In need of attention?  Come let me play with you, if you dare!!

In need of attention? Come let me play with you, if you dare!! by mssub

I will spend a little time playing with you, my little slut, but before we go any further, I want all your clothes off except for your socks and underwear. Once you've done that, take your clothes, stuff them in a plastic bag and go put them in the refrigerator. Along your way, collect and bring back the following items:
1) A belt, 2) Four nice size pieces of rope, 3) A towel or two, 4) Six clothespins,
5) A dildo or substitute (but make sure its a good size, bitch), 6) Lube, 7)icy hot or bengay, 8) Two condoms, 9) A bowl of ice cubes with some water added, 10) Bright red lipstick, and last, but not least, a red permanent marker.

When you have everything scurry on back to me, I'll be waiting.