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Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:13 am
by Slaveboy90

please let me know what you think !
If there are any bugs let me know. And if you like it and want a new part maybe with an other main theme, let me know too :)

may the luck be with you :-)

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:56 am
by tBone
The tease itself is cool. The big problem and the reason I suspect the low rating is the picture choice. I could also be horribly wrong, but that's my 2 cents.

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 3:38 am
by racefbr1
I love the idea behind the tease and the photos I've seen so far I liked too. My problem is it kept freezing up on me at different points in the tease. I had it freeze up and loop on level one with a blonde girl in the photo showing 0 on the timer over and over, and a couple times on level two with two different photos for 30 strokes not doing anything when i clicked on complete one with the black haired kinda emo looking girl and the other was with a blonde in white the "teen models" photo. I will prob try a few more times later and look forward to getting through the whole tease.

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:53 am
by Haldirkd
It's a good and fun concept, but it is full of errors where the tease gets stuck, good examples are page 86, 97, 98 and 99. :-)

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 8:44 am
by Noah
Really enjoy the concept, but got stuck after getting sent back to stage 1 as well.. I'll just see this as being denied ;p
Also, the pictures are sometimes focused too much on the cocks instead of the girls, but that's personal taste!

Keep up the good work! Will do it again the moment it's fixed!

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:18 am
by Slaveboy90
I checked the script and it seems that nyx choose every page just ones. And if you have to go back and you come to a page a second time the timer doesn't work right.
I will try to fix it, just don't know how at the moment ... I will let you know if I can solve it :)

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:11 pm
by green
Slaveboy90 wrote:I checked the script and it seems that nyx choose every page just ones. And if you have to go back and you come to a page a second time the timer doesn't work right.
I will try to fix it, just don't know how at the moment ... I will let you know if I can solve it :)

Check #nr 9. Set and Unset is what you are looking for :-)

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:47 pm
by Slaveboy90
thanks but i dont understand it completly...can i unset more pages at the same time too ?

or do I need to unset it in every single page like this:

Code: Select all

7#page('<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="FontSans" SIZE="18" COLOR="#FFFFFF" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="1">No touching</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>',pic("5-308.jpg"),mult(unset(#7),delay(10sec, range(6,36,'page'))));
i have tried some different options, but nothing really works

Re: Feedback - Randomness

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:48 pm
by lmind
I wrote a short block of code to handle randomness in Nyx. I don't think it is the most streamlined way of doing randomness, but it works for me. I like it this way for technical reasons that I explain below.

So let's say you want to jump to 1 of 6 random pages, and you also need to be able to loop back and repeat the random jump again later.

First I write the last page that the user sees before the random jump, like I normally would. No special code on this page. No randomness. This page might have text like, "Hmmm, what next..." I direct this page to a page called "jump4000" or something.

Next I write the 6 random landing pages like I normally would. No special code on these pages. In this example, they are titled "g2liz11a", "g2liz11b", "g2liz11c", etc.

Next I create the "jump4000" page and paste this code into the "Script" tab:

Code: Select all

unset(4001#,4002#,4003#,4004#,4005#,4006#),delay(0hrs, range(4001,4006,'page'),style:hidden)
Next I create pages 4001 through 4006 by pasting this code into the "Script" tab:

Code: Select all

4001#page('',delay(0sec, g2liz11a#,style:hidden)); 4002#page('',delay(0sec, g2liz11b#,style:hidden)); 4003#page('',delay(0sec, g2liz11c#,style:hidden)); 4004#page('',delay(0sec, g2liz11d#,style:hidden)); 4005#page('',delay(0sec, g2liz11e#,style:hidden)); 4006#page('',delay(0sec, g2liz11f#,style:hidden));
All of these "code" pages are very simple. They have no text, no picture, no sound, and a 0sec delay that is "hidden."

Never look at jump4000 or pages 4001-4006 in the "Visual" tab of editor. It messes up the code if you do. If you need to edit the code, do it in the "Script" tab.

You don't need to look at the code pages in the "Visual" tab of the editor, however, because they have nothing you'd want to edit. Your story/tease is confined to normal pages that don't have any fancy code on them, so you can review and edit your text and pictures freely. The "jump" page and the numbered random "landing" pages are inserted via the "Script" tab where ever you need randomness. They have 0sec delay and the user does not see them go by.

That is how I accomplish the necessary unsets before random pages, while keeping the story easy to edit. It adds more pages than strictly necessary, but I like it because it's easier to debug and edit. Pages with text or pictures never have any special code on them.

I hope that helps. Good luck!
