Timed pages

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Timed pages

Post by surfcreanative »

One of the better features I have come across with teases is timed events.

Some examples where this could be used

1. "stroke until the image changes"

2. Challenge style with a reward image if you last xx minutes or a punishment exit option along the lines of "I can't take any more"

This style was used to get effect on the dominant-mistress site. It seems add a more interactive element to the teasing
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Post by avatarbr »

I like this idea.
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Post by bondageslave36 »

I like the timer idea, but I think the "I can't take it anymore" is adding a whole new element to everything. I think keeping everything simple is the goal of this site, so people can upload easily. But, I don't think adding a timer option is a big deal, and I really like it.
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Post by seraph0x »

As I said in the other thread: We won't add any non-linear elements to the basic webtease system, because we're planning something else that will deal with those areas. (Hopefully I'll be able to release some info on that in a few weeks.) That means that "I can't take it anymore" won't be implemented.

The timer itself is a great idea. :thumbsup:

One more thing though. We need a solution for those people who just read the teases for the sake of the fantasy. They don't want to wait for the timer. So I suggest that we add a "Cancel Timer" button. If you wish to follow the instructions then you can just not use it. (I'll make sure it's not too much in your face all the time.)

Please don't be disappointed that I insist on simplicity so much. I promise that the mysterious project I'm so secretive about will blow you away. 8-)
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Post by dark »

OMG Seraphox please stop talking about it, this makes me so curious :lol:

But can you say now that this "mysterious project" will be free? If its so amazing, you have to work hard for it. I could understand when its not free. I just have no money(or better not the will) for paying for example 10$ per month (poor student :smartass: ).

That topic brings me to another suggestion: A voluntary Paypal button on this site. I mean hosting costs money and taking care of the forum and the site costs time. Perhaps some people would like it to support this with a small amount, because they dont have the time to create their own teases for the comm.
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Post by seraph0x »

dark wrote:OMG Seraphox please stop talking about it, this makes me so curious :lol:
That's the whole point. :-P
dark wrote:But can you say now that this "mysterious project" will be free? If its so amazing, you have to work hard for it. I could understand when its not free. I just have no money(or better not the will) for paying for example 10$ per month (poor student :smartass: ).
:yes: Yes, it will most definitely be free.

Well, free in the financial sense. But we'll need some help from the community to make this a reality. ;-)
dark wrote:That topic brings me to another suggestion: A voluntary Paypal button on this site. I mean hosting costs money and taking care of the forum and the site costs time. Perhaps some people would like it to support this with a small amount, because they dont have the time to create their own teases for the comm.
We'll do that if server cost rises, right now it's all a gift to the community.
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