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KCTC Reporter Reboot - 6

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:09 am
by KittyZateez
Tom sat there in quiet disbelief after witnessing the dominant display that the two sexy KCTC girls had just demonstrated. It wasn’t particularly explicit, but it was still a kinky thing to watch, especially since it was performed in such a semi-public kind of way right there in the reception area. They were quite shameless about their behavior, too, because they really didn’t seem to care that pretty much anyone could have come into the office during their blatant exhibition of femme-centric, controlling behavior.

However, given the nature of the exotic KCTC environment that Tom had experienced so far, he had already realized that whoever might happen to show up would most likely be either a curious observer or a willing participant. If they weren’t either of those things, they almost certainly wouldn’t be in a position to be questioning those two hot women for doing whatever they wanted to do to the helpless young “furboy”…

Yeah, their demonstration was very erotic, all right, and it followed the same theme that Tom was slowly being exposed to. He continued to be blown away by seeing how all these gorgeous, enticing women enjoyed attracting and controlling certain kinds of men through the use of their glamorous appearances and highly developed skills of seduction. And although what he had just witnessed wasn’t like watching an actual sex act, it was still incredibly exciting, and one thing was for sure – he had never seen anything quite like it!


Still, since all this erotic behavior was so new to him, watching those two sexy girls taunting the fur-boy and putting him down like that really did make him nervous, because again, he didn’t know if he’d want to be treated that way. And other than the surprisingly provocative correspondence and suggestive references he’d received in his initial contacts with Kitty, Brigitte and Raquel, he hadn’t been given much context or explanation of it…yet…

Given all that, then why was his cock throbbing in his pants like it was? I mean, sure, both the girls who had bossed the furboy around were very attractive, and they were each dressed quite provocatively, so the sight alone of their dolled up appearances had certainly served to stimulate his male desires and intensify his ongoing state of arousal. But the way they had treated that clearly submissive young guy – surely watching them do it to him didn’t turn Tom on? Or did it…

Anyway, after observing their naughty behavior, he continued to contemplate all those thoughts, but then he suddenly realized he had mindlessly let his hand fall onto his crotch. And now that the two girls were gone he suddenly glanced over at the gorgeous, busty, bleach-blonde receptionist and he was shocked to see her staring right at him as he gently squeezed his hardon!

He took his hand away abruptly, feeling his face flush with embarrassment as he looked down and saw how blatantly obvious his erection was. The entire outline of its shape, from the stiff shaft up to the engorged cockhead, was completely visible through his pants. Even his swollen balls could be seen, with their mushed shape tightly pressed against the fabric.

So once again he had to accept the fact that Raquel’s instruction telling him not to wear any underwear had obviously been done to accentuate the state of arousal of his sexual organ!

Cheri smirked as her eyes looked down between his legs, and then she looked back up at him and gave him a sexy wink. As her gaze locked on his, her smirk turned into a big smile, with those pearly white teeth of hers simply dazzling him again. What normally would have been a simply mortifying situation for him started to make him feel differently, because she was clearly looking at something that met with her approval somehow. And that fact sent his mind reeling…


He wasn’t sure if what happened next made things better or worse, because right then she looked back at her keyboard and tippity-typed another message to him, causing the notification to chime on his tablet. It said, “It’s okay to touch yourself like that when you’re watching us play our little games, honey.”

Tom paused for a moment or two after reading it; again he was shocked at such a direct and suggestive message coming from this gorgeous girl! His fingers twitched nervously as he mindlessly typed a response, telling her, “I’m sorry!”

Cheri giggled audibly and glanced at him again after reading his apology, and she held her big smile, clearly enjoying his embarrassment. She really seemed to like the way he was reacting with such nervous humility as she looked back at her computer. Tippity-tappity went her long, sexy fingernails on her keyboard again, responding, “Silly boy! I just said it was okay, so now you shush!!”

Tom just sat there in aroused confusion, with the unexpected surprise of her acceptance of his self-pleasure bouncing around in his brain. He could hear her continuing to type, and before he could come to his senses and respond, another message came in, saying “In fact, sweetie, I’ll let you in on a little secret. KCTC girls kinda like it when boys do that for us!”

Her typing continued, making it clear she still wasn’t expecting a response from him or even bothering to wait for one. Her next text read, “We’ll be telling you more about that statement soon enough, but in the meantime, you’re going to have to behave. And keep your silly apology to yourself!”

As Tom read the message, he couldn’t fully absorb the words at first; they were so direct and provocative. Her instructions seemed to be contradictory, too, and her last sentence was flirtatious, bossy, and a little demeaning. Reading it caused a huge wave of stimulation to wash over him, and once again he could feel his cock throbbing in response.

Despite her statement that it was okay for him to be touching himself, he had still felt a need to apologize, and in response she had mocked him for it! Wow…what was it about being treated like that - being spoken to that way by a hot girl like Cheri - that turned him on sooo much?


Anyway, being told to behave and be quiet was a simple enough thing to do, so he just sat there and waited instead of typing up a response. Besides, this provided him with an opportunity to feast his eyes on her some more as she typed up her next message. Every single glimpse of her served to titillate and tantalize him further, and he relished any opportunity he could get just to ogle her!

But soon her next text came in, and it was clear it was a segway to the current matter at hand. It said, “So tell me, Tommy - this is your first KCTC visit, right?”

Tom typed a quick response, “Yes”, but she was already typing before he could hit ‘Send’, making him feel like his answer was somewhat inconsequential and totally predictable. Her next message came in with stunning speed, again demonstrating her expertise at typing much faster than he could.

And again she seemed to be mocking him with her words, like his answer was going to be so obvious that she didn’t even need to wait for him to send it. “Yes, yes, yes, I know, I know. Brigitte told me about you, and she said to give you a nice, warm KCTC-girl welcome while she keeps you waiting!”

Cheri kept rapidly typing as Tom read that message, and after that he looked at her again, feeling like his eyes were continually drawn to the stunning appearance of this dream-girl’s doll-like face and voluptuous body. He simply couldn’t fully absorb the combination of her looks with such provocative and flirtatious behavior, and his cock twitched again when he heard the notification of her next message come in. It was almost as though he was being trained to respond to her kind of like Pavlov’s dog!

It read, “Speaking of which, since you’re a first-time KCTC client, you should know that it’s standard procedure for you to be made to wait while your TeaserGirl gets ready. It’s very important that she gets dolled up and dresses herself all sexy for you before her games begin!”

Her typing continued before he had finished reading that sentence, and quickly another message came in, saying “In the meantime, I’m sure there will be some ways me and the rest of the girls can think of to entertain you…”

Right then, almost as if on cue, Tom heard the main door shut at the end of the hallway and then there was the telltale click-click-clicking sound of girls in high heels approaching. Sure enough, in walked two more hot-looking TeaserGirls, fully decked out in wonderfully glamorous, super-sexy ‘ladies night out’ attire.


He inhaled sharply at the sight of their hotted-up femininity, and when he did, the scent of their generously applied perfume instantly infiltrated his lungs, clobbering his vulnerable male senses. His heart responded as well, starting to pound wildly in his chest as they made their way toward the main desk.

They paused for a minute to chat to Cheri, and they each slipped out of their luxurious fox furs, draping them over the desk in front of her. Tom’s mouth fell open as their hot bodies were revealed, and his cock twitched as he feasted his eyes on their incredibly well-endowed figures all dressed up in their tight-fitting, revealing but still classy-looking outfits.

Then one of them - a stunning, thirty-something green-eyed blonde with her hair up in a bun – leaned in close to her friend and said matter-of-factly, “Watch this…” Then she turned toward one of the other guys seated near Tom and marched toward him, her eyes zeroing in on her target as she went.

She put her hands on her hips, sashaying quite slowly and gracefully, taking small, dainty steps as she proceeded. She even added a finishing touch to her performance by giving each step a nice little bounce that made her large, braless breasts jiggle beneath her low-cut satin blouse.

She had clearly practiced and perfected the seductive motions of her mind-blowingly alluring strut, and the way her full-figured body moved around as she approached the guy sitting there was unlike anything Tom had ever seen. Her lower body got in on the act, too, as she added just a bit of gyrating rotation to her hips and ass with each stride.

Tom’s eyes fixated on her full-figured bottom, seeing how each step she took accentuated its deliciously enticing curves as she got closer to the guy she had targeted. Wow…he had simply never seen a girl strut around in sky-high heels in quite so provocative and appealing a way, and the sight of her doing it was truly something to behold!

She had a big smile on her face as she got very close the guy sitting there, with the motions of her body exuding a supremely confident air of femininity. Tom managed to take his eyes off her and look at the guy she was approaching, and he saw how the guy was staring at her with an almost mindless look of obvious desire on his face. Needless to say, she had his full attention!

The guy looked into her eyes briefly, but then his gaze moved down over every inch of her body as she got closer, pausing on certain parts of her body like her breasts, her midsection, her legs and high heels. As his eyes made their way back up to her face, Tom looked back at the girl again, and she was keeping her eyes locked on the guy, studying his responses to her and clearly liking how he was checking her out so blatantly. Yeah, she really didn’t mind the way he was doing it - not one bit.


Soon enough she was standing right in front of him, and she bent forward slightly, mushing her large breasts together with the sides of her arms so they pushed up and out of her shiny, low-cut satin blouse. She extended her hand out toward him, and he reached forward, taking it gently and adoringly planting a soft kiss on it.

The moment after he put his lips on it, though, she giggled and pulled it away, spinning around and strutting back toward the desk where Cheri and the other girl were watching intently. The guy sort of froze in place, holding still for a moment as she left him before he lowered his hand and settled back in his chair.

The other girl was a dark-skinned Latina, quite exotic looking, with long brown hair that had been gathered tightly into a clasp on top of her head and flowed down over her shoulders from there in thick, silky waves. She had big, beautiful brown eyes and dramatic facial features as well, and the brown and black colors of her outfit matched her skin tone beautifully.

When the blonde got closer to her she pointed at one of the guys and said sweetly, “Your turn!” So of course the Latina mimicked the behavior of the blonde, approaching the guy almost ritualistically and also practicing the same incredibly enticing bouncy walk as she went toward him.

Tom began to piece something together at that point. It seemed that although each girl’s behavior wasn’t necessarily a particularly erotic event in itself, it was as though these girls were putting on a demonstration of the kinds of games they like. He watched admiringly as the second fabulously built, glamorously dolled up sexpot strutted, wiggled and bounced herself over towards the same guy just as dramatically as the blonde had done, and she extended her arm to him. She allowed him to kiss her hand momentarily before pulling it away from him and retreating back to where the other two girls were watching.

And then both girls repeated the process with the other guy sitting nearby, showing off their skill for each other, practicing their sexy walking technique, and all the while allowing Tom to watch the incredibly suggestive display each of them was putting on right there before his eyes!

Suddenly Tom’s tablet notification chimed. It was a message from Cheri, saying “See that? See the way those guys are acting? That is how KCTC girls like to be greeted! I’m sure you can handle that, can’t you Tommy-dear?”

No sooner had Tom read it when he looked up and saw that the lovely blonde was approaching him. Her outfit had brighter colors than the Latina, colors that matched her lighter complexion and her pretty, light yellow highlighted hair. She had a big smile on her face, and she was eyeing him like she was staring right through him as she slowly approached him. Needless to say, she performed that very same bouncy strutty display of raw, feminine sex appeal with every purposeful step she took.

He was simply dying to check out every inch of her body, but he forced himself to stare only into her eyes as she approached him. He found her to be completely captivating as she came closer with that warm smile of hers simply dripping with sheer feminine confidence.

He didn’t hesitate as she stood right in front of him and held out her hand, and he imitated the behavior of the other two guys, knowing it was exactly what was being asked of him. Why? Because unlike the kinkier way he had seen Brigitte treat the guys in her office, making them get down on their hands and knees and beg for her charms, or the way the fur-boy had been treated, this was a simple gesture of respect for these hot women, and he didn’t mind doing it at all.

Her hand felt wonderfully soft and smooth as he took it and planted a nice kiss right on the back of it, and she giggled as he dutifully obeyed her simple expectation of appreciation. “Thanks Tommy!” she cooed quietly as she looked right at him for just a moment, becoming the very first KCTC girl to speak directly to him in person. Of course, much to his surprise, somehow she knew his name even though he didn’t know hers. And yes, the way she momentarily paid some all-too-brief attention to him sent a thrilling, warm shot of love feelings through his entire body.

But it was over way too quickly as she took her hand away and spun around effortlessly on those sky-high heels of hers, sashaying back towards Cheri’s desk. Since she was walking away from him now and she wasn’t looking at him, he felt more comfortable ogling her, so his eyes fixated on her super-high stiletto heels for a few steps before moving up her gorgeous legs and landing on her luscious behind as it gyrated around. Again his cock twitched at the sight of such a tantalizing display of female pulchritude, and even though he figured all the other girls were watching him admire her, she looked so hot he simply didn’t care!

And then, predictably, the other girl strutted towards him too, repeating the same showing off process and serving her hand up for him to worship as she stood before him. Her exotic looks turned him on even more than the first girl, and she too had that same incredibly appealing and confident smile on her face. But there was something about the way she was looking at him that implied she might be a little more mischievous than the first girl…

Of course, he did what he was supposed to, reaching out to take her hand, but she giggled and pulled hers away as he reached for it. It felt like electricity coursing through his body as she effortlessly rejected his simple advance, and he left his hand extended outward as she slowly reached back towards it. Somehow he knew not to try to grab it, though, and he simply left it there for her to decide how to use as she saw fit…

Inch by inch she approached his hand with hers, providing him with every opportunity to reach out and take it, as though she was testing him – and clearly doing it very much on purpose. She seemed very pleased when he stayed completely still, refusing to break the unspoken rule he seemed to know somehow – that of staying motionless. For some reason it was already quite obvious to him that that was what was expected!

Instead he just stared at her lovely, slender, dark-skinned fingers as they slowly got closer and closer. He loved how each one was bejeweled with shiny gold rings and how all of them looked quite complete with her professionally done, long, shiny blood red fingernails at the tips of each one…

He was really starting to understand that even these oh-so-simple exhibitions of female sexual power could be introduced by each KCTC TeaserGirl on a whim, and they could be explored according to each girl’s every desire. His face turned red with embarrassment as his feelings of surrender continued to take hold of him with every passing second.

But then, instead of prolonging the simple, introductory demonstration of control, this girl apparently decided to relent and have mercy on him. So she didn’t torment him in front of everyone there any more, and she placed her warm hand into his and allowed his gentle kiss. And of course, he did it lovingly and obediently as his lips trembled with excitement.

But in another moment it was over, and she took her hand away, prancing away from him triumphantly almost as though she had just won a prize of some kind. And now, after this simple demonstration was completed, both girls giggled playfully at each other and picked up their furs, strutting into the back office area like the first two girls, doing it without giving another moment’s attention to any of the guys sitting there.

Tom didn’t take his eyes off them for a single second as they disappeared behind the large glass door at the back of the room. Wow, all these girls really knew how to make an entrance - and an exit too!


Anyway, soon after that, several more girls started to appear in the back area, which was fully visible through the floor-to-ceiling glass. They strutted from one side to the other back there holding file folders or computer tablets, and they were all tall and voluptuous. Of course, every single one was dressed up very sexy in short skirts, shiny sheer blouses or tight, low-cut furry sweaters, and of course it was no surprise to Tom that all of them were wearing sky-high heels too.

That whole dolled-up, super glamorous ‘sexy secretary’ style of attire seemed to be very popular among all these hot women, and Tom just loved the way it looked on each and every one of them!

As they went about their business, some of them seemed to be too busy to pay any attention to him or the other two guys sitting in the reception area (which was every bit as visible to them as the girls were to the guys sitting in it). But they clearly had time to pay attention to each other, and they greeted each other with girlish appreciation, checking themselves out and chatting as they posed and fussed over their outfits.

Still, some of them did seem to be aware of the guys in the reception area, and they took little peeks at them sitting there patiently waiting for their TeaserGirls to come entertain them. They glanced at the boys with varying amounts of reactions, with some giving quick peeks, others a slight smile, and there were even a couple of them that stared directly at the guys with knowing grins on their faces.

After a few minutes of this, a new message popped up on Tom’s tablet, and it was Cheri saying “They can all see you checking them out, Tommy! And as much as I can tell you like what you see, maybe you’d like something else to look at…”

Tom suddenly realized he had been staring at all these girls quite shamelessly, and no sooner had he read that message than he glanced back up at Cheri and saw her firmly tap one more key on her keyboard. A different notification sound rang on his tablet, and he looked down to see a window open up that showed a view from another room via a webcam.

The camera was focused on an incredibly well-built brunette standing in front of a full-length mirror, looking from behind her but off to one side on an angle. The image was very high resolution, too, with every precise detail of the girl’s appearance clearly represented as if he was right there in the room with her…


The view of her from that angle was simply fantastic, and Tom’s eyes immediately began inspecting her from head to toe. He couldn’t see her face yet, but her figure looked familiar, especially her long, dark hair. And the way she was dressed was similar to the outfit Brigitte was wearing in the video of her making all those boys beg her to play with them one by one, only to reject them all. So he immediately got the hint that it might be her…

But then something funny happened, and Tom’s mouth fell open as the camera slowly zoomed in on her upper body, right where his eyes were fixating. The first area of focus was a close-up view of her long, thick dark brown hair as it fell down her back, and as he admired it she ran her hands through it and then lifted it up and away from her lovely neck.

Then the camera zeroed in on the smooth, exposed skin of her shapely neck, and she struck a pose, rotating her head from side to side a little to inspect herself. This action also revealed her dainty earlobes and the sparkly rhinestone earrings dangling from them - it was simply delightful to watch!

Then the frame magically pulled back a little to provide the appropriate view as she let her gorgeous mane of hair fall back down over her back, and she ran her fingers through it, fluffing it up to give it more thickness and body as Tom watched. Right then a puddle of saliva started quickly forming in his still-open mouth…

The view then zoomed out a little more so he could check out the simply angelic, furry white angora sweater that wrapped her upper body up in wonderful, heavenly softness. He recognized it from the outfit she wore in the video clip she had sent earlier - it was quite feminine and appealing, and her sensuous-looking hands began lovingly rubbing herself all over her midsection, enjoying its wonderfully soft feel.

He watched the fabulous display of sensuality as she wrapped her arms around herself and gave herself a gentle hug, rotating her upper body side to side a couple of times. He was completely transfixed as she gently caressed her upper arms covered in the soft angora fur, enjoying the feeling of the exotic fabric as she rubbed them up and down a few times. Boy did he want to feel that soft furry sweater all over her too!

Then the camera moved lower to focus on her shiny black vinyl miniskirt, and Tom loved how kinky and aggressive it looked in contrast to the soft, furry white material of her tight-fitting sweater. Predictably, the skirt was very short, and he adored the way it clung to her wide, curvy hips and how it barely covered her shapely bottom. Its shortness also revealed the tops of a pair of seamed black fishnet stockings attached to a black lace garter belt that peeked out from underneath it…

She was carefully checking herself out in the full length mirror as he watched, and she turned her whole body to one side as the camera view pulled back just enough to see the entire top half of her figure. Tom took a sharp breath in as he marvelled at her unbelievably well-endowed curviness, and once again his cock twitched in his pants before settling into a gentle throb with each beat of his increasing pulse…

The shape of her profile was absolutely magnificent, with her butt protruding backwards, her large breasts sticking proudly forward, and her trim waist held in place by a shiny black belt that added even more curviness to her hot body. She seemed to be holding her body in such a way to accentuate this position as well, and as he watched, with his eyes dancing around from one naughty part of her to another, she slowly rotated herself to the other side, making sure to give him a nice view of her charms from every possible three-dimensional angle.

The camera moved down some more right then, keeping the zoom at the same amount so that her whole lower body was in the frame now. Now his attention was drawn to her long shapely legs, and his eyes moved down over every inch of them all dressed up in her black fishnet stockings. There was an arrow-straight black seam running down the length of them too, drawing his eyes in to their lovely, toned musculature.

Finally, the camera moved lower down her body and zoomed in even further, focusing on her dainty-looking feet now. They looked all dressed up but undressed at the same time, perched up high on display in those shiny black stripper heels which were complete with thin little straps wrapping around her ankles. When the camera was properly zoomed in on her shoes so only her feet and ankles were showing, she lifted herself up on tippy-toes so that the spike heels came up off the floor.

Holding that pose for a moment, she then did a little spin around in a circle to give him a nice glimpse of her pretty feet from every angle. She somehow seemed to know where the camera was focusing during this entire pulchritudinous display, and he thought to himself, ‘whoever is holding that camera certainly knows how to cater to the way guys like to check out hot-looking girls!’

Anyway, now that he had been given a close-up view of every part of her body, the camera view pulled way back so he could see all of her at once, and she posed and preened for herself in the mirror for a minute while he watched in aroused fascination. He couldn’t believe that this was the girl he was about to have some private, one-on-one alone time with, and he just loved how incredibly sexy and appealing she looked in her seductive attire!

To say he was attracted to her right then would be the understatement of the century, and his hand found its way onto his erection again, giving it some more gentle squeezes through his slacks. This time he was fully aware of it, doing it very much on purpose, too, and he really didn’t care who else might see him doing it…

And at that moment, almost as if on cue, he saw her pull a smartphone out from under her belt, and she turned to look up at the camera, letting him see her face for the first time that day and giving him a seductive wink. Sure enough, just like he figured, it was Brigitte! And then she punched up a text message that instantly chimed on his tablet. It said, “Hi there honey! Guess who!!”