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Truth or Dare

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:45 pm
by Princess Raquel
What is the most humiliating way you have orgasmed? Do go into detail...

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:32 pm
by Iammax
I was a teenager still living with my parents. One night I was looking at some porn online. Just when I was about to cum, my mom knocked on the door. I quickly shut the site and pulled up my pants, but I lost control and started shooting into my briefs. It was a long one, and I kept filling my pants even as my mom was talking to me. It would have been much worse if she had noticed, but it was humiliating enough as it was.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:34 pm
by submissivemaletx
My girlfriend at the time love to tease me while at work. We worked for the same company. The company was French owned, so clothing restrictions and other behavior seemed to be very lax and i've yet to work anywhere where we could get away with everything we did. She would often wear skirts far too short for the office with the tops of her lace top thigh highs noticeable. Her boss didn't mind thats for sure. Well, one day, she wore a black thong under her dress to work and after an instant messaging teasing session, she removed them and stuck them in an interoffice envelope, and put them in my car after instructing me to leave it unlocked. I was then told to retrieve the envelope. I retrieved it and reported to her that i had her wet thong. she ordered me to go to the bathroom, remove my boxers, put them in the envelope and put the thong on. she wanted the boxers back so i couldn't wear them. I did so and had to race to the stairwell to put the envelope in my car without revealing my raging hard on. She was waiting to inspect and make sure i was wearing her thong. Then via instant messenger, she teased me, ordering me to rub myself under my desk as i sat in my office. I ordered to rub until i was at the brink, then i was ordered to beg to cum and wear the cum soaked thong the rest of the day without clean up. I was so turned on and flush, i barely remember the content of what was said (this was 7 years ago too). I do know it was very erotic to me. I did cum in my pants and she proceeded to taunt me the rest of the day and the power she had over me. To me it was humiliting because not only had she gotten me to do that, but she had told her friend and coworker and they would taunt me everything i came near their desks. So the humiliation went on for weeks after the incident. And she used it as a sort of blackmail since some of the conversations were done via email. she held on to them and used them to make me do other things later on. We broke up 2 months later and not a day goes by I don't think of her and all the teasing and eventually the dominating she started doing to me. She is engaged these days so no hope of a reunion visit.

my mistress

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:50 pm
by submun
ordered me to strip in front of her and a female was her friend's birthday.she told me to get on my knee's then i had to shove her biggest dildo in my ass.while humping the dildo,she then had me stroking my cock,singing happy birthday! i then would eat my mistress' pussy while her friend plowed me with a strapon! they changed places several times. then they watched as i shot my load all over myself.i was told to stay that way until her return.they left laughing.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:03 pm
by atownesquire
I had a mistress online who was ordering me to do things via webcam. She had denied me for 4 days, and had me edge several times, etc. We had a very long session, in which she had made me shave my pubes, put clothespins all over my body, hot wax, spanking, etc. Normally I won't risk anything public, but she had me so turned on she was stretching my limits. She made me stand in front of an open window, lights on, blindfolded, with clothespins on my nipples, balls, and ears, until I had edged 10 times, and I had to count out loud to 100 after each edge, and lick up all my precum...all without knowing if the hot girl in the apartment across from mine was watching, or calling the cops, or what. After this, she made me change my webcam settings to "allow anyone to view." When she had me shave my pubes, she made me save them in a bowl. Now she had me put on a Gstring and bra, get on the bed and masturbate with my legs over my head so that I would cum on my face, and of course, it was a huge load. She then made me take the pubes, and stick them to my face using the cum. I came back to the computer to see 10 people were watching this. Most were female friends of hers, but she also searched for girls in my hometown and found one that she invited me to my cam. When any of them messaged me, I was only allowed to respond with, "I'm a perverted little slut." I then had to insert a dildo into my ass, and stay there until I could cum again....this time into a glass, and of course I had to drink it. I was not allowed to clean up or change clothes until the next morning, so I had to sleep in panties and a bra with pubic hair and dried cum all over my face.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:50 am
by Makarov
1. I would have read what other people have said in previous posts, but they don't seem to understand the concept of multiple paragraphs to spread out a lot of text. Please! Use paragraphs! And spacing! It makes it easier to read!

2. On my back with my legs in the air and my cock aimed at my face. Not something I'd choose to repeat.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:33 am
by redfred
Most humilation way I had to orgasm? >red face< Well here it is in detail, and it happen some time ago and I hope it never happens again.

It was a number of years ago, when my girlfriend (Jana) invited a friend of hers (CJ) to spend a 4 day weekend with us. When Jana told me that her girlfriend was to stay with us for four days she suggested that maybe we could have a little sexual fun and that I might "get luck". I was all for it till Jana told me that I would be there sub for the weekend. This was a surprise to me because we had always played our Femdom games behind doors. And I was not sure if I could do it. But after some "persuasion" for Jana I agreed to be there house boy for the weekend.

When I met CJ at the airport I thought it was a little strange (and hot) when she patted me on the butt as I carried her bags to the car. In the car ride home, Jana and CJ chatted about old times in high school .. and what there life was like ..ect.... but all the time I was driving Jana was slowly stroking me though my pants. By the end of the ride I had raging hard on the I could not hide. And as I carried the bags to the front door , Jana and CJ watched me come up the walk with a bulge in pants. Both my hands had bags in them and could not hide it and I felt so exposed as CJ commented that it was "cute" that I was so excited. Jana giggled as she told her that excited was my normal state, At that point I was beginning to wonder what I had gotten my self into.

After we when inside, I put the bags up and was told to return to the living room with a bottle of wine. When I came into the living room, Jana told me to serve the wine and then stand in the middle of the room and remain quite unless I was ask a question. Jana told CJ all about our Femdom relationship (in realty it was a switch relationship with each of us topping for a month at a time but Jana left that part out). As Jana told CJ that she had complete control of me and that I would do just about anything she ask That is when CJ ask what did "anything" include. Mistress Jana order me to tell CJ all the things I had done for her. Including how I would masturbate for her entertainment, and how I would always ask permission before I could cum, and how I would service Jana for hours if order, and how I did the house work in the nude. Jana had me include every detail of my daily life as a sub. This when on for over a hour as I became more and more humiliated tell CJ (who I just met) about my life as a sub. The more humiliated I became the harder I grew. This point was not lost on CJ who ask Jana if it was OK to play with her "horny little house boy" now. Jana gave CJ the go ahead and order me to unzip my pants.. but not to unbutton them. As I did my head poked out (no underwear per Jana) and it was met by a slow soft giggle .. that grow to laughter ... that end up as the two Ladys when into hysterics as they could not control themselves any longer.

I was beside my self as the laughter subsisted (but did not stop), and Jana spoke up and said that the rules for the weekend were that I was to be naked when inside and I was to remain erect at all times (if I could) and that I was there for her and CJ enjoyment ... no thing else.

It was then that Jana told me to start stroking but not to unbutton my pants but to "just let it stick out" . As I began to stroke I felt the hot wave of humiliation rush over my face as I turned red. I had only masturbated in front of one person (Jana) before and now I was doing it in the living room with a Lady I had just met three hours before. This may seem tame to you but as a newbie to Femdom, I was overwhelmed. Just as I was start to get relaxed and start to enjoy myself , I heard Jana say just one word ... in a serious tone "STRIP". I then had to strip in the most sexy way I could (not very well) and do a 'stripper like dance" . As I did the room refilled with the sounds of two Ladys laughing. I did try the best I could but it is kind of hard to dance in a sexy manner with "things" bobbing with every move I make.

After the dance I had to get a fresh bottle of wine and refill their glasses again. As I walked by Jana to fill CJ's glass. Jana grabbed me by my cock and started to stroke me, Her hands felt great after being put thought such humiliation. And as she stroked me she told CJ that when you have a male in this condition you could get them to agree to do just about anything. Jana then ask me it I would "kiss ass" in order to have a few more strokes or maybe even a orgasm. I held back as long as I could so I would not make a fool of myself, but after some more strokes I agreed. CJ was all eyes as I said yes to Jana's question and was even shocked when Jana order me to kiss CJ's ass. CJ stood up as I bent over to kiss her lovely blue jean cover tush.... over and over again. After this was over I told to put on a apron and prepare dinner.

Well this is how the weekend started and I know it seem tame, but at the time it was "over the top" to me. As the weekend progressed, it got more and more involved. I had to remain nude most of the time. And I was required to masturbate to orgasm time and time again .. one night I had to cum 5 times in a row just so the Ladys could see how fast I could recover. (TG I was younger) I had to service both of the Ladys to orgasm a number of times (I am not complaining) and I was even allow to enter them .. but I had to wear 3 condoms at a time so I would feel very little and have more staying power. One night as the Ladys watch a couple of movies I had to provide the "mood lighting" by hanging a crystal on a chain off of my erection so the light of the TV would reflect around the room. If you don't know it is hard to remain stiff enough to hold up a crystal for 4 hours. But the Ladys did get a kick out of me have to pump it back up in order to for the crystal not fall off.

The rest of CJ's visit was more of the same and I did enjoy it. Most of the play was just that... playful with a sense of humor and little humiliation. But on the last day all of that changed and I had one of the most humiliation thing happen to me.

On the last night that Cj was in town, I was teased to no end but I was not allowed a orgasm. The teasing continued all morning long. Jana and CJ did most of the teasing "hands on" and Mistress Cj had learned my reactions so well that she could stop the stroking just a nano second before I came. I was going out of my mind by noon and I was begging for any relief. That is when the Ladys made me a offer I could not refuse. ...1) I could keep being tease till Cj's flight left and I would not be teased for the rest of the week but I would have to agree not cum for one whole week .... OR ...2) I would be allow to cum... but on the Ladys terms. The terms where that I could enter a Lady ... but I had to chose the Ladys name from a hat so there was no jealously ... and I was have my hands tied behind my back ... and I had to cum in 45 minutes but if I did not cum in that time period I was not allow a orgasm for two weeks. BTW I was also allowed to enter the Ladys with out a condom.

It seemed like a no brainer... chose #2 .. enter a Lady.. no condom... 45 minutes to cum ... sounded cool to me .. the only thing was that I had to have my hands behind my back and I thought that would be no prob.... Boys I was wrong.

When I chose number two .. both Jana and CJ smiled and giggled... but said that was a great chose. As Jana put two names in a hat, CJ tied my hand behind my back and gave me a couple of strokes "for luck". As I pulled the name out of the hat the Ladys told me that I had 45 minutes starting now. As I looked at the paper I saw that the name read "CANDY" I was confused and ask what "candy" meant. Jana just laugh and told CJ to go get Candy. I was still confused and did not understand till CJ came back in the room carrying a blow up doll. I was so humiliated that I could not think .... CJ put the doll , Candy, down on the floor and said ... "you have 44 minutes left"... I did not know what to do ... I just stood there wondering if it was a joke. I even ask Jana if it was joke and did I really have to "love' that doll... she said yes it was for real and I did have to if I want to cum in the next couple of weeks.

So I resigned myself to do it .. yes I got on my knees and tried to enter candy ... but every time I pushed to try to enter... the doll moved away from me .. I must have push the doll around the room four or five times as the Ladys rolled in laughter. I figured out that one of the reason I could not enter was because the plastic was dry and so was I ask Jana and CJ if they could help me out with some lube. you would have thought it was the funniest thing they ever heard... but they said "Yes... what ever turns you on straw"

Then when I and the doll were all lubed up .. I tried again but I keep slipping off the hole... and the doll still moved ... I was beside my self... I did not know what to do .. I try and try but just could not get it in ... so I ask once again for some help .. I ask if one of the Ladys would hold the doll so I could get in ... CJ said she thought Candy was just playing hard to get .... Now I really wanted to die.... but after some more begging .. Jana held the doll... and I was able to get it in... it did not feel all that great but all I wanted to do was cum and get this nightmare over with. ... I started off slow but soon increase the speed and the stoke a little.. just as I started getting a rhythm ... I slip out ... now I was ready to cry ... I had to ask for help again....after some more verbal teasing from Jana and CJ they helped ... but it turned into a cycle of me slipping out .. begging .. teasing ... ect.

I don't know how long it took ( it seemed like forever) but finally started to get a rhythm that felt somewhat good.... I start stroking hard and faster .. but I watch how far I pulled on the out stroke ... I was starting to feel a orgasm coming on ... so I pick up the speed just a little more... then it happened

Just as I start to cum ... I stroked hard... and candy popped/deflated... as the doll when flat ..... I heard the Ladys laugh as hard as I have ever heard anyone laugh... I remember it to this day.

I told about it before online Princess Raquel, and I hope you enjoyed it Ma'am

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:19 pm
by Marke
The most humiliating way I have orgasmed, Princess Raquel, was as follows.

My wife had taken a holiday to where she grew up, catching up with old friends etc, including some ex boyfriends, in what I hope was a platonic way. Although I used to tease her that she was seeing lots of men and she played along with it a bit.

I was home alone for a two weeks and took the opportunity to dress up and do housework etc, trying to live as girl. My wife knows about this past time of mine and is mostly accepting.

Well, I even put a tampon in my bottom - I didn't fully appreciate the dangers, but that's not the point. I also hadn't had an orgasm in a while - not something I do when I'm pretending to be a girl.

Walking around all dressed up, doing chores and it being my time of the month ... the tampon must have rubbed my prostrate or something (I think it was just the mental overload of teasing I was experiencing) the result being a massive explosion in my panties - it was amazing. I was flooded.

Shortly after my wife rang and I told her I'd had a massive orgasm with a tampon up my bottom. At first she didn't believe me, then she laughed and said she was going to tell her mum (who was in the room with her).

She didn't, well I hope she didn't, but I wasn't to know ...

I've never been able to repeat the orgasm, but with the Milovana teases I've come close (no pun intended).

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:45 am
by Princess Raquel
Wow, I must say those stories were great. Tampons, Exhibitionsism, Blow up dolls. Ok floor is open, you may ask me something now.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:30 am
by eric
My dad always believed a closed door was a door that needed to be opened. One Saturday morning I was watching scramblevision and cranking it when I heard him walking up to my door. Of course it had no lock. I managed to switch the TV channel and tuck it into my boxers as I began to explode. Waffles were ready!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:35 am
by eric
Princess Raquel, what is the most public place you have ever pleasured yourself and how did you do it?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:15 pm
by redfred
princessraquel84 wrote:Wow, I must say those stories were great. Tampons, Exhibitionsism, Blow up dolls. Ok floor is open, you may ask me something now.

Princess Raquel,

What is the most entertaining way you have made a sub orgasm? And what did you like most about it?


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:15 pm
by Marke
Princess Raquel

Thank you for allowing us to ask you something. There is so much that I want to ask, but I don’t know where to start. But this is too good an opportunity to miss so here goes:

What’s the must fun thing you’ve done to or with a guy at their expense?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:57 pm
by Princess Raquel
Ok. For eric, most of the times I "pleasure" myself is at home or some form of indoor place. However I do like doing things with others outdoors. One night at an apartment I had a couple of years ago it was raining, and I love the rain. My boyfriend at the time and I went out in the courtyard and had sex in a puddle. We were soaked, Not really sure if anyone saw us or not. If they did we were only out there for a few minutes and looped around the back way back inside so no one could report us to any authorities.

redfred, I would have to say the most entertaining way I have made a sub orgasm was when I tied one up to the bed the sat on his face, controlling his air intake. Then repeatedly teased him. I found in previous events that sometimes if you squeeze the balls at the right moment, the orgasm can be stronger, so when I let them have the orgasm, I made sure they couldn't breathe, squeezed his balls hard and blocked the tip of his dick with my thumb so nothing could escape. It was exciting because they actually thought I was going to give them something good. For the next hour or so afterwards they kept complaining about feeling like having to pee. Online though is a different story, it is difficult to control what happens, it is really up to the submissive to follow through with orders, that is why I prefer cameras to watch. I like having them try to shoot it in there face, or tie there balls to their wrist so when they pull every time, it hurts.

marke, Humiliation is always fun. I have had two slaves run naked through a parking lot just to be able to rub my feet, kinda like a race. There was another time we went to a nude beach and I made my slave wear my pink thong, it was all cutsey like. When we got there he had to strip after I did, which made him hard. One article of clothing at a time leading up to revealing himself in my panties, it was kinda fun cause he was stretching them out and people just kinda had a shocked look. There is also forced bi stories. But that can be for another time.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:27 pm
by redfred
princessraquel84 wrote:
redfred, I would have to say the most entertaining way I have made a sub orgasm was when I tied one up to the bed the sat on his face, controlling his air intake. Then repeatedly teased him. I found in previous events that sometimes if you squeeze the balls at the right moment, the orgasm can be stronger, so when I let them have the orgasm, I made sure they couldn't breathe, squeezed his balls hard and blocked the tip of his dick with my thumb so nothing could escape. It was exciting because they actually thought I was going to give them something good. For the next hour or so afterwards they kept complaining about feeling like having to pee. Online though is a different story, it is difficult to control what happens, it is really up to the submissive to follow through with orders, that is why I prefer cameras to watch. I like having them try to shoot it in there face, or tie there balls to their wrist so when they pull every time, it hurts.


Princess Raquel,

I can see that you have found some very inventive ways to entertain yourself (good for you). The blocking the tip of the dick would seem to me to very frustrating and would probable lead to mega begging if not tears and screams of frustration. To me, in a way, the blocking the tip would seem to be more frustrating then a ruined orgasm I have never had the "blocking" done to me but just the thought is .... well .... twitchingly... wicked.

And I can also see where your online play with cameras would be a source of entertainment. Sort of like online subs performing a movie for you where you are the director and the viewer all rolled into one I have a mental image of you watching and directing as you snack on popcorn and a sub begs to humiliate himself..

Thank You Ma'am for answering our questions, and if you would like to ask anything else of us ... please do... I sure you will get plenty of responses.
