her as she sat in one of the easy chairs. Her greeting was brief and she turned back to the book.

Nonplussed and let down, Luke got the local paper from the lawn and sat near Julie, poring through first the local news, then editorials, finally sports.

Despite her absorbed reading, Julie seemed restless, frequently crossing and uncrossing her legs, bending over to get her coffee cup from the floor, not the convenient table. Luke found the leg and cleavage show delightfully distracting.

When Julie’s hem rose over her stocking, revealing her garter straps, she noticed Luke adjusting his pants. “Do you have an erection, honey?” she asked sweetly.

“Partially. How can I help it with you acting so sexy?”

“I’m almost through reading. We’ll start your real premature ejaculation training when I’m done.” She turned her attention back to her book.

Giving his penis an ostentatious pat, Luke said, “Not long now, guy,” laughed, and went back to the sports section.

After another ten minutes of crossed legs and coffee sips, Julie closed her book and favored Luke with an enigmatic, expectant smile. “Take off your clothes, dear, and lie on the couch.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound too bad.” Soon, Luke, fully erect, lay on his back. “Ready for whatever, my love.”

She knelt by his hips, facing him. “What a beautiful stiffie, all for me.” She placed two fingertips on the sides of his shaft, sliding them up and down, topping out just below Luke’s helmet. “Your training really began this morning, those times I played with your cock. Did you notice anything about those times?”

“Yeah, you wouldn’t let me cum, dammit.”

“Did you notice anything else?”


“Oh, but you did. What did you say at the end of your blowjob, just before I gave you a significant look?”

“Uh, that you stopped just as things got started, something like that.”

“Correct. Here’s the point. I am more aware of the stages of your sexual arousal than you are...”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“For example, when you masturbate, do you notice when you precum?”

“Not always. It’s just before I cum anyway.”

“Well, that’s going to change,” Julie said confidently.

“OK, that doesn’t sound too frightening.”

“It isn’t meant to be. Listen to me, Luke. What I’m going to say is very important.” She now used the second knuckle of each forefinger to stimulate the outside of Luke’s shaft. The greater contact allowed her to tilt the shaft so it pointed upward. “Long ago, you trained yourself to get to the good part, the orgasm and ejaculation, very quickly. Without realizing it, you also trained yourself to ignore other stages of your arousal, except, perhaps, the half erect state I teased you into while I read. Did you ever notice that cute little hesitation your cock has between when it’s partially erect and full erection?”

“No, it just gets hard.”

“You see, I’m more aware of your arousal than you are.” She continued light, slow “knuckle jerking.” “I’m more aware of your precum and of how you scrunch your eyes and wriggle your toes just before you cum.”

“Really? You notice all that?”

“Yes, love, I do. I noticed a lot when we began sleeping together, ‘cause it was the only penis I fucked, and I was curious about everything. Then, the reading I did on the Greetup site showed me more aspects to observe. I now know a lot about how your penis acts. I’m going to teach you, and we’ll learn more together. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

“Yes, it does, but Dave kept saying it’s also embarrassing and frustrating.”

“Oh, he’s right. You deserve the embarrassment after so many years of denying both of us greater sexual pleasure. And frustration is the gateway to greater control.”

“I see, I think. Speaking of frustration...” Luke looked at his cock, stimulated by Julie.

Julie grinned and continued the slow, minimal contact jerk off. “Are you frustrated, dear?”

“How could I not be?”

“Good, that’s the way I want you.”

Luke groaned.

Julie gave him a broad grin and let her knuckles slide over the rim of the tip onto the cockhead for the first time.


“There’s your precum, out of the cockhead, ready to lube my cunt if we fucked.” She flicked a glance at her wristwatch and withdrew her fingers. “That’s the signal to stop for now.”

“Oh, Julie!”

“When we resume, I’ll tell you more about the importance of sexual frustration. For now, I want you to be aware of your wilting and let me know when your erection is fully deflated.”

“Oh, wow.” Luke shook his head.

“Come to the dining room table. We have some computer work to do. Don’t bother to get dressed. It won’t take long.”

At the dining table, Luke noticed a thumb drive next to his laptop. “What’s this?”

“There are two spreadsheets you should upload.”

“OK, hon.” He started the laptop and inserted the thumb drive. During the startup sequence, he held Julie and they kissed. He rubbed her jutting ass, noticing the garter strap tightly conforming to her contours.

When they broke the kiss, Luke noticed Julie glanced at her watch again. She pointed to the screen.

Luke saw two new spreadsheets, one called Insertions, the other called Premature Ejaculator. With a quizzical glance at Julie, Luke copied the files to his laptop. “What are these for?” asked Luke.

“Open the premature ejaculator sheet.”

Luke opened the file and inspected it carefully. “There's are three columns... Enter,

Cum and EJ.”

“That’s right. We should both try to remember to note the time that you enter me. Then we’ll enter the time you come and we’ll see how long you last in me. Your time fucking should improve with this program.”

“Okay, I get it, but we may be inaccurate about both times — we might be excited!”

“Yes, but over time, they’ll accurate enough.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right. If it’s within a minute or two, over time it won’t make any difference. But what’s the EJ? column for? And why question mark? “

“That’s for whether you ejaculate or not each time we fuck.”

“But I always cum, but too quickly. Isn’t that the whole problem in the first place?”

“Yes, that’s the problem, but you’re not cumming every time we fuck anymore.” She looked at him and winked.

Luke raised his eyebrows at that. “Oh, I guess that’s the frustrating part?”

Julie said, “Yes, but I think in the end you’ll like it. I think we should give it some initial data, don’t you?”

“You betcha!”

They kissed, and Julie led him to the couch, where they began smooching and hugging. Luke fondled one of her breasts.

“I love your breasts. They are so beautiful.” He tugged her top over her head and discarded it. The black lacy bra, with straps well to the sides, displayed her breasts to perfection. With a grin, he cupped them both from below. He licked the upper slopes as he reached for the catch in back. In a moment, he discarded the bra and claimed a nipple with his mouth.

Julie lay back on the couch, throwing a couple of big bolsters to the floor. She arched her back a bit, pushing her breasts up towards Luke.

With a hand on each breast, gently massaging, he sent his mouth from nipple to nipple.

Julie moaned with delight and ran her fingers through his curly black hair.

Luke placed a hand on the inside of Julie’s knee. Still enjoying her bountiful breasts, he gradually worked his hand up to her stocking tops and on to bare thigh above.

Julie put one leg over the back of the couch, giving wide access between her legs.

Luke buried his face between her breasts, licking her breastbone and the inner curves. He glanced down, noticing the damp spot on her black lace panties. Aware this skirt had a side zipper, he tugged it down. Julie helped him work them off her hips, down her legs and onto the floor. He drew back a little, grinning, enjoying the sight, as he always did, of the Julie in sexy lingerie. He rubbed and pressed against her pussy lips through the panties.

Julie grabbed his buns and squeezed hard. She undid his belt buckle and took down his zipper. Luke kicked off his shoes and helped her remove his pants. She grasped his cock and gave it a couple of tugs, careful not to touch the head of his cock.

Luke put his hands in the waistband of her panties and soon they joined the rest of the clothes on the floor.

He got one finger in her pussy, but she said “Enter me now, I need it bad.”

Grinning, Luke said, “However you like it, my love.” He entered her fast, and gave a couple of quick, hard thrusts. Then he slowed down, hoping to make a good effort for his first entry in the spreadsheet.

For her part, Julie reacted less than she usually did, at least with her hips. She moaned, “Oh, fuck me. That feels so good!”

Luke kept fucking her, and the familiar feelings of an approaching orgasm swept through his body.

Julie suddenly pushed away from him, making him fall out.

“Hey! What gives?”

“No cumming for you this time!” She favored him with a sympathetic smile, and said, “I promise you next time you can cum, but you’ll benefit from one more frustrating delay.”

“But I was right there!”

“Yes, I know, that’s why stopped when I did.” She kissed him, then said, “I know this is hard, Luke, but you will like the result in the end, I promise.”

“Well, I’d probably complain more, except that everything you’ve said has been right, and Dave said that this program worked great.” He kissed her back, then asked, “What next?”

She kissed him back then said, “Let’s make that first entry in the spreadsheet.”

At the computer, Luke asked Julie,” What do I do?”

“Enter the time you entered me, which was 10:32 and the time I stopped us, which was 10:35.”

“Really? I wanted to last longer than that.”

“You did fine, honey.” She patted his penis encouragingly. “Now enter a one under the edge column.”

“Okay, but what do you mean by an edge?”

“Can’t you figure it out?”

“Um... ‘Cause I went right to the edge of cumming?”

“That’s exactly right!” Julie clapped her hands and gave him a hug and a kiss. “You’re going to do well with this program, I can tell.”

“Well, it is frustrating, Julie. I’ve been all set to come at least three times today and you won’t let me.”

“Trust me. You’ll understand better later. I promise you can cum next time. In the meantime, let’s try to forget about sex for a while. I’m sure we both have something else to do. You’re allowed to come on to me whenever you like, you’re not under a restriction, because you’ve done everything right and nothing wrong. But I have in mind a certain time before which I won’t allow us to fuck.”

“Well, you sure have me going. It’s hard to think about anything else. I assume I don’t have permission to masturbate.”

“That’s right for now, but it won’t be long before I require you to masturbate.”

“Wow, that’ll be different.”

Julie put Luke’s further questions off and the pair got dressed. Julie stayed on her laptop, while Luke pruned some of the bushes in the front yard. After a while, he came in to get a drink of water, and came over to Julie, kissing her on the of the neck.

“I hope it’s time, because I really want to finish.”

“Of course you do, dear.” She smiled and kissed him. “It’s good for you to be so frustrated. Not yet, I’m afraid.”

“I guess this is where I have to trust you.” He laughed and kissed her again, before returning to his work.

About 20 minutes later, still feeling horny, he came back to the house. Julie was back in her chair, legs tucked, reading her book. Before he could speak, she held up a warning finger. Luke sat down and picked up the paper he’d abandoned earlier. Julie resumed teasing. She had undone a top button and let her skirt ride up all the way above her stockings, showing her garters and thighs. Luke ostentatiously adjusted his pants almost immediately. Julie leaned forward and gave Luke a long look at her cleavage.

Luke smiled, enjoying the show. He figured Julie would stop soon. Nor was he disappointed. Julie closed the book and gave him a dazzling smile. “Shall we finish what we started?”

“You betcha!”

“Let’s run upstairs. I’ll want the vibrator at the end.”

Luke stood up and dashed to the stairs. “Last one up gets all the clit licking she wants!”

Laughing, Julie followed him upstairs at a more leisurely pace. When she got to the bedroom, he was already tearing his clothes off, displaying a stiffie. Her vibrator lay on the bedside table, ready for action.

”Oh ho! You are rarin' to go!” She tore her own clothes off, leaving the garter belt and stockings on.

Luke crossed the room to her, picked her up by the waist and kissed her. He carried her to the bed, and lay between her legs. He managed to slow his frenzy enough to pay attention to her outer lips.

Julie, who hadn't counted on cumming until the end, lay back to enjoy herself. She, too, was aroused by all the events of the day and by the delayed satisfaction. Very quickly she orgasmed, and did not consider telling Luke to stop. She went over the top twice. Then she said, “Fuck me, Luke!”

“Yes, but I want to beat my earlier time.” He put it in slowly and backed out with equal care.

Julie, for her part, again minimized her reaction. She hugged and kissed him, but kept her hips unmoving.

Luke slowly pushed into her, again and again, with a tiny thrust at the end to grind against her clit. Luke felt, as his pleasure increased, a growing desire to speed up. He resisted, and made a game with himself to inhale on the upstroke and to exhale as he slid back in. He aspirated, “Ah!” as he finished each stroke.

Julie encouraged him by holding his head close to her for their kiss while her other hand squeezed his buns.

Nevertheless, Luke felt cum rising in his penis, the one part of his arousal cycle of which he was always very aware. After over a decade of training it was very difficult for him not to speed up and he remained unable to last very long, despite his efforts. With a groan that mingled dissatisfaction with paradoxical satisfaction, Luke came in a very strong orgasm that had him bellowing and seemed to go on forever. His hips slammed furiously into Julie, repeatedly bumping her inflamed clit.

Julie hugged him with both arms, and said, “Fuck me, Luke, my lover.”

With the final gasp and a final spurt, Luke, a wild grin splitting his face, kissed Julie passionately. He then said, “My God, Julie, that was so strong!”

“Yes, it was, it went on and on! I loved it!”

They kissed again, then Luke asked, “Ready for the vibrator, sweetie?”

“Am I ever!”

He picked up the vibrator, unashamedly ran it into his mouth to lube it, and pushed it into her pink slit, opened by her spread legs. He ran it up and down barely inserted ending by pressing the tip to her clit.

The vibrator succeeded where Luke's cock had failed. Julie went over the top with a loud moan.

With a smile, Luke pushed the vibrator all the way inside Julie and ran it up and down is quite fast, bringing her to two more orgasms, before she said, “Enough, you wonderful lover.”

Luke, unused compliments to his sexual prowess, grinned and kissed her. They rolled on their sides hugging and kissing, muttering to each other how much they were in love.

Julie smiled at him, and said, “You did so well. I'm very proud of you, dear, now, to go back to training for a moment, did you notice anything different?”

“Well, it was one of the strongest cums I've had a very long time.”

“Got any idea why?”

Luke thought a moment. Then, with a sheepish grin, he said, “Maybe because you stimulated me so many times and didn't let me cum?”

She grinned and gave him a kiss. “That's right, so your first lesson is that making yourself feel what you have called ‘frustrated’ in the past leads to stronger orgasms for you. You like that?”

“You betcha!”

“Expect this lesson to be reinforced daily from now on.” She winked at him.

“Stronger orgasms ought to be an easy lesson to learn.”

With a self-satisfied smirk, Julie said, “Now you're getting it. In a minute, we'll go back to the spreadsheet.” With that she gave him a big, deep kiss.

After a while, they got up and dressed, this time in more casual clothes, though Julie retained her garter belt and stockings.

At the laptop, Luke entered the data for their latest lovemaking. He added a note describing his extra strong orgasm. He looked at Julie and said, “Uh oh, I forgot to note when I entered it you and when I came.”

“I thought you might, so I made sure I noticed.” She told him the times and he entered them.

“Four minutes? It felt longer to me. In fact it felt longer than usual.”

“Well, let's see. Open that other spreadsheet I gave you.”

Luke opened the file, named Times. The data showed how long Luke had lasted inside Julie since they'd started the program weeks before. The bottom of the list displayed his average of 3.2 minutes penetration.

Luke took a moment and scanned the long column. He noticed several twos, many threes, a few fours, three ones, and only one five. “A little over three minutes?” He said dejectedly. “That short? No wonder you’re dissatisfied.”

“Well, I notice that on your first attempt you beat your average! I am so proud of you, Luke. I feel your fully cooperative with the program at last.” She gave him a big wet smooch.

“Thanks, honey. I think you're right. I see the benefits and I really want to get on with it. What next?”

“Well, we need to allow at least two hours for your latency period. Then we'll start more cycles of arousal, followed by a rest, before we fuck again. For now, the goal is to stay inside me for longer than your average. I'll have more instructions for you maybe later today or over the weekend.”

They worked in the garden together. Luke took several opportunities to touch Julie and feel her garter belt. They laughed each time. After a couple of hours, Luke asked if his latency period was up and if they could begin the process again.

Julie kissed him and rubbed his soft cock through his pants. As soon as he achieved a full erection, she let go, and said, “That's all for now, lover. Let's get back to work.”

After several more minutes of weeding and hoeing, Julie grabbed Luke's butt and squeezed. He straightened up and kissed her. She again rubbed his cock, and when he was fully hard said, “Let's go inside and fool around for a while.”

Inside, they lay on the couch, necking. Julie rubbed his buns and stiffie, and Luke fondled her breasts through her blouse and bra. When he tried to unbutton her blouse, she said, “Not this time, honey.”

Luke smiled and shook his head. “This is going to be hard.”

Julie, with an impish grin, said, “It already is hard.” She giggled.

They kissed some more, and together entered the times for the last two erections, which were 2 and ten minutes. “Huh. Ten minutes of frustration and stimulation. I don't like walking around unfulfilled, but after that strong cum, I may be learning a lesson.” With that, they returned to work.

To Luke, the time dragged. He wanted to get on with the teasing, but Julie worked steadily, setting the tone. He finally resorted to mentioning a different bodily function, the need to eat lunch, as an excuse to change the environment. Julie agreed she felt hungry and the two went in to prepare.

They sat in the backyard with the warm afternoon sun, eating sandwiches and sipping cool drinks. Julie cast a glance around the neighborhood, and, seeing no one peering into their yard, unbuttoned her blouse to reveal her breasts in their bra.

Luke grinned, eyed her appreciatively. “They are a very beautiful pair. And that bra does them justice.” He reached across, and she leaned forward to allow him to feel. She rubbed his cock and in a few seconds, he was fully rampant. After a few moments, they leaned to each other for a rather awkward kiss due to the intervening chairs.

“Since we’re done with lunch, let's go inside for your next big lesson.” Julie arched her eyebrows expectantly.

Luke said, “Sure!” He gathered the dishes from lunch and took them into the kitchen.

Julie said, “We'll go upstairs.”

In the bedroom, Julie said, “I want you naked on your back on the bed for this lesson.”

“You don't need to ask me twice.” Luke ripped his clothes off and sprang onto the bed, spreading his legs and gripping the headboard with his hands. “Have your way with me, teacher!”

“I certainly shall. Move over so I can sit on the bed with you.” She shucked her blouse and slacks, so she only wore her bra, garter belt and stockings. She wrapped two fingers and a thumb around Luke's erection, and stroked the shaft gently, once again not stimulating the tip.

After a few strokes, she spoke in a low, hypnotic voice. “Luke, I'm going to work on helping you be more aware of the nuances of your arousal cycle. I'm going to apply slow steady stimulation to your cock, and your task is to pay careful attention to how good it feels and how it feels better over time. I want you to try to notice when you are about to pre-cum and let me know.”

“Okay. It already feels really good.”

“Are you ready to pre-cum?”

“No, but I'm kinda close.”

“Good, you're more aware of your cycle already.”

“Well, I'm about to pre-cum.”

Julie let go instantly, clapped her hands, and said, “Wonderful, wonderful!” She kissed him. She waited a moment then asked, “Are you ready for me to begin again?”

“I don't feel like I'm going to pre-cum yet, if that's what you mean.”

“Yes, that's exactly what I mean. This time, however, I want you to go just a little bit farther. I want you to pre-cum, and then tell me and I'll stop.”

“Okay, but this sounds hard!”

“Of course it's going to be hard, honey, since it's a challenge. But I know you'll succeed.” She resumed the slow, minimal contact stroking.

Luke propped his head up, the better to see the process. “Oh, it's so sensitive.” With a grin, breathing hard, he enjoyed the hand job for about a minute, then announced, “Gonna pre-cum.”

Julie continued, stopping as soon as she saw his fluid spread over his tip.

“Ohh,” groaned the frustrated Luke.

“Did you feel you’re ready to cum?” Julie looked at him inquisitively.


“That's the edge. Doesn't it feel good?”

“I dunno. I mean it feels really good by itself, but I feel like I should just keep going and cum.”

“That's what you expect from all your self-training. I'm going to train you to react differently.” She let go.

Luke groaned. “Argh!” But he laughed.

Julie laughed too. “What if I'd rubbed your cockhead just then?”

Luke laughed again “I’d’ve cum.”

“For sure! Are you still really close or should I begin again?”

“I think I'm okay for you to start again.”

“All right.” Julie resumed her short stroke, two finger jerk-off. “So that's how the edge feels. Let's try a different challenge. If you fail and cum, you'll get a mild spanking and we’ll resume the lesson after your latency period. The challenge is for you to tell me when you're at the edge and I should stop.”

“Oh, wow!” Luke flipped his eyebrows in surprise. “That is a big challenge for me.” He closed his eyes to concentrate better.

Julie stroked up and down the shaft of the cock, always careful to avoid the cockhead.

Luke's breathing sped up, his jaw tightened, and he said, “That's it, I'm at the edge!”

Julie let go immediately. She grinned at him and kissed him. “You're getting it, you're getting it!”

“Wow, maybe I am!” He kissed her and hugged her.

“Ready for the next round? This is fun!”

“Please, Julie, a little more rest. My cock still throbs.”

“Okay, honey, tell me when you think I should start.”

Luke took several deep breaths, smiled at Julie, and said, “Let's try it now.”

“Okay!” Julie gave him several strokes as before, then fixing him with a wicked grin, she stroked all the way up over the frenulum, the rim of the tip, to the cockhead.

Luke groaned. “At the…. Oh, no!” His cum sprayed out of his cockhead and shot high in the air. “Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry. It got to be too much and I couldn't help myself.”

Julie look rueful. “Perhaps I pushed you too far, too soon,” she said. “But you still failed and will suffer the penalty.” She eyed him with mock severity. “I said you get a mild spanking, but I didn't say when.” She wiped his cum from his belly and made a display of licking them clean. She leaned forward to kiss him, and when he parted his lips, filled his mouth with their mingled saliva and cum.

Luke obediently swallowed. He hugged Julie tightly and kissed her back. “I didn't want to disappoint you, but I failed anyway.”

Julie's eyes expressed sympathy. “Yes, dear, you failed, but I'd be unreasonable to expect perfection. The point for me is that you had success and that you tried your very best. So I get to choose when and how you'll be punished.” She smiled and winked.

Luke grinned back at her and kissed her.

Julie said, “But it won't be for at least a 2 1/2 hour latency period. You might want to spend some time looking at the Inadequate Husband Website. I think you'll find there's new material available to you.”

After more kissing and hugging, they arose and dressed. Downstairs, Julie curled up on the back porch with her book, and Luke sat under the umbrella table to keep his laptop in the shade. First, he updated the spreadsheet with his erections and edges — and the premature cum.

Luke, now a registered Premature Ejaculator, read information about his condition on the Sexually Inadequate Husbands Greetup site. He learned statistical details of the extremely rare biologically-caused prematures. He learned more than ever before about Kegel exercises, printed them, and vowed to do them daily. He interrupted his reading to brag about his commitment to Julie. She rewarded him with a kiss and a squeeze to his genitals.

More interesting material concerned various techniques to prolong masturbation and orgasm control during sex with a partner, whether by hand, mouth, ass or vagina. They had names like Tip Twirls, Shaft Only, Sheathskin Pull-Down, Base Squeeze, Shaft Squeeze, Ugly Man and Alternate Hand. The Ugly Man technique was his favorite, at least conceptually. He was to memorize the face of a particularly ugly male, and conjure it up in his mind when he felt ready to cum. He laughed out loud when he read this, attracting Julie's attention.

She leaned over his shoulder and asked, “What's so funny?”

He pointed to the screen and she read the page, laughing herself. Together, they searched images on the net, amused by extraordinarily ugly male visages. They finally settled on Conrad Adenauer, of the old misnamed German Democratic Republic.

“Seriously, Julie, I think some of these techniques will actually help. You used Shaft Only on me, and it worked — up to a point.”

“Yes, it did. I'm not at all disappointed in the result, especially since I get to give you a fun spanking. Anyway, I'm getting hungry, what about you?”

“I could eat. Maybe another half hour?”

“Okay. I'll change, and let's go out to dinner.”

Luke agreed, and Julie went upstairs.

She returned a few minutes later, wearing a formfitting black dress with a hem halfway up her thighs. Though the dress showed no cleavage, her bra uplifted and rounded them enticingly. Tall heels shaped her calves.
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Re: Sexually Inadequate Hubby: Premature Ejaculator, Sat.

Post by Chico »

If you were a little disappointed with this, please read the next part, as together they are really one chapter.
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Re: Sexually Inadequate Hubby: Premature Ejaculator, Sat.

Post by micheleFFS »


My loyal reader and friend. You clearly sound disappointed in this episode, or you wouldn't expect others to be. So what was disappointing to you? I desperately need to know, for if my readers don't tell me, who will?

As I stated in my announcement letter to fans, I'm now using dictation software which speeds up the writing process, at the price of inducing new kinds of errors. Is the quality or content notably different? The same? Something in between? I am too intimately involved in my writing and editing process to be able to tell without feedback. Please help me and let me know, in detail, your reactions.

Essentially, I write in a vacuum. Most of my friends don't know I write femdom erotica. I can't ask them to edit this work or to give me their opinion. That's why I frequently request feedback either through private messages or in responses on the forum. How else can I tell if I'm reaching the audience?

You're correct, Chico, the two sections are one full chapter. Milovana's software imposes a character limit on the size of the files I publish. Furthermore, I publish novels, not short stories or discrete episodes. They require from the reader a different type of attention than are given to shorter, episodic stories,. (like Salamando's excellent, more popular magic series.). I make no value judgment or disparagement of the other fiction published here; rather, it's an objective statement about the nature of some of the publications on this forum.

If you are an appreciative or critical reader of my work, please, PLEASE, PLEASE send me your honest feedback! I need it! How else can I improve my work?

Your obedient servant,

michelle FFS
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Re: Sexually Inadequate Hubby: Premature Ejaculator, Sat.

Post by Chico »

Don't panic :-O you're reading too much into what I said :-)

I only posted what I did because I noticed the ratio of "views" Sat:Sat pm was about 3:2 , indicating that quite a few people had read the first part but not the second. I guess they thought it was two short stories and because of the artificial break, there was no climax to the first part. However, as an avid reader of "SIH" and other wonderful stories I knew otherwise and wanted to encourage others to read the whole chapter.
I'll try and send you a more insightful PM when I have a bit more time.
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Any genuine females interested?
Location: Portland OR

Re: Sexually Inadequate Hubby: Premature Ejaculator, Sat.

Post by micheleFFS »

Hi Chico,

I understand what you mean. I've noticed there's always a discrepancy between the read numbers for the first section of a chapter and subsequent ones. It's consistent that if I break a chapter into three sections, the first gets read most, the last second most, and the middle section is read least. The impression I have is that many readers are more interested in the story line than in the erotic or personal details.

I try to write a well-crafted story and I think my scribblings would be more suitable to a book or a Kindle then to onscreen casual reading. In fact, I use Milovana as a place to publish as a place to publish complete, edited drafts. I intend, in the Sorority series, to work back through each chapter fixing inconsistencies and smoothing out rough parts before submitting a reworked draft to a real publisher.

Even if my effort is unsuccessful in finding a publisher, the stories are fun to write, and I hope, to read.

Your obedient servant,

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