AdoreKristina --- a transdom

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Re: AdoreKristina --- a transdom

Post by sissylisp »

How very interesting! I honestly had no idea, and never considered the possibility.

Last year Kristina made me a series of custom videos, perhaps 4 hours in total. I was hung up on a particular glamour model/pornstar whose work I'd been addictively collecting since the early 2000s and who I'd then got to become friends with in real life, which years later at my insistence morphed into humiliation sessions, which lead to emotional pain, and then a messy falling-out.

I told Kristina the story, and supplied picture sets and videos. She made a series of eight 15-20 minute recordings of devastatingly exciting brilliance, in which she took me deep into the shame and hurt and arousal I continued to feel about this girl. They were scripted entirely by her, of her invention, after we'd discussed possible themes. I listened to them while sniffing the very good poppers I was then able to get my hands on, and using a vibrating inflatable buttplug. The toy, the drugs, the recordings took me to new worlds of humiliation, heightening my porn-induced erectile dysfunction, and taking me further and further away from reality.

These recordings were A LOT of work by Kristina. They were so brilliant I couldn't really believe they existed. I can't imagine any other domme who would put in this amount of work, and show such lack of ego in helping a sub explore a fantasy.

After this, Kristina made recordings to accompany other porn scenes that I had been obsessively watching, trapped in, replaying endlessly. We are talking 30, 40 minute scenes, with Kristina's audio on top so that in my drugged state I imagined I was there in the scene, being cuckolded and humiliated as I watched the hot sex.

Obviously in the scheme of things I might have been better taking a walk in the park, visiting a petting farm, or joining a church. But I felt the dark drive inside me to explore my urge for humiliation to the utmost extent, and to explore past pains. And Kristina took me there more than anyone else ever could.

I had no idea Kristina was a T-Girl but I don't feel deceived, it has no bearing on incredible quality of the customs she made for me. There were many things that were remarkable. Although I paid well for the recordings, she was never pressurizing for tributes or gifts. She was never trying to push me towards anything I wasn't into. I said I wasn't into cum, I wasn't into forced bi, and it wasn't a problem, she didn't touch those areas.

Also although Kristina took me deep into emasculation and hurt, I felt her recordings were 'safer' than the popular Clips4Sale dommes. Recognizing that she had me in a vulnerable spot and had power over me, she used it responsibly. She was never going to tell me to kill myself, physically hurt myself, etcetera.

One thing that with hindsight does make sense, I see on TVKristina that she describes herself as a sex addict. I think that is what makes her recordings so good, she understands this from the male as well as the female angle, she knows about overpowering lust and the insanity of addiction. She knows about toxic shame, where it comes from, how to draw it out.

In my mind Kristina is a better humiliatrix than nearly all biologically female dommes. The only possible rival I can think of is Tessa Fields, who is no longer active. I can't listen to the dead-eyed dommes of C4S because they are usually shouty and abusive, which doesn't interest me, and quite clearly just in it for the money.

Kristina's audios are actually more feminine than those of any woman I can think of. With the skills of an actress she is able to move through many different tones in a short recording, from disappointed, lustful, conspirational, giggly, patronising, supportive, and more. Her recordings are dripping with sex, not just with abuse, and that makes them so much more powerful.

So, thanks, Kristina, and long may you prosper!
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Re: AdoreKristina --- a transdom

Post by ConeyIslandBoy »

What a dope lol...ya don't get it! Just 'cause a person puts a lot of effort into their lies doesn't mean they ain't LYING!
Yer just like a kid who feels better at Catholic confession even though yer bein' molested at the same time LOL!
Da Priest puts a lot of effort into molesting you and into his denial too!
You must be a liberal lawyer or something lol..DOH!
"It's ok that he robbed me - he's a meth addict!"...or sex, or coke, or whatever - yo!
Yeah, yeah, you might have 'your own' experience of the same lies everyone else who's complaining here experienced...but...yeesh!
But it goes ta show ya how well brainwashin' works! You bein' exhibit "A" and all...LOL
People are entitled to their own opinions...but not their own facts!
(S)HE lied then, (S)he's lying now, (S)he'll lie tomorrow...
But hey, some people like being covered in shit!
Yeah, it ain't very safe, and it ain't very classy, but all the same, some people like it...
There's a (cock) sucker born every minute! Denial can last a long ass time...!
But it's still denial!
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Re: AdoreKristina --- a transdom

Post by cooldude5638 »

I just wish she would apologize on this thread. I know she's seen it, it's like the 4th result on google when you search for "adorekristina". An apology would actually go a long way. Come on, show us that you have some balls Kristina.
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Re: AdoreKristina --- a transdom

Post by Human »

cooldude5638 wrote:I just wish she would apologize on this thread. I know she's seen it, it's like the 4th result on google when you search for "adorekristina".
Ah, so thats how this thread keeps getting new posters!

Google is so powerful.

I never intended this thread to be so visible, and to hurt Kristina's business.

But, on the other hand, all the information here is legit, so I dont think I should delete this thread?
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Re: AdoreKristina --- a transdom

Post by ConeyIslandBoy »

cooldude5638 wrote:I just wish she would apologize on this thread. I know she's seen it, it's like the 4th result on google when you search for "adorekristina". An apology would actually go a long way. Come on, show us that you have some balls Kristina.
Did u REALLY just tell her to show us that she has some balls? LOL!
Uh...isn't that exactly what she DID?

Dat's the funniest thing I've EVER read on Milovana!

I wouldn't hold your breath...criminals don't change, they just find new victims...
Win the lottery, blood from a stone, an apology from this perp...
Those things are all on da same level...'the check is in da mail BUB!" LOL
Remember that old Bon Jovi tune...You Give Love A Bad
Yeah, and doms, and bdsm, and fetish, and internet relationships...
Oh, well, remember that german guy who met the guy who wanted to be EATEN...?
At least they were on the level with each other!
This shit...who cares after a few minutes of consideration...another fake...another cheat...another liar...
Out of millions of other fakers and liars, what's the difference, really?
The only difference is that you don't know that most of the other 'doms' and 'mistresses' are prolly lying TOO LOL
Ok, we all wanna believe there's a few legit ones here and there...but like...go to Alt or collarme or whatever
and what do you get...MOSTLY kooky-loos, MOSTLY fakers...freaks...manipulators...freeloaders...
and then there's the desperately naive ones...who r just the mean ones...
But mostly...after years of bein' really up front an honest...I gotta say...the track record is that ya
got a better chance of 'meeting' a real-deal dom or mistres or master or slave at a legit MUNCH...
Where everybody has already kinda resigned themselves to being REAL...and they ain't freaking out about
making a dollar or finding a sugar-momma or sugar daddy...or some sucker slave to buy them shit and stuff they don't even really need...ya know?
Those websites that list all the 'legit' doms...well hell...more than half of them links don't work half the time and when they do, ya got some fucked up phone number game going on...some freak of a boyfriend/slave/bodyguard lurking in the background...'just sayin

There's a legit side to this stuff...and then...there's all-llllllll th' rest...all the hundreds and thousands of fakes, people using phony pics, using other peopls names, snagging account numbers, running scams, making money on saps who wanna get their rocks off...

Like even clips4sale...? That place...? I downloaded some stuff...and suddenly there is this MASSIVE police investigation...where these 'mistresses' and 'doms' down in florida turn out to be spics with a bad plan of action...ya know what I'm saying here? They scammed THOUSANDS of was so bad that my credit card closed my account and changed my card number without even telling me! Wild. It's still in litigation...thousand of dollars in false charges...

So, a chick with a dick wants a sucker to trick...who's surprised by that...? Anybody? I can drag and drop a picture of some royalty-free bimbo onto a makeshift website and boom! Instant revenue source for the suckers who stop, click, click, buy buy buy...lies lies lies...people who make a living lying are only about half-an-inch deep...even if their bad make-up is piled on a foot thick! LOL!
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Re: AdoreKristina --- a transdom

Post by pantiesprecious »


I need to read this thread again - don't take it down! Or I'll be confused FOREVER!!

Can someone explain what happened here?

Is AdoreKristina NOT the woman in the pictures?

Are you telling me...wait...WHAT?

Like when I watch a porno, I KNOW the chick...IS the chick. She's THERE doing it!

So this person ISN'T the person? Or it's somebody else?
What is it, like somebody's gramma or something? Or some dude?
I don't get it! How does that girls voice come out of a GUY?
Is that possible? Can hormones do that?

Wow, ok, sexual confusion, new experience, maybe lie down, have a drink, play some Call of Duty

Gotta kill some video bad-guys lol or SOMETHING
Maybe I don't really WANNA get it!

Somebody explain!!
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Re: AdoreKristina --- a transdom

Post by Xenophobe »

Wow, just found this thread. I've been a fan of Kristina for a while and I'm surprised to find out she is a tgirl. If anything, she has one of the best faux-female voices I've ever heard. Kudos to her for 'coming out'.
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