Away with the Faeries

Away with the Faeries by Svejk

You figure that these woods aren't that large, you should be able to find your way out eaisily enough. The sun is still shining, the birds still singing and you know the car park is at the bottom of the hill.

You start to make you way down hill, when you hear a stream nearby. Its quitely babbling away, looking really rather picturesque, but something troubles you about it. There aren't any streams in this part of the forest, so it probably shouldn't be there.

You figure the best course of action would be to follow the stream down, after all, it has to lead somewhere and from there, you might be able to get your bearings.

You check your phone, to see if you might be able to call for help, but typically, you have no signal.

You carry on down stream, the flow of water gradually widening, for a good hour. You start to think that you really should be somewhere more familiar right about now, but the forest is starting to seem less and less so.

Eventually, you happen across something very strange indeed...