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Planned Features

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:38 am
by seraph0x
So here are the features that are currently planned:
  • Improvements to Nyx
    Read the full list of planned improvements and fixes to the current release of the FlashTease system here.
  • FlashTease Successor
    A major update to the FlashTease system will incorporate what we learned from the first try. The most important new features will be:
    • Powerful scripting language with variables and modules
    • Better layouting (text scrolling, dynamic positioning, etc)
    • Persistence (saving/loading)
  • Tease editing guide
    We are still collecting material for a guide for webtease authors - meant as a complete reference for beginning authors and addressing all the frequent questions regarding technology, writing, sources for images and legal information.
  • Deletion and Re-Ordering of Pages (Regular editor)
    Right now pages can only be added and edited. It should also be possible to reorder and delete them. Update: Pages can now be deleted.
If you have comments on any of these point or if you have other suggestions, just open a thread on this forum.

These features have already been added:
  • Webtease Meta-Data
    We want to collect some more information on the teases when the database grows bigger. This way you could filter and search for your favorite styles and scenarios. Added in the form of tagging
  • Deletion of Teases
    At the moment only the admins can delete a tease. We want to allow people to delete their own teases. If you need to delete a tease, just make it invisible for now.
  • Re-Design
    The current design has a charming quality of simplicity, but still we want to get a more professional, high-profile design going. However, as a community site, we will soon propose a vote with a preview of the future design where you can choose to switch or to keep the old one.
  • Advanced Tagging
    I don't want to give it all away yet, but we are planning a few more features to make tagging easier, more convienient and more flexible.
  • Major changes to the website
    There will be a couple of major changes to Milovana's layout, most notably the front page will be redone and the webtease section.
  • New chatroom
    The most requested feature at the moment is a new chatroom. This is being heavily worked on and should launch fairly soon.