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Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:09 am
by seraph0x
Dear Milovanians,

And we're another year older, another year wiser and for those of you in permanent lock-up, maybe another year hornier. And you may have noticed some changes to the site itself. That's because a lot of the code is now one year more modern - we rolled out a big update. Most of the changes aren't all that visible, but in terms of code, about a third of it is now brand-new.

Of course there are visible changes, too. Completely new front page, reworked tease browser. Just check it out and perhaps post your feedback here. :wave:

The Urge is now a fully functional and featured section. We're still barely scratching the surface though. The U in Urge stands for Ultimate and we do plan to do that title justice. There are seven hundred entries live already, with another 900 in the pipeline. And features, features, features: there will be more ways to participate and new kinds of content very soon.

The tease browser has gotten a new search function. And the interface is now built around it. The search used to search just the title. Now it's searching the title, the description, the author and - blimey! - the entire content of the tease. Except FlashTeases, which we will make searchable soon as well. ;-)

The new front page contains but a hint of the new content and blogging system. Here at Milovana we have a lot of folks with itchy fingers and they need one thing above all else: Room to write. We will start out by creating a few official blogs to improve on keeping you up-to-date, but eventually the idea is to really open the system up and let you create your own content on all topics around sexual exploration.

So this update is really a foundation. The next weeks will be about building on it and - of course - fixing some of the inevitably existing bugs. Make sure you report every problem either here or via email to [email protected] - thanks a bunch! :smile:

Finally, the most important part. Let me say :thankyou: to:
  • Our authors! 2009 has been an incredible year, doubling the size of our tease archive. We have long surpassed the number of teases in our classic archive and it just keeps growing. A good part of today's update has become necessary so we can continue to cope with the amount of content you are submitted. I and everyone in this community is deeply grateful and one of my resolutions for 2009 is to write a tease or two of my own to honor this extraordinary effort. Thank you!
  • The wonderful Alison Building an encyclopedia from literally nothing is something very few people are capable of doing. I'm glad to have found one of those people and I can't wait to see the heights we'll take the Urge to in 2009. Thank you!
  • San Francisco has been amazing and I truly appreciate the support we've received from everybody we met - especially the folks at Kink. Special thanks to Terry and very special thanks to Pockit of course. Thank you! (For anybody who is slightly confused right now - stay tuned, we have some major announcements over the next week or so.)
  • And finally... YOU, the readers, the Milovanians. You're the centerpiece, the cornerstone, the foundation - you're the whole goddamn building. Thanks for stopping by, you're the reason and purpose for this site's existance. Thank You and a Happy New Year 2009!
Good night!

Seraph0x :-)

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:24 am
by submatt
Well, I'm sorry, but your changes actually irritate me. You've crammed so many things onto the homepage that I literally can't read the text. And what's up with the way the teases are displaying? I, for one, take a lot of time to trim my pictures to the size that works best for the format. And now you've gone and changed the size that is being displayed!

You've messed up my teases. And the pictures and text everywhere are smaller. Maybe you have some super-huge monitor, but I just have a normal-sized one.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but if you keep this format, there won't be much point in me coming here.


Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:32 am
by Incubo
Thanks for all the work seraph0x.

Just some concerns/comments.

The page alignment seems to be off. Now there's a big empty white space on the left when I open a forum post and it's somewhat scrunched on the right. Perfectly readable and all, but seems a waste of space and unnecessarily compressed things.

My biggest concern at the moment is in regards to the nyx editor. I posted in the tech support with it, but I'll mention it again here.

First, all the pictures I uploaded for the tease are gone. Or at least not visible on the media tab anymore. I ran through a preview of the tease and they all show up the way they're supposed to, but I can't change them if I wanted to because they simply aren't there to select.

Second, I can not publish the new tease. I've tried several times. When I hit the publish button, nothing happens. I hope you can fix that pretty quick or there's going to be a decline in contributions for a while as we can't publish them.

Thanks, and keep up the good work. We're all appreciative.

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:33 am
by seraph0x
submatt wrote:Well, I'm sorry, but your changes actually irritate me. You've crammed so many things onto the homepage that I literally can't read the text.
There is actually less text on the front page than there used to be, so I'm sensing some kind of bug. Can you post a screenshot please?

submatt wrote:And what's up with the way the teases are displaying? I, for one, take a lot of time to trim my pictures to the size that works best for the format. And now you've gone and changed the size that is being displayed!
Your resizing unfortunately didn't work for me. I first became aware of the issue when somebody complained that on your tease "Crazy" the
was sit-
ting on
edge of

I tried it and sure enough, it was barely legible and very annoying.

So I thought of a good way to solve the problem. I tried forcing the text to go below the image, but then it was, well... below the image, meaning invisible unless you knew what to look for and scrolled down. (A newcomer might not see it and conclude that it's just images, no text.)

Finally I tried using a fixed width, the goal was to make sure the text is always legible and the tease picture always fits the screen for users with 1024x768. This is a temporary solution so I'm very open to ideas.
submatt wrote:You've messed up my teases. And the pictures and text everywhere are smaller. Maybe you have some super-huge monitor, but I just have a normal-sized one.
I'm currently using a 12.1" laptop. That's actually the reason for most of the changes. 1024x768 is still the most common resolution with about 60% of the people using it. For the first time I really got to feel how annoyingly big everything on Milovana looked. The logo alone filled like half the screen. So I decreased the size of the headlines and of the header area. Now we have a lot more room for displaying what really matters - teases. :-)

Try hitting Ctrl-0 (that's a zero) to reset your browser's font size. If that doesn't change anything, please post a screenshot, something may be displaying wrong.
Incubo wrote:The page alignment seems to be off. Now there's a big empty white space on the left when I open a forum post and it's somewhat scrunched on the right. Perfectly readable and all, but seems a waste of space and unnecessarily compressed things.
Thanks for the report. Fixed. :-)

As for the Nyx issues. It's 4:33am and I need to get some sleep, but they're first on my list for tomorrow.

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:18 am
by blue_down_under
Are the announcements with to do with the "secret project"? Is the secret project still happening or did it get shelved?

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:36 am
by camipco
First, thanks to sera, alison and everyone. This is a superb site and a delightful community.

Second, whatever you have planned with, mark me down as super excited about it. Those people put out some incredibly high quality product.

I'm going to live in the new design for a couple of days before deciding how I feel about it.

Regarding the resizing, I see submatt's point, the larger pics definitely had more impact than the new smaller size (I use 1024x768). I wouldn't worry too much about the text not showing up unless you scroll down, you'll need to scroll down to hit continue anyway and if the user is too big and idiot to figure out how to get to the second page of a tease then you're past the point of reasonable idiot proofing.

Having said that, the squished to the side text is annoying.

And happy fucking new year.

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:22 am
by seraph0x
blue_down_under wrote:Are the announcements with to do with the "secret project"?
No, the stuff is happening soon. We're talking announcement in one or two days. :-)
blue_down_under wrote:Is the secret project still happening or did it get shelved?
Yes, it is still happening, I put many hours of work into it already and more importantly I still think it would be a really, really awesome project. But the when and how is a bit more difficult at the moment. The next two months or so there are other things that I'll be working on surrounding Nyx and the FlashTease 2 system. My big goal for 2009 is to get to the point where an average person can just fire up Nyx and make a FlashTease.
camipco wrote:Regarding the resizing, I see submatt's point, the larger pics definitely had more impact than the new smaller size (I use 1024x768). I wouldn't worry too much about the text not showing up unless you scroll down, you'll need to scroll down to hit continue anyway and if the user is too big and idiot to figure out how to get to the second page of a tease then you're past the point of reasonable idiot proofing.
Thanks for your comments. I see your point, perhaps this is a good solution after all. I've changed it now so that the tease text moves below the image if it doesn't fit on the right.

@submatt: Are you ok with that solution?

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:03 am
by submatt
Well, first of all, I apologize if I sounded grumpy earlier.

Second, the technical stuff. I have Windows XP, using MSN Explorer. My resolution is set to 1024 x 768. The text I see here in the forums is perfectly legible, as opposed to the text on the homepage, most of which is not. For me. I've tried both Ctrl 0 and Ctrl Scroll, and neither one does anything. I'm familiar with this because it does work on my IE at work. But not at home.

I see your point regarding where to put the text in the teases. It is a little weird to have it disappear below the picture. But I do like the impact of the larger pictures, so if I have to choose between those two options, I'd pic the large pic. But just so you know, I have been purposely sizing pics so that the text appears shunted to the side, mainly because that's the widest I can make the pictures, and I just like them bigger.

I'll be happy to post a screenshot if you tell me how. I know to hit Print Screen to get the shot, but I've never been able to figure out how to post pics here. I once tried for an hour and couldn't figure it out. Hey, there's something that would be a nice addition! Easier pic posting in forums.



Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:07 am
by seraph0x
Ok, I changed the Random Topic box so that the tease images are bigger. Mouse-over effect showing more info in each tease is coming when I have some time.

Fuck. 7:06am. I need to sleep. Good night. Happy New Year! :wave:

Edit: Hey Matt. For the screenshot, just mail it to [email protected] if that's convenient?

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:18 am
by Kenneth
Happy New Year!

Congratulations with the new website, it looks awesome. I did like the random tease on the main page though. Alright, if you hadn't before, you really have me hooked now!
My guess: the author of the tease of the month/year can do a shoot :-P

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:32 pm
by submatt
Hey, I can read everything clearly now. Thanks!

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:36 pm
by seraph0x
submatt wrote:Hey, I can read everything clearly now. Thanks!
You're welcome! :wave:

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:37 pm
by carpe
How do you sort teases by views or rank?

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:51 am
by dark
carpe wrote:How do you sort teases by views or rank?
By release date. But you can sort them by yourself, too ;-)

Re: Happy New Milova... uh Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:49 pm
by cumhardy
I cant work out how to sort by rank anymore either...