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Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:52 am
by MistressMelsa
Been browsing the forum and between some of what I see there and some things I see in chat I'm beginning to question the commitment of some people who frequent the site. Now don't get me wrong this is not an accusation against anyone's practices, just an inquiry. Is this a site where mistresses masters and others are free to tease, entice, torment, humiliate, and capture subjects provided the site guidelines of use are respected? Or is it a place of fantasy where those without the courage to truly participate in the acts depicted here can play along. Really I already know that this site is both places to different people. But I myself am only interested in the former group. So now this twist of words unravels to its final form, an invitation. To those who would like to be teased enticed tormented humiliated and captured as I see fit, to come play with me in the deep end.

I mean no offense to those in the kiddy pool, have your fun, to each their own.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:36 am
by ThirtyDaysOfDenial
I'm not scared. 8-)

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:53 am
by torture toy
i would love to take the plunge with You Ma'am.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:29 am
by cikinit23
I'm ready to dive right in.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:59 am
by ryan
im in. Im a bit scared, but in

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:16 am
by JD
Yes ma'am i'm game.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:43 am
by blondetaurus
Ive been playing hardball since 2005, and I was beggining to wonder the same thing myself Miss Melsa. I only stumbled across this site after splitting with my former real life Mistress. I can safely say though, since my begginings in the D/s lifestyle, that I have always taken the plunge and have never been afraid to try new things.

Saying that, I do also agree, each to there own. I wont criticise anyone for their choice.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:58 am
by salveturbo68
it will be a privilege to be accept in your game pls mistress pick me

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:07 pm
by surfcreanative
Now I mean no disrespect to those who have answered previously, but this post stated who is up for some hardball. Pity filled one line answers just aren't going to cut it.

"oohh yes I keen'

"Ohh please pick me"

These replies sum up the essence of the post. where is the commitment. where is the dedication. Where is the passion. Where is the sheer amazement and dedication to the sheer power of the feminine form, the satisfaction that comes from putting aside ones own pleasure and bestowing upon the superior sex the embodiment of love, support, dedication and worship. Have you not lied next to woman, felt her warmth, her touch, her uplifting, yet subtle strength that all members of this site state that they so desperately crave. Have you not wanted to submit to that radiant glow. To be next to dominant woman, to feel her touch, her beauty, her inner glow. I pity any who have not experienced this. Hopefully this site gives you a window into this pleasure. But seriously one liners aren't going to cut it.

Mistress Melsa i Salute you. An open invitation is daring, open and quite frankly down right exciting. I can't imagine how difficult it must be.

In my application I offer you a tease I posted about two months ago.

This sums up my attitude, views, wishes and dedications.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:15 pm
by bdp514
I have waded in the kiddie pool and been fully immersed in the deep waters of full time lifestyle service. I much prefer the latter. I'm currently without a Mistress for the longest period of my adult life. This sight does provide ideas and a few challenges but mostly just makes me long to be in the service of a Mistress once again. I do occasionally have the opportunity to "play" with a Mistress I formerly served on my all too infrequent visits back to Los Angeles. I have mentioned ideas I gleemed from this site and we have tried some out even once using a tease as a guide for our play time. I also use CyberMistress. There is a routine on their called the Babysitter which is all about spanking, including a particularly harsh belt spanking. I've tried to follow it's instructions but find I cannot spank myself as hard as I imagined she would. Disappointed in myself I sought out a pro-Domme whom I knew from reputation would have no such qulms and asked her to dish out the required punishment. We ran the routine and following it's lead she dished out the hardest spanking I have ever received, ignoring my please to stop and leaving my bottom and thighs bruised.

So in short this sight is informational, occasionally inspirational but still a poor substitute for the joy and fullfillment of serving at the feet and whims of a superior Mistress.

If you'd see fit to test my dedication to this lifestyle I'd be honored and delighted to submit to your pleasure, to carry out any tasks without hesitation and to prove myself worthy of swimming with the sharks in the deeps end.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:04 pm
by texturedshroom
MistressMelsa wrote:Is this a site where mistresses masters and others are free to tease, entice, torment, humiliate, and capture subjects provided the site guidelines of use are respected?
I don't think so. It's a webtease site that happens to have a community forum and chat. If I want to be teased, enticed, tormented, humiliated, or captured, I'm going to have it done in real life. People who hide behind a computer are less likely to give you what you're looking for... whether you're a Mistress or a sub.

If you really want to play hardball, why are you looking here? Male subs outnumber dommes by a huge margin. It would be easy for you to find one who would play with you IRL if you looked.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:36 pm
by slave9898
I dont know if I can handle it because i have never tried it, but I am up for new experiences.
I am only 18.

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:20 pm
by irish2222
i havent seen if anyone got a game going?
anybody got game? lol
Mistress i would like to make myself available for hardball playing
but i am not one who say yeah i am up for it ,do anything
since i want the real thing
i need to know what You mean by hardball first
it is only prudent and what people in "real world " would do

sub irish

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:43 pm
by rbtheservant
irish2222 wrote:
i need to know what You mean by hardball first
it is only prudent and what people in "real world " would do

sub irish

Couldn't agree more with you Sub Irish...Consensual, Safe and Sane play must always be the rule, anything else is NOT play.

Happy Adventures,

Re: Anyone play hardball?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:46 pm
by texturedshroom
Hardball in the deep end sounds pretty dangerous to me... how are you supposed to swim when you're holding a bat?

That's a little too kinky for me.

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