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Explorer At Heart
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Re: I could use some support...

Post by TheGraduate »

GET OUT, and quick.

You WILL find your happiness elsewhere. you're being used, abused, intimidated, lied to and mistreated by someone who is genuinely sadistic and doesn't care if you enjoy it. She will never again respect you, and it's not entirely your fault. You can't change it.

Submission is hot.
Letting someone else waste your life and opportunities and money is not.
Letting some insecure control freak bitch who uses PTSD and PMS to manipulate you into letting her waste your life and opportunities and money is the anti-thesis of what BDSM is about.

You'll recover, and you'll be glad you got out when you did.
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Re: I could use some support...

Post by Lindsey »

Any more news on this situation?

Remove yourself from it. Immediately.

That woman is not a "Mistress". She's using you, and not even being subtle about it. I'm sorry if those words hurt, but based on how you've described the situation, it's the truth.

You deserve better than that, and don't think for a moment that it's not the truth. PM me your email addy, yahoo ID, ect. if you need someone to talk to. I think you know that you need someone to catalyze a change to get you out of that situation because you're afraid of getting out without a crutch to lean on and feeling too alone to put yourself through it. You don't have anything to worry about...the sting will end so quickly, you'll wonder why you wasted so much time. I promise you that.

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Re: I could use some support...

Post by Lhad »

This might come across as a bit harsh, espcially if you still like her a lot, but get out of it.

It sounds more like direct exploitation, and if you are financially supporting her with your familys money, and she knows it but still treats you like you describe... she know she is basically stealing from your family as well and doesn't seem to care much for it. Anybody with that level of disregard for other people, deserves *nothing*, espcially devotion from good people.

The feeling of loving someone is great... but it sounds like it's the memory you like more than what she has become. Get the heck out, and sorry for playing this card, but continuing that relationship, or what to call it, is not fair on your family since they're indirectly paying her for treating you like a cash register to use at her whim.

Whatever happens and what you decide to do, good luck with getting the situation sorted.
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