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Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:19 am
by Salamando
Okay, this isn't a story, but a sort of "What If?" discussion topic. For those of you who follow and enjoy my Sex Mage World stories and other similar such works, I'd like you to imagine your favorite TV show, comic book, novel, webcomic, whatever piece of fiction you enjoy, and add Sex Magic powers to the mix. Just like in my Sex Mage World setting, every woman in that universe over the age of 19 gains Sex Magic.

How do you think the series would play out? Would the female characters become dommes? Would they try to suppress the powers? Embrace them in non-sexual ways? How do the men react?

If you have your own original fictional universe, how do they react?

Consider the situation from two possible points:

1) Sex Magic already existed at the beginning of the series.

2) Sex Magic has only just started appearing in this current season/arc of the series.

This is just for fun, of course, but please try to give more than a one-sentence quickie response.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:01 am
by SexualChoc
I like think I would start with almost the
style of it just started recently implications because of all the ripples it would cause in the world. riots, possible population control, resource re-allocation, political strife

the first possibility of (1) already existing i see more as an alternative universe I would love to visit (but sometime be able to leave, lol)

One of the questions I had is WHY only women?
How did this "magic" hit the world?

Is there a strange alien contact? some rip into another dimension?
Maybe a lab experiment gone wrong? world wide virus?

I know you do 19 for Legal reasons but I think there could be a bio-chemical trigger like they stop growing physically and this triggers powers onset so some women might be 20 and a few 21.
also would there be a "power rating" for the women, would ladies have some female over site?
what about police witch? what would become "illegal" Uncollared males walking the streets at night alone ( thinking of Saudi Arabia and women in Burka)

Also I wondered about fertility. Would being pregnant affect sex magic? does it go "dormant?"

the Shadowrun gaming system had a event where magic suddenly shows up
but it effects everything so that Mystical beasts also apper, such as dragons, and sprites, and nymphs and even wraiths.

Most of your stories seem to be written when a majority of the population has a system that is used to magic. which is probably good because death and destruction and chaos usually are not turn ons (at least fo me) that would ensue in the early days

but it might be interesting to have a patient Zero story... the first women with sex magic and it's orginas.. whatever you decided them to be.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:16 am
by Salamando
I think you have missed the point of my question.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:56 am
by Salamando
Well, that said, I love talking about my stuff. I'm not sure if you're just brainstorming or not, but I can add my own answers for my particular world. If this helps others to answer, great, but hey, you can take the concept and tweak it to fit your vision if you want.

These two posts go more in depth on the concept:
Sex Mage World setting: ... world.html
Revised Sex Mage Powerset: ... 3f172fa541

To answer more specifically.

One of the questions I had is WHY only women?

Real answer: Because otherwise I wouldn't get an erection from the concept.

In story answer: Because the extra-dimensional creature that gave them magic made it that way, because it had no idea what its summoners actually wanted.

How did this "magic" hit the world?

Is there a strange alien contact? some rip into another dimension?
Maybe a lab experiment gone wrong? world wide virus?

Some faux-Wiccans accidentally summoned a creature in a ritual to improve their love life. By a sheer, completely and utterly random chance, this spell actually worked, and for a brief few seconds, they summoned a creature from the Elemental Plane of Lust, which gave them Sex Magic. Of course, they had no idea the summoning ritual worked, since the creature was invisible and immaterial.

I know you do 19 for Legal reasons but I think there could be a bio-chemical trigger like they stop growing physically and this triggers powers onset so some women might be 20 and a few 21.

Actually, Sex Magic triggers anywhere from 18 to 23. 19 is the "default" age, but for unknown reasons, it can occur later in life, and a rare few might be "early bloomers." No real logic to it, but its notable that early bloomers become extremely adept at the power right off.

also would there be a "power rating" for the women, would ladies have some female over site?

I don't know about rating, but it definitely takes some practice to be able to use the more powerful spells on the list, so yo could consider that a rating system of sorts. There isn't any sort of heirarchy in terms of the powers, though, but some women who've mastered the powers might release books and websitesabout how to get better.

what about police witch?

All policewomen are Sex Mages as well and are trained in using their powers for effective crime stopping of all types. Sex Mage crimes fall under the purview of the standard police, since they become so common, especially at first.

what would become "illegal" Uncollared males walking the streets at night alone ( thinking of Saudi Arabia and women in Burka)

Well, speaking at least for America, by the time year 80 to 100 rolls around, the women have had the power for generations, and have become fully accustomed to its use. They figure that for the benefit of society, it would behoove them to have all men be in as near constant a state of arousal, or easily triggered arousal as possible, enabling all women instant access to the magic, for various purposes, not the least of which is the health benefits.

Ergo, all men are, by cultural "law", at the age of 18 made unable to orgasm, masturbate, or initiate sex without the help of a woman as a standard. This gives men a strong imperative to get a girlfriend or mistress or even friend with benefits in their life if they want any sort of relief. However, by this point, men would also be used to Sex Magic existing for generations, so they would likely be far more accepting of these conditions without really being humiliated by them as the first generation of men would.

Also I wondered about fertility. Would being pregnant affect sex magic? does it go "dormant?"

Nope. Although a baby doesn't really have much of a sex drive, so the Sex Magic couldn't really do anything. Also, once a woman has Sex Magic, she becomes resistant to pregnancy by default, due to the recooperative/stasis effect of the sex magic creating a field that spikes the physical durability and immune system during sex. However, she can remove this resistance at will, at any time, and even kick-start her own cycle during sex. In fact, even women who were initially unable to conceive can now make themselves fertile using Sex Magic. They can also do the opposite, and make themselves barren, but can switch themselves back at any time if they want. The net affect of this is an utterly massive drop in unwanted and unexpected pregnancies, but also shutting down that aspect of the medical industry as no one needs fertility treatments any more.

the Shadowrun gaming system had a event where magic suddenly shows up
but it effects everything so that Mystical beasts also apper, such as dragons, and sprites, and nymphs and even wraiths.

Yeah, I always liked Shadowrun.

Most of your stories seem to be written when a majority of the population has a system that is used to magic. which is probably good because death and destruction and chaos usually are not turn ons (at least fo me) that would ensue in the early days

I tend to keep that stuff in the background, if mentioned at all.

but it might be interesting to have a patient Zero story... the first women with sex magic and it's orginas.. whatever you decided them to be.

The closest I really got to that would be the story Amy's Trepidation. I hadn't done a Patient Zero story, but then, there's actually about six or so Patient Zeroes, and their powers didn't manifest for a few days. By then, they'd already spread the Magic around. Ergo, other people were already manifesting the Powers right alongside the PZ's, so that lends itself to why even the PZ's have no idea they started the whole Sex Mage phenomenon.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:11 pm
by SexualChoc
Apologies to not answering your question directly but I
need a more holistic approach to understanding things before I can comment
so thank you for clarifying things.

That being said

I have actually created a fantasy world
Called Wyre
In this world there are dragons instead of demons who are able to do amazing mind manipulation as well as shape change into any animal even really little ones. (like a dog or cat)
there are also Elves and dwarves
who are Culturally different
but actually are more like a different culture of people than a different race
each are able to interbred mingle but the cultural norms restrict them they also both have their own language
Think Russians and Russian Jews in that Elves and dwarves are cutures that forbid intermarring with people of the Gem Empire or anywhere else for that matter.
There could be a romio and Juliet set up though.

Next Magic for "normals" does exist but there is no control for it since it is triggered by "prayers" and an outside devine source
aslo angels can show up to assist fighting demons, yes it does have a religous theme

So this summoning would take place in the northern kingdom of Eeck, the sumoned creature would be a dragon
who could appear demonic

I would go with a viral style spread since sex magic does not have to be inheritnly "evil"
It would increase fadelity within marriages for 'good" people

that being said the Dwarves would view this as "evil" because they are very strict and orthodox in their beliefs
where the elves would be extremely open about it setting up shops and even sales of male slaves.

the Gem Empire (boarders south of elves and east of dwarves)would take a more neutral stance instituting police and laws
I wonder how that changes the role of a Defender Paladin? hmm
servants would be legal but out and out slavery would not.

Now the north east nomadic peoples would be also somewhat closed about thier view no slavery at all and would use it to improve marriages

Now out to sea south to the Island of Geth
where male slaves would be rampant and shipped illegally to other kingdoms
public displays of males tied up bound would be next to the local pubs.

further East the Draco continent would be licencing witches and even have some system of power scales as well as schools of study, books on how to use it
sexual tantric spells
They would also e working on How to use sex magic for Agriculture and animal husbandry to improve plants and live stock
slavery would be illegal but servants would be allowed anyone shipped in from Geth would be "freed" to pick a mistress.

they would also invent chastity devices, like the golden hook and export them around the world.

further east again to the Sward continent where sex magic would also be mixed with pain and serious BSDM males would be running chariots, treated as dogs and otherwise truly abused

Lastly the continent of Fi'shea
which is generally more oriental/ Asian in culture
most places would allow slave servants who have minimal rights and the kingdoms would be Queendoms
all over the planet

Dwarves and other strict groups would be in conflict with those who accept sex magic

this entire world is somewhere around 1300's technologically to give it a romantic D&D style with much of the setting being from created originally for play with 1rst and 2nd ed D&D
but when I published my book I rewrote the whole planet and how it worked.

Now Dragons would be still active trying to spread abusive uses of Sex magic
while the occasional angel would be working with individuals to curb abuse
and otherwise help defenders/police.
Note my police run around in armor wielding swords, gunpowder just does not fit into the world concept for a long time. However elves have indoor pluming and a Franklin style stove, glass windows and even are in the begining phases of understanding electricity.

Draco is full of technology appropriate to the 1300's time period such as clocks, gyroscopes, much focused on naval navigation and is more into 1500 in ship building techniques.

Geth I saw as a Pirate Island full of pirateers

Now all that to say how does this impact other cultures
Imagine the Islamic countries and sex magic? wow boy!
All your ideas seem to take place in the USA style culture.
can you imagine what china, or India would do with this?

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:57 pm
by Salamando
Sounds like an interesting world, thanks for the thorough response.

I've struggled somewhat with the reactions of my own worlds. One of the biggest thing about Sex Magic in a fantasy or even superhero universe is, whereas in Sex Mage World, Sex Magic is the only magic, in those other worlds, it would simply be yet another power source, albeit a ludicrously widespread one. Likewise, there could be all kinds of ways to counter/suppress it depending on the setting, so there's also the possibility it might not even make as big an impact.

And, of course, there's the question of cross-species effectiveness. It's never really come up in the SMW, but the idea was that the Sex Magic only works for humans, on humans. Doesn't work on other animals, even simians, much less plants or fungi. But in a fantasy world with multiple races, how would that work? Would it effect all sapients? Or, could it only effect your own species, even if perhaps the power could still spread to other females? Something you'd just have to call in a case by case basis, I suppose.

Now all that to say how does this impact other cultures
Imagine the Islamic countries and sex magic? wow boy!
All your ideas seem to take place in the USA style culture.
can you imagine what china, or India would do with this?
This may seem like a cop-out, but I've purposely avoided commenting on this, since frankly, I can barely claim to know my own culture well enough to accurately guess its genuine reactions (U.S.), and I know so little of worldly cultures, I think anything I put forth would likely just off as sounding biased towards American-based stereotype views of those countries. Although, if I may say so, the U.S.'s whole sexual dichotomy of being obsessed with it, yet also paranoid about it, makes it a particularly interesting setting for Sex Magic to appear, so it's also a playground I'm not too eager to leave in the first place.

I do imagine that those countries where women are treated as second class citizens or basically property, would undergo a revolution. Possibly not right away; cultural inertia and tradition, as well as human's desire for familiarity (even if it holds them back in some cases) have a way of suppressing radical change. I doubt every woman in the Islamic world would immediately throw off their burka's and start cock-controlling the men to take over the world. Just as many could see this change as something horribly evil that needs to be suppressed or eradicated, or many just might not want to deal with the pressure of having such power in general.

Hell, some women might even be recruited by the men as soldiers, using their Sex Magic to subdue the enemy forces by drowning them in sex, then they just walk into their camps and gun them down point blank. This then, forces an arms race of using Sex Mages for attack and defense, and who knows, it might spiral off into a giant missile fight, as putting human soldiers into battlefield conditions becomes useless.

Or perhaps, some women form a pacifist revolution, and use their powers to keep men from silencing their efforts, and over time, they actually do win the people over through diplomacy and campaigning.

Honestly, I really can't say, so I more or less just stick with the U.S. because its what I can at least somewhat work comfortably with.

That said, anyone outside the US who can give an opinion on the matter, I'd love to here thoughts on that as well.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:56 am
by smother sitter
Sorry for takinig so long to response. This question insterested me a first, but I could make a apporate response.

I agree with SexualChoc's description of a world, particularly, a high fantasy word, such as lord of the rings, or the dragonlance novel, Your concerns with "other type of magic, and mayhem" are correct. In fact, it would take a rather long article to answer the full question of "what would happen in a high fantasy world, with sex magic."

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:15 am
by smother sitter
Genaral speaking if Sex magic exist where other magic was present, it either would be neutralized or contuor for exame, there were of a series of tale I read in a Forgotten Realms novel. It has some femdom issue in it, and well, just let me paraphase the story.

A handsome adventurer/mercanaries is hired by this green eye lady, who wishes him to help solve her problems. She runs, an hotel/tarven that host to he wealthy, The hotel is inside a huge cave, a hangout for the rich, but something weird in happening. This appear, and disappear with no warning or explanation. Fires and explosion occured randomly. What to be done?

Lond story short, the adventurer found that the problems are cause by illustions, too many in fact. The hotel is actually the carass of a dead dragon, made to look like a restort with the help of the powerful magic jewel. That alone does cause the problem.

What the lady owner does not realized, and the adventurer find out is that her so called rich clients, are also using illustions. Their fine clothes, their jewelry, adn especially their money is nothing more creating illustions, Naturally, the illusion bonced off another, causing slimmers, (objects fading in and out) and drawbacks.(explosions)

For this and other reason, the lady owner become enraged and shows that she reveal that her green eyes and pleaseing human form are nothing but another illusion, and she a lot worse than some bitchy woman. Now the adventurer realized , why the owner pick this particular area for her hotel.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:36 pm
by Salamando
I put this response on OD, but I guess I forgot to post it here until now.

Thank you for your answer! Let's get some more answers folks!

I'll take a crack at it: not really a favorite series, but I've taken an interest in the World of Warcraft setting recently, so, that should be interesting. In fact, in the actual Sex Mage universe, I had the idea that WoW, or an MMO pretty much just like, attempts to incorporate Sex Magic in the game under the guise of "Charm Magic," accessible only to female characters and being super effective against males, and would include things like charm spells, binding spells, and the like. Nothing overtly sexual, but it would definitely be a reflection of the change in the "real world." Of course, that would also wreck game balance, so it would be interesting to see how that plays out.

As for including Sex Magic in the actual world of Azeroth, I could see it happening as a conspiracy on behalf of the Succubus race, or perhaps a few Warlocks tried to summon something Succubus like and ended up with the Lust Elemental instead. Either way, there are two big issues: one is that there all the types of other magic already floating around, I don't see Sex Magic being as effective; there would be ways to limit it, block it, or shut it off, I'm sure.

But let's just assume that Sex Magic bypasses all the other magics of Azeroth, and continues to function on its own set of rules and regulations. Even if it's blockable, it would still be a case of every female having the power, and not all men are going to know or have access the blocking ability.

The other interesting thing is that there are literally dozens of sapient races on the planet, some of them wildly different species. The Magic would probably end up having some limitations across species, but for now, I'll run down the 12 currently playable races, and maybe a couple extras as they relate. As for effectiveness, I'd say Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, Worgen, Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, and Blood Elves can effect each other. Dreanie can effect only themselves and other Eredar, while Tauren can only effect themselves. Forsaken can't effect anybody.

On top of this, of course, is the problem that the world is constantly in some state of war, the two major factions being at war, as well as both trying to stave off numerous invasions. Because of this, there would be huge incentive to weaponize Sex Magic as much as possible, while I think most races would be reluctant to suddenly shift their gender-role paradigm due to having enough to worry about. Others, of course, may embrace the change.

Humans - Given the setting, I see the women being more cooperative with the men, rather than dominating them. Considering all the dangers out there, and the conflicts with the Horde, keeping the men distracted with sex would be a bad idea. More than likely, the women train to use their powers to help protect the men from Horde Sex Mages and monsters.

Dwarves - Same as the humans, I'd imagine. Although, being elementals forced into humanoid form by the Curse of Flesh, it could also be a case that Sex Magic doesn't really factor much into their paradigm.

Gnomes - Same as dwarves, I'd imagine, though, I can also see them being more mischievous with it.

Night Elves - Night Elves already have a matriarchal society, so I can definitely see the women embracing the magic as part of a natural extension of this. They may or may not even use the power to ensure men know their place, if they let it get to their heads.

Draenie - They are a radically different enough species that they'd only be able to effect their own race, and likewise would have the benefit of not being effected by most other races. Being essentially a race of Lawful Good creatures, I just see the women incorporating it as part of their natural support magic abilities. Of course, the real danger is the possibility of Draenie females spreading the power to other Eredar, giving their enemies a potent weapon to use against them.

Worgen - Based more around a pack society, as far as I've heard, the packs might just switch to an Alpha Female leadership, with the former Alpha Male being her second in command. On the other hand, if they are more locked in the traditional gender roles anyway, females might just support the males, but influence them more subtley. Or not. I dunno.

Orcs - Only relatively recently were female orcs treated with any sense of equality in society, and I imagine they would be quite interested in showing the males what was what. While they would still probably try and prove themselves in battle without using Sex Magic (as that might be seen as dishonorable), I can see them throwing their weight around now that they have this advantage over the males.

Trolls - Same as the orcs, as the females in Troll society were basically there to be breeding stock, at least until the Darkspear Trolls start adapting into Orc culture. The main danger here is all non-Horde troll tribes taking full advantage of this power. On the other hand, I can totally see a revolution among the trolls, Darkspear and others, as the female decide to make the males into their slaves and breeding stock from now on. The Darkspear females might be willing to show restraint in order to keep their society from devolving into civil war and stay in good with the Horde.

Tauren - They'd have the advantage of being different enough as a species to only effect and be effected by one another. A largely spiritual race pretty comfortable in its Hunter-Gatherer society, I see them simply incorporating Sex Magic into their paradigm as a support magic, similar to the Draenie. Interestingly enough, how the other races of the Horde react to the magic may strain relations with the Tauren; if the Orcs and Trolls end up undergoing radical societal shifts, they may not be as stalwart of allies as they once were, and who knows how the new leaders might take to their current alliances. Perhaps the fact that the Tauren would be unaffected by other females might make them less "trustworthy."

Forsaken - Sex Magic ultimately falls under the perview of Life Magic. Given, as well, that the Forrsaken have no use for sex, and they are all effectively gender-neutral regardless of physical form, Sex Magic utterly fails to take hold with any of them.

Blood Elves - Blood Elves don't seem to make a big deal about gender difference, so it would be interesting to see how this works out. On the one hand, I can see them incorporating it as a support role, but I can also see the females using it to leverage more political power for themselves, until the Blood Elves lean more towards a matriarchy.

Goblins - The Trade Princess quickly get replaced by the Trade Princesses. Other than that, the Goblins utilize Sex Magic as just another commodity they can profit from.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:27 am
by smother sitter
Hmm, very insteresting take on my response. You basicaly answered a good deal of my corcerns and questions. While I wasn't thinking about World of Warcraft when I was writing this, It was a great example of what I thought would happen. Sex magic would be part of the number of magical spells and whatnot , and would effect the various races different.

THe question I have now is how does sex magic would inflence things on a total general scale? You already tonch on the subject of how sex magic effect the various races or species, but I asking for hypocritals.
Say for instance that the Goblins have captured this dwarf, and the Goblin want the treasure which only this dwarf know. This dwarf for some reason, hate goblins, so when he less likely tell them anything. Now they bring in a female goblin and she uses sex magic on him, teasing him, and bringing him to the edge, now Does the dwarf melt like butter, and cave in?, Does because of his dislike of Goblinkind and racial differcence allow him to resist? Or do the goblins have to bring a dwarf female. If they do, does she had to use sex magic as well, or do the female dwarf has to physically tease him, whie the Goblin female does the same with magic to break the stubborn dwarf?

Question aside, I don't think that sex magic can become the dominate, sometime overbearing power it has on your writing, even if sex magic can bypass all other. Weaponizing sex magic would be interesting, but giving magic limitations, I don't know how things would turn out in a fantasy war Sex magic would have the follow the same way of other magic, such as mana regeneration, skill level and racial/creature/monster resistance to such spells.

I also would predict, that unlike your world, that some sort of hierarchy of sex mages, some that would be willing to share their skills, and other would not. This follows the "general" rule of magic, would states that certain races, monster or creatures have more magicial skills than others. This doesn't not mind that all the females won't be able to use sex magic, it just it would be come easier to say, elves, than dwarves (because dwarves have less use for magic.) It like saying it's a lot hard for a gnome to become a great warrior, than a great mage (look at the point system.)

That my thoughts. I hope my questions were not to confusing.

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:00 am
by Salamando
smother sitter wrote:Hmm, very insteresting take on my response. You basicaly answered a good deal of my corcerns and questions. While I wasn't thinking about World of Warcraft when I was writing this, It was a great example of what I thought would happen. Sex magic would be part of the number of magical spells and whatnot , and would effect the various races different.

THe question I have now is how does sex magic would inflence things on a total general scale? You already tonch on the subject of how sex magic effect the various races or species, but I asking for hypocritals.
Say for instance that the Goblins have captured this dwarf, and the Goblin want the treasure which only this dwarf know. This dwarf for some reason, hate goblins, so when he less likely tell them anything. Now they bring in a female goblin and she uses sex magic on him, teasing him, and bringing him to the edge, now Does the dwarf melt like butter, and cave in?, Does because of his dislike of Goblinkind and racial differcence allow him to resist? Or do the goblins have to bring a dwarf female. If they do, does she had to use sex magic as well, or do the female dwarf has to physically tease him, whie the Goblin female does the same with magic to break the stubborn dwarf?
Well, theoretically, they can just trap the Dwarf in an illusion, and use his own preferences against him that way. They don't need to find a female Dwarf, they can just make him believe he's in the middle of a Dwarf harem. While high will power can help with resisting somewhat, and not having a high libido in the first place also helps, the nature of Sex Magic is such that it can bypass these defenses, if the Sex Mage knows what she's doing.

Of course, this is assuming the Dwarf doesn't have magical resistances that would just block the Sex Magic.
If we're talking a Paladin with magical shields or a Mage who can manipulate mana casually, well, they can bounce away Sex Magic just like any other form of energy.
Question aside, I don't think that sex magic can become the dominate, sometime overbearing power it has on your writing, even if sex magic can bypass all other. Weaponizing sex magic would be interesting, but giving magic limitations, I don't know how things would turn out in a fantasy war Sex magic would have the follow the same way of other magic, such as mana regeneration, skill level and racial/creature/monster resistance to such spells.
Well, if you want to do it that way for balance, sure, but the way Sex Magic normally functions, it would not become subject to the same laws as other magic types just because other magic in a world operates that way. Sex Magic is not RPG magic, it runs completely on its own separate system.

That said, again, Sex Magic does run on a form of energy, and a world with such a diverse range of magical disciplines, from elemental magic to druidism to voodoo, would no doubt find ways to easily counter and shield against the effects of the magic. Voodoo and clerical magic could in particular be good ways for warding off body/mind control effects, while shamans could likely create totems that would bleed away the energies Sex Magic requires to function, rendering them useless.

Also, I'm not sure if there are such things as anti-magic materials in WoW, or other fantasy universes. For example, in some of my superhero universes, there is a rare metal called Zero Metal, which can neutralize all magic, psychic, and chi energies, and can even shut off a superhuman's powers on contact. A normal person holding a piece of Zero Metal would fail to generate sex energies, and thus be untouchable to a Sex Mage. And of course, a Sex Mage touching Zero Metal would lose her powers for the duration of contact.

Consider, as well, a Sex Mage going up against a true skilled Psychic, the Psychic in question might be able to just shut off the part of the Sex Mage's brain that lets them control their powers. Granted, there's a slight chance exposure to lots of sex energy might let them recover, but its still a pretty effective stopper.
I also would predict, that unlike your world, that some sort of hierarchy of sex mages, some that would be willing to share their skills, and other would not. This follows the "general" rule of magic, would states that certain races, monster or creatures have more magicial skills than others. This doesn't not mind that all the females won't be able to use sex magic, it just it would be come easier to say, elves, than dwarves (because dwarves have less use for magic.) It like saying it's a lot hard for a gnome to become a great warrior, than a great mage (look at the point system.)
As I use Sex Magic, theoretically, all females regardless of race or age have the potential to all be really powerful. In practice, this doesn't really pan out. There's a certain basic level of competence with the magic that your average person naturally adapts to, but some people are naturals at it, some people are slow learners. A person's Sex Magic "power level" is based almost entirely on how skilled they are, rather than any ability to generate the energy. I would say when it comes to figuring out what would work for races, you're really looking at how their culture perceives both Magic and Sex, and how much practice they would get at using it.

Using WoW again, a human barkeep comfortably settled in an Alliance city would have more opportunity for casual sex and practice, whereas an Orc out on the front lines isn't really going to have much time or concern for sex. Culturally, Trolls, for example, apparently aren't really into sex (or so I've read). They use it to breed, and that's about it. As such, you could assume that, unless the female Trolls did decide to use it for a revolution, or they found a way to incorporate it into the Voodoo practices, they probably aren't going to have much use for it. Thus Troll Sex Mages would be notably weaker than, say, Humans, who if fiction has taught us anything, are willing to screw just about anything with adequately matching genetalia. :-D

Re: Your favorite series now includes Sex Magic!

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:17 am
by smother sitter
Well, I think that cover everything.
Now I know How sex magic would be used in a fantasy world,
I not even gong to bother with Sci-fi, since the rules would be similar, except for cyborg, robots, and MAYBE clones.
If I think of any other series, or situration, I'll let you know.