Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Discussion about Cock Hero and other sexy videos.

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Do you use the "levels and perks" system when playing the Cock Hero series?

1) Yes
2) No
3) Sometimes
4) Didn't even know about it.
Total votes: 59

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Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by supermokkori »

I'm curious... do any of those who enjoy the Cock Hero series, still follow the rules about perks?
I'm not talking about these basic rules, btw. I'm talking about the following in terms of levels, experience, and perks:

>Every time you have to stop during a match because you edge out or lose the music beat, you earn +1 >Experience. If you cum, however, you go back to Zero Experience.
>As you gain Experience, you receive perks (special powers) you may use during a match.
>Keep track of your Experience Level and it's perks! It will be useful later on!
>PLAY FAIR! Nothing is stopping you from cheating, but please try not to, it makes the game more fun.
>no perks. just do your best.
>LEVELS 6-10
>Take a 10 second break during any round except the last.
>LEVELS 11-15
>Take a 10 second break during any round except the last.
>Stroke at your own pace for 30 seconds. Can be slow, but no stopping. Cannot be used in the last round.
>LEVELS 16-20
>Take a 10 second break during any round except the last
>Stroke at your own pace for 30 seconds. Can be slow, but no stopping.
>Pause the video for an additional minute of break between rounds
>LEVELS 16-20
>Take a 10 second break during any round except the last
>Stroke at your own pace for 30 seconds. Can be slow, but no stopping.
>Pause the video for an additional minute of break between rounds
>Skip the remainder of the current round (fast forward) and take the 1 minute break before the next

Furthermore, are any of the new 'Cock Hero" video tease creators taking the "experience & perk" system in their video teases? I mean, I'm under the assumption THAT - if it's titled a 'Cock Hero' video - then the experience and perk system is to be used for that video.

Just curious if CH players are still using this system and whether CH video tease creators are keeping the perk system in mind when they create their teases. :hmmm:
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by hiphopanonymous »

I don't actively follow them, as I either get through it in one go or want to challenge myself. I don't intend for my videos to follow the perk system, but I don't really care one way or another. Ignoring that there's no real way for me to stop anyone from using them, I figure that they have the right to enjoy the videos however they want.
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by plissk3n »

I voted sometimes. If I have the time I do it. And nowadays the movies are so hard I wouldn't get far without it.
But since most of the time I am not allowed to cum and a whole video would be to hard I just start the randomiser and play a few rounds. If I am about to cum I take a short break (like 3-4 seconds) and carry on till I can't take no more.
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Post by froog »

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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by janmb »

I did use them for the first ones, but lately there have been too many releases and too little time on my hands to worry about keeping track of points and experience levels.

If any given round edges me out and I have to stop I typically give up and try again some other time or give myself an appropriate punishment, wait for the next round and move on from there ;-)
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by book_guy »

My perspective on it was, "Whatever." I did read the "rules" the first time I saw them scroll past my bored eyes, but I knew I wouldn't need or want them, because either (1) I was going to cum and enjoy it a damn lot, and then later go right back to using whichever video I wanted, or (2) I wasn't going to cum, but I would still enjoy it a damn lot, and then later go right back to using whichever video I wanted.

For me, the likelihood of "inability" (in other words, the likelihood of orgasm while playing a Cock Hero and whacking by the rules) isn't really proportionate to anything about the rules and perks. Instead, it's about context.

I'll cum irresistibly if I "let" myself, and if enough of the following conditions are met: if I've spent a lot of effort recently, in trying to find a niche of time in which I could go private and whack; if I've delayed orgasm significantly for some reason or other; if I've taken a few men's performance stimulants (I like the over-the-counter stuff available at Rite Aid pharmacy, in a little red bottle that looks like a 5-Hour Energy vial) lately; if I've taken guarana, horny goat weed, L-argnine, etc., regularly in the last week; if the CH video creator and I turn out to have similar tastes in women and / or style of portrayal of women (for example, the Gracie Glam Porn Star CH just really didn't do it for me, all I could notice was A. how overweight and un-toned and poorly exercised she was and B. how bad her facial skin is, zits and pock-marks galore; whereas, that scene in Nations #1 that involves showing us images and sounds of that one chick by the pool getting her pussy eaten by a series of different girls? man, that made me pop about six times, until eventually I said to myself that I was going to have to get past that scene, so I whacked off to completion, and THEN did the CH video).

I won't cum if I decide not to. I have another thread, which details some techniques. There's pulling on the balls, there's reverse-stroking to squeeze the blood out of the schlong, there's deep-breathing techniques, there's ...

So, basically, the perks are unnecessary and even puerile, to me. "Dude, he CONTROLLED ME into orgasm with his video, I HAD NO CHOICE" is just a stupid point of view, and to me it sounds like it is right up there with how I felt about why I play Dungeons and Dragons when I was a pre-adolescent. (As opposed to, how I feel about why I play Dungeons and Dragons now that I'm a middle-aged adult ... heh, nothing against Dungeons and Dragons ... heh ...)

But I realize that other folks like them and use them. There's nothing that I disapprove of, in that! I think it's great that different people can "play" the CH game in different manners. But I think that any rules that are overt and are somehow abstracted and distant from the involvement in the present-time moment of the game (you are 'required' to keep track, over there on a note-pad) aren't going to work very well.

I think better rules would be ones which just sneak up on the player. Just an example: have the beat change, from slow to fast, in a surprisingly complicated manner. The player will be busy MATCHING the beat, so he won't notice that what has just happened is, that in addition to matching, the OTHER challenge is that the beat has also sped up and therefore is probably over-stimulating him. You've hidden one challenge underneath another. The "back door" challenge will git ya, because the "front door" challenge keeps you distracted and mentally busy. That's just an example, of course, and it might not work for everyone, so a different set of things is really necessary to make CH "rules" effective against all potential competitors. I was very impressed with a few of the vids which intersperse little flash-moments of chicks with cum-faces. The "main" scenery is a pretty girl doing semi-soft-core stuff; but suddenly a half a moment of a hardcore cum-covered pair of lips flashes on the screen, I'm demanded to whack super-fast, then it all goes right back to the "main" episode of semi-soft-core posing. Man THAT was difficult to resist, because it was getting me stimulated via the "back door" mentally, of something that got the stimulation in without me being aware that it was going to over-stimulate me. (And by the way, obviously, I don't mean "back door" as "anus," at least not on this occasion.)

That's what the beats do -- they require enough focus on one act, that they prevent self-distraction, and require a certain behavior. It's not merely that you're required to whack really fast, that is the irresistible stimulation. It's that you're required to whack NOW without thinking about it, so the player develops an instant response, through which the thump of the whack-meter leads directly to the motion on the dick, without any thought involved. If you were instead told, verbally, "Now stroke to the musical beat at exactly 60 bpm," you'd be intellectualizing it, and it wouldn't work as well. Instead, the stroke-meter SHOWS you what to do, and you eventually internalize and sublimate any conscious thinking about what it's showing you. It becomes subconscious. THEN it can really control you. :devil:
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by narikoisheavenly »

I simply play the game following the beat. Sometimes I might lose the beat for a second or so but I continue playing without following the rules.
I personally like cumming if I can't beat the video. Instead of edging then stopping.
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by abel.semen »

froog wrote:The perks seem strange. You pick up points for breaking the rules (e.g. stopping/looking away), which you then use to break the rules? :huh:

Seems like an incentive to break the rules. Would be better if you picked up points for completing rounds successfully, which you could then later use to break the rules.
This. When designing a game of any kind, the rules should be designed to create a certain experience. Think about what you want the players to be doing and make rules that encourage that. I don't understand the thinking behind these ones. They seem to incentivize entirely the wrong behaviours.

Plus they're a lot more complicated than they need to be. They don't need to change from round to round; the structure of the typical CH video already gives plenty of motivation to use them the way the schedule seems to encourage using them, there's no reason to add extra complexity just to force people to do what they're probably going to do anyway.

They could be something simple like 2 or 3 points for completing a round perfectly, 1 or 2 for completing it with minor problems (losing the beat for a moment, etc - not that I always follow those rules either) - give LESS points for performing poorly, not more! - with a fixed schedule of perks that can be bought later on (pay 3 points for a 10 second pause, 4 for a pace change, 5 for an extra minute between rounds, say). Getting to the end with as many points left over as possible is the goal. You pop before you're supposed to, you lose all your points but you may restart, not necessarily at the round that beat you, but at some point other than the beginning - note that exercising this option is a double-edged sword as it restricts the number of points you can earn.

That's just off the top of my head but seems preferable in every way to the perk rules given above.

EDIT: Didn't realize just how unpopular these were! Right now there are:
  • Absolutely NO "yes" votes
  • Slightly more than ten "no" votes for every "sometimes" vote
  • Nearly as many people who somehow managed to be unaware of the existence of these rules as people who even "sometimes" follow them.
That's a pretty comprehensive collection of fail, there.
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by Humblest »

This is an awesome video series, but I have to agree with the consensus that the perks system is poorly designed. Don't get me wrong, I prefer as detailed instructions as possible about thing, especially speed, grip, etc., but the system of perks just seems out of place - if there are to be 'rewards' they should come from performing well, not from doing badly.
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by janmb »

One idea that could work and be interesting was if points were earned by completing rounds instead of failing. The videos should (and most already do) have a natural progression, getting harder the further into the video you get.

This would mean that as soon as you hit a round you can't make it through, you would either have to spend points you already have earned, or if not enough, go back and do rounds you do manage to get through over again.

In the end the system would get you more or less the same place > not allowed to go past the point in the video where you edge out, and earn points which can be used to get further.
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by astania »

so how do we create good rules
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by abel.semen »

astania wrote:so how do we create good rules
Three different people gave the basic answer to this question before you asked it - you give points for completing rounds. (This might want some adapting for something odd like Nations 2, where the FIRST round was arguably the most difficult, but in general should work well.) I even gave a quick sketch of what the entire system might look like, not every detail was there but most of the stuff you'd actually need to remember was. It takes some thought but it's not rocket science.
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by johnsmith3x »

I felt like the "rules" got in the way. I just go, and if I "lose" then I lose. I find it is plenty fun, and has less paperwork (I hate paperwork).
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by Yellowfruit »

I don't use them. I've even banned them from Armaggeddon.
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Re: Cock Hero followers - following the rules about perks??

Post by servufon »

I haven't had to really use them but have tracked in case I needed to. IIRC the most I've had to try to get through a vid before succeeding, per the rules, is 4 times. Less than half, easily, have required more than one try to get through, and only the small minority have required more than a couple tries.

That said, I added a home rule to the perks and HAVE used it once (or twice?), it's in a post elsewhere but basically it allowed you to "cash in" a level of XP (i.e., lose it) so that you could skip a scene if and only if that scene was not one that tripped you up before. I did this because some of the early scenes, on repeat viewings, get boring, IMHO but I suspect for others on occasion, too, just given different tastes and that if a scene didn't excite someone the first time through it's unlikely later, too.

I agree with comments that these could ideally be simplified, but I also get the impression people aren't trying the rules as written, many not willing to as they have the way they want to play, and that's it. Which is fine, but then I'd contend such critics aren't really responding to the same game, just to what they prefer instead. My own concern is that even for people playing, the fact you have to fail 5 tries through before getting to try it is, I wonder, too much in that you don't get to try the rules out? Maybe it should be every 3 or even 2 levels? I dunno - depends a lot on what others' experiences are. I suspect I might be atypical in finding most are not a big challenge to get through.
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